• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,207 Views, 30 Comments

Voids Of The Uchiha - dereturd

I’m not crazy, well.. I may have cosplayed as Obito Uchiha, shark vendor sends me to Equestria with powers, but also managed to play villain between Celestia and Luna, and got trapped in a sealed barrier for 3000 years. So.. no, I’m not crazy.

  • ...

Eye For An Eye -Pt.2

Gem’s Lab 3rd POV, 3:00 P.M

The lab door opened, revealing Garrison and a brown coated, snow silver maned, barreled cutie mark, buffy stallion, entered the room. The other guy is possibly a bodyguard. The other side of the door was noisy, the hospital had opened shop early seven o'clock. Once that happened, you’ll bet that you would hear a trail of noise coming from all directions.

The bodyguard closed the door behind him, Garrison trotted forward to only meet Gem Sights on the other side of the table, waiting patiently for her next appointment. Which was apparently Garrison.

Her expression was a contemplating one, her mind busy. So busy in fact that she hadn’t noticed Garrison enter the lab. Once he reached her sight though, reality bumped into her.

“Greetings doctor.” Garrison stated.

“No need to be snide.” Gem simply said, placing a stare on Garrison.

It was quiet before Garrison took a seat in front of the mare. “You know the drill, I come in for a request, most likely, my eye that’s been waiting for three years and--“

“-And blah blah blah, cut the shit Garrison.” She slammed her hoof onto the table.

Garrison still remained calm and started tsking. “You are lucky you are one of my contacts I come to, if it had not been such, I’d be letting my guard throw a punch at you.”

“What, you remarking now that you’re too pussy to punch me?”

“Huh, I’ll let that slide mare.” He grinned.

“Whatever you say, it won’t change a thing. And I keep telling you, what’s so important about irritating me for an eye transplant?!” She threw her forelegs into the air in a fit of anger. “Why can’t you go to another pony and annoy them for an eye transplant?!”

Garrison lost his smile. “You know.. ever since I showed you that eye I needed to swap, I never thought that you had any suspicion about it. You just didn’t want me to change it because you think I’m a criminal.” The stallion paused. “Now I’m thinking that you don’t want to transplant it because you thought it was the eye of Drakoknius!”

Gem gasped in shock. “As I thought..! For years! I contemplated in why you needed that eye so badly!”

“Well I’m telling you this now to give you all the more reason to transplant it!” He angrily exclaimed.

“What?! You think that’ll convince me to give you that eye?! You stupid idiot!”

“In return for such service,” His voice returned to a blank tone. “you will be sufficed with a good home, and a reasonable amount of bits. No tax needed for the place.”

“And you think I’ll do that and join your failing wagon?”

“Yes! Because we need your abilities! You would be helpful for a such a cause of ours, and that reward is enticing enough that anypony would do it!”

Gem stopped with her glare, she calmed her stiffened forelegs, and rested herself back on her chair. Those words sound familiar, or the same ones she just heard a while ago from somepo-no.. somebody else. She returned her eyes to him and blurted, “And if I disagree once more?”

Garrison immediately responded. “Then we’ll come back, again and again.”

As Gem exactly thought. “You know, this friend also told me those same words. ‘I need your help, your abilities would prove useful to our mission’.” Garrison hummed negatively. “But unlike you, he told me that if I wasn’t up for the job, he would give me a new place to stay, and a new identity. He knew I wasn’t all for the job, he knew that my cooperation wouldn’t be a hundred percent present, he didn’t force me!”

Garrison still looked firm, but behind that face he felt like a nerve has been hit.

“That’s why I t—“ She stopped immediately. “That’s why I considered his plan, before I went with it.” Her hooves were shaking at this point. “Now you, you’re just begging at this point. Get out of my lab.” As she said that, Garrison stood from the chair while his bodyguard opened the door and gestured for him to go first.

The mob boss stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. “This. isn’t. over!” He sneered with venom in his voice, as he continued his way out of the lab with his bodyguard following behind, closing the door.

As the two ponies were out, Gem exhaled a heavy sigh. He was dead-on stressed, and now she knew why Garrison wanted that eye.


“You should learn to be aware of your surroundings.” Gem shrieked in shock, and saw a masked man standing across from the room.

