• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,778 Views, 277 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 7 - EquestrianKirin

It's a whole new ballgame for Gem and Pony alike. Saddle up!

  • ...

Army of One

Author's Note:

Time to clean up the pieces ...

Get ready for a long read.

Mask Island.

Even in such a warm and tropical place, there was a sense of bitter cold. Especially for one in particular, as she tried to move on, taking in what information she had made herself fall under. Trembling. shaking. Her body may be barely showing it, but her mind was in horrid turmoil. She here she thought she had figured it all out after her own bit of questioning, but that as it turned out was nothing compared to this.
So much so in fact, that she split in two …

"SHE LIED TO US! She lied about everything! She held our hands, looked us right in the eyes and told us to NEVER question who we are as Garnet! We never questioned ourselves! OR HER!"

"We couldn't of known!"

"No, YOU couldn't have known! You never know what's going on - that's what I'M FOR! But I NEVER looked into her. I trusted her. AND I LET HER MAKE FOOLS OF US ALL!"

"WAIT, Sapphire, let's just calm down and talk about this. Just, talk."

"About what? That our whole relationship is BASED ON A LIE?! What else is there to say?"


~~~(hours later)~~~

"And that's the whole story."

While many of the Crystal Gems had flown the coop far as they knew, there were still some who had stuck back, and after getting them and the Mane Six together over by the barn house, since the Temple really wasn't the best spot for it. Steven, Amethyst, and Peridot had gotten themselves on back immediately after their train trip, joined by Twilight and Connie the following morning, but it did take a while to get what they could back together. The reactions of the group here were a bit mixed, some more affected than others.

"Pretty wild. Right?" Steven said.

"Wild? My stars, this is beyond just wild, this changes all of history as we know it! O-Oh my goodness, I-I think, I … oohh," Rhodonite proceeded to faint on them, Amethyst quickly changing to a couch to catch her. How fitting, only it wasn't a white unicorn doing it this time.

"That's something I'd expect from you, Rarity," Tiger's Eye sighed. The Rutile twins nodded in agreement.

"Come now, I'm not THAT dramatic," Rarity stated. Oh, the irony in that statement.

"So Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond are … the same person?" Fluttershy pondered.

"Well no wonder they ran off! Their leader was their enemy too," Rainbow Dash realized. The idea that they were trying to fight the same one that was with them the whole time would be enough of a mind twist for anyone involved in the war.

"I assume the other Diamonds don't know about this yet, Steven?" Flint questioned.

"Not yet. Blue Diamond's supposed to be coming to Earth to check on the Famethysts, so I thought of at least telling her then," Steven explained.

"By the way, you seem to be taking this well, Flint," Tiger's Eye pointed out. Flint just shrugged.

"I already figured Rose didn't shatter Pink Diamond in the first place, so her BEING Pink Diamond doesn't really mess with it too much."

"Well let's hope they're handling it better than Peridot."
The attention then moved over to Peridot off nearby the barn, who was just laying there. She was glad to find someone around that was still Crystal Gem, but there were still holes missing and she was still distraught over that, finding a box to huddle up in. She was not really as involved on the matter as the others were, and it'll still be some time yet to actually get better.

"I don't know. You guys are handling it better than Garnet did," Amethyst said, rubbing the back of her head.

"How so?" asked right Rutile.

"Why?" added left Rutile.

"She unfused over it."

"WHAT? Noooo!" Pinkie Pie cried, having some tears down her face. The whole idea was a bit of a surprise, though what to do was still hanging in the air. Pearl, Lapis, Jasper, Garnet, Emerald, Star Quartz, all of them they hadn't seen since this little revelation, and who knows where they could've gone off to? Clearly far since Peridot didn't find much in her night-long search since getting back from that dream of theirs.

"But where'd they even go?" Fluttershy asked.

"I have no idea. Let's just hope Pink Diamond doesn't figure this out. She'll shatter herself for sure."

"GOSH Flint, tone it down!" Tiger's Eye gasped.

"If only we were all dogs, our problems would be solved!" Pinkie declared.

"... WHAT?" Twilight asked.

"Just ignore her," Flint sighed. Pinkie felt insulted and was right at Flint's face.

"Hey, I'm serious!" Pinkie retorted.

"Since when?"

"Alright, calm down everybody!" Applejack suddenly said, "They'll think better of it and be back. Come on, this is the Crystal Gems we're talkin about, they won't just ditch everyone so quick, right?"

"They did looked pretty quick to go off," Steven admitted, though not happy to say it. He didn't want the team gone same as anyone else.

"And without Garnet …" Flint didn't really need to really finish the sentence to get the point across. Garnet was the one keeping the team together, and without her it was just a matter of time before they would all just take off. It just happened so soon, and so sudden. They could be anywhere by now. …

"We'll find them."

The whole group looked over to Fluorite, who for the most part had been rather quiet about this whole thing. Hearing all of this though, and working it all out in her slow way, Fluorite was ready to head on her way.

"You can stay. We can go and help look for them. To make sure they're alright. And maybe, just maybe, even bring them back home," Fluorite made clear, getting up and starting to go off.

"Uh, maybe, but where do we even look? We literally got nothing to go on, Fluorite," Tiger's Eye reminded, but fluorite kept going.

"I thought you heard me. You can stay. We can go and help look for them," Fluorite repeated. This time, much of the Off-colors started to see what she was talking about, Rhodonite snapping out of her fainting state and sitting up fast.

"You don't mean …"

"We won't be long," Fluorite said, beginning to go off away from the barn. No time like the present. Amethyst, tired of being stuck as a seat for Rhodonite, shapeshifted back to normal with Rhodonite falling on her.

"Well, she's keen. We'll stick around and try to figure out where they are from here. Fluorite can't find them out by herself alone," Flint confirmed. They may have scattered, but they all couldn't of completely left, so the least they could do was keep some idea.

"Maybe I can find out something with the Cutie Map. It has both Equestria and Earth mapped out, maybe that can help us find where they went."

"The Cutie Map? Is that what you're calling it?" Tiger's Eye asked.

"It keeps activating our Cutie Marks in some way, so it sounds fitting to me," Twilight said, pointing out her own Cutie Mark as a visual point.

"Good idea, Twilight. You go off and do that. The second you figure out let us know, and not a moment later," Flint instructed.

"Don't worry, I'll be on it," Twilight promised.

"And don't you worry about a thing, Twilight. You got a whole bushel of helpers right here," Applejack promised. They were all in this together, and they all got a game plan. The Crystal Gems as a whole had been saving Equestria and Earth alongside the elements of Harmony since the first day they met. And now, they have friends to check in to.

"Commence operation: Gem Friend round-up! GO!"


The game was set. Fluorite made her promise, and she was willing to keep it as such. The fusion herself moved off on her way from the barn, off towards a more secluded spot. It wasn't too far from Beach City, but not exactly right next door either, pitting her at least a mile or two away from city borders. The Off-Colors were at the barn with the remaining Crystal Gems (whatever was left), Elements of Harmony and whatever other help they could bring about. Fluorite felt in her mind, heart, and soul that they will all be fine without her for just a short while. The idea of Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz being the same person, while she didn't say it, barely bothered her. After all, there was a time when she didn't even believe she even existed in the first place, and much of her involvement was just about as real as the Osicone once was. And this revelation confirmed it. She really wasn't real. At least, not in the way Pearl and company had been telling them.
How were the others to know, though? Rose Quartz never really told them much of anything except for Pearl, and even then Pearl had to keep it quiet herself. No one was to blame, no matter how much they wanted to, and now, Fluorite had to make sure they were all okay and try to bring them back around.

