• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 6,806 Views, 841 Comments

The Nameless Queen (Legacy) - AniMun

You are a newly spawned changeling queen. It is your job to establish and care for your hive. Will you be subtle or hunt for love? Will you find allies among other changelings hives and ponies or conquer them all? A comment driven story

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Chapter 02 - The New Hive

After careful thinking, you’ve made up your mind. Ponyville.

You were about to touch the projected image with your magic, when an idea occurred to you. You quickly ran to your mother and gave her a tight hug, catching her by surprise. You didn’t know if you would have another chance to see her, so you wanted to give her a proper farewell.

With a soothing voice, she calmed your worries, returning the hug, “Don’t worry little one. It’s not a goodbye, it’s just a goodbye until next time.”

Queen Elysia’s attention was brought to the throne room door as she noticed something through the hivemind. Smiling, she let go of the hug and nudged you toward the door. “It seems that there’s someling that wants to say goodbye too.”

As you wondered what she meant, the throne room door opened, unleashing a bolt of pink and black energy that dashed straight to you, tackling you to the ground.

Cicah held you on the floor in a crushing hug, her monochrome eyes and cheeks soaked with tears as she cried hysterically, “Please, don’t go!”

Struggling, you managed to free one hoof from her embrace, patting the crying cicada. “I’m sorry, Cicah, but I have to…”

“But you didn’t even have the chance to properly meet my broodmates! They would love you so much!” the pink mess of a changeling exclaimed, crying even more.

“I know… Why don’t you visit me in Ponyville once everything is settled? I would love your visit!” you offered, trying to console your friend.

That seemed to work, as the changeling’s crying began to calm into a sniffle. “You mean it?”

“Of course I do.” You smiled at her, getting a faint smile in return.

“Okay…” Cicah said, getting off of you and helping you get up. You gave her one last hug before returning to the table, finally touching the mirage with your magic.

As a surge of energy began enveloping you, spinning rapidly as it prepared you for the teleportation to your new home, Queen Elysia and Cicah waved you goodbye. “I’ll see you soon!” the pink changeling said before the whole world disappeared.

After what felt like half an hour of falling, you woke up nauseated and disoriented, lying on what seemed to be grass covered dirt. Shaking your head to force the world to stop spinning, your eyes hurt under the oppressive brightness of the sun. After a few seconds, you finally managed to stand up and look around you, your vision finally adjusting to the bright, clear skies.

You were standing a couple of meters away from a steep gorge, a frail-looking rope bridge connecting the two sides. Taking a glance over your shoulder, a dense and shadowy forest greeted you, a sense of dread crawling down your spine. Creepy eyes stared back at you from the distance. In front of you lay the ruins of an ancient castle, a thin, blue glowing thread tying its doors close.

Not wanting to meet your creepy neighbors, you flapped your wings to cross the gap, not trusting that bridge one bit. Landing on the other side, you approached the castle doors to inspect that weird thread. Feeling it strangely familiar, you touched it with your hoof. Suddenly, a barrage of senses took hold of your mind as the phantom image of two spider-changelings formed behind you. They looked similar to the image projected by your mother’s crystal table but different… like their image had been implanted in your memory, it felt like a deja vu.

An echoing voice broke you out of your stupor as the changeling on your right seemed to speak to you, “Greetings, Princess, or should I say, Queen.” The changeling bowed. “I’m drone SC-2223 and this is my broodmate, SC-2224, but you can call us just Twenty-three and Twenty-four.” The older looking changeling said, “As you can see, we’re spider-changelings, that means that we can weave memories of others like we weave our webs! We’ll give you a tour of your new hive location, so follow the threads!” said Twenty-four, the younger changeling.

With that, the changelings faded. Follow the threads… Opening the double doors, you found out that most of the castle’s ceiling had collapsed, chunks of stone filling the main hall. Dark blue and golden banners stood proudly at its end, carrying the symbols of a crescent moon and the sun respectively.

