• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,206 Views, 30 Comments

Voids Of The Uchiha - dereturd

I’m not crazy, well.. I may have cosplayed as Obito Uchiha, shark vendor sends me to Equestria with powers, but also managed to play villain between Celestia and Luna, and got trapped in a sealed barrier for 3000 years. So.. no, I’m not crazy.

  • ...

Blank Slate -Pt.1

“So now can you tell me about your eyes?” Gem asked, pushing open the unlocked door to her lab. Darkness still loomed in the room, good thing she flicked the switch beside her. The room lit up, it was an entirely white room with some black trims to it’s walls. To the near left is a table with chairs on both sides, I’m guessing it’s where we’ll talk. The surface of the table had a bunch of stacked papers, a clipboard, and a largely sized record book. The lab revealed simple and basic ophthalmologist tools. In the right corner of the room is a table, holding a ophthalmoscope. To be put in simpler terms, it’s meant to examine the patient’s eye interior. There led a door across the room, I’m guessing it leads to the other equipments it needs.

After having our meal at the restaurant, the second we were out of the restaurant’s range, she barraged me with loads of questions about my unique eye that I plan to trnasplant to myself. It was annoying, but I managed to stop myself from answering any of her questions. Mid-way to her lab, I stopped her from.. talking. Telling her that I’ll explain everything in her lab is a bad idea. But if I have to get my Eternal Mangekyo, then I’ll do whatever risk it takes and get ready for trust issues or any other matter involving Gem’s anger.

“Hey, Log Bog, you there?” She called out my fake name. I turn to her, looking at me with a confused face.

“Ok,” I move towards a chair while she kept watching me. “I need you to trust me.”

She still looked at me, dumbfounded. “What?”

“This, is not my true form.” I said. “I’m going to put my trust on you, that you’ll avoid screaming like a 10 year old mare who realized her father was a homophobe.”

“Ok?” She still looked unsure, lost for words.

“You good?” She nodded. “Okay.” I prepared gathering my Chakra, closing my eyes to concentrate. My horn glowed, and within mere moments, a cloud of smoke poofed out.

I heard Gem coughing. Trying to sway away the smoke while I realized I wasn’t wearing my mask. I didn’t have my Gunbai, but I did have my ninja gear, my eyes in my preservatory container and the black orb. After the cloud cleared, she turned to me. Before letting out a sharp gasp while I still kept my cool.

Then she started hyperventilating slowly, it gradually got rapid. Before I had to dash to her and comfort her shaking mind. “Hey hey! I’m here! It’s still me!” I tried rubbing her back, she seemed to calm down. Before she looked at my face.

“Wh-“ She backed away from me. “What are you?”

I sighed, walking towards a chair and sitting on it. “I’m a human. Homo Sapien to be scientific.”

“You’re an alien?”

“Already jumped to that conclusion? Yes. I’m not from this world.” She seemed to gather her cool, before slowly trotting towards the other side of the table and to the seat. She slowly took her seat, and gained her composure.

Then she fucking squealed.

“For fuck sake!” I yelled. Returning from pony form to my normal one. I threw my arms up and stared at her angrily.

“Hey, I can’t help it if an alien shows up and asks for an eye transplant! That’s why they looked smaller.” She stated.

After she squealed like a little bitch, she basically woke up half the building at that point. Ponies started to knock on her door. I had to transform back and boy, was it more annoying to calm down and settle the anger those ponies had. It was like a lunch line to iPhone Z. She kept smiling and fangirling, while I had to handle ponies as I wore an awkward face.

“I’ve already wasted enough time with Celestia and Luna, I’m not wasting more with idiot equines who think a mare saw my fucking dick!” Silence filled the room, it ended when Gem had to drop a line.


I groaned, before lazily landing myself onto a seat. I swiveled around the chair, then faced Gem who already sat across me. “What do you want to know?”

“I’ve got your species, but I don’t need to know about your kind’s history.” She said.

I felt relieved. “Good, that’ll save me from wasting time with-“

“Uh uh uh. I said, your kind’s history. Not your own history... umm..” I realized she was trying to get my name.

“Obito. My real name is Uchiha Obito.” I said.

“Well Mr. Obito-“

“Just Obito is fine.”

“Well Obito, you’ll tell me your life’s story then we’ll talk about eyes.”

Now I didn’t want to let an out an outrage here, so I did try to calm myself. Time is gold, I don’t need to waste more by bickering with Gem.

“Let’s start with Konoha.”

