• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,778 Views, 277 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 7 - EquestrianKirin

It's a whole new ballgame for Gem and Pony alike. Saddle up!

  • ...

Message Recieved

Hello there, how's it where you are? You don't have to reply right away - it's a letter. This is Steven Universe, though guess you all already knew that, huh? Things had been a bit crazy lately for me and my friends here, and I hope it's doing alright back there too. I would come and visit myself, but White Diamond took my key and somehow it didn't come back yet. Discord wouldn't give me another one, something about windows and price tags. But anyway, it's only been two days, and I'm staying with my dad at the Carwash now. Not sure when, or if, I'll ever get a beach house built back at the Temple. Honestly, after seeing the Crystal Heart, I don't know if it's going to be somewhere we're all going to stay in. Garnet assured me it's going to be fine though, so we'll see. Anyway, let me know how everything's going over there, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Your pal; Steven Universe.

"Up and awake, buddy?" Greg asked. Steven looked out from the van's backseat. The day was pretty good, albeit summer was a bit closer to ending and as such it was getting a little bit colder, but no skin off his nose. Lion and Blue were still snoozing just outside, Lion chilling out on his back and Blue sleeping just inside the van, laying nearby Steven during the night. He was a little less used to sleeping in the van, but it was better than on a cave floor. Steven hopped out to meet with Greg, letter in hand.

"What'chu got there?"

"I was just getting my letter ready. It's a bit harder to keep in touch with Ponyville, so I've been sending letters to them," Steven explained, Greg looking over to the letter in question, finding that Steven even added a cute little picture of his smiling face alongside Twilight's smiling face. Not too bad of design either.

"Glad you're keeping touch with em', pal."

"Yeah. Better go find Peridot and get this through," Steven said, but before he could go, they began to hear a notable stomach rumbling. Living in a van didn't include a fridge, so that was a little issue for him when it came to breakfast.

"Hey, mind doing your old man a favor first? Why don't you hop by the store and get us some morning bites?" Greg asked. Steven wanted to get his letter through, but he wanted to eat too, and admittedly he waited FAR too long for a good meal from his home town.

"Oh, sure thing," Steven replied. Maybe it was the mention of food or coincidence, but just after that it got Blue perked up, his ears shooting up and he turned from lazy Larry to bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

"Yeah, you can come along too. Come on, boy," Steven said, as he went off on his way. Blue hopped out of the van and joined Steven like a good dog would. Lion did wake up as well, but only kept his one eye open as he watched Steven and Blue go. Oh well, he did plenty already, he can spent a morning sleeping in. Well, guess it was breakfast grabbing this morning, yet if he could find Peridot on the way, then great.


"Acceptance, mm-hmm. Altruism, definitely."

Meanwhile, back in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle was pretty busy herself in her own little bit of pass time. It was surely something she should've considered a long time ago, but as not only the princess of friendship, but a very experienced individual in the field, she got busy going over various friendship lesson options. And this process wasn't actually doing this off back in Ponyville (having no library had its troubles), but instead took this lot in a ... well, a more nostalgic place. An ivory tower in Canterlot, and Twilight's old stomping grounds from the VERY early days of her friendship lessons. The library she was in was still pretty old, if not a bit dusty from lack of maintenance. The room in particular entered in from spiral stairs, and the very center had a Starswirl the Beaded brand hourglass. It was not a choice she preferred, since she had to live off away from her Ponyville friends this way, but without a home to call her own in town, what was she to do? And just as well, she had a new responsibility now, one that began to head off up the stairs nearby to see her. ...

"Starlight, good morning, come in!" Twilight said.

"Sorry I'm late. I got a little turned around. I still can't believe you're letting me stay here... as your pupil... after everything I did," Starlight said, still finding this concept a little bit fast. Twilight looked to her with some concern, but the alicorn knew what she meant and instead gave her a smile.

"Well, I'm not one to dwell on the past, and neither should you. The tower is your home now, and as far as being my pupil goes, I was just trying to figure out what your first friendship lesson should be!" Twilight said, going back to the list she was going through. When it came tot he size, it was at a decent one admittedly as Starlight looked at it.

"Oh, well, it looks like you're really narrowing it down," Starlight noted.

"Oh, these are just the A's. After this, I move on to the others," Twilight pointed out, her wing aiming to the rest. ... And what Starlight saw was stacks upon stacks of papers of all sorts of friendship lessons all over the place! There was enough here to give a expert reader a good week to go through, and if this was just the start, good Celestia knows how much the other lessons would even be at all. Starlight tried to keep a smile on her and go over to said lessons to see what was up.

