• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 6,807 Views, 841 Comments

The Nameless Queen (Legacy) - AniMun

You are a newly spawned changeling queen. It is your job to establish and care for your hive. Will you be subtle or hunt for love? Will you find allies among other changelings hives and ponies or conquer them all? A comment driven story

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Chapter 04 - Weird Ponies... And Someling Else?

I need all the gatherers harvesting love as soon as possible, I'm headed to Ponyville to scout the area, send them here at my clearance with the warriors’ assistance. Meanwhile, have the workers build a new hatchery, you instructed your drones.

Yes, my Queen!

Oh, one more thing. What's your name?

N-name, my Queen? the changeling stuttered, worry and confusion on its mind.

Uhm… yeah? Now you’re confused… What’s the matter about names?

I-it's not my place to decide, m-my Queen… The changeling said meekly.

Of course it is! Everyling deserves their own name! Besides, it would be easier for me to remember all of you by. If you don’t want a name of your own, at least come up with a persona you can disguise yourself as, you lectured your drone, not fully understanding why such a reluctance to pick a name for itself.

Y-yes, my Queen. Then what should we call you?

That question caught you off guard, a little bit of guilt invaded your mind as you thought about how you were complaining about your drone’s reluctance to pick a name for itself when, in fact, you don’t have one for your own.

Your guilt was picked up by your drones through the hivemind. Don’t worry, my Queen, you’ll earn your name soon enough, we know it! They encouraged you, quieting your troubled thoughts.

Thanks… you replied sheepishly.

We’re going to work right away, my Queen, and we’ll come up with something…

True to its words, you could feel your drones starting to buzz their wings, zipping to and fro around the ruined castle, searching for the perfect spot to execute their commands. Maybe if you concentrated enough, you might even be able to see and feel through their minds?

Your wandering thoughts were scattered to the winds as the reality of your current situation took hold of your attention. You still needed to reach Ponyville to give the clearance for your gatherers to work, and what about this rhyming mare?

There's no reason for me to treat her as my enemy. You finally concluded, the black and white pony has only been kind to you so far, it was only fair of you to return in kind.

Your mind returned to the mare’s hut as you heard the clip-clop of her hoofsteps coming from the second floor, it only took a few minutes before she returned, wearing a dark gray cloak and carrying a small, ornamented wooden chest in her hooves.

Opening the chest, the mare revealed a pair of plant fiber necklaces with beautiful greenish-orange stones embedded to their center, they were shaped like a seed and emanated a soft magic glow. “This is a Timberwolf’s seed,” the mare explained. ”It will keep lesser Timberwolves away, if you're ever in need.” She put one of them on and handed you the other.

You furrowed your brow in confusion. “You're giving me this?” you asked, taking the necklace with your magic.

The strange mare only nodded, smiling.

It was so weird. You always had this notion that ponies were these dangerous and suspicious creatures that would take all your cunning to fool and feed from, but this mare was being so nice. You start feeling kind of bad for having to lie to her and for having such misconception. You make a silent promise to yourself to never commit these same mistakes again!

“Thank you, miss…”

“Zecora is how I'm called.” The mare bowed her greetings. “Though your name, I can't recall.”

“Oh, sorry, my name is Enigma. Nice to meet you.” You smiled back at her.

“Well, Ms. Enigma, I can escort you to Ponyville, if you so desire. I was going there anyway to buy some ingredients I may require, ”Zecora, offered, putting on her hood and enchanted necklace.

“Oh, that would be lovely, thank you.” You smiled, you put your own necklace and followed the mare out the hut.

The declining sun signaled the start of noon. As you two traveled through the Everfree Forest, you and Zecora engaged in a pleasant, small conversation. You felt you were starting getting used to her rhyming, but you still wondered if she’s going out of her way to form these rhymes, or if it’s just how she talks.

“So you left the big city life to wander? What made you take such decision, I wonder?” Zecora asked as you explained to her how you arrived in the Everfree Forest in the first place.

“Well, after years of researching magic and legends, I grew tired of the busy city life, so I decided to pack my most essential things and travel around the world, searching for all the legends I’ve studied for so long. That, and beauty and tranquility of the nature brought me here, to the Castle of the Two Sisters,” you explained to her. Your persona’s story felt so natural to you, you didn’t know if it was just a changeling thing or if you and your persona just seemed to “click”, either way, this familiarity also brought a sense of security, since it would be harder for you to slip up and compromise your disguise.

“Oh, so you’re staying her for a while? That’s lovely!” Zecora smiled. “I’ve been traveling by myself for a long time since I left Zebrabwe, and it was getting really lonely.”

Oh, so she’s a zebra… That probably explained the rhyming and the exotic jewelry.

“It’s wonderful to have a traveler friend living nearby, maybe someday I could pay you a visit, and say “hi” ?” the mare asked hopefully.

Well, that was to be expected, sooner or later somepony would stumble upon your hive. She did say she received visits from time to time, but it must be on very sporadic occasions.

I better keep the hive discreet if I want to avoid prying eyes… you thought before smiling and replying to the zebra, “Sure, just give me some time to set things up and we can arrange a visit.”

The conversation continued for a while as you talked about your interests and hobbies. You found out that Zecora is a master alchemist and can replicate almost any unicorn complex spells with only a few ingredients and then some! You thanked the mother to have such a powerful witch doctor at your side. Your little chat died down as you two arrived at the edge of the Everfree Forest.

You could see a big clock tower near a cozy looking cottage on a hill nearby, and just a few feet farther, your destination, Ponyville.

Zecora would greet some ponies as you two navigated your way among the colorful houses and shops toward the marketplace at the heart of the town. There, just down the street after a fountain with a statue of a rearing pony, you found dozens of ponies going to and fro through several stalls and shops. The multitude of shapes and colors of all these ponies brought you memories of your short time within your mother’s Hive. If only a little bit less crowded.

Feeling homesick, my Queen? your drone asked, sensing your emotions through the hivemind.


Don’t worry, I’m certain you’ll return someday. We wish we could have seen the hive… I-I wish I could have met mother… your drone said, sadly.

Your drones never had the chance to meet their mother, your mother…

Concentrating, you focused your memories of your time with Cicah, broadcasting it through the hivemind for your fellow changelings. You could feel their joy and happiness as images of the hive and Queen Elysia flashed through their minds.

T-thanks, my Queen. You heard the voice of your hive echo in unison.

You might be far from your Queen, but your family was right here with you. With your homesickness gone, you made a promise to your drones, We will return someday, but for now, our Queen is counting on us, we can’t fail!

Yes, my Queen! your hive shouted back, you could feel a newfound motivation driving their actions.

Your thoughts were interrupted as Zecora abruptly stopped ahead of you. She turned around toward you and gestured toward a flower stall down at the marketplace. “We have arrived, I have some tasks to do, so I must leave your side.”

“Oh, thank you, Zecora, have a nice day!” You waved her goodbye and walked toward the marketplace.

Now alone, you organized your thoughts and trace your path. Alright, I need to search for key points of interest; popular places ponies like to gather, well-frequented shops, soldier garrisons, and law offices.

Looking around, it didn’t take you too long to notice a big circular building standing right in the middle of town, its enormous, four-story hight made it easy to spot, even from out of town!

Hum… Big and right in the middle of town, like a Royal Chamber. It must be the town’s hall, you pondered, trotting towards it.

Passing through the big, open doorway, you found lots of fancy-looking ponies trotting around the big structure, carrying loads and loads of scrolls and other parchments. You were about to approach them when a beige earth pony mare walked into the room, she wore a pair of glasses and portrayed a tied up scroll as her cutie mark, her grey mane and tail giving away her advanced years. She staggered from side to side, struggling to balance a big pile of scrolls on her back.

You ignited your horn and lifted the weight of the scrolls away from her back, earning a relieved sigh as the mare recomposed herself.

“Thanks, Ms, those were really heavy…” The mare huffed, adjusting her glasses.

“Where should I put them?” you asked, pointing toward the scrolls that were now levitating above your head.

“Could you put them on the counter over there, please?” the mare asked, guiding you to a counter next to the entrance. Once the scrolls were set, the mare properly greeted you. “Thank you, now, I’m Mayor Mare, what can I do for you?

“Well, I’m new in town and…” you started explaining, but was cut off by the Mayor.

“Oh, so you’re moving in? That’s wonderful! Would you be interested in meeting the town’s foster care? I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with their great accommodations and services!” Mayor Mare rambled.

“W-what? No no, I just wanted some information on some of the hot spots of town, that's all.” You halted the mare before she pushed more advertisement your way.

“Oh, well, we have a library just at the end of the street to our left, our hospital is near the town’s plaza, you can find a marketplace just down the street with all sorts of stores and stalls, and at the end of the marketplace you’ll find Sugarcube Corner, the town’s favorite confectionery and just out of town you’ll find Sweet Apple Acres, its residents, the Apple family is the oldest and probably most well-known members of our community and they sell the best apples and cider of all Equestria!” the Mayor ranted, pointing her hoof to their general direction.

Taking your time to process all that information, you pictured a crude map of the town and broadcast it through the hivemind.

“Alright, thanks for the help!” You smiled and waved your goodbye.

“You’re welcome!” Mayor Mare waved back at you before returning to her duties.

You decided that your first stop should be in the marketplace, it would be useful to know what ponies liked to acquire. It wasn’t before long that a low grumble resonated from your stomach and stopped you in your tracks. It had only been a couple of hours, but you did spend a lot of magic fighting those timberwolves, and that healing potion might have affected your metabolism, no matter the cause, you were hungry.

‘It's too risky to try and feed off somepony here…’ you pondered, searching for an easy target, but failed. In your weary state, you could feel the faint smell of love emanating from somewhere nearby.

‘Strange… this doesn't seem to come from a pony, what might it be?’ you wondered, following the sweet aroma.

The trail of love led you to a cheerful red and white Apple stall, behind it, a big orange-maned, red stallion was arranging three barrels full of apples, each weighing probably half-a-ton, but despite that, he moved and maneuvered them with ease. Suddenly, a small yellow filly with red mane and a big pink bow jumped from behind the stall with a bucket full of apples on top of her head. Noticing you, the filly smiled. “Hey there! Care ‘bout some apples? Ah bucked them myself! Right, Big Mac?” the filly offered cheerfully.

“Eeyup,” the stallion confirmed the filly’s claims.

You could feel the care and hard work put into those apples, that's what attracted you to them. And they did look pretty tasty...

But then it hit you. Ponies used those round, golden pieces of metal to trade, and you didn’t have any nor knew how to fake some…

“Sorry, little one, I’m out of… currency…” You didn’t know its name…

Really smooth, Enigma. You mentally facehoofed.

The filly pouted. “Well, that’s a shame, but here, take this one as a free sample!”

Grabbing the apple with your magic, you take a small bite out of it. Immediately the strong flavor of the apple mixed with the sweetness of the love imbued on it intoxicates your taste buds, shooting sparks of pleasure down your spine.

“Holy mother, it's so good! Thanks, little one,” you exclaimed in bliss, sure that wasn’t enough to really satisfy your need for love, but it sure as Tartarus was worth it!

“Thanks, come back someday, yah hear!” the filly called as you left.

Your next target was Sugarcube Corner, since apparently, it was a very popular area, it would be a great target for your gatherers.

As you walked down the streets, you noticed how nonexistent security appeared to be, you’ve been wandering for about half an hour by now and not a single guard was to be seen, it was almost too easy…

Your thoughts were halted as you caught sight of an interesting store, Quills and Sofas. The store itself had nothing out of the ordinary, but its weird logo caught your attention.

“Once you get in, you’ll never get out,” you read aloud. ‘Is this some kind of trap or disguised prison?’

Deciding it was better to make sure the store presented no harm to your gatherers, you entered the store. True to its name, the store held an incredible collection of different shapes and sizes of sofas all around it. An as impressive collection of quills sat on display on a nearby shelf, they even had a phoenix feather quill!

A beige earth pony stallion with brown mane and green eyes walked towards you, he was wearing a tie and his cutie mark depicted a quill and a sofa, so he must be the owner of the establishment.

“Hello, Ms, the name is Davenport. What can I get for you today?” he greeted you, he had a low voice filled with confidence.

“Hello, Mister Davenport, don’t mind me, I’m just looking around.” You dismissed him politely, but being the business pony that he was, he insisted.

“Would I interest you in sampling some of our best sofas? One hundred percent guaranteed satisfaction or your money back!” he offered.

One hundred percent guaranteed, hum? That sounds interesting. You decided to take upon this as a challenge, nodding to the salespony.

With a smile on his face, he led you to a matching set of two-seats green sofas, their polished dark wood giving them an elegant look.

“This is our medium foam sofa set, perfect for that get together with old friends or some tea with your loved one.” The stallion presented the sofa, gesturing you to try it. As you sat on one side of the sofa, the salespony sat on the other side. “As you can see, even if occupied by multiple ponies, the special foam maintains its form and spread their weight equally, providing enhanced softness and comfort for both occupants.”

An interesting offer, but not enough to defeat the Queen.

“Eh, I don’t know… what else do you have?” you asked, a small drop of venom teased in your voice.

With a grin, the salespony led you to the next sofa. This was a three-seat sofa with thick seats and a high back with soft looking pillows. The salespony suddenly threw himself on the sofa and started jumping up and down on it.

“As you can see, this oak wood sofa has a reinforced frame and stronger springs so your grandchildren can play all day long on it without damaging it,” The stallion explained between jumps.

Well, at least this one seemed fun. With a defiant grin, you asked the salespony. “Is that all you got?”

Now that was war.

Getting down from the sofa, Mister Davenport fixed his tie. “I can see you’re a mare with fine tastes, please follow me.”

This time, the salespony led you to a secluded section of the store, where the most valuable items were kept safe. He presented to you a simple looking red and pink upholstered chair. Pointing with his hoof, he announced, “This is: The Comfy Chair.”

What? No long introductions this time? Hah, this will be easy, you thought triumphantly.

As you rested your haunches on the chair’s seat, your eyes went wide as you were suddenly overtaken by an indescribable sensation of comfort. The seat was so smooth and soft that even a cloud would feel hard and crooked. Snuggling deeper into the chair, you could feel its back relaxing every single fiber of your being. Resting your head on the chair’s back, it took a godly level of concentration to maintain your disguise as relaxation took hold of your mind, the comfiness was so extreme that it seeped into the hivemind, turning every single drone into a mushy mess of relaxation as the entire hive experienced true tranquility, like you’ve ascended into the Iris...

Managing to regain control of the minimal functions of your mind and body, you dragged yourself out of The Comfy Chair and went into a mad sprint out of the store.

Dropping on the street in defeat, you warned your drones through the hivemind. You’re never to enter this store. NEVER!

Still, in the back of your mind, only one thing remained, That chair shall be mine!

After recomposing yourself, you managed to reach Sugarcube Corner, apparently, The Comfy Chair sucked hours of your life as the sun was almost setting, its orange rays providing only enough luminosity to barely avoid the need for night lamps.

True to the Mayor’s words, Sugarcube Corner was full of ponies even at this late hour. As you entered the store, you were, once again, assaulted by that same aroma of love, but this time, it wasn’t coming only from the food… Looking around, you could see all the happy faces of the ponies chatting, eating, and overall having a good time, you could feel their love toward this very establishment.

“Thanks, Mrs. Cake, see you tomorrow!” You heard a blonde, grey pegasus say through gritted teeth as she held a pack of freshly baked muffins. You two froze as you crossed glances, her walled eyes conveying the feelings of shock, worry, and fear… You could feel something different about this mare, a faint familiarity that you simply couldn’t figure out why.

The mare slowly scooted around your right as you kept your guard up and scooted to the left. Once the path was clear, the pegasus sprinted out the door and took to the skies. You ran after her, following pursuit, you had to catch her.

Despite your efforts, the pegasus soon proved to be a great flyer, her speed and maneuverability proving too much for you to keep up on hoof. It would be too risky to break out of disguise, but maybe a little magic could help!

You concentrated your telekinesis onto your hooves, creating a small “rift” on the sole of the hooves that pushed you up, strong enough to make you hover on the floor, allowing you to skate your way to your target. Noticing you catching up, the pegasus began flying more erratically, trying to lose you. But with a little help of your magic, you managed to keep up with her.

The two of you were almost at what appeared to be the Ponyville schoolhouse, sitting on top of a small hill. Noticing a small bump on the dirt road, you decided that that was your chance. You fed more energy into your spell, gaining more and more speed. When you hit the bump, you jumped, the momentum and strength of the spell sent you close enough to the fleeing pegasus that you managed to catch her with your magic.

With a tight grip, you brought the struggling mare to the ground, pinning her against the wall at the side of the schoolhouse. You looked around to check if there were anypony spying on you, you were safe.

“P-p-please, d-don’t hurt m-me!” the pegasus pleaded, teardrops forming in her eyes.

“You ran away from me as soon as you noticed me. Who are you?” you asked, looking the mare straight in the eyes. At least, as straight as you could.

“I-I’m Derpy, Derpy D-doo,” the mare stuttered, struggling to free herself.

Looking deep into her eyes, you knew there was something else. “Who are you?” you asked again.

With her ears glued to the back of her head, she was suddenly enveloped by a bright flash as green flames burned away her grey fur and blonde mane and replaced them with changeling chitin and a green carapace, her feathery wings gave way to long membranous insect wings. The only remaining feature were her crossed eyes as they remained that way after the transformation.

“You’re a locust changeling!” You gasped, reverting to your own changeling form. “What hive are you from, drone?”

The now terrified drone struggled even more against your grip, to no avail. “I-I’m not with anyling! I’m an outcast, I swear!”

“Look into my eyes,” you commanded the drone. She tried her hardest, but her eyes wouldn’t focus. Not wanting to torture the frightened changeling, you decided to calm it down.

“Shh, don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt you.” You pat the drone. “I’m gonna let go of you, I want you to look into my eyes and explain to me what happened to you, ok?”

“Y-yes, Queen…” The drone waited for your name

“I’m the daughter of Queen Elysia,” you provided.

The mention of Queen Elysia seemed to help calm the changeling. As you let her loose, she transformed back into her pegasus persona and took a deep breath to calm down. “I once was part of Arch Queen Chrysalis’ hive. I always managed to mess things up back at the hive, I was born an infiltrator that couldn't change a simple thing as its eyes. I was defective. One day, Arch Queen Chrysalis ordered me to scout the area around Canterlot and when I arrived at my destination, I was severed from the hivemind.”

“She cut you out of the hive? Why?” you asked in repulsion, the notion of simply casting your drones out on the world felt so nefarious to you.

“I don’t know. Maybe she was tired of me messing up, maybe she couldn’t feed me anymore. Our hive was always in a constant state of starvation, so when a changeling failed to return home, it meant that more love would be distributed among the hive…” the mare explained, sadness for her fellow hivemates still in her voice, despite being cast out. “I ended up here in Ponyville a long time ago, I built my life here as the mailmare “Derpy” and managed to go by, but since I was severed from the hivemind… the sudden silence that its absence leaves your mind, it's torturing.”

“Why didn’t you asked my mother for refuge? I’m sure she would take you as part of her hive,” you asked her, confused.

“Well, I was going to, but then…” Derpy was suddenly interrupted by the ring of the schoolhouse bell.

You quickly shapeshifted into your persona as the school kids ran out of school in a mini stampede of laughter and joy. Among the herd of playing children was a pale purple unicorn filly with blonde mane and yellow eyes. She was looking around her, searching for something, upon spotting you and Derpy, she ran toward the two of you, a wide smile on her face.

“Mommy! Mommy! You won't believe what I did today!” she squeaked, tackling Derpy and giving her a big hug.

“What was that, sweetie?” Derpy asked, embracing the filly with her wings.

“I’ve managed to levitate my math book for ten seconds!” the filly shouted with pride at her accomplishment.

“Really? That’s great, sweetie, three more seconds than your previous record!” Derpy praised her, nuzzling her cheeks.

“Yeah, isn’t that awesome?”

Their love was so strong, so pure, that it was almost palpable… the unconditional love of a beloved filly.

“Sure is, sweetheart, now Dinky, why don’t you greet my friend Ms…”

“Enigma, how you’re doing, little one?” You provided as Derpy put Dinky down.

“Hello, Ms. Enigma, I’m doing fine, thanks!”

“Now dear, why don’t you go play with your friends while I have a little chat with Ms. Enigma? I’ll be with you shortly, okay?” Derpy asked, nudging Dinky with her muzzle.

“Okay, bye, Ms. Enigma!” The filly waved at you before running off to play with the other kids.

“Mommy?” You asked, definitely curious.

“When I first came to Ponyville, I had a hard time doing my job as a mailmare, lots of ponies were mad at me for delivering the wrong mail by accident or damaging important packages, a few ponies even mocked me because of my eyes. But every time I came to deliver mail for Miss Cheerilee, the Schoolteacher, Dinky would always come up to chat with me. You see I always ended up coming here at their lunchtime by mistake and Dinky would stop playing with her friends to come and talk with me.”

“Then what?”

“Well, one day, when I couldn't take being lonely anymore, I flew by the orphanage to meet with Queen Elysia and saw Dinky through the window, getting ready for school. So I’ve gone and adopted her and never met Queen Elysia, I chose to take care of Dinky. I chose her not as a replacement for the hivemind, she’s so much more…” Derpy concluded, a single teardrop running down her cheek.

The sun was hiding behind the mountain, the stars began painting the dark sky as a drone called to you through the hivemind. My Queen, we have completed the hatchery without any complications, the workers are a bit tired but able to work on your next assignment, also, the gatherers and warriors are ready for deployment at your command.

Understood, Ponyville is secured, you can deploy the units. I’ll be back soon. You instructed your drones.

“So… what now?” Derpy asked, a tinge of worry in her voice.