Castle Lounge

Celestia opened the door once more, as she just finished putting her sister to bed. She needs to calm down first, or else she won’t be able to concentrate on other ponies’ dreams. Celestia still had free time, supposedly she’s needs to be in bed. But with the new problem that came up, Obito needs to be dealt with. She still has no trust over his words. She’ll take any risk, any precaution to put Obito away. For good. For the sake of her little ponies.

”You both are very useless. Luna, your ability of intervening in other ponies’ dreams would lead you to criminals, thus the solution of imprisoning them is available. Lessening the crimes your society would have. Celestia, your influence in ponies may give you the will to lead the world into true peace. But right now, all I see are ungrateful brats who can’t even handle restraint and discipline.”

She shook her head of that memory, Celestia will prove her teacher wrong. She trudged over to where Luna had tried to find Obito. Celestia has no other alternatives, so sticking to her sister’s methods would do for now. She’ll find Obito, even to the ends of the earth, even if it takes her all night. But then again, her duties as Princess would prevent her from so.

She prepared her magic and Chakra. She released it all to image a map of the country. She focused on her Chakra, and tried finding similar energy sources to hers. Nothing. She waited, still nothing. She swapped to magic, then she felt it everywhere. Signifying everyone in the planet. Now she feels Luna’s pain of searching for Obito, she wasn’t screwing with her.

She tried to lower the standards, minimizing the amount of magic. She raised it up, finding only a set of energies. All sources separated from each other—except Luna and hers—one in Ponyville, the other in the Crystal Empire, one in the Dragonlands, one in the Badlands. Balancing the amount would just take her back from where was.

She returned to Chakra, but this time, finding a lone energy source in Manehattan. She raised the amount, it was still present. She tried sensing the energy it had, it almost felt immeasurable. It felt.. intimidating.

“Master, I will succeed you. In two days time.” She said to herself, before releasing her grip on the magical map. She had her job to handle and she was in her job seven days a week. Her requested vacation day would only come on Wednesday. Today’s Monday, the score will settle. She will have nopony interrupting them both.

Gem’s Lab 1st POV, 1 and a ½ hour later..

“So that, Kaguya person, made you sacrifice yourself to save your best friend and.. the world?”

“If you want to say that, yeah.”

“So why is it, you arrived in Equestria but not having the white hair but having instead a Rinnegan of.. Dadara?”

I chuckled, mistakenly saying Madara’s name. “I dunno, probably Kami found me tragic as Itachi.” I held off myself from telling her that I was a normal human before all of this.

“So could you tell me your time here in Equestria?” She asked with a big grin and a bright pair of eyes.

“That, is a story for another day.” I got up from my chair. “Besides, eye for an eye. You’ll tell me your life story sometime.”

After an hour, I think, I told her Obito—my ninja’s story. I was a determined kid who wanted to become Hokage. Then I had to save my crush, costing me an eye or a Sharingan. I was revived by Madara, he told me about the Infinite Tsukuyomi. When I saw Kakashi let Rin die—gaining my broken-ass Mangekyo—I’m convinced that I’ll do Madara’s bidding. Until—spoiler alert—I realized Rin’s death and the Hidden Mist’s plans was played by Madara himself. So after decades, I killed Minato, The Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki. I built the Akatsuki, gathered the Tailed Beasts and declared war on the Land of Fire. All while maintaining a low cover as Madara. Until everyone learned of who I was. Naruto convinced me that I could redeem myself, even though I’m beyond redemption with all the crimes I did. Then Madara screws up. Then Kaguya, then dead. And that’s it. But half of the time, I had to explain everything Gem didn’t quite understand. Which was pretty annoying. But then again, she’s just another wanderer that came across the Storyteller.

But I’m surprised she took half the thing unfazed and avoided being sick or grossed out of the idea of, massacres.

“Speaking of eyes, you might wanna start that eye transplant.” She blurted out, I didn’t turn to her but instead sit where the Ophthalmoscope was at. She trotted to the other side of the machine as we started the process. Half the time I listened while the other half I blanked out. I was actually surprised when I realized that she not only had expertise in healthcare but in biology as well. I don’t know if every Ophthalmologist needed to have a vast knowledge for Biology, or maybe I’m just being dumb.

Eventually, she finished studying my eyes, and finalized how my eye transplant would go.

“Wow, I wasted time to realize that it’s just the same as any other.” She bitterly stated.

“So, no catch?” I asked.

“There is, I would’ve done it as any other if it didn’t need mass healing. I’ll just grab some stuff, you just prepare yourself. Just strip down to your.. shorts and place those containers onto that table there.” She said, rushing out the room and gathered some stuff. I followed what she asked for, I placed the eye containers onto the small table with tools. I took off my gloves, my sandals, my robe and my tight jumpsuit until I was stripped to my bare, long midnight purple shorts. I sat on the cold cushioned surface of the bed, while I took a look at the entire room. It was filled to the brim with a load of drugs, medication, tools and whatnot.

I heard the sound of hoofsteps, I turned to see Gem wearing scrubs. Those things that surgeons wear, while pushing over another wheeled table, instead of tools, it was placed with medicine.

She looked over my bare body. She realized that she saw the half white body I still had, even though I possess no power of any Ten Tails’ Jinchuriki. She looked over to me while raising her face mask. “Okay, now this general anesthesia and this regional one, normally it would just have one amount to weaken the stiffness of your body, to put it in simpler terms. But judging on how powerful your nervous system even is, this drug is amplified to five times.”

Jesus Christ, if that’s how much it takes to probably knock out Jessica Jones’ mother out cold.. “Whew.”

“So, it’ll also be enough to give you time to rest and allow the new pair of eyes to.. get to know the new house they’re in. Plus with the information of transplanting these Mangekyo into another Mangekyo user you gave me, it’ll make it easy for me to perform this entire thing. Not easy enough to use with Medical Ninjusu though.”

“It’s Ninjutsu. Also, if I had learned Medical Ninjutsu basics, I wouldn’t have probably asked for your help.”

“Promptly meaning that your end of the bargain won’t even happen.” I nodded. “Well, let’s begin!” She said, preparing the oxygen mask as she injected first the general one, from which I felt.. then I blacked.. holy..

Adam Kovic... Rahul Koh..li.. fu..ck.

3 hours later..

I tried opening my eyes, only something made it stop. My senses came back to me.. taste, touch, hearing, and smell regained. I raised my hand weakly, my energy was slowly recovering. I touched my face, my forehead until to my eyes was covered with head wrap. The linen meeting my hand. I groaned. I tried sitting up, reaching only a minimum. I must’ve startled Gem, because I heard panicked hoofsteps in the other room. I continued to sit up, until I did. I sensed her coming my way, calling out my name.

“Obito!” I felt her presence stop before me. I reached the back of my head, feeling the other end of the bandage. “N-no, stop.” She pulled my hand away using her magic. “You still need to rest, you should’ve woke up at 7.”

I scoffed. “I won’t let a surgery stop me.” I felt my Chakra rise up, before some of it started losing control. I gritted my teeth, I tried to contain it but it was naturally overpowering my will. I felt a small aura surround me, I pushed my force, stopping the flow of Chakra before finally it calmed. Gem’s presence stepped back a bit, I slowly took off the head wrap, finally my sight is back. This time, I felt a more powerful sensation coming through me. I realized that I was surrounded by a blue light.

Shit, my Susano’o almost raged out. Heh, that power, haven’t used that in a while. The blue aura calmed, before finally disappearing. I looked to where Gem was, a bit terrified.. okay, maybe terrified.

“It’s okay.” I felt her calm down. She let out a sigh of relief, before coming closer to where I was. “I guess I should’ve warned you, if you were to do this, you’d be a criminal.”

Her face then had a scared expression right after I said that. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?!”

“I forgot?” I said with a sheepish face.

She outwardly groaned. “I would’ve actually stopped you there! Faust, oh God.. I don’t wanna live a life of crime.. I mean, there was Garrison and all, but that’s.. Oh God.. another reason why I didn’t want to join him.”

I just smiled. I felt her emotion, very terrified.

“And now you?! Oh God, I’m so not ready for this! Y-you! Get out!” She yelled at me.

I laughed. She lost her control of emotions. “You know, you’re probably the only pony that’s genuine about not having to deal with injustice and outlaw.” I paused, looking at her angry yet scared face was enough to convince me that I need her alive. I sighed, looking at her with sincerity and hope. “You know, after that eye transplant.. I’m willing to protect you from whatever they’ll throw. I promise.”

It took a moment for her to even speak with me. “How do I know you’re being true? To your.. word?”

She may have doubt, but what I’m saying is true. I need her alive, if I want to satisfy her then her safety would be needed. I also need her abilities, it will speed up half of the process of my plans. Yet, I have no reply for her. All I had was a trusting expression. I stayed silent, well, we both did.

“You know what? Buck it. If I wanna live without stress,” She used her magic to grab a chair, after setting it near me, she sat. “then I guess I’m in for a treat.”

“So.. you trust me?” She gave me a pensive look. “I’ll guess that it’s a yes.” We stayed silent again.

“If you’re not in for the ride, sure. I’ll set you up an identity and a safe place.” She looked at me, confused. “I know you won’t be comfortable, and I told you in exchange for my eyes. I’ll get rid of any problem.”

“You didn’t say any of that—“

“Uh uh uh.” I interjected. I knew myself that she won’t be a 100% cooperative, it’s fine. I’d rather do this with less disturbances. “I’ll still get rid of those woonies, then after that, you can decide how you wanna play your life.. I’ll tell ya, if you don’t want this, you won’t see me again.”

She looked conflicted. I don’t know how I got to her, but she’s deciding like I’m her friend leaving the city. Again, another moment’s pause. I still looked at her, with a complacent expression.

It wasn’t after minutes that she finally responded with a sigh. “Okay, I’ll work with you.”

“Huh, you sure? You can’t turn your back on this afterwards.”

“I’m positive.”


“Not false.”

“Alrighty.” She looked at me conifidently. “You have a mirror?”

“Here.” I sat on a couch, while she handed me a small mirror. I looked at it while I flashed my Eternal Mangekyo. It worked. Just as I expected, a mix of Shisui and Obito—my Mangekyo. I’m guessing I’ve handled the Genjutsu part of it. “So, you wanted to ask me something?”

“Yeah I did.” I laid down the mirror. “What’s your life story?”

She took it surprisingly curious. “What, why’re you asking that?”

“Is it wrong to ask?” She shook her head with a smile.

“I lived on a farm on a village. We were just outside a city. My mother was a working farmer while I.. never met my dad.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay, I’ve never met him. But I’ve heard stories of him, says he was a true warrior that served Luna’s Night Watch. Anyway. Back on topic, I was a geeky type. I was born a unicorn from an earth pony mother and a pegasi father. Weird huh? Everyday I studied and studied, I got into biology and chemistry. My mother was a supportive one, but whenever I stray into farm or physical stuff, she stopped me with it. When I was 11, she recently keeps getting hurt and like that. Every night, after working a hard day, I had to patch her up.”

“So what made you get into eyes?”

“Shhh, questions after the story.” She replied as I nodded my head. “Anyway, nothing too interesting when I was 14 or so. 16 however, my mother died.”

“Sorry again.”

“Again, I’m through with that. I had to live to my stupid and overprotective uncle. It wasn’t really a downside when you also get a free awesome cousin. After graduating, I went to Ponimbia University.” I snickered at that pun. She didn’t care though. “I took medicine as my course, and went there for 6 years. Got my Baccalaureate’s degree in my 8th year. Specialized in eye care and became a popular Ophthalmologist.”

“After that, this here happened?”

“No, before you, a mysterious stallion kept approaching me for an eye transplant. After months, he told me he was Garrison of the Fort Mafia. Then after three years, he still kept irritating me.”

“Why didn’t you report him?”

“I got no dirt on him, nopony does. And if they do.. you know what happens. Even the council didn’t gave a damn about Garrison’s holding of an entire city for a decade.” My eyes shot open in shock.

“That long. Nopony ever can’t get to him. He’s that powerful. So after that meeting in that restaurant last night, here you are.”

“Question, why was your mother forcing you to avoid those physical, hard hitting stuff?” I asked.

She paused briefly. “You may think that she’s an asshole, but she’s loving me in that matter. I’ve learned that she doesn’t want to end up like my father, a strategist for the army. With my IQ high, she’s scared that I may become a war medic. Well, that wasn’t my intention. And I’ve learned that thought after she died.”

“Wow, here I thought your success was because of abuse.”

“Well, that did come from my uncle.” I laughed, while she snickered.

After a moment’s worth of humor, I stopped. “So, Garrison. He has this city on his palm— I mean, hoof for an entire decade?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, that streak is about to end.” I slammed my fist onto my hand.


“Leave that to me.” I looked at her with a smile, before I stood from seat, still realizing that I was still in my shorts. “Now then, where’s my clothes?”

Author's Note:

Hey y’all, sorry if this wasn’t interesting to you. I’ve become absent minded halfway when writing this.

Quick note, I’m too lazy to change the past, so I’ve linked in the previous chapter an image to Obito’s EMS. Switch that into this first:

Then when his eyes are transplanted, this:

Anyway, thanks for reading my trash. If you like, don’t forget to unsubscribe and follow my cringe if you want. See you next time! :pinkiehappy: