• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 5,209 Views, 354 Comments

Scaled Heights - Zephyr Spark

Rainbow Dash discovers Spike has the makings of a great archer to represent Ponyville in the next Equestria Games, but dragon-hating officials, and a dragon-fearing town are bent to bar him, and Ponyville, from the games

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Chapter 10 Encouragement

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: Brute Strength and Zazu the Zebra are OCs lent to me by Jungoon Warrior (Correct me if I'm getting the name wrong)

Rarity had finished her discussion with the Baltimare athletes, and was heading down the hall to report back to Twilight. As she hastily rounded a corner, she almost ran into Fleetfoot.

“Oh, excuse me,” Rarity said.

“It’s fine.” She smiled.

The pegasus was about to walk past Rarity when the unicorn stopped her. “I just wanted to say, thank you for standing up for Spike yesterday.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She said, “I might not know Spike that well, but I can tell he’s a good guy. Nopony deserves to be treated how he’s been. Plus he’s Lightning’s student. I have to support him too.”

Rarity’s interest became piqued at the mention of Spike’s teacher. “That’s interesting.”


“Well, forgive my curiosity, but what does Lightning have to do with defending Spike?”

“Oh, you know.” Fleetfoot said, hoping she wouldn’t have to explain herself further.

“Sorry, I don’t follow.”

“Lightning’s a good guy. I couldn’t leave him hanging. Just want to help a friend out is all.”

Rarity’s lips curled into a knowing, smug grin.

Fleetfoot blinked, her eyes darting around the hallway. “What? What’s with that smile?”

“My, my, my,” Rarity said with slight shake of her head. “I didn’t know you had a crush on Lightning.”

Fleetfoot’s eyes wandered across the room, her legs shifted uncomfortably, and her cheeks turned red, which was all the confirmation Rarity needed.

“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Rarity gave an excited little squeal and hopped in place. “I have so many questions. When did you two meet? How long have you known each other?”

Fleetfoot tried to avoid eye contact, hoping to drop the issue, but relented, “Four years.”

“Have you told him yet? Do you think he likes you too?”

Fleetfoot nodded to Rarity’s last question.

“Are you two special someponies?”

Fleetfoot sighed, her shoulders sagged, and her gaze fell to the scarlet-carpeted floor. Rarity frowned, easily surmising the answer to her question was a big “no.”

“I’m sorry,” Rarity said. “Is there something keeping you two apart?”

“He works in the Crystal Empire, I work in Cloudsdale,” Said Fleetfoot. “But that’s not the real problem.”

“May I ask what is?”

Fleetfoot made sure nopony was around to hear them. Then, she turned to Rarity and lowered her voice.

“A while ago, something happened to Lightning’s sister, and he’s been blaming himself for it ever since. He thinks it’s his fault for not being there to stop it.” Fleetfoot shook her head a little with a weary sigh. “I guess he’s afraid that he’d end up hurting me too.”

“But he couldn’t hurt a fly,” Rarity said. “He’s such a gentlecolt.”

“That’s what I tell him. I guess he’s just not ready to move on.”

“I’m sorry.” Rarity placed a kind hoof on Fleetfoot’s shoulder. “I know it can be frustrating to watch someone you love blame themselves.”

“Sometimes I could just kick him in the face,” Fleetfoot said with a wry, unsmiling chuckle. “I wish he’d see in himself what everypony does. Then maybe he’d start seeing why I need him. Because, he’s one of the only things in life that makes sense, you know?”

As Fleetfoot stared down the hallway, lost in her own maze of thoughts, Rarity felt her eyes buzzing with tears.

“Have you ever tried talking to him?”

“Yeah.” She said. “Don’t cry. I’m the one with the bad love life. Anyways, I need to get back to Spitfire.”

With a downtrodden expression, Rarity watched the mare make her way down the hall. She could understand Fleetfoot’s disappointment. Her love life wasn’t the greatest either. Blueblood and Trenderhoof? Disappointments. Rarity tightened her lip, determined to help Fleetfoot. With a passionate fire in her heart, she set off to look for Lightning Star.

