• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Mario and Kirby: Equestrian Adventures - FandomPlays1234

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Chapter 5: The Temporal Warrior

"WHAT YOU FAILED!?" Bowser roared.

"Please your majesty, calm yourself," said Kamek.

"I give you two one job, ONE JOB, and you couldn't even complete it?" Bowser growled.

"Not to mention there were TWO of you who had Dark Nightmare's Power on your side," said Escargoon.

"Sorry papa, we'll do better next time," whimpered Bowser Jr.

"No, I can't trust you to take on those runts after such a miserable failure," said Bowser.

"Then that means..." Kamek stuttered.

"You know that Nightmare Enterprises has monsters better than both of you combined," said Bowser. He walked into his throne room and pushed the button on his throne. Suddenly the upper section of the left wall slid open as a large television screen emerged. The screen flickered as man wearing orange glasses and a dark blue suit appeared grinning.

"Welcome to Nightmare Enterprises Lord Bowser," said the man.

"My son and top underling failed their mission to crush that pasta loving plumber, his pink marshmallow, and their pony friends," said Bowser.

"Well in that case we have something special just for you," said the man.

"Well don't stand there snickering like Dedede, ya gotta show him," said Escargoon.

"Well you see the truth is this monster of ours isn't EXACTLY like the actual one, but we've made bigger upgrades now that it's in this current form," said the man.

"Well let's see it," said Bowser. The man snapped his finger as the door behind him slid open. What walked in was a female figure wearing a pink vest and several pieces of knights armor. She had two wings on her back and was holding a large pink lance in her right hand and a pink shield with a golden star engraved in the center, in her left hand. Her white hair was tied back into a ponytail and a small black prism hung around her neck.

"This here is the so called 'human form' of the Temporal Warrior Galacta Knight," said the man.

"It's an honor to meet you your majesty," said Galacta Knight bowing.

"Wow looks just like the original," said Escargoon.

"Ok no offense but where's the original?" asked Bowser. Suddenly a figure similar to Meta Knight dropped from the ceiling and landed next to Galacta Knight. The creature had similar white wings and was covered in knight's armor. It was holding a similar pink lance and shield and wore a mask that only revealed the glowing pink eyes.

"You called your majesty?" asked the original.

"Wha, where'd YOU come from?" asked Escargoon.

"Shut up geezer," said Bowser.

"So your majesty these are the two that we have ready for you, just pick the one you want," said the man.

"I want both," said Bowser.

"Wha both your majesty?" asked the man. "But wouldn't be easier to pick just one for now?"

"I'll pay double plus extra," said Bowser holding up a bag of gold coins.

"Sold," said the man.

"Then let's get those two downloaded!" laughed Bowser as he pushed a red button on his throne. Suddenly a large machine emerged from beneath the floor and above the ceiling. As the two machines came together, a bright light enveloped the entire room as the two Galacta Knights suddenly appeared. Both Galacta Knights jumped off and bowed before Bowser.

"It's an honor working for you your majesty," said the human version.

"Heh, I like these two already, loyal and respectful," laughed Bowser. He turned towards the screen. "I'll send your pay over right now," said Bowser.

"Excellent, enjoy the two Galacta Knights," said the man.

"Wait, calling them BOTH Galacta Knight is a bit confusing, what should I call the human version? asked Bowser.

"Well since the human version is the powered up version, let's call it Galacta Knight EX for now," said the man.

"Galacta Knight EX, I like that," said Bowser smirking.

"Great, have a wonderful day now my lord," said the man. After that the screen cut off and the television slid back into the wall along with the two machines.

"What now your majesty?" asked Escargoon. Bowser looked back at the two Galacta Knights and scratched his chin.

"You," said Bowser pointing towards Galacta Knight EX.

"My lord?" she asked.

"You know who Meta Knight is right?" asked Bowser.

"Of course my lord," answered Galacta Knight EX.

"He and that pink puffball of his are currently here in this world, along with my arch nemesis, go find them and get rid of them," Bowser ordered.

"At once," said Galacta Knight EX. She grabbed her shield and lance and ran out the door leaving Bowser, Escargoon, and the original Galacta Knight in the room.

"Now let's see how this plays out," snickered Bowser.

"Congrats on finding the Garnet Star," said Fandom.

"To be honest, a Pokey that was supposed to be powered up Dark Nightmare's magic wasn't very powerful," said Yoshi.