"Well, I know I'm just learning about friendship, but I've never seen so many lessons in anything. I mean, where do we even start?" Starlight asked, levitating a few various papers and going through the lessons that she had for her. If this was really off of lessons Twilight had done, then goodness Starlight had a lot of catching up to do here, one way or another.

"Maybe I should pare things down a bit before we go through them," Twilight admitted, levitating a few papers herself and seeing these lessons. Not a good idea to just throw so much at a student at one time. All the same, she needed to pick out which one of these will work, if any at all at this point. Twilight had been going over these all morning, and she hadn't gotten much of them down just yet. Twilight skimmed along through these for a bit more, and Starlight began to just go off and check out some of the books on the library shelf. It's one thing to be a student to somepony you were trying to kill, but something else when you're not just a student to somepony you tried to kill, but living somewhere where this somepony also lived for her life as a student herself. Starlight felt like this was a historical landmark in that regard itself. ...


Starlight jumped when Twilight managed to figure it all out.

"What is it?"

"Ok, Starlight, as this is your first friendship lesson, I've narrowed it down to three notable options for us to do," Twilight said, presenting a few options from the piles she went through. Starlight began to levitate one of the three options for her to look over.

"For one option I've been studying a bit, and I figured out where the first ever pony you ever cared about actually lives," Twilight revealed, smiling wide, and nudging Starlight. The unicorn needed little time to even figure that out.


"Of course, that's just one idea. We could also go to Griffonstone. Making friends with a griffon is a challenge all by itself!" Twilight then suggested. Starlight could feel herself crumbling on these options, looking scared as it began to look dark around her as Twilight added "Or we could go to Beach City and tag along with Steven the next time he's helping out people in town."
That option made her feel even more troubled ...

"Starlight? You okay?" and just like that everything quickly got back to normal as normal could be for Starlight, shaking back to her senses.

"What? O-Oh, no, heh, those all sound great!" Starlight insisted, trying to keep a smile on her face. Well it was enough to make Twilight happy.

"I know! I guess you were right – it is gonna be hard to choose one!" Twilight said, her trotting away to narrow it down to one option for the first shot.

"Hehehe ...Yeah. ..."
However, before this conversation could go any further, there was some noise over along the wall next to them, making Starlight jump a little bit. Turned out it was only the signature warp door from Steven's world, and sure enough, in came Peridot with a letter. As she was the only one with a working key, not to mention the main connection as of now, Peridot's job as a messenger going back and forth was her main task as it had been since they got back. And today, it was no different as she had Steven's letter to deliver to her. Think of it like Spike and his letter sending but on a more universal scale.

"Oh! Morning Peridot. Another letter?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, another letter. Hey, can't you tell Celestia to fix that Warp Pad already? I'm a Peridot, I wasn't made for being a messenger," Peridot griped. Clearly being the only connection between the two had its flaws, and Peridot was stuck with them.

"Sorry about this Peridot, but Celestia said that we can't risk White Diamond using those Warp Pads to jump back here again. Besides, she removed the one from the Castle of the Two Sisters completely."

"Don't remind me. Now can I just go or do you have yet another letter for me?" Peridot asked, at this point expecting it, hand extended. Twilight actually then got an idea in her mind after looking off back to Starlight and re-looking at the lessons they were just looking over. Didn't one of them mention Beach City already? ...

"Starlight, I think we had just found our first friendship lesson."

"Oh. Well, great."


Meanwhile, back in Beach City in question, Steven and Blue were just arriving off from the van to the market, and Steven was going off about and getting the goodies together. nothing too bad here, and nothing out of place as he arrived to the local market. He would hop over to the Big Donut, and maybe he would stop by there later on, but for the time being it was groceries for the van. Blue had to wait outside though, which was enough of a bother in of itself, but he was as giddy as ever when Steven had just finished up his stuff, a bag of groceries up in his arms with all sorts of goodies in it for some good food. Blue hopped up on seeing him.

"Ok, I didn't forget you boy. Here you are," Steven said, placing the bag down and fishing out a little something for him: a good ol' doggy biscuit. Good treat for any pooch, and Blue was more than eager to have his own breakfast, Steven tossing the treat and Blue catching it mid-air. Blue gnawed on it for a bit, and Steven couldn't help but chuckle.

"Morning, Universe."

