• Published 11th Jan 2018
  • 2,552 Views, 7 Comments

Katy Takes Maretropolis - Pen Dragon

Katy was just a normal girl, but now she has a chance to become the Maretropolis's greatest hero or at least one of them.

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Act I: Stolen Glory

Act I: Stolen Glory

From the roof of the building across from the town hall, Lance watched as Katy… or otherwise known as ‘The Phantom’ was going to town on the Mane-iac’s goons as she outclassed each one of them. Of course, seeing this wasn’t so much for entertainment purposes as it was to evaluate what she could do. And right away, he could see a lot of differences between the Katy he knew… and this one now. For one thing, this Katy was… a lot more aggressive.

“Ow! My Kidney!!!”

Yeah, very aggressive indeed.

“Lance it looks like she’s gonna take on the Mane-iac now.”

“And she already has the means to do it,” The Adept commented, pulling out some binoculars so he could look a bit closer. “Hunh… it appears that her outfit is different compared to the last one. This one seems to be more focused on hand to hand combat. She’s also holding onto a pair of knives that could easily cut through the mane-iac’s mane.”

“Wouldn’t that just piss her off even more?”

“Mane-iac’s weakness is her pride and also her rage. Either one can cause her to not think straight and lead to opportunities she can capitalize on.” Lance told his spiritual companion. “Though, I do hope that this mess won’t cause anypony inside the ball to notice. If Twilight and the others in there notice what’s going on out here, they’ll take the credit away from her… and that’s happened more than once.”

“Don’t bet your hopes on it.”


“What? I’m just saying…” She said, as the two continued to watch the fight from afar, but there was one thing Lance did not account for and it was how this Katy was also prideful and relentless. They watched how she was struggling against the Mane-iac and being tossed all over the place. “Don’t you think we should… Oh, I don’t know… step in and help her?!”

“Hang on… she might have an ace in the hole. But…” The adept noticed what looked like a loose nail on the rooftop as he picked it up. Using his powers, he threw it down towards the two, but it had the speed to go unnoticed. His target though was not the Mane-iac herself… but a strand of her mane as it got nailed to the wall. Afterwards, Lance moved away from the edge so Katy wouldn’t notice him if he looked in that direction.

However the Mane-iac didn’t seem to notice this as Katy cut off a piece of her mane, causing her to lash out in rage, yanking the strand of her mane off the wall as it struck Katy with tremendous force, sending her flying across the room, until both her arms and legs were tied together. “Your gonna pay for that!”

He heard her shout and just as he was about to attempt to throw another nail, but a purple beam of light, cut straight through the Mane-iac’s, freeing Katy as the Power Ponies arrived on the scene. “Surrender now Mane-iac! Or Else!”

“Called it.” Lumen said.


“What? I told you it was bound to happen sooner or later…” Lumen replied… before she noticed Lance walking away and she was getting dragged along. “Hey! Where are you going?! I want to see how the climax ends!!” Lance just groaned at that, face palming himself as he left the rooftop.

“Next time… no more romantic comedies for movie night.”


Katy only groaned as she got back to her feet and saw how the Power Ponies were now facing the Mane-iac. She watched as the famous fili-second sped around the room, tying up all of the goons the Mane-iac had with her. Before noticing Zapp, another member of the Power Ponies, looking at her.

“Thanks rookie… but for this big baddy, let the professionals handle this.” She said, flying past her as Katy clenched her fists together. Just as she thought this was her chance to prove herself, she is once again on the sidelines while the Power Ponies began to school the Mane-iac.

“Yo! Radiance, try to block the exit!” Zap shouted, striking the Mane-iac with a bolt of lightning from her necklace as Radiance created a crystal door with her bracelet.

“Hmmph! I can’t believe they would destroy such fine architecture.” Radiance commented as Mistress Mare-velous simply rolled her eyes in response as she waited for her opportunity to capture the Mane-iac.

“Grr… You Power Ponies always get in my way! But this Ruby is mine!” She declared as her mane attempted to incapacitate the Matterhorn, but was quickly stopped by the Straddle Rager with tremendous strength, she pulled the Mane-iac’s mane toward her, sending the mare flying towards Straddle’s hooves and was punched in the face.

“Nice one Straddle! Mare-velous! Your up!” The Matterhorn said, grinning at her comrades as Mare-velouses lasso glowed brightly and tied up the Mane-iac.

