• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 2,780 Views, 277 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 7 - EquestrianKirin

It's a whole new ballgame for Gem and Pony alike. Saddle up!

  • ...

Pale Rose

Homeworld was in its prime. Gemkind had come a long way since its initial beginning, but now, with so much time, Era 1 was at its upmost excellence. The cities were in excellency, and every Gem of many a type was heading on through their daily duties, routines, and lives they've been given. Quartzes, Agates, Lazulis, Rubies, Fulgurites, any many others of the Era 1 Homeworld. And amongst all of this, there was something ... more interesting in the works. Something a bit more profound.
Something Diamond-worthy. Blue Diamond. Yellow Diamond. White Diamond. And ... Pink Diamond. All four of them, the undisputed rulers of all of Homeworld, all of Gemkind. The diplomacy of Blue, the military of Yellow, the chemistry of White. They all had their own place within this hierarchy, and their own area of main placement ... well, except for Pink. She was still young. Still growing up. And in this moment, not in control of much of anything other than her own appearance, and if she were lucky some publicity where it was just her to be an image. Pink Diamond was still fairly small when in comparison to her fellow Diamonds, the Pink Gem standing at about Rupee height, just above a prime quartz soldier, which compared to a typical Diamond was a bit stunted. As for appearance, Pink Diamond had a different look to what she was currently seen as: her outfit more similar to Yellow Diamond if to anyone, but pink. All the same, Pink Diamond had something special for her today, and the other Diamonds brought her over to one of Yellow Diamond's buildings. This one on the surface was a normal sight, but this day it was going to be a bit more special. This was a special day for Pink Diamond.

"Can I really, Blue?" she asked.

"Yes, Pink. As a Diamond, it's time for you to retrieve your own personalized Pearl. And I can't think of a better time to do it," Blue Diamond replied, smiling her soft smile. Her own Pearl. Even a diamond had to be given some time to be given one of those, and Pink Diamond was ready to be given hers. Yellow and White did the honor of getting the distributor's attention, namely in White flicking the front door as her own knock. It took a bit for the Gem, Melanite, to come on out to see them, and the moment she did see all the Diamonds at once, the Gem immediately did her diamond insignia with her hands.

"D-Diamonds! My Diamonds! I-It's such an honor to see you," Melanite said. Sure one Diamond was one thing, but seeing all four of them at one time was quite another, and she did NOT want to disappoint.

"Melanite. Is your stock ready for presentation?" asked Yellow. Melanite of course nodded.

"All the Pearls are ready and willing, My Diamond. I've personally made sure to have the other orders on hold so you'll have the maximum option," Melanite explained. Melanite hoped that it was the right call, but White gave her a look of approval.

"Very good. Bring them out," White instructed. Like any Gem would, Melanite complied, and with a whistle, the Pearls she had in stock then came on out. Pink Diamond felt pretty excited for this choice, smile on her face and eyes sparkling. So many options to pick from, a good fifty in total, and all of them stood at attention. Though admittedly, all the Pearls were a bit worried with this decision. After all, being a Pearl to a diamond was probably the biggest honor any Pearl could ever get in this day in age. All of them looked the same in appearance, though once they would change their appearance in tune to whomever they're given, so at this point the only difference they all had was the placement of gemstones. All of them were all pale white, no color or any distinguishing features. The Diamonds should know: Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl being a good example of this. Pink Diamond took a look around the selection, but the more she looked to them, the more she was feeling less thrilled. If they all looked the same, why was there a choice anyway? Something told her that might be the point.

"Um ... don't you have any uh ... different Pearls?" Pink asked.

"I know they don't seem as extravagant as the next cut, but they'll alter their appearance the second you pick one out," Yellow explained. Made sense, but that didn't mean it was exciting for her. She still took the time to check out what was what, and see which Pearl she would like. They all looked quiet, blank-faced, much like a servant or butler seemingly would be. Nothing to help her pick, nothing to really tell her "hey, I'm here, pick me". Pink Diamond glanced to her fellow diamonds again, but then she got an idea ...

"I'll take them all!"

ALL of them? That kind of order was a bit out of nowhere.

"Pink, you can't pick ALL of the Pearls, you'll have to pick one."

"But don't you have a set of Pearls, White?" Pink asked.

"... Just pick one Pearl, Pink," White sighed. Well, so much for that idea. She looked around a bit more at the selection, and while many of them did look a bit monotone at best, Pink's eye was drawn to one right in the center. One that looked a little bit different from the rest, not in gemstone, but in expression. She didn't look like she was ever going to be picked by any Gem, let alone a Diamond. Her gaze was to her feet, not to her. ...

"I'll take ... That one."

And Pink Diamond pointed right to Pearl. The pearl didn't react at first, thinking that it was probably some other pearl among the ground. That was, until the pearls around her started to move away from her, giving her the space to stand out of the crowd.

"... M-Me? ..." she asked quietly. Yellow diamond felt a little bit unsure of this.

"Her, Pink? From the reports I've gathered, that one's not the most ... cooperative," Yellow stated, making the Pearl cower a little. But Pink Diamond didn't care about that.

"You said I can pick my Pearl, and I pick her," Pink stated. The Diamonds looked to one another, and eventually Blue Diamond looked over to the Pearl.

"Come forward," she said. The Pearl needed a little bit to really figure out that it truly was HER, and only then did she begin to walk forward. The Diamonds could note that her gemstone wasn't exactly the same as their own pearls, nor the pearls amongst Melanite's group. Her gemstone, on her forehead much like White Diamond, was in a more oval shape than a circular one. Still, as a Pearl, Pearl looked up to her diamond. She took a bit to take in what she was seeing, and soon her body started to form and take shape. Her body was fine, but her outfit started to change into a more pinkish color, much like her owner. In the end, the outfit this pearl ended up with a pair of long white socks, pink ballerina shoes, and a pink one-piece suit accompanied by puffed up shoulder pads, and a transparent flair dress that reached her knees. Pink Diamond was very happy to see this.

With the weeks to follow for the young Gem, Pink Diamond felt a lot more official now. Every other diamond before her had gotten their Pearl, and now she had hers. Pearl was still feeling a bit edgy on things as time went by, trying her absolute best to not disappoint her new master. If the pearls owned already were anything to go by, she had to really keep her act together and try not to disappoint. Pink however was more psyched she had a Pearl at all, and now that she did, she felt more like a Diamond than she had before. A true Diamond with her own Pearl.
Now she had to figure out what the heck to do with her.
Pink Diamond and Pearl were off in Pink's personal quarters for the moment, Pink Diamond looking over Pearl one day, with Pearl staying quiet and standing off nearby and waiting for whatever instruction Pink would have for her. Pink Diamond's room was basically a pink room off somewhere in Diamond City, high in elevation as evident with the building tops outside her window. The other Diamonds weren't around, so it was just her and her Pearl. Again. Honestly, it wasn't the first time. Pink Diamond wasn't sure what to do, and Pearl could see that.

"Pearl," Pink Diamond said at a point.

"Yes, my diamond?" Pearl asked. Pink Diamond had literally nothing else to do, looking bored as ever.

"Um ... So. What do you Pearls do?" she asked. Pearl was a bit perplexed at first, but she had to answer accordingly.

"Whatever is asked of us, my Diamond. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it," Pearl explained, formally and truthfully.

"Anything? I thought Pearls were just for looks," Pink wondered, scratching her head. Pearl felt a little bit uncomfortable, but didn't say anything on that in regards. She was only more well-known with Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl, and she didn't see them do much other than just stand there and look pretty.

"A bonus, my Diamond."

"Oh ... is that all you do?" Pink questioned, sitting down in a crisscross in front of Pearl. Pearl felt puzzled again.

"P-Pardon me?" Pearl asked humbly.

"I've seen other Gems do other things: Quartzes practicing in the training field, Jades writing down things, Emeralds racing eachother in their gemships. I've never seen a Pearl do anything besides being a servant before. Don't you Pearls do anything else besides that?" Pearl clammed up. Not a Gem in history would really question their Pearl to this degree, and even if they do it wasn't with any legitimate curiosity. Pink Diamond was asking such questions no Pearl would ever need to answer, nor had even gotten to answer. What was she supposed to do? Pearl glanced around for a bit, as if trying to find a sign somewhere behind her Diamond, before closing her eyes and looking formal again.

"There's no reason for us to do anything else, my diamond. We're made to serve, and nothing more than that."

"Seriously? You don't even chat with eachother or anything?"

"We're not even allowed to walk alone, my diamond. The authority forbids it," Pearl explained.

"WHAT?" Pearl suddenly felt scared, no longer looking formal and more terrified. Did she say the wrong thing? Pink Diamond couldn't believe her ears. Sure, Gems look up to the Diamonds, and yes they do follow their commands, but to not have any pastime to themselves? That's a bit ridiculous.

"Eh, m-my apologies, I-I didn't mean to upset you, really. Feel free to punish me if it suits you," Pearl said, trying to calm Pink down. She even bowed her head for doing that, but Pink Diamond looked perplexed on this.

"What? Why?" Pink asked, giving Pearl a "you gotta be kidding" sort of look.

"I ... upset you?" Pearl repeated, a bit confused. A Pearl would feel the end of someone's fist for messing up, but why wasn't that fist coming up to her.

"Pearl, I'm not upset at you. I just can't believe a Gem was made that can't even leave her own home. You sure there's something you Pearls do in your free time? Anything besides being a servant?" Pink asked. Pearl didn't know how to react to this. She was a Diamond right?

"Um ... well ... we uh ... my cut have been trained by White Diamond. To protect our masters, in case they ever would ... need our assistance in a physical situation. ..." Pearl didn't look to her master during this conversation, her eyes continuing to look for that sign from earlier. This got Pink's attention, perking up the Diamond.

"NO. WAY. White Diamond trained you? That's amazing!"

"R-Really?" Pearl questioned, kinda amazed herself that someone would say that.

"Of course! Why don't you show me? Do you have a Gem Weapon, or do you shapeshift into one? I wanna see this," Pink insisted. Pearl tugged in her collar. This felt ... backwards to her. A Pearl was never asked to show off any of their skills, but, orders are orders no matter what details they have.
She just gave a sigh, and for her answer, her gemstone began to glow. Pink Diamond wasn't bored anymore, and soon, Pearl presented her signature Gem weapon spear to her diamond. Pink was sure pleased, and she moved back to give her Pearl some space to show what she could do. Upon relevance of her weapon, Pearl began to work out her own skills for her Diamond, doing some stabs, jabs, and slices of her spear. The whole time it was her eyes closed and she visualized herself back in the training sessions with her fellow Pearls, a hologram suddenly showing up in front of her for the presentation. At first it appeared much like the basics of training, 101 style, but as she continued, Pearl began to go more and more into it, striking quicker and more precise. Pearl began to work her skills on this hologram, with a mixture of grace and accuracy as she continued dodging the hologram's attacks. The longer the fight went on, the more on edge Pink Diamond was in her seat, unable to look away from this display with a mix of fear and excitement. Her eyes grew especially wide and sparkling when Pearl actually stood on the tip of her opponent's sword with the tip of her foot. Pearl made the final move and hit the hologram right in the head, ending the match. The hologram disappeared, and so did the sword, Pearl jumping off in a backwards spin before landing on her feet. ...

"... What was wrong with her again?" Pink Diamond said in a hushed voice, amazed at the fact she had her own personal master spear-Gem as a Pearl of her own. She never even saw Yellow or Blue's Pearls fight at all, nevermind fighting this good. Pearl sighed and turned to her Diamond, and she quickly blushed up a storm on seeing her so ... interested.

"Uh ... well. There you are then," Pearl said, her Gem weapon going back into her gemstone. And good timing too, as someone started to knock on Pink Diamond's door. Pink Diamond was ready to get up, but Pearl was already on it and got to the door first, opening it up and seeing who was standing there.
This Gem didn't appear like any Gem either of them were familiar with. This gem was a Sapphire, there was no doubt in that, but this one looked a bit different than other Sapphires: a pair of glasses over where her eyes would be, and colored a shade of pale red. Her hair was smoothed out behind her instead of poofed out, and only reached down to the base of her back. Her dress was darker pink, with shoulder pads and upper dress a pale white.

"Can I help you?" Pink diamond asked, peeking from over her own Pearl. Both Pearl and Pink Diamond looked to the Gem, the Sapphire adjusting her glasses.

"I've come here with a report, my Diamond. A report from the others of the Diamond Authority. I predict you'll really enjoy it," the Sapphire explained.

"What report? I hadn't heard anything out of them in days," Pink Diamond asked, curious over the Sapphire. The Gem smiled.

"Blue wanted me to inform you that they've located a new planet ... And they want you to have it."


"... Come again?" Pink Diamond asked, eyes as wide as saucers.

"They want you, Pink Diamond, to have it. They've come together, and as they've made me your advisor, they've decided to let you have your colony. At long last," the Sapphire revealed.

Silence. ... Pink Diamond, ever so slowly, started to grow the biggest smile she ever had in a long time. Her hands covered her mouth, but it didn't conceal her smile, her eyes starry and full of joy. Pearl wasn't sure if she should try to make amends or run for cover, especially when the Sapphire covered her ears.


There goes her hearing for the next hour. Pink Diamond, out of joy, grabbed Pearl and spun around with her, laughing all the while. Pearl simply had to endure it, but was glad to see her Diamond so happy.

First her own Pearl, and now her own colony. At long last, her very first, true Colony.


"WOW! It looks like that moon on Sector 7!"

The planet Pink Diamond was given was, for a lack of any better word, special. At least to Pink Diamond it was, compared to other colonies she had seen. The Jungle Moon was the only one that came close, and she only stayed there for a brief time. With her landing down on her first colony, ala tractor beam from a nearby Gemship, she, Pearl, and her advisor were now down and made landing on the surface. Pink looked around at the landscape, seeing the many different colors. Blue skies, bright orange rock, a few dry bushes here and there, a lot of things not typically found on a Gem colony. Pink Diamond took a moment to look it all over before her advisor started speaking.

"Now then, my Diamond. The first step in making any colony is to begin creating Gems. You know how it works, correct?" the advisor asked.

"Sure: you take a Gem, put it in the ground, and -" Pink diamond made a *pop* noise with her mouth to sum up the process. Not the exact details, but it was good enough.

"Well, you need a Kindergarten. Every colony has to have at least one to get started -" Pink Diamond was a little preoccupied to pay attention, looking up the canyon they were in to find something just in sight. Curious, Pink Diamond made a leap up to the top of the canyon to check what it was she was looking at. Pearl had to take her advisor and follow her Diamond so they wouldn't lose her.
What they ended up finding was what looked like a tree. A full grown, and young apple tree. And once more, an apple tree with blossoming flowers on it. The flowers of this tree, while a bit duller, did come close to matching Pink's own colors, which to her was pretty interesting, if not flattering.

"What. Is. This?" Pink Diamond asked, moving over to the trunk of the tree, and looking up to the tree itself.

"Hmm. One of our scouts identified it as one of the local flora. Believed to be a tree of sorts," said the advisor. Pink Diamond was still pretty intrigued by this surprise at her doorstep, the gentle wind blowing through the tree as a single pale flower landed on her head. It sure looked pretty all things considered, and right next to the canyon too.

"Now, as I was saying, we need to start with putting a Kindergarten somewhere. A colony isn't complete without Gems being made on it," said her advisor.

"Well ok, sure. Where should I start?"

"That's for you to make, not me. This is your colony after all," said her advisor. This was interesting to hear. So many colonies she stopped by time and again, typically one already complete, and she wasn't given much to be given order onto others. Now though, with this told to her, Pink Diamond began to eagerly think on where her first kindergarten should be at. Pearl planned ahead, and suddenly she had a device that she brought with her, bringing up a reporting screen.

"Good thinking, Pearl," said Pink. Pearl just nodded and readied her hands for the second the order would be placed. Pink Diamond started to look around the place, seeing a lot of open space and land to work with. Pink Diamond did have enough knowhow to know what a Kindergarten even looked like, so she tried to work with that in her head. Soon, her eyes glanced between the canyon they arrived in, and the tree right next to her. …

"We can do it right here!"

"Here, my Diamond?"

"Of course, look at it! This is prime perfect for a Kindergarten: open space, lots of room, and plenty to even make some control centers inside it. Pearl, start bringing them in!" Pink instructed, feeling like she struck a good start. Pearl began to bringing in the orders to the other ships just out of range. So it begins.

And this was just the start of things to come: under advisor instructions and tips, Pink Diamond eagerly started to work out different aspects to her colony. Pink was given full range on where projects would start, and her followers would go right to it and get to work. The Kindergarten was taking shape as well, and over time Pink Diamond and Pearl both saw Gems being "born" from the place in the hundreds, roaming Peridots keeping track of it all. Most of the Gems made there were typical quartzes: Amethysts being the commonplace of this Kindergarten. A lot of nice, and admittedly fun-loving Gems from this place, just how Pink Diamond enjoyed it.
It wasn't just the Kindergarten that was being made either: Pink diamond had a bit of fun and pointed out numerous other spots to start making some other fancy Gem locations. She even got the neat idea to mirror Sector 7, and had the main base on Earth's moon! Sometimes it doesn't hurt to base ideas off of an already good idea. But with how much was being built, made, and established, something else was also being built …

And Pearl would soon find out what, when she came over to check on her Diamond after an instruction.

