• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,301 Views, 83 Comments

Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

  • ...

Tactical retreat

"There, the castle is all the way up. The princesses are in the tallest tower of the city. Can you see it?" Twilight asked while being carried by the swift blue alien as she pointed at the city built in the side of a mountain. They, or rather he, have been running for almost half an hour from Poniville all the way to Canterlot avoiding every obstacle on their way at the speed of light.

"Which one? You mean that tower with the bunch of pegasus flying down?"

"Hmmm... Helix?" Twilight tried to see what Ben has said until the realization hit her. "I don't think they all have wings. Oh no, this is bad." Twilight disappeared in a flash of light teleporting just beside the falling ponies. She tries to hold tight of all the guards making them levitate in mid-air with her magic. She was able to catch them all before they would fall into solid concrete but she had a hard time trying to put them to safety.

The blue alien, noticing the struggle she was in, helped her by lowering the number of ponies by grabbing them and put them on the side of the balcony. As one by one was rescued, Princess Twilight was finally able to lift them all to safety. But just as she thought she could rest, a loud crack was heard inside the castle as if someone had brought a wrecking ball into a room and decided to play bowling with it.

Twilight immediately look at her surrounding noticing that they were on Princess Luna's room. "Helix!" She shouted at Ben that was making sure all guards were ok. After that, a single look at Twilight makes him realized what was concerning her.

"Hold tight," Ben exclaimed as he caught her once again to they ventured towards the sound. There the worst fears become a reality for the princess. Princess Celestia was between the grasp of a strange bipedal creature, It was an octopus-like creature pinning her against the floor. But who had it worst was the Princess of the Moon. Ben and the Twilight witnessed how a big centaur had thrown Luna at a wall with enough strength to create a crater. The centaur's head then started to produce some sort of black lightning that runs all the way from his head to the tip of his two horns forming a red ball of pure magic ready to blast it at the princess along with some unconscious bystanders that were near her.

Ben didn't need to think about the situation twice. Using his super speed he rescued the princess along with the pony guards that were about to be obliterated. He then used the next two seconds to lay Princess Twilight and Princess Luna in a relative safety place next to the unconscious guards. XLR8 THEN use the next eight seconds to room around the enormous place to see if someponie else needed help.

"Princess Luna! Princess Luna, Wake Up" Twilight shouted at the unconscious alicorn trying to wake her up. This, however, brought the attraction of the villains that stood with doubtful eyes.

"What?!!!" Tirek shouted meanwhile XLR8 was making sure for the last time if there were anyone else who needed help.

"... 47... 48... Hmm... Yep, I think that is everyone... or should I say everypony?" XLR8 question himself by the shock of both villains. "Seriously, I don't know what is the problem with using everyone, Everyone is a more generic word. Don't you Think?" Vilgax tries to clinch his right fist at the sound of that voice but the enhancements on his right arm were still bad functioning. "So where is this Tirek? I came here to kick his butt." He said nonchalantly as he looked around the room.

Tirek looked at the small blue creature than at the princess of the Moon he thought he had evaporated with his magic. But she was saved by This. "Who... Wha... who is this and where did this come from?"

"Oh, you are the ugliest one here, You must be that Tirek dude" Tirek grunted and Immediately after, a laser beam strikes the floor near where XLR8 was standing. Surprised, Ben look at where it had come from. "Oh, What is it Vilgax, are you jealous? Don't need to worry, I still think of you as one of the ugliest creatures I ever saw, easily on the top 3."

"I see you are a pest as always, Ben Tennyson. Varmints were always hard to eradicate." Ben was about to say something but he needed to dodge the approaching giant hoof that was coming down his way.

"Vilgax, what can of magical creature is this blue lizard? And. Why. Is. So. Hard. To. Pound." Tirek said as he tries to kick, punch and throwing stuff at him but Ben dodge all the attacks with his super speed.

"What? You make a new friend and you didn't mention me? I feel I little... hurt? Ben tried to say when he noticed that he wasn't feeling the floor under his feet anymore. When he looked down he saw that he was floating in the air along with some small debris around him.

"There, this way you are escaping me no more." Ben look at the centaur noticing that his horns were surrounded with the same dark lighting as before while rising a hand. With a fiendish grim, he clenched his fist holding tight with his magic. Making a half turn, he thrust his arm sending the blue creature flying into a wall near Vilgax. Whether it was on purpose or a happy coincidence, Vilgax took the opportunity. With his good arm he lariat Ben just as he was about to hit the wall.

