• Published 24th Jan 2018
  • 2,105 Views, 20 Comments

The Oni of Darkness - mattchilly

The ever marching of time is torture when your a statue, but at least I have my friends to keep me sane but soon we'll be free, and those who wronged us will pay for their crimes. All of them!

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Chapter 1 pt1: The Beginning Stages of Revenge pt 1

Note: If something is written [like this] then its telepathy now let’s start this story.


Darkness surrounded me and I couldn’t hear a single sound until, a voice. Deep, smooth, one which seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. “Ah your finally awake boy, now listen and listen well for I will only say this once. The life you once knew is over, but I offer you a deal. A new life, a new body and the power to do whatever you want.”

“Why should I believe anything you say?” I ask.

“Simple. You don’t have a choice it’s either accept my offer or stay here, in this void. Where you will spend the rest of eternity neither living nor dead.”

“Who are you, some kind of demon?” I ask not trusting who ever this voice belonged to.

“Depends on your definition, I am a dweller of the Void. My offer has only one condition you must choose the form of a villain. I’ve been seeing far too many human’s becoming ‘hero’s’ in the multiverse lately and want to see some new ‘villains’. What you do with the power is your choice. But know this about the universe you left. Everything you know and love is forever lost. Now will you accept my offer or not, I grow impatient!”

“Fine! I want to become a Dungeon Keeper!” I yell.

A chuckling could be heard. “What an interesting choice. Very well boy, now go and enjoy your new life, oh and don’t worry if your dungeon heart is ever destroyed. You won’t die or be sent to the Void but you will feel unimaginable pain. So I hope you remember to have some fun.”

*?????, 5000 years later, Canterlot*

It was another beautiful day in Canterlot. Sunlight gleamed off windows as ponies went about their business while high above birds were flying without a care in the world, and in one corner of the Canterlot castle gardens hidden deep within the a hedge maze is a small circular clearing. The clearing had only one path that lead to it and the hedges have grown so much they made a solid dome of leaves and branches stood five statues. At first glance they looked like normal statues, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Each one was in fact a prison formed around living beings.

At the far end is a Draconequus. A creature whose body looked like it was made from various parts of different creatures. His name is Discord the self-proclaimed Spirit of Chaos. Next to Discord was a Changeling. Changelings are very similar to ponies except for their black exoskeleton, insect like wings, holes in their legs and jagged horns. The Changeling frozen in stone is the only leader the Changeling race had ever known. Her name is Queen Chrysalis.

Across of Chrysalis stood an armored unicorn with a curved horn, flowing mane and royal looking cape, his name is Sombra. On Sombra’s right stood a second unicorn with a neatly trimmed goatee, dressed in a cloak adorned with stars and large wizard hat with three bells tied to the brim atop his head and if it wasn’t for his skeleton legs it would have been easy to see him like any other unicorn. Why Starswirl insisted on having three bells tied to his hat was never known.

In the center of the clearing stood a bipedal figure who was almost a foot taller than Discord at seven and a half feet tall and someone you could argue is the most unique of the group. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and he wore an expression most would mistake for someone who was either incredibly bored or deep in thought if not for his furrowed brow showing his anger. His hair is tied into a pony tail that ends just past his shoulders, a six inch horn on his forehead, and is dressed in long robes that ended just above his feet which had simple straw sandals. His arms were crossed over his chest and he has a large bat on his back with small stubs near the end. No Pony outside the dome knew who or what he was, only that dark magic radiated off of him as if he was a bonfire sending out light, but to his friends he is Akuro. An Oni and Dungeon Keeper.

“Hello Darkness my old friend. I’ve come to speak with you again…” I sang before someone interrupted me.

“Urgh I’m so sick of that song!” Sombra said through the shared telepathy that the five of us shared.

“So am I, but that doesn’t stop the fact that part of the song fits our situation, considering how the hedges around us have grown over the last three hundred years and more importantly… I’m really freaking bored.” I replied.

“I swear when we get free I’m kicking your ass Akuro!” Sombra grumbled.

“Bring it Sombra! It’ll be a good chance to see your supposed ‘mastery’ over shadow magic.” I challenged.

“Are the two of you done? Seriously the two of you are acting like young grubs.” Chrysalis said.

“Yes let’s not fight among ourselves when we there are those who have wronged all of us.” Starswirl said his kind and fatherly voice hiding both the knowledge and power he wielded.

“I agree. Besides I almost have enough power to get us all out of here. So why don’t we go over the plan one last time.” Discord said.

“What plan? You mean the one where you get us out of here then remake the statues and the five of us crash at your place until we can come up with a real plan… which I may or may not already have? Is that the one you mean?” I deadpanned.

