• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 5,209 Views, 354 Comments

Scaled Heights - Zephyr Spark

Rainbow Dash discovers Spike has the makings of a great archer to represent Ponyville in the next Equestria Games, but dragon-hating officials, and a dragon-fearing town are bent to bar him, and Ponyville, from the games

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Chapter 13 Aftermath

Baltimare’s Emergency Room, 6 am.

The two doctors worked tirelessly on the unconscious pink unicorn. Through the window, seven ponies and one dragon watched helplessly, as one of their best friends lay motionless save for the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Spike’s accusatory, grief-filled eyes stared at Twilight.

“I tried to, really I did. But we kept getting interrupted and after the wedding I just forgot.”

“You forgot Starlight?”

Scalding tears trickled down the face of the Princess of Friendship, the weight of her apprentice’s condition and her own unintentional hand in it crashing down on her. At the sight of his family, his literal hero crying, Spike’s anger melted away. He quickly embraced Twilight, stroking the back of her neck.

“It ain’t your fault, sugar cube,” said Applejack, laying a hoof on her shoulder.

“Yes it is. I should’ve been out there.”

“So y’all could end up like Starlight? They were expecting you. They wanted to get you. Thanks to Starlight, they didn’t.”

Twilight gritted her teeth. Electric crackles sparked forth from the tip of her horn. “When I find the ones responsible…” She let the threat hang in the air, finishing the deadly thought with the flickering lights and wind whistling around her like the start of a hurricane. Then, she fell back into tears.

After hours that seemed to stretch into days, a doctor came out of the room. Spike and the others rushed over.

“Is she going to make it?” he asked.

“Physically, she’s perfectly fine. Just a mild concussion. But there is something we can’t explain. She seems to have lost her magical powers.”

“What?” Twilight gasped. “But how?”

“We’re not sure. To my knowledge, unicorns can’t lose their magic under normal circumstances. Unless these ponies she was investigating had some form of arcane magic or magic-nullifying tools, there isn’t any rational explanation for it. We’ll do the best we can to help her recover, but if we can’t find anything…” the doctor’s eyes glanced away for a moment. He looked through the glass window at Starlight, letting out an uneasy sigh. “She might have to get used to living without magic.”

As the doctor went back to the emergency room, Twilight stared blankly at Starlight.

“That’s why they wanted me. They wanted to take away my magic. But they got Starlight instead. This really is my fault.”

“You shouldn’t blame yourself,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “You weren’t the one who took her magic. It’s not like you knew they could even do that.”

“Magic-stealing dragon-haters.” Rarity cringed. Her voice shook with fear. “Baltimare isn’t safe for anypony. Not anymore.”

“Maybe,” Bulk said, “We should go home.”

“No.” Spike’s voice sent a quiet through the room. They turned to look at him. His body trembled, his throat swallowing tears, but he clenched his fists defiantly. “This shows why we can’t give up.”

As they remained silent, digesting Spike’s response, Starlight’s eyes blinked awake, her head slowly turning to her friends gathered at the window. A faint smile spread across her face.

The mood in the Canterlot Palace turned sour when they heard of Starlight’s condition. Now, the Royal Council feared that if the Princesses went to Baltimare they would suffer the same fate. Naturally, Prince Blueblood, ever the opportunist, stoked those fears, all but forcing the council to vote on whether Princess Celestia and Princess Luna should attend the Games or remain in Canterlot. In Princess Celestia’s royal chambers, both rulers awaited the jury’s ruling. The wait proved irritating for Princess Luna, who paced across the marbled floor.

“This is absurd!” Princess Luna exclaimed. Her voice practically roared through the castle. “Horrendous! I can’t believe you’d let them vote on this.”

“Democracy means giving everyone a voice, Luna” Princess Celestia sighed. “As much as we may not like it.”

“You know why Prince Blueblood is doing this. He wants to make sure we can’t help Spike. And keeping us away from Baltimare means it’ll only be a matter of time before he bans him.”

“Give him the benefit of the doubt, Luna. He does want to protect us from the mob. Everyone in the council does.”

“Please. He can’t push forward his dragon-intolerant regime and claim he’s just looking out for everypony,” Said Princess Luna as she paced across the hall.

“Think about the situation for a second, sister. If we lost our magic, who would raise the sun and moon?”

“Government’s changed a lot since the thousand years I spent on the moon.” Princess Luna frowned. “This ‘thing’ you call ‘democracy?’ It doesn’t seem to get much done.”

“Sometimes it is frustrating. But I thought everypony deserved a voice. Maybe it could’ve stopped Sombra from rising to power.”

“I suppose,” Princess Luna said. “But I still don’t like this.”

“Well, on the bright side,” Princess Celestia glanced smartly at Luna from the corner of her eye, “We still have some bargaining power.”

“How so?”

Princess Celestia gave a mischievous smile as though she had stolen the last piece of cake and was now savoring every last sweet bite. “We refuse to comply unless they meet our demands.”

They heard hoofsteps coming down the hallway and assumed their positions on their thrones.

“Your highnesses, the council has reached a decision,” said the messenger.

“Really?” Said Princess Celestia innocently, as though she truly had no idea what the council decided.

Princess Luna picked up after her sister, following her unassuming lead. “And what do they believe would be best?”

“They believe you should both remain in Canterlot for your own protection and the safety of our kingdom. They also believe Princess Twilight Sparkle should be removed from Baltimare as soon as possible.”

“I will adhere to their decision and stay in Canterlot,” said Princess Celestia, “but only on the condition Twilight Sparkle remains in Baltimare with Spike.”

Princess Luna nodded, “And I will concede on the condition that Ponyville and Spike are allowed to participate in the Games, without any complaint.”

The messenger’s lips twisted with displeasure. “Perhaps, we could reach different conditions?”

“Certainly,” Princess Celestia said, bringing the briefest smile to the messenger’s face. “Luna goes to the Games, Twilight is removed, and Spike participates.”

“Or perhaps,” Luna said, “My sister goes to the Games instead of me.” And with that, the smile vanished from the messenger’s face.

“Really, your majesties, be reasonable. Equestria depends on both of you. If something were to happen to either of you—.”

“I understand why you’re afraid to return to Prince Blueblood with this message,” Said Princess Celestia. “Tell him and the council that this is my decision.”

“Our decision,” Luna added. “He’s been avoiding us ever since he announced plans to ban Spike. He hasn’t held one single hearing in defense of Spike. If he’d like to defend his plan in court before all of Equestria, then maybe we could discuss this like adults. If not, then I suppose we’ll just have to ignore him as he’s ignored us.”

“But your majesties,” he said, “You can’t just ignore the Royal Council.”

“We aren’t,” Princess Celestia said with an almost smug grin. “Before we agree to anything, we have to answer the question that no pony’s been willing to face: When will the council debate if Spike and Ponyville can participate in the Games? No more stalling, no more half-promises. We’ve given the courts time to decide, and now we want a verdict. If they say no, then I’m afraid we will have to intervene.”

He trembled with frustration, “You can’t just override the council like this.”

“Actually, we can. When the council fails to defend the rights of a town or individual, we must act. I’ve given them time to consider the case. Now, I expect an answer within the hour.”

Creases appeared across the messenger’s forehead. With an exhausted sigh, he bowed, “Right away, your majesties.” He turned around, and trod back to the council room, reluctant to deliver the message.

“I think I’m starting to see some of the benefits of this ‘democracy,’ sister,” said Princess Luna. “But I still have apprehensions about this whole ordeal.”

“Have faith, Luna. Twilight hasn’t failed me yet. As long as she has her friends, she never will.” Princess Celestia’s eyes turned to the window, as though she were trying to project herself to Baltimare.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the brevity. This was supposed to be part of a longer chapter, but the rest of it is being edited. I hope to post it within the week. I felt like I just had to post something so I posted this. Anyways, thanks for tuning in.