• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 21

Fancy pointed, "I will admit sire, it surprised me that you let three of Chrysalis's daughters be ladies-in-waiting given they technically were the reason that your sons married other girls."

The advisor and the king were once again in the king's study going over the recent events that happen.

"Chrysalis should've had better control over her daughters by instilling fear in them, that was her mistake, at least my sons show fear whenever I'm in the room and the fact they wanted to flee instead of facing me proves that the method works."

Fancy made a slight frown as the king continued.

"Besides, I want to keep an eye on them especially the one that spoke out to her mother, and as you mention before they could be quite useful when it comes to hiding the princesses' true identities."

"Speaking of the princesses, what are your thoughts of them producing heirs for the kingdom?"

Tirek said nothing for the longest time until he stated, "If it has to be. Now leave me, I have things to attend to before I retire for the evening."

Fancy bowed and left.

King Tirek faced the window and pondered deeply.

Fleur asked in concern as her husband joined her in bed, "Is he furious at me for not seeing the imposters as they were?"

"Thankfully no." he replied and wrapped an arm around her to kiss her forehead.

"I can't believe I didn't see it sooner! But the veils covered their faces so I assumed…"

"It was not your fault, darling. It was a perfectly understandable mistake, why when they were up there with the princes, I didn't know it was them either!"

He thought to himself, But if I had known, I would have let the ceremony proceed anyway…

Fleur shook her head, "I just can't believe I have to socialize with them now… They're nothing but hussies that tricked the princes to marry them."

Fancy wanted to object but he knew his wife was hard to persuade and said instead, "I know it'll be hard for you, but they are princesses now and should be treated as such."

"I know… But that doesn't mean I have to like it…"

"I know, dear…" he kissed her cheek.

She smiled, "You always know what to say to me…" and kissed him on the lips.

He smiled back, "Naturally, I'm in love with you…" he started kissing her passionately and wrapped his arms around her as they slowly lied down. His final thought was, I certainly hope the boys are having a good night with their new wives… After all that's happen, they deserve this moment with them…

The sun shone bright through the bedroom windows and the couples were sleeping peacefully close to each other.

The princes stirred out of their sleep and when they fully awoke they turned to their respective wife and smiled at her. Then slowly they each grabbed for a robe close by and got out of bed to head out the door. The brothers met up in the hallway with smiles on their faces.

Discord amusingly asked, "So, how was your night?"

Capper wittily replied, "If it was anything like your night, then I would say it was the best."

The others agreed.

Suddenly six maids with meal carts came down the hall with Fancy leading the way and approached the princes with a grin.

"Well, Your Highnesses, I can see you're well rested and as you can see breakfast has been brought up to you to celebrate this special occasion."

The boys were pleased by their mentor's good spirits, they knew they had his blessings but it made them happy that he approved of their marriages despite how they came to be.

"However, after breakfast our new princesses must report to the downstairs parlor where they must begin their royal tutelage by my wife. Make sure you help them get there. Also, your own lessons will be conducted at the same time in the library."

"Yes, Fancy." they told him.

He smiled further, "Very good." and went.

The princes faced the maids as Soarin said while taking a cart, "We'll take it from here." and his brothers followed suit.

They each went back into their rooms to see their wives waking up.

Discord beamed at his wife and greeted her, "Good morning, my love, my dear, my darling, did you sleep well?"

Fluttershy stayed under the covers as she replied with a smile, "Oh yes… it was the most wonderful night ever… I haven't slept so well in ages!"

"That's good to hear! For my lovely wife deserves all the rest she can get. And now that you're awake we can enjoy this delicious looking breakfast together!" he rolled the cart closer to the bed.

"Oh my… I never had breakfast in bed before."

"Well you have to get used to it, now that you're a princess, you'll be the one waited hand and foot instead the other way around."

She gasped, "Oh goodness! It didn't occur to me until now! I'm a princess!"

He chuckled, "That you are, darling, that you are." he started pouring a cup of tea for her, not seeing the look of fear on her face.