She had to come to terms first. She simply stood there for a while, eyes closed, hands clasped together. Her body may be still, but her mind was in a bit of deep discussion, or at the least a lot of chat. This kept up for a minute or two, before her body slowly began to glow … And just like that, her body split up, each revealing a different Gem. Six Gems totally to match each one of Fluorite's gemstones:
The first one to form up appeared to be a blue Gem, her gemstone located on her navel. Her skin was that of a pale blue, with her eyes and hair a far thicker, deeper blue. Much of her outfit mainly consisted of a sleeveless, Homeworld design, varying shades of blue with a Blue Diamond symbol at the center of her chest. It was clear which Diamond she used to serve before becoming Fluorite.
The second to form was a Sapphire. A light purple sapphire to be exact, and while much of her appearance looked much like a standard Sapphire: purple dress, and long poofy hair, her gemstone was located right where her eye should be, making this one a seemingly blind Gem. At least one would assume that. Her diamond symbol was yellow, indicating Yellow Diamond loyalty unlike the first one. A lavender Sapphire.
The third ones came in the form of three Peridots, all landing together at the same spot. They all mirrored eachother and looked similar to the Crystal Gem Peridot, making them all Era 2 Peridots. Their outfits weren't too complicated for a Peridot, making them look less like Peridot and more like that of a foot soldier like a Ruby. Aside from different shades of green, the main way to tell them apart was the placement of gemstones: one on the forehead like the CG Peridot, one on the right side of the chest, and one on the left side. Head Peridot, right Peridot, and left Peridot.
The last one came in the form of a Pearl. Much of her appearance mirrored that of Blue Pearl, from the similar clothing to the placement of her circular gemstone. The main differences though was that her dress was longer, and her colors were red instead of blue. A Red Pearl.

"WHA! AH! W-We're apart! I didn't agree to this yet, c-can we just get back together?1 I mean Fluorite was just fine!"

"Take it easy, Pearl-z. If we go around as Fluorite, we'll never catch up to them," head Peridot explained, the other peridots nodding in agreement.

"True, but it's been a long time - a VERY long time."

"What're you talking about, we unfused just two months ago!" right Peridot reminded.

"Well it feels like a very long time!" Red Pearl argued.
A whistle from the blue Gem got their attention, but apparently it only had to give them a single look to actually get the point across. It wasn't an angry look, but still a firm one that spoke enough to them both.

"Anatase's right," head Peridot said, "We shouldn't be arguing about that when everyone else's gone. Who do we go for first?"
A question brought up right away, but one that should. They can't just pick someone at random and bolt for it, they need to get some sort of tact on this first. As they were trying to think, Lavender started to actually walk away, already a good twenty feet away by the time they began to notice.

"Hey, Sapphire, where're you going?" asked the trio of Peridots, all in unison. Lavender stopped and turned back to the others.

"To Jasper," Lavender simply replied, before continuing off ahead. Future Vision at play no doubt.

"Alright, let's get the mission started. Commence operation: Gem Harvester! … Friendly mode."

Op. Gem Harvester (friendly ver.)
Phase 1: Jasper

"Well, it's not exactly the best place to go. This kindergarten is disgusting," Red Pearl said, as they went on through the area. The group of Gems, although some not as willing, continued going on through to try to find the first Gem, which they seemingly figured would end up somewhere here. The Beta Kindergarten had seen better days since the Gems had last seen it all: still wrecked up since the Cluster incident. The hole leading to said Cluster may be filled, but much of the upper areas still looked as wrecked as ever.

"Rush job," said left Peridot, checking out a sideways hole in the wall.

"How many of you wanna guess it's Jasper who's here?" asked left Peridot. Head Peridot and right Peridot turned to her.

"I'd say so. This is a Kindergarten made up of red sandstone - one of a number of minerals used to create a type of Jasper. But this one looks far too disorganized for a Gem like - oof!" head Peridot got cut short when she walked into Lavender, who was aiming her "gaze" over to one of the many holes in this Kindergarten. A large, perfectly-shaped hole for the perfect quartz.

"Oh my," Red Pearl gasped.

"The perfect hole," said left and right Peridot. Head Peridot though didn't think so.

"Don't be silly. Here, let's have a closer look … Anatase, a boost?" Head Peridot said. Anatase picked her up and tossed her up to the hole. With all the other holes so disorganized and disorientated, how could this one be any different? Being big didn't mean much. Head Peridot began to study the hole more closely, feeling around the walls and floor as she did so.

"You see, the problem here - wait, oh, wait, oh, no, um. Now this part... hm. There's this thing where if you count the steps to the back I can..."

No good. Even when going all the way to the back, head Peridot simply walked on out, defeated, as she hopped out. She was a bit mixed: amazed, but also having her pride shot down.

"She's even got frictional rock melt. It's glass all the way to the back. Actually, I uh, I've never seen an exit hole this perfect," head Peridot admitted. If this did belong to Jasper, it was no wonder then that she was considered the perfect Quartz, and a veteran hero of the Gem War.

"So she is the perfect Quartz! … Well, I mean, she used to be, there's other gems stronger than her now, but as a Jasper she's surely close," Red Pearl noted. This was mainly off of the stories they were told, but still worth noting.

"Over here," said Lavender.
Off ahead again. The group went over to Lavender, and soon the group of Fluorite then looked further down the Kindergarten, and peeking around the corner, they began to see that they weren't alone in this canyon.
Jasper! Their Jasper! The orange Quartz had basically isolated herself in the Beta kindergarten, going around, seeing the place she was made in and reflecting off on what she had heard. Much like the others, this news of Pink Diamond really struck her a bit hard by the looks of things.

"There she is. Who's going up now?" asked head Peridot.

"Eh, I don't know. You think she'll try to attack us? I mean, she hasn't seen Fluorite unfused before," Red Pearl said.

"I don't think she'll be that distraught," Lavender said.

"She's a quartz though!" right Peridot said. Head peridot quickly clamped her mouth shut.

"Will you be quiet, she'll hear you before we're ready!"

"I'm. Whispering!"

"Well now we're both quietly screaming!"

"I can hear both of you," said Jasper, unamused. Well, so much for that. Much of the group, not ready for it, bolted off to hide somewhere, and the only one that didn't get anywhere in time was head Peridot, who Jasper plucked out of her hiding place like some lost pup. The Peridot could only hope she didn't try to kill her on the spot, but Jasper was in no mood right now.

"Peridot. What do you want?" Jasper asked.

"Um … to see if you're okay?" head Peridot said. Jasper needed little time to see that this wasn't the same peridot since there was no Cutie Mark on her, but she wasn't in a mood for a fight. Jasper just gave a huff before dropping her to the ground.

"I'm fine. Go away," Jasper simply said, before walking away through the Beta Kindergarten. Head Peridot got herself back up as Jasper walked on, not noticing the rest nearby. Head Peridot got back up to her feet, thanking her lucky stars that Jasper didn't pummel her on the spot, but Jasper clearly was in a bit of a mix of places right now if she wasn't up for any fight. If anything, she'd take whatever chance to at least get her skills up, but not today.

"Sooo … is this what you've been up to?"

"What's it to you?" Jasper questioned.

"Well, I think that -"

"Go bother someone else," Jasper cut in. Sounded like her past self was starting to show up again, and head Peridot took a few steps back. As Jasper had her back to her, head Peridot looked over back to the team, anatase giving a hand gesture for her to try and keep going … as much as she didn't want to.
With a gulp, and a tug on her collar, she strolled over to Jasper's side, the orange quartz doing some sparring practice on some rocks. Head Peridot didn't say much at first, just standing off at a good distance, hands behind her back, and waiting for Jasper to take notice. Which really didn't take too long.

"Now what?"

"I was just thinking that uh … SO. Some of the others think something's uh … bothering you."

"We'll nothing's bothering me except you, now go away."

"OH! Well, uh … Ok. If nothing's wrong, I'll just … be way over here." And head Peridot scurried off, leaving Jasper by herself. She made her way to the rest of the Fluorite team. Not much success here, really, and probably a good thing since any more prying would make Jasper completely go off on them.
After pummeling her rock, Jasper stopped her own bit of beating and took a walk off passed them, down the same path they already took. For the team, they had a good idea on where she was going, and when they caught up to her, sure enough, she was looking right up to the hole she came out of. The symbol of a perfected Jasper quartz in a Kindergarten of Off-Colors. Jasper could see a crack within the rock dangerously close to her, appearing like lightning shooting down, aiming directly on her head. In an odd way, it reminded her of her own bit of trauma when it came to a vicious storm.

"Well, look at her," Jasper said, seemingly to herself, "The perfect Quartz, must be nice. Being the only good thing to come out of this rocky mess. … A job for Pink Diamond's war. She must've felt very proud to be called that all the time. If only she knew it was all just some child game."

Jasper felt her fists clench a bit. It took little work to decipher who "her" was, and for Jasper, she felt sorry for her in a way. A Quartz made completely perfect for … well, nothing. What's the point of being perfect if she didn't know what she was perfect for. Sure it was for a war, but why? Jasper wished she had an answer for her, hand to her head as her teeth gritted.

"She was so stupid. Pink Diamond was missing, and she kept fighting the very owner of the planet! What's wrong with her? … What's wrong with me? …"

"I don't see anything wrong with you," said a voice. Jasper would bolt around, but she kinda expected company to still be around, because of course it would be.

"Bout time you came out. I talked about my feelings, I hope you're happy," Jasper said.

"In a way but more importantly, what about you?" Lavender asked. Jasper groaned. She knew where this was going.

"Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll come back to the team in a day or two. That good enough?"

"Of course, come on let's leave her be now," Red Pearl quickly said. There was no need to stay around longer than they had to, plus there were plenty of other members to go and look for. It'll still take some time, but for now, it was best to give this Gem her space. It's the least they could do. On the bright side, at least Jasper had some time to think about how to actually take this.
Anyway, after checking in with Jasper, the group began to head on towards the Warp Pad.

"So, Sapphire, where do we go from here? You know? Well, of course you know, you have the Future vision," Red Pearl said. Lavender nodded, not moving her so-called gaze to her fellow Gem.

"I do. And there's a human that could help us locate her, and a ship that will get us there."

Phase 2: Lapis Lazuli

The group took some bit to steady themselves, but soon they've gotten themselves from space sky, and to the moon surface, as they landed off not too far from the Moon Base, using the admittedly low-polished Galactic Ray to get there (it as it turned out, somehow was one of the few notable items not taken by White Diamond). Opening those doors showed the group of Gems how little had changed of the icon of Pink Diamond's reign. All of them paused to look around, with the exception of Lavender. She wasn't able to see any of it anyway, so why wait around?

"It hasn't changed," said the Peridots in amazement.

"I know right. Now, That uh … Ronaldo … thing. Did he say he was human, I-I'm not sure. Anyway, he said he saw a water angel fly up here, so Lapis has to be somewhere," Red Pearl concluded. However, no sign of any Gem was anywhere within the Moon Base. Nothing present much except for the moon's own dust inside. Lavender was already figuring out a set of stairs further off to the back of the moon base, which for some reason were already up.

"Hey, wait for us, Lavender," called right Peridot, her and the other two Peridots going to catch up to her. Red Pearl and Anatase did the same thing, and followed her up to the secondary level. Anatase stopped for a brief moment to look over to one of the murals on the bottom wall, in particular Pink Diamond. She simply sighed before going up after the others.
When she did, the whole group found themselves … somewhere. It didn't look like a room all that much, if not some lonely beachline, looking out to a calm ocean on a sunset day. It would be sunset by now if they were on Earth, but seeing this on the Moon Base did catch them off guard a little bit. However, in this light, it didn't take very long until they began to see a orb off in the center of the room. An orb with a lonely blue figure sitting there, humming to herself.

"Lapis!" shouted head Peridot. Lapis suddenly stopped and spun around in fear, seeing all of these new Gems that suddenly showed up. At first, she got her water wings out, ready to fly away.

"Oh no, already?! Stay away!"

"Lapis, no!" shouted Red Pearl. But Lapis reacted a bit quick, and her water shot at them all. The group quickly scattered, and gave her an opening to go and run off out of the room, the orb shutting off, and the room turning back to normal.

"Wait! Lazuli, come back!" left Peridot insisted.

"We didn't mean to scare you!" called Red Pearl. The whole group rushed down to get her before she could go away. By the time they got down though, Lapis Lazuli was already right by the door, already open, and already ready to go.

"Where're you going?!"

"As far away from Earth as I can! I knew she'll come here, I'm not going through it all again!" Lapis shouted. They figured she was referring to White Diamond (who else?), and when her saying this it was figured out now that she thought they were her subordinates. Lapis Lazuli was about ready to fly, but Anatase suddenly rushed out, and as Lapis got airborne, grabbed her by the foot. Immediately Lapis Lazuli tried to fly away, lifting Anatase off the ground. Lavender, the Peridot Trio, and Red Pearl all went and grabbed him, in the end forming a chain of eachother with Red Pearl at the bottom, each link to the chain holding on tight. Lapis was in panic, and her wings flapping like crazy, but then she took a look down towards Anatase. Anatase didn't look very malicious in this attempt, and actually had a look of worry edging her face. The eyes began to look a little familiar to the water Gem …

"... Fluorite?"

Anatase nodded. Lapis's wings stopped flapping after a bit, and slowly she started to go back down to the surface. It didn't make her feel any better knowing who this group was, but at least she stopped running away.

"Much better," sighed Red Pearl. They didn't need to go off on a fly through space just to get her side of the argument.

"Don't tell me. The others sent you up here?" Lapis presumed.

"Well, we had to talk to a Ronaldo first to figure out where you went, but other than that … yeah," Red Pearl replied.

"They're all worried about you," added Lavender. The Peridot Trio all nodded in agreement, but Lapis Lazuli wasn't convinced, and simply walked by them, going back into the Moon Base.

"I bet they are. How do I know they're not just lying about that too?" Lapis asked.

"Lying? Lazuli?" asked head Peridot. Lapis stopped when she reached one of the murals, Blue Diamond specifically.

"That entire time. The Gem War. Pink Diamond started something that never needed to happen! All my suffering started because she couldn't -" Lapis couldn't bring herself to finish the accusation, knowing where this Diamond was pinned on now. "... She lied to everyone. And she lied to me, they lied to me."

"How?" asked the trio.

"The Crystal Gems told me so many stories about "Rose Quartz", and even after everything that happened, I only stayed because I thought … I could finally be free. To be happy. Steven was the first person in so long who actually talked to be back on that shore, and the others accepted me for me. They never just used me."

"And now? …" asked Lavender.

"And now I don't know! All those years trapped inside that mirror was so horrible, but at least before I can say there was a sure reason for it. There's no such thing as a good war. But now I don't even know if there was even one at all! How's there supposed to be a line between right and wrong if there was none to begin with?! All that time … because of nothing ..." So the issue with her was trust. Believing who was truth and who wasn't. None of them were trapped in a mirror, but the isolation did sound a bit familiar.

"Lapis, don't fret. None of them knew it either … well, ok, Pearl knew, but no one else did," Red Pearl said. Lapis didn't see that as any help.

"How would I know that for sure? … And wasn't there six of you?" Lapis questioned. Red Pearl and the trio didn't realize until then that Anatase and Lavender had walked off on them. They've been gone since Lapis had gone through the first part of her explanation, and when they started to look, a whistle from Anatase got their attention back up to the second floor. What did they have in mind for them?
The rest of them got up there after a bit, including Lapis Lazuli, and they found that the orb in the center had gotten active again. This time it showed another area of Beach City, somewhere that Lapis Lazuli knew like the back of her stone. The Barn House. At the moment, as sunset was going around, they all could see that the Barn had some bit of activity going on: Flint and Rhodonite were seemingly discussing something, probably the situation at hand, and those that didn't run off looked just as troubled and as worried as Lapis was. They were Crystal Gems too, but she didn't see any that were involved in the war like she had: Flint, Peridot, Jade, and the other Off-Colors. As this was just a hologram though, none of them could hear exactly what they had to say, but Lapis Lazuli had been around them long enough to read what their emotions were, or at least what they could be. As Flint and Rhodonite were over at the chalkboard with various faces and check marks, they possibly were going over where they could've gone off to. Peridot looked VERY distraught about this, more so than the others but mainly because so many of her friends had just ran off, the green Gem curled up in a nearby cardboard box.
And it wasn't just Gems there: the Mane Six (or four, rather) were also trying to figure this out, and trying to comfort the others on this big news. It was then that Lavender spoke.

"Look at them. Do they look like they don't care?" asked Lavender. While she didn't see the situation herself, the idea was still there. Lapis took a moment to look at them all, and eventually she went over to the orb. She sighed, and switched it from the Barn House, to the shores she started with.

"... I want to believe you."

"Lapis, if you don't believe us, why don't you just come on back and see for yourself?" head Peridot asked. Lapis turned to the others.

"I want to! … But I just can't. Not after the way I left. What would they say? What if White Diamond shows up? What if something bad happens?!"

"Well, what if something good happens?" asked head Peridot. Lapis paused, but then she started laughing, hand up to forehead. It wasn't exactly a laugh of joy however, but more on one of confusion. Lapis simply stayed quiet for a moment or two, before she looked up. What indeed was a Gem like her to do?

It all became so lovely.
Those bluest skies above me.
Those funny feelings I have never felt before I met them.

She got up and started a gentle dance, her fingers tapping on the orb so they would change to what looked like apart of Mask Island, the beautiful sun dancing through the leaves of the trees.

I thought to stay a while.
I even learned to smile.
So many colors I have never even known.

Her hand graced the orb again, going back to the barn house. Much of the group was still in discussion, but some were sitting over by Peridot. And Lapis's shadow fit just enough within a space between them for her to sit down as well.

Maybe I'd find myself sitting on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone ...

(Music playing: 0:10 - 0:25)

"Lapis, you don't have to be alone," Red Pearl insisted.

"I don't want to be alone, but what am I supposed to do?"

"Come back, that's what! Everyone misses you," said head Peridot.

"I don't even know if that's true anymore," Lapis sighed.

… Anatase then walked out, and began, the scene changing to that of an open field, leaves blowing in the breeze.

It all became wonderous.
All of the life around us.
So many feelings we have never known before we met you.

Anatase began to handle her own dance, as if she was actually there on the field, in a gentle spin as the leaves went around her.

I got to stay for some time.
On a world yours, and mine.
A new experience I have never even known.
Maybe you'll find yourself sitting on that distant shore ...

She started to go back to Lapis, and then extended her hand in friendship.

Maybe you're not alone.

And then the orb began to flicker, the entire room turning dark time and again. The group got a little troubled, but Lapis Lazuli stayed still. Her memories were haunting her now. First it showed the mirror ...

Then I see the colors fading ...

Then it showed Sombra ...

Gentleness of light escaping!

Then it showed Malachite ...

Shadows of my fears invading!

And then White Diamond herself.

Have I seen this all before?! I KNOW -

It all turned back to normal when the orb regained its power again, showing the whole Barn House like nothing happened. Lapis felt her own arms wrapping around her.

that there's something residing
My terror deep inside me
I no longer know how you could be so bold ...

As she sang, some of the group began to go seemingly to find where the others had went off to. As they left, they walked right through her, as if Lapis Lazuli truly wasn't even there. Lapis simply watched them walk off.

Maybe I'll find myself smiling on that distant shore
Maybe I'm not alone ...

Her song ended just as the orb had finally rested its images, the power finally draining completely, and turning back into the same room it was to begin with. The group tried to help her out in this mess, but it seemed Lapis Lazuli might be in a bit more trouble than Jasper was. Jasper may be thinking about herself with Pink Diamond, but at least she didn't feel like the whole world lied to her, unlike Lapis.

"It's hard for me to just drop what happened, but I … I guess I might've over-reacted, huh?"

"Probably," Lavender said. Lapis got up and tried to activate the orb again, it having just enough power to show the Crystal Temple. It standing proud against time and space. It was a example of how much time could change something, but even after everything she was told, and how long it had stood, Lapis Lazuli could see that it still stood strong, even with parts fallen off and missing, and even now with the Crystal Heart in such a dreadful condition.

"Prime example, right there. She's broken up, but she's not leaving," Red Pearl pointed out. Lapis knew she wasn't alive, but somehow the point was still across.

"You know, you're right. what am I doing out here over just a fact, when I've already done so much with them without even meeting Rose? … I think I'd rather be at home now," Lapis confirmed. Memories of her friends all down on Earth, there's no way she could just go off on them, not like this. If their friendship would end, she didn't want it ending this way, or at all for that matter. Still, that was good news to hear for them.
With the decision decided, Lapis began to go with them down the stairs, and ready to go off home. While much of them did go, Anatase took one more look to the Crystal Temple. She looked a little but … perplexed by what she was seeing. But this perplexation didn't last too long before she went to join the others. By the time she caught up, Lapis Lazuli was already ready to fly off.

"You sure you don't wanna come with us in the ship?" offered head Peridot.

"No thanks. I can fly back from here," Lapis replied. Looking off towards Earth, Lapis Lazuli opened the doors, and with a flap of the wing, began to fly away. There were friends she had made that didn't even involve Pink Diamond, and even if the Crystal Gems might've lied to her, there still was those who she can't just leave behind.

"Fly through Lazuli," the three Peridots said, giving a salute to her as she flew off on her way. Lavender was already heading over to the Galactic Ray. Well, this Sapphire foresaw at least one more person they could find where this was going.

Phase 3: Diopside

"You sure this is the right place, Sapphire?" left Peridot asked, not long after the group had landed. The group landed the Galactic Ray over by a forested area, many of the trees only having their leaves at the very top like mushrooms. Though, they weren't here to check out trees, but more over checking out a particular Gem-related sighting off not too far away. In fact, it looked visible from where they landed, just down the hill.
A Gem ship. The Ancient Gem Colony Ship looked similar to a flying saucer and made of a dull gray, stone-like material with three legs, most likely deployed as landing struts to aid in landing the ship. The paint on the ship, which would normally be a pink color like the Diamond that would've owned the planet, had completely eroded away apart from a small amount on the rim of the far edges.
And the Gem ship was already open: the front door left open by whoever entered. All of them peeked on inside the colony ship, getting a good eyeful on what was within. There was a long communications center with several features to communicate throughout said ship.

"Any Gem in here?! Preferably one that's non-corrupted, and not wanting to hurt us?!" right Peridot called, her voice echoing throughout the ruins of the colony ship.

"I don't think any Gems' been in here for thousands of years. Not that I doubt you, but you sure this is the right place Sapphire," Red Pearl asked, despite the question meaning exactly that. Anatase and Lavender moved off over to the control pad off at the other end of the room. They both nodded to eachother, and Anatase began to work out the switches and screens on the control pad, seeing that the cameras showed a number of areas within the ship. They didn't really show too much at first, and nothing to catch their attention as the rooms were either empty, or the camera showing just static. As they were looking, Lavender felt something press against her leg, and she gently placed a hand on the head.

"Peridot, everything will be just - … fine."

