• Published 15th Dec 2017
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You're filled with DETERMINATION (Path of the Pacifist) - Error Sans

[No prior knowledge required] A human male thrown into the body of a female pacifist, join her millennia after the indecent and how far she will go. But she will need to be careful old threats are coming and they want her homeland.

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Crystal Empire, Outskirts, Just minutes after Twilight's Corruption (3rd person pov)

A ball of shadows appeared just outside the crystal empire, it slowly peeled away revealing the corrupted bearer of harmony inside. "Ah" Umbra/Twilight sighed "it's good to be home." The dark queen chuckled "Now what to do with me 'precious subjects'" Umbra/Twilight laugh in sadistic glee imagining all the terrible things she will do to the crystal ponies.

"But first to take care of business." The queen of shadows gathered up her magic and opened a portal that led to the Badlands. "Intriguing her signature is there but I don't see her. Oh well I guess I can look around." With that Umbra/Twilight entered the portal closing it behind her.
Badlands, Sapphire Hive, shortly before Twilight's Corruption (My pov)

I started to wake up but I already felt my body moving "And there she is waking up." Chara's voice said and continued with "Imma allow the kid to take control back, this time." She finished ominously, she always said that but never kept control. I felt control return to be "What happened?" I asked wondering what caused Chara to take control.

"Well after Citalia explained who the being that destroyed the onyx hive was Chara took control and said it was something from your memory's." Chrysi said 'CHARA!' I thought made at Chara for doing this to me 'I regret nothing!' she replied and while I mentally wanted to kill her I didn't know how so I turned my attention away from her.

"The being is known as Error Sans." I said, just saying his name caused the room to grow colder. "W-what is that?" Citalia asked and I responded with "He is always around even if you know he isn't and he isn't there when you know he is." This confused them both on what I meant. I sighed "It means he is watching even when he isn't trying to watch and he doesn't remember it." I explained to them, a bit of the confusion cleared from their faces but not all of it.

"Please can we drop this subject for now?" I pleaded to them, I couldn't deal with the memories of what he does. Citalia started to speak but Chrysi stopped her and said "I think that is enough for now Citalia." Citalia sighed and resigned to what was happening, she stepped down from asking questions. It got awkward fast not knowing what else to do when one of Chrysi's changelings warriors burst through the door. "My queen!" He said "A strange pony has appeared wearing black crystal armor at the entrance to the hive and is trying to get in." Chrysalis and my eyes widened knowing fully who this most likely was.

'Barricade the doors!' Chrysi yelled over her hive mind I was betting 'Do not let the pony in!' "We have to stop her or get her to leave before she destroys the entire hive." Chrysi said out loud "And what are we supposed to do?" Butted in Citalia pointing over her and her changelings"And who is this pony at the entrance?" This would have made both Chrysi and me made if it was an older queen who remembered her tyranny but , we knew that Citalia was younger than both of us and didn't yell at her. "She" Chrysi started "is the dark queen."
Badlands, Sapphire Hive entrance 10:09 A.M.(My pov)

We decided the Citalia exit through the evacuation tunnel that was carved out along time ago when I wasn't in the void but, was surprisingly well kept. Chrysi and me on the other hand went to the source of the problem, the dark queen herself. 'You sure you're ready for a fight kid' Chara asked me 'No' I replied 'but I have too.' With that conversation ended I summoned my shield and sword and readied myself for battle.

It was noon before the dark queen was able to break through the doors, and we got a good old shock of who Umbra had possessed. Right before me was Twilight Sparkle bearer of the element of magic wearing black armor, with crown that was made of Sardonyx the blackest ore on Equis and had a big blood red ruby on it. "Well, Well, Well." Umbra said, her voice laced with venom "What do we have here, a bug that interrupted my host's brother's wedding, and a second rate 'pacifist'." I glared at Chrysalis when she said the first part and she smiled sheepishly.

'Oh, you're in trouble.' Chara taunted Chrysalis even though she couldn't hear it. "You did what?!" I said angrily, she just sighed and said "I'll tell you later, right now we have a battle to fight." I grunted and shifted my attention back to Umbra "Well, my attempt at drama worked but not as well as I hoped." Umbra sighed, conjured her scythe, and took on a sadistic grin. "Well then why don't we have some fun!" she said with glee.

She dashed at us with speed that were hard to see, but I knew where she was coming from my determination ensured that much. 'Good thing you had the brains to SAVE before attempt to fight her.' Chara said trying to distract me which, originally succeed because Umbra got a hit on me drawing blood. But ended up aiding me cause she thought that the poison on her scythe would make it easy to kill me, another good thing about my DETERMINATION is that I can't be inflicted with illness, this included poison.

"What, WHY DIDN'T MY POISON WORK!" Umbra roared out in rage, which enabled Chrysalis who had stuck to the shadow the entire fight to get a hit on her. Just barely missing vital organs "Well you actually hit me." She used her powers to disappear and re-appear behind me "But you're going to have to try a lot harder than that." I blocked the strike which would have caused be to LOAD if it hit. 'You act as if that is a bad thing.' Chara said in my head, making me growl while throwing Umbra backwards.

"I believe this has gone on long enough." Umbra said, disappearing then re-appearing at the broken entrance to the hive "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to take my leave." Shadows surrounded her and Chrysi tried to stop her by throwing a butterfly knife towards were she was. It clanked across the cold floor as the shadows faded away leaving nothing inside while the shadows skidded away from them. I just stared at where she last was before turning to Chrysi "You have some explaining to do now."

Author's Note:

The time was important to me also:No cussing in my story comments.