As you navigated through the debris, you saw six corridors branching from the hall. It must be really easy to get lost in this place, you thought. Noticing another web near the lunar banner, you flew up to it and touched it, activating the memory, but suddenly the whole wall began to spin, throwing you into another part of the castle.

As you landed not so elegantly on the floor, the two spiders returned. “As you can see, this castle might be a mess, but it has a lot of trapdoors that make for great security or additional chambers if your changelings ever need them. Follow us,” Twenty-three said, crawling on the wall and hitting the center of the banner before fading through the wall.

Cautiously, you levitated the banner with you magic, revealing a small stone button. Tapping it, the wall turned again, throwing you back where you came from and swinging the banner out of your magic, slapping you with it right on the flank.

“Oh, just a quick warning, don’t raise the banner with your magic! It’s too heavy and it might swing and hit you on the other side!” warned Twenty-four before dissipating. A little too late..

Blowing a strand of hair out of your face in frustration, your eyes followed the thin string leading to another web just ahead the corridor. Getting up as cautiously as you could to not activate anything else, you walked to the web.

The spider-changelings returned, walking down the corridor as Twenty-three continued her explanation, “Your workers will love these spinning walls as they give them nice shortcuts to travel around the hive to do their chores.” Turning around, Twenty-four continued, “There are also some hidden chambers that may be of use, like the one you just activated a few steps back!”

What? you thought. Looking back, you saw a sunken stone on the floor as you stepped on a pressure plate. A faint click could be heard, and the floor slid open beneath you. With no time to react and flap your wings, you fell.

“Come on!” you whined in annoyance as you landed on your face for the second time. The ceiling sealed itself again, leaving you in a pitch black room. You lit up your horn so you could see your surroundings, finding nothing other than stone walls and a small hole. Peeking through the hole, you saw a hall full of pony hooves holding unlit torches and another blue web.

You reached for the web with your magic and the changelings were summoned once more. “You can use these chambers as prison cells in case you want to capture some ponies for love,” Twenty-three suggested. “Whatever you do, just don’t let Cicah know of these rooms! The whole hive knows she plans on visiting you in the future at this point. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a nice changeling, but she has some real problems regarding guards, especially beetles. I don’t even want to know what she would do to them in a room like one of these…” Twenty-four warned, earning a jab from her sister. Rolling her eyes, Twenty-three continued, “Anyway, just pull the lever and you’ll free yourself.”

A little bit disturbed after Twenty-four’s warning, you quickly searched for the said lever so you could get away from that room. Finding and pulling the lever, the wall spun around, throwing you out of the chamber, but this time you were ready, quickly maneuvering with your wings to land on your hooves, the small victory bringing a sly smile to your lips.

“Well, meet you at the top of the tower!” Twenty-four called to you from the end of the corridor, pulling herself up with a string of silk.

Visibly deflating, you let out a heavy sigh of defeat as you flapped your wings and began your flight up the stairs, forgetting your previous victory.

Completely exhausted, you reached what appeared to be a library. Thousands of ancient books lay forgotten on the shelves and the floor as the room accumulated more and more dust. Why didn’t anypony try to recover these books?

Noticing a blue web at the corner of the room, you activated the next memory. “This library will be the heart and soul of your sorcerers. One of the problems that we changelings face is how to translate unicorn magic to our changeling magic, but I’m sure your researchers will be able to translate some useful pony spells with the aid of these books. You could even trade some of these with other hives if you deem it appropriate,” Twenty-three explained, stopping next to an inviting set of chairs and a table.

You decided to take a seat on the chair to rest, but like everything else in this castle, it leaned backward and sent you tumbling to the floor, revealing a secret room behind two bookshelves.

“And the cooler part is that there’s a hidden room right there that contains a book written by the pony princesses themselves! You could even make it your personal chambers if you’d like to have a nice view from the tower window!” said Twenty-four, dangling from the wall next to the room’s entrance.

You just accepted your fate and facehoofed at this point, this castle hated you...

“To the second tower we go!” you heard Twenty-four squeak as she bungee jumped down the tower stairs.

…or maybe you hated the spider sisters.

Thoughts of just flying through the window to the next tower ran through your mind, but the spider sister didn’t do that. Maybe this castle will shoot magic fireballs at you if you tried! Who knew at this point?! So, you decided to follow them in pursuit.

As you traversed the aisle between the towers, you mindlessly activated a nearby web and continued your arduous journey. “These walls have weird old pony painting frames with hidden chambers in them, but why would you need something like that is beyond me…” Twenty-three said nonchalantly.

“They make for cool hide-and-seek spots too,” Twenty-four added.

Why would ponies need this kind of stuff anyway? you wondered, confused as well.

Reaching the top of the other tower, you could feel the faint signature of a long gone, but powerful magic. Passing by the broken door, you found a strange statue; a stone pedestal containing a big orb in its center and five smaller empty pedestals branching from it.

“A strange artifact indeed,” Twenty-three said from behind you. “We don’t know what it is, but it’s somehow connected to a weird crystal tree a few meters away from the castle, hidden inside a cave. It would be wise to study it and be careful with it. Only a few rooms remain now, follow me outside,” Twenty-three said before simply crawling out the window.

You mean I could just have flown up here from the other room?! By the Queen Mother, why didn’t they tell me this before?! you yelled in your mind, banging your head against the wall in defeat. Of course, the wall spun in place and you ended up dangling from outside the castle tower!

You quickly grasped a nearby gargoyle statue for support when you saw the phantom of Twenty-four swinging at her web and phasing through the wall just beneath you. I’ve come this far… you thought, before taking to the skies and charging against the wall. Your impact sent the wall spinning, throwing you on top of an old pony armor set that flipped itself, sending you and the heavy metal armor rolling down a long flight of stairs to the very bottom of the castle.

Every inch of your body felt like you’ve just been thrown into a blender and mixed together. You thanked the Queen Mother that Changeling Queen carapaces were as hard as those of beetle-changelings.

Checking the room you’ve just fallen into, you found an enormous pipe organ on the far end of a darkened hallway with a web next to it. You activated the web, bracing yourself for impact.

“According to the journal of the two pony princesses, this pipe controls all the traps and hidden passages inside the castle. It would be a perfect place to station some workers so they could manage the castle with more ease. And according to some local pony legends, the few ponies that dare to enter the Everfree Forest think that this castle is haunted by what’s left of Nightmare Moon’s dark magic. You’ll be able to keep your hive hidden, even if you use this pipe organ. Still, remember that the more you change the outside of the castle, the more potential attention you’ll draw,” Twenty-three warned you.

“Now, this key will activate a spring trap that will launch you back to the throne room where we left you your last parting gifts! Why don’t you go on and press it?” Twenty-four asked you with a gleeful smile.

“No way!” you shouted, despite knowing that they were pre-recorded messages and couldn’t hear you.

“Well, okay then…” Twenty-four said, shrugging. A devious smile crossed her face.

“What the…?” You heard a clunking sound coming from the staircase. The pony armor helmet rolled down the stairs at high speed, you barely ducked out of its course. It landed on the pipe organ, a clicking sound coming from beneath you.

For buck’s sake… you thought before being forcibly launched into the air by the spring trap.

At the end of your ride, you landed in the middle of the throne room on your rump, beaten and defeated. This was your home now.

Forgive me mother, but I’ve failed you… you thought through your pain.

You noticed one last web dangling right next to you. Almost throwing your body, you slumped toward it and activated it.

Twenty-four’s phantom seemed to be caressing the air just a few centimeters away from your head, a miscalculation from your trajectory it seemed. “Hey there, sorry if the ride was a bit rough, we just wanted to pull a prank on you.”

“We?” Twenty-three asked her sister with a raised eyebrow and a frown.

“Okay, I wanted to pull a prank on you…” Twenty-four corrected.

“But there was also something to be learned here,” Twenty-three interrupted. “Now, you know the castle in its entirety and now you know how it is to be a lone changeling; you get beaten and defeated. Queen Elysia took it upon herself to make sure that no changeling had to live like that, and now it’s your turn to do the same, with the help of her last parting gifts.”

Confused, you rose from the floor and followed the phantoms as they guided you toward the two old thrones of the pony princesses. Sitting atop the lunar throne was a fragment of a dark crystal, similar to the crystal that composed your mother’s throne and on top of the solar throne was a small cluster of changeling eggs.

“Now, there’s one more trap that flips the thrones to the outside of the castle. Could serve as a good escape route if things get messy…” Twenty-four said, but you completely zoned her out. Your instincts hit you in full force as you dove toward the solar throne to keep the eggs safe.

Nothing happened. Twenty-three’s phantom hit Twenty-four’s head as she laughed. “Don’t worry, we disabled that trap so it wouldn’t damage the eggs. You can activate it again in the pipe organ room,” Twenty-four said.

“Now, pay close attention, even though we call ourselves siblings, we aren't actually from Queen Elysia’s hive like you. Queen Elysia only had one royal egg and egg cluster in her entire life, you and your brothers and sisters,” Twenty-three said, pointing toward the eggs on the throne. “She did everything she could to help you in your journey since the beginning, now it's up to you. Make sure that you balance well the units of drones you will spawn and choose carefully so your mother’s legacy wouldn’t go to waste.”

Noticing Twenty-four beckoning you to a mirror on the other side of the room, you gently placed the egg cluster back down.

“Of course, part of being a Changeling Queen is providing for your subjects so they, in turn, provide for you in the future. One of the most important things every changeling must have is a default pony form, name and story! You can always steal somepony else’s identity, but a smart changeling always has an identity of its own, so why don’t you create one for yourself and go meet your neighbors in Ponyville? This will give your siblings enough time to hatch and be ready for work!”

“We have to get going, remember; a changeling is nothing without a hive as much as a hive is nothing without its changelings, keep both in check and you’ll be alright,” Twenty-three said with a bow and faded away.

“Bye!” Twenty-four waved and joined her sister.

This was it. It was all up to you know.

You threw a quick glance toward your siblings. I won’t fail them… Then your gaze returned to the mirror. I won’t fail myself!

Author's Note:

Hello there players! Today I bring you your new hive! In this chapter, I sprinkled some tips here and there of what types of rooms and activities you can do on your hive.

Now comes the important stuff, Today I give you two tasks;

1) Basic changelings units work in units of 5 individuals, that means that 5 basic changelings occupy 1 love supply for your hive. (Advanced changeling breeds like sorcerers spawn two individuals per love supply and special breeds like the spider-changeling occupy 1 love supply each!)

You have 4 love supply available so that means that you have to choose 4 classes for your 20 changelings! Here are the units and their basic functions:

Gatherers: Changelings specialized in passively gathering love on nearby settlements, increasing the hive's maximum love supply. They have their own personal pony form and spend most of their time living among them.

Workers: The hard working class. They're the ones that build new chambers that unlock new units and upgrades and keep the hive alive. They're also a secondary line of defense in the absence of warriors.

Warriors: The main line of defense and attack force of the hive. They work in conjunction with the infiltrators to make sure the hive is safe and secured.

Infiltrators: The most versatile basic changeling breed. They can gather active love on pony settlements by replacing one of their kind or scout the area ahead for the warriors to work with.

Now, would you like to have 1 supply of each kind? maybe 4 supply worth of warriors? The most voted combination of units win!

2) One of the most important things a changeling can have is a solid disguise, and our queen needs one! That's up to you to customize the character the way you want! Here are some things to take into consideration:

Pony Name!
Pony Breed! (only the basic earth, pegasi and unicorns)
Eye, mane and coat color! (magic color in case of a unicorn!)
Cutie mark!
And most importantly, Backstory! There's no point in having all the cuteness if you can't keep a solid story!

The vote will be chosen based on the coolest design and backstory!

If you'd like to create a changeling for the story, learn about the game rules and mechanics or check all the details about the character's statistics, you can find all of it within the Support Page! We even have a discord server!

Leave your votes in the comments below! The next chapter will be announced... soon-ish :eeyup:



Chapter edited by: EverfreePony