Well, it wasn't exactly one of their Gems, but it was indeed a Gem. A centipede-like Gem with bird-like mandibles, a single eye, dark green on the back and light green on the belly, with numerous bug-like legs.

Well, first shock of the day.

And looking just behind them …

"Help me … please? …" A Centipeedle mother, holding Red Pearl in her mouth. She was just holding her there, as if showing off the catch of the day to both Anatase and Lavender. The trio of Peridots were further away, coiled up together by another Centipeedle mother, several smaller centipeedles crawling out. Anatase walked over to Red Pearl and pulled her out of the mouth in one yank, Red Pearl freaked out and covered in green saliva.

"Can we fuse now?" Red Pearl meekly asked. There was little time to actually answer that question, as one of the Centipeedle mothers screeched good and loud at them ,making them all scatter before she could bite them again. The centipeedles began to scatter too, crawling along the walls to get a better vantage point on the trespassers. The second Centipeedle mother hissed, keeping the peridots close to her as the other three went over to them. The Centipeedle mothers hissed directly at them, ready to fight them all, but before anymore punches or bites could be done, someone else stepped in.

"Ok, I'm back - … What's going on?"

"Diopside! Stay over there!" Red Pearl ordered. Diopside never seen Fluorite split before, but then again, they didn't look like White Diamond associates either. What Diopside was more surprised over was the situation itself, and the Centipeedle mothers attacking the group. Instead of leaving them alone though, Diopside whistled good and loud so the mothers would see her. The group were suddenly ignored, the peridots freed, and both mothers looked down to Diopside …

And one of them started to rub her head against her. In affection.

"It's okay, you were caught off guard. You didn't ruffle them up too much, did you?" Diopside asked. The Centipeedle mother shook her head. This was … a change of events.

"... WE'RE ALIVE! Less importantly, what's going on here?" left Peridot asked. The centipeedles and Diopside looked over to their uninvited guests, and they did take note that Diopside didn't look too distraught about much of this.

"Oh, sorry they were so rough. They don't like new Gems to just show up to their home," Diopside said, hand gently rubbing one of them on the head, the Centipeedle giving a contented purr, like that of a cat. The smaller Centipeedles didn't try to attack this time, now knowing their mothers weren't as aggressive as before.

"The others never told us you were friends with these things - ow!" Red Pearl was cut short by Anatase, flicking her head, before she could end up saying something she'll regret.

"What brings you over here?" Diopside asked.

"We came to see if you're alright," Lavender answered. Diopside paused, knowing what they were talking about but before answering Diopside began to look them over a bit more closely. Her gemstone eye changed focus a bit, before Diopside started to figure them out.

"Wait, you're all Fluorite!"

"Good guess," said the Peridot trio.

"You're looking better," said Lavender. Diopside nodded.

"It took a while for me, but I got some time to think and talked it out. I'm fine now," Diopside said. That was good to hear, and they didn't need to go into too much trouble this time.

"That's good, so maybe you can come back and show whoever's left you're alright?" Red Pearl insisted.

"Oh. Still gone, huh? Well, I just got here, I wanna hang out here for a while. I'll come back when I'm done," Diopside promised.

That sure went a bit easier for the group. Lavender and Anatase looked on as the Peridots and Red Pearl were more calmly greeted by the Centipeedles. Lavender went on into thinking.

"The others should be finding some more by now. We're doing pretty well so far."


She wasn't wrong. The Fluorite group may be doing well with Jasper, Lapis, and Diopside, but they weren't the only ones going out to locate the others. In this case, after some Warp Pad use close to sunset, Steven, Amethyst, and Connie got themselves from the Barn House, and off instead to the volcanic areas near the Forge. You could probably guess who they were going off to find. Heading down the similarly known path, working off of memory, it didn't take them more than ten minutes.
The area around the forge was probably the warmest area at the moment, considering how close it was before the first snow would arrive, so need for any winter wear wasn't as needed as they thought. The Cluster's involvement here, much like the Beta Kindergarten, still left it's scars here, one of the hills even splitting in two.

"So, you wanna ease her into the big news, or do you think telling her about the rest would be easier?" Connie asked as they went along.

"Bismuth's more open-minded, so maybe we should get the big news over with," Amethyst figured. It was a bit of a long shot though: for they knew bismuth had some prior involvement with rose quartz before much of this even got started.

"I just hope she's okay. She worked with Rose personally and got in a bubble over it. Let's just try to lay it on her easy," Steven decided. A pretty easy gesture more or less, and something they felt was good for her. Good time to make a choice too, as it wasn't much longer on their walk until they reached the Forge's front door, which itself was already open. The three could hear Bismuth's work going on inside, so if that wasn't an indication, they weren't sure what was. They all looked to one another before they started to head on inside, Steven taking the lead with Amethyst and Connie following behind.
One step through those doors, and they soon saw the Gem in question, over in the center of the room and working on some weaponry as a blacksmith does. She didn't look too bugged, or distraught, and didn't even see the trio come in as she was a bit focused on getting a sword all prepared, the sword made up of red amber by the looks of it as Bismuth pounded it into place.


"Oh, kids! Steven, Connie, Amethyst, nice of you to come by. Here, I was just about to come back to give you a little something," Bismuth said, just finishing the sword in question. It sure looked nice, sharp, and fitted the redness of the lava behind her pretty well. By the sound of her tone, they weren't sure if Bismuth was even aware the others were gone, let alone the Pink Diamond reveal, and the blacksmith gave the sword to Connie.

"Oh. Thanks Bismuth," Connie said, holding the sword. It was still a bit hot from just being created, but not hot enough to burn Connie's hands.

"Well, I thought since Rose's sword has been taken, I'd make you a new one. NOW you mean Bismuth," Bismuth joked, before throwing in a few chuckles at a job well done. Bismuth though was quick to see that they weren't as psyched about it as she expected, Connie a bit unsure of it actually.

"What's up, you don't like it?"

"Oh, no, I love it! But that's not why we're here," Connie made clear, placing the sword by her side.

"Well, what's up?" Bismuth asked. It took some mental thought on the trio's part before they came to the conclusion that if any of them were going to tell her, it might as well be the son of the very Gem in question. No more hiding, and no more waiting. They already messed up when they couldn't get the information out in time for the others missing, and they weren't gonna make the same mistake here. Steven looked up to the perplexed and curious Bismuth.

"It's about Rose."

And so Steven went on explaining the story behind Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond. The time it took to explain it all went for about twenty minutes, and even then they knew they didn't put in all the details, which some he admittedly forgot himself or didn't think were needed. But the point to Bismuth was still made across: Rose quartz and Pink Diamond were the same person, whether she wanted it or not, and whether she liked it or not. Steven, Connie, and amethyst sat together, as Bismuth sat across from them, hearing every word said, and taking it all in.
To put it simply, it was a lot to take in.


"Yeah. … So. You okay?" Steven asked.

"Hmm. Yeah. Hang on a sec," Bismuth said before getting up. The three just watched as Bismuth walked over towards the lava waterfall, and went on ahead to dunk her head right into the flow. They could hear bubbles going in said lava, and muffled screaming for a good ten seconds. What a hit. Soon, straight away after getting her head out -

"OH MY GOSH!!! It all makes sense now!" Bismuth gasped, her mind boggled at all this.

"YEP, pretty crazy," Amethyst said.

"Sorry we couldn't tell you sooner. We tried to find you but -"

"No, no, Connie. I'm just glad you told me at all," Bismuth sighed. It was probably good she was told now and not let off any further, none of them want any repeats of their first ever interaction. Looking to the lava pool at the bottom of the lavafall, She took a seat and dipped her feet in, the lava bubbling a little bit. But while that would burn the feet off of others, bismuth found it as soothing as a jacuzzi, and just as nice of warmth.

