• Published 24th Jan 2018
  • 2,111 Views, 20 Comments

The Oni of Darkness - mattchilly

The ever marching of time is torture when your a statue, but at least I have my friends to keep me sane but soon we'll be free, and those who wronged us will pay for their crimes. All of them!

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Chapter 1 pt2: The Beginning Stages of Revenge pt 2

Once Sunset had been moved to Discords house I looked out over the wastes in thought eventually I looked at Discord and said. “Discord it’s time to teleport the corpses here.”

“I’ll have to do it in a few bursts.” Discord said.

“That’s fine.” I said as Discord snapped his fingers and a few hundred skeletons corpses in various stages of decay appeared in several piles a few feet away.

“Thought you might like them organized.” Discord said as I walked over to examine them.

“I’m surprised you organized let alone let your house be as tidy as it was.” I said looking over the dead.

“I’m only ‘chaotic’ when I’m on the clock. I mean my mother was a Draconequus of Harmony after all so I know how to balance my life.” Discord said.

“You’ll have to tell me more about your race at some point…wait is that what I think it is?” I said as I walked over to a few giant skeletons ignoring the stench of death.


I heard a deep voice in my head I flinched a little but got a sinister grin on my face.

“What’s up?” Discord voice was slightly muffled due to him wearing a plague doctor’s mask.

Looking over to him I grinned. “Two things. First thanks for reminding me of those. I‘ll have to make a few squads who implement those in their armor but that’s for another time take a look at this.” I motioned to a large skull with a single large horn connected to the largest skeleton. “With a few small modifications this skeleton will be perfect for the first of my Dungeon Guardians. And second, my Imps just found a Portal. Now I can gain the kinds of Minions that Dungeon Keepers are known for.”

“What kind of modifications and what kind of Minions?” Discord asked.

“One words. Skullgreymon. As for the Minions you’ll just have to wait.” I smirked.

Discord’s eyes widened. “Skullgreymon? I’m a little terrified that you’re planning to make a small army of them let alone one.”

“That’s the point. Unless someone is as powerful as a Mega leveled Digimon, who in their right mind would fight one Skullgreymon, let alone an army of them?” I grinned. “I’ll also make them in various sizes so they can also work as corps collectors.”

Discord shivered. “Alright I’m… going to get started fixing the planet. Later!”

Discord vanished just as a couple Imps came running up the stairs. “WE FINISH DIGGIN!”

“Good. Now how many Gem Seams did you unearth?”


“All of you are to start digging at the Gem Seams. All of you are to bring me one bag full of gems each. I’ll use some of the gems to make the Dungeon Heart get create the first rooms.” I ordered. “I’ll be waiting in the room where I plan to make the Heart.” The Imps hurried off to fallow my orders as I slowly walked down the stairs and through the Dungeon. Due to the size of the Dungeon it took a while before I entered a large circular room with a hexagonal platform in the center. Standing in the center of the room I crossed my arms and waited for the Imps to arrive. As I waited I went over my plans on what kinds of bases to give to my allies. “Depending on when we go to that Universe we might have to lay siege to the first base, but then again I could wait until it’s flooded but that would damage not just the building but possibly what’s inside. For the Second I’ll have to do that one alone. Don’t want to risk it getting too damaged after all but I’ll have to train to learn how to fully control my strength.”

“As for the Third that one could prove the most annoying due to its internal defenses, but then again that particular Castle is just as iconic and could work just as well. Discord already knows about this and I doubt I could come up with a castle that would fit his personality so I guess he can make his own.”

[I had a feeling that you were talking about me Akuro. So you’re having trouble figuring out a castle for me huh?] Discord said.

[Correct. I can’t think of a single Castle or fortress that would fit your style.] I replied.

[It’s fine. I’ve already spotted a spot that would make a love spot for my home. Oh and I’m also making a world map for you.] Discord chuckled.

[Thank you Discord. That’ll help me decide how big everyone’s Areas will be.] I said before all the Imps ran into the room their bags so full they looked like they were about to burst.

Taking a few steps towards them I said. “Place the bags down, keep quiet and wait.” Leaning down I reached into one of the bags and started going through it. First I put a small ruby that looked like a rain drop in my pocket, after that I pulled out every single sapphire and placing them in a pile at the center of the platform. Putting them all in a pile on the platform I focused my thoughts, searching through the knowledge I had gained when being sent to Equestria for the spell to create a Dungeon Heart. Soon the sapphires began to bubble and melt together to form a dark blue sphere that began rising into the air the stone around in flowing up to fallow it creating an intricate alter that looked like a serpent like dragon that towered over us and was holding the now pulsing Heart in its mouth while it’s body curled up and three different stone creatures at the base which looked like they were holding the serpent up. The first is a large eagle like bird that was holding the dragon with its back. The second is a female Naga wearing a simple diadem and tribal looking armor. The last of the three was a human looking man with three faces and six arms.

“That’s an interesting design. Do all Dungeon Hearts look like that?” Discord said as he popped into existence next to me.

“No they don’t. In the first game they looked like a white crystal with gold ornaments that was being carried by four gold troll statues with a purple gem at the top. In the second it was a pit filled with some kind of beating liquid which I personally think is lava, with a stone arch covering it and three sets of stairs that extend over the pit. I decided to give my Heart a more personal touch but I didn’t expect it to end up quite like this.” I explained.

“What do the creatures represent?” Discord asked.

“For the Dragon, Roc and Naga absolutely nothing. It’s the six armed man who represents something.” I said. “He is Asura and while I don’t know as much as I’d like about him I do know a few things, but in this case what he represents is completely different. Here he represents me. See how the face that looks out is fierce while the one on the left is calm or the right one sad? The first face shows my inner rage that I feel towards the Empresses for hunting me down and that the being who sent me here KNEW what would most likely happen to me here. The calm one shows that through all the years in stone I’ve managed to find a semblance of inner peace with myself and my situation.”

“And the third?” Discord asked in a soft voice.

Turning away from Discord I knelt by the rest of the bags. “My sorrow.” Discord looked at me for a moment before disappearing. Placing a hand on the bags I focused on what rooms I wanted and where. First I made two Lairs for my Minions to make a place to rest and two Hatcheries to start getting some chickens to appear to feed my Minions. A Guard Room near the Dungeons entrance, a Barracks to get some Orcs and make platoons, a Workshop for Trolls, traps, and doors. A Library so I can attract a few Warlocks to research any new spells or rooms that weren’t in the games and finally a Training Room. I left a few rooms empty in case something came up.


As soon as I heard that I saw the Portal with in my mind and out of it walked a large number of Minions. Warlocks, Salamanders, Dark Elves, Goblins, Demon Spawn, Trolls, Orcs, Bile Demons. Warlocks are humans in purple and gold robes holding a wooden staff in one of their hands. Salamanders are small orange raptors, Dark Elves are tall elves with pale skin, yellow hair, an outfit that makes me think of Robin Hood minus the hat with a short sword strapped to their belt and a bow on their back. The Goblins are small lanky creatures wearing cloth armor and a Viking esk helmet. Most of the Goblins had short swords or daggers but a few had maces or axes in their hands.

The Bile Demons were so large that I couldn’t tell if they had feet, long arms and two horns sticking out of their heads with large black spiked bass hanging off the tips. Demon Spawns are green scaled creatures that are just a little smaller than the Salamanders. The Trolls are taller than the elves wore nothing but a loin cloth and had large hammers in their hands. The Orcs are dressed similarly to the Trolls but have a one handed hammer and shield instead of the Trolls two handed hammers and have purple skin.

Making my way to the Lair where all the Creatures were headed. When I reached the Lair all my new Minions looked up and bowed. Those who could speak said. “Greetings Master.”

“I want all of you to go train until that room will no longer aid you. After that I want two Bile Demons and two Dark Elves to go to the Guard Room and half of the Warlocks in the Library conducting research at all times. I want a total of twenty Trolls, Orcs and Bile Demons working in the Workshop creating new kinds of traps and doors. Everyone else is to constantly patrol the Dungeon and unless I give the order or we are under attack no one is allowed to head to the surface. Now there may be times where I leave the Dungeon, during such times you are to make your selves useful by researching or training until I call for you. Am I understood?” I ordered.

“Yes Master.”


As I walked down the corridor in the opposite direction that my Minions were going a female Dark Elf approached and bowed. “If I am permitted to ask a question Master there is something I would like to know.”

“Make it quick. I want all of you to get to the tasks I gave you as quickly as possible.”

“From the small report we got on the other side of the portal, this world has no Goodly Heroes. Why is that and who are we going to fight?”

I studied her for a moment and said. “This world had its very life force drained to the point it was a unlivable waste land. If my hunch is correct then the same people who did this are the same people who imprisoned me and my friends in stone just because I have Dark Magic and I’m a different race than them. They are who I’m planning to fight, but it will take many years before we are ready. You have impressed me with wanting to know more about our foe. What is your name.”

“I am Feroha Dobone Master.” She said with another bow.

“I will remember you Feroha. Now go train.”

“By your leave Master.” Feroha said and left to go train.

[Discord it’s time to head back. We need to talk to the others about how to proceed.]

“About time! Despite getting a constant recharge from all the Chaos lingering around the world I’m getting exhausted constantly teleporting and restoring large portions of the world. Heck in the few hours we’ve been here I’m almost half way done! That should say something about how much Chaos was covering the planet!” Discord said as he appeared next to me. “At least the balance between Chaos and Harmony will be restored by the time I’m done. Oh and before I forget the rest of the corpses are outside the dungeons with the others.”

“Do you have a map of the entire world or just what you’ve healed?” I asked as Discord opened the portal.

Discord passed two large folded up pieces of paper, one with a green lining one with brown. “The green one is the entire world and brown is what I’ve healed. Oh and I’ve taken the liberty of undoing all mines in the area’s I healed. That uses up more excess Chaos than healing the planet.”

“Good thinking. Now let’s head back”

Author's Note:

If your wandering exactly how everyone was petrified then you'll have to wait as Sunset will learn off screen. This first few chapters when I am considering the first arc will focus on getting the bases together.