• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 5,470 Views, 92 Comments

Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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24: Like Father, Like Son

Ever since I began this story about me and Thorax, I often wondered not just how to tell it, but how to end it. How exactly could I end a story that I have rewrote, reflected, rethink and reexamined for months? I confess that for days, I have asked myself this question and even gone to Thorax for advice.

In the end, as it turns out. There was a way to give an ending to this memoir. And that is by telling one last story.

The time was after my first book was published, and the place was the throne room at Twilight’s castle in Ponyville. As to the occasion: a celebration for having to write and publish a story. Now the reason why it was held there was partly that it gave me a reason to visit Twi and partly because that it won’t take forever for anyone to come. So not only did Thorax, Queen Lavender and the five kids came, not only did Twilight’s friends to show up to congratulate me, not only did Ember drop by to say that she found the short story funny but even the Royal family, including Cadence, showed up.

And there was also one more, critical guest that came that is essential for this particular story: Ganymede. At this point when this occurred, the little guy has been hanging out with the quadruplets for about over a year. Especially with Sekto that after his dad told him that he was more than welcome to be his friend, they’ve been getting to get to know one another more. Despite its awkward start, they did manage to forge a friendship between themselves and the other children. If anything, it was Sekto’s idea to bring Ganymede to our family outings with the permission of his parents of course. This was one of them.

“Congratulations Spike,” this was the first thing I heard from Twilight as soon as she saw me to hug me. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Hey Twi,” I greeted her by hugging her back while looking around the room. “I’m surprised you got this many to come.”

“Well I know how big of a deal this is for such an accomplishment, so I figured that I’d invite some friends to celebrate with.”

“All this for a short story?”

“Well… That, and we just wanted to see how you and Thorax are getting along.”

From there, good ol’ Pinkie Pie, one of Princess Twilight’s friends, kick-started the party. Going around the roundtable, I went up to them to hear from them how they were doing and what was new with them. Much like I have done with my past visits. The Changeling King and Queen did the same as well, speaking with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence while the kids were occupied with their Auntie Twi.

“I can’t thank you enough for doing this for us,” I snapped my attention towards Blueblood’s voice. Looking down and behind me, I found Blueblood and Fancy there as they were reaching up to shake my claw. “That was entertaining to read.”

“Oh, thank you guys,” I said shaking each of their hooves. “Although, to be honest Blue, I’m relieved that you liked it.”

“I just have to ask,” he held up a copy of the story. “How exactly did you write the dialogue? Even I can’t exactly remember everything that I said all those years ago.”

“Truth be told, I didn’t. Since I want to make it flow like a story, I had to get what everypony’s character was like, so I could try to imagine what I would say in their horseshoes. That, and everyone’s interviews helped me construct what everyone did, so I may construct what we’ve might have said that night.”

“What happened on, what night?” Fancy asked in confusion.

“That night at the gala,” I explained. “That I wrote in that little book.”

“Oh! I didn’t know you wrote a book,” he exclaimed. “When did this happened?”

“I just recently published it.”

“Well, I ought to get my hooves on a copy then.”

“We can do that later,” Blueblood told his husband. “But for now, let’s just celebrate Spike’s party. To wish him well with his new writing career.”

“Uh, excuse me,” Thorax popped in. His face anxious as he looked towards my direction. “Spike, can you come with me right now?”

I blinked, “Why? Is something wrong?”

“Just come with me, and hurry,” he said with urgency. “I think you need to see this.”

After excusing myself, I followed the Changeling King out of the throne room. “What’s going on?”

“Something I think you need to see,” he said with a mixture of glee and pride.

“Okay, but where are we going?”

“Upstairs, that’s where they’ve gone to.”

Of course, I was perplexed as to his meaning as I followed him to the second floor to which we heard voices of Sekto and Ganymede. At first, I tried to ask him was this was about, but he shushed me and instructed me to remain quiet. We approached one of the bedrooms of the castle that the door was ajar. While we didn’t see them, their voices were clear.

“…. I still don’t see what this is about,” Sekto said. “Yeah, I remember the ball when I told you. Why do you ask?”

“That’s not what I’m asking. Rather do you remember my reasons for running out on you like that?”

“Mmm… Kinda. Dad said something about you weren’t sure how to deal with it since you never had a guy come up to you to say that they have a crush on ya. Well, I still stand by in saying that I’m not mad at you doing that. To be fair, I would have done the same if I were in your horseshoes.”

“But…” Ganymede sighed. “That’s just the thing Sek. At the time, it was rather confusing, if not outright intimidating to have a Prince say that they like me in that way. After all, before I didn’t know you all that much while us kids put the five of you on a pedestal because of who you’re related to. However, it’s the funniest thing that, once I was able to get to know you guys, you’re all just like us.”

“Okay, where are you going with this?” Sekto asked inquisitively. “Ganymede, I’ve been sense some mixed feelings from you to the point that I can’t exactly read from you.” There was a pause. “Unless…”

“I’m not saying that it is.” Ganymede quickly said. “But the more that I have been thinking of it, I start to wonder if it might be possible that I might be developing such feelings. Only… Look I don’t know how to go around asking about this sort of thing. To give it a try, but I just don’t know how to ask it.”

“Here,” Sekto said rather cheerfully. “Let me show you how.” Clearing his throat, he told him, “Ganymede, repeat after me.”

“Uh… okay?”

“Sekto, I think I might like you more than just a friend.” There was a hesitation in the room as I immediately realized what was happening. Ganymede did repeat word for word what his friend said. “Now while I might not have tried anything like this before, I was wondering if you would like to be my…” Sekto cleared his throat, as he if he too was hesitant in filling that word that he had thought was out of reach. Yet, he did say the word, “…. Coltfriend?”


“Y-You serious?” Ganymede asked. “Even after what I did at the ball?”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“Well… Just to give it a trial date thing to see if this would work out or not. If that’s okay with you.”

“Hey Ganymede,” we then heard the unmistakable sound of lips kissing chitin.

“Did… Did you just-”

“Yep. And to answer your question. I would like to sometime after this week, for obvious reasons.”

Both of them laughed, I looked down at Thorax. One that I have never seen so much pride in one place for his son. Then it clicked for me, “This is your doing, isn’t it?” I whispered.

Maybe…” he smirked before speaking up, “Sekto? Are you around?” There was a flutter of hoofsteps as the door was swung open, his son looked up at him. “There you are, we were wondering where you guys were. Pinkie is going to be bringing out the cake soon.”

“We know, Your Majesty,” Ganymede replied. “He was just showing me around the castle since I haven’t been here before. But we’ll go downstairs right now.” With that, the yellow Changeling slipped passed us and headed towards the staircase.

“Hey, Sekto,” Thorax stopped his son as he craned down his neck to nuzzle him. “I’m proud of you.”

“How did you know that he would agree to it?”

With a smile, the King looked over to me, “We have been through this sort of thing before. I know that it can be scary at first when everything is uncertain. But taking that first step is the key. Now how about we go back to the party?”

On our way down, I drew Thorax close as I wrapped an arm around his neck, kissing his cheek. Yes, I could say that I was proud myself.


Laying on his bed, Thorax flipped placed the last page of the manuscript aside. “You know,” he said. “I kind of wish you wrote more of the other children than just Sekto.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I replied. “Yes, I know. But do keep in mind that this is a birthday gift for him. Considering that his relationship with Ganymede is still going on. Although to be honest, I do wish it was a little more interesting like the last book I wrote.”

“Oh don’t be too harsh on yourself,” he kissed me on the cheek. “I love it.”

“That’s because I wrote you in a favorable light.”

“More like flattering, but yes, that too,” he chuckled. “So are you glad that you’ve finally finished this?”

“I can’t help but feel that something is missing,” I confessed. “Like there should be one more thing before I draw it to a close.”

“Like what?”

“I mean… I ended the book when the kids were around 14, but things have happened since then now that Sek is turning 18.”

“Spike, my knight in scaly armor,” he pushed me over onto my back. “You are overthinking it. After all, you wrote for him about how our relationship functioned and to immortalized him as well.”

“But you wrote a few chapters of it.”

He shrugged. “Sure, but that’s not the point.”

“Then what is?”

“Just remember that you wrote a unique love story. One that isn’t the typical romance that you would buy a few bits a pop, but one that was honest, yet poetic in a way.”

“I just hope that he’ll like it by the time it gets published.”

The King of Love nuzzled at my chest. “And I’m sure he will. What you got here is good. So I approve.” Looking up at me with his lilac eyes, he asked, “One more question though, are you planning on writing anything else?”

“Who knows.” I patted his head. “Maybe I would if I’m compelled to do so. But as of right now, I just want to rest my claw from all the writing. Of course, now I just have to face Twilight’s editing to see how much of it gets torn to bits.”

“She will not,” he giggled.

“Have you seen the amount of red ink she used for the last one?”

Thorax silences me with a kiss. “I know that this is sudden,” he said, “But since Lavender is away, would you bid you stay with me for the night? It’s been too long since we last done this.”

I reached up to caress his face with a claw. “If it’s not too inconvenient for His Majesty.”

The King smiled sweetly. “It is convenient for me, my Knight.”

Author's Note:

It's... It's done. After several months of working several stories at once and uncertain where to take this story, it's finally done. I can't tell you how relieved I am for finally completing this story. Don't get me wrong, I still had fun in creating these scenes, but as of now, I just want to move on.

So, what do you all think?

Comments ( 4 )

Great story you told us Spike, and glad to see Sekto and Ganymede worked through their issues in the end.

i loved it ended on the right note(thank for telling me that consort was finished in your reply message to my comment!) also when spike was writing at the beginning i thought he was dead (points to you for trickery and deceiving a reader!) since it's a memoir and all.

good story.

Technically speaking, I actually have written Spike/Pharynx already. Of course, it's only mentioned in a couple chapters of my Patreon-funded series, The Many Short Stories of Equestria; not to mention, they've only had some brief romantic content in their chapters so far, and no smut.

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