"Oh, morning mayor de - ooohhh."
Now, typically seeing Mayor Dewey would be a rather nice event, and typically he would be going around in his van, big head and all. But not only was Mayor Dewey on his feet this time, but he didn't look ... well, official. He looked fairly casual for being the mayor of Beach city, no fancy suit, not much confidence, just him in a white button t-shirt, and what actually looked like some sort of injury on his arm. It didn't look too bad, but in a cast none the less. Blue saw the cast and stopped his gnawing, his ears folded back and the biscuit falling out of his opened maw. Neither had seen Dewey in quite some time, so seeing him in a cast was a little bit troubling all the same.

"Eh, just Bill. See you got back alright," Bill said.

"Yeah! We were all captured by White Diamond and taken WAY off to her space station, but Lars, Connie, and our human friends from town got us out, turned off the power, and we got ourselves out of there! I mean yeah we got stranded on a planet for a day or two, but other than that it's all good." Steven summed up. Bill Dewey tugged on his collar a bit on what Steven was telling him.

"Eh, yeah. You all got back. Right? No one, left behind or anything like that?" Bill asked nervously. Steven cheery mood got just a little bit down again.

"Eh, well ... only one, Pearl, but the Gems are trying to get her back right now," Steven replied. Bill Dewey looked shell-shocked, groaning as he leaning on the wall of the market. Blue and Steven had never seen him like this before. Something happen or what?
Before they could continue on this, Steven, Blue, and Bill Dewey heard the store doors open, but the light show from them suggested a portal key bring used instead. Bill Dewey kinda jumped when seeing that, but Steven and Blue knew what this was as Twilight, Peridot, and Starlight ventured on into Beach City. Seeing them calmed Bill down, but it didn't make him feel much better.

"Morning Steven, Blue, Mayor Dewey," Twilight said. Starlight kept some distance from the situation, namely behind Twilight. Sure she had become Twilight's pupil, but past experiences she wasn't sure would be as glossed over here as they would be back home.

"Just Bill Dewey now."

"Oh. Well, how modest of you. Isn't that your title or something?" Peridot asked. Bill wasn't too thrilled about telling them, but just as he opened his mouth to speak -

"An excellent suggestion."

"Huh?" said Steven. It was faint, but the group followed the bit of a speech from the store, and found that someone else was over not too far away. The market wasn't too far from Fish Stew Pizza (two stores down), and it came from said pizzeria. Twilight, Peridot, and Steven went over to investigate, taking a look in through the window, just to find that the pizzeria was in the middle of a meeting of sorts. A number of familiar faces were in there: Kiki, Jenny, Greg, Lapis, Jasper, Peedee, Emerald, and a short elderly woman with wafer-gray hair done up in a large bun. She was making all the calls here, and dressed up oddly like what Bill would normally wear, if not a green color instead of typical grey. Steven knew this person, and Twilight and Peridot was a bit vague but they both remembered her as Nanefua Pizza.

"So we are all in agreement, yes? In the case of a Gem-related emergency, everyone is to go to the newly-designated shelters," Nanefua said.

"We could provide rations. Anyone know of a good, non-perishable fry bit recipe?" Peedee asked.

"Or maybe we can put some ingredients on ice, just in case. I read some foods are fresher longer if they're frozen," Lapis added.

"Just don't put them in a block of ice, Lazuli," Jasper suggested.

"Great idea, Lapis. We can ask all the local restaurants to pitch in, in case we have to hide for a while." Nanefua said. Sounded pretty good, and Peedee got it down on a clipboard.

"That's all fun and good, but any idea on contact? Not being species-ist or anything, but your kind doesn't learn danger THAT fast," Jasper asked. Not the nicest way to put it, but still a point, and Jenny already one.

"Oh! Mayor Gunga, I can drive you around while you use the loudspeakers to spread the word through town."

"Cheese on bread! That's a good idea," Nanefua stated.

"And while Jenny does that, I'll go around the boardwalk on foot, and let all the businesses know what's up."

"AND," added Emerald, "Soon as we get the full know-how, I'll give a call out to everyone on my cellphone." Emerald finished his statement by levitating his IPhone in his hand.

"It'll probably be easier if you send a mass text," Kiki replied.

"Oh yeah, forgot you can do that. Noice," Emerald replied, smirking.

"Is there anyway else we can boost the town's security?" Nanefua asked. This question rubbed Jasper the wrong way a little bit.

"Aren't we enough security for this place? We've been defending this town for years."

"I know, but who's to say where you'll be, and where danger will be at one time?" Nanefua pointed out.

"She's got a point there. And did you forget we were all captured already? Who's to say if it'll happen again?" added Lapis.

"It will not happen ... I was caught off guard, that's all," Jasper grumbled. She still found it hard to swallow she, a veteran of the Gem War and the perfect Quartz, would end up caught so quickly and easily. Not a good hit to her pride.

"Come on, Jay, it's alright. You weren't the only one who got caught off-guard by White Diamond, you know," Greg said. Jasper just sighed, as Greg started to think.

"Anyway, it'll probably help if we have some sort of look out. Maybe we can get one of those high-tech telescopes for the Lighthouse or something."

"This is beautiful!" Nanefua said in glee.

This whole conversation did catch those outside a bit off-guard themselves, the three walking away from the window and leaving them to their own meeting.

"Mayor Gunga ... wasn't this place owned by Mayor Dewey before?" Peridot wondered, pondering. They eventually took a look over to Bill, who at this point had his back to the wall, groaning miserably, eventually sliding down onto the ground.

"Mayor Dewey?" Steven asked.

"No, no. Nanefua's the mayor now. I'm just ... Dewey," Bill sighed. Now THIS was some change on their track!

"WHAA?! But how, what happened?!" Steven gasped. Bill Dewey? NOT mayor? This was so out of nowhere for him, but Bill Dewey got the answer for him. Or rather, Bill's phone did, as he pulled it out. He fiddled it for a little bit before giving it to them, Starlight, Peridot, Steven, and Twilight looking at what video Bill had brought up. It took a minute before it started loading, though the title of the video didn't help all too much:

first ever Election of Beach City - Dewey chickens out.

What a start. The video went onto to play what looked like some election, between Mayor Dewey and Nanefua. Someone had gotten a IPhone to the event, seemingly how this even got recorded at all. Nanefua looked serious about it up on her podium, her standing on a footstool, but Dewey looked rather nervous about it, not looking like he got much sleep either. The crowd readied for a speech, and despite his tired expression, Bill went up first.

"People of Beach City. You might think that being a mayor is a fine and glamorous sort of thing. I can understand why my opponent would want the position. But I've been mayor of this city for a decade, and I know some things that Ms. Nanefua does not. You see, when you're the mayor, you get blamed for everything. When the boardwalk has termites, it's the mayor's fault. When aliens steal people, it's the mayor's fault. When the mayor crashes the mayor mobile into the only cell tower in town, it's the mayor's fault. Most people can't handle that kind of pressure, but I can. So, I say to you, Beach City citizens, just enjoy our wonderful ocean breeze and don't worry about a thing. Just let Dewey "do" it for you!"

Hmm, ok, ok, a rather decent speech. But then it's Nanefua's turn.

"You know, Mayor Dewey, you are right. I have blamed you for too many things, and that is not helping. Blaming our problems completely on the mayor is not getting us anywhere. When one of us suffers, the town suffers. When you suffer, Mayor Billiam, the town suffers. So, no longer will I point my fingers at you. I will extend all my fingers on both my hands to everyone here today and ask that we share responsibility for the welfare and safety of Beach City, together! Thank you."

And the crowd went crazy for that, applauding and cheering for her, chanting her name. Clearly more admiration for one side over another. Mayor Dewey tried in vain to gather himself.

"Uh, did you ever notice how people from Ocean Town uh ... Oh, who am I kidding? Beach City deserves a real mayor. Someone wise and collected like Ms. Nanefua. ... I withdraw from the race. You can find the key to the city under the city welcome mat." The video ends shortly afterwards with Bill Dewey simply leaving. Bill just felt awful with himself, being replaced, now without much to do.

"I'm so sorry, Dewey, this is our fault," Steven said, feeling guilty about all of this.

"Come on, Universe. You know she's gonna be a better mayor than me. It was the right thing to do. Now, I've got to find a new job." Bill sighed, started to walk away from them. It took them a little bit, but it took even less time for them to decide what to actually do. At least for Twilight and Steven. Both of them went right over to Bill, Starlight, Blue, and Peridot standing off aside.

"Then why don't we find you one?"

"You'll do that for me?"

"Of course! Come on, let's see what we got," Steven insisted, even taking him by the hand and pulling him along. Bill Dewey wasn't sure how good of an idea this was, but he hadn't found much over the last few days, so he might as well try. Guess Starlight too had found her lesson starter: basic compassion ... or something. Maybe? Ah well, let's see where this goes.


