• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,313 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

  • ...

New day New School:Sunset enters H.L.A

Kushina was heading for the door letting out of her house, she just stopped before opening it. "Sunset, hurry up," she said with a smile on her face.

Sunset came running from the second floor of the house wearing her new clothes that Adagio and Sonata gave her on Christmas. "Sorry, Kushina" Sunset said while composing her hair.

Kushina gave her an annoyed look "Sunset. What did we talk about?"

"I'm sorry...Mom. It's just a little weird" Sunset spoke with a blush. Kushina just smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry it will come naturally. Just give it time. Come one or your brother will chew us out" both women chuckled. Getting outside both woman entered the family's car.

"So where are we going?" Sunset asked her new family.

"Well. We are going to a place that has become more of a family tradition" Minato spoke to his new daughter. After a while of driving the family arrived to a restaurant.

"Ichiraku's ramen?" Sunset asked.

It was January on the last day winter break. For Sunset, the whole break has felt wonderful, and a bit surreal. She now had what she thought she would never have in her life: a family. A father who is wise and observant, yet kind. A mother who was everything she ever wanted in a mother. And a headstrong, yet noble and loving brother. Altogether, having dinner at a ramen restaurant.

'Twilight said to find my family, but it seems my family found me instead,'remembering what her friend wrote in her journal way back while she was struggling with the hardships that Anon-a-Miss brought. Her princess friend was quite surprised at the news of her adoption, but was happy for Sunset none the less.

"Not gonna lie, I can totally see why you're addicted to this," Sunset said enjoying her third bowl.

"I told you, once you taste it, you'll immediately get hooked," Kushina said.

'I guess that truly makes her part of the family now, huh?'Minato amusingly thought with a chuckle.

"Hey Naruto, can I ask you about something?"

"Sure. What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Could you tell me about that camping trip you and your friends went on, where you all discovered your pendants at?"

3 years ago Camp Hidden Star

"Say, did you know way-way back long ago, they used to call this place the Forest of Death?" Naruto asked "They say that all sorts of weird creatures lived here. Like leech's the size of a football that could suck a person dry of blood in five minutes. Or that there was a bear the size of a mountain, and snakes the size of trains."

"Those are old myths Naruto. If there really was a bear or a snake the size of a kaiju, people would have spotted it already," Sasuke retorted.

"Well, what about that shooting star they said crashed somewhere in this forest? Isn't that why they changed the name?"

"I figured they did it because it's a lot more marketable name than Camp Deathforest. That name would only attract creepy cultist and goths," said Sakura.

"You didn't know about that? I thought you were book smart Sakura," Naruto teased.

"I read books on medical science, not ancient myths and folklore Naruto," Sakura retorted.

"Why not? They're pretty neat," Naruto asked.

"Well for starters, they don't interest me that much. And second, I'm quite serious about becoming a doctor after I graduate."

"Is that the only thing?" Naruto asked "Seems kinda dull if you ask me. Even I read more than one thing,"

"No, I also read-"

"We're at the Glimmering Falls if you two are done arguing," Sasuke said, pulling the two out of their discussion. The three of them now taking in the sights of the rather mystic vast falls that looked like a wall made of water, when Naruto suddenly spotted something.

"Hey, check it out! I think there's a cave behind that waterfall. I say we go check it out," Naruto said excitedly, racing towards the falls for a better look.

"Naruto wait!" Sakura shouted. "Ugh," she groaned in annoyance.

"Does it really surprise you that he would do something like that?" Sasuke asked.

"No, but it's still irritating how reckless he can be," Sakura said with a sigh. "Better go after him before he hurts himself," she said as she and Sasuke followed after their blond friend.

"I knew it," Naruto said as he was about to go through the falls, but paused when he heard Sakura shouting at him.

"Dammit, would you just wait a moment Naruto?!" Sakura shouted as she and Sasuke caught up with their blond friend.

"Oh, right. My bad," Naruto said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry about that," he apologized.

"If were are going to do this, then we may as well explore this cave together," Sasuke said. "Besides, someone is gonna have to pull your ass out the fire if we run into one of those giant bears," he joked.

"Yeah right. It would be me saving your ass," Naruto remarked as the three of them located another way into the cave without becoming entirely drenched by the falls.

"Look at these grooves in the walls. It looks like something burrowed into here. I wonder what did it?" Sakura said, observing the surroundings as they ventured deeper in.

"Hey guys, there's something glowing up ahead," Sasuke said. The three of them then entered a much more open area. The walls decorated with crystals, and in the center of the room was a meteorite that was cracked open with crystals emerging out of it.

"I think we found that shooting star," Naruto said while looking at the giant cracked open geode-meteorite. "I wonder if these crystals on the walls came from this?" he pondered.

"Look at this, " Sakura said noticing three uniquely colored crystals that stood out from the rest. One was a deep blue, another was bright pink, and the third was a radiant orange. "Why don't we each take one to commemorate our discovery here?" she suggested, taking the pink geode crystal.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Naruto said taking the orange one.

"I don't see why not," Sasuke said taking the last one. Suddenly the geodes began to glow brightly, transforming into pendants.

"Huh, well isn't that convenient," Naruto said looking at his new pendant.

"But how did that happen?" Sakura asked in awe.


"Maybe they changed like that because you were meant to have them," Sunset said.

"You think so?" Naruto asked looking at his pendant then back to Sunset.

"I do,"Sunset answered. "So does mom and dad know about your powers?" she then asked.

"Yeah, they do. The first time I use that clone technique of mine was right in front of mom on accident." Naruto was rubbing the back of his head, remembering that rather awkward day.

Sunset, before you go, remember what I told you: your past is not today. No one at Hidden Leaf will judge you for your past grievances from your old school. Your brother and his friends have got your back, as well as me and your father.'Kushina's voice echoed inside of Sunsets mind as she walked towards the school's entrance alongside Naruto.

"You ready Sunset?" Naruto asked, pulling Sunset from her thoughts.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Sunset replied, looking at the vast gateway that led to a large three level building that had a classic yet modern look to it. A large pedestal with a red sculpture of a flame stood in front of the school. Noticing an inscription on the front, Sunset walked towards the statue's pedestal to get a better look.

"The Will of Fire," Sunset read aloud what was written on the front of the pedestal. "To endure, to protect, to be loyal and true to those you cherish. Those are what create the spark that ignites the Will of Fire in all of us." Naruto couldn't help but smile fondly as his new sister read those words. The philosophy that he inherited and followed, that forged him into who he was.

"Come on Sunset. I know this school like the back of my hand, so I'll be more than happy to show around," Naruto said, only to let out a yelp of surprise.

"Morning Narupookie!" greeted Sonata with a cute but mischievous smile.

"Did she just pinch your butt?" Sunset asked.

"She's been doing that ever since we started dating," Naruto answered in a deadpan tone with an embarrassed blush on his face.

"So you gonna show your new sister around huh?" Sonata asked, wrapping herself around Naruto's left arm. "Why don't I come along and help?"

A sky-blue haired girl with blue eyes and freckles watched the three.'You'll rue the day you took Naruto before I could confess my love to him you un-youthful dirty minx,'she thought while glaring at the siren, before looking at the new girl with curiosity. "Since when did Naruto have a sister? I guess I can see the resemblance," she thought aloud to herself. A potential new friend, and a chance to win Naruto's heart from that taco witch.

'That girl spends way too much time with Lee & Gai,'thought Tenten as she passed by her.

"This is the school gym," Naruto said. He suddenly spotted a boy around his age with a bowl cut and big fuzzy eyebrows. He was wearing green spandex and orange legwarmers, doing warm-up exercises with Tempest.

"Hey, Lee! Hey Tempest," Naruto greeted.

"Naruto! It is good to see you," Lee greeted.

"Hey," Tempest greeted. "So who's the new girl?"

"Yosh! Greetings my youthful students!" said a voice as a man that looked uncomfortably similar to Lee entered the gym.

"That's the gym teacher... Might Guy," Sonata said. "He's... weird to say the least, and that's coming from me."

"Ah, you must be the new transfer student," Guy said while pointing at Sunset. "To commemorate your first day here, I give shall you a special gift!" Guy said, pulling a green spandex suit similar to his that looked somewhere around her size. "It's durable, breathable, and always fits perfectly."

"Please tell me that's not the gym uniform," Sunset whispered worryingly to Naruto as she takes the spandex.

"It's not, don't worry. It's his thing, something about sharing the 'Springtime of Youth'," Naruto replied.

"He did the same with 'Dagi and me," Sonata said.

'Time for my entrance,'the sky-blue haired teen said to herself. She entered the gym in an impressive display of gymnastic moves worthy of the Olympics.

"Burning with fiery youth is the Hidden Leaf Academy's number one cheerleader, Skystar!" The sky-blue haired girl introduced herself striking a dynamic pose.

"Ha-Ha! Excellent entry Skystar!" Guy said giving her a thumbs up and a sparkling smile.

"Thank you, Guy. I've been practicing that over the break," Skystar said.

"Mind if we continue the tour of the school now?" Sunset asked Naruto, not wanting to put on that spandex. It didn't help that green wasn't her color in any shape or form.

"This is the chemistry classroom. Mind you, the teacher is a bit creepy looking, but he's not a bad guy."

"That over there is the counselor's office. The counselor's name is Kurenai, and she's a really nice lady," Sonata said.

"Over here is the art classroom. It's gone through a lot of changes since the previous art teacher. You see, he had an unhealthy obsession with fireworks and setting them off inside the school while saying 'Art is a bang'. Hopefully, he's getting help with that somewhere." Naruto explained.

"And this here is-"

"You damned pervert!" shouted a voice as a man with long white hair, wearing a green-gray jumpsuit was tossed out into the hallway.

"The nurse's office," Naruto finished.

"And that's the Janitor. He flirts with the head nurse, like, all the time," Sonata said.

"I'm no mere Janitor. I am Jiraiya, the gallant janitor!" The man introduced himself while striking a pose.

"Huh?" Jiraiya for a brief moment thought he saw a young Kushina and Minato looking at him, only to realize it was Naruto and a fiery-haired girl that looked quite similar to Kushina, watching as the group passed bye him. He then decided to follow the three without them knowing.

"And that's the cooking classroom. It's my favorite since I make tacos there," said Sonata.

"By the way Naruto, have you and your girlfriend made taco ramen together?" Jiraiya teasingly asked. The blonde merely gave him the stinkeye catching onto his lingo.

"That is none of your business you-"

"There's such a thing!?" Sonata asked excitedly, oblivious to the hidden meaning.

"Apparently so," Sunset said looking it up on her phone. "We'll have to try that sometime."

"Ahem, let's carry on with the tour shall we?" Naruto said, trying the change the subject and get a move-on.

"This is the music room. You'll usually find Tayuya here. Well, either here or one of the balconies."

"Oh hello there. I'm Kotohime, the music teacher here at Hidden Leaf Academy," greeted a woman with long black hair in a hime-cut style. "You must be a new student here, correct?"

"I am. The name's Sunset Shimmer-Uzumaki" the fiery-haired girl introduced.

"Ah, I can see a resemblance to your mother," Kotohime said, causing Sunset to blush. She was growing quite fond of being compared to her adopted mother. It was a nice change, rather than being reminded of turning into a demon constantly. It felt like she was finally free from that shadow of her past, and it felt nice.

"Say, do you know where Tayuya is?" Sonata asked.

"She went to get some coffee from the break room," Kotohime answered. "Well speaking of her, there she is."

"Morning guys, what did I miss?" said a sleepy-eyed Tayuya, holding a pair of travel mugs full of coffee.

"Not much. Naruto and Sonata have been showing me around the school," Sunset said.

"Cool. Looks like we got some time before classes start," Tayuya said looking at her watch. "So how about that jam session?" She asked, taking a swig of her coffee before heading over to where the instruments were held. "You said you played guitar, right?"

"Yeah," Sunset answered as the redhead handed her a guitar.

"Let's do this, you lead the song and I'll follow," Tayuya said grabbing a flute.

"Ooh, I know this one!" Sonata said, instantly recognizing the song.

♪"You said if you can fly. You would leave this all far behind you. And soar off to the sky. So blue, so blue, that sky so blue,"♪ She sang, joining the two. Sunset and Sonata were ponying up as a result.

"Dang, you're pretty awesome with that guitar Sunset," Tayuya complimented.

"Well, I was a part of a band for a short while back at my old school," Sunset said.

"That was wonderful girls," the music teacher said happily. "Are those Kitty's ears?" Kotohime asked, looking at Sunset and Sonata's new appendages. "They're absolutely adorable."

"I was gonna ask about that too."

"Huh, ain't that something," said Jiraiya

"You're still here?" Naruto asked

"I never left," replied the janitor.


"I'm guessing your Christmas wasn't too merry either," Pinkie asked sadly.

"Afraid not, Darling" Rarity replied with a sigh.

"Hello girls, how was your winter break?"

"What do you want Trixie?"

"Aww, and Trixie was gonna share all the interesting news she found out. But I guess you're not interested."

"What type of news?"Applejack asked.

"The true identity of Anon-a-Miss."

"And how do you know that Trixie?"

"Trixie might have overheard a discussion going on in the principal's office," Trixie answered. "Turns out three certain freshmen were behind it with Mizuki being their main contributor of information."

"I should of know that dammed rotten weasel was behind this! He hated Sunset from the get-go!" Applejack cursed, angry at herself for falling for this trick and at him. "Oh land sakes, what have I done?"

"Mizuki," Fluttershy gasped in fear. While Sunset may have been intimidating back in her bullying days, Mizuki was downright terrifying to her. Always looking at her with hungry eyes. She would sometimes have nightmares, wondering what he would do to her if she were ever caught alone with him.

"Excuse me, Trixie isn't finished. Those three freshmen are-"

"Applebloom, Sweetiebell, and Scootaloo, could you please come to the principles office," said Principal Celestia over the loudspeaker.

"Took the words right out of Trixie's mouth."

"It-it can't be," Rarity said.

"Your sisters got what they wanted for Christmas. Sunset's not coming back here. She transferred to the Hidden Leaf Academy," said Trixie.

"WHAT!?" the four girls said in unison.

