• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Mario and Kirby: Equestrian Adventures - FandomPlays1234

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Chapter 1: Vacation Time...or not?

"We'll be arriving shortly please stay in seats, thank you," The intercom above clicked off as the plane flew over Equestria. Even still, Kirby just couldn't keep quiet.

"Kirby settle, I know you're excited but you need to wait a little longer," a girl spoke up.

"We really appreciate your invitation princess," said a creature in a mask.

"Anytime, Sir Meta Knight," said Peach.

"Hey uh, Tiff right?" asked Mario. "How's Kirby treating you back at home?"

"Always running into trouble, especially with Dedede," answered Tiff. "But Tuff is also usually with him,"

"Hey come on sis, don't put me on the spot like that!" said Tuff.

"You two get along well eh, just like Mario and Luigi," said Yoshi

"Oh yeah, me and Mario are the best together," said Luigi. Suddenly the intercom clicked on as the pilot announced.

"Folks we have arrived, please fasten your seat belts as we prepare for landing," Mario and his friends quickly got back to their seats as the plane slowly descended down to Equestria. Kirby cried out with joy as the plane landed in front of a large castle where several ponies were standing outside waiting for them. "We have arrived thank you for flying with us and have a nice day," said the pilot. Mario and his friends quickly grabbed their belongings and headed for the exit. The plane doors slid open as stairs ran down to the ground. Kirby was the first to get off as he happily jumped off the plane. Followed by Mario and the others.

"Welcome to Equestria, we would like to thank you for coming!" beamed a purple unicorn.

"Thank you for having us," said Peach. The two groups exchanged hellos and introduced themselves, talking about how excited they were to meet one another.

"We have prepared a special feast, to celebrate your arrival, please won't you come?" asked Celestia.

"We would be delighted," said Peach.

"Then come along," said Luna. Mario and his friends followed after Celestia and the ponies into the castle where a large welcome banner was hung at the entrance. Mario and his friends looked at inside in awe as they were lead into the castle's dining room were a large table of food was prepared.

"Wow it really IS a feast!" Tuff beamed.

"Please take a seat," said Applejack. Everyone began settling down and soon the entire table was filled with food, chatter and laughter.

"You sure do eat a lot," said Rainbow Dash looking at Kirby. Kirby inhaled the last bit of his fries before letting out a happy Poyo.

"Yeah because he's a glutton," said Tuff.

"I like someone with a good appetite," said Celestia.

"He's so cute," cooed Fluttershy.

"Um sorry darling what was your name again?" Rarity asked looking towards Meta Knight.

"Meta Knight milady," answered Meta Knight.

"Oh what a gentleman," Rarity laughed.

"Eek so many new friends!!!!" Pinkie Pie squealed.

"You have a very lively group of ponies among yourselves don't you?" asked Peach.

"Yes Equestria is full of them," answered Celestia. As the group continued to laugh and chat Mario noticed that Luna had barely touched her food. He nudged Luigi and nodded his head towards Luna who looked a little down.

"Um Princess is something wrong?" Luigi asked.

"Wha..oh uh nothing, nothings wrong," said Luna.

"Is it about the dream again dear sister?" asked Celestia. Luna sighed knowing that she couldn't hide it from Celestia. Luna nodded.

"I thought so," said Celestia.

"Dream?" asked Tiff.

"Recently I've been having the same strange dream every night, I don't know what it means or why I keep having it but, I haven't found any hints or clues that might help me figure it out," said Luna.

"What's it about?" asked Yoshi.

"I don't know but, it starts off with me waking up in the darkness, then this monster shows up and well I can't explain what it is or why it approaches me," answered Luna. "Then I see seven stars made of seven different types of gems, then I see two shadows and then everything goes black,"

"I assume that's when you wake up?" asked Tiff.

"Yes, I don't know if the dream is trying to tell me something or if its trying to get me to do something, but I just don't understand," answered Luna.

"Maybe if you wait something will change," suggested Mario.

"I suppose so," said Luna.

"Come cheer up Princess," said Applejack.

"Applejack's right, our guests just got here, why show them a smile or two?" suggested Fluttershy.

"You're right, thank you," said Luna smiling. Just then, a loud explosion interrupted the feast as one of Celestia's guards ran in panicked.

"Your Majesty, we're under attack!!!!" the guard gasped.

"Who and since when?" asked Celestia.

"I don't know but...." The guard's statement was cut short when the wall with behind the ponies exploded leaving a giant gaping hole and broken windows.

"Oh my god are you guys alright?" asked Peach helping the ponies up.

"Yeah we're fine but...." Twilight groaned as she stood up. Suddenly Kirby let out a terrified Poyo grabbing everyone's attention.

"Kirby what is it?" asked Meta Knight. Mario quickly ran over to Kirby's side and looked out to a see a large battle cruiser hovering over Canterlot. Around it were several pirate ships flying around as if it was escorting the battle cruiser.

"What the hay are those!?" Rainbow asked. Peach's eyes widened as let out a terrified gasp.

"No not him, why now of all the times?" Peach whimpered.

"What's going on?" asked Tuff. Mario was the first to hear the familiar sinister laughter as an airship flew up to the hole. the airship slowly turned around so that the side was facing the hole. Two figures suddenly jumped out of the airship and landed in front of the group. One of them was a large turtle with orange hair and yellow scales. The second was a large penguin holding a large hammer.

"Guess who!" laughed the turtle.

"We finally found you," laughed the Penguin.

"Dedede how did you find us?" sneered Tuff.

"Heh wouldn't you like to know," laughed Dedede.

"Bowser, just leave us alone, can't you see we're on vacation?" asked Peach.

"The only place you'll be vacationing is my castle," laughed Bowser.

"Mario, Tiff who are these two?"

"That's Bowser to the left, he's a terrible monster that always kidnaps Peach and tries to get everything he wants not caring whether others like what he's doing or not," answered Mario.

"And that's King Dedede on the right, he's a terrible dictator who tries to hurt Kirby and orders monsters to terrorize the citizens of our world," answered Tiff.

"Whoa not cool buddy," said Rainbow Dash.

"So these two are bad guys," said Pinkie.

"And happy to be one," laughed Bowser. He pointed a claw at Mario. "You, you've ruined my plans for the final time, well guess what I'm back for revenge,"

"Try all you want Bowser, but Mario will always be there to save the day," said Yoshi.

"And Kirby too," said Tuff.

"Hmph I wouldn't get cocky if I were you," said Bowser.

'You should be ashamed the way you treat others," said Fluttershy.

"Aww who says," asks Dedede.

"That doesn't matter, what does matter is that there's no way you can stop us this time Mario," said Bowser.

"In your dreams," said Luigi. Bowser looked at Dedede and smirked. He snapped his finger as Kamek flew over and held out a small brown box. Bowser opened the box and pulled out a small black and white wand with a black star on the tip.

"BEHOLD!" Bowser beamed.

"What no how did you find that!?" Peach gasped.

"What is that?" asked Rarity.

"It's the Dark Star Rod," answered Bowser.

"Dark Star Rod!?" Meta Knight asked.

"That's right and soon you'll be sorry you EVER messed with us!" Dedede laughed.

"Dark Star I summon you, show these fools the meaning of merciless!" Bowser ordered. Suddenly the star began to glow in a black aura as a small dark orb appeared. The orb bulged out and began to move as eight black spikes emerged around the orb. Two small glowing red eyes appeared in the black star on the center of the orb as the spikes began rotating around the orb in a counterclockwise movement.

"Uh oh," said Luigi.

"What is that?" whimpered Fluttershy.

"The Dark Star, it's an evil being that tried to bring our world into it's control," answered Mario.

"Whatever it is, I can sense and incredible amount of Dark Energy coming out of that thing," said Twilight.

"Sir aren't you forgetting something?" asked Kamek.

"Oh right, what was it called?" asked Bowser.

"The Elements of Harmony sir," answered Kamek.

"Wait you two know about the elements!?" gasped Luna.

"Yeah, we did some research before coming here," answered Dedede.

"Enough chit chat, give us the elements now!" Bowser ordered.

"In your dreams," Celestia growled.

"Fine you wanna play like that, Dark Star give me the elements," Bowser ordered. Dark Star's eyes flashed red as six gems suddenly appeared around the Dark Star.

"No, what but how!?" Twilight gasped.

"Heh none of your business pony," sneered Bowser. He quickly grabbed the six gems and jumped back onto the airship followed by Dedede and the Dark Star. "If you want the elements back, come and get it!" said Bowser. The airship took off as his sinister laughter echoed throughout Canterlot.

"Hey get back here!" Rainbow ordered. But the airships and Battle Cruiser had suddenly disappeared leaving Canterlot in ruins.

"I can't believe he took the elements," said Yoshi.

"We have to get them back!" said Tuff.

"But how we don't know where to find them," said Rarity.

"Don't worry we'll find them, somehow," said Luigi.

"My bro's right," said Mario.

"But where do we start looking?" asked Pinkie.

"Why don't we ask Professor E. Gadd, he said he was already here doing some research so he might know where to find Bowser and Dedede," suggested Peach.

"Good idea," said Yoshi.

"If your looking for the professor just follow us," said Twilight.

"Alright," said Meta Knight.

"Be careful you guys," said Peach.

"We will thanks," said Mario. He ran out following Twilight and the ponies with his friends following behind. The hunt for the elements has begun.

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 complete. Well R.I.P. Mario looks like you ain't getting a vacation anytime soon. But weird don't you think, how Bowser knew about the elements before he got there. Hopefully Professor E. Gadd might have something to help Mario on his adventure.