So, after dropping off the food from the market to the van, it was off to the newspapers and soon, they went off to the Boardwalk for a bit, more focused on finding something Bill Dewey could do. They took a seat off at one of the outside tables, and Steven went on over what sort of something they could do. Starlight sat down not too far away next to Twilight, taking note of whatever was going on here. Bill Dewey was not too thrilled though.

"I don't know, Universe. Being Mayor has been my passion for a long time, I never even had a competitor before. Even when I ran for mayor of high school, I ran unopposed. Probably because I made up the position," Bill noted, thinking back on it himself.

"Don't worry, Dewey, we can fix this. Um ... there's an opening for a chef at the Crab Shack," Steven suggested.

"I have an allergy to Crabs," Bill sighed. Well that wasn't gonna work.

"Okay uh ... there's an ad for a theater bouncer," Twilight pointed out with her hoof.

"A bouncer? The town doesn't like me enough as it is. ... Plus, it's been a while since I've pumped any iron," Bill said, flexing an arm to prove his own point. A weak bouncer would not work at all so that didn't work either. Starlight no longer really saw what kind of lesson she was trying to get from this. So far, all she was seeing was some sad man and little job qualification.

"Uh, Twilight? What lesson is this supposed to be? Exactly?" Starlight whispered.

"You'll find out as you go. I can't tell you up front, otherwise it wouldn't work as well. Here, try and help Bill out," Twilight suggested. Starlight found that a bit annoying, but then again, they do say experience is a stronger teacher. Well then again, it's at least something other than that ... other idea. Starlight went over and sat over by Steven, looking over what they had in mind, or what they couldn't pick. Steven had marked a few off the list with a pencil he had on hand. Starlight glanced over to Twilight, who sat further away with a smile to urge her on. Starlight sighed and decided to give it a go.

"Hey. You uh ... need a hoof there?" Starlight asked.

"Oh, hey Starlight. Got any idea on what we can do for Bill?" Steven asked. Well, Starlight was put on the spot right away on the question. Starlight glanced to what options remained. Starlight didn't feel too comfy, considering she had tried to capture one of them before while with White Diamond during their earlier encounters. Seeing him more open about it was a bit ... weird. Anyway, Starlight looked through what was what like she would read a spell or a test.

"Okay, um, well what uh ... qualities do you have?" Starlight asked, a little bit awkwardly. The question got Bill trying to think a little bit, hand to chin.

"Hmm ... well I did get some posters made during my earlier years with help from my son, but my skills in that are a little rusty."

"So, I guess being a part-time artist is out of the question?" Starlight added. Bill just groaned, and ... Starlight began to go.

"Wait, where're you going?" Twilight asked, standing in her way, a bit confused. Starlight shuttered.

"S-sorry, it's just I feel ... uncomfortable," Starlight murmured, just loud enough for Twilight to hear.

"Everything will be fine, Starlight, just give it a chance."

"But I captured him, remember? I put you all in that zoo, how's he so open so quickly?" Starlight reminded, feeling guilty.

"That was almost two years ago. That, and it was you who helped us escape the Space Station in the first place. I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't think it'll help," Twilight reassured her. Starlight still felt a little uneasy but she could see the logic in it all the same. Starlight just sighed.

"Well, if you say so."

"I don't know what you two are talking about, but I think I should get back. We'll try again later when I'm not so much of a laughing stock," Bill said, getting up and starting to go off his own way back to his house. Well, this was really getting much of them down, and Steven and Starlight went over to him as he kept walking.

"Now wait a minute, Dewey, can't we try one of these out?"

"Don't know why? I can't even know when my own residents are kidnapped and taken into space! And now your hot sister's stuck up there and it's the former mayor's fault," retorted Bill.

"... My sister?" asked Steven, confused.

"Is this a common thing?" Starlight added, also confused. Sure, alien abductions did happen, but he made it sound like it was as common as a car crash, and something quickly known by everyone.

"Oh nevermind. If you need me, I'll just be at home, moping over some donuts and reading what Nanefua's up to in the papers," Bill sighed. Guess it was gonna be a while until Bill Dewey would get back on his feet, and apparently Starlight's attempt at her lesson was going south here. However, with that final statement, Steven actually started to ponder slightly about that very thing.

"Donuts, donuts ... oh! Lars! I haven't checked on him yet since dropping him off at home," Steven realized. Sure he saw him with the Cool Kids but not too much aside from that. He didn't see to the Big Donut just yet so it couldn't hurt to check it. Then again, he wasn't the type to just leave someone hanging like this.

