• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 5,208 Views, 354 Comments

Scaled Heights - Zephyr Spark

Rainbow Dash discovers Spike has the makings of a great archer to represent Ponyville in the next Equestria Games, but dragon-hating officials, and a dragon-fearing town are bent to bar him, and Ponyville, from the games

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Chapter 12 Celebrations

By the time Starlight returned to her hotel room, Spike and Twilight had already read most of the fan letters. When she noticed the massive letter pile on her bed, she was left wondering where she would sleep tonight.

“Sorry, Starlight. Spike received a lot of fan mail and I couldn’t fit them all on the desk.” Twilight said.

“It’s fine. I just wanted to say the Griffonstone team said they’re on our side now.”

“Great,” Spike said. “I’m glad you changed their mind.”

“Nah, it wasn’t me. It was mostly Dash and,” she flashed a proud grin at Spike, “a certain somedragon’s speech.”

He rubbed the back of his head as his eyes gazed down. He gave a reluctant smile, feeling pleased but flustered.

Another pony knocked on the door. Starlight opened the door to find an orange royal guard, whom she couldn’t recognize as Thorax in disguise. Twilight on the other hoof recognized the changeling immediately.

“There you are. Come in.”

With unease, Thorax realized Spike was there as well. He did his best to avoid looking Spike directly in the eye, fearing he would be instantly recognized. It would be harder to infiltrate the teams if anypony besides Twilight knew about him. He could feel Spike’s eyes trained on his face, as sweat trickled down his neck and his legs shifted.

“Relax,” Twilight said to the guard. “I’m about to tell them anyways.”

“Tell us what?” Starlight tilted her head.

“Starlight, Spike, I should probably tell you both about—.”

Before she could say a word, a third loud knock from outside interrupted Twilight.

“Twilight! Spike! Are you in there?” Spitfire’s voice rang out from the other side.

Twilight stifled her sigh, wondering how many more ponies would barge into her room, and opened the door. The yellow pegasus shifted excitedly, a teeth-filled grin on her face, a foreign expression on the normally stern captain’s face.

“Lightning Star asked Fleetfoot to marry him and she said yes!”

“No way, they got together?” Spike smiled. “That’s amazing! Where are they? I gotta congratulate them.”

“They’re in the dining hall. Pinkie’s throwing them a huge part… Well, a moderate sized party, Lightning’s not comfortable with a big party.”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight said. Spike had one foot out the door, when she spoke. He turned around, looking back at the alicorn. “Since when has Lightning had a crush on Fleetfoot? Since when have they been a ‘thing?’

Spike and Spitfire gave Twilight flat-eyed expressions. Spitfire raised an eyebrow, and Spike shook his head with a semi-amused chuckle. To her surprise, even Starlight rolled her eyes. Her lips tried to choke down a laugh.

“What? What’s so funny?”

“Anypony could see they were in love,” Spitfire said. “It’s pretty obvious. I mean have you seen the way they look at each other? They can’t be in a room together without getting all flustered.”

“Seriously,” Starlight said. “I barely know Fleetfoot and even I can tell she likes him. It’s practically written all over her face.”

“What are you talking about?” Twilight frowned. “I never saw that.”

“Reading ponies is different from reading books,” Starlight suggested with an innocent, teasing glance.

Twilight’s mouth stuttered as her head tried to process these events. “How’d you and Spike know?”

“Twilight, you know every spell in Equestria,” Spike said. “But when it comes to romance, you … could use some more studying.”

Baffled, Twilight found herself at a loss of words, so Spike took the opportunity to excuse himself. Spitfire wasted no time in racing to Dash’s door and delivering the news. The cyan pegasus was quick to bolt down the hall, followed by Fluttershy eager to share in the celebration. Soon, the entire hall was heading downstairs, except for Starlight and Twilight, quickly who closed her room’s door.

“Aren’t you gonna go congratulate them?” Starlight asked.

“Of course. But I was trying to tell you two something important.” She turned to the orange royal guard and nodded. “Show her.”

A lime veil flashed over his body, revealing Thorax. Starlight almost jumped in surprise.

“Thorax has been doing some undercover work for me,” Twilight explained. “I asked him to spy on the other teams to see if they know who more about who trashed Spike’s room. I was about to tell both of you.”

When Starlight said nothing, Twilight turned to Thorax. “Did you find out anything?”

