• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 3,523 Views, 44 Comments

You're filled with DETERMINATION (Path of the Pacifist) - Error Sans

[No prior knowledge required] A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go. But she will need to be careful old threats are coming and they want her homeland.

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Return of the Black Empire Part 1

Crystal Empire, Main square (3rd person pov)

The crystal ponies walked out of their homes confused as to why they were back, as the sun rose in the sky. Each of them were terrified when black ponies made of crystals started to appear out of the ground "EVERYPONY RUN!" Said a random pony in the street and all of them started to run trying to get away from the living crystals "SILENCE!" Umbra roared, the crystal ponies looked on in terror as a being materialized out of shadows, one that they prayed would never come back.

Umbra walked out of the dissipating shadows, even though she was possessing a different body, the crystal ponies knew from her voice that she had come to enslave them once more. The crystal ponies tried to run away but a wall of black crystal prevented them from doing so "What? Did you think that I wouldn't return?" Umbra said "Well, I want an ANSWER!" Umbra roared to all of them and they cowered "W-W-We k-knew you w-would r-return your h-h-highness." A random pony said terrified for their life.

"Good." Umbra said nodding "Then you will get back to working in MY MINES!" She finished All of the crystal ponies ran towards the mines when the dome lowered. Umbra chuckled darkly and said "It is good to be queen."
Equestria, Canterlot Castle, during the fight (3rd person pov)

Luna, after escorting Celestia to her room, returned to the throne room with the Mane 5 "Can somepony please explain what in tarnation is going on here!" Applejack demanded to the open room "Twilight was corrupted, an ancient being from around 2,000 years ago is now back, and Chrysalis is actually a good gal." Pinkie said summing it up her hair sagging "Well, we must remain vigilant." Luna started "We should start by going to the badlands and getting Frisk and Chrysalis' help." Rainbow Dash interrupted that with "What about Twilight? We should rescue her!" The rest of the Mane 5 nodded in agreement.

Luna sighed "Because we can not even hope to win against Umbra without Frisk and her power." "What power?" Fluttershy said quietly, the others silently asking that question as well, Luna replied with "The power to literally cheat death." The other ponies in the room stared at her as if she had gone insane.

"Uh, what the who know?" Applejack said as confused as all of the others, Luna sighed and repeated herself "I said Frisk has the power to cheat death, she is impossible to kill at any and all times." A bit of the fog cleared up but, Rarity remembered something "Wait you said she was a pacifist, she wouldn't fight." Rarity said, making everypony but Luna uneasy after she finished "She is a pacifist at heart" Luna started "but, she know to fight when it is needed. And against Umbra we can only fight." Luna picked herself up "I am going to get Celestia, the journey to the badlands will be a treacherous one."
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, Amphitheater (My pov)

"Chrysalis what the heck!" I screamed at her "You not only interrupted the most sacred of ceremony's but, planned to be the bride as well, just to get a petty attempt at Celestia." The sheer amount of rage I felt right now, just, just wow, how did Chrysi go from aiding Equestria to trying to destroy it. I sighed "Be glad that there are things of higher importance, if there wasn't you were going to have a BAD TIME." The last thing I said with Chara aiding my voice.

"Sorry." Chrysi said really quietly quivering with her hooves over her head. I sighed in exasperation, a changeling ran up to us"My queen, Queen Citalia has sent a letter asking for your presence at her hive." Chrysi got up and said "Get my honor guard and half of my army." She looked at me "We are going north."
Badlands, near the entrance to the Sapphire Hive, Two Days later (3rd person pov)

Rainbow Dash groaned and said "Are we there yet?" For the 579 time that day, Luna's eye twitched while Celestia sighed and said "Almost Rainbow Dash, at least if they haven't moved the entrance." Pinkie Pie was on the lookout, she had somehow gotten her hooves on a miniature telescope and was gazing through it when all of the sudden she yelled "I see it!" And pointed out towards the west.

The entrance to the hive was a gaping hole that had a few changeling on the walls. The changelings climbed up and hiss at the ponies "We wish to see your Queen." Celestia asked calmly a changeling in a large amount of armor approached them and said "The Queen is not at the hive she went north to find the Diamond Hive. If you wish to talk to her I suggest you either find the Hive yourself or wait here for possibly weeks until she comes back." After that all of the other changelings hissed at her and told them to leave.

Luna looked about ready to smash their head in when Celestia intervened "Why don't you use the hive mind to let us talk?" The changeling considered that and nodded. 'My queen the princess of Equestria wish to speak with you.' The changeling said over the link 'I was expecting this, patch me through' She said and the changeling allowed his queen control over his mind. "Ah, Tia, Lulu how long has it been since we have been on good terms?" Chrysalis asked her voice projecting out of the changelings body.

"2,011 years Chrysi." Celestia said sadly while Luna said the same thing except 1,002 years earlier "I has been that long hasn't it." Chrysalis said "Well then you came looking for Frisk correct?" Chrysalis said getting strait to the point and was answered with a simple yes "Well that does make matters complicated." The changeling she was controlling got looks from the ponies Chrysalis continued "She is currently with me, we were attacked by Umbra and the Diamond Hive requested my presence."

The ever bold Rainbow Dash said "Well what does that have to do with anything." The rest of the Mane 5 expected Chrysalis to answer but Celestia did instead "Umbra rules the crystal empire, which is in the north, and last I heard the Diamond Hive was in the north." "That would be correct." Chrysalis said then stopped like someone else was talking to her "I got to go Frisk just found the entrance to the hive." With that the changeling she was controlling regained control of his body.

The ponies left the hive to go back to Canterlot "Well what are we gonna do?" Applejack asked "We will gather up our force and go to north to find Frisk and Umbra." Celestia and Luna said at the same time ending the conversation.
The North, Diamond Hive, Throne Room, shortly after the talk between the rulers (My pov)

As we entered the throne room a few of the guards left and Citalia greeted us. "Greeting Queen Chrysalis, Frisk." We bowed and greeted her as well Chrysi guessed the reason why we were here "I'm guessing this meeting wasn't a social call." Citalia sighed and said "Yes, but I needed to show you something." A skeleton-esque being appeared out of the shadows. "Greetings Frisk, Queen Chrysalis." My eyes widened and I back up "G-Gaster?" I asked
Crystal Empire, Corrupted Throne room (3rd person pov)

"You requested to meet with me?" Umbra asked towards a shadow in her throne room the revealed a dark room inside of it "Yesss." the entity hissed and said "I wished to speak with you with you about what we could do for each other." Umbra sighed and said "What could you actually give me, you can gain no love from my kingdom so you have so reason to ally yourself with me anyway." The being laughed and said "But that could change."

Author's Note: