• Published 25th Jul 2017
  • 12,864 Views, 729 Comments

The Disney Chronicles II: Pinocchio - Dinodisneylover1

When they discovered the mysterious Book of Disney and experienced their first adventure inside it, they are ready for more. This time, the story about a puppet that came to life. 2nd instalment of this series.

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The Monstrous Whale/The Evil Trio

Author's Note:

I finally did it. I finished the chapter. It took me very long and all my concentration to do it, but I did it. I hope I made a great chapter and made you guys proud.


(Music at 0:20)

Somewhere, in a very strange place, a boat floated on the water. It was very quiet; the only sign of life was an old man with his cat and goldfish. They were none other than Geppetto, Figaro and Cleo. Geppetto and the kitten were fishing, but thus far haven’t caught anything. It looked very sad for them.

“Not a bite for days,” Geppetto said. “We can’t hold out much longer.”

Cleo the Goldfish pushed some pebbles up in her bowl. They looked like tombstones, thinking they were gonna die soon. Geppetto looked very cold, so much he sneezed along with Figaro, the cat almost falling from his spot.

“I never thought it would end this way, Figaro,” Geppetto said. “Starving to death… In the belly of a whale.”

Figaro shed a single tear, rubbing himself against his owner. Geppetto stroke his friend’s back.

“My poor little Pinocchio. He was such a good boy and those ponies and that little dragon… They were so sweet and kind. Even little Apple Bloom and Tender Taps. They got along so well with my boy. If we don’t make it, Figaro, I hope they take very good care of him."

After a while, Geppetto checked his fishing pole to see if he got a bite. But not even a nibble.

“It’s hopeless, Figaro.”

As he placed the pole back in the water, Figaro pulled his line with his tail. Sadly, he didn’t catch anything either.

“There isn’t a fish left,” Geppetto said. “If the monster doesn’t wake up soon, I—I’m afraid we—We are done for.”

Geppetto was on the verge of giving up, holding his hand to his face in defeat.

Meanwhile, our heroes continue their search for Geppetto but found no clues. Their search leads them through deeper waters.

“It’s no use,” Rainbow groaned. “We’re never gonna find him. We’ve tried talking to fish and they swim away because they’re scared. Urgh, it’s hopeless!”

“We can’t quit now,” Jiminy said. “There are lives at stake.”

“We have to find that Monstro and fast,” Applejack said.

“Pfft… Monstro,” Rainbow mocked. “I bet he’s just a big sissy. Ain’t no whale gonna scare this mare.”

“Says the Pegasus who was scared of a dragon,” Rarity teased.

“Touché,” Rainbow said. “But this is different; I can totally take him on.”

“Oh, please don’t,” Fluttershy shook her head. “Whales are very gentle creatures.”

“Monstro isn’t friendly at all,” Jiminy said. “I assure you.”

“Focus girls,” Twilight said. “That whale could be anywhere.”

“Father!” Pinocchio called.

But suddenly, something swam toward them. But it turns out to be another type of fish: Tuna.

“Hey, look!” Fluttershy points. “Tuna!”

“Whoa, that’s some big fish,” Pinkie said.

Before long, another tuna appeared.

“Look another!” Spike pointed.

But then, a whole school swam toward them.

“Whoa, there’s even more coming this way,” Twilight said. “There must be thousands of them.”

“It looks like… They’re swimming away from something,” Rainbow observed.

Suddenly, the entire shoal swam over their heads. Every pony kept looking at the fish.

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Pinocchio called out. “Ha-Have you seen—”

While Pinocchio tried to ask, turns out Spike wasn’t looking at the fish but straight forward. He quivered in fear, his eyes small as pinpricks.

"M-M-M-Mo-M-M-Mo-M-M-Mon-Mon-Mon-M-Mon-" Spike stuttered.

“Spike?” Twilight approached. “What are you stuttering abou…?”

Twilight suddenly looked straight forward, with the same reaction as Spike.

"M-M-Mo-Mo-M-M-M-Mon-" They stuttered, simultaneously.

Rainbow looked forward, her eyes becoming small as pinpricks.

“Oh, I so hate myself right now.”

WHAM!!! Every pony quickly turned toward Twilight and Spike’s direction. That’s when they saw a big whale crashing through a big rock, pursuing the tuna. Worst of all, it came straight toward them.

“MONSTRO!” They all screamed.

“RUN! Uh, I mean, SWIM!” Spike shouted.

They began to swim away, including Pinocchio. But suddenly, the rock tied to his tail got stuck in another rock. Twilight saw Pinocchio swimming but getting nowhere.


Twilight tried to use her magic to untie the knot, as Jiminy turned around.

“We got to get out of here!” Jiminy said, untying the remaining knots with his umbrella.

They quickly swam away, while Monstro destroyed the spot they stood on with its weight and size. The ponies, dragon, puppet and cricket swam as quickly as they can.

“Keep swimming, sugar cube!” Applejack said to Apple Bloom. “Don’t look behind!”

“Come on, Pinoke!” Jiminy said, swimming quickly. “Don’t wait for me!”

Rainbow, Applejack and Pinocchio were the fastest. The rest swam as quick as they could, but the whale came closer. It began to swallow Fluttershy, who fell behind, and the Pegasus screamed when she got inside.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow shouted, looking back.

“Keep swimming!” Jiminy called, holding onto Applejack.

Then the whale began to swallow Rarity, her scream attracting Spike’s attention.

“Rarity!” Spike yelled.

He swam towards the whale, swallowed in the process.

“Spike!” Twilight shouted. “Noooo!”

It didn’t take long before Pinkie and Tender were next. The whale soon sucked Apple Bloom, Applejack and Jiminy Cricket.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom cried.

“Hold on!” Applejack said, grabbing Apple Bloom.

With both sisters and Jiminy swallowed inside the whale’s mouth, Rainbow, Twilight and Pinocchio were the only ones left. They swam as hard as they could, almost getting inside the whale. They held onto some tuna, going from fish-to-fish to get out of Monstro. Suddenly, Twilight lost her grip and fell inside the whale.


