• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,552 Views, 7 Comments

Katy Takes Maretropolis - Pen Dragon

Katy was just a normal girl, but now she has a chance to become the Maretropolis's greatest hero or at least one of them.

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Act I: Recovery

Act I: Recovery

By the time that they got back to QUILL HQ, Vixen and Stella immediately brought both Lance and Dyspo to the infirmary. Even though they had Lumen, she could only do a small part in helping them. From how she explained it to Katy on the way over, her septima ‘Anthem’ only kicks in when Lance is brought to the brink because of an opponent he’s facing. Not by personal exhaustion. So, it left her with having to only heal minor injuries outside from that.

Though, the first person that happened to wake up though… wasn’t Lance, but Dyspo. He groaned as he tried to sit up on the couch in the middle of the infirmary, noticing that his arm and shoulder was wrapped up in bandages and seeing that he was no longer on the roof. “Ugh… W-what? Where am I-”

“You’re back at QUILL’s HQ… Lance’s friends helped carry both of you back here.” Katy said, sitting across the room while reading a magazine.

Oh thank goodness you’re awake,” Dyspo heard from right next to him, seeing Lumen floating close to where his face is. “A lot has happened while you were out. Including just now actually...” With that, she turned to Katy and then said something else.

The whole incident was caught on a surveillance tape from a building next door. One of QUILL’s heroes found it and gave it to the police. They’re about to make a public statement on TV.” Hearing that news, Dyspo nearly jumped up into the air, but yelled after feeling the backlash from his injuries.

“Heh! That’s what you get assholes!” He shouted.

Take it easy… You strained your muscles too much from your new abilities, so overdoing it might cause them to tear.” Lumen reminded him. “Though, here’s something that both of you might want to know… Not only is Katy seen as a hero for not giving up despite the odds… Shepard’s no longer a hero and is now wanted by the Maretropolis PD for attempted murder.

“It’s not enough…” Katy stated.

Detective Whooves told me that they plan to add more charges once they compile all the evidence together and build a case. So… I took the liberties of giving him everything we had and sending it in your name,” Lumen told her in response. “Despite Lance and us being here, this is really your case. So you deserve the recognition for it.”

“Would you shut up for a second! It’s not enough, even if what we know is true… We can’t arrest him for the murders of all those other ponies. That footage doesn’t even have sound… We need a confession so we can finally put an end to this.” Katy explained, glaring at the fairy in front of her.

“She’s right, Lumen.” They heard Vixen come in now, adding to the conversation. “You need to capture him and get him to confess. Even with the evidence we have, it’s not enough to lock him up in the Zero Zone for good.”

“Capturing him isn’t enough… We need him to confess before we even make a move on him. Attempting murder will only get him locked up for a couple of years.” Dyspo explained as both him and Katy looked confused by what Vixen said.

“What?” Katy asked.

“Oh right…” Vixen facehooved herself for a moment. “The Zero Zone is a place where we lock up most of the villains we capture. Especially the ones with powers… However, since it’s a government black box site, we’re normally supposed to keep quiet about it.”

Unlike other prisons, Zero Zone is used specifically for supervillains and they have equipment in there to prevent villains from using their powers in any form to prevent possible escapes.

“I’ve heard rumors about that place, but I didn’t think they were true?” Dyspo replied, before realizing something very important. “Hey! If that place was real, then how come you didn’t lock the Mane-iac in there? You could have prevented so many robberies! Instead you keep locking her up in that asylum.”

Zero Zone is designed specifically for villains that have committed extremely violent acts. We’re talking not your average bank robbers here, but villains who used their powers to murder others. And not just civilians, but other heroes serving in the line of duty.” Lumen added. “Mane-iac’s never committed acts like those, so she’s just kept in the Solace Asylum.”

“I still think that hussy should be locked up in there.” He muttered under his breath as Lumen smirked.

Really? Because from what Detective Whooves told me, you two get along really well together…” As everyone in the room began to laugh at the cop.

