• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,552 Views, 7 Comments

Katy Takes Maretropolis - Pen Dragon

Katy was just a normal girl, but now she has a chance to become the Maretropolis's greatest hero or at least one of them.

  • ...

Act I: Putting the Pieces Together

Act I: Putting the Pieces Together

Two days have passed since the capture of the Mane-iac and the fight with Gunvolt as news began to spread about the hero’s act of resistance to police officer Dyspo. Despite the police force trying to cover it up. Some ponies began to hide in their homes at night after hearing those rumors.

“Dyspo, are you sure that you want to be the one interrogating the Mane-iac?” Detective Whooves asked him as they both began to walk to the interrogation cell in the Police HQ. “I mean, I know that this is important, but you didn’t want to do anything like this the last few times we’ve caught criminals before.”

“Well I need answers… That way we can confirm if Gunvolt was really working with the Mane-iac. Especially since he played a role in that attack.” He replied, scratching his chin.

“Dsypo, I think you are getting ahead of yourself,” Detective Whooves told him. “Gunvolt’s been a hero for several years and every time he and the Mane-iac are in the same place, the two are squaring off against each other. There’s no way that they would work with each other, especially since the Mane-iac detests him.”

“Well for one, he admitted spotting the Mane-iac heading towards town hall. And if he really was a hero… Why didn’t he stop her right then and there? He would have not only stopped them, but prevent any casualties and property damages. He was literally across Town Hall when the Phantom and I spotted him.” Dyspo explained. “You gotta admit that’s fishy?”

“What’s fishier is that you tried to arrest him without even showing a warrant or anything,” Detective Whooves glared at him. “The police force is supposed to uphold the law. Not be used to solve personal grudges. Plus, anytime Gunvolt does something, it’s for a good reason.”

“I don’t have anything against Gunvolt! I actually looked up to him, besides I’m not the only witness who heard him admit it! The Phantom was there too and because of him, she’s in our infirmary. He almost killed her!” Dyspo explained. “If Commander Shepard wasn’t there… She would have most likely been dead because of him.”

“Then why do you think he’s the enemy now… Do you even know his story?” Detective Whooves asked. “Because his was one where he was ripped from everything that he knew… but used it as something to help others. He came before Shepard.” Both of them came directly to where the interrogation room was, but then stopped as Dyspo continued to speak.

“If he was innocent then why didn’t he just come quietly? You, me and anypony in the police force would have listened to his story, but instead he resisted and that if I recall is a crime.” Dyspo added, folding his arms.

“Did you give him the chance to listen to what he had to say? Or did you assume that he was automatically at fault?” The question was met by silence as the detective looked back at him. “Nevermind that… The Mane-iac is inside. She’s set up for a polygraph that I’ll monitor out here. Ask her the questions and I’ll monitor them. Depending on how she responds, we can determine fact from fiction.”

“You sure that will work on a psycho on her? I mean, she is kinda… you know.” Dyspo said, waving his finger around in a circle by his head to mimic the Mane-iac’s delusional mind.

“Her actions from before was because of the effects of her hair. When let loose, she loses control of reason… however, since her hairs are currently restrained right now, she can be able to speak and reply rationally.” Detective Whooves replied. “In fact, she has been fully cooperative with the investigation this far.”

“Alright, but the moment she says something crazy… I’m out.” Dyspo said as he entered the room to see the mare sitting across the room in cuffs and her mane tied together. Grinning at Dyspo malevolently, making him shiver slightly. The other members of the police force had refused to speak with her, except for Detective Hooves and who could blame them. “Please stop grinning like that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry officer… It’s just been so long since I’ve seen somepony that I’m just glad to see that nopony’s forgotten about me,” The mare replied back, looking at Dyspo for a moment. “Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Rabbit?”

‘Just ignore that reference… You need to focus on the task at hand.’ Dyspo thought, coughing slightly as his eye twitched from her last comment. “Yes… Actually I want to ask you a few questions before we lock you up again.”

“Oh, what kind of questions?”

“You should already know crazy hair. Now I suggest you start telling me why you attempted to steal Town Halls giant ruby?” He asked.

“You don’t know?” Mane-iac replied back. “All gems have a source of magic trapped inside. And when you apply those gems to the right devices, they could power many things… However, what I needed was a power source for my base since the last one burned out days ago. We could’ve gotten what we wanted… until that freak had the nerve to attack me and my men before those six twerps showed up.”

“Oh, how tragic… do you need a tissue to wipe those tears?” Dyspo asked sarcastically as the Mane-iac gave him a deadpanned glare.

“You know, I would take up your offer, but I’m not into assholes. Besides, those kinds of tricks are for kids anyways.” Mane-iac snapped.

‘Ignore it! She’s not worth it!’ He thought as he took a deep breath. “Before we do continue, I just want you to know that if you weren’t a criminal then maybe I wouldn’t seem like an asshole to you, but I digress. Moving on… I suggest you tell me who was with you during your little heist.”

“You might’ve met them already. They’re the lackeys that were thrown into the back of your police van first. Nopony else was with me.” The Mane-iac told him. “I was the one that organized the plan with my henchponies and had everything planned out for what we would do… but you probably knew how that went, right doc?”

“Heh! You can make all the jokes you want, but that ain’t gonna get you out of a… Oh, I don’t know, a twenty five year sentence!” Dyspo added. “That is all the questions I have… Thank you for your time cookoo brain!”

“And do you think dramatic lines like that will get you anywhere… Because I think your hiding a question that you really want to ask.” The Mane-iac replied back, causing Dyspo to stop. “I may not have my hair or abilities, but I can still read your facial expressions like a book… Tell me… what else did you want to ask me… Sir?”

“Oh your right… I almost forgot to ask you Miss? Would you care for us to send you a fluffy pillow to your cell? Perhaps some snacks?” He said with a smirk, only to feel a swift kick being delivered right below his belt from under the table. “Right up main street!!!”

“I told you I wasn’t into assholes… Fine, if you don’t want to ask what’s really bothering you, then that’s fine… Perhaps your partner outside will ask the one question that could make or break your case… and he’ll get the recognition for it…” The Mane-iac told him in response.

But he simply grunted and stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut before saying one final line. “For the record! You deserve to rot in prison bitch!” Dyspo then turned over to Detective Hooves who only began to clap his hooves together with a smirk across his face.

“Congratulations… you’re the first member of the department to make a complete fool out of himself in an interrogation…” He deadpanned. “And you didn’t even ask the question that you wanted to find out.”

“I’m a lot more clever than you think, you know. You said she was hooked up to the polygraph right? Was she telling the truth about who was involved?” Dyspo said, rolling his eyes.

“Yes actually… None of her statements came out as false.” Detective Whooves told him, showing the graph results to Dyspo himself. “And since her statement is true… that means that it rules out your theory that Gunvolt was involved… Other then the fact that you definitely have a way of treating women like dirt.”

“Hardy, har, har, that was so funny I forgot how to laugh. You on the other hand can be a real dick at times you know, even though your right… like a lot.” He replied.

That was when the Detective replied back, but what he had to say was not good to Dyspo. “Yes… and it seems as if you did not get the results you were hoping for… So listen closely… Dyspo, your attitude towards the case and what you did is making the force look like a complete embarrassment. And with this fiasco, if this gets out of hand, then you may end up being let go…”

For a moment, Dyspo said nothing. Shocked by the news. But as he was going to continue speaking, Detective Whooves continued. “But… we’re going to give you one more chance with this… but let me make this clear. If a fiasco like this happens again you can lose both your title and your job. Do I… make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.” He replied, looking down at the ground as the detective took a deep breath.

“Good… then you will be needing this,” He told him, grabbing what looked like an index card out of his coat and looking back at him. “Remember that case that the Phantom was working on…? Well, I want you to help her get to the bottom of it… and in the process, mend your relationship with the Azure Striker.”

That was when the card soon glowed a small bit, revealing the letters ‘QUILL’ along with what looked like the location of a map on the opposite side of the card. “I’ll work with the department to clean up this current mess… I’m just hoping that right now, you and the others don’t cause another one.”

Back at the Apartment

“I don’t believe it! You met him!” Gabby squealed as Katy told the story about how she got into a fight with the Azure Striker, Gunvolt.

“Yeah, don’t get your hopes up… He’s nothing more than a huge pervert!” She shouted as she began to put her black suit back on. “He literally admitted seeing me change into my prototype assassin suit. I bet he took pictures too.”

“What?! That doesn’t sound like him! He obviously must’ve thought that you changed because you wore a different suit the first time compared to the second!” Gabby told her.

“He said in I quote ‘I saw her change her suit.’ How do try explaining that!” Katy said, as she placed her helmet on and began to look over her gear.

“Psst… That just sounds like your throwing things way out of context.” Gabby rolled her eyes. “Besides, according to what I read in an article about him, he doesn’t have any gadgets that let him see through walls!”

“Yeah cause he’s gonna put that in there! Hey I bet he even has a gun that melts clothes away too!” She said sarcastically.

“... You’re just jealous.”

“No… you’re jealous… anyways… I believe you owe me your dessert for the next two months~” Katy said, taking her helmet off and gave her a toothy grin as the griffon rolled her eyes.

“Fine! But I still think he isn’t a player and I will get that date with him.” She said, puffing her cheeks as Katy laughed at her declaration.

“Yeah in your dreams maybe! And hey I’m doing you a favor girl… That guy is a jerk and if he was a ‘Good Guy’ Then maybe he wouldn’t have resisted arrest! Isn’t it against the law?” She asked.

“I believe so… but I’m sure it was a… evil clone created by an evil scientist and is holding the real Gunvolt hostage!” Gabby gasped as Katy rolled her eyes.

“That’s oddly specific… probably something out of a movie, but I can promise you that if it was a clone. You’ll be first to know.” She replied as the two laughed together before hearing a knock on the door.

“Hello? Is anyone home?” They heard, recognizing the voice, Katy groaned as she placed her helmet back on and opened the door.

“What do you want doc?” Katy asked as Dyspo growled.

“One… don’t call me ‘doc’...” He told her off of the bat. “Two… Detective Whooves and I just got the Polygraph finished from the Mane-iac. Not only did the Mane-iac say the truth about who was with her, but…… and I hate to admit this… but there was no connection whatsoever on the theory that Gunvolt was working with the Mane-iac. In other words… we screwed up.”

“See!! I told you he wouldn’t do something like that!!” Gabby cheerfully replied… which only left Dyspo more puzzled.

“Uh… is there something I’m missing here?”

“It’s just something between me and her… Maybe I’m starting to believe that theory she had.” She whispered that last bit before clearing her throat. “Anyways, is that all you came to tell me?”

“No actually…” Dyspo replied back. “Because of the screw up, I’m very close to losing my job… but, Detective Whooves has given me one chance to make things right…” When he said that, that was when he pulled out the card that Detective Whooves gave him. “Remember that case that you have been working on?”

“Yeah, the killers that murdered six business ponies? Why?” She asked, taking her helmet off and taking a seat beside Gabby as Dyspo sat across from them.

“Well… Detective Whooves wants that case to be solved. And to do that, he wants us to work together… all of us.” That was when Dyspo flipped the card around… and the front of it made Gabby squeal upon seeing it.

“N-no way!! You got his card!? That’s crazy!!!”

“Uh, can we get another card?” She asked politely but Dyspo didn’t respond. “Didn’t think so… Fine I’ll… Work with him.”

“Oh, come on!!! Don’t you realize how big this is?!!! I’ve been dreaming of this day for my entire life and your just gonna pass on it!!! NOT TODAY!!!” Gabby shouted pulling Katy from her suit as she shook her rapidly. “I WILL MEET MY FUTURE BOYFRIEND TODAY!!!”

“...... Um…” They both heard Dyspo speak for a moment, before he asked a question to Gabby. “I wanted to ask if either of you knew what QUILL was…”

That was when the Griffon, who stood upright, began to explain everything as if she was some kind of professor. Even doing it behind a whiteboard for dramatic effect. “QUILL is the acronym used by Gunvolt’s team. It stand for ‘Quorom of Unrestricted Intelligence, Law and Liberty’ and has been known for giving ponies who have awakened powers a chance to become heroes and teach them moral life lessons…” At the last part, that's when she had the look of a fangirl in her eyes as Dyspo turned to Katy.

“Is this… normal for her?”

“I’ve lived with this girl for two months… This is considered ‘normal’. You really should see her bedroom because… Oh boy!” Katy said as Gabby ignored her statement and ran up to Dyspo.

“Are we going there now!!!” She asked, her eyes sparkling as her jaw hanged slightly.

“We would be… if we knew where it was.” He told them. “There’s no address on the card. Just what looks like a picture of some kind. Perhaps part of a map?”

“Oh, well then you're useless.” Gabby commented as she hopped back to her seat as Dyspo groaned.

“Bad day…” Taking the card, he lightly tossed it on top of some of Katy’s things, including her Omnitool. Yet, as the card landed there… that’s when something strange began to happen. The tool began to scan the card itself, before showing something.

New contact information acquired. Transmitting…

That got Katy’s attention right away. Especially the next part. New contact added. Lance Walker. Listed as QUILL Head of Operations. Would you like to leave him a message? Y/N

Before Katy could even get a chance to think it over, she was immediately knocked to the ground as Gabby grabbed hold of her arm and hit yes. “Please… Meet us… at the park… Today at noon. Don’t be late… Secret admirer.”

Unauthorized DNA signature. Locking Omnitool.

“NO!!!” She shouted in agony and hopped off Katy. “Uh, I think it’s broken, cause it should have sent that message.”

“Great now we have to wait for two hours just so I can use it again. Thanks Gabby, your a real help!” Katy shouted sarcastically as Gabby grinned sheepishly.

“Um… If I may?” Dyspo replied back. “If that’s your device, then perhaps it would only allow for you to be able to send messages since it recognizes your DNA.”

“Trust me… I know this thing better than you. I put that safety lock for a reason… Just in case some asshole tried to hack. Or in this case a crazy fan girl!” She yelled. “But don’t worry it’s ONLY two hours of waiting.”

Dyspo sighed for a moment, before looking back at Katy. “Right… perhaps we can pass the time with making sure we know more on the case. Besides, even though I only know parts of the cases, the information you collected on this is not on department record. We should know about what were doing before we get the chance to meet the Azure Striker at any particular time.”

“Look, as far as I’m concerned… I can find those killers myself if you would so kindly hand over the evidence to me. I can catch the perps for you.” She asked politely.

They heard a small fizzy sound from the Omnitool for a moment, before looking to see something surprising. It was the same ghost like figure from before… only that it was now on Katy’s device. “H-hello? Is this thing on? We detected the activation of a locator card, can you p-please identify yourself?

“It’s that fairy from before!” Dyspo said.

“No shit sherlock! What do you want bug?!”

For your information, I was a Breezie before I died,” Lumen glared at her. “Also, do you even know why you would be given a locator card in the first place?

“Your small, have bug wings, and you have antennas… your still a bug.” Katy stated. “Also don’t ask me, I bet your perverted buddy gave this card to Mr. Rabbit’s boss!”

It means that Detective Whooves has trusted you to be able to work with us. QUILL is a hero organization, but we don’t try to have our name be out in the open because there are those who would do great harm to us if they found out who we were… Man, even the Katy that Lance knew before the timeline reset was a handful. Geez…” Lumen groaned for a moment, which made Katy even more confused.

“Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there! I never met you idiot in my entire life until two nights ago. And even if there was ‘Another me’ she isn’t me. So tell that pervert to get it through his head.” Katy explained.

... He’s not a pervert as it is. He had someone he cared for, but lost them… It’s a tragic story that would bring your griffon friend there to tears,” Lumen replied. “Listen though… we wouldn’t be doing this to talk about the past. Instead, we would be working to help you… I’m sending you some coordinates for you to come here. But, according to QUILL protocol, you’re only allowed to bring one guest with you… and no, before your friend asks, we do not have a gift shop.

“Sorry but that ain’t gonna happen bug… it’s either all three of us or none of us and I have demands of my own.” Katy stated. There was a small pause in response before they heard someone new speak.

There will be no need for demands. We’ll accept your request to have all of them over-” The sound of Gunvolt’s voice was heard now instead of Lumen.

“Ugh… Not him… look, my crew and I will arrive there, but you better leave that bullshit of my ‘past self’ behind. That isn’t me and I’ll never be that person you want. I’m gonna be me. Whether you like it or not!” Katy declared with a hint of malice in her voice.

That’s fine. This isn’t a discussion to focus on fun and games. This is one about what’s important. My team and I will be awaiting your arrival later on… And, as a friendly gesture, Lumen will override the lock on your… device so you can use it properly. Have a good afternoon.” With that, the call ended just as soon as it began, with Katy also receiving new map information on where to meet.

“Well I think we better go meet up with them.” Dyspo said as Katy groaned in response.

“Oh, come on Katy! It’s going to be awesome!” Gabby squeed again, causing Dyspo to roll his eyes as he looked back to Katy.

‘Let’s just get this job over with.’ Katy thought.

Quill HQ

“Vixen, Stella, we’re going to be expecting some guests later this afternoon, so please keep an eye out for them and try to not come off as hostile.” Lance himself replied while he was getting things organized and ready for their arrival. He honestly did not anticipate for Detective Whooves to give a locator card to them, but if he did, it meant that he trusted them and that they needed his and/or QUILL’s help.

“Lance, are you sure that having them come over is a good idea?” Lumen asked, her form now sitting on the holo-table that they have in the middle of the room. “I mean… that one griffon that was there almost looked like one of those stalker super fans that somepony’s would need a restraining order.”

“Lumen, let’s not think the worst about them just because of what you heard,” Lance insisted. “We’re setting everything else from before and in the past aside to focus on what’s going on now. I’m sure that Phantom would like that too…”

“Yeah, but how do you think she would react to some of the ponies on the team?” His companion asked him. “I mean, Sparkler and Bumblesweet aren’t here and right now, it’s Stella, Saffron and I think Poet’s going to be coming over later.”

“Well, as they say, the more the merrier,” Lance replied. “Though, in regards to what we’re talking about, perhaps we can prepare the forensic analysis room for if they want to try to talk about evidence and clues that could link some of these cases together.” Lumen nodded, disappearing for a moment so she could go evaluate on those while he made sure to check that everyone else on his team knew what was going on.

Though… they didn’t really have a lot of time to prepare… as they soon happened to find out when Lance looked at the Camera feed to the front door of the facility. Seeing officer Dyspo and the Phantom with their griffon friend outside. “Hey Gunvolt! It’s Dyspo, we’re waiting outside!”

Taking a deep sigh, he looked towards everyone else and then spoke up. “Alright, places everypony. Our guests are here.” With that though, Saffron was the one that operated the door, having to divide in half and open outward. Even though, on the outside, it was disguised to look like a concrete wall.

She looked at all three of them as Lance walked over to greet them too. “Good afternoon Officer… Phantom… and,” Not before long though, Saffron looked towards Gabby, a little bit confused. “Um… Is your friend okay? She’s… getting a nosebleed.”

But he only received a grunt from the Phantom as she turned her back towards him as Gabby collapsed to the ground in joy. “H-He’s reallll~”

“Yeah, she’s still not happy with you Gunvolt for saying you saw her change her into her new suit. You probably should have phrased a little better. That and for throwing her out the window. ” Dyspo explained.

“No… You misinterpreted what I said,” Lance told them, playing a recording from his bracer. “I was trying to make a comparison to Radiance given how she uses different suits-”

“How about you never! EVER! Bring up what happened two nights ago! I ain’t here to be all buddy, buddy with you or your friends. I’m only here to catch my perp and I’m done with you. Got it?!” Katy snapped… which made things really tense.

Especially when they saw a young colt walk up and look at them. “Uh… Mr. Lance, why is that mean lady shouting at you?” That… surprised Dyspo and Katy. Because for one thing, he was… rather young compared to that of Vixen or Gunvolt. “I thought you said she was coming by to talk with you about a case?”

“She still is, Poet… However, my last meeting didn’t go so well with them… But that’s not what they're here for,” Lance replied back, letting them come on inside. “Come on in. Make yourself at home.”

“Dyspo and Gabby can go in… I’ll be outside.” Katy said. “And I’m not going in no matter what you say.” She said before turning over to Dyspo. “You can fill me in when we actually go after those creeps okay?”

“Alright… though, before we start, how did things go at the police station? You’re not going to try to ring me up on charges now, are you?” Lance asked Dyspo as he started to come inside.

“Probably for the window damages, but nothing else. Your clean, but some of us are still having a hard time accepting that.” Dyspo said as the doors behind them closed.

“I don’t stoop as low as to preying on women. I see that as entirely unethical and whoever does that should be ashamed of themselves.” Lance clarified right after the door closed. He lead Dyspo and Gabby into the main room for QUILL’s base of operations as Poet and Vixen followed him inside. It was there that they Dyspo met another member of the team, who looked rather surprised to see him.

Especially since she was preparing carrots as a snack to have. Which, made Dyspo twitch at the sight of them. “Officer, Gabby, I would like for you to meet a few members of the team. To my right is Vixen, who has the abilities of animal mimicry. Stella, also known as Killer Queen, who has control over Neon energy and can emit energy into objects to turn them into explosives,” Then, Lance motioned his head to the young colt that sat on a couch not far from where they were. “And this is Poet, also known as Storyteller and the youngest member of QUILL. Not everypony is here now, but you may get the chance to run into some other members if they come back from patrol early.”

“So… what does this cutie do?” Gabby asked as she tried to lean on Lance. Only for what looked like a giant word to materialize right between them that read ‘WALL’. Only for the griffon to realize it when she turned around. “Oh, come on! I just want to rest my head on his shoulders!”

“Well, that’s an example,” Poet replied back. “My abilities allow me to create manifestations of words and have those words take on the properties of what they say… For example, if I had a word on the ground that spelled out ‘trampoline’, you can be able to bounce on it like an actual trampoline. Or, if I had the word ‘lightning bolt’, then it would act like actual lightning and conduct electricity. However, I can only have a certain amount of words active at one particular time.”

“I think that’s pretty impressive squirt.” Dyspo said, patting Poet on the head. “But I think you can remove the wall, she isn’t really gonna harm anyone.”

“Please!!! It’s on my bucket list of things to do!” Gabby said, still trying lean on Lance, despite the wall being there. When Poet did remove the wall, that caused Gabby to fall over, but instead of falling onto the hard floor she landed on another word that read ‘mattress’ to soften her landing.

Which… had Poet then say, “I removed the wall…”

“Alright, but I think that’s enough introductions for now… I think it’s time we got back to the matter at hand. Tracking down the killers.” Dyspo said.

Author's Note:

This one didn't take as long surprisingly and I have to say that this story is coming together pretty well. Also I hope you guys like cliffhangers XD. Anyways I'm still looking for that right theme song for this so if you guys have any suggestions please leave them in the comments below.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.