• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 6,807 Views, 841 Comments

The Nameless Queen (Legacy) - AniMun

You are a newly spawned changeling queen. It is your job to establish and care for your hive. Will you be subtle or hunt for love? Will you find allies among other changelings hives and ponies or conquer them all? A comment driven story

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Chapter 03 - Meeting the Neighbours

Your mind wandered through the infinite possibilities of disguises you could create for yourself. There were so many things to consider! Your pony race, eye color, magic color, and even your cutie mark! Overwhelmed by the pressure, you decided to go to the library, maybe there was something that might help you.

As your eyes jumped from book to book of the ancient and extensive collection, you tried to organize your thoughts so you could more easily decide your fate.

Since I’m living in a forest, should I become an earth pony? You thought, looking at the natural beauty of the Everfree Forest through the window.

That doesn’t explain why I live in a ruin though… Plus, I want to be able to fly, or use magic, you countered. A unicorn then, maybe I could be a sorceress or something.

But then, another problem came to your mind. What if somepony wants to visit me here?

Trying to think of an excuse, your mind returned to the thousands of books residing on the library’s shelves. Maybe I could be a hermit? An old mare trying to escape the busy life on the big city? Certainly nopony would want to disturb the peace of an old lady, right?

Flipping through the pages of an open book resting on the table, a chapter title caught your attention. “Equestria’s most mysterious legends and enigmas”


The pieces fit together like a puzzle. A great sense of pride filled your mind as your very own pony form was starting to take shape.

How should I look? I don’t know if I would ever reveal myself to the ponies, but if I do, it would be easier if I already looked a bit familiar, you pondered. Charging your horn with magic, a circle of green flames burned away your old image as it gave way to your new persona.

Your holed, black and iridescent carapace was replaced by dark grey fur. Your twisted horn straightened and shrank to that of a normal unicorn, your iridescent mane turning silvery white. A few wrinkles creased your cheeks and snout, turning you into a wizened, yet regal old lady. Your appearance transmitted an idea of wisdom and experience, kindness and strong will, all the qualities you wished to harness as the queen of your new hive.

Shapeshifting a pair of saddlebags, you took the book that inspired you with you, it might be useful during your visit. Adding one last touch, a cutie mark of a grimoire and quill decorated your old flanks, completing your disguise.

Time to meet the neighbors.

As you ventured deeper into the Everfree Forest, you found it difficult to focus on the task at hoof with all the wonderful sights and sounds of its inhabitants. As a changeling, you were born into the hivemind, and through this shared consciousness, you learned anything and everything you needed to know about the hive, your fellow changelings, and the world that awaited you. But now that you’ve been severed from the hivemind, you had to discover the world through your own senses. It may be a bit overwhelming, but it was an amazing prospect nonetheless.

You continued down the path toward Ponyville, your thoughts flying like the birds, whose songs guided your path. I’m glad I chose Ponyville as my new hive’s location, besides the fact that the old castle provided the infrastructure on which to build the hive right away, this forest is lovely!

Your wandering stride was interrupted by a sudden, bright flash of orange and red hitting your eyes, blinding and dazing you. You could hear a majestic screech as a mysterious bird flew past you toward the east.

What in the Mother’s name was that? Curious, you decided to follow the creature.

As you followed the periodic cries of the bird, you eventually found what appeared to be a clearing just ahead. As you passed the last conglomerate of trees, your mouth fell agape at the sight before you. The clearing led into a gorgeous oasis: the carpet of grass was dotted with a whole rainbow of flowers. A small grotto housed a river source that fed into a pool a little down below. As you followed the water flow, you found dozens of animals drinking and bathing in the water together. Rabbits, foxes, bears, even a cockatrice, all of then offered a moment of truce to enjoy it.

Another cry snapped you out of your haze as a magnificent phoenix nested itself on the rocks on top of the grotto.

“This is incredible…” you muttered, getting a bit surprised at the sound of your new voice. It sounded a bit husky, but also calming and caring, like an older version of your Queen’s voice.

You were about to test the water when you caught a glimpse of a sudden movement from the corner of your eye. A giant purple serpent with orange mane and mustache surfaced from the deeper portions of the pool, frightening you. You charged you horn with a purple aura, ready to defend yourself, but were caught off guard when the creature suddenly spoke to you.

“Oh, pardon me, miss, I’m sorry I spooked you,” the serpent said politely. “I’m Steven Magnet the sea serpent, what’s your name, dear?’

“I-I’m Enigma.”

“Excuse my rudeness, but, what is an old lady like you doing so deep in the Everfree Forest?”

“I-I was walking by a-and…” you stammered, the gears of your mind still trying to get back on the rails.

“You walked all the way here?! Oh dear, you must be exhausted! Please come in in the water, it’ll help you rest,” the serpent interrupted you, beckoning you to sit at the edge of the pool.

Following his instructions, you took off your saddlebags and sat near him at the edge of the pool, placing your hind legs into the water. The coolness surely is pleasant on your coat, suddenly, you feel the stress put on your joints after minutes of walking slowly disappear. Curious, you went deeper into the water until it reached your neck. Sure enough, your whole body began to feel numb, and then revitalized, like the water was washing your exhaustion away down the river.

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Steven asked, diving into the water himself. “This river source has incredible healing effects, wounded creatures from these woods come here all the time to heal and rest peacefully,” he explained. “They respect this place as a safe ground, so you don’t need to worry about predators.”

As you processed his words, you couldn't stop wondering why he was bathing in the pool. “Why are you here, then? Are you hurt?”

The serpent laughed. “Me? Oh no, darling. You see, these waters do wonders for my complexion! It’s not easy to keep these scales so shiny and gorgeous, you know?” Steven winked at the end, making you giggle.

Examining you closer, the serpent continued, “Oh, you do know what I’m talking about, look at you! Your body is so slender and elegant, your fur looks simply divine! I bet you used to be a supermodel when you were younger!”

You blushed at his compliment. Changeling Queens were naturally taller than normal changelings, and consequently, ponies. Since you built your persona based on your own body, these traits carried over and made you retail your regal shape.

“I used to be a sorceress, actually,” you corrected him, waving a hoof dismissively.

“Really? How interesting, tell me about it,” he said, leaning forward to rest on his elbows.

“Well, I used to live in Manehattan. I was a scholar at the at the Academy of Ancient Magic and Arcane Studies, I loved to research ancient legends and magic. But as I was getting older, I grew tired of the life in the big city, so I began traveling the world as a hermit, researching the myths and legends of the places I visited,” you told him, proud of the story you made for your persona.

“I know what you mean, life in the big city is so stressful! It was a good thing you decided to leave, all that stress would completely ruin your soft mane.” The serpent shivered at the thought, caressing his mane like it was his beloved child.

His child! You must get to Ponyville quickly if you want to get back in time to help your changelings hatch!

Getting out of the water, you shook off the excess water and strapped your saddlebags back on. “I’m really sorry, but I must reach Ponyville as soon as I can.”

“That’s perfectly fine, it was a pleasure!” The serpent waved his goodbye. “Oh, be careful about Timberwolves! Their numbers have grown these last few weeks!”

Nodding, you took your leave.

The sun was almost at its peak so it was still early in the morning. If I keep this pace, I’ll be able to reach Ponyville and get back in time for my changelings to hatch.

As you walked down a denser part of the forest, the heavy tree coverage obscured your path, it was almost like you were walking at night. Thinking back to the discovery of the oasis and how your hive could take advantage of it, a wandering thought crossed your mind. It would be nice to have that oasis annexed to the hive, how cool would it be to be able to relax in the cold water while birds sang all around you…

As you thought about it, you began to miss the songs of the birds, in fact, this part of the forest was completely silent. Too silent…

A freezing chill ran down your spine as you heard the rattling sound of wood hitting wood behind you. Turning around, you saw six pairs of menacing glowing eyes leering at you behind the trees. As they approached you, the eyes proved to belong to wolf-like golems made of wood, like the forest itself had risen to hunt you.


You ran as fast as you could, even though your apparent form may have been an old lady, you still had the strength and endurance of a Changeling Queen. A newly born Changeling Queen…

Letting out a deathly howl, the Timberwolves chased you. Their sharp claws dug into the dirt, giving them a better grip so they could launch themselves forward. The pack neared you with the speed of a lightning bolt. Dividing their numbers into two groups of three, they surrounded you from both sides.

Two Timberwolves, one from each side, pounced on you. You managed to skid to a halt, making the two monsters crash into each other, disassembling into hundreds of pieces. Jumping over the pile of wood, you ran again.

Your mind filled with dread as the two Timberwolves assembled again and resumed their chase. How do I get rid of these things?! You panicked.

Distracted, a Timberwolf managed to hit you in the face, leaving a nasty claw mark on your left cheek, making you tumble over. Two other Timberwolves tried to bite you while you were down, but you quickly charged your horn with magic and shot them down.

You backed yourself against a tree, dropping in a defensive position as you awaited your next attacker. The Timberwolves retreated behind the dense tree line. They were gone!

As you searched frantically for any sign of them, you heard a stick snap right next to you. Dodging the incoming attack, a Timberwolf pounced right on top of you, missing by a few inches. Without giving it time to maneuver, you shot the Timberwolf, disassembling it.

The fourth Timberwolf charged you head on, pointy teeth aiming at your throat. You raised your legs to protect yourself. The Timberwolf bit deep into your leg, the sharp pain clouded your mind, dissipating your magic.

The last two Timberwolves pounced on you. Everything seemed lost, all the changelings that depended on you… your Queen…

Suddenly, the Timberwolf let go of your leg, the whole pack running away with their tail between their legs. Your vision was getting blurry, the deep gash on your leg losing too much blood. You dropped to the floor. As you were about to faint, you heard a weird chanting beside you, trying to identify its origin, you drag your head toward it. A creepy looking wooden mask was the last thing you saw before everything faded away.

You woke up with a pleasing scent of incense gracing your nostrils. Your head pounded like you’ve been beaten to death, and you almost was. Raising a hoof to your head, you noticed that your disguise was still active. You shot up straight, remembering the previous events as your charged your horn with magic.

Searching your surroundings for the weird masked creature, you noticed that you were in some kind of a wooden hut. There were countless potions and herbs on shelves carved into the walls. A huge iron cauldron stood in the middle of the room. A full set of alchemical tubes and vessels sat on a workbench beside the bed you were at.

You heard the clip-clop of hooves coming down a set of stairs on your right. “Ah, you’re awake, I hope my potion has cured your ache,” a striped, black and white earth pony said. She wore some really exotic golden jewelry and a high mohawk that almost touched the ceiling as she walked downstairs.

You checked your bitten leg for the injury. It was wrapped in gauze and felt really numb, maybe that was the effect of the potion she talked about? You didn’t really know, and after that whole ordeal with the Timberwolves, you didn’t want to take any chances.

The mare noticed your defensive posture and reassured you, “No need to worry, your wounds will be healed, though your mind might be a little blurry.”

Her rhyming was really throwing you off, maybe she wasn’t a pony?

“Is this Ponyville?” you asked the strange mare.

“No, you’re in my hut in the Everfree, you’re lucky I was harvesting some herbs, or this conversation would never be,” the mare said, smiling.

“Yeah, thanks for that.” Curious, you decided to find more about your exotic savior. “So, you live here alone?”

“Yes, indeed, though some ponies from Ponyville come seeking me when they’re in need,” the mare replied, searching for something on the workbench. “Oh, I forgot it upstairs,” she mumbled. Climbing the stairs, she continued, “I have a trinket for you, it’s very useful, and I have some spares.”

A couple of minutes have passed while the mare searched for her “trinket”. During this time, you pondered on how to proceed.

She lives alone in the woods… she would be an easy target. I don’t know what she’s capable off, and I don’t feel comfortable having her near my hive. The thought was tempting, you could capture her to feed your changelings, or simply drain her dry and replace her with a drone of your own…

You direct your attention to her potion-filled shelves. Or maybe I could just grab some stuff and leave…

But she helped me with the Timberwolves and healed me after. She could prove to be a powerful ally, maybe even a friend… Your inner debate was interrupted as a torrent of thoughts and voices invaded your mind, the sudden intrusion was so violent that almost made you fall out of bed.

My Queen, can you hear us?! the voices asked in unison. Despite never hearing these voices before, you instantly knew who they were.

My drones?

Yes, my Queen, we have been awakened early due to your distress, and our forces are composed of two gatherer units, one warrior unit and one worker unit. We’re sending the warrior unit to your aid! the changeling replied, fearing for its queen’s safety.

It’s not necessary, my child, I’m okay, you reassured it, to no avail.

Are you certain?

Yes, no need to worry.

In that case, what is your command, my Queen?

Author's Note:

Alright, chapter 3! Today I bring to you an exact fuck ton of new choices to make and a new mechanic for the remainder of the story: The Hivemind!

From now on, each chapter will be divided into two parts: The Queen part and the Hive part; As the queen of the changelings, Enigma can use the hivemind to project herself as a spectator of what her changelings are seeing, hearing and sensing! So every chapter will have her own actions and the actions of the hive!

Ok, now for the choices!

For the Queen:
1) Steal a random potion from Zecora and flee. (-5 Anonymity/ -1 Ponyville Reputation/ +1 Random Potion)

2) Capture Zecora and bring her to the hive. (+2 Love Supply/ Risk of Escape: 30% [-25 Anonymity & -5 Ponyville Reputation])

3) Replace Zecora. (+1 Love Supply/ Risk of Being Discovered: 15% [-10 Anonymity]/ Magic boost for the Queen)

4) Befriend Zecora. (+1 Trinket/ +1 Ponyville Reputation/ Potential friendship [+1Love Supply])

(PS: Reputation goes from -10 [hated] to +10 [loved], depending on your score, your persona will be able to gather passive love from your friends or it may be seen as evil, increasing the rate of anonymity lost)

For the Hive:
1) Gather passive love in Ponyville. (+5 Love Supply-per unit/ Risk of Being Discovered: 25% [-5 Anonymity-per single changeling/ Danger: 15% [-15% with support])

2) Gather passive love in nearby settlements. (+2 Love Supply-per unit/ Risk of Being Discovered: 35% [-1 Anonymity-per single changeling/ Danger: 60% [-20% with support])

3) Assist workers. (Increase the rate of successfulness of worker activities)

1) Build Hatchery. (Unlocks the advanced unit: Caretaker [healer]/ Increase the number of eggs-per egg cluster)

2) Build Arcanium. (Unlock new spells for the Queen/ Unlocks the advanced unit: Sorcerer [support])

3) Build Barrack. (Unlock the advanced unit: Guardian [fighter]/ Slowly heals warriors)

4) Build Slime Pit. (Unlock the advanced unit: Hivekeeper [defense]/ Increase hive structural integrity)

5) Build Covert Network. (Unlock the advanced unit: Spectre [espionage]/ Can recover Anonymity)

6) Build Gene Pool. (Unlock the advanced unit: Geneshifter [researcher]/ Unlock drone upgrades)

7) Build Reinforced Hive Annex. (Lockout a nearby area and add it's benefits for the hive/ successfulness rate: 25% [+15% with support])

8) Build Hidden Hive Annex. (Add the benefits of a nearby area without raising its defenses or lowering Anonymity/ successfulness rate: 50% [+25% with support])

1) Protect the hive. (Provide support for the workers in case of enemy attack or integrity catastrophy) [sucessfulness rate: 75%]

2) Ward off threats around the hive. (Provide a safer place for gatherers and workers to act outside the hive) [successfulness rate: 50%]

3) Secure an area outside the hive. (Secures an area for a future expansion of the hive)
[successfulness rate: 25%]

4) Assist Workers. (Increase the rate of successfulness of worker activities)

5) Assist Gatherers. (Decreases the level of danger of gatherer activities)

That's it! Now the real game begins! I hope your 4x game skills are sharp :pinkiecrazy:

If you'd like to create a changeling for the story, learn about the game rules and mechanics or check all the details about the character's statistics, you can find all of it within the Support Page! We even have a discord server!

I hope you like the chapter!

Leave your votes in the comments below! I can't wait to see where you'll take the story! :raritystarry:

Next chapter should be up sooner-ish...


Chapter edited by: EverfreePony