"Hey, Dewey! Wanna come with us to the Big Donut?!" Steven then called. Bill turned back and stopped himself, simply sighing.

"Oh, why not? Don't know if I even got any donuts anyway."


"Thank you, come again."

The Big Donut was pretty busy by the time the group arrived up to the doors, several people up and ready to get their donuts. Or most of them were anyway, some were just there to check out Lars more or less. How often does one get to see someone be brought back to life anyway? If what the rumors said were true anyway, and probably they were as Lars was head to toe in pink now. Speaking of, when Steven and Twilight came on in, they found that Lars ... well, wasn't there. Sadie was up front and handling things for him, which was a bit odd.

"Oh, hey Steven, Twilight. Just a second," Sadie said, getting out another order for another customer before they could talk to her.

"Hi Sadie. Sure busy, huh?" Steven said.

"Yeah, me and Lars had been up in arms since we got back from our space trip, especially during the re-opening," Sadie said.

"Speaking of which, where is Lars?" Twilight asked. Sadie got in another order before she could answer.

"He's not here guys: still trying to get himself together after ... you-know-what," Sadie answered. Of course Steven of all people would know what she meant by that.

"Oh. Right. Uh, anyway, can we have four orders to go, please?" Steven asked.

"Oh, sure, what'll it be?" Sadie asked. As Twilight and Steven got the orders in, Bill Dewey and Starlight Glimmer went on inside, passing by some of the customers. Starlight didn't see it at first, but she did see Bill kinda slump down, as if feeling the anger come at him. Starlight looked concerned for him, going through the similar vibe right now, and Bill went up to them as she simply stayed off outside. When Sadie saw them go though, it was just the four in the room, five including her, and all somewhat familiar with the subject matter.

*Phew* Sadie then went over to the back door, and then knocked on the wall three times.

"They gone?" asked a muffled voice from the other room.

"Yeah it's just Steven and his friends. And Dewey. You're fine," Sadie answered. Turned out Lars was still there, coming out only after the crowds left, relieved to have some quiet time. Or at least in company more used to him like this.

"Thank goodness," Lars sighed.

"Lars! But Sadie just said you weren't here," Twilight said.

"I'm here, I just can't handle all those people. Twenty come in today, and none of them even want their donut and trying to get the full story out of me over ... well, this," Lars explained, hands presenting himself.

"I'm sorry, Lars."

"Sorry? Steven you saved my life, you're fine. I just needed some quiet time, that's all," Lars figured. Why would he get mad at Steven for that? Like he was supposed to know he would turn pink anyway. Soon, the phone began to ring up nearby, Sadie taking time to answer it. The phone call wasn't too long though.

"We got another delivery Lars. You wanna take or, or me?" Sadie asked.

"Eh, maybe you better do it," Lars replied.

"You do deliveries now?" Twilight asked, as Sadie got herself ready with the order.

"It's been going on lately, but we've been getting a bit of trouble trying to do these deliveries AND track the big donut. You know, me being pink and all," Lars explained. Going back to old habits wasn't what Lars had in mind, but it didn't bother it as much as it should. Not that it didn't bug him at all, but still.
This whole thing was viewed off by Starlight just outside, managing to hear the conversation. What was she supposed to do here? Sure, they were just getting their donuts, but seeing Bill in such a similar slump made her feel even more so. After all, making amends was never easy, be it losing your spot as mayor or for kidnapping your new friends in the past for some Diamond overlord. Starlight was just about to go on in when -


Starlight almost shot a magic beam out of defense when spinning around, but she did calm down just to see that it was one of the humans standing there. Ronaldo in particular. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"W-what was that for, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Starlight shouted, though suddenly realizing that she was shouting and covered her muzzle. Friendship never got started with yelling.

"You tell me; everyone's suddenly talking about some crazy space junk and I didn't get a chance to study any of it. You got anything for me?" Ronaldo questioned.

"Wait, don't you remember? White Diamond coming in, capturing all of us? I thought Dewey mentioned something about that already, that was how he lost."

"Do you believe everything the Government tells you?" Ronaldo questioned.

"Steven's the one that told the government," Starlight replied matter-of-factly, looking inside towards Steven inside the Big donut. She got word of what that was about during their walk here.

"Wait, what? So you mean ..." Starlight just nodded.

"So you all were really ..." and Starlight nodded again. Ronaldo getting knocked out must've messed up his memory about the subject if he didn't recall that.