"I'm back, my Diamond. The Prime Kindergarten's ready to be - … my diamond? Where're you?"

In the Prime Kindergarten, Pink Diamond would normally be somewhere nearby either checking out the Amethysts, or by her tree. However, Pearl was told to go off and last she saw, she was by her tree. And now, she wasn't there. Not at all. Pearl began to look around for some sort of clue, but she didn't seem to find much of anything around except for the tree. No sign of any stone, no footprints, nothing.

"My Diamond?! Where'd you go?!" Pearl called, trying to find her somewhere.
She only was able to figure out what was actually going on when she started to move off further away from the Kindergarten, and off into the wilds of Earth. The land turned a bit more lush, and more forests abounded a bit, and there she was. Pink Diamond found something off in the forest, and at the moment, she was down on her hands and knees checking something out.

"My Diamond?"

"Oh, Pearl, you're just in time! Come here," Pink insisted. Pearl wasn't sure what was really going on, but as a Pearl she had to follow instructions. Plus, apart of Pearl was a bit curious too, and she moved over to her Diamond's side to see what was going on. At first, Pearl didn't see much of anything, but then she followed her diamond's eyes over to some of the plants on the ground. On one of the flowers, a batch of orchids specifically, she saw … something. It looked small, roundish, and seemingly hanging on the plant in question.

"Um … What is this, exactly?"

"SSHH! Here it comes," Pink said, sounding very excited.

Then the object moved. It was a twitch, but the surface of the object began to crack. A few twitches later and something started to come out of it. It was a creature Pearl had never seen before, and whatever it was Pink Diamond was very excited to see it. Eventually, something entirely different from the "boring object" was now catching Pearl's attention: a small insect, just an few inches long. A dark blue creature, with dark, almost dusty underwings.
A Diana Fritillary Butterfly.
It took a few minutes for the small creature to fully grow its wings and dry them off, just like any other butterfly, and once it did that it started to flutter and fly off to find some nectar. Pink Diamond and Pearl watched the now aerial animal fly away, barely even making a sound as it went. Pearl was left perplexed.

"Oh, it came out blue this time!" Pink squeaked, very happy to see it.

"What do you mean "this time"?" Pearl inquired.

"I found a few of these creatures while looking around my colony. That start out small, and crawl around. But then they stop moving altogether, and soon … well, that!" Pink pointed to the butterfly, which at the moment was enjoying some orchid nectar. Pearl only grew even more confused.

"You mean they … change? They don't stay as the appearance they're made in?"

"I know, isn't that amazing?! This colony's showing me so many surprises. Who knows what else is around here?" Pink Diamond said.

"W-Well, I'm done checking the Prime Kindergarten for you. A-And your advisor wanted me to tell you Blue will be stopping by soon …" Pearl explained. Pink Diamond almost forgot that they were going to see her. With seeing the butterfly evolve and change in front of them, Pink Diamond began to wonder something else.

"Hey, Pearl? Do Pearls ever … change? After their taken in by an owner?"

"Huh? Well, technically no. A Pearl takes form resembling their master. It's better to identify their owners that way," Pearl explained. Pink Diamond herself started to wonder a little bit about it.

"Then. Can you change for me?"

"Change? Change how?" Pearl asked. It was a rather odd question, though something to do with the butterfly she was sure of it. Pink Diamond would normally just go on and say something to mirror her or the butterfly, but the idea of the changing was that it wasn't expected. It was something dynamic, surprisingly, and that was what Pink diamond enjoyed the most about it. With Blue Diamond coming along though, she had little time to even say what anyway, so she got up and started to go.

"Surprise me."

It was all up to Pearl now. So, what was she to do? She'll follow the orders, but what exactly was it? Pink Diamond had to go, and she would have to check later, leaving Pearl herself to figure out her own devices. something for the Diamond Authority shouldn't be ignored.

"Pink. Good to see you," said Blue, upon fully arriving into the Prime Kindergarten. Pink Diamond was feeling pretty good about things, along with the process of it all, the advisor standing off nearby her Diamond.

"So, what do you think? Is this looking good or what?" Pink Diamond asked, waiting to hear what her fellow Diamond had to say. Blue Diamond took a moment to check the numerous amounts of Amethysts being made, along with the working peridots to handle them. Blue couldn't help but note how … reckless, some were. One of the Amethysts even fluffed the hair of one of the Peridots as some were chuckling. They knew it was all in good fun, but the Era 1 Peridot was annoyed more than anything. Well, this was her first shot, so no need to be too rough with it.

"Well, some discipline of your Amethysts could do well, but other than that it's look pretty good," Blue Diamond said, though she'd been trying not to chuckle herself. Pink didn't bother, and chuckled on the sight of it. There was another detail though that did catch Blue Diamond's attention.

"What happened to your Pearl?"

"Coming!" called Pearl. It took a little to actually get herself properly adjusted, and with the instruction earlier from Pink Diamond, Pearl had figured out what form she would take for the "transformation".
Pearl wore a dress baring resemblance to that of Pink Diamond's. The top half had puffy blue shoulders, an amber colored top with a v neck, a diamond shaped cutout at the bottom, and a light yellow trim along the bottom. The bottom half was a pink skirt with transparent drapes over it and pale blue ballet flats. Blue. Yellow. And Pink.

"Oh my …" Blue diamond moved over to Pearl. At first, Pearl thought she would end up in trouble, already bowing and waiting for a punishment of sorts for her choice, but Blue Diamond was a bit more … surprised. not angry or disappointed, but taken off guard by how Pearl looked. Each part of her represented one of the Diamonds in some way - a Pearl of the Diamond Authority.

"How … flattering of you," Blue said, gently brushing Pearl's hair with her finger. Pearl stayed quiet as the advisor moved over to Pearl. Pearl glanced over to Pink Diamond just behind Blue, who was smiling and giving Pearl a thumbs up.

Job well done.


With this, Pearl actually started to join her Diamond in these outings of hers. The Gems weren't the only ones that Pink Diamond was interacting with though, as Pearl soon discovered. It was only a matter of time, but eventually the Diamond had some time to check out another being known to exist on Earth. A creature, in essence, wasn't too far from her own, but opposite in most other aspects.

Human Beings.

Pearl stayed a little quiet, as she watched Pink Diamond enjoy the planet she was on, and the human group that was with her. Pearl felt a mix of happiness and ... self doubt. She heard how much Pink Diamond had praised her, how good she was and such, much of these comments said to the Humans and not Diamonds. Her new outfit she wore was simply a reminder for Pearl. The mix of Pink, Yellow, and Blue in her uniform, something Pink Diamond was so happy for. But, at the end of the day, Pearl was ... a Pearl. The lowest ranking Gem in the galaxy, and Pink was treating her as if she too was one of the authority like Pink herself. For the first time, Pearl began to think over the outfit she had on. The blue shoulder pads, the yellow top, the pink dress, the pure white undershirt. It all was reminders for Pink Diamond on memories of her other diamonds, yes, but she could've picked anyone for that. And yet, she chose her. This feeling in and of itself was ... different. But in a good way. Pearl placed a hand over her heart, and closed her eyes. She was glad to have Pink Diamond as her master. ... But could she ever live with that?

"Oh, my Diamond ..."

If I could begin to be
half of what you think of me,
I can do about anything
I could even learn how to love.

Pearl looked back to her diamond, seeing how much she enjoyed everything. Pink Diamond just looked so happy with these small creatures, be it either curiosity's sake over finding something new, or the enjoyment that her colony even has such things, unlike the others she'd laid witness to.

When I see, the way you went
wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you ...

So, the time continued forward. Pink Diamond and Pearl continued their duties to the colony being made, and exploring around the planet at their leisure. This was Pink Diamond's colony, she wanted to see what gift the Diamonds wanted to show her here. Green grass, tall trees, animals so new and unique, all of this not found on Homeworld. And Pink Diamond wanted to see it all. At least once. They would go off on their own little explorations when there was nothing else to do, and it felt that the more times they did this, the more enjoyment Earth became. Almost like nothing was the same twice. Sure, some things like Pink Diamond's tree remained there, but sometimes she would find a bird up there, other times the wind would knock off a few leaves, and maybe even she would find a squirrel or two scurrying in said tree. It was never the same thing twice. One of said squirrels looked down to Pink Diamond and Pearl one day, and they found miniature versions of it scurrying around with it, following in her step. One of the tiny animals stumbled out of the tree, just to be caught by Pink Diamond, unharmed. Such a cute little animal, and Pearl watched Pink even place the animal back up with its mother.

