• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,313 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

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Amending fences: Apple's and Uzumaki's

"Remember what I said earlier. If she doesn't want to talk with you yet, you'll just have to accept that, alright? Kushina informed the young woman before her.

"Yes ma'am," Applejack answered.

"I know you want to make amends, but I'm not going force my daughter to meet with you. So I am going to need you to wait while I talk to her."

Waking up first, Tayuya glanced over the clock to see what time it was before glancing over at a still sleeping Sunset, and she couldn't help but smile. 'Whelp, I better feed Tatsu. Then after that, I'll make some coffee for Sunset and myself.'

"She really liked you, huh Tatsu?" The redhead said to her pet as she fed him. 'I wonder if she's interested in getting a pet like you? I'll have to ask her when she wakes up,' She pondered as she finished feeding Tatsu.

Heading into the kitchen, the redhead saw something out of the corner of her eye as she was reaching for the coffee. Tayuya spotted a familiar looking car outside. Exiting the vehicle was her Aunt Kushina and a freckled blonde girl with a cowboy hat, causing her eyes to narrow in anger and disgust at the girl beside her aunt.

"Sup Auntie," Tayuya greeted as they entered, "I take it you're here for Sunset?" To which the elder Uzumaki nodded. "She's inside, help yourself to some coffee," The younger redhead said to the elder one, before turning to the freckled blonde beside her. "You, on the other hand, are staying right here. I want a word with you," Tayuya said pointing at Applejack.

"Uncle Minato and Naruto can be pretty forgiving, and Auntie has got a big heart. But I'm not so easily persuaded," Tayuya said, giving the cowgirl an intimidating glare that sent a chill down her spine.

"Do you even know the pain and suffering you put her through while you had your head up your ass with those other morons?" The redhead demandingly asked in anger. " You had the nerve to call her family, and then you just went and threw her away like trash! You're a real piece of shit!"

"I-I just want to apologize to Sunset and-" Applejack said, only to be grabbed by the collar of her shirt.

"Why should I even let you near her?! So you can throw her into the fire again when the next troll on MyStable shows up?" The redhead asked furiously. "Say what you want, but we don't have to listen," said Tayuya, pushing the blonde girl to the ground.

"You don't have to listen to it, she does," Applejack said, her anger boiling as she lifted herself up and glared at the girl before her.

"Like the fuck she does!" The redhead shouted back. "Go back to your pigsty and piss off! She doesn't need you in her life!" Those words sparked a rage inside Applejack as she charged at Tayuya, throwing a right hook at her.

"You wanna tango goldilocks?" Tayuya challenged, blocking the punch.

Sunset began to stir slowly as she sat up, hearing the bedroom door open.

"Morning Sunset." Kushina greeted.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Sunset asked.

"See, I told you it would come naturally," Kushina with a smile. "Don't worry, you aren't in trouble or anything," Kushina said, offering her daughter a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," she said taking the cup, "Wheres Tayuya?" Sunset asked noticing her absence.

"She's outside talking to someone," Kushina answered. "There is something I would like to talk about with you about too."


"Last night while you were at the concert with the girls, Minato, Naruto and I had a visit with the Apple family."

"What for?" Sunset asked, curious as to what reason they would have to visit them.

"Well you see, I was a good friend with Applejack's mother, Pear Butter back when she was still alive. And Minato was a close friend of her father, Bright Mac."

"Please hold still. If you move around too much, you'll end up bleeding out," A gentle voice said.

"Who are you? At least tell me your name."

"My name is Pear Butter."

"You're awake, thank goodness."

"I have you to thank for that. It's the reason I'm here with you watching the sunrise," Kushina commented, glancing at her bandaged wounds.

"I would never force you to do something you don't want to do Sunset. If you aren't ready to speak with her, I'll just tell her so, and that will be it," Kushina said as Sunset pondered if she felt ready or comfortable talking with one of the former friends when she realizes something.

"Wait you left Applejack alone with Tayuya?" Sunset asked her

"Oh crap, we should intervene before things get out of hand," Kushina said also realizing her mistake. While the younger redhead had mellowed in recent years, she still had a lot of attitude.

(Line Break)

"That was a cheap-ass move using those ropes!" The now tied up redhead shouted, squirming to get free from her bindings.

"I'm not here to pick fights," Applejack said, nursing her now black and blue left eye. "I only want to talk to Sunset."

"Says the one who threw the first punch," Tayuya replied. "I bet she's really gonna wanna talk to ya now, seeing me tied up like a hostage," she sarcastically added. "This is exactly what I didn't want happening, and it's happening anyway dammit!" She cursed.

"What is?" The cowgirl asked.

"I was trying to keep her away from you, so she wouldn't have to deal with the pain. Do you really think she wants to see trash like you, the ones who ditched her without a second thought, alongside that little hobgoblin you call a sister that destroyed her life and nearly got her killed?" The redhead asked. "She doesn't need to be weighed down by the shadows of her past."

"I'm not trying to hurt Sunset, I want to make amends, and I like to be her friend again."

"Are you really that naive? You can say you're sorry 'till your throat is sore. It isn't gonna change anything!" Tayuya shouted, struggling even harder against the ropes. "The person you threw away like trash became a person I treasure!" She said, getting one of her arms free. Applejack couldn't help but flinch at the sight of the rope burn and blood on the redhead's liberated arm. She knows firsthand how painful that can be, and the girl before wasn't showing any sign of the pain. The redhead's eyes were glaring at her in a feral rage.

"And when It comes to the people I treasure, I'll lay my life on the line and fight tooth and nail if I have to! Because I will not let you, or anyone else hurt my family! " She declared as she got her other arm free. She then started to remove the rope around her legs and stood up.

"Please, I don't want to fight you." Applejack pleaded, stepping away from the enraged redhead that was quickly closing in on her. "Listen to me would ya?"

"How many times did Sunset plead to be listened to?" Tayuya asked, pinning Applejack to the wall. "Do you feel scared?" The redhead asked, her voice dripping with venomous fury as she stared into the cowgirl's frightened green eyes with pure rage.

"That feeling you're experiencing right now is a fraction of the fear Sunset felt when those fucking scumbags you call classmates pummeled her unconscious. Then took her to some abandoned building just so they torture her more to the brink of death! Do you think she wants to listen to someone who's forsaken her to such a fate?!" She shouted, pushing her harder into the wall.

"I think that's enough," said Kushina as she and Sunset walked towards the two. The younger redhead froze like a deer in the headlights as did the blonde cowgirl. As they both turned their heads to look at her.

"Tayuya, let her go please," The elder redhead said in a gentle yet stern tone, to which the younger let out a deep breath and released Applejack, taking a few steps back away from her. "You should go treat those cuts," Kushina said, noticing her bruised and bloody wrists.

"I'm staying Auntie," Tayuya said, looking at the rope burn on her arms as she grits her teeth in slight pain as the adrenaline from her rage faded, and the burning, stinging pain kicked in. "Whatever she has to say to Sunset, she can say in front of me."

"Tayuya, I understand that you were just looking out for her, but Applejack just wants to be friends with Sunset again and make things right. Just like how Kin wanted to be friends with you again," Kushina explained.

"That's a low blow auntie," said Tayuya. She hated to admit it, but she was right. There was a similarity between the previous situation and this one.

"But I'm right, aren't I?" Kushina asked, to which the younger redhead nodded reluctantly and let out a sigh. "Now come on, let me take care of those cuts before you get an infection."

"It's okay Tayuya. I can handle this," Sunset said assuring her. She nodded her head and exited the room with her aunt, leaving Sunset and Applejack alone.

"S-Sunset," Applejack said, finally seeing her former friend after so long. Applejack couldn't help but feel relieved seeing her friend was okay. The blonde girl embraced herself, slightly afraid that Sunset might lash out at her as Tayuya did.

"Hey AJ... it's been a while," Sunset greeted.

"Look, I know saying sorry won't be enough," Applejack said as she took her Stenson off her head and placed across her chest. "I'm nothing but a rotten apple for the way I treated and abandoned you instead of hearing you out. I betrayed your trust, as well as Twilight's," She said, beginning to shed a few tears. "I don't know how I can make amends, but I want you to know that I truly am deeply sorry."