"I can't say I blame, her given what happened. If Trixie was in her boots, Trixie would do the same."'Trixie might even do the same, given how toxic things have become here,'She said to herself walking away from the four stunned girls.

Unknown to them all, an ancient and malevolent creature has been watching them and feeding off of the turmoil.

"Even with all this negative energy that I have gathered here, I still can't interact with the mortal plane as I would like. It seems that I will need a vessel."


"Yosh! Today Sansho has prepared her wonderful curry of life! "Rock Lee said excitedly.

"The curry you say? " Adagio asked with a devious smirk on her face, knowing all too well about the school's infamous curry, being a victim of it herself. It was practically a school tradition for new students to try the curry of life at least once. With only four known people that can withstand the spicy inferno of the curry of life. Those people being Might Guy, Rock Lee, Tempest Shadow, and Skystar.

"Hey Sunset, you should really the school's curry. It's quite amazing," Adagio suggested. "My sister and I have tried it, and it's quite delicious. You're in for a real treat for your first day here."Adagio watched Sunset with mischievous glee as she took a spoonful into her mouth.

"Wow, you were right Adagio. This curry is amazing! The spices blend so well with each other, and are those cashews I'm tasting? They go well with the curry," Sunset gushed.

'Did she get the mild stuff instead?'Adagio wondered, confused at the fiery-haired girl's reaction as she snuck a spoonful from Sunset's plate to taste.'No! That is definitely the hot stuff! Oh, sweet mother of Celestia, it burns!'Adagio face was turning a shade of atomic-pink, and Sonata was laughing at her Sisters expense.

"Let's see who's laughing now!" Adagio said, shoving a spoonful of the curry into Sonata mouth, her face also turning atomic-pink.

"Hey! Get your own curry," Sunset scolded the two, covering up the bowl of curry.

'Nope, I'm staying out of this one,'thought Sakura, watching the fiery hijinks happening at the moment.'Guess that makes five people that can withstand that curry now.'

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything right now," said Sasuke taking a seat.

"Not really," Sunset said, glancing at the two sirens who were now unconscious due to the spicy heat of the curry. "What's up, Sasuke?" She asked.

"I got a message from my brother, and he wanted me to share it with you. They found out the true identity of Anon-a-Miss. Apparently, it was three freshmen that started it, and a senior student named Mizuki was their main source of info on other people's secrets. The senior student was also one of your attackers from that night."

"Mizuki, that name sounds familiar," Sunset pondered before it clicked. "Now I remember him. I totally humiliated that guy and knocked him off of his proverbial throne back during my earlier days at Canterlot High. I guess I can understand why he was in on it. He held a pretty deep grudge against me, even after the Battle of the Bands."

"As for the three freshmen, their names are Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebell," Sasuke said causing Sunset's eyes to widen in shock. "I take it you know them?"

"They were the little sisters of three of my former friend's back at CHS," Sunset answered. "I should have known it was them, but why?"

"What do mean you should have known?" Sasuke asked.

"Anon-A-Miss's first few posts were about my friends with info only they could have gotten hold of. Why didn't I see it before?"

"Did you do anything to them to make them want to wreck your life like they did?" asked Sasuke.

"That's what I am trying to understand. I never bothered them at all, even back when I when I was the queen bee of CHS."

"I think I might know," Sonata said, waking up as she sat on her butt. "I think they might have been jealous of you."

"Jealous?" Sunset asked.

"Uh-huh, you were in the spotlight after you beat us right?" Sonata asked to which Sunset nodded. "Getting all of that attention, especially from their sisters must have made them green with envy. Even greener than Lee's spandex. Combine that envy with another's hatred, and you got the chaotic cocktail that created the mess you were put into. But I'd say things turned out pretty well for you in the end, despite all of that," Sonata explained. "Now that we have that settled, do you mind helping me get 'Dagi to the nurse's office? She hasn't woken up yet and I'm getting kinda worried."

Author's Note:

improved opening with the help of Haseo55
Sorry for the wait I Hope you enjoyed the chapter 👍have some curry and an omake

Princess Twilight tries the curry of life

"Dear Twilight thought id share this delicious curry with you from Sunset" Twilight read the tag on the container aloud.

"Wow that stuff is really red it looks like lava" Spike commented, " You sure this is okay to eat?"

"It's just curry Spike I'm sure it will be alright," Twilight said only to notice her friend Pinkie Pie standing beside her.

"Pinkie what are you doing here?" Twilight asked

"My pinkie sense went off telling me that somepony was going to eat something super duper spicy so I bought this," The pink party pony said bringing out a large barrel of ice cream. "And that sense does not go off very often so that stuff must be really Really spicy," said Pinkie.

"Eh, you two are overreacting," Twilight said taking a hearty spoonful of the curry into her mouth.

They say on that day Equestria had a gained second sun.