• Published 20th Sep 2017
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Memoir of a King’s Master Consort by Sir Spike - CrackedInkWell

A memoir by Spike the Dragon on his relationship with King Thorax

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13: Independence

Since it took nearly a day to fly from the Dragon Lands to Ponyville, I’ve decided to withhold my tell Twilight as we got back late. If anything, I was so exhausted that I pretty much fell right into bed in which I slept instantly. By the next morning, I found that Thorax had already left and breakfast was being prepared. After checking the dining room to see it empty, I turned towards the kitchen where I expected Twilight to be, and she was along with her student.

“Good morning Spike,” Twilight went up to me, wearing an apron that had splotches of pancake batter as she hugged me. “So did you and Thorax have fun in the Dragon Lands?”

“It was interesting,” I said, looking at Starlight at the stove, waiting to flip one of the cakes in the iron frying pan. “Sorry that I didn’t wake you guys last night, I got here later then I wanted to.”

“We’ve figured, it’s the reason why we didn’t wake you. But now that you’re up, do you want to tackle the hash browns? Starlight has already gotten the plate of hay bacon served up and she’s focusing on the pancakes.”

Thankfully, her student caught hold of this and took out another frying pan, with a spatula, oil and the bowl of the potato mix. After turning on the heat, Starlight inquired, “So what did you guys do over there anyway? I know it’s a feast, but did you just eat all night?”

“Well, not really… we were treated to drink their special brew of something, and I ended up drinking more than I should have had.”

“You did?” Twilight asked, “I hope the hangover wasn’t bad, was it?”

“…. Let’s just say that I’m thankful that Thorax was there. If anything, it’s part of the reason why we got here so late.”

“Speaking of which, is Thorax still here?”

“No, he already has gone back home…” As I trailed off, I pour in the oil and gave it a sec to heat up. “Twilight, can I ask you something? Something that’s really big.”

Starlight looked at me surprised, “Oh Celestia, is it really happening?”

“Wait, hold on,” I turned to her. “What do you mean by that? What’s happening?”

She and Twilight glanced at one another, “Okay before I jump to conclusions, is King Thorax only allowed to have one spouse at a time?”

“Well, yeah? He’s still married to Queen Laven-” then it hit me, “You thought he popped the question to me, did you?”

“Can you blame us?” Starlight said in her defense. “You two pretty much act like a married couple without… you know, actually being married. But yeah, definitely jumped to conclusions, so anyway,” she coughed into her hoof. “What were you going to say again?”

Well… here goes… “As I was saying… Twilight, I want to do something that’s big. Really big.”

“What is it?”

“How do you feel if, say… if I told you that I was thinking of possibly moving?”

For a tense moment, neither mare said anything as the food sizzled on the stove. Twilight’s expression became unreadable while Starlight cocked an eyebrow. I honestly thought that she was about to mentally snap at the very suggestion. However, she calmly said in a sort of monotone,


“Well… yeah, moving in with King Thorax. At his Hive.”

“You are?” Starlight asked. “When are ya planning to do this?”

“I don’t know… probably next month perhaps.”

“Uh… Where did this come from?” Twilight questioned. “Since when did you decide to move away?”

“Last night had gotten me thinking,” I told her as I dabbed out some of the potato batter into the pan. “I now have the mean to do so, but until recently, I realized that I’ve been feeling more at home at the Hive where Thorax is. Truth be told, (and Starlight did point this out) we kinda like a married couple to the point that I do want to spend more time with him. After all, his wife is expecting in a couple of months from now and I feel that I want to be included in their lives too. I just…” I flipped the hash brown over. “I don’t know… it’s like I found a place that I feel that I belong – as if I’m meant to go there.”

I looked over to Twilight, her expression still unmoved, “However, as much as I want to, I wanna hear from you of what you think. And maybe… support me in this decision.”

“Well I say it’s about time,” Starlight spoke up. “I mean, you’re old enough. And if you’re sure of doing this, it’s your life so you should do what you think is right.”

Twilight sighed at last, “Wow… I didn’t think it would happen so soon. But… are you absolutely sure about this?”

I nodded, “Yes. This is really going to happen. Of course, I’d need to make plans and do several things before I go to the Hive. But don’t think that I’m doing this out of spite Twi. I’m not. If anything, I’m not even doing this for myself even. I want to do this for Thorax, to be closer to him.” After flipping the hash brown to see that it’s crisped up on both sides, I put it on a plate before moving on to the next one.

“Wow you’re right, this is big,” Twilight commented. “I didn’t think that you want to be independent this soon.”

I snorted, “What? When did you think I was going to go out on my own? When I’m two-thousand?”

“Wha- no! I didn’t mean like that. Don’t get me wrong Spike. I’m happy for you. Really I am.”

“Says the Princess that sounds like she’s in denial,” Starlight gave that snide remark.

“I am not in denial,” she snapped back at her before taking in a deep breath. “It’s just… this is a lot to take in for one morning.

Denial,” her student said/song.

I heard that,” she echoed in the same manner. “But let’s not focus on that, for now, let’s finish making this and have a nice, peaceful breakfast.”

Later on that night, I knocked on Twilight’s bedroom door. “Hey Twi, you still up?” She answered it by turning the knob and swinging it open for me to enter. As expected, Twilight was on the bed, snout buried in a book. “Can we talk?”

She was able to close what she was reading and look up at me. “What’s up?”

I sat down on the edge of her bed, “You know, you haven’t really said much since this morning – regarding my plans.”

“That you’re moving?” I nodded, “Well what about it?”

