• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,301 Views, 83 Comments

Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

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"Why are you keeping me here? What are you going to do with me?!" Starlight demanded from inside a strange cell with bars were made of some sort of blue energy that behaves like hard rubber making it impossible to escape for a magic-less unicorn like her.

"Quiet pony. I am working," The bipedal monster screams at his prisoner as he was working on what was left of his spaceship.

"I have to admit Vilgax, this ship of yours is very interesting. It is like nothing I have ever seen." Tirek said as he touches the alien technology and the cold metal of the ship.

"Of course. This technology is eons from your primitive planet's technology. This is level 7 technology. I can barely classify this planet having level 2 technology." Tirek dismisses this as he doesn't really know what he meant with Levels. "Here I finished repairing the energy module. For your own good, beg this works." Vilgax said raising some sort of big tube with a handle connected to a big machine in the middle of the ship.

"I don't understand how your contraption works but if what you need is raw power there is nothing better than magic," Tirek gets close to the tube and from the front of his head, in the middle of its horn a purple ball stars forming only to being immediately shot in a form of a laser into the tube. The machine starts showing a red light indicating that the ship was restoring its energy. On a tube in the middle, a red sphere started to grow bigger and bigger until it vanished as soon as Tirek stops producing the energy.

"Impressive, it seems you were telling the truth." Vilgax smiled dropping off the tube on the floor and getting back to the computer to see how the ship was handling the energy.

"What did I tell you" Tirek turn to see Vilgax eye to eye. He was now half the size of the bipedal squid thanks to all the magic he still from a few bystanders on his way. " And that was just half of the magic I gathered with this pony and that small village. Imagine all the power I will obtain when I gather all the magic of all the ponies in Equestria." Starlight, who was quiet all this time, panicked at hearing this. "Of course, not before I complete the part of our deal," Tirek says giving the back at Vilgax smiling fiendishly hoping he wouldn't suspect anything from his true plan.

Little does he know that Vilgax wasn't even paying attention to what Tirek was doing. He had seen the energy levels of the ship and found out it has 1/4 of its full capacity. Just enough to get out of the planet safe. His grin grows even larger when he scans for any other energy signals around and found out there were two enormous sources of energy that were getting out of the scale. Something he has never witnessed before. Not even from a dwarf star.

"I have many things planned for you, little pony" Vilgax gets close menacingly at Starlight's cell. Starlight looked at the monster in anger and fear.

"Oh... Aham... A-hi, H-how are you today?... Ah - Nice mirror by the way. With its purple crystal frame and all. It's... A- it's pretty neat," Ben starts rumbling his sentences. The princesses could tell his blush for surprising him looking at his flank in the mirror.

"Yes, It is a good looking mirror," Celestia said humoring the rambling of the alicorn. "I heard you are hurt. I hope you aren't too hurt. I will hate for any of my little ponies to be in pain" She gracefully said taking a better look at the pony in front of her. Ben in that form was about the same height as the princess, a thing that not many, if none, ponies were able to say. It could even be discussed that he was even taller than her since she was using hoof wear and the stallion wasn't.

"Little... ponies... Ha?" Ben thinks for a bit about that. "I guess ponies are just little horses. Weird, we name little horses on earth just like they call themselves? What size am I exactly compared to my human form?" The princesses stare and study the stallion alicorn's body as Ben was lost in his thoughts. Indeed he was a white stallion alicorn as Twilight told. His horn was a little shorter than Celestia's but the wings sized were bigger than her's. But other than that, there wasn't any difference they could find from any other Alicorn.

The princesses, especially Twilight, look at his flank to study his cutie mark. It may give them clues about who was he or what he is capable of doing. They could see that he has a circle in green and black and in the middle, it has the same symbol he has inscribed on his chest armor along with a figure of a DNA sample in darker green. "Is he a biologist?" Twilight thought.

"What, is there something on my face?" Ben asked as he looks back in the mirror to see his equine face.

"No, no not at all. we were just... curious. That's all" Twilight answered.

"O...k?" Ben says awkwardly. " Sorry to ask but, who are you exactly? And where am I?" Twilight mouth was wide open at hearing this. It may be possible that some ponies living very far from Canterlot didn't know Twilight is a princess but that a pony didn't know Celestia is just simply astonishing. Celestia, The thousand years old co-ruler of Equestria, Princess, and controller of the sun.

"Hum.. did I say something wrong?" Ben finally asks since the princesses were speechless for a few seconds.

"No, I-I am Celestia and she over there is Twilight Sparkle. We are princesses of this land," Celestia said the last part as if asking him indirectly How you don't know us?, Ben, being clueless, respectfully offer a hoof shake and greet them.

"Oh, princesses, nice to meet ya. So, where exactly am I?"

"I excuse me but, who exactly are you?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, yea. sorry, I didn't introduce myself? I - I am... hmmm. Actually, who am I?" Ben asked himself while looking at his body. He stares back and forth between the princess's cutie mark and his. "I guess I will name this guy Helix... Helix Green. Yea I like it. I am Helix Green." Ben responded standing like in a pose raising his head and puffing his chest. The two mares looked at each other in confusion.

"Mr. Green, Where do you come from exactly?" Twilight asked. "And how do you ended up here?"

"I am interested in hearing the answer too, Mr. Green. It is very unusual to see another Alicorn like us. I could even say impossible. Especially a grown-up stallion like you"

Ben didn't think too much about what the princess was trying to imply with her words. "I- I actually don't know. I was flying when...Oh no, Rook!" Ben's eyes widen. " My partner, I got to find him?"

"Your partner? So you were not the only one who crash from space?"

"From space?" Celestia asked surprised. This was the first time she has heard about this.

"Yea, I was using my telescope when I see a shooting star crashing into Sweet Apple Acres. And guess who we find on the bottom of the creator," Twilight explained pointing with her eyes at the stallion. Celestia gets close to see the Alicorn more close walking around him and inspecting him more thoroughly.

"You didn't find anyone else with me? I lost conscience when it happened so I am not sure what really happened" Ben said not caring that Celesta was circling him with a lighten horn.

"Oh, so you admit it? I know it, are you some kind of space Alien!!? What are you doing in Equestria? How is your race differ from us? Haaa-- Do you have a spaceship?" Twilight starts bombarding Ben with questions like a little child.

"No, he is a normal pony. Just like anypony else. Well, Any alicorn" Celestia interrupted Twilight's childish outburst erasing the smile from Twilight face.

"No, she is right. I come from space and the ship I was on had... some bad function. Oh no. Vilgax. If I survive he must have survived too. Listen, your highnesses, this planet is in high danger. There is a very bad Alien on this planet."

"Humm I see... You must hit yourself in the head harder than the nurse anticipated" Celestia said grabbing Ben's head with its magic and moving it to see if he has injuries that Red Heart didn't notice.

"What... hey let ... me go!!"

"But is true, I saw him crashing from the sky in a ball of fire," Twilight responded trying to convince Celestia as Ben was trying to escape from Celestia magic grab.

"Is not that I think you are laying Twilight." She said letting go of Ben as he stumbled back almost crashing with the mirror on the wall. "But maybe you didn't see what you think you saw"

Ben stands up shaking his head. "You can discuss all you want princesses. Right now I have to find my partner, He could be in danger." Ben was about to give his wings its first driving test by trying to jump out from the balcony but an invisible force makes him hit his head.

"Don't worry about your partner Mr. Green. I will send my guards to find him for you. In the meantime, I will have to ask you to don't leave this castle." Celestia says as she cast a force field around the room of the castle.

"Hey. I need to go." Ben tries to break the shield with his horn and with a magic blast but it was fruitless.

"I am afraid I can aloud you to go free. You represent a threat to this land and until I know exactly where you came from and for what reason you come here you will stay where you are." Celestia says as her stare becomes colder.

"Ok... I didn't want to bring unnecessary attention to me but..." Ben said proudly with a smug smile. "I am Ben 10." The Stallion says making a pause expecting a reaction. One that never comes. "You know, the great superhero Ben 10... Hello? The great Ben Tennyson who had to save the universe at least thousand times. I was actually quite hurtful you didn't recognize me when you saw me at first." Twilight chuckle internally at the irony. "But this is a new guy and I understand."

"I thought you say your name was Helix Green?"Celestia asked.

"No, well yes it is right now but my real name is Ben "

"Then, why did you lie?" It was Twilight turn to ask.

"I didn't lie"

"So your name is Ben or Helix?"

"Haa.... both I guess. Is the name I give this guy, ok"

"Which guy?"

"Me... I mean the pony me," Both princesses were now staring at the Stallion with a worried expression. "I am not crazy. seriously you haven't heard of the Omnitrix?" Ben point at his chest. The two mares expression didn't change. "Here let me show you," Ben then started to hit the symbol of the Omnitrix in his chest with his hoof to force a change but every time he tried a low-pitch beep sound was heard along with its color changing to light purple and back to green after a few seconds. Ben keeps doing this many times arguing with the artifact every time. "C'mon stupid watch!!"

"I believe we have seen enough Ben or Helix or whatever name you want to change to next but my decision is clear. You are not leaving the castle until I say so. Twilight, I trust you to keep an eye on our guest, I have to discuss this with Luna" Twilight just nodded.

Celestia was about to leave the room until Ben tries to stop her. "Ok, even if you don't let me go. You need to be very careful with Vilgax. He is out there and is very bad. He is a big monster with big arms and smells like fish, I think is better if you call the Plumbers"

"Why? Does this monster have a problem with his toilet" The sun princess say giggling, Now she was sure he must hit himself hard on the head.

"Of course" Ben put a tired frown. This was his last chance of convincing the princess to listen to him expecting the word Plumbers to give her some sort of reaction. "If royalty doesn't know about the Plumbers, no one on this planet will"

The princess walks towards the door of the room passing the force field with no effort as well as the purple princess right behind her. "Can I at least get something to eat here. I'm starving" Ben scream for the last time as the door closes.

"Celestia, was that really necessary?" Twilight asked as she walks her to the exit.

"You don't believe in what he is saying, right?"


Celestia stops in her tracks to put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "What I am doing is for his own good, and Equestria's. The legend you remember isn't the whole story. Until we know more about him, he will stay here in your castle. The spell I cast should last a week or so. Hopefully, by that time my insecurities will vanish. "I am going to bring Luna to see him, maybe spy his dreams when he goes to sleep so I need to know where he is exactly, do you understand?." Twilight nodded still insecure. "Good, tell me if anything happens. I will send guards to search for this partner of his, So by any circumstances let him go"

Celestia and Twilight walk out of the castle where the guards were still sitting and eating Spike's treats as well as chatting with the baby dragon. As soon one of the guards noticed her princess they all stand up and take their positions and help her princess to ride her wagon still with her unchanging smile but Twilight could see a small hint of worrying in her eyes. And with a good by, she flies in the direction of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Thanks once more to Prince Lightning Charge for the proofreading.

3rd chapter is here and this time I am very confident in the spelling and grammar.

Hope you like it and as always, Have a great day :pinkiehappy: