• Published 18th Oct 2017
  • 4,301 Views, 83 Comments

Ben 10 - Pony Tales - Cybers Link

"What could be there beyond the stars?" Twilight wanders this as she do one of her favorite hobbies, Stargazing, without knowing she may get that answer sooner rather than later along with all its consequences. [Ben 10 X MLP:FIM]

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Are ponies alone in the universe?

"So Spike? What do you think?"

"Hu? W-what?"

"Spike, are you even listening?"

"Hum? Ha.... Sure, sure-zzzzz" Spike said half-sleep moving his claw in the air as a poor proof he was awake. Twilight frown. Having finished all her duties she had some free time so she decided to hit a popular novel she was saving for days like these. Cosmic Warfare. A story about heroes with superpowers traveling across the galaxy and meeting aliens both good and evil. Armadas trying to conquer the whole universe with planet size weapons designed to destroy entire planets to only be defeated by a bad design. But to be fair, she hasn't read all the episodes yet.

"Spiiiike," Twilight whined. "How could you be sleeping at this? Isn't the possibility of life on other planets interest you in the slightest?" She excitedly exclaimed with a smile on her face as she take a look at her telescope to look at the stars in the night sky. Twilight always acts this way every time she reads a new book or novel she gets too invested in its themes.

"Because," Spike replayed sighing heavily with annoyance and tiredness on his face. "If aliens existed, they should have already made contact, don't you think? Besides, even if they exist, how are so sure space traveling is a thing? What if it is like impossible to do. Maybe there is life out there but we will never be able to see it." he said as he covers himself back with his

Twilight turns away from her telescope to stare at Spike. "Spike, what a boring statement. Where is your sense of adventure?" Twilight, back at her telescope, watches the stars in child-like wonder.

"Twilight" He whines. "Is already past midnight. I am tired and I want to sleep.... And you should be asleep too. Remember that tomorrow Princess Celestia will come to visit at breakfast for some royal businesses or whatever."

It was Twilight time to sigh. "Yea, you are right Spike, I probably should go to bed already. But you know, sometimes I can't stop myself from getting too excited. I get lost in its world and in its characters hoping for it to be real. You understand right?" Twilight turns to face Spike once again only to find him already cover under his bedsheets. "Good night Spike" she smiles as she yawns while rubbing her tired eyes as she trots to her bed.

As she gets closed, however, from the corner of her eye she noticed something glowing and moving through the clear night sky. "Oh, a shooting star. " the mare stared at the gleaming light for a few seconds. She gets confused after a while as the s" Shooting star" appears to be bigger than before.

"But what in Equestria is that?" She asked herself in a low voice. She twitches in surprise once she sees, heard, and feels the star exploding in chunks of fire in mid-air with a faint Boom!. She saw one of the parts of the Shooting Star landing near the edge of Equestria, in the direction of Tartarous, and others rapidly closing in towards Poniville.

When the unknown object finally landed, Its crashing makes a loud sound and a tremor that shook books off the bookshelf. The unknown object landed near the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres. "No, It couldn't be, could it?" The princess thought as she picked up her Galactic Warfare novel from the ground. "I have to see this. Spike, Spike! You wouldn't believe this" she shouted to the reptilian but he was still in a deep sleep. "Seriously? Not even that earthquake wake you up?" she rolled her eyes. The princess decided to no longer disturb his slumber and to pack some stuff she might need into her saddlebag before running towards Applejack's.

"E- whut- hai- what? What in tarnation was that?" Granny Smith wakes up from her rocking chair confused by the loud noise and the sudden shift. "Applejack! Big Mac! Come down this instant. We are being attacked!!!"

Both Big Mac and Applejack came down surprised "But what in the hay was that, Granny?" Applejack asked with bags under her eyes.

"Ah don't know but better check outside. I'd have a bad feeling about this." She said suspiciously half closing her eyes and looking from left to right.

"But what was that? Did the ground just move?" Applebloom asked from upstairs.

"Eyup" a male low voice came behind her making her flinch for a second.

"Oh, so I wasn't dreaming. Is that smoke coming from the apple orchard?"

The three Apple members turn around quickly to look in horror at how their apple trees were set on fire."Big Mac, quick, bring the water wagon I'll bring the hose" Applejack shouted. Big mac quickly does as told

Both Apples run as fast as they could using their fireman-like equipment to stop the fire that was burning their crop. Luckily it was a small fire and they were able to stop it in time, no major harm was done except by a pair of trees Applejack had to say goodbye. After the fire clear up and the smoke started to dissipate slowly, both Applejack and her brother look surprised at what caused the fire. Whatever that was, it created a big crater in the middle of the field. "But what did this? One of those space rocks I hear about?" Applejack slowly and carefully got closer to the impact zone trying to see what was in there but the smoke made it harder to see.

