• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 16

Applejack sat patiently in front of the manor. She thought, Maybe he won’t come? She shook her head, That’s silly, his brothers have already come, so of course he’ll be here. After all, you and the girls made a promise and it’s only fair you keep it…

But then why did she feel nervous to see him?

Spike was hurrying down the road on his horse but because he was going to too fast he didn’t realize he was slipping from the saddle. And just as he was about to reach the manor, he slid off and landed in a mud puddle.

He grunted in pain and saw his horse was still running, he called out, “Jewel, come back!” But the horse was too far away for him to hear and she soon vanished from sight. Spike got up and looked at how messy he had gotten, muttering bitterly, “Great, just great…” he got out of the puddle, “I put on my best shirt and pants just for today but instead I land in a puddle and on top of that, I lost my horse… What a rotten way to start the day.” he started walking and hoped that the rest of the day will go better just like the stars predicted.

Applejack saw a figure walking up to the manor and it took her a moment to realize it was Spike! She ran to him, inquiring, “Your Highness! Are you alright?”

Upon seeing her, a smile spread across his face, “You were waiting for me?”

She slightly blushed, “Well, um, I thought it was best since your brothers already came and that just left only you…” then she frowned in concern at seeing how dirty he was, “What happen to you?”

He sighed, “I fell off my horse and landed in a mud puddle…”

She took a sniff and cringed, “Uh, Your Highness….”

“You can just call me Spike.” he smiled.

“Spike…” she uttered before she said uneasily, “that’s not mud you’re wearing… its manure…”

His eyes widen then he groaned and covered his face.

She quickly reassured him, “But that’s okay! I like the smell of manure!”

He looked at her in disbelief, “Really?”

“I know it’s strange, but I’m used to it. In fact, it reminds me of home…”

He stared at her for the longest time making her feel nervous again, just the way he was looking at her… It made her heart beat faster. She had to distract herself from getting too close and asked, “So… did you walk all the way here?”

He gasped, “I almost forgot! After I fell into the puddle my horse ran off!”

“Land sakes! We better go find him!”

“She. It’s a she and her name is Jewel.”

“Come on then.” she took the lead.

As they walked down the road, they called out for the horse but there was no sign of the mare.

Spike apologized, “I’m really sorry about this, this was supposed to be our time together.”

“It’s alright.”

“It just seems everything is going wrong today.”

“I really don’t mind, Spike.” she sighed, “I have to be honest with ya, but I’m trying my hardest not to get in too close…”

He was taken aback by this and softly asked, “It’s because of the others, isn’t it?”

Her own eyes widen, “Yeah… How did you know?”

“For last five days, every time my brothers would come home from their dates, they would have this longing look on their faces and would be sad afterwards once they admitted how much the girls meant to them.”

“It’s the same thing with my friends… In fact recently, Pinkie was so heartsick about losing Prince Cheese that she had to stay in bed yesterday.”

“Those two really are meant for each other, because Cheese was bawling his eyes out when he came home from his date…”

“So you see, I can’t give myself up to you, not if means we can’t be together…” she looked him with sad eyes.

He returned the sadness, “I understand completely, I would never want you to fall in love with me if I must marry for my father’s sake. Truthfully, I volunteered to go last because that way, the time we do spend together won’t linger on until the wedding.”

“That was good thinkin’.” she complimented.

He smiled, “Thanks.”

Suddenly something caught her eye and pointed to the ground, “Hey, look at this, I found some horse tracks.”

Spike saw this and commented, “I hope they’ll lead us to Jewel.”

They kept on walking while following the tracks until they reached an orchard full of apple trees and Applejack knew exactly where they were at.

“I don’t believe it! The tracks led us to my home!”

“Your home?”

“Sweet Apple Acres, we’re just on the edge of it, if we keep going we’ll see the house and the barn.”

“Well since the tracks go in that direction…”

“Maybe my family has seen your horse.” she went on and he followed.

Soon they were at the farmhouse where a young red-haired girl was doing her chores until she saw who was coming and she ran to them in excitement.