Dash’s hooves clopped across the lobby floor as she paced, wondering where Spike vanished. Her mind was a thundercloud of worry and frustration.

Thankfully, the sight of Spike entering the hotel front door, accompanied by Lightning Star and a royal guard, alleviated her worries. She raced to Spike, her irritation mixing with relief.

“Where have you been?”

“Sorry for not telling you, but I went to meet a fan of mine. Lightning figured it would make me feel better.”

Rainbow quickly turned her gaze to Lighting, who offered a simple nod to confirm the dragon’s story. Dash sighed, unable to stay angry with him.

“Alright, as long as you’re okay I guess it’s fine. However, whenever you go out from now on make sure I know where you’re going, okay?”

“Dash,” he said, “I just want you to know that I won’t back down. I’m going to the Equestria Games.”

Dash looked at the small dragon apprehensively. “That’s great Spike, but are you sure? I mean after everything that’s happened I don’t want to stay here if you don’t want to, and I won’t force you to stay for the team’s sake. We totally get it if you want to leave.”

“No, I’m not going to stay in the Games because I’m stubborn. I’m staying in because I want to.”

Dash smiled. “Glad to hear it. But if it ever gets too much for you and you want to drop out, I’ll respect your decision.”

“Thanks, but I don’t plan on leaving. Too many ponies and nonponies are looking to me for inspiration. I can’t just disappoint them.”

Dash found herself starting in awe at the young dragon. He seemed different: taller, prouder, more confident? Whatever it was, she couldn’t put her hoof on it, but she was glad to see him standing tall after everything.

“Hey, Spike!” An obnoxious voice snarled.

Dash, and Lightning scowled at the sight of Yellow Bolt, stomping towards them. The royal guard planted himself firmly in front of Yellow Bolt, glaring with so much palpable intensity that the archer took a step back.

“What do you want, Yellow?” Spike said.

“Tell your guards to stop treating me like a criminal. I don’t need you sabotaging my training with their interrogations.”

The guard snorted at him. “I don’t like your tone, mister.”

“You’d be mad too if someone kept dragging you away every other hour,” Yellow Bolt grumbled. “How am I supposed to practice?”

Spike decided to intervene before Yellow could provoke the guard any further.

“Mr. Guard,” he said. “Is that true?”

The stallion nodded.

“Well, I’m sure we can come to a compromise. Right?”

The guard nodded and said, “I’ll make sure my guards don’t cause any further interference with the competition. Will that suffice?”

Bolt’s mouth opened to retort, but with another glance at the guard’s sharp scowl, he swallowed whatever he was going to say.

“Sure, whatever,” Bolt marched off. He turned back a moment. “And just so you know, I had nothing to do with your room, okay? I don’t like you, but I’d never stoop so low as to pull a stunt like that. I have some pride.”

With that, he entered the dining hall.

“That jerk never lets up,” Dash said.

“To be honest, he doesn’t bother me too much anymore.” Spike said. “At least he used my name instead of lizard.”

“Yeah, I guess he did. Anyways, Twilight wants to see you. She’s got some letters for you.”

“Letters? From who?”

“You want a list? Basically, from your fans all over Equestria.”

Excited, Spike headed to the stairs accompanied by his royal guard.

“I don’t know what you did to get his spirits up, Lightning, but thanks,” She said with a little nod. “He wasn’t sure if he could go through with the Games this morning.”

“I’m just happy I could help.”

Seeing Spike’s determination gave Rainbow Dash some much needed peace of mind. If he wouldn’t give up, then neither would she.

“I’m going to talk with the Griffonstone team,” She said. “See if I can change their minds.”

She headed up the stairs after Spike. Lightning was about to walk into the dining hall and get some lunch, when a voice called to him. He turned to the stairs and saw Rarity trotting after him.

“Oh, hello, Miss Rarity,” Lightning said, offering a polite bow. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“I want to tell you something.”

“Alright. What is it?”

“Well, I just had a rather pleasant conversation with Fleetfoot. She’s wonderful company, and an impressive athlete as well. Though I have to say, she seemed more interested in talking about you than the Games.”

Lightning's face turned red at the mention of Fleetfoot, stammering as he tried to hide his embarrassment, “Well, we both want to help Spike. It’s only natural.”

Rarity, still playing coy, simply pushed forward, “Of course, though she also seems quite inspired by you. She even said part of the reason she wanted to help Spike, was because she’d do anything for you. Quite interesting don’t you think?”

Lightning now found himself choking on his words, stammering some unintelligible sounds, his face blushing as he studied his hoofs to avoid making eye contact.

Seeing she’d all but broken through his facade Rarity moved in, “Let’s not beat around the bush shall we, darling? She clearly likes you, question is do you like her back?”

Seeing lying was pointless, Lighting slumped his shoulders in defeat. “Y-yeah. She’s amazing.”

“Glad we have that settled. Now I understand something in the past is what’s keeping you from pursuing her, correct? I won’t pretend I have any idea what happened to you, however, I do know you shouldn’t let such things weigh you down. You decide who you are, with your actions in the present. From what I’ve seen, you decided to be a kind, responsible stallion and more than made up for your past wrongs. Don’t you think it’s time you made Fleetfoot and yourself happy?”

“But I’m no good for her.”

“Now that’s a load of poppycock! You’re loyal, kind, patient, and hardworking. Any mare would be lucky to have you as their special somepony. Honestly, if you weren’t spoken for I would have liked to take a chance with you.”

That last remark actually made Lightning pause with disbelief, but Rarity continued.

“Fleetfoot deserves to be happy and I know she’s at her happiest when she’s with you. She even said you’re the only thing in her life that makes sense.”

“Thanks, but I just…”

“Stop. No more excuses. Look into your heart. You want her, don’t you?”

Lightning wouldn’t raise his glance to meet Rarity’s eyes. His shoulders trembled like tree branch ruffled by the wind.

“Don’t you?

His eyes rose to meet Rarity’s, revealing a stallion on the verge of tears.

“More than I’ve ever wanted anyone.”

“Well, she wants you just as much. Keeping her waiting is agony to you and to her. She’s forgiven whatever you did in your past. It’s time you forgive yourself and move on.”

“You really think I deserve her?”

“Absolutely. You love her, she loves you.”

Lightning’s throat convulsed, as he wiped tears from his eyes. A slow, surrendering smile crossed his lips.

“She’s with the Cloudsdale Team in Spitfire’s room.” Rarity winked. “Go get her.”

He nodded his thanks. With trembling hoofs, Lightning headed up the stairs, uncertain what he would say or do, but moved forward undeterred. He thought about Fleetfoot, how much he needed her, how much he loved her, and suddenly, he knew exactly what he had to say. He’d put this off long enough.

He arrived at Spitfire’s door without any plan or idea, and although part of his mind urged him to run his hoof moved to the door with a mind of its own. After a quick knock of the door, Spitfire greeted him. She couldn’t help feeling he seemed different somehow.

“I need to talk to Fleetfoot.”

Spitfire swiveled her head and did her best to hide a knowing smirk.

“Hey, Fleetfoot. Lightning’s here to see you.”

“What? Now?”

“No, tomorrow. Yes now!”

Fleetfoot stumbled across the room to the door, a bright smile beaming across her face as the site of Lighting in the doorway. Spitfire excused herself, leaving the two alone. Lightning shifted on his hooves. He was certain she could hear his rapid heartbeat bursting through his chest.

He opened his mouth to speak only to immediately close it, taking a moment to consider his words carefully. Fleetfoot waited patiently.

“Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to get some lunch with me, so we could talk about,” he took a steadying breath, “us.”


“You know, our future, the two of us.”

Fleetfoot’s face reddened and her heart nearly skipped a beat. Now, her hoofs trembled and she began to wobble.

“So what do you say?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

The two left, their tails curled together and bodies leaning into each other, as they headed down the stairs. Spitfire peaked out of the room and stared after them as they disappeared down the stairs. She ducked her head inside and headed to her desk, seizing her handkerchief before the stern walls holding back her tears broke.

“She’s finally got a coltfriend.” Honking on the fabric, she found a smile on her face. “My little Wonderbolt’s growing up.”

The moment he knocked on her door, Twilight pulled Spike inside the room. To his surprise, she had a wide grin on her face. He noticed a blue satchel bag on her bed, over-pouring with dozens of letters. They had stamps from towns and cities across Equestria, some that Spike didn’t even recognize. Before he could ask, Twilight handed him an open note folded in three quarters, addressed from Caramel Breeze, the hotel clerk.

“What’s going on?” Spike asked, as he unfolded the letter.

“Just read it.”

“Dear Spike,” he read out loud. “I received a letter from my brother’s doctor yesterday. He’s doing fine, in case you’re wondering. The doctor told me when the fire erupted in Town Hall a dragon raced through the flames and saved my brother, while another got the ambulance. I owe both of them for saving my brother. But that’s not why I’m apologizing. I want to apologize for the way I treated you. There is no excuse for what I did. You don’t have to forgive me, as I know I don’t deserve it. Just know that I stand with you against Blueblood and anypony else who’s called you a monster. Sincerely, Caramel Breeze. P.S.: I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you this in person. I guess I’m not brave enough to face you yet.”

Twilight handed Spike another letter for him to read.

“Hey, this is Soarin. I’m sorry those creeps trashed your room last night. You’ve done so much good in the world, and you don’t deserve any of this hate. I’m still afraid of dragons (please don’t tell Captain Spitfire) but I’m more afraid of anyone who’d threaten a nice guy like you. I don’t think I’m quite ready to forgive you for that greed incident, but I want you to know that you have my support.”

Spike noticed a letter in the pile with a Yan Hoover stamp.

“Dear Spike. Most ponies don’t trust minotaurs like me because I look big and scary. That makes it hard to get work as a blacksmith. Seeing you strive to compete in the Games gives me hope that ponies will trust all nonponies someday, and see beyond our appearances. Thank you for giving me hope. Brute Strength.”

He picked up another letter.

“To Spike the Drake, who’s suffered much heartache. My name is Zazu and I’m a zebra who likes to study magic. Someponies look down on me and make me feel tragic. Please don’t let the haters have their way. If you win, zebras too will win that day. Maybe, we can start to beat the hate, and a world of equality we’ll create. I support you and all dragons alike. So stay strong, dragon named Spike. ”

Twilight handed him a dozen more letters from ponies, donkeys, and every creature imaginable, all addressed to him, all encouraging him.

“This is amazing, Twilight.”

“Amazing doesn’t begin to describe it. We’ve gotten letters from every corner of Equestria. Hundreds who are willing to support you. Now do you see why you can’t give up?”

“Don’t worry, Twi,” Spike said with a grin. “I’m done doubting myself. I’m going to see this through, no matter what.”

“I’m glad to hear it. So what changed your mind?”

Spike told her about Thunder Star as fresh bittersweet tears burned in his eyes. Twilight wasted no time in hugging him.

“Spike, I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

“I’m just glad I could make her smile. I never knew ponies could look up to me like that.”

“Sometimes, we don’t see all the ponies we affect through our actions. I’m glad you got to meet someone like her.”

“Next time, you should come with me. I’m sure she’d love to meet you too.”

“Sounds like fun.” With a smile, Twilight handed Spike another letter.

Before he could read it, the door cracked open.

“Princess Twilight,” a royal guard said. “A reporter wants to talk with Spike. Says she’s with Baltimare News.”

“I’m sorry, we’re a little busy right now.”

“Wait,” Spike said. “Is her name River Drop?”


“It’s okay, Twilight. I know her. She interviewed me after I met Thunder. I think we can trust her.”

“If you say so.” She nodded to the guard, who let the indigo earth pony enter the room accompanied by a grey stallion with shaggy, brown locks and a camera. Spike pulled up a chair and offered her a seat, which she graciously accepted.

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, Mr. Spike.”

“You can just call me Spike.” He smiled.

Twilight pulled up a second chair for Spike and took her place next to him.

“Are you sure you’re okay with a live interview?”

“I’m sure.”

She turned to her camera pony. “You can start rolling.”

A light next to the camera lens turned red.

“Hello, this is River Drop. I’m here with Ponyville’s archer Spike and the Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle. I understand Ponyville’s been receiving some flack for recruiting you, Spike. What do you have to say to those critics?”

Spike glanced to Twilight. She nodded, encouragingly.

“I’m sorry for what happened in Fillydelphia. I understand why it might leave someponies hesitant to let a dragon compete. But please understand, I would never do something like that. I’ve spent all my life with Twilight defending Equestria. Ponyville and Canterlot are the only homes I’ve ever known. I would never betray them, and this tragedy scared me just as much as you.”

“It’s true,” Twilight said. “Spike was with me in Ponyville when it happened.”

“Thank you, Twilight. I know dragons and ponies haven’t always gotten along, but I like to think that in the hardest of times, Equestria always finds a way to stick together.”

“And will you continue to refuse Prince Blueblood’s command for you to resign?”

“Absolutely. I’m here to stay.”

“What’s motivating you to continue despite your critics?”

“My friends, my family, and all the other nonponies who want to be seen, trusted, and accepted. Their dreams are riding on me, they’re too important for me to give up now. And there’s another pony who’s counting on me.”

“For those who don’t know, could you tell us who that pony is?”

“Thunder Star.”

“She’s the filly you entertained at Baltimare’s Hospital earlier today.”

“That’s right.”

“A few years ago, she had an accident that took her hind legs. Could you tell us what keeps her going?”

“She said I inspire her to keep going through tough times. That whenever she didn’t think she could make it, she thought about me. I wouldn’t be setting a good example if I just gave up.”

He smiled. “Call me naïve, but I’d like to think, maybe, there are some other ponies who need a role model. I guess it’s a little selfish to say that role model could be me. I know I’m no Twilight, not by a long shot. But I’ll keep going for the ponies who look up to me.”

“Spike.” River Drop said. “There are lots of ponies and nonponies around Equestria watching this interview right now. What do you have to say to them?”

Spike looked at the camera, to Twilight, then back to River Drop. His claws clenched together in a sort of prayer gesture. He opened his mouth to speak, but words did not follow. Twilight worried he was stuck or lost for words. She smiled and gave him an encouraging nod, hoping he would understand he should just say whatever was on his mind. He seemed to pick up on the message and finally turned his gaze back to River Drop.

“Boy, that’s a big question.” He chuckled. “Well, I’m not sure how to talk to everyone and I’m not the best at speeches. But I guess I have a few things to say.”

He cleared his throat.

“Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who sent letters to encourage me. It’s helped me understand why I need to do this.”

In Yan Hoover, a brown-coated minotaur with a scar over his left eye watched Spike from the restaurant TV screen. The minotaur Brute Strength sat with other ponies, clients of his, in a scarlet-cushioned booth.

“Secondly, I want to offer encouragement to everyone out there struggling for approval, for acceptance, and for equality.” Spike said. “I truly believe in the end, love will beat out fear and hate. If not now, then soon. If not in our lifetime, then maybe in the next generation. Please, don’t give up.”

Brute gave a half nod to Spike before sipping his coffee.

Zazu the zebra hung around the outskirts of the crowd, listening to Spike’s speech broadcasted through street radios. Nearly all of Maretonia gathered to hear him speak.

“Thirdly, I want to speak to the lawmakers. Beating this fear, this hate, is going to take more than a few new laws. It’s going to take a change in behavior and attitude. We need to see the wrongs that most of us want to ignore. To do that, everypony needs to have a universal, unrelenting desire to love and a ceaseless will to stand for justice.”

Zazu place a hoof over his heart, moved by Spike’s words.

In Griffonstone, Gilda and a dozen other griffons surrounded their dingy, beaten up radio as Spike’s voice fizzled through the worn speakers.

“And I understand why some of my supporters might want to hate Prince Blueblood and the nonpony haters. I myself will never forgive whoever chose to try and intimidate me, but I’d like to warn you against making any violent protests. I truly believe that hate will only stir the fires and create more strife. Continue to protest peacefully and be patient. Real, meaningful change doesn’t happen in a single day. It takes time, patience, and effort.”

Gilda let a smile break through her tough girl act, just for a moment.

Every citizen of Dragon Town gathered in the community’s Town Hall to listen to Spike’s speech on TV. Tears rolled down many dragon eyes, as their champion spoke to them.

“To the dragons of Dragon Town, don’t lose faith in ponykind. For every pony who’s made me feel unwelcome, I know ten more who continue to support me. Some of our critics don’t know better or haven’t even met a dragon before. But we can change that. We can show them who we really are through our actions and meet them halfway. I know it’s easy to hate them, but I promise you there are ponies who will defend you, so don’t give up. Keep working towards equality, even when it seems impossible. The moment we give up is the moment we fall, pony and dragon alike.”

Princess Celestia proudly watched the little drake speak from her magical projector. Princess Luna sat by her side, casting sidelong glances at the delegates and royal council ponies forced to listen to the speech. Said council was split; half seemed skeptical and dismissive of the drake but the other half gave solemn approving nods. Despite the divide, Princess Celestia recognized ponies who agreed with Prince Blueblood wavering in their convictions as Spike continued his speech.

“Finally, I want to speak to everyone. Please don’t think this doesn’t affect you, and don’t tell yourself you can’t do anything. When it comes to helping others, the worst thing you could ever do is refuse to help simply because believe you can’t do a thing. Even if all you can do is send me your letters of encouragement, that’s something.”

“This is unprecedented.” Murmured an elderly council stallion.

“I never knew a dragon could speak so eloquently.”

“What does this mean for Equestria?”

“What are we even watching?”

Princess Celestia turned to the Fillydelphia delegate. “History.”

“Overcoming this stigma is going to take every single one of us, every pony, dragon, minotaur, donkey, griffon, changeling, and zebra. Now’s the time to make a world our grandchildren can be proud of.”

“If I can participate in the Games, I think it’ll help everypony,” Spike said. “Because it’ll prove that love beats fear. So please, get out there and help make a difference.”

Twilight stared at him with frank amazement. She never imagined Spike capable of such a speech. Suddenly, she began wondering when he’d become so mature. River Drop remained silent, her lips curled in a smile. She had to wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, and take a moment to compose herself.

“Thank you, Spike. I’m sure Equestria will prove you right. And thank you for giving us a moment of your time.”

He grinned, admittedly pleased by his own speech, but quickly bowed, hoping to maintain a humble appearance. She turned to the camera.

“I’m River Drop and this has been Baltimare Afternoon News. Thanks for tuning in.”

The camera’s red light blinked off. As the camera pony lowered the camera, he smiled at River Drop and gave a nod. “Got it.”

“Thanks again for doing this,” River Drop said.

“Thank you for spreading my message.” Spike said.

“I’ll leave you two to get back to your campaign.”

“Come back any time,” Twilight said.

She showed River Drop and her camera pony to the door. When she and Spike were alone once again, Twilight practically danced around him.

“That was amazing! I can’t believe you said all that.”

His purple cheeks reddened under Twilight’s approving smile. “I guess hanging around you made me good at speeches.”

“I never said a word. Everything that ponies heard today was you.” She seized him between her hoofs and squeezed him as she spun him around. “Now, I mean it when I say I couldn’t be prouder of you!”

He smiled. “Aw, don’t say that. I’m sure I’ll keep surprising you.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but gave a happy snorty laugh. She allowed herself to feel a little optimistic.

“I could use some lunch,” Spike said, rubbing his tummy. “Do you want to come with me?”

“This calls for a special occasion. Let’s see if we can find an ice cream shop to celebrate.”

“Ooo, can I get a chocolate? With sapphire sprinkles?”

“Well, I’m not sure about the sapphire sprinkles. Ponies don’t put gems on ice cream.”

“Hey, I can hope, right?”

She laughed and headed out with Spike, accompanied by a pair of royal guards.

Lightning and Fleetfoot settled beneath the shade of an oak tree in Baltimare Park. Their hay sandwiches left their stomachs full, and made them feel sluggish, so they decided to take a rest. They shamelessly nuzzled close, Lightning’s white fur pressed into Fleetfoot’s green-blue.

Fleetfoot smirked. “How is it that sooner or later we always end up beneath a tree?”

“I guess I have an irrational attraction to them.” Lightning shrugged. “Maybe I was a squirrel in a past life.”

She giggled. “Heh, maybe I was a bird.”

“Makes sense. Spitfire has called you a little birdbrained.” Lightning grinned. Fleetfoot rolled her purple eyes. “What? Come on, that wasn’t that bad.”

“I don’t know.” Fleetfoot’s eyes narrowed playfully. “It was a little hawk-ward.”

“You were not emu-sed?”

“No, I think it was rather fowl.”

“You want to have a pun war? Well, toucan play that game.”

“That left me a little soar. Puns like that should be ill-eagle.”

Lightning burst out laughing. “That’s good. I can’t beat that. I guess you really quack me up.”

“Oh, stop telling puns and crow up.”

“Okay seriously, I can’t beat that. I hereby crown thee the bird-pun-queen.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

They turned their attention to the clear blue sky, overhanging the skyscrapers outside the park. A few clouds passed over the buildings, each on their own never-ending journey. However, the couple was focused on their own journey, and moment they alone were sharing.

Fleetfoot looked into his blue eyes that melded perfectly with the sky. “Not that I’m complaining, but why’d you want to spend time with me?”

Lightning shifted, a slight breeze fluttered his bumblebee mane.

“I talked with Miss Rarity. She told me that you really like me and I shouldn’t keep you waiting.”

“I guess I owe her a thanks. But I’ve been telling you that for a while. Why’d you listen to her?”

“Well, that’s not all. After this morning, I just had a good feeling about things. Spike visited Thunder Star in the hospital and told her to never give up. When Rarity told me to go after you, I remembered the kind of change Spike made in Thunder’s life. Seeing her happy really gave him confidence. It got me thinking. Maybe, I could try to make that change in your life.”

“You’ve already made that change in my life.” Fleetfoot smiled with watery eyes.

She wrapped her hooves around him, buried her face into his neck. Carefully, he circled his right hoof around her back, and rested his chin on the top of her head. Now, she was left blushing as his hoof stroked her back between her wings. She could almost purr with happiness. The bright afternoon sun shone overhead and ponies jogged through the park trails, but to Lightning and Fleetfoot nothing else existed.

“I never got you out of my head,” She said. “After a month at the Crystal Empire, I realized how much I loved visiting you and Thunder, and just being with you two. It made me feel like a part of a family, an actual, loving family. I thought I’d never have that. Part of me thought I didn’t deserve it.”

“You deserve to be happy, especially after everything you’ve done for me. If it weren’t for you, Thunder would be…” His throat tensed. “You’ve been an angel to us. My parents ditched Thunder and me. I lost faith in the world until you came into our lives.”

They closed their eyes, and lost themselves in each other. Lightning no longer cared about his reckless past. All that mattered now was being with her, and spending everyday by her side. He couldn’t imagine how he ever lived so long without her.



“When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful mare I’d ever seen.”

“Why’s that?”

Lightning’s eyes glanced away for a second.

“Come on, tell me.”

“Promise you won’t think I’m a creep?”


“If I’m being honest,” He said. “I liked your body.” His hoof gingerly brushed her hip, sending thrilling chills through Fleetfoot’s heart into the pit of her stomach, as though she were about to descend on a sharp roller coaster dip. “Sorry, I know that’s probably not what you’d like to hear, but it’s true.”

“Doesn’t bother me.”

“You don’t think I’m shallow?”

“Nah, I appreciate your honesty. And thanks for the compliment.”

“You’re welcome,” He said. “But the more you visited, the more I realized what a beautiful person you are on the inside. You helped me see that my life wasn’t a mistake by showing me how I could help others. You believed in me, taught me to push forward despite any setbacks,” He said giving her a little squeeze. “I’m so honored that you’d give a screw-up like me a chance. Because you make me want to be a better pony.”

“Lightning,” She whispered as her hooves clenched his back, pressing their furred bodies closer. “When we first met, I liked you too.”

“You did?”

“Oh yeah.”

“What did you like about me?”

“Your nice, hot bod.” She gave him a flirty, lustful gaze through half-opened eyes.

She ran a hoof along his muscular chest, leaving a trail of goose bumps as her hoof descended to his abs. A dumb grin spread across his face, a tiny begging groan escaped his throat as she skirted her hoof around his hips, edging further and further down his flank. Her playful giggles filled his ears as she traced his cutie mark. Her other hoof sank into his mane along the back of his neck.

“Not to mention, your gorgeous hair, and those gosh darned eyes. I honestly thought you were a dream. Of course I didn’t have the imagination to make up someone like you.”

He chuckled, eagerly anticipating her next seductive move. Fleetfoot’s hoof trailed from his mane to his shoulder.

“Watching how tender you were to your sister was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. Then, I learned about who you were and how you wanted to change for her. I couldn’t believe how you sacrificed so much for her. It was the most selfless thing I’d ever seen a pony do.”

Her hoof moved from his cutie mark to his waist, where she stroked his muscular stomach tightened from years of physical exercise and lucky genetics. From his pleased eyes and grin, she guessed he was enjoying this as much as she was and didn’t want her to stop. She looked into his eyes, feeling her heart melt into the expanse of his sky blue eyes.

“I guess I really started to fall for you, the more I visited Thunder and you at the hospital. I’ve never felt that surrounded by love. My parents turned me over to relatives who just sort of tolerated me. But you? You greeted me with a smile, always paid attention to me, and practically invited me to be a part of your family.”

She closed her eyes as she pressed her head into his chest, feeling his warmth and heartbeat, her cool breaths grazed his fur like wind ruffling grass. Lightning gently rested his chin on the top of her head, rubbing the back of her neck. He closed his eyes, content, and egged his hoof down her side, past her hips, to her toned hind leg.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Fleetfoot. I love you.”

He opened his eyes and found her lips inches from his, beckoning like a question. Without a moment’s hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her with four years of pent-up passion. She moaned, digging her hooves into his neck as she pulled him down into the grass. As they settled in the prickly grass, Lightning sneaked his left hoof onto her cutie mark, stroking her fur. As their lips connected, he felt Fleetfoot press her tongue against his lips. He wasted no time opening his mouth and letting her in. As their tongues wrestled, they rolled over, leaving Fleetfoot on top of him. Pulses like electricity spread through their tingling lips, into their bodies, into their brains, as unquenchable pleasure flooded their sensations. When their lips parted for air, they both opened their eyes.

Fleetfoot was breathless, her hooves resting squarely on Lightning’s chest.

He loved how her eyes caught the light like purple jewels. Not wanting to overstep his boundaries and give an unwanted second kiss, he decided to ask, “Can we do it again?”

“You’d better.”

They went in for a second kiss. Lightning held the back of her head with one hoof, while using his other hoof to hold her waist against his. All the while, Fleetfoot had her hooves wrapped around his neck.

When they parted for breath, Fleetfoot pressed her forehead against Lightning’s, her white mane mingled with his bumblebee mane.

“I love you too. And this was worth the wait.”

Fleetfoot leaned in for another kiss when Lightning stiffened, his eyes focused on some watching ponies.

“Uh, we should probably hold off on this. Some ponies are staring.”

With her hoofs on his chest, Lightning couldn’t get up. Fleetfoot leaned down and brought her lips to his ear.

“I’m not sure I care.”

“We don’t want to get in trouble for public indecency.”

She realized a Wonderbolt involved in public indecency wouldn’t look good on Spitfire and moved off his chest, bowing her head to hide her reddened cheeks. Lightning rose up and leaned against the tree, before touching her shoulder.

“I thought you said—.”

“I’m sure a little cuddling is acceptable.”

“But this isn’t as sexy.” She grumbled with theatrical exaggeration like a pouty child. “Stupid laws, keeping me from fulfilling my love dreams.”

He laughed.

“When we’re alone, we finish this.”

“It would be my pleasure.”

“So.” Fleetfoot nestled into his chest. “What do two ponies who love each other do?”

“Something that’s been long overdue.”

“What’s that?”

Lightning took her hoof from his neck, held it with both of his snowy white hoofs.

“Fleetfoot. Will you marry me?”