• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 3,523 Views, 44 Comments

You're filled with DETERMINATION (Path of the Pacifist) - Error Sans

[No prior knowledge required] A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go. But she will need to be careful old threats are coming and they want her homeland.

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Return of the Black Empire Part 2 and The Underground Part 2

Equestria, Canterlot Castle, Meeting Hall, 2 days later (3rd person pov)

Celestia and Luna waited anxiously in the meeting hall waiting for a friend/old enemy and a stranger to make their presence known. Shortly after leaving the hive a changeling caught up to them and told them the queen and a different queen were going to meet them in Canterlot. Celestia chuckled humorlessly "All it took was a threat to everypony to unite us all once again." Celestia said, Luna nodded and both looked towards the doors as they opened.

Chrysalis and a queen they didn't recognize entered the hall each with two guards flanking both of them carrying the respective banners of their hives. Chrysalis' banner was collared green with emerald and onyx gems forming an eye-like pendant in the middle, while the other queen's was white with Sapphires and silk strings forming two changeling wings folded over each other. "So these are the rulers of Equestria" the other queen said holding her hole-ridden hoof out to them "my name is Citalia, Queen of the Diamond changeling hive."

The two rulers blinked expecting the now named Citalia to not be kind enough to give them a hoof-shake, Celestia slowly extended her hoof and shook Citalia's "It is good to meet you Citalia." Celestia said, Luna looked at her suspiciously but shook her hoof anyways.

"It is good to be here." She said to Celestia and Luna.

Chrysalis coughed and said with a playful smirk "Don't I get a hug?" Celestia and Luna both smiled and hugged the queen.

"Even though it is not a good time for our nations, it is good to see you Chrysi." Celestia finished teasingly but the mood quickly turned somber.

"Yes" Citalia started "we should focus on the main threat to all of our nations." The rest of them nodded and sat at the table

"Well we should start with---" Luna started but was stopped when a blood red miasma filled the room, Chrysalis, Citalia, and their changelings hissed in pain from the sudden spike in HATE

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" An insulting voice said that Chrysalis recognized.

"Cruedalis!" Chrysalis roared in rage at the voice "Show yourself NOW!" The voice chuckled and said

"Very well, sister." A changeling queen melted out of the shadows, she had a blood red saddle and her eyes were almost all black except for the iris which was red.

Chrysalis snarled at her "What are you doing here!" she demanded at the other queen.

Cruedalis smirked viciously and said "Scouting the battlefield."

Citalia step forward and said suspicious of the queen "What do you mean by battlefield."

Cruedalis chuckled darkly the room itself seemed to emanate fear "I mean I have join Sombra feeding on HATE is much better than LOVE, there will be more of it to go around." Chrysalis growled at her.

"You would side with someone who would rather stab you in the back later. You really are a fool." Chrysalis spat out in disgust at the fallen queen.

"You just don't agree with my way." Cruedalis said "But I don't have to listen to you ever." She finished with before she used her magic to summon a blood red portal made of fire "We see each other soon sister, but it won't be on the same side." With that she walked through the portal and it closed up behind her.

"Well that could have gone much better." Luna added not being helpful at all.
Earth, The Underground, Ruins (My pov)

I tumbled once we hit the flowers at the bottom of the pit, Gaster's spell had disabled halfway there and we fell in fear we were going to die. But it turns out the flowers had a cushioning spell on the and around them 'Thoughtful over whoever or whatever did this.' I thought to myself when Chara moaned out "Owwww." Gaster didn't say anything but from the way he was wincing I could tell he probably got it worse then both of us, since he landed on the stone, not the flowers.

I got up and surveyed our surroundings, the area around us was slightly in 'ruins' I chuckled to myself at that. "We should probably get going before Flowey in the other room gets bored and hurts someone in this timeline." Gaster said interrupting my thoughts from continuing to run rampant, I went over to Chara and hoisted her up onto my shoulders.

Once we entered the next room you would almost think you had entered another area from how dark the area was except for a small patch of grass the laid in the sunlight with a smiling Flowey on it. "Hello." He said with false cheer "My name is Flowey, Flowey the flower. You're new to the underground aren't ch----" he shut up when we got into the light, he saw both Gaster and Chara.

"Hello Asriel." Gaster said "It has been a long time." 'Flowey' was startled when Gaster called him by his real name.

"H-How did y-you get out of the v-void G-Gaster and Chara how are you alive again?" Asriel said stuttering at about half of his words

I answered him "I was trapped in the void and using my DETERMINATION opened up a small hole in the void which I used to exit. It remained for a short time allowing Gaster to find it and escape the void himself. With Chara we where trying to get here and I used my DETERMINATION as a conduit for a high-powered teleportation spell, which in turn lead to release Chara's spirit from my soul."

He looked at me shocked "I-I don't even have enough DETERMINATION to do that. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOU CAN DO WHAT I CAN'T?!?!?!" He started stuttering slightly and then started to yell halfway through. The yell got the attention of the caretaker of the ruins who was doing her patrols. She started to rush towards the entrance to the ruins.

"Calm down Azzy." Chara teased "Just because Frisk is a demigoddess and contain insanely massive amounts of DETERMINATION, doesn't mean you have to yell it to the world." Asriel started to come up with retort but they heard footsteps coming into the room and a goat-esque creature came out of the shadows (her picture)

"C-Chara?" She bewildered at what she was seeing.

Author's Note:

Double upload this one and my alternate story

Yeah I know I'm going to get bad comments for this one but I can't help myself Cruedalis is the only name that fits.

Sorry if you wanted to see the mane five in the meeting but I don't see them as diplomats or anything along the lines of that, the reason why they thought Citalia would act differently was "past" experiences. And I know nothing about war councils so that is why it was interrupted and faded to the underground. Also I am sorry for the delay, personally I don't really want to do the entire Black Empire ark, I already have future plans for Umbra and Twilight though which I do want to go through so I will complete this ark. Afterwards though things may speed up so then I'll be sorry for rushed chapters.