Ben was quickly launched at the opposite side of the room as he groaned in pain while looking up at the smiling Vilgax from the floor. "Wow, wow, Hold up. I think we started this too soon. Why don't we all calmly take a seat and talk it out? I know a certain pony that makes some delicious milkshakes, what do you say?" Ben said with a nervous smile.

"... I'm lactose intolerant," Vilgax raised his foot ready to squish Ben on the ground. Just before that, however, Ben disappeared in a lavender flash of light.

"Helix? Are you all right?" Twilight asked concern without looking away from the villains. When Ben opened his eyes and stood up, he saw that he was standing behind to the princesses of friendship. as she looked at the villans with malice.

"What, me? Of course." XLR8 said while shaking his head trying to make the stars he was seeing disappear. After that, a green light surrounded his body returning him to his human form. "I am a superhero after all. That Tirek only took me by surprise." Ben then prepare himself to transform into his next alien.

"Helix!" Twilight shouted as she saw an upcoming laser beam from Vilgax, a laser which Twilight had blocked with a magic barrier. Twilight took a quick glimpse at Ben that was putting his arms on the air with closed eyes surprised by the sudden attack. "A superhero you said? Maybe I am a superhero myself," Twilight turned and said at the surprised Ben glad at the princess' familiar magic purple shield.

"Princess Twilight!!!!" Tirek appeared screaming and ready to blast them away with his magic. Before Twilight could respond, however, a giant pale green crystal appeared from the ground blocking the blast and protecting Twilight.

"Ok, superhero princess, take the other princess to safety while I take care of these two."

Twilight looked concerned at Luna, her breathing was off and it doesn't seem like she will be up any time soon but after a few seconds of considering the situation she looked with determination at Vilgax's hand that was holding to the unconscious Celestia."No, I am a princess too, I will help you detain them and save Celestia. And please... call me Twilight," she responded with a smile.

"Well, you can call me DIAMONDHEAD!" he screamed while pointed his arm at Tirek blasting sharp pieces of crystal. This made him take steps back. At the same time, Twilight fired a magic beam from her horn wich contra attacked and nullified Vilgax's oncoming laser beam. "Twilight, can you cover me from Squidface over there while I deal with Mr. Goat?"

"On it. Princess Celestia, don't worry, I am coming for you."

"Princess Twilight, I want my revenge!!!," Tirek come running once again ready to body slam the princess but Diamondhead stops him before he even stars moving by inclosing one of his legs with crystals that appeared from the ground.

"You want to get to the princess? You got to pass through me first."

"Ough... As you wish" Tirek growled, He used his magic to break apart the crystal around his hind leg and throw a magic blast at him. Ben confident that a simple shard wall would block the attack, stand waiting for the blast to cease and attack himself but it was too powerful for the wall to contain it so he was launched backward.

"Ok, Diamondhead's crystals can't handle magic. Good to know." Ben formed a crystal tower under him at trying to dodge another magic blast. When that tower gets destroyed too, he made a ramp leading to Tirek on his side to attack him by transforming his hands into blades. Tirek jumped backward dodging the tackle and with a hoof, he tried to stamp on the crystal alien. Ben blocked it with his blade arms as Tirek keep pushing down harder and harder until Tirek stopped all of the sudden to give him a quick arm thrust that sends him flying to the side.

Diamondhead was sent directly into Princess Luna's bed cushioning his landing. A green light envelops the alien as Ben in his normal form stood up from the debris of the bed. "Oh boy, this guy can throw a punch almost as strong as Vilgax," he said while holding his head with one hand. then all of a sudden, a chunk of wall approached Ben taking him by surprise until a beam blast it away into pieces.

Ben looked with a smile at the Princess of friendship as purple smoke come off out of her horn. Twilight didn't have time to look back if Ben was alright or not. "You pathetic attempts of saving Ben Tennyson will not stop me for much longer, pony Princess," Vilgax said throwing pieces of concrete with his hand.

"You will not get away with whatever you and Tirek are planning to do. Now, realize Princess Celestia this instant," she said dodging the throws by flying away while shooting a beam of magic at him assuring she didn't shoot Celestia that was behind him by accident.

"You ponies not have the slightest idea of what is about to come to you and your planet. Once I got my hands on the Original Magic there will be no one in the universe able to stop me and you ponies will be the epicenter of my new reign." Vilgax smile devilishly which send shivers to Twilight's spine. Then all of a sudden he raised his good arm getting ready to hit her where she was standing but Twilight used her magic to teleport away. Noticing this, Vilgax immediately turns around where he had rested the Princess of the sun.

"Celestia, are you all--Augh." she had teleported right beside the princess thinking that she could get her out to safety before things get any worst and put her to safety but Vilgax saw through that plan right away. With a closed fist, he punched as hard as he could right at Celestia and just as he thought Twilight had appeared right next to her. If it weren't for her quick thinking and her magic bubble, she and Celestia would have been but just splatters in the floor.

"Who do you think you are dealing with? I am Vilgax, Conqueror of planets, destroyer of worlds. I have dealt with Magic Casters before. I know all your tricks." With the bubble still around Twilight, Vilgax uses his laser beam to push her away from her hostage.

Twilight screamed all her way to the wall. when she opened her eyes she saw Vilgax standing menacingly. "If you try something stupid again, I can't assure the safety of your princess. I only need one pony princess, Whoever that is irrelevant and for what I heard there is plenty to spare on this planet." he then looked at the other unconscious princess laying down next to the ponies guards." So why don't you quit well still you had your chance and let me obliterated Ben Tennyson once and for all."

Twilight stood up with difficulty as she looked back seeing a yellow ball bouncing out of walls and rolling at Tirek hitting hard. But then he used magic to levitate the ball and squishing it between his hands. Ben then reappeared on his human form who was now between the grasp of Tirek. It seems defeating these monsters will be more difficult than I thought. At least I can stop him from attacking Ben. "Don't you dare to lose Helix!" she screamed wich didn't amuse Vilgax at all.

"Now stay still while I absorb your magic," said Tirek as he opens his mouth right in front of Ben. A few seconds pass without any evident effects. "What? I creature like you had no magic?" He said surprised by that fact.

"Ough, dude? Have you ever heard of a toothbrush?" Ben asked as he tries to dissipate the smell from his nostrils with his hand. This enraged Tirek wich squished Ben on his hand harder and harder. In between screams, Ben riched his watch and activated.

Tirek took stapes back when the tiny creature he was holding in his hand turn into an orange dinosaur the same size as him wearing black pants and a green belt around his chest. Tirek looked with fear how the creature looked back at him "I see that you finally realize you made a Humongous mistake."

Humungousaur suddenly throws a punch at Tirek sending him flying. The punch would have sent him away from the tower if it weren't because Tirek makes himself levitate. "I had enough of you, prepare to be eliminated," he screams as he hovered at Ben at high-speed attempting to thrust him with his horns.

Ben intercept him by grabbing the horns, no black lightning could penetrate his tough skin. Tirek tries with all his force but after Humungousaur increased his size as well as growing spikes all over his body, he wasn't a match for him as he has pushed him down. "ready to surrender?"

"Ough... Haaaa!!!" Tirek quickly stood up attempting to throw a punch after punch at him but Ben avoided the attacks with ease. At seeing that that wasn't working, he steps back and shot another magic blast from his horn. Ben crossed his arms as the spikes on his shoulders and back grow bigger and bigger intercepting the blast. In the end, it stood Tirek with a shocked face at seeing that only thing his magic attack did was pushing the creature a few inches back. Ben smile as he did a half turn striking the centaur with his tail bringing him down.

"Give up dude, you're done"

"No, No, No, NO!" Vilgax looked at Tirek throwing a tantrum on the floor and at the Vaxasaurian next to him. Combining that and the fact that his cybernetic enhancements were malfunctioning in addition to the pony princess annoying presence and her pesky teleporting ability and somewhat impressive force field, he decided that his revenge against Ben could wait a few hours.

"Stop right there invaders." All the commotion that the fight made must have alert reinforcements as dozens of new garda rapidly surrounded the room. "You three are under arrest for attacking the Princess."

"Yea you better not think of... wait, what?" The guard quickly surrounded Ben as well as the other two villains with their spears. "Hey, watch the spears pal. I'm on your side."

"Surrender now Vilgax and let Princess Celestia go," Twilight said as the guards surrounded the squid alien.

"No, no. I will not be defeated again by the ponies!!!" Tirek then unleashed his anger on the floor creating a shockwave of magic that shaped the ground into peaks rising up causing Ben to stumble and fall. Not only that, but the attack weakened the structure of the building. The tower was collapsing and the guards on the room where preoccupied trying to save maintain balance.

Vilgax used this opportunity to escape with the princess on his shoulder pushing and kicking the guards around him. "Wait, you are going nowhere" Twilight teleported in front of him blocking his path.

"Are you sure you have time to worry about me?" Vilgax smile and look where Princess Luna was laying down, the ground beneath her was already collapsing and she was falling down to the floor downstairs. She took a half of a second to scowl at the alien before quickly flying at her rescue.

"And where do you think you are going?" Ben tries to stop Vilgax but his Humungousaur transformation was too heavy so his side of the floor was among the first thing to fall. When Vilgax finally reaches Tirek, he stood next to him and with difficulty he used his good arm to push a bottom on the wrist of his other hand.

"What? What are you doing? Stop this, Princess Twilight. I will have my revang-" A red light started to appear out of nowhere surrounding both aliens before disappearing.

"What? They ran away?" Ben said as he was hanging from the partially collapsed tower. Ben didn't have time to prepare before he heard the screams of ponies as big chunks of the wall was raining down on them. Some ponies, especially the pegasus, were able to escape by themselves but the guards that couldn't make it were on the ground waiting for the ceiling to fall on them. Almost half of the tower collapsed in a cloud of dust and the ones that made it couldn't do anything other than waiting for the dust to dissipate.

When the view finally clear up they were expecting the worst but they were surprised instead by the giant orange dinosaur shielding the few dozens or so of ponies from the pieces of concrete with his body. "Hum... is everypony ok," Ben asked at the astounded guards underneath him, every pony nodded diligently. "Good. Heads up!" he screams as he stands up moving the pieces of the tower on his back and jumping down the tower. He tries to verify if the rest of the tower was in danger to fall down too and indeed it was.

In a flash of green light accompanied by a beeping sound, the giant dinosaur transformed into a blue monkey with four arms. "Don't worry, I got this" the monkey climbing the tower and using his tail to shoot spider's webs he covers the cracks of the tower minimizing the danger of falling down.

"Ther, that should hold up" Spidermonkey then transformed back into himself.

"Who are you, stranger?" One of the guards approached Ben with a spear on hoof not sure what to make of the strange alien creature in front of him.

Ben smile puffed out his chest. "Don't worry, there is nothing to fear. My name is Ben Tennyson, superhero. You must have heard of me," he asked but he was answered by a confused stare. "What, really? No pony here knows about me? I even have a radio show and everything, Oh forget it"

"Help! Help! We need a medic!" Everyone around heard the scream of there princess asking for help.

"Twilight?" Ben run towards the sound finding her and another pony under a tree.

"Twilight, what happened. Are you ok?"

"Helix, I need a medic. There is something wrong with Luna. I wasn't able to rescue her on time and I think she gets hurt badly." The guards that follow the sound too instantly run to find a medic that could help.

"Princess Luna? is she the princess? She looks... different." Ben stared at the pony laying on the ground. He only looked at her for a brief second but he was sure that Princess Luna was taller and her coat was of a darker tone of blue as well as her mane that looked like the night sky instead of the pale blue that it was now.

"I know, I've only seen her like this once. She almost had no magic." Twilight responded looking at her with worry.

"Aren't you magical. Can you do a healing spell or something?"

"I can't, I ran out of magic a while ago. Most importantly, I'm worried about her lack of magic that the injuries themselves. Normally an alicorn can heal herself thanks to the inherited magic within there own body but Tirek had absorbed all of her magic so she had no way of healing herself, that is why she is on this state." Twilight explained holding up her tiers. "It was all my fault, I should have been faster. If only Cadence was here, she could share her alicorn magic with Luna."

"Oh, so you need Alicorn Magic? Is that all?" Twilight looked at Ben with sobbing eyes before transforming once again onto the first version of him she ever saw. "Helix, Why I didn't think of that," she said with a smile.

"Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Twilight stood up clearing her face. "Ok, since you don't know the spell, I will guide you. Here, let's touch tips,"

"Huh... say what now?"

"Our horns, lower your head and touch the tip of your horn with mine and close your eyes." Ben warily do as told. When he felt his horn touching hers, a strange sensation fills him. He could feel the magic around him flowing through his body and into his horn trough Twilight's body and back again to him. "Can you fill it, this is how it feels to pass and absorb magic."

"Wow, this feels strange," Is this how Gwen feels all the time?

"Now, let's do the same with Luna." Twilight then pushed Helix Green's horn down to touch Luna's body replicating the same thing. Ben confidently shared his mana with Princess Luna. A pulsating green light started to appear on Helix's horn which surrounded Luna little by little that healed some small cuts and bruises on her body on its way. After a few minutes of this, the medics arrived just in time to see Princess Luna in her usual formal self.

"Did we did it?" Asked Ben standing up-right while looking at Twilight.

"Yes, it worked," Twilight nodded at the medics that approached Luna giving her treatment for the few broken bones she had but nothing too major to be concerned about. In the middle of the treatment, Luna slowly started to open her eyes.

"Ough, Sister?" she said attempting to stand up but she was still too weak for that.

"Luna!. Ouuu I am so happy to see you are alright." Twilight embraced Luna in a huge realizing all her frustration. "Huh, Twilight... But... Where is Sister? Is she alright?" Twilight avoided her gaze at her question.

"I'm sorry Luna. I couldn't save her. She... she was capture by Tirek and he and the other creature manage to escape with her." Luna locked concerned but not surprised. She remembers how Tirek along with other creature had surprised her by teleporting all of the sudden on her room as she was trying to go back to bed after a bad dream. Tirek was an admirable foe but who she feared and who surprised her the most was his companion, a creature she never has seen before. "It's all my fault. If I have listened to Hilex from the beginning, none of this would happen."

"Helix?" Luna asked.

"Yes, Helix, a new friend I meet. if it weren't for him, none of us would be here now." Twilight said as she pointed at the white Alicorn's direction. Luna's eyes opened wide once she saw who that individual was.

"Yes, Nice to meet you, princess. My name is Ben Tennyson. Just glad to be help--" But his word was cut short as the Princess of the moon had tackled him into the ground.

"SO I WAS RIGHT, IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG, YOU FOUL BEAST. WHY HAVE YOU COME BACK. REVEAL YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS AT ONCE!!" Luna, ignoring all her injuries, quickly stood up booming the White alicorn with her Royal Canterlot voice.

"Oh boy, I knew I shouldn't have left my bed this morning"

Author's Note:

phew--- Well. This took long enough. Life gets in the way to much, Am I right? I still haven't given up on this, I will finish this story even if it takes me years to do so. :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 11 )

Holy cow that was good!

Though I hope Ben gets to rub saving Equestria in the main six's faces. Seriously, their reaction to his human form was just racist. Love and tolerance my ass!

Oh Jeez, Thanks Hehe:twilightblush:

As for the racism thing, well... you'll see

i see a story here that can be a really good story if you turn lose a team of editors on it.

Getting good. Please continue.

I really want to. Right now I don't have a usable computer that I can use to type in peace. The only thing I have is this cellphone. I try to write on that but is isn't the same. I just can't get my mind in the right mood with a cellphone in hand.

But not worry, as soon as I can get my own laptop I will write the next chapter. My birthday is very soon, maybe by then I can buy my own laptop. Thanks for the fav btw :pinkiehappy:

Hope you get a new computer.

Twilight screamed all her way to the wall. when she opened her eyes she saw Vilgax standing menacingly. "If you try something stupid again, I can't assure the safety of your princess. I only need one pony princess, Whoever that is irrelevant and for what I heard there is plenty to spare on this planet." he then looked at the other unconscious princess laying down next to the ponies guards." So why don't you quit well still you had your chance and let me obliterated Ben Tennyson once and for all."

if you want one, try princess cadence

Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor

"SO I WAS RIGHT, IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG, YOU FOUL BEAST. WHY HAVE YOU COME BACK. REVEAL YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS AT ONCE!!" Luna, ignoring all her injuries, quickly stood up booming the White alicorn with her Royal Canterlot voice.

Come back?

To quote Brawny Buck, for anyone who has watched his videos,

"Oh god, the implications."

When the next chapter it was getting good

When are you going to continue the story?
It's very good.

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