“Applejack! Applejack!”

Applejack held out her arms for the girl and embraced her while chuckling, “Yes, Apple Bloom, I’m happy to see you too.”

“Who’s that with you?”

She let go of her sister, “Apple Bloom, I want you to meet one the princes. This is Prince Spike.”

Spike bowed, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Bloom gasped, “Prince Spike?! I can’t believe it! I’m meetin’ an actual prince! This is so amazing!” she bounced in exhilaration.

Applejack and Spike smiled at her elation.

A deep voice said, “What’s goin’ on here? Apple Bloom, I thought you were doin’ your chores and-“ a tall man with bright orange hair came out and once he saw who was there, he uttered, “Applejack?”

His sister smiled at him, “Hello, Big Mac… It’s been awhile, ain’t it?”

“Eeyup, been far too long, little sister.” he held his arms out and she went in them.

Spike chuckled, “You guys sure love hugs, don’t you?”

Apple Bloom exclaimed, “We sure do!” and joined in on the hug.

Mac inquired, “Does this mean that you’ve finally quit workin’ for Lady Chrysalis?”

AB pleaded, “Please say it’s true!”

Applejack sighed, “I wish it was, but… you know I need to stay there to keep the money goin’… especially for Granny…”

Bloom motioned, “But she’s doin’ much better now!”

Mac pointed to Spike, “So I take it this ain’t your beau then?”

Applejack and Spike exchanged a look and she blushed, “Uh… it’s complicated…” Her brother gave her a disapproving look, making her counter, “Now it ain’t nothin’ like that, so don’t worry.”

Apple Bloom was confused from the exchange, “What ain’ nothin’ like that?”

Both her siblings said, “Nothin’, we’ll tell ya when you’re older.”

She groaned.

Applejack continued, “You don’t know it, big brother, but before yer very eyes is a member of the royal family. Meet Prince Spike.”

Mac’s eyes widen and bowed, “Your Highness.”

“Please, you can just call me Spike.”

AB asked, “How did you and the prince even meet, Applejack?”

“Well, um, that’s a long story… And I’m afraid we don’t have time to stick around to tell it, Spike lost his horse and there were horse tracks that led us here…”

“A horse?” Bloom said, “I think I saw one go toward the barn earlier.”

The three adults glanced at each other before they headed to the barn. When they went inside there was a mare next to a stallion’s stall.

Spike declared in joy, “Jewel!” he ran to her and patted her, “I was so afraid I lost you forever, girl!”

The mare whinnied and shook her head.

Applejack chuckled, “No doubt she found refuge in our barn and when she came across Bloomberg here, she didn’t want to leave.”

The mare whinnied again and nodded her head. Bloomberg neighed in agreement.

The duo laughed at this.

Spike mentioned, “Well, since we know Jewel is safe now, we can tell your brother and sister how we met.”

She blushed again, “Uh, right…”

After a few moments of storytelling, Apple Bloom gushed while Mac gave a concern look.

“That is so romantic! In fact, it’s just as romantic as Mama and Papa’s story!”

Applejack frowned, “I wouldn’t know about that, Apple Bloom…”

Spike inquired, “Where are your parents?” Shortly after he said that, there was dead silence and the Apple siblings made painful faces. He bit his lip and questioned, “Did… did I say something wrong?”

Applejack quickly replied with sorrow, “No, sugarcube, it’s just… they’re not with us anymore…”

He looked at her siblings and the look on their faces confirmed it.

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, it was a long time ago…”

Mac agreed, “Eeyup…”

Apple Bloom motioned, “Besides, we always have their tree to remember them by…”

“Their… tree?”

Applejack took his hand and for a brief moment they both felt the same feeling they did the first time their hands made contact. She told him, “I’ll show ya…” and led him out of the barn and went across the orchards to a secluded part of the area. She moved back some bush leaves and what came into view made him gawk for the longest time. Two trees, an apple and a pear tree intertwined together in the shape in a heart.

“But… that’s…”

“Impossible?” she slightly giggled, “Yeah, I guess one can say that…”


“Honestly, we don’t really know. It could have been that my Mama and Papa loved each other so much that their love grew this tree. It does seem likely given they actually exchanged their vows right in this very spot.”

“But if your family grows apples, why is there a pear tree?”

“That’s because my mother was part of the Pear family before they moved on.”

“Your mother was a Pear?”

“That’s right. And that was a problem because there was a huge feud between the Apples and the Pears.”


“My Granny Smith and Grand Pear were rivals of who can sell their products better. But that didn’t stop my parents from becoming friends and eventually lovers in secret. It was truly amazing of how so much love could come from so much hate…”

“Wow… So what happen?”

“Well… my parents decided to elope but Granny and Grand Pear came across the ceremony and they were force to reveal the truth about their love and Grand Pear demanded for my mother to choose a side.”


She nodded, “So… my mother had no choice but to choose my father and Grand Pear just left without another word.”

“That’s very sad…”

“It is…”

They looked up to the tree, letting the peaceful silence take over. Then Applejack asked him, “Did you know your parents?”

He shook his head, “No. I never knew them.”

She gapped at this, “Never…?”

“That’s right, because I was a baby when Tirek chose me.”

“Oh, Spike… Did you ever wonder what they were like?”

“Sometimes… I often questioned of who I really was, and whether or not I was fit to be a prince in the first place.”

“Well, I think you’re fit to be a prince…”

He looked at her in astonishment, “You do?”

“Of course, you’re kind, sweet, and a true gentleman.”

He smiled, “My thanks, my lady…”

They found themselves leaning in closer to each other until a loud screech sounded off. The two quickly went to investigate.

Turn out the screech came from the road as the two hid behind an apple tree to see a young couple getting hold up by bandits!

Applejack recognized them and told Spike, “That’s the town doctor and his wife!”

“What are their names?”

“Dr. Hooves and Derpy Hooves.”

“Well it looks like they’re in trouble.”

They watched as the bandits surrounded the couple and the leader-who was sleazy-looking with his dark hair smoothed back and had a stubble on his face- spoke up in a strange accent, “Hand over all of your valuables and we will let you go.”

Dr. Hooves declared in fear, “All I have of valuable is this golden pocket watch!”

“No, Doc! Not your watch! Your father gave that to you!” his wife begged.

Her husband tried to reassure her, “We have no choice, my love…” and handed over the watch.

Spike knew he had to step in and told Applejack, “Stay here.” and was about to go when she held his arm and stated firmly.

“Not without me, you aren’t.”

“No, it’s too dangerous.” he retorted.

She took out a dagger from her apron pocket, “We need to fight together, it’s the only way we can help them.”

He sighed, “Alright, but stay close to me.” he took out his sword and the two emerged from the tree, revealing themselves. He shouted to the bandits, “Hey! I believe you have something that doesn’t belong to you!”

The leader ordered his group, “Kill them, we can’t have any witnesses!”

The bandits went toward Applejack and Spike, as they braced themselves for battle. The fighting commenced as the duo took on one bandit at a time. Spike was impressed by Applejack’s fighting skills and commented on it as he clashed swords with one of the brigands.

“You’re really good at using that dagger!”

She called back as she pushed back another bandit, “Thanks! When one has to defend their home, one picks up a few tricks!” she kicked the man in the groin making him wheeze in pain and fall to the ground, “Like that for example.” She saw Spike’s duel and mentioned, “And you’re not doin’ so bad with that sword!”

He replied as he kept clashing, “Thanks! But Flash and Soarin are better at it then me!”

“Need some help?” she inquired.

“If you please!”

She held her dagger up and joined in the clash as she and Spike were able to overwhelm the thief and defeated him. Then together, they fought the remaining bandits until they were knocked out. Then they faced the main bandit only to see that he was holding the doctor’s wife hostage by holding a dagger to her throat.

“Drop your weapons, or the woman dies.”

