• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 17

The princes looked at their little brother as he sat there in his room quietly.

Capper addressed him, “Well? How it did go?”

Spike looked up to them and slowly started, “It was… okay…”

They furrowed their brows and Soarin asked, “Just okay?”

Spike felt their suspicious gazes on him and he ended blurting out, “Okay! It’s was the most amazing and terrific thing that ever happen to me! Well, except for the part where I had to give myself to a bandit… but other than that it was wonderful!”

“WHAT?!” they gasped out.

Spike sighed as he told them everything that happened.

The boys gawked as Discord uttered in astonishment, “She… carried you? Actually carried you?!”

Spike sighed again, “Yes, she did. But I honestly don’t care about that, if anything it just makes her more remarkable then before.”

Capper added, “Well I commend her on her quick thinking.”

Flash said, “No kidding, if she hadn’t done that we would have lost our little brother.”

Cheese touched Spike’s shoulder and Soarin touched the other.

Spike slightly smiled, “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

Discord questioned, “But are you really?”

He tilted his head, “What do you mean?”

“Think about it, when you had to leave her, how did that make you feel?”

Spike bit his lip and turned his head away, “What does it matter? I’ll never see her again… The wedding is in two days and we have to get ready to get married…”

Capper spoke up, “Not if we do something about that.”

Spike’s eyes widen and looked at his older brother, “What are you talking about?”

Capper motioned, “While you were gone, we all decided to make a plan to run away should you feel the same way as we did when spending time with our girls.”

Spike gawked and looked to the others to see they were agreeing with Capper. He stood up and moved to the side, the emotions were overwhelming him, this castle was the only home he’s ever known, to leave it willingly seemed daunting, it was different from when he gave himself to the bandit, he knew then that he would be ransomed and returned to his family but this… Suddenly thoughts of Applejack filled his head especially how courageous she was to stand up to the bandits and just as she was given a choice of objects to have as a prize she choose him out of all of that.

I would be a fool to give her up… He thought and gave off a determined look before he faced his brothers, “Let’s do it.”

They smiled and returned the determination.

The girls were in their room as they sat on the beds, Applejack had finished telling them what happen with her and Spike today.

Rainbow pointed in disbelief, “You actually carried him away?!”

Applejack smugly replied, “Hey, the guy said anythin’ I could carry.”

Pinkie giggled.

Fluttershy asked, “Was he very heavy?”

“Not at all, he was pretty light, of course that might have to do with the fact he’s pretty skinny, not that I’m complainin’ or anything.”

Twilight said, “So that’s it then, they all came and now they have to get married…” her eyes casted down.

The girls had the same look.

Rarity sighed longingly as she held her pillow, “It was wonderful while it lasted. Like a beautiful dream.”

Applejack agreed, “Yeah… But that just means we all have to wake up eventually…”

Pinkie’s hair drooped again as she sadly said, “I’ll miss him…”

Silence went around the room as they thought of each of the princes they’ve come to known. Memories of their first meeting, the ball, and their dates filled their heads.

The boys gathered around a desk with Spike having a quill and parchment at the ready.

“So do we just say goodbye and leave it at that?” he asked.

Discord announced, “I think it should say that we refuse to get marry and we left the kingdom to be happy.”

Flash suggested, “Don’t you think that’s bit vague? We should at least explain why we left because we feel we would have been trapped in a loveless marriage.”

Cheese added, “And we should mention how much we’ll miss Fancy.”

Soarin nodded, “Tirek maybe our adoptive father but Fancy was more of a father to us than anything and he cares about this kingdom. Leaving Fancy is my only regret.”

The other princes sounded out sad agreements.

Flash proclaimed, “But I’m sure he’d want us to be happy… So it’s time we set ourselves free.” he held his hand out and the others put their hands down to join his in unity.

It was dead in the night as the girls were sleeping until a tapping sound came at their window. The tapping grew louder that it made Pinkie-who had been drooling in her sleep- snort out of her slumber and she groggily woke up. She heard the tapping and found shadows outside the window, but this time she wasn’t scared instead she got excited and let out a joyous screech making the others wake with a startle.

Pinkie zipped to the window and opened it up all the while climbing out, “Cheese!”

“Pinkie!” he went up to her and embraced her tightly.

They both said, “I thought I would never see you again!”

The girls saw the other boys and each went to their prince.

“What are all of you doing here?” Twilight asked.

Rarity pointed, “You should be back at the castle getting your rest, you have to get married in less than forty-eight hours!”

Capper told her, “And that’s why we’re here, we’re running away.”

The girls gasped.

Soarin stated with a smile, “And we want you to come with us.”

“WHAT?!” they shouted out.

Suddenly a light came on from the second floor and they were force to scatter away from it as a window opened and Madam Cinch popped her head out, calling out, “Whose there? Is someone there?” when there was nothing but silence she shut the window and the light was turned off.

The girls and the princes sighed in relief before the girls glowered at them. Twilight motioned them to the road where they could talk more freely.

Rainbow said, “That was close!”

Applejack replied, “You said it,” then pointed to the boys, “Now what’s all this nonsense about us goin’ with you.”

“Nonsense?!” the princes gapped.

“How is it nonsense when we have strong feelings for you girls?!” Discord gestured.

“You do?” Fluttershy’s eyes went big.

Discord went to her and took her hands, “But of course, my darling, I had feelings for you before but they increased ten-fold in our time together.”

The other boys did the same taking their girls’ hands.

Soarin told Rainbow, “It was terrible being away from you for the rest of the week…”

Flash said to Twilight, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you…”

Capper addressed Rarity, “I just wanted to see you again…”

Spike held Applejack close, “Not even a day and already I wanted to be back in your arms…”

The girls were stunned by their confessions and quickly looked at each other. Their feelings were strong as ever and more than ever they wanted to go with their princes but they knew the consequences if they did. With gloomy expressions on their faces they slowly moved out of the boys’ touch and stood close together. Making the boys feel very confused and hurt.

Twilight spoke on their behalf, “If things were different, we wouldn’t hesitant to leave with you… But as it is… we can’t… We all have families that we can’t leave behind and the life we made here is important to us…”

The princes were saddened by this news.

Rainbow said, “But if you still want to run away, we can help you with that.”

They looked at her in bewilderment.

Rainbow knocked on the tavern door and it opened a crack, she uttered a word and the door opened all the way as they saw Spitfire standing there.

“Dash, you’re never here this late, what’s going on?”

“I need to see Celaeno,” she moved to the side to show the princes dressed in dark cloaks, “we need to book passage for six royal guests.”