“Celestia’s Sun, I thought you were out hunting his men!” She exclaimed.

“I had to get to know him first. By eavesdropping on your appointment.” Obito started walking to her desk, as Gem had sighed.

“I was a bit suspicious, as to why he wanted that eye. Now I know.” She muttered to herself.

“Mind filling me in?” Obito asked, placing himself on Gem’s desk. To be honest, he didn’t know how deep the legends of this world are, and not every book can answer his questions back then. Hell, that war he had 3000 years ago had destroyed some very useful archives and libraries.

“Drakoknius’ eye, it was a myth created by some.. wackadoodle that had ‘supposedly’ encountered him in the wild.” Her hooves bent a little, gesturing a quotation mark. “He was big and ugly, he was ‘evil incarnate’ and had no love for this world.”

“So, what happened to that author?”

“...He was busy traveling in the Forest of Spirits, located somewhere in the next country. He saw some bright stuff in the dark, checked out what it was and saw an ethereal image of a big blue demon. It was talking some language, but the pony didn’t see who he was talking to. Then the demon pulled out a round stone, and gave it to.. something.”

She paused. Obito waited for moments for another explanation. “Aaaand?”

Gem snapped back to her reality. “Oh sorry! Anyway.. he didn’t see the thing that used the stone, but saw what it did. The pony saw a green light suddenly emit, he tried to sneak up on it, but when he was about to see the thing that used the stone, the light was gone and so did the creature. All that remained was a white eye that was left in the dirt.”

“Ew.” Obito remarked.

“I know right? Back on where we were.. did I mention that the pony had lost his left eye?” Obito shook his head. “Well, he did. And used that white eye as a replacement. What he saw with it.. well, the thing I read it on just said ‘unspeakable nightmares of power’. The pony’s consciousness was being overtaken by the eye, but the pony had a strong will and pried it off immediately.” Gem stopped.

“The pony had to find a place to seal it away, somewhere in the next country. And after that, the eye had gone missing for eons. Before Garrison had managed to get his hooves on it!” She pounded her hoof onto her other one.

“My my.. someone’s angry.” Obito commented, before getting off the table and started to sit on the chair on the other side of Gem. Silence reigned over the two before Obito broke it. “Why are you so willing to help me?”

Gem retracted a bit from that question alone. Her right brow furrowed.

Obito elaborated a bit more. “Ever since I told you that I was an alien in this—“

Ancient! Alien.” Gem corrected.

“Right, you.. y-you were really cooperative and friendly. Why so?” Obito started to take off his mask and place his feet on the table.

Gem contemplated. Why? She was now asking herself that question, what reason made her help Obito get a new eye? She answered, “I trust my gut. I have a feeling that I could trust something of you.”


“Whaaaat? You wanted an answer!” Obito weakly laughed.

“Lady, those feelings will get you killed. One way or another.” Now Gem had to share the laugh. The laughter died when Obito started to get quiet again.

The Shinobi spoke, “Got any friends, Gem?”

“..F-friends? Wh-..what are those?” She said with sarcasm.

“Those things where God sends to you, so you won’t feel bad for yourself.” Obito replied, as Gem weakly laughed once more. “Seriously, got any—..who are your friends Gem? And don’t tell me that they’re some imagination of yours.”

Gem scoffed before answering. “They’re like.. four.”

The silence reigned again, Obito breaking it after a moment. “Well, mind telling me who they are?”

Gem replied. “Well, to start off, I’m friends with a cop. Good cop actually, heck, might even be the only good cop in his precinct. His name’s Golly Mahoney.” Obito snickered. “You might think that name is silly, but he’s an asshole when you push him at the wrong time. But aside from that, he’s usually nice.”

“The next pony I’m friends with is Truthseeker Page.” Obito felt a little hiccup in his laughter. “She wants to be called Truth Page, but, that’s her. She’s a great journalist, taking up the previous legendary reporter’s mantle in this city ever since. She’s stubborn, I’ll tell you that. She won’t stop until she HAS the truth, no matter what it takes.”

Obito had a feeling in his stomach, but he wouldn’t push that question yet. “My last two pals are lawyers, well they’re separated.” He’s confirmed it, it’s official. Obito sighed and looked away from Gem, finding a bit of disappointment in this world.

“Let’s talk about the badass laywer first, his name is Fog Bear. You could assume from that name that he’d be wide. Well, consider that. He always says that he doesn’t believe in himself, but when he’s called to the stage, he kicks ass and makes a name.”

Obito interjected. “Let me guess, the last but not the least is a blind one?”

Gem was surprised. “How’d you know?” She furrowed her brow.

“Eh, lucky.”

“Well,” She coughed. “if we’re talking about the more badass lawyer on the stand, you should know his name first. Justice Blind.” Obito shook his head. “When I say more badass, I mean more badass. If Fog can’t handle his self-esteem, then Justice basically wins the case.”

Obito stocked all the things he learned, so Gem’s friends is practically the government. All they need now is a P.I., a radio talk show host, an ex-con, another cop, and boy billionaire. But kidding aside, the two laywers could prove to be useful. Killing Garrison won’t help him at all, both for himself and society. So how would he play this? He assumes that Garrison has bought ponies in the government to keep his tracks clean. Senators, cops, judges, lawyers and maybe even countless more. Gem has said that Garrison has this city in his hoof, and ever since he stepped hoof in Manehattan, the city looks very safe. But then again, never judge a book by his cover. There has to be at least a mole that has the knowledge to take down Garrison. Not everypony could be loyal to a mob boss.

But before he finds his shark, he needs to know about some plans and reasons.

“Gem.” Obito spoke.


“Stay safe tonight.”

Then Obito warped away.

Docks, Pier 42, 3rd POV

Doctor Caballeron sighed.

It’s been a boring two hours ever since he and his henchponies got to the meet point. Some cuck bidded for some pretty useless artifact—he just bidded 500 bits—and won. Caballeron asked for the meet point, said somewhere on the docks. Pier 33 to 42. He and his gang went to every location indicated on the pony’s message. They first waited patiently, but after seeing the tides change and the buoys move, the group got bored.

The night sky darkened the area, but nothing that the moonlight can’t bright up. They were trotting around the corner of crates. Seriously, they were surrounded by shipping crates. Towers reigned over the five, creating walkways around them.

“Wither, what time is it?” The grey pony heard the Sponyish accent, and responded.

“9’o clock. Sir.”

Caballeron smacked his head. “Oh for Celestia’s sake! How long will that pony make us wait?!”

Kak. Kak.

“What was that?” Rogue alerted.

“Guys, where’s Pickpocket?” Wither asked, looking where said pony was standing recently. The group watched their backs, high on their guards. There was just some random sound then suddenly one of their guys disappear.

Then Rogue saw something move around the corner. “Biff,” The sand colored earth pony looked his way. “check that out.” He saw where he pointed. Nodding away, he trotted to that walkway. He checked the leading area, nothing. Behind him? Nothing too.

“All clear boss.”

All of a sudden, he was tackled by a figure. Then they heard grunting and beating. Reacting normally, Rogue and Wither galloped to where Biff was while Caballeron watched. He posed a pensive expression, that changed when be saw Rogue launch from the walkway and Wither collapsing from the wall. Now he was afraid.

Caballeron looked around sharply, wary of any movement that might happen or he might see. Seeing nothing, he was a bit satisfied then scooted away from the scene. Slowly, he was about to make the next corner..

Until a hooded masked pony pin him to the wall, and yes it hurt.

“ACK!” Caballeron choked, struggling to take a look at his attacker. Whoever this guy is, he had a white coat. Strapped on his forelegs were chains. It jingled. He was going to inspect more until the pony forced his foreleg into him once more.

“Trying to find the buyer? Well you’re looking at him.” He spoke in a menacing voice. Caballeron calmed own a bit, thinking he was confronting Daring Do. The pony eased his powerful forelegs, allowing Caballeron to breath from the sudden tackle. The grey pony gathered his strength, after whoch he took a look on the pony’s mask. Just a yellow plate with some patterns with one hole on the right. It must be where his eye is.

“Hey, look at me.” Caballeron followed. “I’m gonna let you stand and talk. I ask, you answer. Try anything funny, I’ll make it funnier. Got me?” The pony immediately nodded.

The hooded figure let the archaeologist go from the wall, Caballeron stood firmly and regained his senses. After which, he angrily tried to swing a hoof to his head, only to get caught by the figure’s own hoof and folded it in a not normal position.

“GAHHH!!” He heard the bone crunch, afterward the pony let his hoof go. Caballeron tried to rest and calm the pain, it worked a little, but he still is feeling agony.

“If Daring Do herself has a hard time trying to fight with you, I’m deeply saddened.” Caballeron heard him. He replied by glaring at him. Then he saw a scary red eye in the hole with weird patterns, causing him to retract from his position. “I’m gonna ask questions, you answer. Where did you get the Eye of Drakoknius?”

Now that caught Caballeron’s attention. How did he know and why would he want to know? He thought of ignoring it and doing something forbidden, but doing anything aggressive wouldn’t help him anymore. So he answered instead.

“Somewhere... on the Land of Zebrica, on some temple in.. Desecrated Valley. Gotta admit.. it was very difficult. Had to strain through traps and seals.. some scary dungeon monsters too but, nothing compared to demons..”

Demons. Now that’s something Obito knew little about. He did kill some and there in the past for reasons attaining to certain situations, but he never paid mind to any other stuff he saw with them. Anyway, back on track.

“Who wanted to buy that eye?” Caballeron drew the line, if he says, he’s a dead pony.

“No.. if I say that, they’ll kill me and my ponies!” He shakily said, and prepared for the worst. But instead of expecting something painful, he saw the pony kneel to his level.

“I’m on a mission to take down Garrison once and for all. Who knows what he’ll do if that pony gets his hooves on the cursed eye.”

The doctor just laughed. He forced it mostly—it was aggravating—but he found it a bit amusing.

“Y-y.. you? Taking down that fat buck? Have you been living under a rock, because he’s been pulling this city’s strings for a decade.” The pony didn’t look surprised—well of course judging form the mask—but simply replied.

“He hasn’t met me. He’ll face the law and my justice.” Caballeron continued to laugh.

“Some pony in a black mantle, with chains for weapons?! Going to put down that fat pony once and for— pffft, BWAHAH!!” Now he found it funny.

“Unless you wanna die by his hoof, give me things I don’t know about him.” He answered, Caballeron ticked down his rude manner but he can’t stop himself from giggling in the slightest.

“Oh.. o-oh ok..” He calmed, gathering a breath. “So, I’m guessing you know that he has control of half the city’s government?”

The pony shrugged. “I was assuming that idea, but you just confirmed it for me.”

“Okay okay, with that level of power, any dirt or any evidence you have on that pony would be wiped off the slate. Hell, nopony can do anyting about it. Not even the councilponies or the mayor, and they know what he’s been doing all along. They can’t bring that chicken in without true evidence. They can’t pinpoint who are the moles even.”

The pony thought bullshit.

“But..” Caballeron heightened the suspense. “..these recent months, he’s getting sloppier than the Calada Era. Leaving a trail of bodies, losing that wisdom and sweet talk he used to have, and used somepony wrong.” The pony felt his eyes widen. “That pony flopped an operation, because he was recently hired by Garrison himself to get rid of some.. setbacks. He did do it, but he played the story differently. Now he’s gone off the grid, nopony knows where he is right now. But we’ve heard rumors, that he was very well-informed of who’s who in Garrison’s chess board. He could get rid of Garrison’s streak once and for all, but that fat cracker is doing everything he can to get rid of him.”

“Give me a name.”

“...Garthur Hoofpony.” Caballeron steadily and slowly stood up. “Now if you’ll go excuse me, I’m going to—“


Caballeron fell to the floor unconscious. While the pony retracted his hoof, looked at his still body before stating, “Be happy that the cops have you. Hopefully, a good cop.” Then left the scene.

Gem’s Lab 3rd POV, 10:23 P.M

Gem yawned, boy was she tired. Seriously, some appointings were really boring. Not just boring, lengthy. She struggled to listen to details she really doesn’t need. But really important to her job. Must’ve been like, 5, but really, it was like every complaint, except with different results.

Now she went over every file, reviewing them for the sake of keeping herself up. But sadly she can’t, she needed to stay on guard, or else some asshole is gonna be there. To scare or just threaten. Her eyelids were close to closing, she hadn’t slept that much, due to Obito’s surgery last night. Technically past midnight, but still, when it’s not sunny, it’s still nighty.

She settled her position and started to rest her head on the table. Muttering something and humming before huffing to sleep.





“Hey, Gem.”

“...gh.. guhh..”

“Jesus Christ, wake up!”

Gem jolted awake, seeing the unmasked Log Bog with a black robe standing across from her desk. She drooped her eyelids, but not enough to close her eyes. “Gosh Obito, I’m sleeping here.”

“Well, then I guess you’re not interested to hear what some cucks have to say?” Now she was awake, for a moment.

“H-huh?! What!? Tell me!” But Obito shook his head and gave her a smirk.

“That can wait, go get some sleep. We’ll discuss it first thing in the morning.

Gem persisted. “B-buh buh buh, buht we can..!”

“No, I’m serious. Get some rest, look at yourself, you won’t learn shit while you’re in that state.” Gem stopped for a moment to check herself, yeah, pretty tired. Her head was aching and needed some serious rest. “Jesus, the depth of your eyebags.” Gem sighed, and took her glasses off. “Get some rest.”

Those simple words made her resist to sleep, but her fatigue withstood her efforts, as she insisted herself to slumber. Obito watched the simple pony fall asleep on her table. He scoffed with a smile. Oh, poor pony.

Gem moved slightly, feeling something thick and warm covering her. She didn’t need to know, she already had something fluffy on her head. With that out of mind, she went back to her comfortable sleep.

I felt my ass resting on the chair, watching Gem sleeping on the couch made me more satisfied. I carried her to the couch and gave her some pillows and a blanket, for her sake and some workshit I need doing.

Obito 1st POV

I cleaned up her files and placed them somewhere else. Fuck it, that work could wait. I’m a bit tired from doing stuff. I just got back and already I’m doing some Daredevil shit? Okay Obito, calm yourself.

With nothing else to do, I looked back at Gem, still sleeping comfortably. I smiled before facing back on the desk. My body feels tense, I should’ve calmed my muscles back in that prison. But that idea didn’t give life when ‘Chelle visited me one time to talk. Face to face.

I yawned and stretched wide, I better do some cautionary jutsus first before I pass out. I weaved some handsigns, it didn’t feel like it worked, but I felt something change slightly. Now with my dreams invisible to Luna’s sight, I could sleep normally.

Oh boy, oh boy, was it a tiring second day.

Equestrian Border 3rd POV, 3000 years ago


Just.. fire and smoke.

It raged heavily in this town.

And he didn’t feel sorry for the townsfolk.

Not with what she did.

No, she was afraid. Scared.

Unworthy of the crown.

Yet why does he still care for her?

The nearby cottage imploded, something blasted away. It landed heavily on a boulder, she didn’t get hurt however, the rock did. She coughed up and spat the blood from her mouth. She breathed heavily and shakily, nervous but also ready for anything he’ll throw at her.

She gazed into the burning cottage. The town was a scary sight, left to right houses are set aflame. Injured ponies avoiding the fight, some were sprawled on the floor, knocked out from the flying debris. Scorch marks and craters were on the road, so comes with debris.

Then white coated Alicorn gasped, looking into the fire, she saw the figure walking forward. Menacing as it was, she was on guard. Ready for any incoming attack that would be targeted at her. Then the figure emerged from the blaze, he wasn’t harmed in anyway, nor did his attire and weapons. But what was harmed was his living heart and soul.

All he had was a simple yet an incredibly scary glare.

His red and purple eyes returned to where the Princess of the Sun lay.

“You were afraid.” He simply stated.

“No, I was not.” She retorted bitterly.

“Then why were you intent to kill her?” It wasn’t much of a question, but more of a statement.

“I... I..” Was all Celestia could say.

“Sombra was right. Your fear would be your downfall. And when your sub.. no, she hears of this..” He started laughing menacingly.

“SHUT UP!” Celestia thundered all of a sudden, before launching herself to where Obito was.

“Humph.” He gripped his Gunbai.

Canterlot Castle 3rd POV, 1:32 AM

Celestia blinked once more, returning to her reality and out of her thoughts. Having another flashback made her feel like shit, especially that she has to confront him once more. The skirmish on the cave was more of a tease, but when she faces him once more, Sage mode would bring him down.