"Guys come on in, the lava's great," Bismuth offered.

"We would, but, we're not lava-proof," said Steven. Bismuth chuckled before looking on to the lavafall in front of her, seeing a faint reflection in the flowing, glowing mass of magma. Seeing the flow had a sort of soothing sense to her as she began to remanence bout her time way back when the Crystal Gems were in their infancy, alongside the Gem war it seemed.

"You know, I was so excited to show Rose the Breaking Point," Bismuth began.

"The Breaking Point. Isn't that the weapon you made to shatter diamonds with?" Connie asked, going off of vague memory of what she was told by the others.

"That's the one. Can you imagine how ready I was when I went up to her? Hey Rose, check out this cool weapon I made! I'm gonna shatter YOU with it!" Bismuth laughed about the pretty good memory, but her laughs were only her own and she eventually ended in just a long sigh. Amethyst sat down alongside her, along with Steven who kept his feet away from the lava, as they all looking into the bubbling, rippling pool. Thinking on it, maybe those weren't the best choice of words to use. Not that it mattered.

"I really thought all of our problems would go away if we could just shatter a diamond," Bismuth then said, hands up in display with a smile, before both quickly went away and the look of distraught came back before saying "... guess she took my advice before I thought of it after all."
Bismuth knew things had changed since the Gem War ended, and since she got back, but this was on a whole new level, even for her. Her leader, her friend, turning out to be the thing they were fighting against. With the story though, it sounded like it had to be that way, and one can't change the past … well, not safely if you count Starlight Glimmer, anyway. And even if it was an option, it was best to not tempt the butterfly to go a different flight path. Silence hung in the air for a bit as they took time to consider, before Steven himself gently placed a hand on Bismuth's lap.

"I'm … sorry. About all this," Steven simply said. Rose herself was not around to do it, so it might as well be him, even if it wasn't his fault. Bismuth herself just sighed before placing a gentle hand on his own.

"Thanks. For talking to me."

"Wow. You took it pretty well. Better than the others did," Connie admitted, as they all got up again.

"How so? You seen them lately?" Bismuth asked.

"They all ran off. Even Garnet unfused over it," Amethyst said. This actually brought Bismuth to alarm.

"What?! Noooo, they're my favorite couple!"

"Don't worry, we're trying to find them right now. Flint and Jade are off finding Sapphire, and the Off-Colors and Elements of Harmony are working as much as they can to find the rest," Steven explained.

"Let me guess: Flint thought I ran off on you guys too?"

"We … all kinda thought you did," Amethyst admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. Bismuth stayed quiet a little bit. she didn't really check in much since seeing the zoomans last, so in a way that was kind of her to blame. Bismuth then smiled.

"Don't worry about a thing. Don't forget: I got your back," Bismuth reminded, fluffing Steven's hair. A callback to the past, but still good to know that Bismuth would be staying around still.

The blacksmith was not going anywhere.


While winter's snow hadn't officially started just yet, the bitter sting of it was just as rough of a feeling, and came early for one Gem in particular who's mind was still deeply muffled and distraught. And in such an ironic way, her gaze was stuck looking up to a statue figure of the very Gem that started this grief of hers: Rose quartz. It was Rose's fountain alright, but the tears that streamed down her face had now frozen thanks to Sapphire's dear grief and mind fog.
She just laid there, hands holding her up on the rims of the now frozen fountain, ice forming up all around her in a blanket of ice. No snowfall had the pleasure to grace her skin, or gently come down to greet her. She felt alone, stuck, and with her emotions in turmoil she can't even think straight - future vision or otherwise. She didn't care though on what images were flashing through her head, for her emotions were only focusing on just one: Pink diamond. How could she just go ahead and use them like that? Even with the whole story, it wasn't enough to convince Sapphire that it was all just something that they should've been dragged into. Why couldn't Rose ever tell them, why couldn't Rose ever tell her? Making her think these things, and all the while not a single question was ever brought up to her.


"Sapphire! Sapphire!"

Even from such a distance, the blue Gem knew that voice all too well. In her state of mind though she was not wanting any sort of company, not even from her own friends. Or so-called. Flint and Jade were soon to arrive to the scene, and they were actually surprised how quick they found her (the fountain was really just a guess on their part after discussion). The two arrived over by the front gate to the fountain, and were quick to see Sapphire.

"Sapphire, there you are -" Flint was quickly cut off when a just icicle shot out from the ground, stopping dead still and aiming directly at them both, making them stop in their tracks. Sapphire didn't give any reply to them, but she knew they were still there, not moving an inch. not that she could, as the ice was forming icicles around her legs.

"Everything we were running from … she was right there, all along. Using us for her … little war," Sapphire spoke, her voice hushed. They both knew this was dangerous to even approach her, so the two consulted together on the matter. Who should go in? In the end they both went over to her.

"Making me believe in a better future that I couldn't see, because it wasn't real ... And now here we are, our friends, shattered, and corrupted. … What a long road she took to torture us all like this …"

"Sapphire, you know she didn't want to hurt everyone," Jade said, hand on her back. Sapphire though, in her distraught state, didn't think that was anything true anymore.

"I don't know that! I clearly don't know anything!"

"Okay, calm down Sapphire," Flint then said, "It was impossible for any of us to know, don't be so hard on yourself."

"But why did she have to drag the rest of us into it?! She could've done it all herself, but instead she had to lie to us! She had to lie about everything," Sapphire stated. Despite knowing that Pink Diamond did try what she could do before White Diamond made things clear to her.

"You know that isn't true. Look, let's just go off back home, and we'll discuss it with the others."

"Discuss what? How the Crystal Gems are nothing but a sham? We all were played fools to her, and none of us saw into her!"

"Sapphire, calm down, this isn't as big as you're making it out to be. Come on, let's get our minds clear back home -" Flint was cut off as he was trying to get Sapphire back home, only for Sapphire to yank her hand away. Flint may be taking it will, but he didn't see it as bad as Sapphire did.

"Don't pretend like you knew everything! You've never even been in the war," Sapphire snapped. Flint was starting to get annoyed with her.

"I don't need to: you fought, you won, what more do you want?" Flint questioned. Jade began to get a little worried.

"Uh, Flint?"

"What do you know?! I've lost everything because I joined her! I was a pure member of Blue Diamond's court -"

"And you still are!" Flint cut in, "Besides, who's fault is that? She gave you the option, but it was you who took it." flint ended the statement with an accusing finger aimed directly at Sapphire.

"Of course you'd say that - you'd never know what pain we've been through in that war. All the friends we lost -"

"Sapphire, come on already, you're better than this! Are you hearing yourself? If Pink Diamond wanted to torture you, she'd sent you to White for experimentation, or heck, she could've killed you on the spot if she wanted to. Now come on back before any of the Diamonds realize you've all gone," Flint instructed, starting to walk on back to the Warp Pad. Sapphire felt cold, but not in the literal sense.

"... So you don't care about us. You only care if we get you into trouble. That's why you want us back together, is it? How can you be so cruel?"

"Sapphire, of course he -" Jade was cut short again.

"NO, I want to hear it from Flint," Sapphire stated. Jade, silenced, again.

"You are the Crystal Gems, your priority is to protect Earth from anything that causes this planet harm - you can't do that if you're all split apart like this!"

"Is that all you're worried about?!"

"It should be the only thing to worry about! The war's been and done, it shouldn't be your issue!"

"You only think that because it's not your issue! If you're not gonna help then why don't you just leave, you horrid hybrid!"

Sapphire stared Flint down with anger in her eyes. Attempts to find them, and all Flint wanted was for them to get back to work, far as she knew. Flint can't say he hadn't felt this way before: Ruby already giving her own fair bit of mind not long after Sapphire disappeared. But that didn't make it feel any better for him.