“The only thing the two of us… Agree on is having her locked up for good. Besides unlike most of you, I took one for the team and talked with that Psycho! Got kicked in the shins by her to get answers.”

Lumen rolled his eyes, before looking at Vixen as the two of them giggled a bit. “You sure? Because Detective Whooves told me you had an injury right up main street.

“Hardy, har, har! Moving on, what’s the plan for catching those two? We didn’t exactly stand a chance against them and Gunvolt is still out cold and recovering. I’m in no better shape then he is. So what’s the plan?” Dyspo asked as he folded his arms.

“I have to agree with him… What’s the plan?” Katy asked.

“Right now, I think what we need to do is rather simple,” Vixen replied back. “Right now, you need to recover and refocus… It’s likely that those guys skipped town now that their cover is blown, but we can still compile a case. However, what Dyspo said is right. We won’t be able to fight them in this current state… So, first step is recovering and slowly getting back to full health. I know that when Lance wakes up, some of his injuries would be healed already… But the main concern is what you said earlier… We don’t stand a chance against them now… but if you hone your new abilities and learn how to control and master them. Then you might stand a chance.”

“Alright… But I’m still not be buddy, buddy with Lance… I think it’s better if he stays away from me. I’ve already gotten shocked by him enough as it is. And… there is just one thing I have to ask… Where is Gabby?”

“She’s with Poet… But I have something to ask…” Vixen asked her. “When you got shocked… did you see images?”

“None of your business… I suggest you drop it now or someone is gonna get hurt!” Katy stated in a serious tone and Vixen backed up slowly.

“I-i only asked because-”

“I said… Drop it!” Vixen squeaked in response, almost panicky like and fearing that Katy was going to do something to her. “Nothing… Happened! Now drop it or I will do a lot worse to you!” Katy barked, causing Vixen to finally shut up and sat back down.

It was around then though… that they heard a groan from the nearby operating table as everyone turned to notice Lance getting up. “O-ow… Geez, are you trying to kill my ears. They’re ringing off the walls…”

“Look who finally woke up.” Dyspo said with a smirk. Though… all that did was have Vixen get up from her seat… walk over to Lance… and do one thing that neither he, nor Katy ever expected.

Smack him across the face with a hoof. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“O-ow… Saffron, what-?”

“You know that you’re not supposed to use up all of your power in one shot like that and doing so means that someone can seriously harm you.” She growled. “Gabby was watching everything and went into a serious panic when she saw you do that.”

“Okay, okay… I think I get it now.” Lance grumbled, scratching the back of his head now as he looked around the room. “Speaking of Gabby… where is she-?”

“GUNVOLT!!!” They all heard as the metal door breaks down with Gabby standing on top of it with a panicked look before it morphed into a grin as she tackled the adept to the ground. “YOU’RE ALIVE!!!”

Wow… Potential injury by fan girl… That’s a new one to add to the list.” Lumen snickered.

“Ugh! Gabby, please get off of him… We don’t want his perverted mind getting any wrong ideas.” Katy commented nonchalantly as she waved her arm in the air to try to reach her. “Too… Far to reach.”

“Wow… You sure put in some real effort in getting her off him.” Dyspo said sarcastically.

“G-gabby? Could you please get off for a moment?” Lance asked the griffon.

“Oh! Sorry… Got a little excited there.” She said sheepishly as she hopped off him, but was still excited nonetheless.

“Thanks… Sorry for making you worried, I was… well, I think both Dyspo and I were concerned for Katy and went after her without thinking,” He replied. “Though… I must admit, it felt like Phantom was the one saving me this time around… and for that, I appreciate it.”

“Pfft… Whatever, I only did it because that is what heroes do.” Katy grumbled as she avoided eye contact with the adept.

“Look… I know that we didn’t exactly start off on right terms… but I do hope that we can be able to work together in the future…” He replied, before turning to Gabby. “As for you though… I feel like I should make things up to you since I had to run off in the middle of things.”

“Oh, is that so?” She said, turning to Katy with a smug look on her face before turning back to Lance. “How about a date then?”

“I… think that can be arranged,” He told her in response. “What day works for you?”

“How about Friday night?” Gabby suggested as Katy groaned under her breath, now realizing that she could lose her bet.

“That works for me.” He smiled back.

Annnnnnnd…… Ship confirmed.” Lumen snickered again.

“Didn’t think you were into griffons Gunvolt.” Dyspo said, laughing despite his chest hurting. “It… Hurts… So much!”

Maybe you should spend less time talking?” Lumen added. “Besides, not everything that we’re saying needs a bit of two sense from the peanut gallery.

“I’m only having some fun… You’d probably be doing the same if you were in my position little butterfly.” Dyspo commented.

You do realize that my form is different now, right?” Lumen added “Meaning I can do this…” To Dyspo’s surprise, that was when Lumen flew up to him and punched him in the nose. And even though he thought that he wouldn’t feel anything… He definitely felt something seconds after.

“Ow! HEY! I’m only going off what I’m seeing! You have butterfly wings, and your tiny with twin antenna headband. So you can’t hold that against me.” Dyspo spoke logically as Lumen puffed out her cheeks.

...... Lance, can I punch him right up Main Street? I want to show that I have no antenna’s at all on my head.

“Lumen, don’t even think about it.” The Adept groaned.

“Well I’m gonna head out… I’ll see you guys later when we start planning.” Katy said as she got up from her seat and made her way out the door.

“Well… I guess that leaves just us then,” Lance replied back, before looking at Dyspo. “Hey, when your fully recovered, your free to come back here-”

Really? Because even with his new ability, I still want to punch him.

That… had Lance raise an eyebrow before looking back at Dyspo. “Hang on… new ability?”

“I’ll tell you more about it after I make a full recovery… For now I think I’m gonna take that Saffron chick’s advice and rest.” Dyspo said laying back down on the couch.

“Alright… Let us know if you need anything…” Lance replied back as he left the room with Gabby in tow… but it was Lumen that was the last one to say something. “Oh and before I forget, Detective Whooves said that he’s assigning you here for the time being… Since you got nowhere else to go right now and the Department’s still handling the Mane-iac fallout… We have a spare room that has your stuff, courtesy of the detective…

With that, she winked at him, before Dyspo’s eyes widened and she closed the door. “Have fuuuuun.

“Son of a b*tch!” Dyspo shouted.


In the city of Baltimare, Commander Shepard and the Masked Killer were now hidden deep underground in a secret laboratory where a lot of massive green pods laid as Shepard began to remove most of his armor and began to replace it with new parts. He couldn’t believe that the Phantom and Officer Dyspo had exposed them for attempted murder, but the most that would get him is a couple of years in prison, but it was still a blow to his pride.

“I know… this will set us back a couple of weeks, but we can still retrieve the blood samples from those other heroes-” Shepard tried to explain, but was quickly sent flying backwards towards the end of the room by an unknown force.

“I don’t care about that! I want those samples from Gunvolt! Officer Toppo here in Baltimare! The Power Ponies! I want them all! I will not allow for any setbacks!” A Feminine voice shouted in the shadows. “I’ve already sent Mira to retrieve the blood samples from Toppo, but you need to get the blood of either the Matterhorn or Gunvolt. I could care less about those samples you’ve brought before… I don’t need rich snobs! I need warriors!”

“A-As you wish… Mistress.” Shepard replied as he fell to his knees. “I won’t let you down…” It was then the Masked Killer had entered the room in brand new armor and stood over the injured commander.

“Mistress… Commander Shepard and I will head out first thing tomorrow to retrieve those blood samples for you.” The Masked Killer spoke before the two began to hear laughter from their mistress.

“Hehehehe… I hope you two do… Otherwise Mira, will dispose of both you.” The mysterious women in the shadows spoke as she took a seat in her large spinning chair. She turned around to face the large computer screen in front of her as both her warriors began to exit the room, leaving her alone. “Hehehe… Soon it will be your turn heroes… I wonder how tasty you all will be.”