Twilight’s yell stopped when the whale closed its mouth, opening it again to swallow more fish. Rainbow quickly grabbed Pinocchio and picked up some speed.

“Hold onto my back!” Rainbow shouts.

Pinocchio held tight as Rainbow took a head start, swimming toward the surface. The fish and the whale swam towards the surface too. Out of the water, Rainbow and Pinocchio flew into the sky while the fish flailed and fell back in the water.

“There!” Rainbow smirked. “I bet that stupid whale can’t…”

But once again, she spoke too soon. The whale jumped out of the water, it’s mouth wide open, and took the fish, Rainbow and Pinocchio. It closed its mouth and crashed back to the water with a loud splash.

Rainbow and Pinocchio gasped as their heads popped out of the water, swirling around till they got dizzy. Her bubble gone Rainbow tried to breath from the surface while the others struggled to get out of the water. Their air bubbles disappeared too. It wasn’t severely rough, but the water’s small waves knocked them about.

“Twilight!” Rainbow shouted.

“Rainbow! Pinocchio!” Twilight shouted. “Over here!”

The ponies struggled against the waves, but eventually got together.

“Looks like the last of them!”

The shout caused the group to discover a boat and that’s when they saw him.

“It’s Geppetto!” Twilight shouts.

Sure enough, the old woodcarver was fishing. He was doing a really good job.

“Here’s a big one!” The woodcarver shouts. “Only a few left!”

Pinocchio grabbed onto the tuna Geppetto caught. He threw the fish and the puppet over his shoulder, and they landed inside a big box with more tuna.

“We got to work fast!” Geppetto shouts.

“Geppetto!” Twilight shouts, waving her arms. “Geppetto, over here!”

But the old man didn’t hear them, his focus on all the fish.

“He’s too busy fishing!” Applejack said.

“Hey!” Pinocchio said, but his father didn’t hear him.

“Here’s another one!” He shouts.

Apple Bloom grabbed onto the next Tuna Geppetto caught, hurling them over his shoulder into the box with Pinocchio.

“Hey, father!” Pinocchio called.

But then he got knocked down by the tuna carrying Apple Bloom. Nevertheless, he tried to get his father’s attention.


“Mr. Geppetto!” Apple Bloom called out.

“Father!” Pinocchio shouted.

“Don’t bother me now, Pinocchio!” Geppetto shouted back.

Suddenly, he stopped fishing as his eyes widen in realization.



“Pinocchio, my son!”

Geppetto quickly rushed toward his son, but accidentally grabbed a tuna that jumped out of the box and kissed it.

“Hey, father!” Pinocchio said. “Here I am.”

“Huh?” Geppetto said.

He faced Pinocchio in confusion, then to the tuna and quickly threw the fish away.

“Oh, oh, yes! Pinocchio, my boy!”

Pinocchio jumped into his father’s arms, the two sharing a loving embrace.

“I—I’m so happy to see you!” Geppetto said, happily.

“Me too, Father!” Pinocchio said.

Geppetto then sees Apple Bloom jump out the box, walking toward them.

“Apple Bloom!” Geppetto exclaimed. “You’re here too?”

“I sure am!” The little filly said, as the woodcarver pat her head.

“Bless my soul.”

“Don’t forget us!” Spike said, climbing aboard with the other ponies.

“Oh, my!” Geppetto gasped, approaching the equines with Pinocchio in his arms. “The whale swallowed all of you, too? My goodness!”

“Yeah, looks like it,” Applejack said, looking around.

“We’ve been looking for you,” Tender said.

“How did you end up finding me here?” Geppetto asked.

“We had a little help,” Twilight answered.

“Thank you, Twilight. All of you,” Geppetto said, hugging Pinocchio. “You brought my boy back to me safe and sound.”

The ponies couldn’t help but feel warm inside, especially Jiminy, Applejack and Apple Bloom. A familiar kitten jumped out of the box, landing on Geppetto’s head.

“Oops!” Geppetto laughed, as the cat slid down.

“Figaro!” Apple Bloom said.

The kitten meowed, nuzzling against Pinocchio and the others.

“Aw, Figaro,” Pinocchio said.

The little goldfish jumped out of her bowl, joyfully.

“Cleo!” Fluttershy cried, approaching the bowl. “Oh, Cleo!”

“You’re here, too!” Tender said.

Pinocchio stroke Cleo’s back, while the others did the same.

“You all survived?” Rainbow asked, astounded.

“Yes!” Geppetto said. “We are all together again!”

As he hugged Pinocchio, the little wooden boy sneezed.

“Oh, you, you are soaking wet,” Geppetto noticed. “All of you are.”

“Yes, Father,” Pinocchio replied.

“We’ve been in the ocean rather long,” Rarity said. “I need to get my mane done again.”

“You, you mustn’t catch cold,” Geppetto said, placing Pinocchio on a barrel.

“But we came to save you!” Pinocchio said.

“’Cause you know, you, you shouldn’t have come down here,” Geppetto continued.

He grabbed a few blankets, passing them out to the ponies and dragon.

“Here. Dry yourselves with these.”

“We couldn’t leave Pinocchio without you, Geppetto,” Applejack said, keeping herself warm. “Come here, Apple Bloom.”

Her little sister approached her and they both snuggled under the blanket, sharing the warmth.

“But, father…” Pinocchio protested, while Geppetto dried him with a blanket.

“But I’m awfully glad to see all of you,” Geppetto smiled, absent-mindedly. “Let me take your hat.”

Geppetto grabbed Pinocchio’s hat, but to his shock he saw the donkey ears.

“Oh! Pinocchio!”

Everypony turned to Pinocchio, while Figaro hid behind the fishbowl and Cleo hid behind her castle. The two were rather surprised.

“Oh yeah,” Spike said, scratching the back of his neck. “Totally forgot that.”

Pinocchio looked around, confused.

“Wh—Wh—What’s the matter?”

“Those ears!” Geppetto said, placing a finger on each side of his head.

“Huh? Ears?” Pinocchio asked, grabbing his ears. “Oh, these. Hah.”