I always thought
I might be bad
now I know that it's true

And another time Pink Diamond and Pearl were sitting over in a forest clearing, and a few partridges landing on her for company. Pink had one on her head, one on her shoulder, and one resting on her finger. Pearl also had a bird on her head, smiling all the while as she saw Pink Diamond with a sweet smile on her face. One of the birds even placed its beak on her nose, much to her glee.

I think you're so good ...
And I'm nothing like you!

And even during one night, under the stars, Pink Diamond was invited by these human beings for what seemed like a celebration for one of these human groups. They weren't sure on what exactly, but it mainly was them dancing around a lit fire, all having a good time. Pink Diamond was more than willing to join in, and her performance was aweing the crowd. Pearl sat aside with a smile, applauding her along with the other humans. It was their first time being involved in human customs, even for one night, and it was the most fun ever. Something never experienced on Homeworld the same way.

Look at you go!
I just adore you!
I wish that I knew
what makes you think I'm so special ...

One night though, Pearl found something a bit interesting. Something different. Pearl found it out on a clear night not too long after their initial visit, and peering past a tree, barely visible, she found her Diamond again. This time though, the Gem was with another human ... and she saw them both share a kiss. Pearl paused on seeing this happen, having some mixed emotions. Who was this person she was with? Was this another custom they were trying out, or what? Either way, Pearl stayed nearby and left her be.

If I could, begin to do
Something that does right by you ...
I would do about anything.

Pearl gathered her courage. One sunset, over by the shore, Pearl presented Pink Diamond with her own little gift. It really wasn't much, just a small flower she had found off a ways. A pink-shaded rosebud to be more precise. Pearl saw humans do this for those they cared about, so why couldn't she do it for her Diamond after everything she had done for her, and done with her? Pink Diamond knew this too ... and the Diamond smiled in a blush. And happily accepted the flower, putting it in her hair, just like how the humans did.

I would even learn how to love ...

Soon, both diamond and Pearl, all smiles, went on for a sunset run shortly afterwards, going right through the countryside with such a joy. This was the thing that Gemkind was missing. Pink Diamond and Pearl love it, they really did, and both Gems were more than happy to be shown such a lovely, exciting, and wonderful place.

When I see, the way you look
shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how love like you!

... Love like you ...

... Love me like you ...

In their run, they both then found something else that made them both stop. It was a nice run, but Pink Diamond and Pearl found something else when they found themselves nearby the same area where her favorite tree stood. Pink Diamond's smile turned into one of confusion when she saw this.

The tree had no leaves. …


"Something bothering you, Pink?" asked Yellow. Pink diamond got a connection through the Diamond line back to Homeworld not long after the discovery of her tree in such a way, getting connection to both Blue and Yellow. Sure she saw the tree without leaves before, many times, but this time her tree didn't look as good as it should. Pearl and her advisor stood aside.

"Hi, Yellow. Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Make it quick, whatever it is, I'm very busy," Yellow replied. Typical response, and Pink knew it.

"Sure. … Uh, you know that tree I told you about? I think something's wrong with it," Pink explained.

"It's just the process of building a colony Pink, don't worry about it. That just means your colony's working."

"Huh? What does a tree have to do with my Kindergarten? None of my Gems touched it," Pink wondered. It was a bit of an odd thing to state from the off set, both the other Diamonds knew what was going on far more so, being witness to it more times than ever.

"Pink, your Gems need to make their forms through gaining nutrients from the Earth. And that means taking what's there and use it as our own," Blue said. Pink didn't need much time to put two and two together on what that was supposed to mean.

"WHAT?! You mean my Kindergarten … shattered the tree?"

"More or less," Yellow stated, matter-of-factly, "And others already on the planet will follow."


"Pink, I know you're new to this, but it's how things work. We have no need for any "Organic" objects or assets, so they have to go. Unless you have a better idea," Blue said. Pink immediately began to wonder about this. If she did allow this to happen, then that would mean that the planet would be in deep trouble. And here she was enjoying it so much, too. Pink worked the gears in her head, best she could. What to do, what to do?

"Um … d-do we have to shatter all life on Earth? Maybe we can salvage it?"

"Salvaging an organic lifeform? Don't be silly, Pink!" Yellow scoffed. She wasn't willing to allow organic scum in her palace, not if she could help it. "Why would you want to do that anyway?"

"Uh, study!" Pink had to get this one out on the fly. "We never seen Humans before, so m-maybe we can hold some here, see what we can learn from them? … We can find a use for them for us Gems, maybe?"

Before this conversation could continue, all three Diamonds then got another screen connection coming through, showing this one to belong to White Diamond.

"Diamonds. A moment of your time?"

"Sorry, White, we were just in discussion over a … salvaging, of organic lifeforms on Earth."

"Salvaging?" White questioned, "What for?"

"Pink thinks it's a great idea to salvage some humans for further study. Apparently," Yellow said. Pink felt a bit down on even trying this now, but at least it was an idea that could benefit. If they could agree to it. White herself took a moment to put this into thought.

"... A chance to study on a new species for possible use for our kind. An intriguing idea," White said. Yes, yes, good direction to salvaging life on Earth. But then she asked "Had a method to even do that, Pink?"

"Oh! … Uh, well … I'm … working on it."

"I see. Well in that case, I'll keep your "assets" with me. I'll make up a chamber within my court for them," White decided. Pink never felt so lucky.

"Oh, thank you!"

"I'll start sending a few ships to gather some humans for you. Mean time, you keep track of your Kindergartens and development," White Diamond instructed. Pink Diamond found that good enough, and ended the call there.


White's plans for Pink Diamond's Human zoo went underway not long after, and for the looks of it Pink Diamond was more than happy for it. As the colonies continued to be built, humans began to be taken from Earth into this "zoo" as it would to be called. Pink and Pearl kept up their typical exploration of Earth though, and when they had time to go off when everyone else was too busy to notice. It was a fun little game where they can just be themselves, outside of the Diamond eye and where they don't have to be so formal about it. Pink Diamond may have lost her tree, but there was a ton more around her so it wasn't the biggest loss.
In one of these trips out, Pink Diamond and Pearl both found a particularly unique spot, though this one was pretty far off nearby another Kindergarten: a pool. A freshwater pool out in the middle of a forest, clear as can be, and for the two, they took this opportunity to have some fun. For Pearl, this was a chance for a dance display, as she went along the water's surface, showing her grace to her diamond. Pink of course enjoyed every second of it, seeing the graceful art form of her spins, leaps, and twirls as if she was performing for all Diamonds. Eventually, Pearl stopped her dance with a light landing right on one of the rocks. Pink Diamond gave her Pearl an applause. They weren't the only ones this time: and their advisor was convinced to go out and explore with them. They even gave her a special name after a while, named after some beautiful flowers Pink Diamond had come across in one of these.

"Way to go, Pearl. As graceful as always," Pink Diamond complimented. Pearl gave a bow to her admirer.

"A Pearl's job is to please their master," Pearl said, though this was in a more smug manor than a typical Pearl.

"So, is this what you normally do, my Diamond?" her advisor asked.

"Not always, Orchid," Pink replied, "Sometimes we go and find some humans to play with, sometimes we play by the ocean, and sometimes we might come across some more organic life here."
All of this stuff surely didn't sound too much like a Diamond though.

"Not that I'm going against you or anything, my diamond, but as your advisor, I think this behavior's a bit unorthodox."

"Maybe off back there, but out here, we can be just us. Like this: Pearl, it's my turn to entertain you."

"Sure you can do it, Pink? We Pearls are much lighter, you know."

"Just watch me," Pink said, backing up. Pearl moved over by Orchid, as Pink Diamond began to ready herself. If a Pearl could dance on water, why can't she? Pink readied herself, and made a leap right to the water … just to sink right to the bottom. The splash of water soaked Pearl, and Orchid moved back beforehand, the water only grazing her feet. Pearl stood there soaked from head to toe, as Pink Diamond sat up from the water. Eventually, both Gems simply laughed.

"Okay, so you can do something I can't. Guess I'm too heavy to dance on water," Pink Diamond admitted, drying herself off alongside Pearl. This kind of behavior was surely different to Orchid. But, while any other Gem would be freaked out, this Sapphire had this idea pre-planned, and she could only smile. How could she be upset at such a happy scene, anyway?