*Bep-Bep-beeeeep* The farmer pony heard a beeping sound follow by a green flash. This makes the farm ponies take a step back and stand in a guard position. Confused, intrigued but mostly angry she decided to push forwards to the sound that now was making a faint and constant bep. She covers her eyes when a green flashing light hits her eyes and moving through her whole body follow up by a beeping sound. Big Mac afraid, run to put himself between the green light and her sister. Then all of a sudden the beaming light stop followed by a sudden flash of light that blinded them for a second.

"Ok, that is it. Who's there? I swear, if this is a joke, pray Celestia ah... " She said pushing Big Mac aside to see even closer at what had made that light. Once she was close enough she was able to see what was on the crater. "What in tarnation?"

"Applejack!! Are you guys alright?" Twilight asked as she has come flying, landing next to her friend.

"Oh Twi, yea, we are alright, I think." She said quickly expecting bout her body and Big Mac to see if the green light had done something to them. "But you will never guess what did this. You had to see this with your own eyes." Applejack said pointing
At the crater.

"What is it? Is it an alien? Oh, I hope it is. I even brought a camera and sample tubes to analyze."

"Hum.. Not quite?" She says adjusting her hat.

When Twilight got close to see what landed. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. There, on the ground, was an unconscious white stallion. Twilight put away her camera with a frown on her face. "Hum... Is a pony. But why is he here? Did the comet hit him? Or was he the comet?" she said scanning her surroundings.

"Twi, better take a closer look. Big Mac, help me with the poor guy, he probably needs medical attention." Applejack slides down carefully followed by her brother trying to aid the pony lying on the ground. The small breeze that the two made by moving close helped clear the smoke a little bit more allowing Twilight to finally see his full body. Along with the horn on his forehead, he had a pair of white big wings attached to his back.

"What? Is-is he an... Alicorn! A stallion Alicorn. H-how is this even..."

"I'd suggest you ask questions later. First, we need to help him out. Let's bring him with Nurse Red Heart."

"No" Twilight responded. "Bring him to my castle. It Is closer and safer, I will go and call nurse Red Heart"

"Hum yea... Sure no problem Twi." Applejack said incredulously but didn't object. She then helps Big Mac secure the stallion on his back making sure he won't fall as Twilight flies into town. Little did they know about a fifth entity in the apple field that landed along with the stallion that was unconscious on top of a tree. A creature that they nor any other pony in Equestria has ever seen.

~*~*~* Else where near Tartarous~*~*~*~

The sun was starting to rise as two mares pushing a wagon were heading towards Poniville.

"Wow, Trixie would never guess that choosing the decoration for a festival will take this long." a blue unicorn with a hat and a cape resembling a wizard said in a semi-waning tone making an unamused face at her light purple friend as they were walking down the mountain pics path carrying her wagon.

"Sorry about that. Thanks again though. You are very kind to accompany me all the way to my old village," Her friend replied.

"Of course, Starlight. The great and powerful TRRRIXIE!!! Is very humble to help a friend in need," she replies standing in two as small fireworks appear behind her. "But what Trixie doesn't understand is why we need to leave this late."

Starlight gulps, "Well... Twilight asked me to be there early. Princess Celestia wants to see how my Friendship studies are going but I never thought we were going to take this long."

"Hooo, so the prince's apprentice is having a big test this morning. Nervous?" She asked as she gets uncomfortably close to her face while raising an eyebrow in emphasis.

"No, not at all" She role her eyes pushing her away. "I am pretty sure it is just an excuse to have free time and see Twilight I think but... Still I need to be there just to make sure."

"If you say so. Actually, Trixie will like to be there on time too. Maybe Princess Celestia will finally see Trixie's potential and will take her as her personal apprentice. So we could be best friends apprentices of Princesses."

"Oh, yea. I can see that on the news. Trixie!!!, the great and powerful apprentice." Starlight said moving her hoof in emphasis. Both ponies chuckles at this, Starlight of how absurd that will be, and Trixie just to humor her.

"Oh, so it seems we have two Princess apprentices on our hands," A malicious deep voice was heard from behind some rocks. The two, at hearing this, stop in their tracks to see who was the one who just spoke. From behind, a fellow with a large black used coat. It was hard to see who was behind it.

"Well hello, my little ponies. But what are you doing at such a late hour?"

"Hum, no nothing. We were just heading our way home that's all." Starlight answered as she smiles nervously.

"Hum. Does Trixie know you? Your voice is familiar" She asked casually.

"Ok Tirek, we found two of the so-called Ponies. With these two you will get enough. Right?" A second voice was heard. The ponies mouths were wide open at seeing what it was. A giant squid-like monster wearing a red armor walked toward them.

"A-a-and who you are supposed to be?" It was the only thing starlight was able to say. Trixie, on the other hand, was mute.

"I think we hit jackpot with these ones. They appear to be the princesses' apprentices. They may be useful to us."Tirek said completely ignoring Starlight's question.

"I hope for your sake that what you say is the truth or I will crush you like that three-headed beast from before."

"Don't worry. I assure you will get what you need if you help me."

Starlight tried to remember where she had heard the name Tirek before. When she finally remembered, her eyes get wide open as her hooves start shaking, "Tri-Trixie, w-we have to run! Now! Leave your wagon and get close."

"Leave my wagon? But-but all of Trixie's staff are in there."

"Trixie!" Starlight shouted. The squid monster quickly extended one of his arms trying to grab Trixie between its appendages but it was quickly stopped by Starlight's magic beam. Starlight feared for a second as she has forgotten to regulate her magic on that last attack but soon she lamented otherwise. The magic beam had only managed to push the creature a few inches back. She saw in horror how the monster laughs and shakes off her spell-like nothing.

"Haha, you were right Tirek. These creatures have a lot of life energy. I can only imagine the source of power their leaders will have." Starlight understood immediately that she could never hope to defeat the monster so she was thinking of a plan to run away with Trixie to inform princess Twilight about this.

With a blink of an eye Starlight teleport next to Trixie to grave her and get away but Vilgax anticipates this. As soon as she reappeared, beams of energy come out of his eyes hitting her and sending her back. "Do you think I have no experience dealing with sorcerers? Who do you think I am? I'm Vilgax, conqueror of worlds and your puny planet is the next on my list."

Starlight stood up ready to do her next move but she was too slow as Vilgax jumps raising his hand and preparing a hit. Starlight being behind a mountain with no way to run, created a magic force field to protect herself from the strong punch. The force field was strong enough to withstand the first punch but Vilgax didn't have the intention to stop. The magic Buble finally burst after several consecutive hits from the monster breaking Starlight's psychic and leaving her semi-unconscious.

"Here, " He said getting her close to Tirek.

"Perfect, hold still. This will only take a couple of seconds" Tirek was about to open his mouth to drain Starlight's magic until a faint magic blast hit Vilgax in the arm with no effect besides the sudden appearance of a teacup.

The two villains look unamused at the blue unicorn. "L-leave my friend alone!! You... Monster" She says with an angry expression that hides her fear but that feeling was quickly out at seeing how Vilgax was looking back at her. "Please" She added.

"Trixie! Run! Go away. You need to warn Twiliaaaa..." She wasn't able to finish as the feeling of her magic slowly fading away by Tirek's ability interrupted her. Trixie was only able to see how the Centar drain her best friend's magic by opening his mouth and consuming it. When he was done, Starlight was left exhausted without any strength to move and Tirek had grown three times his size.

"Ha, As expected from a princess' apprentice. You were the equivalent of 10 ponies. Where were you hidden the last time? Hum?" Trixie tried attacking them once again with her magic but the only spell she manages to throw was a teacup maker one that only appeared at contact with his body. "I believe she wouldn't be as delicious as her friend though." He said raising an eyebrow.

"Then she won't be needed" Vilgax raised up her arm that was holding tight on Starlight. Trixie's legs weren't responding as his glowing eyes threatens her with the laser-eyes beam. The only thing she could do was close her eyes to the oncoming attack. When the attack was finally unleashed it had failed in striking her body hitting the ground below her. Instead, creating a shockwave that sends her flying directly into a solid rock hitting her head and leaving her unconscious.

"Why didn't you finish her?" Tirek asked confused.

"I have the full intention to vaporize her. This primitive world..." Vilgax growled raising his other hand opening and closing his fist as a tickling sensating surrounded his hand. "This atmosphere is affecting my mechanical enhancements somehow. Let's move on. I don't want to stay on this planet longer than I need."

"What do we do with her?" Tirek asked pointing at the now unconscious Trixie. " When she wakes up she is going to warn the princesses for sure."

"Leave her. I always give the worlds I conquer an opportunity to defend themselves anyways and without Tennyson getting in my way, victory is secured."

"Whatever you say. Just don't forget the deal we have."

"But of course, when the pony race fall and I got the energy source for my ship you can do whatever you want with this land for all I care"

"Excellent" Tirek joins the digits of his hands and smiles fiendishly. Both leave the place walking from where they come leaving Trixie alone in the night.

Author's Note:

Update: 10/19/2017

Kudos to Prince Lightning Charge for helping in revise this chapter.
Thanks, men.

So, I bring you a ben 10 X Mlp adventure fic. I hope you like it. I had Ben 10 stuck in my head after a seen youtube videos about why Ben is able to defeat pretty much anyone and I couldn't let it go. I even marathon all ben 10 omniverse and I will continue with Alien force. Hopefully, this fic will keep my desire for new (good) ben 10 episodes at bay.

Ho and if you are wondering, this takes place after the end of each respective series so far. (Omniverse for Ben. we don't talk about the series who shouldn't be named)