• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 6,313 Views, 150 Comments

Sunset in the leaves - Vansho-Lakon

Rescued by students from Hidden Leaf Academy Sunset Shimmer will begin a new adventure at a new school with new friends

  • ...

The Greatest Gift: The Gift of Family part:2

Equestria,Canterlot: Royal Chambers

"From the look on your face, this is of great importance," Celestia said.

"I wish to talk to you about Sunset. A lot has happened on the other side of the mirror. I figured you'd like to know about it since she's your daughter!"

"So... she told you about us," Celestia said now understanding why Twilight wanted this to be a private talk. It seems that one of her biggest mistakes aside from neglecting her sister has now come back to haunt her in full force.

"Your Daugther!? I have a Niece!?" Luna exclaimed.

"You didn't tell Luna? Your own sister!?" Twilight shouted. "I've never felt this disappointed in somepony as I do right now. To think out of all ponies, it would be you."

"I think I had the right to know about my own niece Tia. Why would you not tell me about this?" Luna asked, upset about her sister keeping such a thing from her.

"I'm sorry Luna. It's just that I never knew how to bring it up," Celestia said in defeat, looking away from the two in shame.

"Tia, did you not learn anything from how you treated me so long ago? Why would you put your own child through the same pain as I? Why did you not go after her when she fled through the portal?"

"I had to stay, Luna. Equestria needed me. I'd hope she would find happiness there that she could not find here. Or that she would come back after thirty moons so we could both make amends."

"Twilight, please tell us about what has occurred in the other world. What has happened to my niece," asked Luna as Twilight told the two Princesses of the events that had occurred in the human realm.

"I wish to personly thank these noble souls for their valiant deed of saving my niece. Is it possible to arrange a meeting?"

"I believe so, though we might have to wait until the festivities have passed," Twilight said.

"Then let us discuss it elsewhere. I think I need some space from my sister at the moment," Luna said as she and Twilight left the room.

'For all of my accomplishments as a leader, I am Equestria's biggest failure when it comes to family,'Celestia thought to herself sadly while watching the gentle snowfall from the window.

Human World: Crystal prep

"Hey Hinata, did you hear about what happened?" asked a girl with neon green hair and light amber eyes as they walked down the hall towards the same destination.

"You mean what happened at CHS?" Hinata replied.

"Over thirty students arrested for kidnapping and attempted murder, as well as destruction of property. It's crazy, right? You think she knows about it too?"

"Word has been getting around about it Lemon. We will just have to ask when we see her."

"Hey, Twi! We brought lunch!" Lemon cheerfully greeted, waking up Twilight's puppy companion, as Spike happily raced towards the two visitors. "Hey there Spiky" she greeted, kneeling down to pet the pup.

"You didn't have to do that," Twilight said as her stomach growled she blushed embarrassed.

"We insist Twilight. Besides, we both know how caught up you get in your research," Hinata said offering the boxed lunch to her.

"Can't-do big projects on an empty stomach right?" Lemon added as Twilight stomach growled again.

"No, I suppose not," She admitted taking the boxed lunch from Hinata. "Thank you, by the way."

"You still plan on going to C.H.S to investigate those strange energy readings you've been studying?" Hinata asked.

"Of course! It's the source of these strange events as well as most of these energy readings I've been finding."

"Tell me, have you been informed of the recent events at C.H.S?"

"No, not yet. What happened?" Twilight asked.

"Over thirty students tried to kill one girl over a MyStable account that's been spreading other students secrets. All because they believed that she was the one behind it."

"It's not safe there Twi. If they're willing to try to kill someone from their own school by trying to burn them alive, then who knows what they'll do to someone from our school," Lemon said as she held her hand, causing the bespectacled girl to blush. "Please Twilight. At least tell us before you go there so we can be there for you."

"Well, I suppose I can put it on hold for now. After all, I got a considerable reading of energy from where that old factory was."

"You might have to wait on that one too. The police are still investigating that place."

"By the way, hows that girl that's staying with you and your family? "Hinata said changing the subject.

"She is recovering from her injuries pretty well. And should be out of her arm-cast pretty soon. But she still doesn't remember anything, not even her own name," Twilight said. "She and I agreed on the substitute name Starsong until she can remember her own name."

"What made ya decide on that name?" Lemon asked.

"Her star-shaped hair clips of all things. That, and she likes to sing. Even if she's really bad at it. I mistook it for a cat in heat the first time I heard her try to sing." Lemon couldn't help but giggle at that last part.

