• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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6: Of Winter Waltzes and an Act of Trust

As the air was becoming colder and the frost was claiming more of the land, the hive was buzzing with the fact that I was the King’s Master Consort. Dating Thorax had proved, day by day of how much he genuinely cared about me. During that visit, I would wake up to have a soothing bath in lava (yeah, to this day I still can’t figure out how they’ve pulled this off without burning the place down). After breakfast, I would sit with him and Lavender for court until the afternoon in which I would, from time to time, give him some advice about this or that. In the afternoons, it was the only time of day in which we’ve managed to get to know one another personally through a variety of activities. For example, once there was enough snow on the ground, we got ourselves some makeshift sleds in which we slid down a hill for hours. At other times we would take things slow by lying next to a burning hearth. From there at dinner, I would sit right next to him, and by bedtime, I would always find a basket of gems to snack on.

So where were my feelings on Thorax at this point? Well, I don’t think it would be fair to assume that I was already in love with him. Back then, I was examining not only how exactly I felt about him, but how do I see him. We would still do friendship stuff, for sure in some of our activities during that free time. Yet, at the same time, the way we would open up on this or that and the absolute fact that we were practically flirting with one another did make me wonder every night if I was starting to fall in love with him.

This lead to the night underneath the falling snow of December. I still remember clearly the banquet in which the Changelings set up in the open air Throne Room. Above us, a blizzard descended from the sky, yet its bitter winds and wet snow was stopped in our dome of warmth. The place was illuminated by white and light blue crystals as the Changelings from arts and crafts had put their winter themes all over the hall from paper snowflakes to painted snow ponies on the walls. The table was in the shape of a horseshoe where the King sat at the very middle with me next to him. The air was perfumed with the familiar smells of Hearths Warming of cinnamon, nutmeg, and fresh baked cookies. My taste buds were swimming in the creamy, loaded baked potato soup that I was offered to eat, while my ears heard original music from a Changeling orchestra.

“You know Thorax,” I asked the King. “With a set up like this, it makes me curious to see what your guy’s Hearths Warming Eve is going to look like.”

“Well, why not stay and find out?” He said, “After all, you’re more than welcome to stay up until then.”

“But you guys know that I’m not planning on staying here for that long.” I pointed out with the spoon still in my claw. “Twilight is expecting me to spend the holidays with her and the family. It still means a lot to her that I’d be there.”

His ears drooped a little, “Oh… Well, are you sure that you want to go back home tomorrow? I mean, just look at the storm that’s going on out there and I don’t want you to get caught in this blizzard.”

“I’m sure it’ll calm down by tomorrow.” However, I wasn’t certain judging of all the heavy snow that was falling overhead.

“Spike,” the King said, “If you’re finished with that soup, would you mind if we’d dance for a bit?”

My eyebrow shot up, I leaned forward a bit to see how Lavender would react. She merely gave an encouraging smile and a nod. “I don’t know…” I replied timidly, “I’m a little rusty when it comes to dancing.”

“Don’t worry; I’m not planning on something complicated – just a slow dance between us. I mean, since this might be the last night until you have to head back to Ponyville so… humor me?”

I thought that he did have a point, and considering what was coming I figured that I should at least give him his dance before I had to go away.

“Very well, Your Majesty.” After reaching out for his hoof, we both got up and round around the tables, thus getting every Changeling’s attention.

“Orchestra,” the King commanded, “could you play us a waltz please?”

No sooner had he said that the orchestra did strike up the familiar rhythm of a waltz with a chilly melody. The King and I bowed to one another before Thorax stood on his hind legs, quickly taking the lead as he placed a hoof at my side. At the start, I had to look down in order to get the movements right and without tripping. Thankfully, he took it at a reasonable pace.

“Are you really going to leave tomorrow?” he asked me.

“Well, I guess that might all depend on the weather. If it falls too thick and cold, then I’m forced to wait out until I can leave.”

He sighed, “You know, it seemed like yesterday since you got here. I can’t believe that it’s been a couple of days already.”

“Awe, don’t feel bad, at least from this vacation that I was able to have fun here.”


I nodded, “Yeah. I mean once the snow started to come down, I hadn’t had this much fun since I was a kid. Heck, I can’t even remember the last time I went sledding for the sake of it.”

“Don’t forget the ice skating and the improvised snowball fights.”

“How can I? It’s almost like I feel like a hatchling again. And I get to do it all with someone just as fun.”

He snorted, “Oh come on, I’m boring.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Am too.”

“But why would you say so? If this is as boring as you can be, then I guess that makes me easily amused.”

“Well…” he trailed off, “I don’t know. I just guess that I didn’t want you to think that I’m not good enough to be around.”

“Dude, having you bore me is like having Pinkie trying to make an orgy be dull – it’s just not possible.”

This gave Thorax pause, “She does that?”

“How would I know?” I shrugged, “You can’t really know what she is doing at any time of day, even if you tried.”

After that, the Changeling King went quiet for a while as we count time with the music and the rhythm of our swaying bodies. “Spike, can I ask you something personal?”


“Be honest with me when I ask this, but… do you regret me being your technical coltfriend?”

This too gave me a moment to pause. “Well… Like I said, I did have fun here at the hive. And to be honest, I really do hope that maybe, just maybe, that this wouldn’t be last this time.”

“You do?”

“Yeah… I mean these past few days were great. And you are great at how you’ve been treating me. Still, at night I have been asking myself a question that I’m not exactly sure of the answer as of yet.”

“And that being?”

I blushed when I meekly told him, “Am I falling in love with you?” His eyes widen a little but didn’t respond. “But the thing is, I’m not exactly sure about it.”

“How come?”

“Well… how long does it take? I’ve grown to become skeptical of the whole love at first sight thing.”

“Didn’t you do so with Rarity at one point?”

“Hey! That was a crush. My point being is what do I feel about you is what I’m trying to figure out.”

“How would think you’ll be when you go back to Ponyville?”

Again, his question made me stop to think, “Well… I would miss this. I think that a few days were too short.”

“And what would you miss about me? Is it that you’re being treated like royalty here?”

I chuckled, “That. And I’d be missing your childlike excitement. Along with your lovable personality… and your sense of humor… and that you’ve been genuine to me.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Well, of course, I’ve been genuine. Why else wouldn’t I be?”

“Because my past dates weren’t fully honest with me. That they’ve tried so hard to impress me to the point where I could tell that they were faking it, you, however… are different. You didn’t pretend to impress me. Neither did you do so during the time I’ve stayed here. I… I guess that-”

Before I could finish that sentence, two things happened at once. The first was a sudden realization in that I felt my heartbeat pump warm blood. And the second was that the Changeling King gasped, pushing backward in shock as he suddenly covered his mouth.

“W-What?” I asked him, “What’s wrong?”

Oh Celestia,” he whispered. “It’s happened.”

I hesitated as I felt exposed, “Uh… what do you mean?”

By now, I saw tears of joy welling up in his eyes. “I felt it. The very thing that I have waited happened.” He was borderline squeeing at this point.

And I felt my cheeks caught fire, “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” However, I already knew that he had seen through my lie. He could already sense its beating heart. But at the same time, I also felt something else that was creeping up. “You know what, Your Highness,” I said turning around. “I think I need to head off to bed. Thanks for the meal and the dance!”

“But Spike-”

“Good night Thorax!” I quickly made my exit as I was practically running back to my room just in time to rush in to lock the doors. In a way, I was cursing my luck as I felt that yearly lust was creeping into me. But this time, my rut was starting to kick in at the most inconvenient time.

For the sake of decency, I won’t go too graphic in the exact nature of when I go into rut. But needless to say, it’s pretty frustrating when it’s just by yourself. When all I could think about is mating with something for days or up to a week, it’s surprising how fast my personality can flip when I’m left alone to take care of my… problem. Now before this, Twilight would make extra sure that I was left by myself with a couple of...a certain type of literature, to get me through it.

However, the morning after that dance with Thorax, I just felt unsatisfied no matter how long I tried to… relieve myself. If anything, I didn’t take notice of what time it was until I heard that fateful knock on my door.

Spike,” on the bed, I froze with icy dread. “Spike, it’s almost eleven in the afternoon and the blizzard is gone.”

“G-Go away!” I called out.

Spike? What’s going on?

“I uh… I don’t feel well. I don’t think I can go today.”

Why? Are you sick?” I heard Thorax asked with great concern. “I’ll get you a doctor right away.”

“It’s okay,” I called out. “I just needed some sleep is all.”

There was a pause from the other side of the door. “But it’s been almost fifteen hours since you went to bed Spike,” he deadpanned. “You know what? I’m coming in.

Don’t!” I screamed. “Really dude, I’m fine.”

No, you’re not,” I heard a key being put into the lock. “I want to know what’s going on.

“No! Wait!” There was only enough time to cover myself up with a pillow when he opened the door.

“Okay, what’s going on Spike?” he questioned. “You suddenly just ran off on me when I specifically felt…” To my horror, he sniffed the air. “W-Wait-a-minute,” he then looked at my burning cheeks, the stains on the bed and the obvious pillow of which was covering one particular body part. To make things worse, I was drowning in embarrassment that he quickly picked up on.

“Dude… I’m so sorry,” I said as I tried to hide my face.

“Uh… were you just-”

I interrupted him with a frustrated sigh, “Just close the door. Since you’ve caught me I might as well tell you what’s really going on.” He did so and even lock it for good measure. “Okay, I know there are many things about dragons that I’ve told you about… but I’ve left out one thing that was just too… personal to talk about.”

“And that being?”

Sucking up the air, I just told him, “You know how mares go into heat cycles at certain times of the year?” he nodded. “Well… turns out that male dragons have the exact same thing in which is called rut. With me, it comes and goes, but at least once a year I have it when it’s the most intense. Today and probably the next several weeks I'll have to deal with it. I know it was bad for me to run off from you like that but…”

“I see now,” Thorax told me, as I heard his hoofsteps come closer to the bed. “Although, it does pain me to see you like this, is this really that bad?” My scarlet face answered his question. “Oh Spike, if you really need such help… you should have asked.”

At this, my eyes went wide open, “Woah there!” I cried, “I know that you love me, but… really? Right now?”

“You said so yourself, you need this, and I have told you in the past that I’m willing to help if nee-”

“Okay, stop right there!” I held out a claw. “Two things: first of all, I’ve never done this sort of thing before.”

This surprised the Changeling King, “Wait- really? You’ve never-”

“No! I never had a… sexual partner before so even if I did agree with what you’re saying right now, I don’t have a clue how to do it.”

“You do know that I’m not a virgin, right?” he deadpanned. “Besides, I have some experience with both sexes when it comes to this sort of thing. At least… if you want this to be your first, at least you actually wanted it.”

This stunned me, “Hold on, you mean that yours wasn’t?”

“Forced to,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “But point being, I know what I am doing.”

“Which brings to my second thing,” I said. “Even I did agree to this, there’s no way that I won’t be able to hurt you in some way. I mean, from what Ember told me, dragon sex, especially gay ones, can be really rough. I don’t know if I won’t unwillingly be able to crush you, burn you or break something.”

“And did I mention that I had experience outside of Changelings and Ponies?” he deadpanned. “Spike, I promise you that if you’d let me, you’ll be in good hooves. I mean, the way I see this, doing something so intimate is, to me, the ultimate sign of trust.” I remembered him lowering his eyes at me. “And I trust you Spike absolutely on this if you wanted me to. At present, I can see that you have one of two options: either we may do this on another day and just wait for your rut to pass over.” And before I could do anything, his muzzle was suddenly next to my ear. “Or,” he whispered, “I can uphold my royal duty in helping my Master Consort’s time of need.”

But just as quickly, he gave me some space. “Just so you know,” he added. “That either way, this won’t change what I already feel for you, and I hope I can say the same with you for me. This is, after all, your call. But all I need is an absolute yes or no from you.”

My heartbeat was pounding in my chest like a lustful war drum. Thorax, someone that, at this point, I had known for years, isn’t forcing me to have sex with him, but here he was saying that he was willing to help. Of course, I had so many thoughts going through my head and the mixture of feelings that were freezing me in place. And yet… Thorax’s eyes were trusting, understanding even as he waited for my answer. I have never seen anyone, not even from my past dates to partake in something so selfless.

“Um… Thorax,” I said meekly, “Would you… help me?”

He smiled warmly, and even blushed too, “Of course. I’ll let you take control where this goes from here.”

“In that case, a couple of things,” I told him as I had a claw on the pillow between my legs. “If it gets too weird, could we stop.” He nodded, “And the other…” I was blushing so much that it was amazing that my head hadn’t exploded in blood. “Could you… ya know… do me… down there.”

This made his eyes widen, “You want me to…? Spike, are you sure?”

“It’s not like I haven’t… well stuck something up there before so…”

He smirked, “Oh I see. Although we might need to do some sanitary preparations first, don’t you worry Spike.” Thorax then came up to me, muzzle to muzzle only an inch apart. “I promise you that I will not hurt you. If anything, I’ll make sure to turn this from a primal act, into a ballet between us.”

“And… how are you going to do that?”

“Every dance begins with a single step.”

Right there, he and I shared our first kiss between us. Not a peck on the cheek or on the lips, but a deep, soul touching one. One in which that same realized feeling I had from that Waltz made it clear of one thing. For the first time in years, I had fallen in love – and needless to say too that on that day, I also was able to kiss my virginity goodbye.