“Silver Shine mentioned an old rally place for those dragon-haters he used to run with. Said it’s in downtown by the old warehouse with Sir Knight of Trottingham’s statue. Not much, but it’s a start.”

Twilight nodded. “Thanks Thorax. That’s more than enough to get started. I’ll get some royal guards and look into it.”

“Hold on,” Starlight interjected. “You’re not actually planning on going there, are you?”

“Yes, why shouldn’t I?”

“They’d recognize you in an instant.” Starlight said, “I don’t know if you know this, but you are the Princess of Friendship, and an alicorn. If they caught you…”

“I appreciate your concern, but I can look after myself.”

“Sure, but what if they recognize you and flee? Then you’ll lose them forever, and we’ll never find out what they’re up to.”

“She has a point,” Thorax conceded. “You said we have to figure out if they’re planning anything so we can stop them. We can’t do that if they recognize you and run away.”

“Plus, it’d be pretty hard trying to explain why you weren’t at Lightning’s party tonight. If anyone in the hotel is in league with the dragon-haters, they’ll notice and send word right away that you’re missing.”

“Thorax can go to the party disguised as me,” said Twilight. “No one will know the difference.”

“Spike probably will,” Thorax frowned. “I’m not sure I could trick him for a whole night. When he figures out, my disguise will get blown, and then everypony will know I’ve been spying.”

“But you’d look exactly like me. Even he couldn’t—.”

“Twilight,” Starlight fixed her eyes on the lilac alicorn, intently. “Spike’s known you all his life. In some ways, he knows you better than you know yourself. Do you really think he couldn’t recognize somepony pretending to be you?”

“Well, I…” Twilight’s voice trailed out, a slight scowl crossed her eyes. “I guess you have a point. So what do you suggest then?”

Starlight blinked and turned away, thinking of an answer. She took a deep breath and looked into Twilight’s eyes with determination. “Send me instead.”

“No, out of the question.”

“Just hear me out,” She said insistently. “Ponies probably won’t recognize me like they would you or any of your friends. Plus, if things go bad, my magic can handle the mob.”

“This is a stealth mission. I don’t want you picking a fight with them.”

“I don’t have to get directly into the action. I can stay back, let Thorax get close to them, and be there for backup if he needs it.”

Thorax said, “If I go with a few undercover royal guards, I’m sure we’ll be fine. Besides, they might not even show up.”

Even at the thought of a full battalion of royal guards, Twilight was no less uncertain or reluctant about this decision, but she didn’t see any other options.

“I won’t let you down,” Starlight promised.

“Just find out what they’re up to and get out. Do not, under any circumstances, let them see you. And whatever happens, don’t get involved. No matter what they say or do, you can’t let them find you.”

Starlight nodded.

“You two look out for each other, understand?”

Starlight nodded again.

“And stay safe.”

“We’ll be fine, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled for a moment, wondering when Starlight had grown so much from that tyrant who stole cutie marks. With a final nod, she left Starlight to her work and headed downstairs.

The mood in the dining hall was remarkably different from the previous, tense night. Instead of being at each other’s throats, every team gathered at one long table, laughing, celebrating, and wishing prosperity to the happy couple sitting at the head of the table. Hotel cakes and pies topped with vanilla ice cream lined the table, along with mugs of warm apple cider. Everypony was laughing, wearing a smile, adding to the general celebration filling the dining hall. The normally stoic Dark Spectre sang a frankly shrill love song on a karaoke machine with Pinkie Pie, holding a mug of sloshing apple cider in her hoof. Lightning and Fleetfoot couldn’t help laughing at the sight as they shamelessly cuddled.

Twilight found a seat by Spike next to Lightning Star at the head of the table. She started to say, “Congratulations on getting married,” but Pinkie and Dark Specter’s singing was drowning her out. Thunder Star blinked, wondering what Twilight had tried to say. “Sorry, what was that?” Twilight cleared her throat, “I said—.” Before she could say a word, Pinkie Pie and Dark Spectre reached the grating, chalkboard-scratching chorus. “Sweet Fluttershy, ba-ba-bum, tea time never felt so good! So good, so good, so good!”

At the other end of the table, Fluttershy sighed, hiding her head with embarrassment as ponies glanced at her. The yellow pegasus grumbled, “I’ll get Discord for making up that stupid song.” He made up the song to tease her, and to her chagrin it proved immeasurably popular. Ever since then, she couldn’t go to a single karaoke bar without hearing Discord’s obnoxious song blasted out by screechy ponies.