“That should hold that varmint!” She said with a smirk as Katy gritted her teeth. The more and more she watched them, the more and more she became sick to her stomach. Detested by how they stole something that was so close to being in her grasp.

‘Dammit! Why does this always happen?!’ She thought to herself as the power ponies cuffed the Mane-iac and her crew before they were being taken away by the police. But by the time that the Power Ponies turned back around, wanting to thank the stranger that was facing the Mane-iac… she was already gone.

“Just who was that anyways?” Rainbow asked, before all of them heard them getting a call from a former teammate.

“Oh, hello Gunvolt… didn’t think we would be getting a call from you around now.”

Yeah… and I didn’t think I would be seeing your story making the news anytime soon……” They heard the adept grumble.

“And just what the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked.

That person that was in the alley… the one who left… you do realize that was the Phantom right?” He asked all of them, to which… only Straddle understood who he was referring too. “Well… she’s trying to be a hero… but the only problem is that anytime that she tries to do something heroic, you girls interfere and then get the credit for something that she was trying to do. The hell’s up with that?

“Well how were we supposed to know?! That didn’t look anything like her!” Rainbow stated, but Lance simply sighed.

She changes suits just as frequently as Radiance changes clothes on a day to day basis… plus, do you know the only reason why she knew about it and why you found out what was going on?” The azure striker then asked them, wanting to hear an honest answer.

“You told her didn’t you?” Twilight answered.

I sent her an anonymous tip with a picture after I saw them from the roof on patrol. If she didn’t go out there and confront them when she did, it would’ve turned the whole entire town hall into the scene of a hostage situation. Did any of you seriously think that?” There was silence amongst the six of them as they heard a deep sigh again from the adept. “Look, just… bear with me. I remember her from somewhere and I’m trying to help her the best I can, so please… if you do happen to run into her, don’t shrug her off. Instead ask for her to lend a helping hoof.

All six of them heard the equivalent of what sounded like metal breaking on the other end and before they could ask what’s going on, the last thing they heard him say was “I’m gonna have to call you ba-


“Grr… I can’t believe I got showed up again by those stupid power ponies! Whose gonna be next?! That idiot Gunvolt or perhaps Monkey Brains brains on the opposite side of town.” She shouted, punching the nearest wall, before hearing a slight cough behind her. “Who’s there?”

“Hey! Calm down Phantom! It’s just me.” Dyspo replied. “Look if you ask me, I think that we should have been the ones getting credit for dealing with the Mane-iac, but you know how it is? Ponies don’t really care about vigilantes or officers. They care about superheroes who take down the bad guys easily, when we were the ones who did most of the work.” He added, earning another growl from the girl, but before she could comment, she heard another voice not too far from where they were standing.

But, for them, they were hearing the voice come from what looked like an empty building. And when they looked inside, both of them happened to notice the same adept from earlier in the day in the middle of a conversation of sorts.

Oh, hello Gunvolt… didn’t think we would be getting a call from you around now.

“Yeah… and I didn’t think I would be seeing your story making the news anytime soon……” They both heard the adept grumble.

“Oh, it’s Gunvolt… I wonder what he’s doing here?” Dyspo whispered.

“Probably talking to a girl about sleeping over at his house… Cause he’s a pervert-.” Katy commented.

And just what the hay is that supposed to mean?

The next part of what he said though… really got on Katy’s nerves. “That person that was in the alley… the one who left… you do realize that was the Phantom right?”

Uh… Who?

Oh y-you mean that vigilante?” They both heard Straddle ask.

“Well… she’s trying to be a hero… but the only problem is that anytime that she tries to do something heroic, you girls interfere and then get the credit for something that she was trying to do. The hell’s up with that?”

Well how were we supposed to know?! That didn’t look anything like her!

“She changes suits just as frequently as Radiance changes clothes on a day to day basis… plus, do you know the only reason why she knew about it and why you found out what was going on?” She heard him say, getting the idea that he was spying on her.

“W-Was he watching me?” Katy asked, glaring at the adept. “I knew he was a perverted moron!”

“Just wait a moment. Don’t you realize what he’s saying? How could he have known that? Unless he was there?” Dyspo said, holding Katy back.

The next two words from Masked Matterhorn though, prompted Gunvolt’s response. “You told her, didn’t you?

“I sent her an anonymous tip with a picture after I saw them from the roof on patrol. If she didn’t go out there and confront them when she did, it would’ve turned the whole entire town hall into the scene of a hostage situation. Did any of you seriously think that?” There was silence amongst the six of them as they heard a deep sigh again from the adept. Groaning a little as he shook his head. “Look, just… bear with me. I remember her from somewhere and I’m trying to help her the best I can, so please… if you do happen to run into her, don’t shrug her off. Instead ask for her to lend a helping hoof.”

“That bastard! He set everything up!” Dyspo growled, but before he could do anything, Katy stepped out into the open, stepping on an empty soda can and crushed. “Phantom wait- Dammit!”

Upon hearing the can, Gunvolt heard the noise and moved one of his hands to his bracer to cut the transmission. “I’m gonna have to call you ba-” But before he could defend himself, he felt Katy’s hand grab his wrist and began to crush his bracer.

“You dirty bastard!” Katy shouted, attempting to punch him, but Lance grabbed her fist with his opposite hand.

“Seriously?! This is what I get for trying to help you just ONE time get some recognition?!!” Lance grit his teeth, trying to push her off to no avail.

“Yeah right! You set everything up! And you admitted it!” Dyspo shouted coming out. “As a member of the police force you are under arrest!”

“Bullshit! Do you honestly think I would go out of my way to get the Mane-iac to do that?! Ask her if you’re so desperate for answers! You have her in custody!!” The Adept snapped back, but was quickly lifted over Katy’s shoulder and slammed to the ground as Dyspo leaped into the air and tried to punch him. When he was thrown into the ground though, the adept glared at both of them, before glowing for a brief moment and then vanishing from Katy’s grasp.

Only to emerge a few feet away. “Shame that you had the nerve to try and break the one thing that would’ve given you the proof that shows I was innocent.”

“Save it for the judge creep! And how the hell did you get away!?” Katy asked.

“I have several tricks. One being that of Instant Transmission,” Lance told her in response, before looking at her. “Besides… there’s one other witness who would vouch for me.”

That was when Lumen emerged and landed on Lance’s shoulder. “Okay, what the buck did you do now?! You were first trying to help Katy and now she looks like she’s trying to kill you!! What did you do to make her angry.

“Oh, so that’s who you are? I was wondering why Mr. Shepard was looking for you?” Dyspo commented as Katy only glared at the adept in front of her.

“I’m gonna kick your ass so hard that your gonna wish you were dead! And that little fairy right there only confirms that you were watching me change! Not to mention setting everything up!” Katy shouted.

Change?” Lumen asked, before facepalming herself. “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I can’t do anything like that… And I wouldn’t do anything like that even if I was alive, so would you please stop treating him like a pile of waste. HE’S LOST YOU ONCE AND HE DOESN’T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!!!!

“Bullshit! And what he killed you or something?” She said sarcastically, before turning to Dyspo. “Just this once, we’re teaming up alright! But after that we’re done.”

“Let’s just hear this part out at least… That way we can add murder to the list!” Dyspo said, folding his arms.

“ …… No.” The Adept’s face darkened, looking down at the floor before glaring directly at her. “Lumen died… to save me… and give me a chance to live. Her soul is infused with mine… and gave me a chance so I can be able to return to those I care for… my friends… family… and loved ones… so how DARE you accuse me of murdering the one friend that gave me purpose in this place!”

When he looked back at both of them, his glare was dead set and directly at them. “I am a hero… You think they just gave me this role?! I had to prove myself to what I am now… I made sacrifices to get here,” Electricity was beginning to surge from some of the old and beaten down power boxes as he looked at them. “And if proving myself to you means that I need to defend myself from those who wish to do me harm… then let it be so.”

“I don’t care about your sob story! And I know for a fact that fairy is lying! I never met you before until this afternoon! You know nothing about what I had to do and I’m through talking to you! You set me up to fail! And you can bet your ass I’m taking you in!” Katy said as she pulled out her pistol and began to open fire as Dyspo began to run up the wall before disappearing and reappearing behind the adept and attempted to kick him. Yet, Lance felt his presence nearby and dodged the attack, causing Dyspo to fall forward towards Katy as he dropped down to deflect the attacks.

“You may have months of experience…” He said, before looking at both of them as he looked to draw his weapon from his holster. “But… that doesn’t compare to someone who’s been doing this for years.”

But for Katy, she didn’t care if he had years of experience because even she knows that a novice can beat a master if they played their cards right. Glaring at him, she pulled out two twin daggers from behind and threw them at him, but he stepped to the side as both of them struck the wall, but what he didn’t expect was for them to explode on impact, creating a cloud of smoke, blurring his vision until he saw a large red orb of energy inches from his torso as Dyspo emerged from the smoke and connected his blast to him.

“Justice Crush!” He shouted, sending the adept crashing into the wall as the energy blast exploded on impact. “Even if what you said is true about your fairy friend. It doesn’t change the fact that you were still involved in the attack on town hall! Even you can’t escape Justice!”

However, when the dust cleared… that’s when Dyspo noticed something about the adept as it looked like his outfit barely took a lot of damage. “So… even displaced that are in this timeline spout a lot of rhetoric… Good Grief,” Motioning a hand to the arm where his bracer was, he then said two words as a turquoise energy briefly glowed around her. “Galvanic Patch.”

With that, some of the bruises and scrapes were beginning to be restored as Katy also noticed that one particular portion of his bracelet, which had three lights, was now down to two. “Are you trying to actually capture me or just trying to show off? Because if it’s the latter, you would need to do more than that to capture me.”

“Hmph! Says the guy who hasn’t laid a finger on either of us.” Katy commented, dashing forward as Dyspo leaped into the air and fired two more ki blasts directly to the sides of Lance, creating another smoke screen. Expecting another kick or punch from Katy, he braced himself and attempted to block, but what he didn’t expect was a large metallic net flying towards him and wrapping itself around him. “You didn’t honestly think I’d do the same thing he did? This net was made to contain electricity. A little something I made for another thug I caught stealing a purse from an old lady. Now we’re taking you in.”

But… All she saw him do was just grin as more lightning began to form. Some of it hitting her costume. “Lux… CALIBER!!!” That was when Katy and Dyspo were immediately off guard by what happened next. A giant broadsword made of electricity slicing through the net and hitting both of them as it threw them backwards. Knocking them to the floor as he now began to stand up, scratching the back of his head. “Geez… You would think that they learned how Adepts work given how long they’ve been here for.”

But what he didn’t know was that Katy got up immediately and tried to kick Lance in the face, but her attack was blocked when Lance activated his Flashfield septima, causing a barrier of electricity to form around him. And then afterwards, the pulse from the barrier shot Katy out of a window like she was thrown out of a cannon.

Which, left Lance facepalming himself. “Dammit… I didn’t mean to go overkill there…”

Meanwhile, as Katy was beginning to get her senses back in order, she began… seeing things. More specifically, images of her and Lance together on a beach, before blacking out. But before she could hit the ground a man in a metallic suit, wearing a jetpack flew in and picked her up in his arms and flew back up to where Dyspo and Lance were. And he quickly pulled out a pistol and fired off two tranquilizer darts at Lance’s leg and he began to feel dizzy.

“You’re gonna be out for a while, that’s 200 kilos of horse tranquilizer hitting you right now.” He said before removing his helmet, revealing him to be Shepard, turning over to Dyspo. “I suggest you take it easy for awhile Dyspo and take the Phantom to a safe place. I’ll bring him in and find out what’s going on.”

“Oh, sure! You can count on me, just watch out for the electricity.” He now carrying Katy in his arms.

“I already know, and I have a feeling I’m gonna have my work cut out with this one. Adepts aren’t like others.” Shepard said. But as he got closer… he began to notice that the two tranquilizer shots he fired… weren’t in his leg anymore.

And before he could react, the adept had already spun around and put one in Shepards’s neck. Before throwing the other at Dyspo, but missing. As he turned around, that’s when Lance said something into his bracer. “Vixen, need an evac. Now.”

Working on it!! Coming in now!!” She said, but Shepard grabbed Lance by his Jacket and threw him across the room. Just when he got to his feet though, that was when a spectral elephant sent him flying through two buildings as Dyspo turned to see a unicorn carrying Lance now, with various animal spirit emerging around her. But before he could give chase, both of them disappeared.

“Damn! He got away!” Dyspo said as he ran over to Katy and began to carry her again. “SHEPARD!!!”

As Dyspo ran to help Shepard, he had already emerged from the rubble and cracked his neck. “Didn’t see that coming… Damn.”

“Are you alright?” He asked as Shepard walked over to him with his hand behind his head.

“I’m alright, but what about Phantom, is she alright?” He asked.

“She’s still breathing, but I think we should take her back to HQ.” Dyspo suggested. “That way she can get those injuries treated.”

“Alright, you go on ahead, I’ll see if I can find out where Gunvolt went.” Shepard said, scanning the area for any clues as Dyspo carried Katy off.

Two Months Ago

After saving Gabby from the stallion who tried to take her purse, she allowed Katy to live with her in her small apartment as a way to repay her. And for nearly two weeks the two have been getting along, and by the time Katy returned, she was furious. “I can’t believe it! Again after stopping a robbery by myself no less! Those Power Ponies swoop in and take all the credit for my hard work.”

She said, throwing the latest newspaper of the Power Ponies heroic acts at stopping armed thugs from robbing the city bank. Gabby couldn’t help but sigh as she turned over to her new friend. “Well you are just one person you know? Maybe you need help on your missions or something.”

As Katy removed her helmet and let her hair hang out, she turned to Gabby and gave her a small, but genuine grin. “Maybe, but then that would make it too easy for me. I have to do this on my own, otherwise I’m not gonna be a real hero like…. Commander Shepard! Or like Deku from Hero Academia! Or even Shirou Emiya! Those guys from some of my favorite Tv Shows and games.”

“Uh… I don’t know any of those guys except for the Commander, he’s pretty popular in Baltimare. Also there is that other guy here in Maretropolis.” Gabby said, setting the newspaper on the table as she made her way to the kitchen a few and began to pull a jug of apple juice and poor herself a glass. “I’m trying to remember his name… Hmm… I think it was Gunvolt!”


“Yeah, he’s one of Maretropolis’s greatest heroes and I think he’s kinda cute.” Gabby said, blushing slightly as Katy rolled her eyes as she took a seat on the couch. Gabby then sat down beside her and pulled up the newspaper again and turned to the article about Gunvolt dealing with a haunted Pizzeria with his picture on the side. “He looks cute doesn’t he?”

“Well… Maybe if it weren’t for the fact that I heard he’s been fooling around with a ton of girls. If it weren’t for that fact then maybe I’d consider liking him, but I don’t like perverts.” Katy said as Gabby puffed out her cheeks.

“That is soooo… Not true! I guarantee that he’s available and I’m gonna make him mine~” She said, blushing as her eyes sparkled like in those anime shows Katy watched back at home, only making her laugh.

“Well even if the part about him fooling around isn’t true, I can bet my desert for the rest of the month that he oggles girls in his free time.” She with a smirk.

“Well I bet my desert for two months that he isn’t a pervert and I can get him as my boyfriend!” Gabby said, smirking back at Katy before the two shook on it.

“Your on!”

Present Day

After battling against Gunvolt, Katy began to regain consciousness and noticed that she was laying on a hospital bed, hooked to an IV machine and no longer wearing her suit, but a hospital gown. Just as she was about to get up and look around, she noticed brown earth pony in a nurse uniform entered the room with Dyspo right behind her. “Ah, you awake… My names Nurse Stone, and I have to say I didn’t expect to see the Phantom of all ponies come to the medical center. I’m actually a fan.”

“Uh… H-How did I-” But before she could finish her sentence.

“I brought you here… Your in the medical center of police HQ.” He answered. “Anyways you had a bit of head trauma, but doc here said you’ll be fine as long as you get some rest.”

Katy wanted to say she was alright, but the pain she had received from the adept and those images were giving her a headache and simply laid back down. “Alright, but tell me you weren’t the one who took my suit off.” She asked, taking Dyspo off guard.

“What?! No! Nurse Stone was the one who took it off!” Dyspo said frantically as Katy giggled slightly.

“He’s telling the truth, he’d never do it.” Nurse stone confirmed. Anyways, please do get some rest and your suit and other belongings were placed in a duffle bag for you so you can leave tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” She said, earning a smile from the nurse.

“Your very welcome.”

“Alright well I’ll be heading out, try to not cause any trouble.” Dyspo stated before walking out of the room right behind Nurse Stone.

“Didn’t realize you were my mom.” She said quietly as she laid her head back down on the surprisingly comfy pillow. She began to recall those images she had saw when Lance had created that barrier and shocked her with electricity. At first she thought it was some kind of trick, but then again he couldn’t have done anything like that since his fighting style was based on distance and gadgets and not around mind manipulation.

‘Just what was that I saw? There is no way I could have known him… I’ve only been here for two months and I only met him today.’ She thought to herself. ‘Maybe Gabby can help me out when I get home… Heh, guess I get her dessert for two months now… Can’t wait to see the look on her face when I tell her this story.’

Author's Note:

This was very fun to write and this is only the beginning for what we have planned.

Also I am trying to find a good theme song for this story, so if you have any suggestions post them here in the comments below and if your lucky. It will get featured in the next chapter ;)