Fluttershy wasn't the only one that was realizing her new royal title…

Applejack fretted, "A princess?! Me?!"

Spike carried the breakfast tray to her as he told her, "You are… I am a prince after all."

"But… I've been a farmer and a maid all my life, I don't know anythin' about bein' a princess!"

"You're going to be alright, Applejack. You and the other girls will be trained to know what to do."

"But… what if I fail?"

"You won't. But even if you do I wouldn't care, because I love you no matter what." He kissed her forehead while placing the tray in front of her.

But Applejack still looked unsure.

Rainbow took the orange juice from her husband and drank it one gulp.

Soarin told her, "Easy, honey, you don't want to get the hiccups, do you?"

"Sorry, but it's a lot to take in, being a princess… I never once thought it could happen to me…"

"I'll bet, but you got to admit it, if anyone should be a princess, it should be you…"

"Maybe… but it's still pretty overwhelming… I mean, I knew I wanted to marry you but it totally slip my mind about you being a prince and the royal duties that came with it."

He smiled, "Hey, I'm glad it never entered your mind, I rather you just marry for me and not my title."

That made her smile back but she still had doubt in her eyes.

Twilight was worried the most as she voiced out, "What if they want me to write a ten-page paper on the importance of being a princess?! Or maybe recite poetry I know nothing about! Or what if I curtsy wrong and they'll dock me for it?!" she began to hyperventilate.

Flash had to grab her shoulders and shout, "Twilight, calm down! It won't be like that!"

She slowly calmed down and took a deep breath and inquired, "Are you sure?"

"At most, you'll be taught the basics of living royal life, I had to do that and so did my brothers."


"Really. So you don't have to worry so much."

"I really hope you're right about this, Flash." she leaned on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her in comfort.

After breakfast was over, the girls had to quickly change into formal gowns that were brought up by the maids. The dresses were gray, puffy and had ruffles. Needless to say, the girls didn't like the fashion and were uncomfortable wearing it.

Rainbow and Applejack were having trouble balancing in their new shoes as they were all walking down the hall. They had to grab on to their husbands to keep from tripping.

The boys exchanged sympathetic looks about their wives having to wear such ridiculous clothing especially since they witnessed them putting on those corsets. Finally they arrived in the parlor where Lady Fleur was waiting for them. Her expression was stern making the girls nervous.

The couples exchanged farewells and the princes wished their wives good luck as they left them.

The princesses faced the lady as she introduced herself.

"Your Highnesses, if you'll recall, I am Lady Fleur-de-lis, we met before the wedding, though at the time, I thought you were someone else…"

They gulped and Twilight started to say, "We're sorry to have deceived you-"

Fleur held a hand up, making her quiet, "First rule of royal protocol, don't speak unless spoken to. Naturally you wouldn't know this firsthand but as of this moment I require you to raise your hand if you have a question or wish to say something. Is that understood?"

They replied, "Yes, ma'am."

"That'll be, 'yes, your ladyship'."

"Yes, your ladyship." they repeated.

She stated, "Excellent, now line up in a straight line, if you please."

They did as she said and she paced around the room as she examined them then stopped to face them.

"As it'll be requested of you, you must always wear the proper attire such as what you're wearing now."

They inwardly groaned at this.

"As long as you follow the rules, you should do fine. From now on, every morning, you'll have to get up and have breakfast with His Majesty, the King. Then, you have to come here to have your lessons. After that, lunch will be served by the maids before we resume our lessons. And finally, you must have dinner with the royal family before retiring for the evening. Do you understand this?"

"Yes, your ladyship." they stated.

"Very good, now on occasion, it'll be your duty to plan events such as the royal banquet. Prince Cheese is usually in charge of this but since he'll be busy with his studies the responsibility will fall onto you. It is also your duty to plan receptions for visiting dignitaries that come to call."

The girls exchanged nervous glances.

"Now, we begin with your first lesson." she held a book out and placed it on Rarity's head, "Balance and grace."

Terror filled their faces.