But that can wait for two days. Right now, she had her head on her hoof and sighed in front of the stack of heavy work papers. She’s still handling some matters with Griffonstone, and they’re not that happy in the slightest. Then a knock on her door broke out of her trance, she stared at her door before receiving another knock.

“Princess? I have messages supposedly delivered to you!” The guardspony outside acknowledged. She let out another heavy sigh, realizing it was another problem for her stress to absorb.

“Please, come in.” She called out, the guard responded by twisting the knob and entering her quarters. The unicorn went through the door and closed it behind him. He continued to trot to Celestia, with the brown saddlebag on him, he dumped the contents on her table. Folders and envelopes. “Thank you.” The guard simply nodded to Celestia’s statement, then leaving her room shortly after.

She took the first folder she saw, and opened the file. It stated.. another issue with Garrison. Goddamnit. Everytime she sees this, it bugs her for the rest of the day. Even with her power, punishing the infamous pony responsible for Manehattan’s crime rate is impossible when he threatened some inside ponies in her ranks. Pinpointing those moles are difficult, and at anytime they could try and assassinate the Princesses in their sleep.


The Princesses—thanks to Obito’s training—can handle themselves. But the idea that they could kill anypony at their slumber is scary. One second they would find a dead maid in their room or worse, somepony of royalty dead in their castle. It could cause national misconception and or probably war with the other country. Just because this fat cuck can do anything as he pleases.

God she wished she could teleport to Garrison and kill him.

But she held those thoughts, and continued reading the report she received. Huh, looks like Garrison is getting sloppier. Bodies left behind and names being received. Locations and some weak goons they interrogated. Something about ‘Precious Cargo’ in Garrison’s hooves, huh, looks like she found something of interest. That special mission team better get back to that cargo in a few days.

She proceeded to read the following envelope, ripping it open, she unfolded the folded letter. She started to read, nothing that got her attention, some Council meet that’ll happen on..

“Wednesday?!” She exclaimed in shock. That’s the day where she’ll be in Manehattan, discreetly handling the threat that is Obito.

And this ain’t no usual Council court stuff, something involving the country’s safety. Being held at the Crystal Empire, seems that Cadence and Shining Armor’s capabilities is far too much for their own. And why wasn’t she alerted for the past month?

“Goddamnit.” Now she said aloud.

A knock on the door. Celestia's attention went up, she gazed on her door, waiting for another response. “Yes..?”

“Sister,” Luna’s voice came up. “May we speak with?” Celestia’s tension calmed by releasing a stressed sigh.

“Yes Luna, please come in.” She replied, instead of a door swinging open, her sister teleported in.

Celestia took that action a bit too baffling. “What was the point of knocking on the door if you were to just teleport in?” She asked.

“To ask for your consent of course. Why? Would you want me to surprise teleport here without warning? You know what happened last time.” Luna retorted.

“Fair point.. and please do not remind me of that.. awkward situation. I need my own privacy you know.” Celestia’s face got red.

“Hehe, sure thing then.” She took a look at her sister, busy, stressed, tensed, heavy. What’s keeping her up? “Sister, are you alright?”

Celestia shook a hoof away, “Yes Luna I am fine. Just..” She rubbed her aching forehead. “these sudden invites to something of utmost important, caught me off-guard.”

Luna raised her brow. “What? Why’re you so surprised to something that happens so.. usually?” She asked.

“I have something important that’s coming up on Wednesday. It’s sad to say that Court in the Crystal Empire would interrupt such plans.”

“Apologies to hear that.”

“It’s alright Sister, none of it is your fault.”

Luna coughed. “Anyway, I came here to ask of you what happened last night. We could not talk a while ago because of.. court and some important meetings but..” Celestia saw the hesitation on her eyes. “.. have you found anything about Obito yet?”

Celestia stopped herself from releasing a state of shock. Of course Luna would ask about Obito’s whereabouts, and she found where he was just last night. And she told herself to not get anypony involved, wanting to end it here and there. Especially Luna.

“N..n-no. I’m afraid not.” She lied.

“Hn, I see.” She went through with the lie. Celestia silently released a breath she held in. “Also!” Luna’s eyes realized something, grabbing her sister’s attention. “Have you spoken yet to Discord?”

Discord. Discord? Why would she ask hi— oh.. “Shit.” She mumbled. “No, not yet. He says he’s very busy, and I would not completely force him to come and talk.”