... huh?

"Why does Lars get to go off into the galactic cosmos, on an adventure of a lifetime?! It's so ironic it hurts my soul!" Ronaldo fell to the ground in a crying heap nearby the door. ... Well, that was something.

"I ... don't know where to start here," Starlight said.
And here she thought everyone was glad to see them back. Before she could go much further on it, she then began to hear the sound of a van being parked not too far away. sure she may be at the Big Donut, but she could see sight of the number of other eateries down the boardwalk, and what caught her attention was over at Citywalk Fries. Namely to get away from mourning Ronaldo (is mourning the right word?), Starlight took one look over inside to the others and decided to trot on over to see what was going on. It could give her some time to think anyway.
Funny thing though, as Starlight moved over to investigate, the van looked ... oddly familiar. It wasn't Greg's van, by any means, but it did have something about it that almost felt nagging, like she should know what this is. When she got close, she found another surprise: Peedee was there and working within this vehicle. Turned out this van was actually a food truck: a large smiling potato on top of it, an open stand window on the side, and an advertising sign labeled "Hot 2 Tot". Peedee was working off inside, wiping down things, making it look good, when Starlight took a look inside, her front hooves on the frontal stand.

"Oh, hey. That was quick. What can I get ya?" Peedee asked, going over to Starlight. Well, at least one person didn't recognize her right away, but Starlight wasn't interested in the food aspect right away.

"Eh, I'm not hungry. Actually I was wondering about this uh ... stand?" Starlight inquired. Though it sure looked odd for a stand, and she didn't spend enough time in Beach City to fully get things like this down pact.

"Oh, the food truck. Yeah, dad said it's time for me to go out on my own from the business. I sell exclusively in Tater Tots now," Peedee answered, feeling pretty good about it himself.

"Tater tot. Never heard of that one."

"Eh, here, I can give you a sample if you want," Peedee offered. Well generosity was fairly decent anyway, so Starlight simply nodded, and Peedee began work on getting the sample together. Starlight backed up and took a look up at the smiling potato.

"Do all food trucks look like parade floats?" Starlight asked, referring to the potato.

"Well, it's not required, but it does catch customers' attention."

"I can see that with that ... potato," Starlight said. Peedee peeked back outside.

"Oh, that? Actually this used to be the mayor's van. I just painted over Dewey's head. The town just gave the van to me too, it was like they wanted nothing to do with Dewey anymore," Peedee explained, though he didn't sound too bothered by it. Hearing this though, Starlight felt a bit mixed. sure it was nice for someone to lend you a free van, but hearing how much the town wanted nothing to do with former Mayor Dewey seemingly hammered in the problem further. And honestly, Starlight was getting tired of it, remembering that this was a friendship lesson when all was said and done.

"Look uh ..."

"Peedee," Peedee answered.

"Eh right, uh Peedee. Don't you think you're all being a bit ... too hard on Dewey?" Starlight asked.

"Look, I know you ponies are all about friendship and harmony and all that, but seriously, what kind of mayor doesn't know when his own people are kidnapped in space?" Peedee asked.

"Every mayor ever," Starlight dryly replied.

"Well one time's enough. Besides, not that he even knew who they were."

"Excuse me?" This was a bit new. Peedee finished up her sample of tater tots and placed them over on the counter before continuing.

"Just before the big election, he tried giving some big speech about it, and you know what he said?" Peedee paused to clear his throat. "Do not worry. I will do everything in my power to hire a new donut boy."

"Donut boy? ... You mean Lars?" Starlight asked, scratching her head with her hoof.

"Yeah I mean Lars. I mean come on, you don't see someone's missing, and just replace someone else's kid like that, you just don't!" Peedee answered.

"Sounds like a Diamond decision to me," Starlight murmured. With her working under White Diamond for a short time, something like that actually sounded more akin to White Diamond than most; if someone's gone, just put someone else. Not that it was a good thing, but Bill wasn't alone in that regard. The town really was blaming him though, clearly, and if what the video said was true then they knew why. Starlight glanced off back towards the Big Donut, and she could actually see Bill Dewey looking on sadly, before he started to go off away.
Twilight told her to help Bill out, and she had to try something a bit more effort-filled.


"Dewey, wait a minute!"
Next thing she knew, Starlight was galloping off to catch up with him down the road behind the Citywalk Fries building. And clearly, poor Bill Dewey just wasn't all up for it much anymore. He got his donut, and he just wanted to go home.