Sunset was taken back, she had never seen the cowgirl tear up once before for as long as she had known her. Applejack had never shed tears or cried in front of her. "I think you've taken the first step towards making things right," said Sunset. "But just so you know, I'm staying at Hidden Leaf Academy, and you have to respect that." To which the blonde nodded in understanding as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I don't honestly think things can truly go back to being as they used to be between the other girls and me, Applejack. This just isn't something that can easily be forgiven and forgotten about. The things you said, they left a scar on my heart. You and the others abandoned me so easily, and don't forget to look back on the fact that Rainbow Dash helped to orchestrate the attack that almost got me killed."

Although Kushina did tell me about how your mother and she were close friends. A part of me would like to have what they had, but I just don't we will ever be that close. maybe one day we could be friends again, but won't be for a long while."

"Holy fuck that strings!" Tayuya screamed as the disinfectant was applied.

"I told you to brace yourself," Kushina said as she continued to clean her wounds. "You know I wasn't going to force her to go if she didn't want to go."

"So why did you bring her?" Tayuya asked.

"She just wanted a chance to apologize, and I felt like giving her that chance," Kushina answered.

"I'm guessing you two are angry at me for what I've done."

"While neither I or Sunset are mad about the concert, I still think you should apologize to Applejack," Kushina replied, bandaging up the younger redheads wrist.

"Hey! She threw the first punch. I ain't apologizing for what she brought on to herself."

'You are as stubborn as I used to be,' Kushina thought letting out a sigh. "Okay Tayuya, listen to me. Applejack was upset with her, but she didn't want Sunset to be harmed. The whole of CHS was fooled by this Anon-A miss incident,"

"That doesn't excuse them for-"

"You were given a second chance too you know," Kushina interrupted. "As was myself and Sunset, a chance to redeem ourselves to prove that our past was not today and that our past mistakes did not define who we are. So why can't she also be given a chance like us?" She asked.

The younger redhead paused and reflected upon her past. And despite all of the wrong's she had done, the majority of the students of Hidden Leaf Academy had forgiven her. "Why do they mean so much to you?" Tayuya asked, wondering why her Aunt was this persistent about this.

"I made a promise to their mother that I would look out for her family and help them when I can. Also because I owe her for saving my life," Kushina answered, causing the younger redhead eyes to widen in shock at this.

"What?! Really?" Tayuya asked in shock at this revelation, as Kushina told what she told Sunset. Then when the door opened up, Sunset entered the room with a calm look on her face.

"So how's your wrist?" Sunset asked, to which the redhead glanced at her bandaged wrist and flexed her hand.

"I'll manage, what about you?" Tayuya replied.

"I'm alright Tayuya. It was a bit easier than I thought it was going to be, but that's probably because it was only one of them."

Tayuya smiled slightly, before seeing the cowgirl behind Sunset. "Applejack," The redhead called out.

"Um.. yeah?" the blonde cowgirl responded.

"I'll go ahead and give you a chance, But only one. And this only applies to you, and not to any of those other assholes you call friends, got it? If you do anything to betray my Aunt's trust and hurt Sunset again, I will hunt you down, and I will fucking annihilate you. Do I make myself clear?" Tayuya warned.

Applejack chuckled weakly and nodded her head. 'I probably had this coming,' She thought to herself.

Kushina smiled at their interaction, before speaking to both Tayuya and Applejack. "I think it's time for you two to heal up. Come on Jackie, I'll take you home."

Youth Detention Center

"Mr. Asura?" Scootaloo asked as she saw him walk towards her before sitting down next to her.

"Hello there Scoots," The brown haired man replied, with a soft, warm smile on his face. "I'm starting up a group to help out troubled teens, and I would like you to be a part of it."

Scootaloo widened her eyes slightly and was about to respond before she was interrupted by a black-haired man who was walking towards them and spoke.

"There you are brother," Said a familiar voice. Asura turned to spot the familiar face of his older brother.

"Indra? What are you doing here?" Asura asked.

"Mr. Asura, who is that?" Scootaloo asked, looking at the man in front of them.