“You forgot you had them?” Jiminy asked.

“I guess so,” Spike shrugs.

“Oh, that’s nothing,” Pinocchio said, showing his father the tail. “I got a tail too.”

Pinocchio laughed, then suddenly brayed again. It scared the living daylights out of the kitten, who jumped inside the fishbowl. Cleo was just as shocked.

“Pinocchio!” Geppetto gasped. “What’s happened to you?”

“Well, I—I—I—” Pinocchio nervously said, playing with his tail.

“It’s okay, sugar cube,” Applejack said, kindly. “Just tell him honestly.”

“Well, I…” Pinocchio tries to speak.

“Oh, never mind now,” Geppetto shrugs it off. “Old Geppetto has his little Wooden Head. Nothing else matters.”

Everypony watched Geppetto hoist Pinocchio up, rubbing noses.

“Aww!!!” Everypony said in unison.

“He has to tell him one way or another,” Jiminy said.

“Don’t worry, Jiminy,” Apple Bloom said. “There’s still time.”

“I want to thank you again for taking good care of my Pinocchio,” Geppetto said.

“It’s okay, Geppetto,” Applejack nods. “It’s what we do.”

“But we still have one more problem,” Tender points out. “How do we get out of here?”

They haven’t really thought about that, to tell the truth. Now that they found Geppetto, they still needed a plan to escape the whale’s belly.

“Geppetto, have you ever thought of how to get out of Monstro?” Twilight asked.

“Get out?” Geppetto asked, shaking his head. “Oh, no, no, Princess. I’ve tried every way. Why, I, I even built a raft.”

Geppetto went outside to show them the raft, which looked only big enough for a few passengers.

“A raft?” Pinocchio observed. ‘That’s it!”

“Huh?” Everybody said in unison.

“We’ll take the raft,” Pinocchio explained. “And when the whale open its mouth—”

“No, no, no, no,” Geppetto interrupted, demonstrating with his hands. “N-Now listen, son. And the rest of you, too. He only opens his mouth when he’s eating. Then everything comes in, nothing goes out.”

“But we can’t stay here forever!” Apple Bloom said.

“I know, Apple Bloom,” Geppetto sighs. “But it’s hopeless. I’m sorry, girls.”

Geppetto walked back inside the boat to give them some space. Now that the ponies were alone, they sat together and thought what to do next.

“We’ve got to get out of this whale,” Twilight said. “But how?”

“We could try the nearest exit,” Pinkie offered.

“What nearest exit?” Rainbow asked, an eyebrow raised.

“You know…” Pinkie implied, tilted her head to the side.

They all sat thinking. Rarity, suddenly, knew exactly what she meant and her eye twitched.

“Oh no, no, no, no! I’m not going through the beast’s intestinal tract. There must be another way without… Befouling ourselves!”

The very thought of that made Rarity shiver, even the other ponies barely stopped themselves from throwing up.

“Rarity’s right,” Twilight said. “Besides, we’d have to go through the stomach to get there. The gastric acid would kill us!”

“It was just an idea,” Pinkie said. “Not forcing any pony to go with me.”

“Pinkie, I’m only going to say this once,” Twilight said, taking a deep breath. “WE’RE NOT GOING TO THE INTESTINAL TRACT!!! ESPECIALLY YOU!!”

“Okay, okay! Sheesh!”

The ponies and Jiminy argued, weighing their options to get out of Monstro. The foals and Pinocchio stood outside, listening to the passing waves. Suddenly, Pinocchio turns behind him and sees something in the distance. He crept over to the railing for a better look, when he sees something or someone walking deep inside the whale disappearing in the darkness. Apple Bloom and Tender turned and saw Pinocchio about to follow the person.

“Pinocchio?” Apple Bloom whispered. “Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna check something out,” Pinocchio said. “You stay here; I’ll be right back.

“But we promised we’d stay together,” Tender whispered.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be alright,” Pinocchio assures.

Apple Bloom watched Pinocchio leave the boat, jumping along several wooden planks on the water. Apple Bloom turned to Tender, eyeing each other nervously.

“We have to come up with a solution and fast,” Applejack said.

“Do you have any other ideas, Pino…?” Pinkie asked.

It was then Pinkie noticed the puppet disappeared.

“Say, where’s Pinocchio?”

Hearing Pinkie, the ponies and Jiminy quickly looked around but not a trace of the little wooden boy was in sight.

“Now where’d that puppet run off to this time?” Jiminy said.

Then they stopped and slowly turned to Apple Bloom and Tender Taps, the former with a ‘guilty’ look on her face.

“Apple Bloom,” Applejack asked, firmly but calmly. “Do you know where Pinocchio is?”

“He went that way, sis,” Apple Bloom pointed, as Tender nodded.

The group turned toward Apple Bloom’s direction, seeing Pinocchio venture deep inside the whale.

“Hey, Pinoke!” Jiminy called out. “Where are you going? Pinoke!”

But either the puppet didn’t hear him or answer, as he faded into the darkness.

“Come on, everybody!” Jiminy ushered. “After him, quick!”

“Apple Bloom, you and Tender stay and look after Geppetto,” Twilight instructs. “We’ll go after Pinocchio.”

Apple Bloom wanted to help, but after everything she’s been through, she knew better.

“Okay,” Apple Bloom nodded.

“Fine by me,” Tender added.

“Alright, we’ll be right back,” Twilight promised, turning to the girls. “Come on, everypony. We need to get to the other side!”

Before she even finished, Pinkie was already bouncing along the wooden planks toward the other side.

“I suppose we’re following her, now,” Rainbow said.

Not rewarding the remark with a response, the ponies jumped on the wooden boards one-by-one, until they eventually reached the other side. At the foot of the entrance, they stopped looking into the deep, dark pathway.

“So, let me get this straight,” Applejack asked, looking where the puppet went. “We’re going after Pinocchio… In there?”

“Yes,” Twilight said, a bit nervous.

“But it looks… Dark,” Spike points out.

“And f-frightful,” Fluttershy shudders.

“Besides, we have no idea what we’ll find in there,” Rarity said.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, girls,” Twilight assures. “Come on, everypony knows nothing lives inside a whale… Well, except Geppetto, us, whatever he ate… But that’s beside the point! We’re getting Pinocchio back and I’m not afraid to go in there.”

Twilight put on a brave face and took the first step, but without the others seeing a bead of sweat dropping from her forehead. The others watched as she slowly stepped inside the darkness. Spike twiddled his claws and finally couldn’t stand it.

“Twilight, wait for us!” Spike shouts, going after Twilight.

It didn’t take long before the others, except Rarity ventured inside. She just looked ahead and sighed.

“Well, this is unheard-of,” Rarity spoke to herself. “Ponies going inside something dark and spooky, where a lady like me dare not. Oh, I’d never hear the end of it.”

Nevertheless, Rarity quickly went after the others. By the time she caught up, all the ponies and Spike found themselves in an unusual place. It was filled with some kind of harmless, colorful acid unlike any they’ve ever seen.

“Wow!” Pinkie gasped. “Monstro sure has a weird body. You could see his backbone and ribs back there!”

“I don’t think we’re dealing with an ordinary whale,” Twilight concluded. “Stay close, everypony. We’ll find Pinocchio if we stay together.”


Suddenly, a loud noise startled the other ponies and they faced the direction of the source. You can already guess who made the sound, but to clear the air it was Pinkie Pie, bouncing on some blue, gelatinous thing with colorful spots.

“WOO-HOO!” She yelled, between bounces. “Hey, guys! You gotta try this! It’s barrels of fun!”

Twilight quickly grabbed her with her magic, pulling her close.

“Pinkie Pie, what in the name of Celestia are you doing?! Have you gone crazy? We’re in a whale, who knows what’ll happen when you do that?!”

“Relax, Twilight,” Pinkie brushed off. “Nothing happened.”

“Don’t touch anything,” Twilight warned. “We have to find Pinocchio.”

Suddenly, the whale made a rumbling noise causing the ponies to cover their ears. When it stopped, they glared towards Pinkie, who looked at them left-and-right.

“Hey, I didn’t do anything just now,” Pinkie defended. “He should have felt that earlier, not later.”

“Come on,” Rainbow said. “Let’s go.”

They began to trek through the strange insides of the giant mammal, calling ‘Pinocchio!’ one-by-one.

“Pinocchio!” Pinkie called. “Where are you?!”

Meanwhile, Pinocchio searched through several areas for the past few minutes. At one point, he heard the whale making a loud noise stopping his tracks. He decided to take a rest for a few seconds when he heard a new sound. It wasn’t Monstro, but rather it sounded like… Pounding, and it was very close.

Slowly and cautiously, Pinocchio took a peek behind a corner and saw the cause of the sound. It was a purple girl with pigtails, dressed in rock n’ roll style clothes, slamming her fists against the whale’s sensitive spots. The whale growled in agony, probably the reason for making those sounds, while the girl simply enjoyed hurting the whale that she laughed. Gulping nervously, the puppet backed away, slowly and quietly. But he didn’t know someone was behind him and quickly grabbed him. He looked and found himself caught by a blue girl with a ponytail, with a purplish-red coat, bracelets with spikes and a pink skirt.

"Oh wow!” The girl replied, looking at the puppet. “Look what I got; a little human boy.”

“Eh?” Pinocchio could only say.

“Hey, Aria!” The girl called out, running towards the other girl. “Look, a little human boy!”

Aria looked behind her, losing her concentration. She growled in frustration, throwing one more punch before annoyingly approaching the blue-skinned girl.

“Can’t you see I was enjoyin’ myself?!” Aria said. “I oughtta… Wait a second.”

Aria stopped mid-sentence the moment she saw Pinocchio, who waved feebly. Aria quickly took the puppet off the blue-skinned girl’s hands and examined him closely, while he kept quiet.

“Sonata, that’s not a human!”

“Well, I, uh…” Pinocchio began.

“Just look at these ears and that tail!” Aria points out, then knocks the puppet’s head a few times. “He’s not even made of flesh, taco brain!”

She spoke those last words silently, but loud enough for Sonata to hear and she was offended.

“Is too!” Sonata argued, taking Pinocchio back. “I can prove it: We’ll make a tiny cut on its arm and if it bleeds, then you’ll be the taco brain.”

She foolishly pointed to herself, realizing what she did and corrected it by pointing at Aria. Pinocchio’s eyes widen when she mentioned making a cut on his arm. Suddenly, Sonata had unintentionally poked Aria in the chest and the latter did not like it one bit.

“Don’t… Poke… Me!” Aria warned.

“You mean like this?” Sonata poked again, deliberately this time.

“Stop it!” Aria said, getting angrier.

But Sonata didn’t listen, as she poked Aria a few more times.

“Don’t poke me! Don’t poke me! Don’t poke-HIC… Me!”

Suddenly, Aria started to hiccup. Sonata chuckles while Aria growled mid hiccups, each time making her laugh harder.

“Stop-HIC! Stop! Stop laugh-HIC! STOP LAUGHING!” Aria said, between hiccups.

“I love it when Aria gets hiccups,” Sonata laughed, talking to the puppet. “It’s so hilarious!”

Pinocchio couldn’t help but laugh along with Sonata, as she laughed some more.

“THAT’S IT!” Aria yelled. “I’m taking you down!”

Suddenly, Aria pounced Sonata, making her drop Pinocchio. The puppet landed on his behind and watched the two girls tumble and clawing each other. By the time they stopped rolling, Sonata started poking Aria while Aria punched Sonata’s head. The puppet slowly crawled back, when suddenly…


A loud shout caused the girls and Pinocchio to look in the same direction. A yellow/orange skinned girl, with big hair and a disco-style outfit, emerged from a corner.

“Hi, Dagi!” Sonata said, cheerfully.

“Don’t ‘Hi, Dagi’ me!" Adagio said, approaching her companions. “I’m trying to find a way out of here, and you two are making a racket like babies! What have I told you about fighting each other?”

“She kept poking me!” Aria argued, pointing to Sonata.

“She called me a taco brain!” Sonata argued, pouting.

“You gave me the hiccups!”

“Besides, I found this human boy and then I…”

Adagio looked from one girl to the other, as they kept bickering. Pinocchio watched from the side. After watching them bicker, Adagio finally rolled her eyes and held out her arms.

“Necks!” She yelled.

“But, Dagi…” Sonata whined.

“NOW!” Adagio threatened.

Sighing, Aria and Sonata slowly revealed their necks which Adagio grabbed, gently at first… Then pulled them closer, choking them tightly as the girls gasped for air.

“Now… You listen very carefully. I’m trying to find a way out of here, while you two are acting like idiots! Correction: You are idiots! If you two don’t stop, so help me, I won’t be sorry for what I’m going to do to you. And if I catch you two fighting and bickering one more time, I’m going to be Very… VERY UNHAPPY! Do you understand me?!”

“Yes, boss,” Aria and Sonata said.

“Good!” Adagio said.

WHAM! She knocked their heads together, causing the two to fall to the ground.

“Now, what’s all this silliness about a human boy, hmm?” Adagio asked.

“Actually, I’m a puppet, ma’am,” Pinocchio answered, causing the girls to face him. “But someday, I’m gonna be a real boy.”

The three girls looked silently, blinking in confusion. But the moment the boy finished, they laughed hysterically.

“A real boy?!” Adagio laughed, wiping a few tears away with one finger.

“But it’s true!” Pinocchio said.

Aria and Sonata kept laughing so hard, Aria actually held on to Sonata for balance.

“Hey Dagi, can we still make a cut in his arm?!” Sonata asked, calming down.

“Shut up, Sonata,” Adagio said, approaching Pinocchio. “So, how do you plan to make that happen?”

“Well, uh…” Pinocchio began.

But he stopped when Adagio was close to him, studying the boy curiously. She knocked on his head a few times.

“You’re made of wood.”

“Hey, wait a minute!” Sonata gasped. “He must be the puppet Honest John spoke about!”

“Well, well, well,” Adagio said, stroking her chin. “Guess that dumb fox wasn’t lying, after all.”

“Hey, look! The kid’s got donkey ears,” Aria pointed out, laughing at the sight.

“And a cute little tail,” Sonata said, playing with it.

“Child, did you happen to be on Pleasure Island?” Adagio asked, rubbing his donkey ears.

“Yes, ma’am,” Pinocchio answered, uncomfortably.

“But how did you escape? You must have been smart enough to climb the cliffs and dive into the ocean. It’s the only way out.”

“Besides going on the ocean in the first place,” Aria glared toward Sonata.

“It was a good idea, wasn’t it?” Sonata asked. “I didn’t know we’d be eaten by a monster whale.”

“None of us knew,” Adagio said, her attention to them.

“If I had to choose between banishment or getting eaten by giant whales, I’d choose banishment!” Aria argued. “Getting eaten is the worst!”

“Yippee!” Sonata cheered. “I’m no longer the worst!”

“Don’t get used to it,” Aria muttered.

“Banishment?” Pinocchio asked. “You mean you’re not from here?”

Adagio began to think and suddenly she smiled. Of course, she can’t tell him exactly what they really are. But rather, she’d have to tell him in her own words.

“Ah, yes child. You see, we were just regular girls longing for adoration and love from our public. But then we were wrongfully banished to another world, struggling to survive.”

“Gee, that sounds bad,” Pinocchio said, feeling sorry for them.

“I haven’t even mentioned the worst part,” Adagio continued. “In that world, we went to a school hoping to fulfill our life’s purpose. But we were humiliated, chased away by a group of mean girls who call themselves…”

“Don’t say it, Adagio,” Aria plead.

“I’m not listening!” Sonata yelled, plugging her ears. “La, la, la, la, la. Don’t want to hear it.”

“The Rainbooms!” Adagio said, hate in her words.

The way she made the name sound scary, Pinocchio suddenly felt nervous.

“We’ve struggled for many months since. Eventually, we found a way back home but then Sonata found this book and we’ve been here since. I suppose you already know the rest.”

Of course Adagio would leave out the part about joining forces with the Coachman, but he wouldn’t know that.

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” Pinocchio said, sympathetic. “I’ve done some stupid things myself. Now because of me, my friends and father are trapped in this whale. Maybe we can help each other, and we can all get out!”

“We could always use the help, Adagio,” Sonata said.

“Thanks kid, but we don’t need help,” Adagio said. “We prefer to handle things on our own.”

“But everybody needs help, right?” Pinocchio asked. “I wanna make up for my mistakes, so I can be a real boy!”

“A puppet becoming a real boy?” Aria asked, uninterested. “How does that work?”

“The Blue Fairy can do that.”

The moment the puppet said that, the girls’ eyes widen, peaked with interest.

“The Blue Fairy?” Adagio asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Pinocchio nodded. “She brought me to life with her magic. If I behave like a good boy, she’ll make me real.”

Adagio gasped in interest, placing a finger toward her fellow sirens with a plotting smile.

“Did you hear that, girls? Magic!”

Sonata and Aria smiled at each other, nodding their heads.

“And anyways, I promised her I’d do good this time,” Pinocchio continued.

“And where is this Blue Fairy?” Adagio asked, kindly.

“She lives in a star. My friends and I have seen her twice. She even helped us escape from Stromboli.”

Adagio leaned down, placing her hand along the puppet’s cheek.

“Do you have a name, little boy?”

“Pinocchio,” He answered, tipping his hat.

“Aw, that’s a cute name,” Sonata said.

Aria rolled her eyes, of course Sonata would find that cute.

“You know, maybe we can help each other,” Adagio said. “Pinocchio, why don’t you bring us to these friends of yours?”

“Sure!” Pinocchio smiled, pointing back. “If I’m not mistaken, they’re that way. This place is awfully big.”

“Very well, we’ll catch up with you,” Adagio said. “My friends and I have something to discuss first.”

“Okay ma’am,” Pinocchio said, walking back to the boat.

When Pinocchio was far enough, Adagio approached her fellow sirens and huddled together.

“This is more than we could hope for, girls,” Adagio said. “That puppet will bring us back to power!”

“Are we really going to trust some wooden kid?” Aria asked. “That Blue Fairy sounds like something from a fairy tale.”

“We come from a land of mythical creatures, of course it makes sense!” Adagio answered, smiling deviously. “I sense powerful magic within that puppet and after the way he spoke of her, this must be serious. This Blue Fairy will give us all the power to regain our strength and soon this entire world will do our bidding.”

“How will we do that?” Sonata asked. “He said she lives in a star.”

“Just follow my lead, Sonata,” Adagio said, with a cunning smile. “Find the beasts and bring them to me. There’s going to be a tiny change of plans.”

After many minutes searching, our heroes couldn’t find Pinocchio. Pinkie wanted to hop on the blue jelly things again, but one look from Twilight told her not to.

“Pinocchio!” Twilight called.

“Pinocchio!” Jiminy called.

“Pinocchio!” Rainbow Dash called.

Pinkie did a whistle call, when Applejack slapped a hoof over her mouth.

“Pinkie, we’re looking for Pinocchio. Not… Winona!”

“Boy, this whale’s insides are like a maze!” Spike noted.

Suddenly, Rainbow stops walking and looks around.

“Uh, guys? Haven’t we been here before?”

The ponies and Spike stopped and looked around. She was right, they were back at the same area where they started the search.

“She’s right, girls,” Jiminy said. “This is the exact same place we started! We’ve been going in circles!”

Circle,” Pinkie corrected. “One circle.”

“Great!” Rainbow threw her arms out. “Now what?!”

“We’ll never find Pinocchio like this,” Fluttershy said.

“We could ask for help,” Pinkie suggests.

“Help?!” Rainbow asked, wide eyed. “From whom?”

“Wait, I’ll ask,” Pinkie looks up, clears her throat. “Oh, Mr. Writer! We’re in a bit of a tight spot here. Can you help us find Pinocchio and gets us out of Monstro?”

Pinkie, you know I can’t. It’s something you, Spike and the girls must discover for yourselves.

“Why not?” Pinkie asked, pouting.

“Uh, Spike?” Jiminy asked, confused. “Who is she talking to?”

“I have no idea,” Spike shrugged.

Because if I do that, this story would be finished in one chapter or two. There’s no fun in that.

“Well, yes there have been fun things during our trip,” Pinkie admits. “But there was the part with the Coachman… His plan to enslave bullies…”

Pinkie, no is no. You know who’d finish an adventure in one second? Discord! Though I doubt he’d ever do that.

“But, Mr. Writer…” Pinkie whined.

I’m sorry, Pinkie. Rules are rules. *Sighs* But I can help you with directions through Monstro.

“Oh, okay then,” Pinkie smiled.

“Pinkie, who are you talking to?” Applejack asked, confused.

“Oh, the writer of this story,” Pinkie replied. “I thought you’d like to know him. Look, he’s right there. I mean you can’t see him, but he has a nice face with a cute little moustache and beard. Oooh… And a good physique too. Hello! Well come on, wave to him!”

But to A.J.’s eyes, Pinkie was pointing toward an empty wall. But she tried to play along.

“Uh… Hello?” Applejack asked, confused.

“Hmm… No, he’s not there, he’s over…” Pinkie turns, stops. “Huh… He’s gone.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, thinking Pinkie has finally lost it.

“Pinkie, ah don’t know how to say this. But…”

“Hey, guys!”

A familiar voice caused every pony to turn, as Pinocchio found his friends.

“There you are!” Rainbow said. “Where have you been?”

“Actually, I was…” Pinocchio began.

“You can explain when we get back to the boat,” Applejack interrupted.

“You know Geppetto is awfully worried about you,” Rarity said.

“I know, but…” Pinocchio tried to speak.

“Come along, Pinocchio,” Twilight interrupted. “This is no time for games.”

The ponies and Spike turned around to leave this portion of Monstro behind.

“Well, well, well…”

A new voice stopped them in their tracks and looked behind them.

A familiar Siren and her cohorts stood before the group; their hands planted on their hips.

“What have we got here?” Adagio said. “Six little ponies and it’s not even my birthday.”

“Aw, they got a baby dragon with them,” Sonata points out. “Can we keep him?”

“She better not,” Aria muttered, arms folded.

The ponies focused their attention on the three girls in front of them. A certain little cricket put his glasses on, checking them out.

"Um, Pinocchio?” Rarity asked, uncomfortable. “Who are they?”

“These girls are stuck in this whale too,” Pinocchio explained. “I told them we can help them get out.”

The whole time Twilight studied the three girls, when suddenly her eyes widen and became small as pinpricks. She wasn’t the only one, as Spike shuddered nervously.

“You,” Twilight whispered, glaring.

“Excuse me?” Adagio asked, noticing the purple pony.

“YOU?!” Twilight asked, louder.

“Twilight, what’s the matter?” Applejack asked.

“Pinocchio!” Twilight commanded. “Get away from them, now!”

Pinocchio was about to approach when Adagio placed a hand on his shoulder.

“We mean no harm,” Adagio lied. “Why should he leave?”

“You can’t fool me, Adagio!” Twilight said.

The three girls stood in shock, but none more so than Adagio.

“Have we met?” Adagio asked. “How do you know my name?”

“Twilight, you know these girls?” Jiminy asked.

“You bet I do,” Twilight glared. “They’re the Dazzlings… Or more appropriately, the Sirens!”

The ponies gasped in shock, simultaneously.

“Those are the Sirens?” Rainbow asked.

“As in those mythical creatures who lure sailors to their death with their singing?” Jiminy asked.

“Well… Sort of,” Twilight said. “They’ve been a threat to Equestria for ages. They use their music to force ponies to obey their every command, while feeding off their negative energy. Star Swirl and the Pillars of Old Equestria banished them to another world and were supposed to remain there since!”