“You really should tell us if you have a plan but that about sums it up, yes. Speaking of which…” Discord replied before loud cracks could be heard in the dome.

“Well then we’ll need to work fast.” Starswirl said just before the stone that was Discord’s prison exploded off of him. Discord did a few quick stretches before snapping his fingers and the stone keeping the rest of us trapped flowed of us as if it was water.

“All right, Discord we need a portal to your place now. Before THEY notice your magic!” Sombra said.

“Wait before you do.” I said making everyone look at me confused. “Let’s bring the Elements with us. That way THEY won’t be able to use them.”

“That’s a wise idea Akuro. The Elements are one of their strongest weapons and without them it’ll be much harder for THEM to condemn anyone to what we went through. Unfortunately I don’t think we have time to do anything about the Tree.” Starswirl said as Discord snapped the white hair on his tail as if it was fingers and an ornate purple box with a gold lock appeared in his hands and a white portal with black and dark purple lighting ‘crawling’ over it appeared behind him directly opposed to the path out of the dome.

“Alright everyone in! I have a feeling THEY’LL be here soon, and don’t count me out to soon my friend. I placed a few surprises if they try to misuse the Tree again.” Discord said as he threw the box into the portal and snapped his fingers again fixing the statues so it looked like nothing happened. Everyone quickly made their way into the portal. Once the group was through they saw a two story house that looked like it had a paint ball fight with a tank armed with a high caliber gatling gun and has a straw thatched roof, but around it was something much more chaotic with stairs and pillars going everywhere and nowhere at the same time. “Welcome my friends to my humble abode. Please make your selves at home while you’re here. There’s fresh food in the kitchen and I even have a seventy inch plasma TV! Unfortunately I couldn’t get the Netflix package, but I do have over a thousand channels and unlimited Wi-Fi.”

“I have no idea what a TV or Wi-Fi is, and right now I don’t care. After all that time as a statue I just want some food and a freaking bath.” Chrysalis said as we entered the house to find the kind of living room you’d see in any other house. A large comfy looking couch, chairs, a rectangular table made from a dark red wood, an open door that showed a kitchen and stairs on the far right wall and across from the couch hanging from the wall was his TV with a book case on either side with various gaming consoles, games and DVDs. “This is a lot more ‘normal’ then I expected.”

“Just because I became the Spirit of Chaos doesn’t mean I can’t have a normal home to relax in, and the bathroom’s up the stairs, second door on your left but I suggest you wait for the shower, since I’m about to get started on lunch. Who’s in the mood for pizza?” Discord said as he went into the kitchen.

“So what do we do now?” Sombra asked as he sat on the couch. “Do we start to plan to invade or take some time to relax?”

“How can we invade when we have no forces?” I asked. “Besides Chryssie needs a new hive, I need to make my first Dungeon and considering how easy THEY found Chryssie’s hive I doubt we’ll be able to hide on Equess.”

“Why don’t we go to the world on the other side of that mirror I made?” Starswirl suggested. “Considering I destroyed all of my notes and books after I became undead, I find it highly unlikely that they can make a second one if we break the portal’s anchor on the other side.”

“That might work, but we don’t know where it leads or if the people of that world are allies with THEM.” Chrysalis said.

“If we destroy the portal before someone can go through it, then it won’t matter.” I said while leaning against a wall next to my weapon, as Discord walked back into the room with two large plates while his tail was holding onto paper plates, and wearing chain mail armor with the words *Long Live Good Food* woven onto it with dark yellow vines. Placing the Pizzas on the table in front of the couch we saw that one is a meat-lovers and the others a vegetarian. “But we’re still avoiding something that we need to discuss. Who’s going to lead this group?”

“You will.” Everyone said after they got themselves a slice with Discord and Starswirl going for the meat lovers while Sombra and Chryssie got vegetarians.

“From everything you’ve told us. Dungeon Keepers are meant to bring death and destruction. To destroy peace. Conquer any kingdom in your way with armies of demons, undead and mortals who walk the path of ‘evil’.” Starswirl explained.

“Not to mention you were the one who came up with our escape plan and you already seem to have a plan to get back at THEM.” Sombra pointed out.

“Not that the plan was all that complex all things considered but you do know that if you agree to let me lead this group then all of you will become my Minions since you’ll work for me. Correct?” I asked.

Discord smirked as he took a bite of the meat-lovers pizza he had made. “Better to fallow an honest fool then one blinded by their ego.”

Raising an eyebrow I asked. “So you think me a fool?”

“If you keep ignoring the pizzas Discord made, then yes I do.” Sombra smirked. Rolling my eyes I walked over and took a slice of each and sat on the couch next to Discord.

“Very well I shall lead this group to the best of my abilities. So with that out of the way, how are we going to get to that other world? Are you going to make a second mirror Starswirl?” I asked as I felt a new connection appear between me and my friends. One that would allow me to see their surroundings and summon them no matter where they were.

“That would be a very bad idea until the original portal is dealt with, because there would be a chance that anyone who goes through the one THEY have could lead here and then we would have nowhere to run.” He replied.

“I can get us there but I’ll have to rest for a while since making portals like this takes up a lot of my magic and that’s not even counting when I got the five of us out of our prisons and stole the Elements considering the amount of safeguards THEY placed.” Discord said after he finished eating his slice. “But I’ll get you as close to the mirror portal as I can.”

“Well I’m going to go get that bath.” Chrysalis said as she headed for the stairs.

“You do that I’m going to take a nap then we can head off to the world on the other side of the mirror portal.” I said after I finished my pizza I placed my empty plate on the table leaned back and closed my eyes.


I was awoken from my nap by a loud roar and when I opened my eyes I saw that Sombra was playing God of War and had just killed the Hydra as Discord watched. Jerking my neck from side to side I heard two satisfying cracking sounds before I got off the couch and stretched. “Enjoy your nap?” Discord asked without looking away from the screen.

“I suppose but I would prefer not waking up to a Hydra’s death roar.” I replied.

“Akuro have you ever tried this? I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun!” Sombra exclaimed.

“If you’re talking about video games then yes I have played some. If you’re talking about God of War specifically? Then no I haven’t. It’s not that I’ve never had the chance to. It’s just that I’ve never wanted to. Personally I find Kratos to be unlikable to the point he killed any interest I had in the series. By the way where’s Chrysalis and Starswirl?” I asked.

“Starswirl’s in the basement library and Chrysalis’s is asleep in her room.” Discord answered as I grabbed my weapon and placed it on my back. “By the way there’s a question I keep forgetting to ask. What exactly IS your weapon?”

“It’s called a kanabō. It’s a weapon whose origin goes back to feudal Japan where the samurai used it to crush enemy’s armor, bones and cripple enemy warhorses. There were also many legends about Oni using them since both Oni and kanabō are extremely strong. To the point the saying, ‘Like giving a kanabō to an Oni’ was made. In other words you give someone who’s strong something which makes them stronger.” I replied.

“So… it’s a metal bat that you use to hit people really, REALLY hard?” Discord asked.

“That’s one way of putting it, yes.” I replied. “But considering it can stand up to the strength of an Oni who can shatter a boulder in a single punch then I’d say calling it a simple bat is underestimating its power.”

“You going to give it a name? I mean ALL great weapons have names.” Sombra said.

“Did yours have a name?” Discord asked.

“Of course it did! My old axe Darkness Breaker helped me defend the Crystal Empire before SHE broke it.” Sombra said before sighing as he remembered happier times.

“Kurai Seigi. It means ‘Dark Justice’ in Japanese.” I replied

“That’s very fitting.” Sombra said. “Hmmm… maybe we should find a way to get me a copy of the Blades of Chaos.”

“Wait until you see more of the game before wanting a copy of them.” I advised. “While I may not have played the game I do know of Kratos’s back-story and what those blades represent.” Sombra nodded understanding that there was more to the blades and Kratos then met the eye. Turning to Discord I said. “I think we’ve rested long enough. Let’s get to that other world and destroy the portal.”

“If you say so.” Discord said as he got to his feet and made another portal. After we walked through the portal we were horrified at the sight which welcomed us. The only notable thing to be seen was a single large stone about half a mile away. Other than that there was nothing but a flat barren wasteland. “What in the name of Chaos. It’s like all the life was sucked out of this world and I do mean that literally. I can also sense that the whole world is like this.”

“Where’s the portals anchor? Once we’ve dealt with that we can try to figure out what happened here.” I said.

“I think it’s that large stone in the distance but that’s only because it’s the only notable thing in that direction.” Discord said. “But I’ve never felt this much lingering chaos in one place! I’m already at my full power.”

“That’s both the best and worst news you could have given me. Let’s just smash that anchor then we can figure out what to do.” I said before dashing towards the anchor with Discord flying above me. When we arrived at the stone was tall enough that I could have Starswirl standing on my shoulders and the tip of his hat wouldn’t even touch the top of the portal and one part flat and polished smooth while the rest of it was jagged and rough. Lying in front of the stone is an orange unicorn mare whose mane and tail is red and yellow, her cutie mark is that of a yellow and red sun. We also noticed that she was covered in various wounds, cuts, bruises, burns and her breaths came in short ragged spurts.

“Discord tend to her wounds! She may know what happened here. I’m going to deal with this portal.” Discord who is now wearing a white hat with a red cross and had a large bag which also has a red cross in it saluted and rushed to the mare’s side. I moved so I was between Discord, the mare and the portal grabbed Kurai Seigi and swung it with all my might and smashed the stone into thousands of pebbles.

“She’s lucky we found here when we did. She’s not only heavily injured but she’s also suffering from dehydration.” Discord said as he was gently trickling water from a water bottle down her lips so only small amounts of water got into her mouth. “So what do we do now?”

“Now that we’ve escaped from our imprisonment, rested, and destroyed the portal. Phase one is over. Now it’s time to start phase two.” I said as I looked at Discord who was still tending to the injured mare wondering just what had happened.

“So how do we start phase two?” Discord asked.

“Phase two begins with me getting things set up. So first I’m going to get started on my Dungeon. Once I have the first floor done then I’ll make a few rooms and call it a day.” I replied. Raising a hand I closed my eyes and focused trying to figure out how to use my ‘Create Imp’ spell.

Silence filled the air as I stood there for ten minutes before I heard fifteen high pitched. “WEEE!” When I opened my eyes I saw fifteen small brown skinned imps wearing nothing but a loin cloth and a large woven bag on their backs. Each one is holding a brand new steel pick axe.

“…They’re not that impressive creatures are they?” Discord asked.

“They’re not fighters. These Imps are magic constructs that only good for digging the tunnels and rooms for my Dungeon and mining gems.” I replied turning my head to look at Discord as two of the Imps started yelling at me with their high pitch voices.


“… and apparently I need more practice because Imps aren’t meant to be this aggressive.” I said shaking my head with a sigh before pointing at the ground a behind the Imps. “Start with making stairs that go thirty feet down then level off. If you come across a Gem Seam while making the stairs then go around it. I want two of you reinforcing the walls while the others make the stairs. If you come across gold then drop the bags up here and return to digging. After you level off continue for five feet then I want you to split into two groups. Each group is to make a room that’s ten feet wide, ten feet tall and fifteen feet long, with the length of the room going parallel to the path.” As I spoke I drew a diagram with my kanabō to make sure they understood what I wanted, when I finished the Imps saluted and rushed to their task with fevered glee. As the two who had yelled at me muttering under their breath.

“How did you come up with that so quickly? And why did you tell them to go around gem seams?” Discord asked.

Turning to Discord I said. “I never did tell you and the others some most of the ‘mechanics’ that go into being a Dungeon Keeper did I? Well to give to a small preview, Imps can’t destroy Gem Seams. When they mine one it gives an unlimited amount of gems, but you’ll just have to wait for more info. Once we’re back at your place I’ll explain a little more about how I do my job. As for how I ordered the Imps to begin the Dungeon. I’ve been designing and redesigning it since I got petrified. Most of the floors are going to have the same basic designs but some of them are going to split off into much larger rooms.”

“We’re playing the long game with this war Discord. It’s going to take many years until we’re ready to let them know we’re free let alone the first attack, and the more efficient we can be with getting things started the better we’ll be.”

Discord looked at me surprised. “It’s hard to believe you planned this far ahead Akuro, but I have to ask. What are the rest of us going to be doing while you’re making an undead army?”

“You’ll be working on your own projects and making your own plans for when this war begins and make no mistake my friend. This WILL be a war, one we can’t afford to lose.” I replied.

“Where are we going to be doing our projects? Your Dungeon?” Discord asked.

“At first yes. The Dungeon is my base and where I’ll work on my projects. I may be in charge now but I’m not going to ignore what the rest of you have to offer. Besides, we have no idea how long it will be until we’re ready to launch the first attack. It might take years before then and I don’t want all of you sitting around doing nothing, but I have a special job for you that you can get started on once this mare is stable enough to travel and with the others.” I said.

“What is it?”

“I need you to work on healing this planet.”


“Look at it this way Discord, Chaos and Order are two sides of the same coin. Some would even say they are one in the same. Now look around you, this land is dead and we are going to have several different kinds of people and creatures working with us. My dungeon can only give an unlimited amount of chickens thanks to the Hatchery room. Who knows how many of them will prefer plants opposed to meat, and I don’t know about you but eating nothing but chicken sounds like it would get very boring, very fast. Don’t tell the others but now that I see the state of this world I’m planning on giving everyone enough land for their own kingdom.”

“Re…Really?” Discord gasped.

“Yup, so you’re going to get your own little kingdom of chaos.” I replied with the first smile I’ve had since I came to Equestria.

“But how do I fit into the plan to take THEM down?”

“Simple, creatures with elemental affinities. You know like a phoenix but with water or electricity for example and before you ask, no. They don’t have to be birds. They can be literally any kind of creature.” I explained.

“That makes sense and it gives me a lot of room to work with.” Discord said with a grin. After a few minutes of silence I asked.

“How’s she doing?”

“She’s almost stable and no longer dehydrated… hold that thought! She’s waking up. Hello young one. How are you feeling?” Discord asked.

“Like I’ve been in the Empresses dungeons and been tortured for the past two years.” She groaned. “Are you here to take me back?”

“Now why would we do that and why were you imprisoned?” He replied.

“Because I spoke against the Empresses on how to treat other races. Thanks to that I was banished to the dungeon and only managed to make my escape thanks to sheer luck. But if you’re not here to take me back, then what are their allies doing here?”

“We’re not her allies. We’re her enemies.” I said in a flat voice. “The Empresses have wrong not only Discord and I but also our friends and the five of us are planning to take the fight to them.”

“…When do we attack?” She asked causing Discord and I to look at each other in shock. This mare had just escaped from two years of hell and she was already willing to get right back up and fight. I had to admit I admired her spirit.

“Not for a long time. We’re still in the beginning phases right now, but that can wait. What’s your name, and do you know what happened here?” I asked as I kneeled down next to her.

“Sunset Shimmer and I have no idea what happened. I fainted right after I came through the portal, but who are your friends?”

“King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis and Starswirl.” Discord said.

“Starswirl? You mean the Heretic Starswirl?” Sunset asked.

“Is that how they remember their old teacher? By calling him a ‘Heretic’? Honestly I’m not surprised.” Discord said before spitting on the ground. “But you’ll meet him soon, so you can make your own opinion.”

“Discord I’m going to contact the others. I want you to get Sunset stable enough to travel.” I said.

“Can do.” Discord said giving me a thumbs up before returning to his work.

“How are you going to contact your friends?” Sunset asked.

“It’s just one of the perks of being a Dungeon Keeper.” I explained before focusing my thoughts.

[Starswirl are you there?]

[I’m here Akuro what do you need and how are you contacting me?] Starswirl asked.

[Discord and I found a unicorn mare from Equestria named Sunset Shimmer escaped from the Empresses dungeons and came through the portal. She’s heavily injured and was suffering from dehydration. Discord’s already administered first aid but she still needs to rest someplace safe and it’s going to be a while before my Dungeons ready. I’m going to have Discord make a new portal and when he does I want you to come pick her up. As for how I’m contacting you. I’m a Dungeon Keeper. That means I can talk to anyone who works for me no matter where they are.] I replied.

[Interesting. Are you sure we can trust her and do THEY have any allies in that world?] Starswirl inquired.

[Trust me when I say she’s trustworthy. In fact when I told her we’re going to take the fight to the Empresses her first words were, ‘when do we attack'. It’s also impossible for her to have allies here because the world is nothing more than a giant wasteland. Once Sunset’s there Discord is going to get started healing this world.] I explained.

[If you’re sure. Just give me a few moments to get ready and let the others know.] Starswirl replied.

[Of course I’m sure. Never forget that I’m the kind of Oni that can always tell when someone is lying and lying to an Oni is like poring Nitro Glycerin on an open flame. It never ends well. Which reminds me that I still need to teach Sombra a lesson for lying to me about what happened to him the first time we met.] I explained before opening my eyes and looking at Discord and Sunset.

“Starswirl is letting the others know what’s going on. Discord get ready to open the portal and once she’s with the others get started on healing this world. Start with the area around the Dungeon before moving on I also only want the normal tree’s, plants, and insects and animals for now, but before that I need you to gather every single corpse on the planet.”

“What do you need the corpses for?” Sunset asked.

“I’m going to practice my Necromancy, after all the basic skeletons and zombies make excellent cannon fodder, but there are a few designs I want to use for stronger undead.” I explained.

When I mentioned Necromancy Sunset didn’t look disgusted or appalled, she just shrugged. “Makes sense.”

[Akuro we’re ready, but Sombra and Chrysalis are still worried this might be some sort of trap.] Starswirl said.

[I doubt that but the three of you can keep an eye on her as long as there’s no unnecessary fighting.] I replied. [And if everything works out you might have a new apprentice on your hoofs my friend.]

[It would be good to teach young minds again, alright once she’s fully recovered I’ll offer to teach her.] Starswirl said.

[Thank you.]

Author's Note:

I remember reading once that Oni's could detect falsehood but I don't remember where this was, but even if that's not true I'm sticking with it for this story.