“Why? Because of that new ‘friendship’ you have with him?” Luna teased.[1] Celestia blushed. Realizing that Luna may have spied on their last ‘hangout’.

“Do not bring that up too, please..” Celestia pleaded, Luna finishing her teaser.

“Okay okay.” Luna’s mischievous grin faded. “If you haven’t talked to him about our situation, then I will do it.”

“Please go ahead, his assitance is vital.” Celestia stated, Luna nodding to her approval.

“Shall I do it now?”

“It’s up to you. As long as you do it soon.”

“Very well.”

“So that’s it?” Celestia asked. “Just a simple talk?”

“Why? Were you expecting something more?”

The white alicorn felt her stomach grumble.

“How about some food?”

Gem’s Lab 1st POV, 7:38 A.M

“Ahh..” I moaned in satisfaction. That latte was good. I better ask Gem to join me in a cafe. Oh well, that can wait. I plopped the small cup on the table, as I went back to reviewing the data I got. So Garrison’s interested in the eye, though why would he use it for ‘mental degradation’?

No joke, that’s the only description I found out about the eye. The quote un-quote ‘unspeakable nightmares of power’ will just break the user’s mental health. Downgrading the level of intelligence of the user back to a child learning how to breath. There was a weird sentence that was written in ancient text, but my Rinnegan takes some time to decode the transcript.

The only part I learned from that text was, “Degrading power for one..” That’s it.

It’s a bit of a dead end. So maybe the text is the piece that’ll help me advance further.

But what about Garthur Hoofpony? Pfft, he’s just like Hoffman from Daredevil. I read some old news articles that he was knocked out in the same room with his almost-dead partner absorbing some poison. Rumor has it that he was intentionally going to kill his partner, but the fact that some evidence lead that the Masked Pony is the one who ‘killed’ Garthur’s partner, the press lead the poniest to believe it was the vigilante.

Yeah, Masked Pony. Or Masked Man from Daredevil season 1. Don’t even let me guess who’s the guy behind the bandana.

But the problem is Garthur’s whereabouts. Because I plan to help Justice Blind by leading him to Garthur. And I bet it all rolls from there.

I should probably visit my old pal soon, I’m gonna need to suck off on Garrison.

“U..Ubito?” I heard a yawning voice behind me. I turn to see Gem stretching her body.

“Who’s Ubito? ‘Cause I’m Obito.”

“Shhh-shut up.” She smiled at my attempt.

“Want some breakfast?” I asked her.

“Nhhh.. not after, we talk about Garrison..”

“I suggest doing breakfast, I mean at your state, you couldn't even comprehend what I’ll be saying next.” I pointed to her head. “Need that protein. Helps your brain.

“Yeah yeah mom..”

“No seriously.” She sat on the couch. “You should really get some breakfast.” I told her, she seems to persist.

“Fffine..” She whined. “Where's my glasses?” I stood from my seat and handed her lenses with a frame. Immediately putting it on.

“Come on,” I formed a hand sign, turning into my pony form. “let’s get some grub.”

Author's Note:

Sorry if the first part seems rushed and BLEGH. I mostly think outta my head and I fail to write what I see in my mind, because when I do, the words change and it was already perfect.

[1]- Yes, CelestiaCord is a thing here.

edit: decided to release this sooner and cut the next part I had planned for this.

Comments ( 8 )

Pretty good chapter. I enjoyed it.

That's what I thought.


Ponies don't know god, nor are they Christian.👼👼

any idea when we can expect an update and new chapter?

Pissed off or didn't agree to their terms?

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Telecom giant airtel is all set to launch its own prepaid recharge services called eprebill Airtel aimed at the burgeoning online shoppers. The company said in a statement that the new service will offer an easy and convenient way for customers to reload their mobile phones with credit or vouchers. "We are excited to launch our eprebill prepaid recharge service which will make it easier for Indians to refill their mobile phone credits or vouchers," airtel chief executive officer Akhil Sahai was quoted as saying in the statement.

eprebill will be available on both desktop and mobile platforms, and customers can use it to top up their airtel accounts as well as other pre-paid cards like Reliance Jio's Prepaid Cards, Airtel Money, and Aircel My Prepaid.

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