“But if that’s so, how did they escape?” Spike asked.

“So, you do know about us,” Adagio said. “But that doesn’t explain… Wait!”

Adagio suddenly paid close attention to the ponies and dragon. In their place, she saw a glimpse of six or seven teenage girls with a little dog. Suddenly, she smiled deviously.

“My, my. It’s a small world after all. If it isn’t the Rainbooms and their pitiful dog!”

“What?!” Spike said, raising his fists in the air. “You want some? Come and get it!”

Spike was about to attack when Applejack pulled him back.

“You mistake my pony friends from my Canterlot High friends,” Twilight points out. “But yes, I was one of them.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Adagio shook her head. “Canterlot High… Your pony counterparts… Your fate will be the same. I’ve waited a long time for this moment to exact my revenge. Especially on you, Twilight Sparkle.”

“And you’ve found a way to get back to Equestria,” Twilight confirmed. “You found the Book of Disney.”

“Actually, you can thank Sonata for that,” Aria said, as Sonata turned. “We’re only in this world because of her.”

“Come on, I said I was sorry!” Sonata whined.

“What are you doing now?” Twilight asked. “The same thing as usual, I suppose.”

“We were just playing with our new friend, Pinocchio,” Adagio said, innocently.

“You leave him out of this!” Twilight commanded. “Let him go!”

“Let him go?” Adagio said, facing the puppet. “This little cutie wants to help us.”

“Release him, Adagio! Now!”

The little alicorn and the siren-turned-human stared at each for a few seconds. Slowly, Adagio smiled.

“Very well, as you wish,” She said, releasing Pinocchio’s shoulder.

“Pinocchio, come here,” Applejack said, tenderly.

Pinocchio slowly walked away from Adagio, who rose her eyebrow while smiling. Twilight noticed that and watched suspiciously.

“Girls, sing!” Adagio commanded.

Before they knew it, the Sirens began to vocalize.

“Aaaah, ah, ah. Aaah, aah!”

“Everypony, cover your ears!” Twilight shouts, covering her ears. “Listen to them not!”

Everypony, even Jiminy, covered their ears. But Pinocchio wasn’t quick enough, succumbing to the Siren’s spell.

“Pinocchio, no!” Jiminy shouted

But Pinocchio didn’t hear him. He stood very still, his eyes glowing green. The siren leader approached him, massaging her hands along the puppet’s shoulders.

“Aw, why leave us for them?” She whispered in his ear. “She’s the one who made us suffer, and they’d do the same with you. They are not your friends; they are your enemies.”

Suddenly, something changed inside Pinocchio. His eyes filled with hate, glaring toward the creatures he called his friends.

“You’re right,” Pinocchio spoke. “Why should I trust those who make my friends suffer?”

“Pinocchio?” Jiminy asked, worriedly. “What are you saying?”

“How could you do this?!” Pinocchio shouted toward the ponies. “I trusted you and you lied to me!”

“Why are you saying that?” Rarity asked, in shock.

“Pinocchio, this is not you!” Twilight said. “You’re being controlled; you must free yourself!”

“Shut up!” Pinocchio shouts. “I don’t believe you anymore!”

A green mist appears beneath his body, floating into the Dazzlings’ gems. They enjoyed the feeling, the power coursing through them.

“That’s it, little one,” Adagio spoke. “Show them how much you hate them.”

“Leave him alone, Adagio!” Twilight said.

“Give him back right this instant!” Applejack commanded.

“You want him?” Aria dared. “You’ll have to catch us first.”

“Bring it on!” Rainbow said, taking a fighting stance.

Adagio turned behind her, whistling in her fingers. This confused Rainbow immediately.

“Why did she just whistle?” Rainbow asked.

“Sounds like she’s calling for reinforcements,” Jiminy noted, turning to Twilight. “Are there more sirens?”

“No, there’s only three,” Twilight answered.

Suddenly, five beings appeared behind the sirens. They were big and black, a sight the ponies had seen before.

“Boys, would you kindly take care of those ponies for us?” Adagio asked.

One of the goons nodded, speaking an unintelligible grunt.

“Try to take them prisoner,” Adagio added. “If they resist… Kill them.”

The goons slowly approach the ponies, while the Dazzlings escaped. Adagio drags Pinocchio by the arm as they ran toward another area. The Shadow Beasts took a fighting stance toward the shocked ponies, ready to strike.

"It's those creatures from the island!" Rainbow gasped.

“How did those get here?” Applejack asked.

“We’ll figure it out later,” Twilight said. “We have to get rid of them and get Pinocchio back.”

“No biggie,” Rainbow said, cracking her hooves. “There’s only five of them and eight of us!”

“Let’s fight these fiends!” Rarity declared.

One of the beasts charged toward the ponies, raising his arms to strike them. Twilight conjured a magical shield around every pony and when the monster’s fist struck, the shield pushed him back. But the beast kept pounding it, sending all the other beasts toward them. Twilight struggled to keep the shield from shattering.

“I don’t know if I can hold them off much longer,” Twilight groaned. “We have to fight back!”

“Leave it to me!” Rainbow said.

She flew off and loomed over one of the goons.

“Hey, bozo!” Rainbow teased. “Catch me if you can!”

Enraged, the goon swung towards Rainbow, who quickly dodged the attacks. She struck it in the face, as the goon kept swinging while she dodged the beast twice. The goon tried over and over, getting the same result, until Rainbow slammed it with a barrage of punches. One final punch sent the beast reeling over and fell backward.

“Ha! Is that all you go…”

WHAM! Another beast punched her toward a wall, knocking the wind right out of her.

“Rainbow!” Twilight screamed.

The goon lunged toward Twilight, when two hind legs blocked it’s fist. It was Applejack, who pushed the attack aside and counters with a straight buck to the gut, making the monster fall backwards. Pinkie shot a pie from her cannon toward another goon, while Rarity used her gemstones to tie another goon’s arms and body. But the one goon wiped the pie off his face, and the other freed itself from the gems. Eventually the ones on the ground stood up, ready to attack.