Author's Note:

Hello, my fellow players! I'm happy to bring you the long-awaited (very long-awaited) chapter 4! In it, we not only got our Hatchery but we are also introduced to a new mechanic and choices, these choices being, about our newly discovered neighbor Derpy! Is she really trustworthy? Or maybe there's a threat hidden within her?

First lets talk about the new mechanic: Fatigue.

Every time your drones perform a command, it gets tired, the more tired it gets, the less efficient its work become, decreasing its sucessfulness rate by 15% each time. If a tired changeling returns to the hive or any annex structure, it may rest and recover 40% of its efficiency. Some structures may allow the changeling to recover faster while some upgrades or spells may allow them to tire less rapidly.

Additionaly this chapter was the first to feature the game mechanic called Personality!

Every choice the Young Queen makes will reflect in her personality, more friendly Choices will make the Queen a happier, if not a bit naive, changeling, more strategic choices will make the Queen an analitic and thoughtful changeling and lastly more agressive choices will make the Queen a more assertive ,albeit rude, changeling. Her personality mighty interfere with what side quests will be given to her by other, and it may also give her bonus reputation points if her personality matches the faction she's interacting. Her personality will never prevent her from making any future choices however.

Now, before I present to you with the choices available for this chapter, I'd like to ask for a favor!

I love reading through those long comments where the player explains its strategy, express its general opinion or roleplay. I read every single comment in its entirety the moment I notice them in my notitication box. However, it was aparent to me that it was becoming quite troublesome to extract the vital information I needed when I returned to the comment section to count the votes. Again, I love reading all your comments, be it long or short, but I'd like to ask you that when you're going to inform your vote, you specify the number of the option you want, so, for example; last chapter, most people voted for the warriors to perform their 5th option, so, after saying everything you wanted to say, if you could leave a "Warrior 5" or something like that I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your colaboration, this will help me a lot!:pinkiesmile:

Now for the Queen's choices!

1) Ask Derpy to assist you. (She'll be integrated into the hivemind and will work as your guide, providing useful information about ponies and other changeling hives, but due to her locust breed, she'll consume 2 love supply while connected to the hive.)

2) Leave Derpy alone. (You don't recognize her as a threat and leave her be. However, your gatherers will suffer a -5 love supply collection penalty, due to Derpy's locust hunger, draining love from other ponies.)

3) Replace Derpy. (Since she's already a disguised changeling, replacing her will be easy and the love collected by her daughter, Dinky, will proved a huge boost of +10 love supply per active chapter.)

4) Kill Derpy. (Her presence represents not only a competitor for love, but also a threat to the hive in case her old Queen senses her. Desposing of her will incur no penalties since she confessed that there are not much ponies to notice her absence.)

Now for the Hive choices.

Gatherers: (Fatigue: -15% sucessfullnes rate.)
1) Return to the hive. (Calls them back to the hive to perform another task.)

2) Continue task. (Don't issue a new command.)

Warriors: (Fatigue: -15% sucessfullnes rate.)
1) Return to the hive. (Calls them back to the hive to perform another task.)

2) Continue task. (Don't issue a new command.)

3) Scout the area around Ponyville (Searches for possible threats around Ponyville.

Workers: (Fatigue: -15% sucessfullnes rate.)
1) Build Arcanium. (Unlock new spells for the Queen/ Unlocks the advanced unit: Sorcerer [support])

2) Build Barrack. (Unlock the advanced unit: Guardian [fighter]/ Slowly heals warriors)

3) Build Slime Pit. (Unlock the advanced unit: Hivekeeper [defense]/ Increase hive structural integrity)

4) Build Covert Network. (Unlock the advanced unit: Spectre [espionage]/ Can recoverAnonymity)

5) Build Gene Pool. (Unlock the advanced unit: Geneshifter [researcher]/ Unlock drone upgrades)

6) Build Reinforced Hive Annex. (Lockout a nearby area and add it's benefits for the hive/ successfulness rate: 25% [+15% with support])

7) Build Hidden Hive Annex. (Add the benefits of a nearby area without raising its defenses or loweringAnonymity/ successfulness rate: 50% [+25% with support])

If you'd like to create a changeling for the story, learn about the game rules and mechanics or check all the details about the character's statistics, you can find all of it within the Support Page! We even have a discord server!

I hope you like the chapter!

Leave your votes in the comments below! I can't wait to see where you'll take the story!:raritystarry:

Next chapter will be up soon-ish... :twilightsheepish:


Chapter edited by: EverfreePony