“First of all, are you really okay with this? Starlight did have a point that you seemed a little upset.”

Pfft,” she waved a hoof, “Me? Upset? Why would I be upset, I’m not upset.”

I raised an eyebrow, “You know, I’ve heard that cliché before.” She asked what I was talking about, “The part where you act somewhat off while telling everypony that there’s nothing wrong but there clearly is because you want to avoid confrontation as much as possible.”

“Ah, I see that you’ve gotten around to that encyclopedia of character traits,” she gave off a nervous smile. However, my skeptical gaze made it buckle underneath the weight of the situation. With a defeated sigh she told me, “Look, it’s not that I’m against this. Far from it. I am telling you the truth that I am happy and proud of you for taking on such a monumental stepping stone.”


“But at the same time…” She rubbed the back of her head. “I know this is going to sound weird, but it’s… I’m having the realization that you really aren’t going to be around much anymore. Considering all that you’ve done for not just me, but for Celestia, the girls, Starlight and- heck, even Discord, I simply can’t imagine how things would have functioned without you. And I’m not just talking about being my number one assistant either. Having you go away is like… having a family member go. I mean, after moving out from my parents and my brother has gone to the Crystal Empire, it’s like everypony that I considered to be family is drifting further away.”

“Oh I get it,” I put a claw on her shoulder. “You’re letting that empty nest syndrome sink in.”

She snorted, “It’s not that I’m a mother.”

“I would disagree,” I mused. “Considering that you and Celestia practically raised me. I’m not naïve about how you must feel about this. You’re like a quasi-mother to me that, although not a dragon, you had no doubt cared about me enough to the point where I’m practically your son.”

Twi nuzzled me, “Thank you, Spike. I guess I’m just a little worried about you, is all. And I shouldn’t be considering that you’re moving in with someone that I trust you with. Thorax is a good king and friend from the start. If anything else, I just want you to be with someone that you’d consider family.”

“But are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

“I admit, hearing your plans did stun me a bit. Although I still trying to figure out how exactly would I function without burying myself alive in research, books, and letters.”

“That’s why you have Starlight around,” I chuckled, “Especially when you have your kinda-maybe-sorta relationship.”

This made her blush, “I am not in a relationship with Starlight.”

“I don’t know, coulda fooled me,” I teased with a grin. “Even after she graduated, she still wants to stay here of all places in Equestria. I wonder why.”

“Not everypony that I run into is attracted to the same sex.” I raised an eyebrow, “I said ‘not everypony.’

“Oh Twilight,” I patted her head. “It’s okay; you can come out of the closet any century now.”

Why does everyone keep saying that?” she muttered. After clearing her throat she changed the topic. “Did you start making plans?”

I nodded, “Yeah since Thorax is going to get some of the hive to move my stuff, I just need to figure out what exactly to bring with me. I figured that I might send the light, smaller stuff first before moving the bed, desk and my comic book collection. However, I do need to talk to you about things that you might want to let go or not.”

“Such as?”

“Some of the cooking supplies, although I don’t know if we should get a second set or not. Or probably bring some of the books and maybe a few records… I don’t know, I guess we’ll figure out by the end of the month.”

“Promise me that you’ll write and visit as often as you can.”

I smiled, “Of course Twilight.”

About a month later, after all the plans, the negotiations of what I should take with me, and Twilight insisting that she should move my things with me all the way to the Hive, I at the end of the caravan of Changelings towards the hive with cardboard boxes on their backs. Thorax and Pharynx were over looking at the parade of cardboard that entered into the hive towards my new, permanent room. Into this space, boxes were lined up against the walls while the furniture was set in the middle of it to be settled later.

I was in the room, picking up the boxes off of their backs and setting them down around the room when I’ve heard Twilight’s voice just outside of the doorway.

“Don’t forget to remind Spike to brush his teeth every evening before he goes to bed,” she said. “And to have him clean up after his shredded scales every-”

“Princess Twilight,” Thorax interjected. “I have been with him for about a year now; I think I know of his hygiene habits by now. Don’t worry, we got this.”

“Yeah… yeah, you’re right; I keep forgetting how fast he’s grown up to be.”

“I know, but I can sense the worry coming off from you. I and the Hive welcome Spike like he’s one of us. If anything, we’re ecstatic that he’s chosen to live with us. So of course, we’ll look after and protect him as much as you’ve done with him.”


“I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye Pinkie Promise that we’ll make it a priority to have Spike live in the Hive safe and happy.”

“Between you and me, out of all that Spike has had a relationship with, I’m relieved that he fell in love with you.”

This gave me pause to listen.

“Is that so?” Thorax inquired.

“I mean, you’ve managed to save his scales before in more ways than one – just as much as he has done for you in return. Spike is a good dragon, and he deserves to be with someone that not only does he love, but I feel that he needs to be with. Someone who would keep him in balance, to be with him whenever he has his insecurities about himself – now I don’t mean that he needs someone that agrees with him all the time, rather he needs to have someone that acts as his consciousness. I think that out of everyone, you fit the bill in every regard.”

“Wow… thank you, Princess.”

“But at the same time, I do want him to be safe overall. And I hope that this decision won’t be something that he’ll come to regret.”

I stuck out my head through the doorway. “I don’t think I will,” I said stepping through. “Still, thanks for helping me out with this.”

“It’s the least I can do,” she flew up to hug me. “Just remember Spike, if you need anything from me, anything at all, just write to me.”

“I know.” I smiled, looking over at Thorax, “And thanks for giving me the chance to let me be independent.”