Still, she did her best to put aside her annoyance to look cheerful for Lightning and Fleetfoot. They seemed perfectly content, nestling into each other at the head of the table, as though they existed in their own bubble of a universe. On the other end, next to Spike sat Thunder Star, Lightning’s little sister. The doctors gave her special permission to join the celebration, provided she would return to the hospital soon after. Fluttershy and her friends agreed not to draw attention to her prosthetic legs and did their best to welcome her to the party.

Soarin and Spitfire looked teary eyed, gazing at Fleetfoot with unabashed pride. Soarin looked especially close to being on the verge of happy tears, his bottom lip quivering with a wobbling smile. As the karaoke ended, a few ponies cheered, too joyous to even care that the song was objectively terrible.

“Thank you, Baltimare!” Dark Spectre said with a little slur, before giving a very sharp belch, “Excuse me.”

“Alright everypony,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Next up we’ve got ‘Living on a Prairie,’ ‘Never cease Believing,’ and ‘Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit.’”

“Heh, heh,” Dark Spectre chuckled. “That means ‘I Salute To Our Cozy Friendship and Good Times We’re Having Together.’ Nice choice. That’s my pa’s favorite party song.”

“Can’t have a karaoke party without a few classics, am I right?”

“Actually,” Spitfire said, “Before you two go on, I’d like to make a toast.”

“Captain?” Bulk Biceps raised a hoof. “You can’t make toast without a toaster.” Ponies unfamiliar with Bulk Biceps’ struggle understanding expressions, chuckled at what they assumed to be a joke, leaving the white stallion confused as ever. He decided to remain silent in his seat for the rest of the feast. Spitfire stood up, a mug held in her hoof.

“Contrary to popular opinion,” she began, “I do care about my Wonderbolts.”

This earned another round of chuckles. Dash bit her tongue so she couldn’t blurt out, “You could’ve fooled me.”

Spitfire continued, “It’s been my privilege watching some of the finest ponies in Equestria become Wonderbolts. Of those pegasai, Fleetfoot has been one of my greatest joys to watch over. She embodies the some of the best that the Wonderbolts can be: loyal, charitable, and an incredible example for fillies everywhere. And Lightning has shown himself to be a noble stallion, a real role model to all archers in the Equestria Games. They’re both ponies who give all their time to others, whether it be serving fillies, dragons, or just acting as an inspiration to others. They stand for the best in us, in all of us: love, kindness, empathy. To be honest, I’m a little surprised they hadn’t hooked up sooner, but that’s beside the point. I’m happy that they found each other because they bring so much light and hope into this world. I’d like to wish them my blessings and a long and happy life.” She raised her mug. “Here’s to love! Cheers!”

Everyone lifted their mugs, “Cheers!” and took a swig.

Spitfire sat back down.

“Thanks Spitfire,” Fleetfoot said with a smile. “It really means a lot to me.”

“No problem,” Spitfire sniffed through her apple cider. “It’s always a pleasure watching Wonderbolts get hitched and start new lives. I just,” She took a deep breath. A smile crossed her face as her eyes watered. “I just want you two to stay together forever, cause Celestia darn it you’re too cute.”

“Um thanks.”

“And I want lots of grandkids, understand?”

As ponies chortled, Fleetfoot and Lightning reddened, their eyes wide. Fleetfoot recovered first with a nervous laugh. “Well, I appreciate that … request. But you’re not my mom.”

“I’m your Captain!” Spitfire exclaimed. “It’s basically the same thing!”

Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not. You’re old enough to be my sister.”

“Sister, mom,” Spitfire shrugged, “it doesn’t matter. Wonderbolts are family, no matter what. You tell her, Soarin.

Soarin nodded, his breath heavy with apple cider. “You’d better make me an uncle.”

“We’re not even related!”

“We’re both Wonderbolts,” Soarin said. “You can’t spell ‘related’ without …” he searched for the proper words, “Wonderbolts. At least three letters from Wonderbolts.” That illogical conclusion seemed to satisfy him, so he took another swig of apple cider.

“Well, spelling aside, I appreciate the thought.” Fleetfoot managed to say honestly, in spite of the awkward direction things had gone. “And thanks to all of you for throwing us this party.”

“Yeah, you’ve all been so kind.” Lightning smiled. “Thank you so much. We’re truly lucky to have friends like you.”

“Lightning,” Thunder Star squeaked.


“Since we are related, does that mean I’m gonna be an aunt?”

Lightning blushed, finding himself at a loss for words, as the room filled with jovial laughter. Fleetfoot gave him a sly glance, offering Thunder a little wink that answered her question.

“Let’s just take it one thing at a time,” he said, “we’ll figure it out.”

As the party resumed its joyful celebration, Rarity came up to Pinkie Pie before she could start her next raucous song and whispered something into her ear. Pinkie Pie nodded with a big grin. She zoomed offstage, leaving a cloud of dust in her wake, only to reappear with a mandolin. Dark Spectre likewise retrieved her silver flute, which caught everyponies attention. Dark Spectre was a well-known flute enthusiast, but never played in front of other ponies. Pinkie tuned her instrument, while clearing her throat.

“Alright, this one goes out to Lightning and Fleetfoot. We’re gonna do a slow dance song, so grab a partner and mosey on down.”

They started a mellow love song, slower and more profound than anything Pinkie Pie would usually sing. Delicate, precise strums of the mandolin mingled with flute whistles in a sweet tune. Lightning offered Fleetfoot his hoof and led her to the dance floor. They began gently swaying to the music, slowly losing themselves in the moment. Gradually, other ponies quickly found themselves joining the couple on the dance floor. Soarin meekly offered Rainbow Dash his hoof. Even Bulk asked a surprised Fluttershy to dance and the shy mare found herself unable to refuse, if only because of how politely he asked.

“Hey Twilight,” Spike said. “Where’s Starlight?”

“Oh, she’s looking into something for me. I would’ve done it myself, but she didn’t want me to miss the party.”

“That’s too bad. She’s gonna miss the party. I guess we could save her a few cakes.” As he sipped his apple cider, Twilight couldn’t help feeling a twinge of guilt for not telling the whole truth, but she pushed the feeling down as best she could. “Anyways,” he said, “I’m gonna hit the dance floor. I promised someone a dance.”


“Later. For now, Thunder Star. I can’t disappoint a fan.”

Spike slid from his chair and extended his claws to Thunder, “Milady?”

“Spike, I can’t,” she said.

“But, you said you really wanted to.”

“That was before I saw all these ponies. I can’t do it with them looking at me. I’ll fall.”

“Don’t look at them, just look at me. I promise you, I won’t let you fall.”

She hesitantly took his claws and let him lead her to the dance floor. Spike steadied her with his claws, helping her balance and sway to the music. Twilight felt a smile stretching across her lips. The sight of Spike bringing a smile to a filly was truly magical. Rarity sat down next to Twilight and followed her gaze.

“Spike sure has grown up.” Twilight said with a nod towards them.

“I’ve noticed. Believe me, I’ve noticed.”

Twilight wondered what Rarity meant by that, but the unicorn wouldn’t say another word.

Starlight shivered in the Baltimare night, partly regretting her voluntary decision as she staked out on the top of a building overlooking the dumpy street. It’d been three hours since she arrived, and there was still no sign of activity. She stifled her yawn, doing her best to keep watch over the streets.

Then, she saw it. A trio of ponies, with faces covered by hoods and blank, expressionless masks, setting up a podium before the Sir Knight of Trottingham statue, then leaving without a word. Starlight remained motionless, peering through her binoculars to try identifying some of their physical features. Sadly, they’d covered themselves up under heavy clothing, leaving nothing, not even a cutie mark.

She grabbed her walkie-talkie, “This is Starlight. I just saw three hooded ponies set up a podium. Something might be happening after all.”

“I saw them too,” Thorax said. “Should we follow them?”

“We already have one guard following them,” A guard said. “For now, the rest of us should wait here. They must’ve set that up for a reason.”

Starlight did her best to get comfortable for the long night ahead.

As the party ended and ponies retired, Fleetfoot and Lightning Star remained behind with the teams of Ponyville, the Crystal Empire, and Cloudsdale. Since the party died down, Twilight finally had a chance to congratulate Fleetfoot and Lightning.

“I’ve been trying to tell you two all night, congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Fleetfoot said. “Why didn’t you say so sooner?”

“I did. You couldn’t hear me.”

“Well, we’re really happy to hear you say it now,” Lightning said. “Actually, if it’s not too much trouble, we’d like to ask you a favor.”

“Okay, what?”

“Fleetfoot and I’ve been talking about the wedding, and we want to get married as soon as possible. We don’t really want anything big or crazy, just a quaint, little ceremony. All the ponies we love are here right now. So we were wondering if you’d do us the honor.”

Twilight frowned. “Sorry, I don’t follow.”

“This is going to sound rash and maybe even crazy,” Said Fleetfoot. “But we just can’t wait another day. We want you to perform our marriage ceremony now.”

“Oh,” Twilight managed to keep her jaw from dropping. “You want me to perform the wedding ceremony?”

“You are a princess,” Fleetfoot said. “We just assumed you could.”

“I-well I,” she stammered, “I’ve never really done anything like that. I’m not sure where to begin or what to say. I’m not even sure I could. I might not have the proper legal authority.”

Pinkie Pie leapt in between them, “I can do it! I can marry you.”

“Uh, Pinkie?” Said Bulk, “Fleetfoot wants to marry Lightning, not you.”

“That’s not what I…” Pinkie Pie sighed, letting her voice trail off. “Dang it Bulk,” she grumbled under her breath.

“Sorry, did I say something?”

“I’m supposed to be the funny pony. Stop stealing my thunder!”

“‘Your thunder?’ Are you saying you’re Thunder Star’s mom?”

“Wow.” Pinkie Pie’s eyes flattened. “I walked into that one.”

“How do you walk into motherhood? It’s an abstract concept, the literal state of being a mother, not some sort of wall you can just walk into.”

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Fleetfoot said hoping to get the conversation back on track. “What did you say about marrying?”

She cleared her throat. “If you need somepony to get you two married I’m your mare.”

“Pinkie, this is serious,” Twilight said.

“I am being serious. Legally, I’m empowered to perform marriage ceremonies.”

“What? Since when?”

She reached into her fluffy mane and pulled out a marriage officiant certificate,

bearing Princess Celestia’s royal seal. “I’ve had to throw a few wedding parties and figured it would come in handy, like right now.”

Within an hour, Pinkie set up the altar and rows of chairs for the wedding pews Rarity managed to sew a humble but elegant wedding dress for Fleetfoot. Spitfire and Soarin agreed that he would walk her down the aisle and Spitfire would be her Maid of Honor. Lightning considered asking Silver Shine to be his Best Man, but the elder had turned in long ago. Thankfully, Spike was more than ready to step up. Soon, they began the procession and Fleetfoot stood before Lighting at the altar. Pinkie went through a lengthy wedding speech before turning to the married couple.

“Do you both promise to love each other in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?”

“We do.”

“Then by the power vested in me by Her Majesty Princess Celestia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Needing no further incentive, they leaned in and kissed each other. Everypony applauded, filling the room with whistles and cheers. As everyone left, Twilight watched Lightning and Fleetfoot wish everyone goodnight, thanking the doctor for bringing Thunder Star and walking them to the hotel doors. Thunder gave them both a hug before departing for the hospital, and the newly weds headed to their couple suite. Twilight felt lighter, as though a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. In the midst of tragedy, it seemed miracles could happen. She only felt guilty that Starlight had to miss it.

Starlight wiped her burning eyelids, reddened with exhaustion. Five hours since the podium was set up, and nothing happened since. The long hours were quickly setting in, as she found herself blinking off to sleep, before a voice snapped her back awake.

“Starlight, this is Thorax. Do you copy?”

“Yeah. What’s going on?”

“There’s a group of hooded ponies making their way down the street. Looks like they’re headed right for the statue. I’m going to sneak in and see what I can figure out.”

“Be careful.”

Soon enough, the group came into sight. Like phantoms they glided across the street bearing torches and flags, whilst chanting in uniform.

“You won’t burn us out! You won’t burn us out!”

They filled the street, some fifty hooded figures. They brought out a straw effigy made to resemble Spike, before setting it ablaze. Flickering ashes trailed into the sky, and they continued to chant, while a single hooded pony took to the podium.

“Brothers, sisters,” he said with a throaty voice that commanded absolute authority, “I stand before you today with pride in my heritage as a pony, with pride in my heritage as the true citizen of Equestria, and with disgust for the monarchy that continues to side with monsters, with creatures who do not represent the pride and solidarity of ponykind as we do. I stand before you, determined to lead you to change and justice. To show them the strength of our creed.”

“You won’t burn us out!”

Everything he said was met with applause. He kept using words like “monster, lizard, traitors.” He pointedly mentioned Spike and Twilight to a round of hisses and boos, before arguing they were opposed to pony-rights. This received more chants, “You won’t burn us out!” The speaker seemed to know exactly what to say to prey on his audience’s fears, stoking their blazing hate with his fire poker voice. Hearing his words laced with hatred and bile made Starlight feel physically ill.

He said, “We don’t have to be afraid of who we are. We know what we want. Equestria for ponies only!”

“You won’t burn us out!”

He went on, “Princess Twilight has betrayed all ponies by siding with a dragon, monsters that have been attacking ponies since the dawn of our great nation. They’ve burned us, attacked us, and killed us. Never forget the wrongs they have done you.”

“You won’t burn us out!”

“They have no place in Equestria, and demanding we give up our rights for them is the highest form of hypocrisy.”

“You won’t burn us out!”

“Princess Celestia cannot be trusted to protect ponies. Her refusal to drive dragons from our lands caused the Fillydelphia attack. Her highness will not defend us. We, who founded this great world, we, the first to build civilization, this great kingdom, have become the persecuted within our own kingdom. Dragons walk among us, plotting to uproot everything Equestria stands for. So tonight, we take actions to defend ourselves.”

“You won’t burn us out!”

“The media refuses to cover the many ways dragons have attacked ponies, how nonponies constantly threaten us. Why? Because they don’t think we matter. But tonight, we show them the truth.”

“You won’t burn us out!”

“Tonight, we show that ponies will not be consigned to history, that we will rise to our rightful place. We send a message to our Prince Blueblood, who swore to remove the lizard from the Games. We show him that we, his supporters, stand behind him in defending the rights of ponies. Come the Games, we will show them the strength of our creed.”


The speaker opened his mouth to speak, when his eyes locked onto a face in the crowd. The crowd noticed his silence. Unconsciously, they backed away from the pony he stared at, whose body betrayed nervous trembling. The speaker pointed a hoof at the trembling pony.

“My fellow ponies, it would seem we have a guest. And not just any guest: the King of all Changelings. Seize him.”

The ponies pounced on Thorax with their torches, but Thorax transformed into a bear and tried to push through the crowd. They raked his sides with their torches while chanting their creed. Starlight teleported down and stopped the mob in a single magic spell. They remained suspended in air, helpless in her magic aura.

“You’re all under arrest for conspiracy, treason, and assault,” Starlight said as the royal guards emerged from their hiding spots to join her. She turned to the speaker on the podium with a harsh glare. “You have a lot to answer for.”

He snorted. “I was expecting Twilight, but I guess you’ll do.”

The guards moved to arrest the hooded figure, when they heard the thundering of hoofs pattered towards them. Starlight turned around. Nearly a hundred hooded ponies charged into the plaza with torches, rods, and makeshift weapons. Their chanted creed thundered in the night as they flooded into the street. An ambush. They crashed into the royal guards, who managed to hold the mob back with defensive shield spells. Blue shields stopped the first wave of assaulters from taking a step further, but more rushed forward pushing the guards. Hooded unicorns launched bolts of magic electricity at the guards. One stray bolt slipped through the shield spells and electrocuted a guard. His shield faltered, leaving a vulnerable gap in their defenses. As Starlight readied her spell to freeze them all, a dozen hooded figures burst through the line and piled onto the guards. Before they could land a single blow, Starlight blasted the hooded ponies away from the guards, and cast a spell to contain the protestors.

A feeble glassy wall surrounded the protestors, only to crumble away. Her heart skipped a beat as a weakness coursed through her body. She tried to cast another spell. Her horn sparked, but couldn’t summon up enough energy for a single spell. Had her lack of sleep debilitated her magic? With panic, she realized she could no longer feel her magic. This moment of weakness proved fatal when her eyes went blind, red from the sudden sharp pain in the back of her head. Then, her vision faded into darkness.

As soon as she fell, the mob retreated into the streets, leaving the battered guards panting for air. Thorax limped towards Starlight. He screamed for the guards’ help. They surrounded Starlight and checked her pulse. Crimson liquid puddled around the crown of her head.