"Oh hey, Sakura" Sunset greeted.

"Hey Sunset. Me and some of the girls are going to meet up at the local cafe for some coffee and to just talk. I thought you would like to join us," Sakura said. "Don't worry about paying, it will be my treat."

"You know, I think I'd like that."


"Hey, Ino. How is Crystal Prep treating you?" Sakura greeted.

"It's not too bad. Though some of the students have a stick up their ass and the principal is a bitch-asuarus rex," Ino said. "Anyways, who's this?" She asked noticing the fiery-haired girl. 'Wow, her hair is gorgeous,' she thought.

"This is Sunset Shimmer. She's new here" Sakura introduced. "Sunset this is my friend Ino. She's a long time friend of mine. We both used to go to H.L.A together."

"It's nice to meet you Sunset."

"I take it we are the first ones here?" Sakura asked as she and Sunset took a seat.

"So far yeah."

"I take it Hinata couldn't make it?" Sakura asked.

"Unfortunately not," Ino said as the entrance door of the cafe opened with two very familiar girls from Sunsets past came walking in.

"Adagio, Sonata, over here!" Sakura called waving at the two.

"You okay Sunset?" Ino asked, "You look a bit spooked."

"Oh right, they went to CHS with you for a short time didn't they?" Sakura asked to which Sunset nodded "Also try not to bring up their missing sister. Its kind of a sensitive topic," she whispered.

"Hello, girls. Hey Sunset." Adagio greeted.

"Hiya sunny!" Sonata cheerfully greeted.

"Um... hey" Sunset greeted the two.'It should be okay, their powerless now. Unless they're after Sakura's geode, but I don't want to jump to a conclusion without any proof.'Sunset thought.

"You can relax Sunset, our last meeting may not have been on the friendliest of terms, but we aren't going to harm you," Adagio said seeing the tension in Sunset body. "Besides, from what we heard about what happened to you, let's just say we both suffered losses and call it even shall we?"

"Sakura's our friend. She and Narupookie have been a big help to us just like you," Sonata added.

"Narupookie?" Sunset asked looking at Sakura with confusion.

"She and Naruto are dating," Sakura answered.

"What?!" Sunset said in shock at the discovery that one of her new friends was dating a former enemy of hers.

"What can I get for you girls," asked the waitress.

"I need to use the restroom," Sunset said, as her eyes told Adagio to follow her as she got up from her seat.

"I think we also need to go refresh ourselves, don't we Sonata," Adagio said.

"We do? But the waitress just arrived," said Sonata confused.

"We won't take too long, so there's no need to worry," Adagio replied as she and her sister followed Sunset to the woman's restroom.

"You think we're after her and the boy's pendants, don't you?" Adagio asked Sunset as they entered the restroom. "I can assure that's not the case. Our pendants were a natural part of our bodies. They're not so easily replaced. Had we lost them to anything else besides that harmony magic, we would have died," Adagio explained. "That also means we're stuck here for good. Even if we found a way back to Equestria, we would slowly starve to death because we wouldn't be able to feed on anything," She bitterly added. "I suppose on the plus side, we no longer hunger as much as we used too."

"Sakura used her powers to heal our throats so we can sing again. We can't hypnotize anyone anymore, but we can at least sing. She also helped us find a place to stay around here, and they're trying to help us find our sister," Sonata said. "We really do care about them, and they care about us. So can we please just start over and let go of what happened before?" Sunset contemplates what they told her. They were in the same boat as her. They lost everything and are now trying to rebuild their lives.

"Alright, if I can be given a second chance, then you can too," Sunset said with a kind smile.

"Well then, let's get back to the others shall we?" Adagio said.

Poilce Station

Mizuki stewed in his thoughts as he waited for his interrogation to begin. He used to be the top alpha male of Canterlot High before that insufferable demon horse showed up. And in under a week, she made a complete fool out of him. And the next week after that, she ruined his longtime relationship with Tsubaki before long he became forgotten washup, almost as forgotten as that wallflower girl. Since then he vowed to find a way to exact his revenge on her. Then came the fall formal when he discovered the truth about her. That she was a talking horse from another world, and that she's been using this world as her playground until she could get some magic item so she could turn herself into a demon.

It made him sick to his stomach that they showed that filthy hellspawn mercy. They should have finished her off. Hell, he wishes he could have found that sledgehammer so he could do it himself. Then a few days later when she tried to apologize, he remembered what he told her.

"Can it Demon! I don't want your half-assed apology! You should have gone back to that manure infested world and stayed there with the rest of the barn animal rejects!" He lashed out. He couldn't help but smirk at the fact that he made her cry that day. Then came those three banshies or whatever they were. He wouldn't have been surprised if those three were in league with her, and that whole band battle was staged to make her look good. Then came Anon-a-Miss, and his long-awaited chance at revenge when he discovered who was behind the helm.

"Why would I tell on you, when you three are doing the right thing? We should work together. It'll be fun, so let's give that bully a taste of her own medicine for a change." Oh, what fun it was. Those three loved it as much as he was, using his collection of blackmail he had left behind from his glory days helped put Anon-A-Miss in the spotlight. 'The big grins we had on our faces when those five disowned the demon bitch in the hallway. It was like Christmas morning,' Mizuki rewarded them with a big gift basket of high-quality Christmas treats for getting the info and pictures off Sunsets phone.

"For us? Thank you Mizuki," Sweetie Bell said with her eyes glowing with joy.

"I should be thanking you three. After all, you three did great," Mizuki said giving them a proud, brotherly smile. Then Rainbow Dash giving Gilda her phone and the two of them planing the attack, that would have been a perfect night if it wasn't for those two bastards showing up to play hero. Especially that blond one, Naruto.'They must have made a pact with that demon bitch to get those powers,'

"Something tells me your hiding something, young man. I'd imagine it would be why you tried to hold someone hostage and try to get away," The officer said pulling him from his thoughts.

"Whats in it for me if I tell you anything?" asked Mizuki.

Canterlot mall

"Whelp, that's the last family member needed to get a gift for. Now all I need is to get a gift for that Sunset girl," Tayuya said to herself, looking at her list on her phone. "But what to get her?" She pondered. Sure, she could get her a gift card, but she felt like she could do better.

"Hey! Watch where you're going! You almost made Trixie lose her nuts," said a girl with silver blue-hair, holding a bag of cinnamon peanuts.

"Oh um, sorry. I was lost in thought," Tayuya said.

"Wait, Trixie recognizes that symbol on your hat. You're from Hidden Leaf Academy."

"Yeah, what about it?" Tayuya asked turning around to face her. 'Must be someone from CHS. If she starts blabbing about that Anon-a-Miss crap I'm gonna punch her in the throat.'

"I heard that two classmates of yours rescued someone that went to my school, and I was wondering if she was alright."

"Why do you want to know? I thought you guys hated her guts?"

"Trixie may not have been on friendly terms with her, but Trixie does not approve of what those criminals tried to do to her either."

"Alright then. She is safe, and she's staying with someone I know. Also, don't expect to see her at your school after winter break. She's transferring to H.L.A. You can relay that message to her so-called friends at C.H.S. That is, if they even remotely cared about her. Anyway, I got things to take care of, so see ya," Tayuya said walking away from the silver blue-haired girl.

'Man, I really have changed since the old days huh? The old me would have jumped the gun and probably beat the shit out of her, then spit a loogie in her face.'She thought to herself, browsing around the mall until a certain poster caught her eye. "Wait, Legend of Kaguya: Call of the Wild is out and thirty percent off the console bundle edition? I think I just found the perfect gift."

Time Skip

Christmas Eve, Uzumaki Residence

he snow was falling covering the entire street along with the houses. The Uzumaki home was no different, the Christmas light shined brightly. Inside Kushina and Minato were busy giving the finishing touches to the night's dinner as they were expecting a large amount of guest.

Meanwhile, in the living room, two teen's were enjoying each others company. Sunset and Naruto were each seated in different sofas, both wearing, in fact, matching sweaters that Kushina had given them earlier and enjoying some hot chocolate.
"So, Hearth's Warming is like a combination of Christmas and three other holidays we have here," Naruto said as Sunset finished telling him about the Equestrian holiday.

"Pretty much," Sunset said as the doorbell rang.

"I wonder if that's uncle Nagato," Naruto said getting up from his seat to answered the door.

"Narupookie!" Sonata shouted, leaping into the house after Naruto opened the door.

Naruto jumped back from the sudden impact of Sonata literally jumping onto him. "H-Hey Sonata."

"You're supposed to call me Sonapookie," she playfully scolded with an adorable pouty face.

"Not in front of my mom Sonata," Naruto replied while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry Naruto. I'll make sure my sister doesn't get too carried away with you," Adagio said teasingly while looking at the two with an amused smirk.