"I didn't realize how close you two were. It's nice to see," Orchid said.

"Here, maybe you can dance on land," Pearl suggested.

"Sure! … Eh, I think I might need someone to show me how though," Pink Diamond said, smiling her soft smile. Orchid began to REALLY think about this bit of information, as Pearl nodded. If anyone could show her to dance, it would be her.
Then the two started to go through the motions. Pearl would perform a move first, and then Pink Diamond would try to copy it. Pearl would leap, and then Pink would follow suit. For Orchid this all looked backwards: a Diamond following a Pearl, but it wasn't that alone that made Orchid feel a little bit off with this.

And that only confirmed when some gemstones began to glow.

"My Diamond!" Orchid gasped. But it was too late to stop what happened next.

Then came in someone else. A gem with multi-colored voluminous hair - long, large, and wavy while each tuft ended in a distinctive point. Her skin was of a lavender complexion with blonde pink hair. She had a curvaceous body with a tall stature, standing taller than both other Gems. She possessed two pairs of eyes; the top pair of eyes larger and more rounded and colored a pale indigo, whereas the bottom pair were thinner and more shapely with black pupils. Her nose was shapely and pointed like Pearl's nose, but short with discernible nostrils. She also had defined lips that are similar to Pink's, although lacking the sheen.
The outfit was probably the most extravagant. She wore a sleeveless, skin-tight pinkish-peach strapless leotard with violet high-leggings. There was a stylized, downward pointing, arrowhead-shaped cut-out on the stomach area of the leotard where Pink Diamond's gemstone was. She also wore a loose, sheer, translucent long-sleeved, bright and pastel blue blouse with thin lime-green outlines over her upper body. Her outfit included no footwear, but instead has long, magenta legwarmers that cover half of her lower legs and feet.

"M-My … my diamond? Pearl? Is that you?" Orchid asked humbly. The being paused for a moment, seeing the entire world for the very first time, and she took a look down towards Orchid, seeing she was a lot smaller than usual. In fact, everything looked smaller than usual. But then the figure looked over to the pool, seeing what the end result was. Both sides were frozen in what they were seeing.

"W-Wha? …"

"Uh, you two should unfuse," advised Orchid, worried of someone around was going to see them or not. Her future vision may not say so, but it was best not to chance fate like this.

"W-We … we fused. … We fused! …"

Now, at this point, a fusion would just split itself apart, both bit by bit, both sides of this fusion started to … enjoy it. They both were already close as it was, and fusion in Gem culture was an ultimate sign of two individual's trust in eachother. Not to say a fusion between different Gems was done before though. And soon, this Fusion decided to try something.

and she began to step out onto the water. This time, the fusion didn't sink, and she stayed fine on top of the surface, barely making any waves. Orchid began to get nervous, checking her future visions to be absolutely sure no one would come in the time it takes for these two to unfuse. If any Gem were to find them out, it would mean shattering for all of them! … Well, not Pink, but you get the point.
As for the fusion though, she began to work out some dancing in her own way. Now Pink diamond can go along the water and be as graceful as Pearl, and Pearl could feel what it was like to be so strong and … well, tall. A pretty good benefit for both of them really. Plus, they looked FINE. If they wanted something different, than this was the way to do it. The dancing lasted for a bit longer, about a good twenty minutes, before both Gems decided to split up for Orchid's sake.

Pink Diamond and Pearl were psyched, laughing, as Pink hugged her fellow gem, lifting her and spinning around in sheer joy. A bit familiar, huh? Orchid gave a sigh of relief before going to them.

"Thank the stars. What happened there?"

"That was so much fun! I felt so flexible and light as that," Pink Diamond said, psyched as ever.

"And I don't think I've ever seen the world that high up before. I … loved it," Pearl admitted. Pink couldn't blame her for it, she loved it too, but then she realized something.

"You realize what this means? … We just created the very first MULTI-GEM FUSION! We have to -"

"NO!" Orchid suddenly yelled, scared.

"Why not?" Pink Diamond asked. Orchid calmed down after a bit.

"First off, what you two did was controversial. Second, a diamond can't fuse with her subjects. This'll put you under arrest, you too Pearl," Orchid warned. Not often does reality knock on their door in a situation like this, but Pink Diamond knew what that meant if that was to come to fruition. Of course, as a Diamond, this was an easy problem to fix. She looked to her Pearl and smiled, winking.

"Then this'll be our little secret."


The world was really coming to its own when it came to progress: a number of different areas were made all over the planet from Kindergartens, to establishments for the elites. Pink diamond felt pretty good with it, though little by little, things began to feel … off. She, Pearl, and Orchid would go off to explore, but as time went on, that became more and more difficult to actually find true places of beauty. They still exist, and plenty of them over her time, but they were harder to get to, and the more items placed, the less time they actually had to even do so.
Well, at least she had the zoo - SOMETHING to salvage everything. It was better than nothing, really. As long as she had some bit of flora and fauna from Earth, than she was fine with it … sort of. She can't bring the pool to the Zoo, as they had one already. That didn't mean it didn't sit too well though, the longer it lasted.
During some of their time, they found one spot where they could keep track of everything: the Moon base. Which now was fully operational. Pink Diamond was up at the top of the tower, but she was more just staring up at her planet from afar, seeing her pride and joy still as lovely and special as ever. Pearl and Orchid joined her, standing alongside.

"The colony's surely taking shape, isn't it my diamond," Orchid said.

"I'd say so. how much longer do you think until they're done?" Pink diamond asked. might as well ask the fortune teller. Orchid thought it over for a bit.

"thirty thousand years, give or take."

"MAN, I was hoping for fifteen. Oh well," Pink Diamond sighed. She had seen some colonies take far longer to handle, the longest one she heard being a near fifty thousand. That's just half of a million! Well, it was something worth complaining about later. for now, Pink Diamond was ready to check the progress, but before she did, she took a look over to Pearl and Orchid, seeing them standing as she was sitting in comfort.
So, she scooted over, and without a word, patted the spot next to her. The chair was plenty big enough for them all to sit perfectly, and while a bit hesitant, Pearl eventually took a seat. She felt empowered. Orchid simply jumped, and floated down on a free arm rest instead (one with no buttons).


"Yes. … thanks," Pearl said. so, Pink Diamond, Orchid, and Pearl started to look over the screens for a bit, seeing progress levels on a number of locations and a few of the Kindergartens and what not. Seemed they even got a few spires finished, which itself was pretty great. They saw progress on that, the Time Temple, the Sky Arena -


A call on the diamond line. As any Pearl would, Pearl answered it right away before Pink could even touch it. some things Pearls were just driven to do. This call was coming from the highest point: White Diamond.

"White! How're you?" Pink asked. It'd been a while since she saw her face.

"Fair enough. Now, Pink, I need you to come by Homeworld for a bit, we have a … situation."

"Excuse me?"

"There's some rather rough news, Pink: apparently the Diamond Authority had been challenged to a duel not so long ago, and he insisted that we all be there. That includes you."

"But who'd challenge all of us? There's no Gem that would!"

"Who said it was a Gem who challenged us? You'll figure it out when you get here. See you soon." White Diamond cut off the message after that. Not really the best news to actually hear out of, well, anything.

"Oh my … Well, I guess I'll be right back. You two can wait here," Pink said, getting up from her seat. Pearl and Orchid both were a bit concerned about this.

Who in their right mind would challenge ALL the diamonds at once and NOT be a Gem?!


"Well, this is a bit of an … interesting confrontation. Kyra," White noted, seeing the Draconian simply standing there. Kyra wasn't going to be deterred however, standing there and staring up at the three giants in front of him. The confrontation in specifics was in an arena (go figure). The only one not too big in comparison to the other Diamonds was Pink Diamond, but Kyra didn't care. He counted them out: Blue Diamond. White Diamond. Pink Diamond. and …

"Where's Yellow?" Kyra asked.

"Does it matter? You already got all of us to come here. And we'll send you back," White Diamond stated. Pink Diamond looked to Kyra, her first time seeing a creature of his kind, and found him very fascinating.

"Can I keep him, Blue?" asked Pink. This seemingly angered Kyra, him barring his teeth like a snarling dog.

"Keep me? Do I look like some pet to you?"

"... Yes?"

"Don't even bother yourself. An organic creature like yourself is no match for beings such as us," Blue Diamond stated, surprisingly cold in her voice.

"Diamonds, I'm giving you all one final chance to TRY and work with me here! Pardon me for the last time, but if this continues -"

"NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. That "Osicone" you keep stating's nothing but some superstition. Anyway, why should we comply to one as meek as you?" White made clear.
That word did it. Kyra gave a loud roar at them, his anger towards them now up to sky levels, as his tail thrashed in the air behind him, whipping as a threat. Of course, the other Diamonds weren't intimidated much by this small animal, though Pink diamond was a little perplexed.

"This won't take long, Pink. Stay there," Blue Diamond reassured.

"Fine! If you won't comply, then I'll just have to discipline you!" Kyra roared, before he made the first galloping strides towards them. Both White Diamond and Blue Diamond moved forward towards him, White Diamond attacking first with her spear. Typically it would've sliced Kyra in two, but this Draconian was a bit fast on his cloven hooves, and dodged many of the strikes fairly well, albeit with hairs of length between hits. In one strike, Kyra raced up White's arm, and bit her right in the face! Blue Diamond forced Kyra off with a well-placed slap of her hand, sending the Draconian flying, but landing on his hooves. Agile and durable this animal.
Pink was watching this all from her spot, but she was actually more intrigued than worried. Was this a human fighting them? So many lifeforms were soft, cuddly, and friendly, but Kyra didn't fit that too well. Kyra rushed forward again, Blue Diamond going forward herself. Blue's eyes started to glow a deep blue hue by this point, and Kyra suddenly began to feel his emotions cloud his vision, just enough to slow him down and give the Diamond a opportunity to strike him, knocking him skyward. Kyra then surprised everyone when, in midair, he began to right himself and actually spin into a disk. His body turned into a blur as he went southward, straight for Blue Diamond! Blue herself tried moving aside, but Kyra's attack went too fast, and sliced a good chunk of her hair clean off her! Kyra straightened himself and landed, skidding to a stop, as Blue felt where she was cut, the blades of both his tail and his teeth leaving a clean cut by her ear, and much of her hair chunk now by her feet.

"Lucky hit," Blue said.

"That was a warning. It's clear that you will NOT changed from this tyranny you all befell onto everyone. Sucking life off of the worlds, treating us all like property! WE have a voice, and that beast knows you won't listen! Don't act like you don't believe me!"

"We're not acting our disbelief, you foolish animal," White coldly stated. Kyra moved forward again, and leaped directly at White Diamond. With her weapon up and at the ready, charged up with electrical energy, she only needed one slice.


And in tune, Kyra's scar had been given. Kyra fell to the ground in pain, his leg burned off of hair, and not his hoof cut into two. It stung Kyra to no end, as he groaned and yelled in pain. Blue Diamond and White Diamond looked to the creature, not showing much sympathy, but Pink Diamond felt worried for him. How was she gonna put him in the zoo if he was crippled?

"That's that. White, if you were to do the honors?" Blue said. White nodded, and started to go over towards Kyra. The Draconian may be still alive, but he wasn't moving, as White Diamond loomed over him.

"Hey, uh Blue? Can't we try to heal him up before I put him in the zoo? I don't want him to be hurting the whole time," Pink asked.

"Perhaps it's best to have him stay away from the authority. It's not going to cooperate with our kind," Blue replied. And that seemingly was proven with what happened next.


Suddenly, Kyra was up again, and with his tail piercing through White's stomach like a wasp's stinger, the strongest of the Diamond Authority had fallen! Her gemstone fell before Kyra's hooves, the Draconian balancing on three legs over four. He snarled and growled in primal warning to the other two Diamonds. Pink was scared. An organic lifeform capable of toppling a Diamond?! No lifeform she had met did this, nor could do this!
Kyra began to run towards them, and while a little slower than before, he still moved fast enough to get them both on guard. Pink, scared for Blue, jumped in between Kyra and Blue, ready to summon up her weapon to, it forming just as Kyra's tail got stuck in it! In a back flip, Kyra swung the shield out of Pink's hands, and shattered it on the ground.

"PINK!" gasped Blue. But before she could reached her, Kyra took his chance, and his tail stabbed Pink right in the head. That was more than enough to poof the Diamond.

And Pearl saw the entire thing …


"Is she back yet?"

Some time had passed since Kyra's attack on the diamonds, and now it had made known that Pink diamond had brought herself back around, albeit a bit long. Pearl and Orchid both went towards Pink Diamond's quarters, the gemstone bring brought back home to Homeworld for safe keeping in case the Draconian would've gotten hungry for some shards.

"I've checked in with her yesterday," said Orchid, adjusting her glasses, "our Diamond's been thinking a lot lately."

"A-Are they good thoughts?" Pearl asked nervously.

"She wanted you there to tell us that," Orchid replied. Few dozen years prior, Pearl would be a bit conflicted about that, but this had happened enough for Pearl to better understand it. Besides, Pearl would be there for her diamond anyway.
Soon, both Orchid and Pearl arrived to their Diamond's quarters, and going inside, they soon found Pink Diamond still in her room, this time looking out her window and thinking over what Kyra had said. Rose Quartz's influence may have gotten to a number of Gems, but not only was this a sentient organic creature, but also one powerful enough to take down almost ALL of the diamonds! The thought of it shook her core, and those words Kyra said echoed in her head. In fact, she didn't even notice Pearl and Orchid come in, until she felt Pearl's hand touch her leg.

"Is everything okay, Pink?" Pearl asked. Pink Diamond stared off to the stars for a while more.

"... I was so wrong …"

"What? no, no, not at all! You've been -"

"Kyra was right," Pink Diamond cut in, "I've been in control of the Earth, but I hadn't been thinking about the humans. They're far more than just animals - they're beings. They're like us. And here I am taking them all and putting them in a zoo!" she ended her sentence with a stomp onto the ground, making her room shake a bit. Nothing broke (this time).

"Well, what do you suggest we do now, my Diamond?" Orchid then asked.

"That's the part I wanted to wait for … please tell me you have an idea. … Orchid, can you tell me?"

Well, that was a problem. This act left even Pink Diamond herself a bit stumped on what to do. One hand, this idea that Earth was a place to be free was good, but what kind of influence was it if a creature like Kyra was willing to do this to them? The Sapphire took a minute to check.

"... Hmm … there's two possible situations you can do: you can try to convince the other Diamonds to leave the planet as it is, or you can actually keep your place on your own will."

"But won't the other Diamonds be worried about her?" Pearl asked, troubled on both ideas. Pink may be a member of the Diamond Authority, but she still was the lowest caliber on it. Orchid simply nodded.

"Well … is there a chance that they will agree to leave Earth like it is?" Pink asked hopefully. Orchid took a moment to think again.

"... Well, there is one rare possibility. But most of the outcomes lead to no. And …"

"And …?"

"They'll take away your colony."

THAT done it. She'd been giving them trouble on it before, but going that far? That was just too much for her to take. Pearl and Orchid could feel the mixture of anger and fear inside Pink Diamond. In the end though, Pink began to move off towards the door.

"I must have them agree. Pearl, Orchid, wait here. I'll be right back," Pink Diamond instructed. Both Gems nodded, and Pink Diamond went off to see what she could do.

"... We're still going with her, aren't we?" Pearl then asked.

"All futures point to it," Orchid replied.


If only talking to them were that easy.

"Pink, thank goodness you're safe," said blue Diamond upon seeing her. The situation between much of the Diamonds had been … humbled. No creature had ever actually beaten the diamond Authority before, even if they weren't at full strength. It was embarrassing to say the least, but at the least they were in one piece. Yellow Diamond was out of the know about it, but she was with them in the troubled manner anyway.

"Yes. Um, Diamonds, t-there's been a bit of a situation," Pink said. Here we go.

"Again, Pink? You've done this several times already, we don't have time for it," Yellow stated firmly.

"I think it's serious this time," Pink said. She was making this on the fly now, but if it can work then maybe this could work out. Of course, she'll have to convince them first.

"Well, Pink, what is it?"

"Well … I'm afraid there's been some unruly Gems lately," Pink said, "they've been causing me trouble and attacking Kindergartens -"

"I don't have any reports of that," White quickly cut in, cutting Pink short before this could continue.

"You wouldn't: they'd disappear before anyone could report in. They're calling themselves "The Crystal Gems", and their leader "Rose Quartz" had warned me personally -"

"The Crystal Gems?" Blue asked. Pink nodded. … Unfortunately, this wasn't getting by.

"I don't believe this. You've been begging us for so long to have a colony of your own, and now that you've finally got it, all you want to do is be rid of it. First there's too many organics, then their cities become too difficult to dismantle, and now these Crystal Gems? We're tired of your excuses, Pink. Listen to me, this Rose Quartz can't hurt you - you can't be swayed by a few unruly Gems."

Pink kept her gaze lowered throughout this little speech Blue was making. Blue didn't want to hurt Pink this way, but there had to be some lines drawn. Pink looked up, ready to speak, but blue brought her hand up and with a stern "Enough!", Pink Diamond was silenced again. Blue, not wanting to leave Pink completely wrecked, gently raised Pink's gaze so she could meet with hers.

"You must understand. You... are a Diamond. Everyone on this planet is looking to you. You don't even have to do anything. Just smile, and wave. Show everyone you are unfazed by this little uprising. Your gems will fall into line, and these Crystal Gems will be no more. As long as you are there to rule, this colony will be completed."
It was a bit hard to swallow, but Pink Diamond felt conflicted. This was her colony, what was she doing? Letting them have it their way, or should it be her way? Blue Diamond, Yellow Diamond, and White Diamond then began to go off from the room. Pink could hear the steps going out, and she had to think of something. She thought back, remembering Orchid and Pearl hidden just out of the way. Just two examples of Gems that don't deserve the same harder treatment given to normal colonies. Something was building up inside Pink.

"... No …"

"What?" Yellow asked.

"I'm tired of my excuses too. Diamonds I … I …"

"Spit it out, Pink," Yellow insisted. That sentence seemingly triggered a land mine. It's now or never.

"It's not fair! You three think you can control everything on MY colony, well you can't. I love my colony just the way it is! All these organics, these humans, it's so vibrant, so beautiful, so ALIVE! And you keep telling me I have to get rid of all of that to make it MY colony?! WHY?! IT'S MY COLONY, MY PLANET, I CAN DECIDE WHAT I CAN DO WITH IT!"

"Pink! Drop that attitude right now, or -"



Silence. In a quick whack, Yellow suddenly stepped in, and slapped Pink square in the face, knocking her off her feet, and almost hitting the wall. Everyone witness to it could feel the sting of the hit, and either for comedic effect or from Yellow Diamond's own ability, there even were some stray sparks that jumped off of Pink's cheek. Pink Diamond was then lifted off the ground by a very aggravated Yellow Diamond, but before a full out fight could even start, White Diamond pulled Yellow back in.

"I'll handle this, Yellow. Go pummel something else before you wreck the room," White stated, as she actually grabbed Pink Diamond and lifted her off the ground from behind the neck, like someone picking up a puppy. Pink Diamond was not amused. Not at all. Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond could only watch her be taken away to the other room. Once White and Pink were by themselves, only then did White drop Pink. Pearl, trembling, silently followed them, and peered in just in time to see her diamond being dropped to the floor.

"What was that all about?"

"You heard me!" Pink snapped, jumping to her feet.

"I heard you alright. But all I hear is nonsense. Rose quartz? The Crystal Gems? I know you made that up on the spot just to keep from finishing that colony of yours."

"NONSENSE? White, that's my colony, the diamond authority gave it to me - YOU gave it to me! Can't I decide what I can do with it? YOU can decide what to do with your colonies, so -"

"ENOUGH." White bellowed, giving Pink (and Pearl rather) some shivers. "This is your first colony, Pink Diamond. As such, you don't have full authority over -"

"Yellow and Blue got to do that!" Pink cut in. White snapped her fingers in Pink's face to keep her quiet.

"Not true. I showed them their first bit of colonies before they're well-equipped enough to work it out on their own. Sure, they have their own … "style". but all colonies follow protocol. And Earth's got to be put under the same protocol."

"But what about all the humans?!"

"What about them?" White questioned, "They're just another example of some organism inferior to us. Besides, isn't your "Zoo" good enough for you?"

"W-Well. Maybe. But I promise you Rose Quartz is real, and -"

"AND. WHAT? Unless I see her in the face, I doubt any "rebellion" is going to start on that planet of yours. And anyway, the chances of a Rose Quartz being made on a planet like Earth are very low. Our Peridots reported it wasn't enough to make a Rose Quartz from it properly."

"Well, what if she came from a different colony?!"

"Pink, stop it. And all this fuss over some inferior apes," White groaned.

"Inferior? ONE OF THEM JUST WIPED US OUT!" White suddenly slammed her hand over Pink's big mouth.

"Not so loud!" she growled, "If other Gems got word of that, they'll topple over for sure. … Now look, I'll show you how to make a colony work in this galaxy, and once you fully take over this one, then you're free to go out and make any planet anyway you want. You can make it like any other colony, or mend it with your own "organics" can live on it."

Now, Pink would try to go along with this idea, but the way White Diamond said that didn't feel right. In fact, most of this didn't feel right: Pink tried a human zoo, and White used it for experiment storage basically, and now with this information …
Pink Diamond swatted her hand away.

"That won't happen: you just want us to make the colonies the way YOU want it! You know what, NO WAY am I doing that to MY first colony. That's how it is, and that's how it'll be, and there's nothing you can do about it, SO THERE!"

There was only one response.

"... This is going to happen. With, or without you."

With that statement, Pink Diamond stormed out, but not before seeing a communicator by the door and kicking it, smashing it to pieces. Pink was by far ticked off, and she left all the Diamonds in a bit of a huff, Pearl walking alongside her. That's her diamond - speaking her mind at last, but still in a bit of a rough place. Pink diamond and Pearl went on down the hall, Orchid following some ways behind.


"Yes, Pink?"

"Have an order ready for me: the most fragile and breakable furniture possible. Preferably those which make the loudest noises when hitting the floor."

"... Um … sure." Pearl began making the order as they began to go. Sad part: this wasn't the first time. White took a small glance as they left. Pearl could just feel the cold gaze from White, followed by the ever so faint, yet venom-filled words.

"She didn't even say "my diamond"."

Pearl could only pretend like she didn't hear.


It took a long time to figure this out. Her time on Earth was not as cheery as normal, with much of the authority denying her this wish. If Orchid was correct about her vision, then it was a matter of when, not if, she would be taken from her own world and twisted into their own images. The attempts were futile so far, and with her back to the wall, and a long discussion …

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Pearl asked.

"More than anything. Just this one act, and it'll be done. It's going to be easy," Pink Diamond insisted. Pearl was still unsure about this whole thing, regardless on either if it was Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz she was talking to.

"There's got to be a better way."

"You know we've tried every other way. They don't care Pearl, and never had. This is Pink Diamond's colony -" Rose said that line while rolling her eyes. "- We can end it all right here, right now."
All this talk about such a difficult and delicate subject, it was all simply scary. Especially for a Pearl like her. She held the scabbard a little tighter.

"You do know this is crazy, right? Your status … my purpose … none of it would matter anymore! This … this will change everything."

"I know. Isn't it exciting?" Pink asked with a smile. Pearl stayed quiet and looked down to the scabbard, holding Rose's sword. Pearl couldn't help but blush and smile. That same enthusiasm Pink had for so much else, now being used here.

"It is."

"The Diamond Authority gave me this planet. And if I am truly in charge of where this planet goes, I don't want all of its life to be taken away. If I can give it to anyone, I wanna give it to the Crystal Gems. I want to live here with Human beings. I wanna live here with you! We'll both finally be free. Us, the humans, and any Gem who wishes to live here. That's what I want for this planet."

Pearl was convinced. All doubts she had before had been taken away, and she was on board with this final act. Her smile turned from shy to determined.

"Ok. I'm ready."

"PEARL," Pink squeaked, hands together and eyes sparkling. This moment. It will change everything that had happened, and what will happen. It was a choice that will decide all that Earth will handle. Both Pearl and master held hands, embracing eachother.

"... I can't believe I'm going to do this."

"... I can't exactly shatter myself," Pink replied. It was such a somber moment, and Pearl and Pink shared a close hug together. It will be so much difference from here on out, and they both knew that if this plan will work, then it'll be all worth it. Pearl felt a tear come down her face, and Pink Diamond felt her own tear come down. As they were doing this, they both began to hear some soft steps come in. Pearl and Pink Diamond moved from the back of the throne, and in came Orchid.

"My Diamond … it's time," Orchid said.
She came in at a good time. It's now or never. Pink Diamond and Pearl began to move to the front, Pearl stopping as Pink Diamond peeked out to the twilight hours of her world. She kneeled down, and scooped up something from the front of the Palanquin, before she went back towards Pearl and Orchid. What Pink Diamond had brought in was some bit of dirt, and a single pale rose. A particular trademark for Rose herself. Pearl took the flower and put it in her hair, as Pink Diamond began to work the dirt she had. She breathed into it in her closed palms, and with some pressure from her own two hands, she made a cluster of pink shards. A bit troubling to see from Pearl's perspective, but in regard, Pink Diamond needed this for it to work.


