• Published 24th Jan 2018
  • 2,111 Views, 20 Comments

The Oni of Darkness - mattchilly

The ever marching of time is torture when your a statue, but at least I have my friends to keep me sane but soon we'll be free, and those who wronged us will pay for their crimes. All of them!

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Chapter 2: Base Hunting: The Invasion of Isengard

It’s been six months since Sombra started teaching me magic and I was beginning to think it was time to enter the next part of my plan. It was time to get everyone their own base. Currently I was sitting in my study/office looking at two files. One was for Isengard from Lord of the Rings and the other was the Symphony of the Night version of Castlevania. For the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about which one to get first.

On one hand Isengard would allow me to test how strong my Minions have gotten on top of not only getting Starswirl a new wizards tower but also all of the books and knowledge Saruman had collected over the years. On the other hand Castlevania would be more of a personal test and if I found a world where the Crimson Stone was simply a way of controlling the castle instead of being the source of Dracula’s power all the better. Castlevania also came with monsters ready and willing to defend it and it’s owner. While I would like to get Death on my side I knew better then to take him out of his universe as that would wreck it’s natural order.

After a while I decided to go after Isengard first and ask Discord if he could find a version of the Castlevania universe where I could get Castlevania with relative ease. Nodding to myself I said. “Discord I’d like a word if you’re not busy,”

With a *pop* and a flash of light Discord appeared in a chair on the other side of my desk. “Hello Akuro, what can I do for you?”

“First I would like to make sure that the restoration of the planet has been completed?” I asked.

“Yup!” Discord smiled. “Finished just last month, and I’ve done a splendid job if I do say so myself.”

A small smile appeared on my face as I made a motion with my left hand and a large map placed itself on my desk. “Good, in which case there’s something I’d like to ask you.

“Oh? So soon?” Discord asked raising an eyebrow. “Although I suppose this helps me as well. You see that despite using up most of the excess Chaos energy there’s still a bit of an overflow as it we so anyway I can get rid of it would be welcome.”

“You see I need you to find a version of the Castlevania Universe where Dracula’s, Crimson Stone that at the very least only controls the castle Castlevania. While it would be a boon to get Death on our side it’s even more important that we don’t destroy that world’s natural order,” I explained. “And if we can get Castlevania while at the same time making it that Death goes back to his job of taking the souls of the dead to the afterlife and by doing so stop the threat of Dracula then all the better. I’d considering hiring him but let’s face it. If I did he’s the kind of power hungry fool that could throw a wrench into our plans if we let him.”

Discord nodded. “I see what you mean. Very well I’ll do what I can to find such a Universe. In fact this gives me a chance to visit my home to see the folks so it’s a win-win. I can go home and see if anyone knows of such a world. So what will you be doing while I’m finding the correct universe?”

Getting to my feet I grabbed Kurai Seigi which was leaning against the wall behind me a placed it on my back. “Seeing how far our troops have come by invading and claiming Isengard. Saruman the White is about to lose more than just his staff.”

After Discord left and I called for my friends and captains, we sat at a large table table with a map of Isengard and of our world on it. “As you might know Discord has finished restoring this world which means we can finally get started on acquiring bases for my generals. Discord will take care of his and I’ve thought long and hard on where to start before deciding that Starswirl’s will be the first one we take.”

“As I can see with this map,” Sombra smirked. “So why are we taking this place first?”

“For one the tower of Orthanc within Isengard is nearly indestructible and is the home of a powerful and ancient wizard named Saruman,” I explained, “However Saruman turned against his kin and those he was meant to protect in order to gain power by joining forces with a Dark Lord named Sauron. Taking Isengard will not only allow us to test how far our forces are coming with their but once the tower is purged of any and all of Sauron’s influence Starswirl will have a much better location to continue his research with the added bonus of gaining all of Saruman’s research.”

“Now there are a couple things to go over. First is that underneath Isengard are the Spawning Pits which create a race of orks known as the Uruk-hai. They are the strongest kind of orcs in Middle Earth for a few reasons, one of which is while the orcs of Mordor have a hard time in the light of the sun the Uruk-hai do not. They’re also better equipped due to the Industrial Complex in a the same cavers under Isengard. So we need to find out where the entrances to the caves are so we’ll be less likely to get ambushed by being too close to them.”

“Now before we put the final touches on our plan of attack there are a few more things that I need to go over. For one I want Starswirl to take out Saruman with Sombra as back up if possible,” I explained looking at Starswirl then Sombra.

“This Wizard won’t know what hit him,” Starswirl said calmly, “He will find that there are consequences to betraying those he is meant to aid and protect.”

Sombra cricked his neck and chuckled. “With how much we’ve been training to not only get our old skills back but to push past those limits? These guys won’t know what hit them!”

“Chrysalis I don’t know if this will work, but I’m giving you permission to access the same mental connections I have with those who work for me so that way you can help coordinate the attack,” I said now looking at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis smiles. “If this works it’ll be like I’m part of the Changeling Hive Mind again. That’ll be nice.”

“What about me?” Sunset asked. “What’s my role in this?”

“Before the fighting starts I’m going to let all the Uruk-hai know that if they throw down their weapons at any point then I’m taking it as a sign that they not only surrender the fight but will work for me from now on. I can’t really teleport them out mid fight yet so I’m mostly going to stay on the sidelines unless I’m needed. Your job will be to direct any of the Uruk-hai that join us to the Lair so they can make a bed,” I explained before looking at Starswirl, “That is unless Starswirl believes your ready for this kind of combat in which case someone else can stay in the Dungeon to direct any new forces we might acquire.”

“Considering the kind of combat we can expect I have to say she’s not ready yet.” Starswirl said making Sunset groan but what he said next perked her up a bit. “However perhaps afterwords you could let a smaller group find any Uruk-hai that weren’t as Isengard and let her join that force?”

I nodded. “A good idea and will not only take out and stranglers but will also help Rohan’s forces focus on assisting Gondor. As long as she keeps the Fire Magic to a minimum. Most of Rohan is a grassland after all.”

“What about afterwards?” Feroha asked having been content to listen up till now. “Will you make a Dungeon in that world?”

Urakk shook his head and looked down at his Dragonbone axe and shield that he’d placed on the table. “They’re in a war against one Being of Darkness who wants to conquer their land. They wouldn’t want a second even if the Boss doesn’t bother them. Eventually someone would get paranoid and attack us which will just start a new war.”

“I agree Urakk,” I said, “And that kind of war would just be a waste of resources, which would mean more time waiting to attack Equestria. While we are in no rush to attack as there is so much we need to do I’d rather not waste too much time if possible. Perhaps in the future I’ll make a Dungeon on one of the worlds we visit but for now let’s focus on making a plan of attack shall we?”

—Three hours later. Surface—

Once the everyone had arrived I spoke, “Today it is time to put your training to the test. I have chosen a location in a certain world that we will invade and conquer,” Excited murmurs spread throughout the army at this. “It is called Isengard and it is ruled by a Wizard named Saruman with an army of Uruk-hai to guard and defend it. Know that Uruk-hai are stronger and better armed than the normal orcs of that world so don’t let down your guard. Before the fight starts I will inform Isengard that any Uruk-hai that throws down their weapons would be seen as not only surrendering but swearing fealty to me.”

“You will be separated into groups each led by either a Captain or one of my generals, with the exception of Starswirl who’s tasked with defeating Saruman. While the invasion is going on I will be standing by to give an emergency evac to all injured fighters or any Uruk-hai who join or ranks. The reason for this is it’s a test of your training not mine, that will come later. Now while we’re there you might feel the ‘eyes’ of a powerful dark figure named Sauron. Just ignore him right now the only way he can directly affect others is with his minions or of someone is using an artifact he created or corrupted.”

As I spoke Chrysalis who much to our relief was able to use the ‘Dungeon Keepers Connection’ as we’d come to call it *at least until we came up with a better name* to inform the troops of the plan and their positions in it.

Once everyone was ready Sombra and I opened a Shadow Portal and we marched through it to arrive at the edge of the forest surrounding Isengard or rather what was left of it. Almost all of the tree’s had been chopped down leaving a relatively straight path to the Isengard’s gates. As we approached several Uruk-hai in half-plate armor and wielding crossbows. Once they were all in place one of them yelled, “I’d advise you to surrender or you’ll end up as fuel for the fire!”

Glancing at Starswirl he nodded and I said my voice now echoing over Isengard, “I am Akuro a Dungeon Keeper, Isengard is now under new management. I will take you throwing down your weapons as an oath of fealty. Any who resist shall be killed. This is your only warning.”

“Just try to take Isengard,” Yelled a deep voice, “You and your army shall fall before my power!”

“You have chosen your fate Saruman the Traitorous Wizard,” I replied and walked forward. Crossbow bolts rained down on me only for my shadow to form a protective shell blocking them. When I was standing before the gate I raised Kurai Seigi and with a single swing destroyed the gates and sent the Uruk-hai that were standing on it flying, “CHARGE!”

As my army charged past me turned and walked back to the forest and watched. I was surprised when Discord had popped in for a moment to get Starswirl to Saruman and flooded the caves with boiling applesauce to not only restrict the moments of any possible reinforcements but also killing a good number in the process. Shrinking the enemy’s ballista till he could stuff them in a bag and about half of their crossbow bolts into soggy french fries.

As the battle continued a small smile due not only to how well coordinated my forces were but at least 3 dozen Uruk-hai had thrown down their weapons which I quickly teleported to my Dungeon, I could sense they were surprised but as I told them any form of surrender would make them my minions. Soon I heard loud thundering steps coming from my left and when I turned my head to look I saw several walking trees. “So we arrived just before Treebeard and the Ents attacked. I should go talk to them and ask them to wait for a bit,” I muttered.

[Discord the Ents are on their way. Please make sure that all surrendering Uruk-hai are teleported out while I go talk to them] I told him.

[Got it Akuro. I’ll just put em all in a insect cage for now,] Discord replied with a snicker.

Turning I knelt down slightly before pushing off the ground and launching myself towards the oncoming Ents. Landing in front of the lead Ent who had two Halflings walking next to him I said, “Treebeard, I assume?”

“That is correct… Who are you? An ally of the Wizard?” Treebeard replied in a slow deep voice.

“No. My name is Akuro and my army is currently destroying his forces so I may take the tower for myself. I will not ask you to stay away as the Ents have just as much right to destroy what Saruman’s built up as I do. More so actually due to how many of your friends the Uruk-hai have chopped down. All I ask is that you wait to flood Isengard until we’ve acquired everything useful,” I said.

Treebeard looked at Isengard and gave out a low humming sound, “What exactly are you? And what is your goal here?”

“I am an Oni an Dungeon Keeper,” I replied, “and the Tower of Orthanc is my goal. I plan to take it with me when I leave. It will serve as a home and base for my friend Starswirl far better than Saruman.”

After a couple minutes of silence Treebeard said, “Very well. As long as the Filth of Isengard is cleansed we shall assist.”

“My thanks,” I said with a small bow of my head as the Ents around us started to move again and surged past me.

Turning I looked at Isengard and was about to turn my attention to the Uruk-hai who surrened when one of the Halflings said, “Umm… what’s a Dungeon Keeper?”

Looking over my shoulder I looked at the two, “Consider a Dungeon Keeper to be a more powerful version of Saron,” here the two stiffened in fear, “Just know that Isengard is the only place in Middle-Earth that I have an interest in, and once I have it my army and I will leave. We have other matters that require our attention,”

Ignoring any more comments from the two I saw that the Ents had made it about half way to Isengard by now. [Attention, the Ents are on their way to join the fight. Do not attack them as they will also be attacking Saruman’s army.]

[While them showing up was unexpected the help would be nice,] Feroha said, [While thanks to all our training we’re better fighters, these guys are swarming out of the tunnels like ants. Without the Ents this point it’ll just end up a stalemate.]

Urakk war cry echoed over the land moments before a man screamed as he fell from one of Orthank’s upper windows. [And that’s Wormtongue out of the way,] Discord chuckled, [You got lucky Sombra. I wanted to do that to him.]

[The worm was getting in the way of our fight,] Sombra said as if he just swatted a fly, [Now we’re able to focus on Saruman.]

[Make sure it ends as soon as possible. With the Ents arriving now Gandalf the White will be here sometime today at the earliest in a week at latest. I wish to have as much of the Refinery moved to the Dungeon as possible as we won’t take Orthanc until that’s finished. That will give us time to dispose of or purify anything that Sauron or Saruman has corrupted… though that Seeing-Stone of his will be destroyed in safe location by Discord.] Akuro said as he once more began teleporting Uruk-hai that surrendered to the Dungeon.

Once the Ents joined the fight Chrysalis ordered that at least one Warlock was to keep near an Ent at all times and make sure the Uruk-hai don’t set them on fire. Thanks to this order and the Ents assistance the battle was won after a half hour, with only a fourth of the Uruk-hai surrendering.

The corpses of Akuro’s Minions were put to the side for transport back to the Dungeon meanwhile there were several piles of burning Uruk-hai with more being tossed in after their armor and weapons were collected with the gear being sorted before being taken back to the Dungeon. Anything usable was going to be placed storage until an Armory was built while all the rest was set aside to be melted down. As this was happening the caves under Isengard was being searched for anything useful by two teams one led by , with Orcs and Trolls appearing at the different entrances every couple of minutes to place a crate or ore or refined steel bars in a pile. Starswirl and the Warlocks were scouring Orthanc for items that would need to be cleansed or destroyed and once that was done they’d begin prepping the tower for transport back to their world. Akuro and the rest of his friends along with Treebeard, Mary and Pippin, watched all this from the wall around Isengard.

“Your forces are certainly well organized Sir,” Pippin said not really sure what to say to these powerful figures, “I don’t see much arguing going on and it’s… odd to see so many different creatures working together.”

“I agree,” Mary said, “I mean you’ve got Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, and Humans in your army. Normally they’d try to kill each other yet here they’re working together…”

“This is how we run our army,” Discord said, “With as little bigotry as possible. Will we succeed? By the Misty Mountains no! But that doesn’t mean we won’t try.”

“Take the four of us and Starswirl as examples,” Sombra said, “Each of us has suffered greatly because of what we are, what kind of magic we possess, or what our beliefs are. All by those who fight for what is ‘right’ and ‘for the protection of their people’. Nobody's perfect and nobody’s immune to hatred.”

“It’s when that hatred becomes so large that it takes a permanent hold is when it’s a problem,” Chrysalis continued, “All of us hate what’s been done to us and the ones responsible. Do we want revenge? Yes. Is that our goal? Yes, but there is still much more to us then that.”

“And I hope that you never have to experience the kind of hate that has as grip on us however small it is,” Akuro finished.

“Well spoken,” Treebeard said.

“Now then,” Akuro said, “We still need to put search parties together to hunt down any remaining Uruk-hai. We know Sunset will be among them but I think she should have a couple bodyguards just to be on the safe side.”

“I agree,” Sombra said before a thought struck him, “Perhaps some of the Uruk-hai that joined us know the traveling routes,”

Discord nodded before saying, “Well it’s been fun but it’s time I head off for a while. Knowing my mother she’s going to be overjoyed to see me again before keeping me there for at least half a month to make sure I’m fine,” With that Discord snapped his talons and vanished.

The next couple of days pass by quickly. Akuro and Sombra combined their energies to create a large Shadow Portal or as Chrysalis liked to call it a ‘Corridor of Darkness’ after the Kingdom Heart version. Something which everyone quickly agreed upon. Orcs and Trolls used this portal to carry large crates full of the ore and refined steel through to the Dungeon before returning for a new crate while Goblins and Dark Elves carried the armor and weapons through, while the Warlocks were busy categorizing everything in Orthanc.

Once everything was finished being moved to the Dungeon, Akuro turned to Treebeard, “You have my thanks. That battle would have taken far longer and more of my troops would have been wounded or died if the Ents hadn't joined the fight.”

“You are welcome Keeper,” Treebeard replied, “Though in some ways I should be thanking you. Thanks to your Warlocks not a singer Ent died in that attack, which is something I’m very grateful for.”

Akuro nodded, “I suggest you take the Hobbits and the Ents outside the ring of the walls. I’ll be taking the tower to our world now. Once that’s done feel free to flood Isengard to cleanse it.”

Treebeard then yelled something in the Ent language and the Ents that were still in Isengard began moving for the walls. Once they all left I walked towards Orthanc and placed my hand on it. Soon black light filled Isengard and rose to the sky as a black pillar. As the pillar rose past the clouds they were scattered clearing the sky. This black pillar drew the attention of everyone on Middle-Earth and while many grew afraid of what it could mean, many more gained the desire to protect their home from any that would try to harm it and within the month hundreds were flocking to the nearby cities to join the army to fight Mordor and whatever had caused that pillar of black light should it decide to invade.

Once the light cleared Akuro, his friends and his minions found themselves standing near a cliff overlooking the crystal clear ocean where a volcanic island sat on the horizon. Orthanc had been placed far enough away from the clifface that a good amount of defences could still be built but not close enough that the cliff collapsing would endanger the tower or its occupants, “What do you think of this area for your home Starswirl?”

“It’s breathtaking, and with the volcano a good distance from us we have access to its lava while still being far enough away to raise shields to stop the ash from getting to us. You chose an amazing spot my friend,” Starswirl said, “I can easily see a city being built here. Perhaps not right on top of Orthanc but very near by.”

“Glad to hear it my friend,” Akuro said, “Now I want you and the army to take a few day’s to relax.”

“You’ve got something planned don’t you?” Sombra asked with a knowing smirk.

“Starswirl now has Orthanc has his base. It’s time for me to get yours,” Akuro replied with his own smirk, “All I need to do is wait for Discord to return or send word that he’s found the right world. How does being the master of Castlevania sound to you Sombra?”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait everyone. Here's a the next chapter for Akuro's adventure. Kinda surprised I got Isengard done in just one chapter, though I doubt I'll have the same luck with Castlevania. One reason why I'm not just spamming Discord is... well he's Discord. He's a reality warper so I don't want to have him as the solution to every problem. Don't worry though I'll figure out something he can do to help in fights. I just don't want him to end up as the answer to every problem.

Comments ( 11 )

I just love all the planning and scheming. I also enjoy well planed battles with no problems. Thanks for the 10 minutes of entertainment :pinkiehappy:

I will be rather perturbed if these Uruks in your army don't end up with all those fun personalities like in Shadow of War.

They might. Haven't really thought about what kind of personality they'll get. though for the sake of my sanity I think only the ones that'll end up with names with show their personality

then please! at least one 'the mad'!
"prick! prick! prickle!"

please more chapters

sorry about the long wait... writers blocks hit me hard for all my stories :fluttercry:

Still having problems?

yeah. It's call "the urge to write" and "writers block" ... and I HATE IT! I want to write and work on my stories but every time I try... I just stare at the screen my mind blank :raritycry:

A friend of mine gave another friend of mine a piece of advice on a stream: If you can't work with an idea, then it is probably a bad idea to begin with.

the problem with that is I know what I want to happen and I've got a lot of notes on plans. its just as I said no urge to write.

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