• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Mario and Kirby: Equestrian Adventures - FandomPlays1234

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Prologue: Bowser and Dedede

The skies over Bowser's Castle grew darker than ever as the Koopa King paced up and down in his throne room. He had decided since his 200th defeat against the Mario Bros. that he has had enough. None of his tactics or plans had succeeded in the past so why would the last one work at all. In all the years he has kidnapped Princess Peach everything would just go downhill from there. Even during sports or racing or even at parties he would lose to Mario. Smash on the other hand seemed like the only time he could beat him. Except for that one time when Ganondorf betrayed him for a giant hand that couldn't even beat the final boss himself. He shook the thought out of his head, thinking about that jerk only made the situation worse. A sudden knock on his door is what grabbed his attention.

"Who is it and what do you want?" Bowser roared.

"Lord Bowser it is I Kamek," answered a voice.

"Ugh come in," Bowser growled. The doors opened as a figure wearing a blue robe flew in on a broom.

"What do you want Kamek?" asked Bowser.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt you my lord, but you have a visitor," answered Kamek.

"Ugh can't you see I'm busy?" growled Bowser.

"Please sir, give them a chance," Kamek pleaded. Bowser snorted obviously not amused.

"I swear if it's Ganondorf..." Bowser started.

"Still hate him?" asked a voice. Bowser turned around as a large penguin wearing a red robe and carrying a large hammer walked in. Behind him was a purple pinkish snail with a green shell.

"Dedede, I didn't expect YOU to be my visitor," said Bowser.

"Well I am, and I brought my lackey too," laughed Dedede.

"A snail?" sneered Bowser.

"My name is Escargoon sir," snorted the snail.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," said Bowser.

"Listen, I heard that you were having trouble with your nemesis again," said Dedede.

"Makes me want to pound his face in," said Bowser.

"Well I'm no different," added Dedede. "And that's why I've been thinking, we both hate our nemesis, so why not team up so we can beat them together,"

"Hmph, I don't work well with others," growled Bowser.

"Oh is that so, but it seems like you don't have a solution," said Dedede.

"Well no," said Bowser.

"Then what if I told you there is a certain organization that sells powerful monsters that exists?" asked Dedede.

"Ha in your dreams!" laughed Bowser.

"He's telling the truth sire," said Escargoon.

"What's the name of this organization?" asked Bowser.

"Nightmare Enterprises," answered Dedede.

"Sounds kinda cheesy," said Bowser.

"Even if the name sounds bad, it really does sell powerful monsters," said Kamek.

"Oh yeah and what kind of wacky apps do I have to download?" asked Bowser.

"Oh no need for an app, we've got everything covered," answered Escargoon. "We just need to know if you're willing to have a device installed in you're throne room,"

"What do you think sir?" asked Kamek.

"Powerful monsters you say," said Bowser scratching his chin. "I guess a new change of pace would be nice,"

"I'll take that as a yes," laughed Dedede.

"You heard the big man, get that thing installed!" ordered Escargoon. Just as he said that a group of small orange creatures with small stubby feet walked in carrying boxes or pushing carts.

"What's with the boxes?" asked Bowser.

"Oh you'll see soon enough," laughed Dedede. "In the meantime I'll set up your gift in front of your throne," Just then another set of knocks came from the doors.

"Come in," said Bowser. The door opened as two small brown mushroom with feet ran in.

"Sir we found it!" said one of the mushrooms.

"Did you really!?" Bowser asked.

"It appears like it wasn't just a myth," said Kamek. One of the mushrooms pulled out a small wand with white and black stripes with a small black star at one tip.

"Give it!" Bowser ordered. He reached out and snatched the wand smirking. "Yes after so long I finally have it!"

"What is it?" asked Escargoon.

"That is the Dark Star Rod," answered Kamek. "It's a very special rod that holds such dark and mysterious powers, one happens to be the ability to summon an ancient dark being of destruction,"

"Hmm sounds promising," said Dedede.

"Hey I never agreed to work with you!" Bowser growled.

"We gave you that device, we expect you to share that Dark Star Rod," said Dedede.

"Yeah what he said!" said Escargoon.

"Please sir, just this once," said Kamek. Bowser growled, not happy with the situation.

"Fine!" Bowser growled.

"Yeah that's it," said Dedede.

"We knew you'd come through us," said Escargoon.

"Very soon even Mario will learn to fear us!," laughed Bowser.

"And that pesky puffball Kirby!" added Dedede.

"Surely now you'll get him sir!" said Kamek.

"Those fools will never stand a chance against our monsters," added Escargoon. Very soon the entire castle was filled with the four's sinister laughter.

Luna gasped as she sat up. It was that dream again. For the past few nights Luna has had the same dream. She didn't understand what it meant, but she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"Your majesty are you alright?" a voice asked from outside her room.

"Wha..oh uh yes I'm fine," Luna answered.

"Are you sure your majesty?" the voice asked.

"Yes I'm sure," answered Luna.

"Alright if you say so," said the voice. Luna sighed as she hopped out of bed. she walked out onto her balcony and looked up. The moon was shining brightly as usual. But for some reason, Luna felt as if that wasn't normal. She didn't understand why she kept having that same dream specifically each night, or why it was HER that was having it. Whatever the reason was she felt it had something to do with the peace treaty between the Mushroom Kingdom and Equestria.

"Maybe it's time that I told Tia," Luna said to herself. She layed down on the balcony and looked back up towards the moon. Mario and Kirby the two names that rang in her ears. Who were they? In her dreams it stated that those two would be the ones to save Equestria from an unknown threat. But what was it? Luna still had some questions. But she would have to wait. Eventually those two will show up. When that time comes, then she would start looking for answers.

Author's Note:

Prologue complete. It appears that Luna's been having some trouble sleeping lately. We also see that Bowser and Dedede are planning to team up. But what is it that they plan to do? Who knows, maybe the questions will be answered deeper into the story.