"Uh, Sapphire try not to be too hard on him. I mean, you were -"

"It's alright, Jade. I'm going anyway."

Jade looked confused.

"Going? What do you mean?"

"I can't stay here with them. All my work to save you, dealing with the cluster, Pink Diamond's murder case, and rescuing Pearl, and this is the thanks I get? Don't know why I bothered in the first place. I should've just left you all at the get-go, could've made my life easier, but instead here I am risking my neck for you all the time."

"Flint, wait, she didn't mean it -"

"Stop," Flint snapped, making Jade jump back. It's the first time Sapphire saw him actually snap at Jade, the only Gem he cared deeply for and who he already saved.

"You're no better: I have to carry you around all the time, you bunch of dead weight. I'd be better off without you! All of you!"

Jade felt as if her own gemstone would crack by his words, as he turned his gaze to the distraught, and shocked Sapphire.

"And Sapphire? I don't care how close you were to Rose, I'm gonna make this clear: None of this even matters anymore, and never will be, and you know why?" Flint went right up to her, kneeling so he was eye-level with Sapphire to deliver one final, and cold-hearted message to this Gem.

"... Because she's already dead. … I want you to think about that while I'm gone."

Sapphire wanted to correct him, but she couldn't come up with anything as she simply stared at him. Plus, she was already mad at him, so it clouded her judgement just a bit beyond how it would be. With those words imprinted in her head, Flint got up and he began to turn, and walk away. This time, regardless if Sapphire would go and follow him or not. In fact, he didn't want it: he heard Jade take a step forward, and he responded with a shot of his pistol dangerously close to her feet. He probably would've shot her off her feet if she didn't fall back first.

Flint left the Crystal Gems, and neither had the will to stop him from going.

And only then did the snow finally start to fall.


"Sure she's over here?"

"I know she is."

Hard to say for poor Sapphire how long she had been just sitting there since this. Time itself had kinda gone away from her within the first snowfall of the season. But while they fell gentle around her, the poor Gem was stuck with nothing but the cold. It may have not bothered her before, but the words Flint had echoed in her head refused to go away. And she refused to go away from the fountain either, which probably was good as Jade had gotten a few of the ponies (AJ, Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy). Twilight had to put the map on hold for a little bit, especially after hearing what had happened.

"What do you want now?" Sapphire asked.

"Easy there, it's just us," Applejack reassured her, but Sapphire was too mixed up to even really consider what to say.

"Jade told us what happened, Sapphire," Fluttershy said, landing over nearby her. Sapphire couldn't even look at them. "It's all going to be okay."

"He doesn't know what he's talking about. It doesn't matter because she's dead … so what, I'm supposed to just let all this slide? Our whole reason for even doing all of this - gone. Our friends: corrupted and shattered, all for something that didn't exist!"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on there, I draw the line at that," Applejack got in, "You sayin none of that stuff we did was real?"

"No, I meant what we done in the war. We were all made a fool of, and all she did was use us."
Jade had already explained much of what she said before they arrived, so she didn't need to elaborate much further. Sapphire was so used to the facts being brought to her, and her to have everything down pact. But nothing was going to help her here.

"But what about all that stuff you did after Rose? Er, Pink, or whichever," Rarity reminded. Sapphire glanced her way as she continued.

"Alright, so Rose wasn't exactly … who she said she was. But keep in mind you've done quite an amazing record after her passing."

"I DON'T KNOW THAT!" Sapphirer shrieked, "Rose never told me anything, she wouldn't tell me anything, and I went along with it like it was supposed to be okay! How am I supposed to know for sure?"

"I thought you'd say that," Twilight said, as she then began to levitate the supposed answer to the problem. Sapphire didn't know anything, and with much of the group all but gone still, there was one solution: a sort of white elixir, or drink, kept within a similar-looking bottle. Or similar to the Mane six in a vague sense, but Twilight felt this would suit best as she placed it gently in Sapphire's hands.

"Just before we met, Zecora showed me this potion which allowed me to look into the past. Maybe if you drink it, it could show you the same thing," Twilight suggested. Sapphire wasn't too sure at first, looking down to the option itself, but if she was to truly see what happened outside of the words Pearl had said, she might as well give it a go.
As the others watched, Sapphire Brought the bottle to her mouth, and gave the potion a few good chugs, not a drop missed. The taste itself was a bit bland, if not a little bitter, but as Twilight Sparkle had with her taste of the potion, the effects of it were swift. The others jumped back fast, as Sapphire's eye suddenly began to glow a bright white.

"S-Sapphire!" gasped Jade.

"Hold on now, it's okay. Twilight's gone through this before, she'll be fine. Just give her a minute," Applejack insisted. Jade was a bit worried for Sapphire. With how distraught she was already, any more trauma would be horrible on her. For the moment, Sapphire simply stood there, staring off into what past events had transpired, going through her mind like the Future Visions she had given sight into. At first, much of these visions she was seeing of the past were just as Pearl described: starting with showing Pink Diamond first coming to Earth, and going from there. She saw the attempted murder of Pink by White, and the war to follow, not to mention the end result of the corruption light, which she now knew was a ruse for the Cluster. The flash of light lasted a good minute and a half before it finally ended, bringing Sapphire to her knees.

"... Well, at least I know Pearl wasn't lying … again," Sapphire said at last.

"It may not be the same story you were told, but Pink Diamond did her best. She truly did care for you," Twilight made clear, but Sapphire was surprisingly still not convinced.

"But how am I supposed to actually know?! She tried keeping Earth from becoming a colony, that doesn't explain -"

Then it started: Sapphire stopped her banter when she felt something poking her in the side. The portal keys were active again, this one belonging to Twilight, as it kept hitting itself onto her until it got their attention. Been a while since they've gone off since Applejack had to go to Klugetown for the set of keys to begin with.
The key, after getting the full attention, began to bounce and roll off over a little bit further away until it reached the gate, getting itself into the nearby wall and opening a portal door. A bit out of nowhere, but the key was persistent in getting them moving, as it quickly rolled on back, and tried to move Sapphire along.

"Alright, alright, I'm going," Sapphire finally said.

The group went on through the portal, and the end location of said portal was in a more familiar location: the carwash. A bit of an odd place to pop up in, but soon after all of the ponies had gotten themselves through, they began hearing some commotion off not too far away.

The distinct sound of a key running away from Steven.

"NO, come back!" Steven called, trying to get the key back. Steven's key was up and alive again, seemingly getting on pry either while Steven was gone, or when he got back. Regardless when, Steven finally caught his key in a slide, stopping right in front of Sapphire.


"Steven," Sapphire gasped. Steven jumped up to his feet, hugging the admittedly cold Gem. However, the keys were getting a bit too impatient, and actually both keys rolled off away, unaware to the others just yet.

"Steven, you're back. Did you find Bismuth?" Rarity asked.

"She'll be coming by soon, she's doing great. But, are you alright Sapphire?" Steven asked. Before Sapphire could answer, they began to hear a sound of a lock opening, just to find the keys already opening up something on the ground. Typically a door would open up for them, but this time the opening was only small enough for their arm to slip through. Not that they needed to go through anyway, because something actually popped out.

A video tape.

And only then did the keys stop acting up, and the door closed, and the keys lied stiff once again.

"What's that?" Sapphire asked, perplexed. Twilight walked over to the video tape, levitating it up to eye level. It looked rather mundane, nothing out of the ordinary about it, but then came the two words written in cursive on the label.

"For Steven. … Steven, you make this?" Twilight asked.

"No, I don't think so," Steven replied, taking the tape. Sapphire and Steven looked at the two words for a moment or two, and considering the situation, this could only mean one thing. …
And after a short bit of wiring, and getting things connected, they soon got a small TV and VHS hooked up together. It was a bit of short notice for them to work with, but luckily for them Greg had a lot of spare stuff inside that van. It was where he lived after all.

"So, you two gonna put it in or not?" encouraged Twilight. Steven, who was still holding the tape, decided to get this going, and got the tape in the VHS.

"Here we go," sighed Sapphire.

And so, the tape began. As with any VHS tape, it started off with a bit of static snow, but eventually something did begin to show up. It looked like it was summer in the area, over along the beach with the cool waves gently going along the sand. It honestly wasn't anything too fancy, or anything too extravagant that the Portal Keys would make them see. Sapphire wasn't really too thrilled herself. The scene turned to static again, and then it simply showed the ground of waves at a closer glance. again, nothing too fancy to think about.
but then the scene turned to the Temple. This did show at least when this tape was even made, namely because the tape showed the Crystal Temple … well, like how it was currently: no Beach House up front. However, there still was a Warp Pad visible at the front of the cave, so that said it was before White's little thief of their home and traces. Once again, while a bit intriguing, nothing too fancy. The camera shifted a bit back to the view of the beach, but then someone went on into frame: Greg.
Greg did look a little bit different of course, a bit younger with a head of hair (or at least, more hair). He went across the frame in a sort of funny crab "prance" as it were, arms out like a crab. They all then heard a female voice give a soft laugh.

"What're you doing?" she chuckled …

"Steven. That voice," whispered Applejack.
The screen went static shortly after again, and this time it showed Greg laying down on a beach blanket, snoring in a deep sleep, unable to notice that he had a seagull just sitting on his stomach. The same voice giggled slightly seeing this admittedly cute moment.

"Greg made a friend," the voice said. and just like that, the seagull squawked, and Greg jumped back in a startle, only leaving the figure behind the camera laughing.
It was then the scene cut once more, and this time it was Greg just standing in front of the camera. He looked a little bit nervous actually.

"Go on, tell us who you are," the voice insisted.

"Sorry, getting a bit of stage fright," Greg said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I know the feeling," Fluttershy commented.

Eventually Greg got to word on the video. Or at least he tried to.

"Uh. M-My name is Greg - no, no, this is wrong!"

Suddenly the screen turned static again, and shifted to a small blue crab on the ground. The camera was shifted up again, and this time Greg looked more of that of a rocker: guitar in hand, foot on a rock, and shades over his eyes - typical cool lingo.

"They call me …" he strung his guitar and said, "MR. UNIVERSE! Get ready, baby, you're gonna have the coolest dad this side of the cosmos." Greg then began to rock out on his guitar for a bit, acting cool and hip, and the voice behind the camera tried to better get this ending fixed, but only got a sort of magic flair to go by the screen.

"that the right one?"

"Uh … maybe?"

"Oh, what does this do?"

In a click, in came the star iris in, just before static filled the screen again. A personal upgrade to said camera if one had to guess.
The scene showed a bit of a calmer moment, and Greg probably not aware that the figure behind the camera was still recording the moment. A few seagulls were scattered around, enjoying the day themselves like seagulls do: some flying, some scurrying on the beach, all captured in frame.

She then began to speak again.

"Isn't it wonderful, Steven? … Life here has so many possibilities, and every living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear, the lives they live. It's all so complicated, and yet … so simple. I can't wait for you to join them."

With what Sapphire said, they knew what was coming: Rose turned the camera onto herself.

"Steven. We both cannot exist at once. I'm going to become apart of you. And you need to know that, whenever you love yourself … that's me. Loving you, and loving being you! That's because you're going to be something extraordinary. … You're going to be a human being."

"Rose!" called Greg off-screen. Rose smiled to the camera.

"Take care of them, Steven," Rose simply said, just before the screen turned static for a split moment. It showed rose, walking out towards Greg, standing over him with her stomach notably larger than normal. didn't look like Steven's introduction to the world may not be for too long. The camera just ended when the two leaned in to kiss, leaving nothing but static. Sapphire was not impressed.

"What's wrong?" Steven asked.

"Nothing. Just like all of that," Sapphire said.

"Wait, there's more!" Rarity said, looking back to the screen.

"No, my future vision already saw this the moment -"


Well, that changed her mind. And seemingly, Ruby wasn't the only one that could pull her disbelief in the Crystal Gems. The screen was a bit blurry at first, and it appeared a bit later at night, when many of the people were off asleep, and many of the other Gems (including Sapphire, I suppose), were off and away at the Temple. It didn't look like she was at the Temple, and was instead off down the beach. The thud was her accidentally dropping the camera, it just sitting there on the sand before she would pick it up again. … There's a good reason why she isolated herself though. Rose took a check into the camera, and … well, she looked tired. Exhausted, even, as if she had ran a worldwide marathon or something. She only paused to wipe away some sweat from her forehead, before finding a good spot to place the camera down, showing a good backdrop of the ocean, and rose went and sat down with a thud. This must be later in time, since she not only looked bigger in the stomach, but also she looked worn out with making this happen. She panted a bit from the walk, tired, and her body felt … well, weak. Or it looked that way, as if she was struggling just to keep herself together.

Then she spoke.

"Everyone. Greg, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl. … Steven. I've been a bit selfish," Rose began. "... I was told by a wise Gem that I … wouldn't be around for much longer. At first, I felt alright: I would live on in my son, and he will look on to the Gems in my passing … but, after thinking about it, I realize now that means there's … things. Very important things. That I'm going to be leaving behind. I have to say this now. I'm … not who you think I am - I'm not Rose Quartz! My true name, my birthname, is Pink Diamond."

Rose only paused to feel what one would describe as a kick from Steven, which in turn made her slightly weaker still. Her body started to morph a little bit, shining slightly, before she retained her form. If she were to shapeshift now, Steven wouldn't exist, and she can't risk losing her unborn child so quickly. If they would've found this first before Pearl would say this, they probably would be left shocked, and Rose probably figured such by what she said next.

"I know you might not believe me, I don't blame you if you ever believe me again. I was told if this were to be let out at the wrong time, it would mean we'll lose everything. Everything we'd fought for, this planet, us. It would've been for nothing. I know it's not right to keep this all a secret from you, but … now. I don't have long. I just wished I could've gathered the strength to tell you in person."

Her body glitched again, this time dangerously close to becoming Pink Diamond again, when Rose forced herself back to normal. Sapphire and everyone else could see the struggle she was going through just to keep this alive, to keep Steven alive, and it was draining what energy she had left. Even for a diamond, this was hard.

"I … I hope you all understand. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If you find this tape, please try not to be too hard on Steven. I was wrong to keep this from you! But it's too late now. … And I just want you all to know. I love you. All of you. You've all been so wonderful, and smart, and did better for the planet than I ever had. ... It's been so fun being with all of you. …"

A tear slipped down Rose's smiling face just before the tape finally ended, leaving the screen as nothing but static snow and white noise. Guess that was what the keys wanted to show them. much of the group were left in tears on Rose's farewell, Sapphire the most torn. This can't be a lie, especially with Rose's confession, and just how worn out she looked.

"Oh my Celestia," Rarity breathed, wiping a tear from her face. Sapphire went on over to the end of the van, sitting down right by the rim, thinking about what she had just witnessed.

"Sapphire? You okay?" Twilight asked, wing around her.

"... She followed us."


"All this time we thought we were following her, but … she was following us. She was swept off her feet by this place, and by everyone else. Just like how I felt when I met -"

Then it hit her.

"RUBY! Oh no, we got to go back right away!"


"Ruby! I'm so sorry! Where...? Huh?"

Nothing. Sapphire's vision had lead her from the carwash and right on to the temple. For some reason she thought Ruby would at least go there, but with the tape, and all of the distraught, it would appear she was just too late to get her. But that didn't mean there was nothing there though.

A note. for Sapphire. Left on the ground.