Spike and Applejack exchanged a look and slowly they dropped their blades. Then Spike spoke up, “Sir, there’s no point in you holding the woman hostage when she won’t be worth any money to you. Instead, I like to offer a trade.”

Applejack didn’t like what he was saying, A trade? What he’s goin’ trade for?

He continued, “Standing before you, is one of King Tirek’s sons. I am Prince Spike and I offer myself in exchange for that woman’s freedom.”

Everyone around him gawked especially Applejack who was shocked that he would be willing to give himself up like that for a complete stranger.

That’s just about the noblest thing I have seen anybody do!

The bandit frowned and questioned, “How do I know you are indeed the son of the king?”

“With this.” he held out a ring that had the royal crest on it.

The robber eyed it and with a smirk, he declared, “We have a bargain.” he let go of the woman who ran to her husband in tears and he embraced her to calm her down.

The doctor told the prince, “Thank you, sire… thank you so much…”

Spike gave them a small smile, “It was my honor and my duty.” he bowed to them. “Now it would wise for you to get as far away as possible.”

The couple didn’t hesitant to follow his advice and ran away.

The bandit addressed Applejack, “Well, milady, seeing as you fought a good battle, I would like to reward you for your valiant effort.”

She spat, “I don’t want anything from you!”

“Oh come now there must be something you could want…” he got out a large sack and opened it up, revealing trinkets and all sorts of golden objects, “You may have anything that you can carry.”

Upon hearing those words, her eyes lit up and smirked at the man, “Can I have your word on that?”

Spike was confused on what Applejack was saying and felt concern.

The bandit just smiled and stated, “On my word of honor, whatever you can carry.”

“Alright then.” she said and went up to Spike; there was pause until she started to grab his arms and lifted him onto her back. Making both the prince and the bandit stunned from this sudden development.

The thief sputtered, “Now wait-a-minute! You can’t just- I mean that’s-“

She grinned at him, “You said anythin’ I can carry.”

Spike smirked and said, “That’s right, you did.”

She went on, carrying the prince with her and left the bandit completely speechless.

They were finally back at the manor later that day as they laughed over the bandit’s expression when Applejack carried Spike away.

“The look on his face was so priceless!” he guffawed.

Applejack chuckled until she deeply sighed, “I’m just sorry we couldn’t get back the doctor’s watch or any of the other stuff that those bandits stole.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to tell my guards to be on the lookout for them and arrest them. We’ll get them soon enough.”

“I still can’t believe you were willing to give yourself up like that.”

“I couldn’t just stand by and let him take that woman. I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist having a prince that he could ransom off of.”

“I honestly don’t know if that was the most foolish thing to have done or the most bravest thing to have done.”

He chuckled, “I think it’s a bit of both, like when you made that deal with him and carried me off. I had no idea you were that strong!”

“That what happens when you do manual labor yer whole life.”

They ended up staring at each other until Spike broke the trance by clearing his throat, “Well, um… I should probably go…” he headed toward to his horse.

Applejack could feel her heart aching from him going, that with a determined look, she thought, To heck with it! And she ran to him while calling out, “Spike!”

He turned back to face her only to be caught by surprise when she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him right on the lips! He was shocked at first until he gave in and kissed back fervently. When they took a breath, he slowly got on his horse all the while looking at his beloved.

“I will never forget you.” he told her.

“And I’ll never forget you either…” she sadly replied.

“Do you still have the ring I gave you?”

“Do you want it back?”

“No. That ring is meant for you and only for you. I just hope you’ll use it to remember me by.”

“Of course I will, I’m just sorry I don’t have anythin’ to offer ya.”

He smiled and cupped her cheek, “Our adventure was more than enough.” he leaned down to kiss her again and she gladly returned it. When they broke apart, he said to his horse, “Let’s go, Jewel.” and he galloped away.

As Applejack watched him go, she found herself not regretting her growing feelings toward the prince. She had fallen and she didn’t care if she never got back up again.

Author's Note:

In case you were wondering, Caballeron and his henchmen were the bandits in this.