"Hey what matters is that we found our first star AND got the key," said Starlight.

"Yes, however I do want to suggest that you limit the number of group members that you take along with you so you don't drag too much attention to yourselves," said Fandom.

"Oh right almost forgot that was a thing," said Mario.

"Well anyways my radar detected the next closest Crystal Star located in Cloudsdale," said Professor E. Gadd.

"Oh great to the skies I suppose," said Spike.

"So before you go I choose who's going then get ready to head out," said Fandom. Suddenly a loud crash outside the throne room caught the group's attention. Just as they turned around, the doors burst open as a human figure lept in.

"What the heck!?" Tuff yelped. The human looked up and pointed her lance towards the group.

"I found you," she said.

"Who are you?" asked Tiff.

"Oh wouldn't you like to know," said the figure.

"Wait that voice, I know that from somewhere," said Meta Knight. He looked closer and realized who it was. "Galacta Knight?"

"No, I'm the new and improved form, Galacta Knight EX!" announced Galacta Knight Ex.

"Galacta Knight EX?" asked Tiff. Kirby tilted his head in confusion as if he was asking the same question.

"I have received orders from Lord Bowser to rid of your existence from this world, and that's exactly what I plan to do," said Galacta Knight EX. She raised her lance and charged at Mario. Mario quickly drew his hammer and held it in front of his face as Galacta Knight's lance collided with it. Mario swung his hammer into Galacta Knight's face sending her flying backwards. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash snuck up from behind and charged at her at full speed. Galacta Knight EX raised her shield just as Rainbow Dash rammed into her. Meta Knight drew his sword and was about to charge before Fandom stopped him.

"Wait," said Fandom.

"What is it?" asked Meta Knight.

"Look," said Fandom pointing towards Galacta Knight EX's neck. "You see that black prism?" Fandom asked.

"Yes," answered Meta Knight.

"I can sense Dark Nightmare's energy flowing from within that prism," said Fandom.

"Then that means...." Meta Knight gasped.

"Yes I have a feeling that if we destroy that prism we can free Galacta Knight EX from Dark Nightmare's control," said Fandom.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" asked Meta Knight.

"Get that prism and bring it to me," answered Fandom. Meta Knight raised his sword and waited for an opening. Just as Galacta Knight EX swatted away Twilight with her lance, Meta Knight quickly charged forward and swung his sword at Galacta Knight's face. Noticing the attack, Galacta Knight EX fell back as Meta Knight slashed and cut through the necklace. Galacta Knight EX quickly pulled herself up and kicked Meta Knight back.

"Nice try, Meta Knight," Galacta Knight EX smirked.

"I wasn't going for you," said Meta Knight. He held up the necklace with the prism and threw it back towards Fandom.

"Hey give that back!" Galacta Knight EX demanded. Fandom quickly grabbed the prism and threw it on the ground. Galacta Knight EX stopped short as she gasped. Fandom raised his hoof and smashed the prism as a loud screech filled the room. Galacta Knight EX's eyes widened as she fell to her knees clutching her chest. Black energy began flowing out of her body as it condensed into a small orb. The ground began to shake as Galacta Knight EX screamed out in agony while thrashing around on the ground.

"What's happening!?" Applejack yelled over the noise.

"I don't know but this doesn't look good!" yelled Spike. Eventually Galacta Knight EX stopped moving as the black orb expanded and disintegrated into thin air.

"Is it over?" asked Tuff.

"I think so," answered Fluttershy. Mario and his friends looked over to the limp body of Galacta Knight EX and slowly walked over. Carefully, Meta Knight lifted her body into his arms and stared at her sleeping face.

"Is she ok?" asked Peach. Galacta Knight EX winced as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Wha.. what happened," she asked groggily.

"It looks like she's back to normal," said Fandom.

"Galacta, are you alright?" asked Meta Knight.

"I...think....so, my....body..still..feels...a....little...numb," she answered.

"We should have her checked," said Meta Knight.

"This way, I know someone who can help," said Twilight. Mario and his friends helped Galacta Knight EX to her feet as they followed Twilight out the door.

Author's Note:

Chapter 5 complete. Enter Temporal Warrior Galacta Knight. Now I know, Galacta Knight is originally a male, but I decided that it would be female in this case. Now don't ask why Galacta Knight EX is a human, it's because I want her to be a human. Don't judge me for this.