"Oh, it's you is it? One of Steven's pony friends?"

"Eh, yeah, listen. I just want you to know, that alien abduction thing? It wasn't your fault." Starlight made clear.

"Easy for you to say. You're the first person, er pony, in town to say that."

"Now come on. ... If anything, it's my fault."

"Why?" Bill asked, turning back to her. Starlight went for broke.

"Because I'm the one who told White Diamond about Steven. Hay, I tried capturing those ponies a few times myself! And, let's be real, how often does this happen anyway? Five times a year? three?"

"That's true. But like I said, when you're the mayor, everything is your fault. And looks like they've forgiven you," Bill pointed out, which was more than could be said for him.

"Eh ... well, I'm still surprised they did that. But, guess that's the princess of Friendship, right?" Starlight shrugged. Bill sighed and turned away. It would be easier if humans were as forgiving to others as the Ponies of Equestria, wouldn't it?

"... You know. Seeing my Mayor-mobile turned into a giant potato. Made me realize that nothing's like it used to be. My old life, my old town, my own citizens. They've all changed, they - ... all out-grown me, I suppose." NOW Starlight was feeling very sorry for him. And you know what, she was seeing the same problems herself one way or another, memories of her own life back in her own town with her own pony citizens. In one moment, she was in charge of everything, and the next, she lost it all in one night. Sure, it was a more forceful approach, but the concept was the same.

"Well, nothing's going to stay forever," Starlight said, remembering her own experiences. Bill just sighed before he started walking on again, Starlight walking beside him.

"You know what I miss most about being mayor?" he began. "The little things: getting dressed and ready for work, going down the boardwalk, seeing everyone's smiling faces yes. Knowing I have a place in this town. I used to look forward to it everyday." Bill Dewey thought back on this with a soft smile on his face, but it went away when he looked to the Big donut just down the road from the crossway.

"Just like how everyone looks forward to their morning donut ... I guess these days no one gets what they want." There was a bit of a pause here, Starlight beginning to ponder a little bit. Then something came to mind.

"Well, how can you be so sure?"

"What do you mean? Everyone in town doesn't like me for being mayor."

"Then you know what? Try again. Make new friends, get something new started. And if you find something out of your control, work through it together. I'm sure nopony in this town hates you that much, right?"

"How do you know?"

"Well ... I don't, but, I guess that's up to you to be sure," Starlight answered. This may be a recite of Twilight's lesson to her during the time-travel incident, but that same thing can be applied here, albeit different context. A lesson can be expanded upon, and Bill Dewey sure could use someone to help him right about now. Bill Dewey started to take these words to heart a little bit, seeing where Starlight was coming from.

"Thanks. ... Still don't know what to do for my job, though," Bill stated. Starlight tried to think, but then began to remember something they were told of earlier. Or what the others were told of anyway.

"You know ... I think I got an idea for you."

~~~(few days later)~~~

The days were looking a bit brighter for Bill Dewey now. Took quite a bit of talk and consideration on Sadie and Lars's part, but Bill Dewey was then seen going around town, doing some donut deliveries for the Big Donut. It wasn't a town-changing decision, but when Starlight later saw him, he sure looked a lot happier than he was before. Starlight had took time to visit Beach City again, and while in one of those visits, Starlight caught sight of Bill Dewey going on by with a delivery donut box, looking very pleased. So, as she was looking, Starlight took time to write out a little something.

Dear Princess Celestia:

Ever since becoming your formal pupil's student, I've been having some doubts in myself on this whole friendship thing. With how much I've done in the past, I was worried that it would be very hard to truly make amends, if at all. Turned out, I ran into someone going through that exact same problem: Bill Dewey, the former mayor of Beach City. As I've told him, while some situations may seem like it's out of your control, if you take a chance and try again, you can work through it together.

signed: Starlight Glimmer

P.S.: Twilight suggested me to give these letters to you specifically. She told me she used to do this with you a lot before becoming an Alicorn herself, and since I can just tell her up front myself, you might be getting a lot of these in the future. Just a heads up.

Author's Note:

And you look at that, I think we've finally caught up with Steven Universe up to this point, far as I understand. Anyone who's seen the new episodes on App would know what I'm talking about. Now I can say that we can try to catch up with MLP on this asspect, and how do we do that? Starlight's first lesson of course! Let's see where we can go from here, everypony ^^

Looks like Starlight's got some letters for the princesses. What goes around, comes around. :raritywink: And we got a full season on this too!