"Very much so, my Diamond."

"Soon. It'll be just Rose." Pink Diamond gave a breath, and actually went as far as to swallow the pieces. Can't appear shattered if your holding your own remains in your hands. Orchid took off her glasses for a minute, showing her singular eye, which at this point was also tearing up. It surely was an emotional moment for all of them, and Pink Diamond took a moment to gently smile towards Orchid.

"I want to thank you, Orchid. For everything."

"I'll miss you, Pink Diamond. It's been a pleasure," Orchid said, wiping away some tears. And indeed it had been a pleasure for Sapphire, Diamond, and Pearl alike. Pink Diamond got all the information she needed, and she was ready to take the final step now. However, as Pearl began to pull out the sword, Pink Diamond brought her hand up to the handle.

"Wait. There's one last thing. … I need you two to promise me something. And it's very important," Pink said quietly. Pearl and Orchid both looked to her.

"... We all know that this will change everything. I never wanna look back. The last thing my colony could need was to know this planet is still under their power, they'll destroy it all if they do! Everything would be for nothing. The time will come, but … for my last request as a Diamond …" Pink paused, and gently brought Pearl's hands up to her mouth. Pearl was quiet on this choice. They looked eachother eye to eye. "... Please. Let's never speak of this again. … No one can know …"

No words were spoken. No debates were drawn. This was how it had to be. Pink Diamond got up, and began to walk out. Pearl and Orchid both glanced to eachother one last time, before Pearl started to shapeshift. Rose Quartz had a target to do, and someone had to finish the job. So, after the shift, Pearl picked up the sword, and was about to go out when Orchid grabbed her arm.

"Your Gem," Orchid simply said. Pearl looked to her gemstone, and proceeded to cover it up.

"Yes. That wouldn't be too convincing would it?" Pearl sighed. Now with her stone covered, it looked convincing enough. Orchid knew what was going to happen next, so she turned and rushed off out of the palanquin from the back. Pearl smiled, and prepared her nerves for the inevitable. It may not be the real deal, but it was just as effective on her well-being. But still, in the end, they could both be free. To live how they wanted. To be together.
Pink Diamond patiently waited outside her Palanquin, thinking that exact idea. This planet was just wonderful to her, and with her attempts before, this was the only way out …

"Turn. Around."

Pink Diamond froze. That voice. Oh, she knew that voice. She turned around to face her visitor, and there she was. White Diamond had arrived, just as Orchid had told her. Pink Diamond looked up to the eldest Diamond, and gave her bow to her.

"Better. … Though, it's not gonna help you after everything, we know that."

"I know. I've thought about it. I'm ready to go back to Homeworld now."

"You're not going back."

"... Excuse me?" Pink Diamond didn't understand it. Orchid told her she would be taken away of her planet, and White was going to do it sure. But White Diamond had something else in mind for this diamond. It became more apparent when White's staff was drawn out.

"Pink Diamond. You are an Off-Color: you've been defiant, impulsive, and once more, had defied the Diamond Authority every chance you can get ever since you've ended up getting this planet. That was a mistake on our part, on MY part. There's a few things they don't properly teach you - how to handle mistakes, and how to handle a halberd. I'm going to do both. Right now."

"W-Wait, what? But I thought -"

"You thought wrong," White cut in, aiming her spear directly at Pink Diamond's face. "I said I was going to take this planet away from you. I never said you were coming home, did I?" Pink Diamond's plan was falling apart: she didn't plan for White Diamond to shatter her, not at all!

"Oh, don't be such a pebble. I've been working on enough of you Gems, it's not that bad. Besides, what'd you expect anyway Pink Diamond. Or should I say … Rose Quartz."
Now what do they do?! White Diamond found them out before they could even get started, and Pearl's disguise wasn't going to go by anymore. It was now or never: in desperation, Pearl jumped out of hiding, and the sword was launched at White Diamond first. It was enough of an impact to move White Diamond back, and at first, White diamond looked stunned. Rose Quartz AND Pink Diamond in one place like this? It at first felt like this plan would be convincing enough seeing that kind of expression, but they weren't out of the woods yet.

"R-Rose!" gasped Pink Diamond. "Rose Quartz" turned around to face Pink Diamond. Both Pink and Pearl knew what was coming next, and they had to play it out now that White Diamond was left in confusion like this. Before Pearl could go forward though, White Diamond grabbed her by the head, again jeopardizing the plan. White Diamond had one idea, and this one was eerily cynical. She grabbed Rose Quartz's sword.

"Allow me, Rose," White Diamond said. Pearl can't speak to retaliate, her own voice and tone enough to wreck the plan completely. As for Pink Diamond, she found herself stuck in a hard place, and White Diamond moved right up to her, and the diamond took hold of her by the arm. Pink Diamond struggled to break free, and her elder diamond brought Pink's gaze to match up with her own.

"You really should've listened to me. This is going to happen. With, or without you."

With that statement still echoing in her head, Pink Diamond felt a stab through her midsection. She truly thought White Diamond did kill her right there, but her body had twitched just enough to make the blade slip an inch off. White had her gaze focused on Pink, so she didn't see that. All Pink did was close her eyes.


Down came the remains of the gemstone and shards, all falling to the ground. The full gemstone was still there, but with the many shards about, it did look like White had just slaughtered her. Good enough for the elite diamond to even buy. Pearl stayed quiet and got up to her feet, and seeing White Diamond lean down towards the remains. The Gem bolted in, and rushed passed White Diamond, taking the full gemstone off of the ground, and leaving the remaining shards for White Diamond to collect. White Diamond could actually see Pearl crying a little bit, and this tall Diamond started to put the shards away.

"... You do want the credit, I'm sure," White Diamond said. Pearl wasn't sure if she was actually buying the act or just going along with it. White Diamond got up fully, and took a look to the nearby forest. Pearl took a look, and there was actually eyes in the forest.
Ruby Eyeball, and Lapis Lazuli had seen everything. The only two other Gems who actually had witness to this. White diamond began to focus up on her own gemstone, it starting to turn pure white and glowing. Lapis and Eyeball were caught in the flash, and enough to make Lapis fly off in a panic as Eyeball got poofed on the spot. That was that, minds altered. Simple for her to do. Pearl, her memory still in tact, rushed off out of sight while she could, and gained more than enough distance between herself and White Diamond. It was all she could do now. After gaining enough distance from her, Pearl slowed down and looked to her hands.

"... I did it. Rose."

---(end flashback)---

"... I wanted to tell you for so long. …"

Silence. Pure silence. Stevonnie was simply left … well, how was the reaction exactly? Shock? Anger? Sadness? Confusion? It really could be anything, but Steven and Connie, both sides of Stevonnie, had to rethink everything they thought they knew about … well, everything. The sun no longer was in the sky, leaving them in a state of darkness. Not sun, nor moon, only stars to light up the night with. Pearl wasn't sure if she should be happy to get that off her chest, or … ashamed it took O so long to get to. She looked out to the horizon, away from Stevonnie.

"... Everything I ever did. I did for her. Now she's gone! … But I'm still here."

Pearl quietly sat down. She still found it quite a shock that she even managed to get it all out of her. Stevonnie began to move up to her from behind, still trying to comprehend everything she had heard, what they had heard. Pearl only sighed, as if the story itself drained her a bit.

"Steven. Sometimes, I wonder if she can see me through your eyes. … Oh, what would she think of me now?"

Stevonnie gave Pearl a hug.

"I think you're pretty great."

Pearl broke: tears streamed down her face immediately, her eyes locked staring off into the unknown. Even after everything she had said, and Steven still saw her nothing but a friend. A friend sworn to a secret his mother had for him for thousands of years, keeping it locked up tight up until now. The biggest secret she ever had was now released to another.

Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond.

Author's Note:

May 7. 2018. The day that the entire Steven Universe fandom had been given the biggest shock of their lives. The day A Single Pale Rose aired. We all had our reactions to this, but like anyone, there're some flaws.

Flaws I'm hoping this would fix. I know some of you might be a bit confused with this sudden change in the story, and admittedly this was a bit of a jump. However, everything in this story follows the show's canon (mostly) up to MLP's S4 opener (Princess Twilight Sparkle), and SU's "An Indirect Kiss". That means everything we know of prior to these episodes happened in the way we saw it in the series, and any major events occurred the way they should (with a few small kinks switched of course), and if Pink Diamond truly was Rose Quartz, then so be it. Plus, it still fits in with the kind of theme this season's going for if you recall the clues I've left before this season started up.

I'll leave you to your own thoughts. ...