"That would be my brother," Asura answered. "It must be something important if he wants to talk to me in person. Do you mind waiting here for a moment?"

"Um, okay," Scootaloo said, watching as Asura stood up and walked away with his older brother.

"Surely you sensed it a few nights ago as I did. There's someone out there like us."

"That night, that power, it did feel familiar," Asura thought, his mind drifting to that night when he sensed something similar.

"From that look on your face, you know something," Indra said.

"I do, but I'd rather not jump the gun on this. I want to be sure on this before we do anything that might be drastic."


"Applejack!" Rarity gasped. "What happened to your eye darling?"

"I met one of Sunset's new friends, and it's safe to say that she wasn't too fond of me," The cowgirl answered, putting her hand over her bruised eye.

"Wait, does that mean you saw Sunset too?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"How is she?" Fluttershy asked as well.

"She doing fine from what I've seen."

"Does that mean that we can go over and apologize?" Pinkie asked hopefully about the answer.

"No Pinkie, Sunset's new friends are quite protective of her if that Tayuya was anything to go by. I wouldn't recommend any of you try going over there," Applejack answered.

"Wait, that name sounds familiar," Rarity pondered for a bit before it clicked. "She was one of those delinquents that caused that skirt incident at the last Friendship Games!"

"We're not really ones that should judge others Rarity," Fluttershy said. "Us or the school."

"Turns out she and Sunset are kindred spirits from what Kushina told me. They understand each other, having gone through similar hardships."

"Wait, you mean the famous kickboxer Kushina? That blonde boy's mother?"

"Yeah, turns out she adopted her." Applejack answered, the news of this surprising the three other girls, and rendering them speechless.


"You had a girls night out and you didn't invite me?! I thought we were friends Tayu!" Sonata cried with tears comically falling down her face.

"We are!" Tayuya sighs and shakes her head a bit before returning her gaze to Sonata. "Look, if I treat you to some Suprimus Crunch Tacos from Tacomus Prime, can we put this behind us?" Tayuya asked.

After hearing that, Sonata cheered up instantly and smiled brightly. "Sure! But I want eight of them," Sonata said.

"E-eight?!" Tayuya asked in shock. "Those things are huge!" The redhead exclaimed. 'Not to mention pricey,' she mentally added.

"And I want a large bag of Fresh Churros, and an extra large Cuba Lima drink too!" Sonata added.

Author's Note:

Here's part 2 of Apples and Uzumaki 's

Comments ( 20 )

Nice update. Oh what happen to Rainbow Again?

"We are!" Tayuya sighs and shakes her head a bit before returning her gaze to Sonata. "Look, if I treat you to some Suprimus Crunch Tacos from Tacomus Prime, can we put this behind us?" Tayuya asked.

After hearing that, Sonata cheered up instantly and smiled brightly. "Sure! But I want eight of them," Sonata said.

How is Sonata NOT fat from eating those!?

It goes to her breasts. Just like with Orihime from Bleach.

Comment posted by draph91 deleted Jan 16th, 2019

not the same center as Scootaloo?

there in different wings of the building

I really hope they're being kept separate for Scootaloo's safety

In Naruto, there were several characters who got out of their karmic punishments and were easily forgiven. Will this happen in any of your stories? (I'm talking both Canon and OCs, here)

When's the next chapter gonna come out? This story's getting good plus id like to know what happens to the rest of CHS and how do they handle the news if sunset's transfer to HLA?

Your original comment was kinda hard for me to understand.

Huh...well color me surprised. Also, yeah i know it's already been added, but these guys are how old again? At least high school age, and already killing people with an alarming lack of remorse/hesitation.

Just because they don't show it doesn't mean they don't feel it.

That’s if the story continues

Whoa time slowed down there for a sec.

It will be possible to continue the story?

Yo Sorry im late, a black cat crossed my path and i had to take the long way round then, i had to help an old lady across the road, then when i got back on the road, i got lost on the road of life.

Priorities. Sonata has them. :pinkiehappy:

I like how compared to Canon asura and indra actually get along somewhat and that makes me excited to play as them in the new ultimate ninja storm games coming out on the 17th.

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