"You two are here earlier than I thought," Naruto said.

"All the better to spend more time with you," Sonata said while nuzzling Naruto's cheek.
"Hey again," Sunset greeted the duo. 'Still feels pretty odd being on friendly terms with them. I wonder if this is how the others felt about me way back after the Fall Formal,' Sunset pondered.

"I'm glad you two could join us," Kushina said taking a quick break from the kitchen to greet their guests.

"Kushina," The blue haired girl said clasping her hand together with the red-haired mother. "When the time comes, I shall marry your son and give you many wonderful grandchildren," Sonata declared.

"Sonata," Naruto whined his face red with embarrassment. "Why did you say that!?"

"Oh, my dear son is growing up so fast. Why-"

"Oi! Someone mind opening the door?! My arms are full here!" shouted a voice.

'Tayuya, you are my divine savior this evening,'Thought Naruto, thanking his cousin mentally for interrupting what would have been a very embarrassing speech from his mother.

"I know who that is," Kushina said, going and assisting Tayuya by opening the door and taking the gifts.

"Thanks, auntie" Tayuya said, catching sight of Sunset standing near the doorway. "So you're This Sunset Shimmer I've been hearing about. I must say, it's nice to finally meet you in person. Names Tayuya Uzumaki, I'm Naruto's cousin," The redhead girl greeted with a friendly smile.

"Yup, that's me," Sunset replied as the two began to talk about each other and their interest and likes. The two ex-bad girls seemed to be hitting it off quite well with each other.

"So your good with a guitar, huh? I think we should do a little jam session sometime in the future," Tayuya said.

"I'll be looking forward to it," said Sunset.

Then another voice spoke up as a few more people entered the house. "We're not late are we?" said a red-haired man, accompanied by a woman with short blue hair and amber eyes, and another man with brown eyes and orange spiky hair, similar to Naruto's hairstyle, and a teenage redhaired girl with glasses.

"Nope. I'd say you're right on time uncle," Naruto said. "Yahiko, Konan, I'm glad you could make it this year,"

"As are we Naruto," Konan greeted.

"What am I, chopped liver?" The girl with glasses said, feeling ignored.

"I didn't forget you, Karin," Naruto said rubbing the back of his head. "It's just been a while since I've seen you,"

"This is amazing" Adagio gasped at how delicious Kushina's cooking is.

"Yup, not only am I amazing in the ring but in the kitchen as well," Kushina said.

"Told ya that you would like it 'Dagi," Sonata remarked.

"So, you prefer to be hands-on in the field when it comes to research? I can relate to that," said Karin as she and Sunset discussed scientific topics. 'Professor Orochimaru is gonna like this girl,' she thought.

"Sunset Shimmer, was it? If I may ask, how did you meet Naruto?" Asked Konan.

"He and his friend Sasuke pulled me out of a bad situation that occurred about a week ago," said Sunset.

"So Naruto, how many girls does this make that you rescued?" Yahiko teased.

"You would have done the same thing Yahiko. So quit teasing him. Anyways, how long are you and Kohan staying in town?"

"Up until mid-February, give or take a few days," Yahiko replied.

"Now before we start the gift exchange, there's something that I'd like to say. I have a gift for you Sunset. It's the greatest gift one can give to a person. Sunset Shimmer, I would like for you to be my daughter," Kushina said causing Sunset to gasp in shock. The others guest had a look of surprise on their faces.

"The three of us have talked about this over the past week, and we all agreed. We would love to have you as part of our family," Minato said.

"You really mean it?" Sunset asked tears of joy filling her eyes.

"Absolutely," Kushina said.

"So, what do ya say Sunset?" Naruto asked.

"You've all done so much for me, and now this? I-I don't know what to say," Sunset said with tears of joy running down her face.

"Then let me," Naruto said wrapping his new sister in a tight hug. "Welcome to the family, Sunset Shimmer-Uzumaki."

Author's Note:

Tweaked and improved the Christmas eve part thanks to Haseo55
I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.:twilightsmile: Here's something a little extra.

Omake: I have a niece alternate take

"I have me niece!? This is wonderful news I must inform everyone!" Luna said excitedly racing out of the room.

"Luna where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, dear," said Celestia. "I know where this is going,"

"Hey, there guards I have a niece!" Luna shouted gleefully.

"I have a niece butler pony!"

"I have a niece Moon!"

"I have niece Tantabus!"

"I have a niece gray pegasus that's always in the background!"

*sigh* This is why I never told her," Celestia said