• Published 1st May 2018
  • 2,311 Views, 121 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising - Arceaion

My name is Orion direct decedent of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad but I better known as The Immortal Assassin, last of Assassins Brotherhood.

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Chapter 1 - Arrival and Explanations

Edited on 08/20/2018

Pain is a wonderful thing isn't it? It lets us know that we are alive and keeps us humble. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I was in a large room laying in a bed with what felt like silk sheets covering me... wait, WHAT! I quickly moved the sheets away to find that I was only in my undergarments. I quickly looked around and found my robes, sword, other equipment, as well as the Apples laying neatly on a desk in the corner. I grunting in pain as I slowly got up and examined myself.

There were bandages wrapped around my torso and chest as well as my left arm. "Great this will take a while to heal and I don't have time to wait." I sighed and slowly walked over to my robes and carefully put them on as not to reopen the wounds.

Once my robes were on I approached the door and opened only to come face to face with a guard. "So your finally awake." The guard said. "Come with me Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet will wish to speak with you." The guard turned and began to walk down the corridor. I hesitated a moment before following him.

As we walked I examined my surroundings and after finding nothing of interest I studied the guard. The first thing that I noted was that the guard was an anthropomorphic version of an Earth Pony, this meant that I was in a anthro version of Equestria. This was good as it meant that I would have an easier time blending in and a much easier time training those in this world. the next thing of note was that the guards armor was not gold like that of the Royal Guard but was instead a deep purple. I didn't know much about the Sparkle Noble House but I'm guessing that this guy is more likely private security and by the way he acted and moved I'm also guessing that he is either trained better than the Royal Guard or he had seen in action by the way he moved and was watching all his surroundings.

Before I could continue my study of him he stopped and turned knocking on a side door. "Enter." A muffled reply came and the guard opened the door and entered gesturing for me to follow.

"Forgive the interruption Lord Nightlight, Lady Velvet. Your guest is awake and up. I brought him to see you as per your request."

"Thank you Iron Shield. You may leave us and our Guest." A women who I assumed to be Lady Velvet said.

The guard bowed and left closing the door behind him. "Well let's get introductions out of the way," A stallion said as he rose from his chair and approached me. "as I'm sure you know I am Lord Nightlight and this is my wife Lady Twilight Velvet. Now would you care to introduce yourself and tell us what you are?"

"My name is Orion Hawk, I am what is known as a Human and I thank you for saving my life." I replied. "Now I assume you have many questions for me so please ask and I will do my best to answer."

Lord Nightlight nodded and gestured over to a chair as he and Lady Velvet took a seat on a sofa. "So let's get the Minotaur out of the closet. How were you injured?"

I chuckled and began to explain more in depth who and what I was. "As I said my name is Orion Hawk, what you must under stand is that I am not from your world." I quickly held up my hand to forestall the questions. "Please don't interrupt me I promise that if you only listen then all will be explained."

The two nobles looked at each other before returning to me nodded. I smiled and continued.

"I'm from another dimension, one I don't plan to return to for reasons I will soon explain. You see I am men... well now former mentor of an organization with the sole purpose of protecting our species. We have, for millennia, protected the rights of our people and their free wills, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. The ones who we battle are known as the Templar Order, who's ultimate goal is to unify the entire world under their rule, robbing everyone of their free will. While we both strive for peace it is our methods that vary and determine who we are."

"For over the past millennia we have been locked in a secret war with we Assassins trying to prevent the Templars in succeeding while also protecting ancient artifacts known as the Pieces of Eden. These artifacts are similar to magic but are actually technology, unfortunately we lost this war. While I still am in possession of the Pieces of Eden the Brotherhood was destroyed and I am the soul survivor. In a desperate attempted to save the brotherhood I used one of Pieces of Eden known as an Apple. It gave me the location of which I was able to enter your dimension but the Templars were there and I was mortally injured but was still able to escape, after that I have no knowledge as to what happened. The next thing I know I am in a bed, my wounds treated."

As I finished my explanation the two nobles sat there thinking. "You said that you were an Assassin does this mean you are a hired killer?” Lady Velvet asked.

I looked at her for am moment before laughing. “We are not that kind of assassin. We would never harm an innocent, ever.”

“But you have killed before, correct?” Lord Nightlight asked seriously.

I sighed. “Yes, I have taken life before, the lives of murders, war mongers, death dealers and slavers. I will be honest I do hold some knowledge of your world, I am surprised that you are taking this news as well as you are.” I replied.

“Do not misinterpret our peaceful ways as ignorance of war. We too have had troubles obtaining the peace you see here.” Nightlight said calmly. "But yes this is a lot to take in. However you mentioned that you hold knowledge about this world, how much do you know of it?"

I thought for a moment about how to respond, should I tell them or not? Perhaps they should decide for themselves. "The knowledge I possess is not exactly relevant yet. To put it simply my old world had an the ability to see into this and many other world however the knowledge I have from seeing this world is in fact twenty six years in the future and it follows your children. I fear that divulging this information will be dangerous. However you have been nothing but kind and understanding with my so if you truly wish to know then I will tell you at least some of what's to come but I would like something in exchange."

Nightlight and Velvet look at each other for a moment before Nightlight turns to me. "What is it you want in exchange for this information?"

I smile. "The brotherhood was destroyed in my old world but I wish to rebuild it and you need only to look at your fellow nobles to understand that there is great risk to the freedom and rights of the people as a whole. In exchange for this information I want you, your family and any who you see as potential allies to be trained and join the Brotherhood of the Assassins."

"If that is all then we accept your terms. We were already going to ask to join your order. It is a just and noble cause and something we believe is needed in this world."

I nodded and began to tell them of there children and the adventures, by the time we were done night had fallen. "Thank you for your honesty it this matter it is quit a surprise what our children will do." Lady Velvet said with a smile.

"You must remember that you can not intervene in what is to come, I've placed a great amount of faith in you by telling you all this." I said.

"We won't get involved however I do have a question, will you train our children in your ways as well?" Velvet asked.

I nodded. "Yes I plan to, they are vary powerful and I believe that it will make them even stronger and it will also prepare them for whats to come in their future. However it will not be easy to train your daughter, your son will be the Captain of the Royal Guard but your daughter will be the Princess's personal apprentice."

"Could we wait a few years before she takes the entrance exam and have you train her?" Nightlight asked.

I shook my head. "Unless the timeline is altered prior to that day I would dare not tamper with it myself. I will train her from the beginning but it is the Rainboom that startles her and causes the surge that not only gives her her cutie mark but allows her to become the Princess's apprentice and I don't know if she will be able to use the Elements if only I train her. It's possible but it will be far safer if we follow the time line I told you about."

"We have twenty years to plan, when the time comes we will be ready and the Assassins will be there to help her if we fail." Velvet said smiling.

"Speaking of the Assassins when will we begin training?" Nightlight asked. "It will take us some time to get in contact with some of those we feel would be capable Assassins and able to keep this a secret and then get together, so at least a week two at most."

"Then we will start in two weeks." I replied. "The sooner we can start the sooner we will be able to make a difference.