“They won’t stay down!” Rainbow growled.

“They’re too strong,” Spike said.

“Keep fighting!” Twilight said. “Pinocchio needs our help!”

“Prepare yourselves!” Jiminy called.

The Shadow Beasts charged toward the ponies, the dragon and the cricket. Applejack ran toward one and when the monster struck, the farmer slid under it using her rope to catch its arm. She pulled hard, and while the beast proved very strong Applejack used all her might to force the goon on the ground like the time when she fought the Bugbear. Twilight shot magic blasts toward the goons, while Pinkie threw cupcakes toward them.

Suddenly, Jiminy Cricket ran towards one of the beasts’ feet, smacking it with his umbrella.

“Hey, you big bully! Try to take on me!”

The monster peered toward the little cricket, laughing at first. Then the beast lift its foot to step on it.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Rarity shouts.

The white unicorn launched a big gemstone toward the goon, making him fall.

“There’s no way you’re hurting my friend, especially when he wears such refine attire.”

“Thanks, Rarity,” Jiminy tipped his hat.

“You’re welcome, darling.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash flew around and around one of the beasts, making him dizzy. As he regained his vision, he felt a tap on the shoulder and turned.

“Excuse me!”

Rainbow Dash grabs its arm, spinning him faster like a top and threw it toward the other beasts like a tornado bowling over windmills.

Suddenly, one of the monsters grabbed Rarity, who flailed her arms to get free. But it didn’t matter how hard she tries; the beast wouldn’t let go.

“Release me, you ruffian!”

Jiminy leapt onto the beast’s arm to the head, hitting him with his umbrella.

“Take that, you… You… Hooligan!”

The Shadow Beast reached to grab the cricket off its head, but Jiminy was smart and hopped from its arms each time. Spike saw it as a distraction, rushing to attack.

“Let her go!” Spike shouts.

Spike breathed fire toward the monster, which quickly released Rarity to put the fire off his arm. The little dragon breathed more fire towards the goons, setting them on fire.

Meanwhile, Twilight fired powerful blasts at four goons, while Rainbow worked up a tornado to suck them in. With their combined power, the four goons fell to the ground unconscious. But only one goon remained. It was getting close to a very shy Pegasus, who slowly backs away while the monster had its arms spread forward.

“Now, now,” Fluttershy spoke, softly. “Don’t you wanna talk about your problems… If you want to?”

Twilight saw the beast getting closer and suddenly thought of something.

“Fluttershy!” She called, grabbing her attention. “Remember that day, when you forced that bear to the ground for a massage?”

“Yes?” Fluttershy nodded.

“Pretend he needs a massage! Force him on the ground!”

Hearing the idea, Fluttershy faced the beast and put it together. She flew between the monster’s legs, confusing it. The creature looked between its legs, and Fluttershy struck it in the back. The Pegasus grabs the beast’s leg, pulling hard while it growled in agony. The ponies couldn’t believe what they were seeing, while Twilight smiled in satisfaction.

Remember she saw this before, faithful readers.

Back to the fight, Fluttershy stomped on the beast’s back, making it growl louder. As a final touch, she snapped its neck, making it fall unconsciously to the ground.

If she snapped it too far, it would’ve been dead.

“Wow!” The ponies gaped, amazed.

“How… But… What?!” Rainbow spoke, confused.

“I didn’t know someone adorable could be deadly,” Jiminy spoke, wide-eyed while facing Spike. “Remind me never to get on her bad side.”

The little dragon gave him a thumbs up, while nodding slowly.

“It’s amazing!” Applejack exclaimed. “Twilight, how did you know?”

“I saw her do that the same day I went crazy,” Twilight explained. “When I forgot to send Princess Celestia my Friendship letter.”

“Six seasons and you never told any of us?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight chuckled, before facing Fluttershy.

“Huh? Uh… Fluttershy? You don’t have to give him a real massage.”

Indeed, Fluttershy was giving the Shadow Beast a massage, though whether it enjoyed it was hard to say. When she heard Twilight, she suddenly stopped and hopped on the monster’s back.

“Oh, sorry,” Fluttershy blushed.

“That… Was… AWESOME!” Rainbow shouted.

“You were amazing, darling,” Rarity complimented.

“You surprise me, Fluttershy,” Jiminy added.

Fluttershy blushed from all the compliments she received.

“Save the compliments for later,” Applejack spoke. “We still need to save Pinocchio from those Sirens.”

“I don’t know,” Pinkie said, sadly. “He acted really mean.”

“He was under the Sirens control,” Spike explained. “He didn’t mean it.”

“But if he lied, shouldn’t his nose grow?” Rarity asked.

“I…” Spike paused, thinking. “Hmm… That’s actually a good question.”

“We don’t have time to think,” Twilight said. “We must help him!”

“How? And where?” Fluttershy asked, frantically. “This whale is like a labyrinth; they must’ve escaped already.”

“Hey, Sean!” Pinkie yelled to the ceiling.


“Uh, I mean… Mr. Writer! Now’s the moment to help us!”

Alright, I did promise you that. Okay, go straight forward...

“Uh-huh,” Pinkie nodded.

Then a left and a… Okay, this is getting too hard and long to explain. Pinkie, I know you have a very good memory, but it’s going to be hard explaining these directions. Here, take this map. It’ll show the way through the whale.

A map falls from the ceiling into Pinkie’s hooves. She opened it and read the directions carefully.

“Thanks, Mr. Writer!” Pinkie yelled.

You’re welcome. Now hurry up and save Pinocchio from those chicks!

“Come on, every pony!” Pinkie cried, holding the map. “Follow me!”

“Pinkie?” Twilight asked, seeing the map. “Where did you get that?”

“That, my dear Twilight, is a secret you have to find out yourself,” Pinkie said, blinking to the camera. “Now hurry up! We got a puppet to save.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow but shook her head and following Pinkie along with the others. It took a few minutes to find their way, but eventually found themselves in areas they’ve never been to. It wouldn’t be long till they find the Sirens.


In the meantime, while the goons did all the dirty work, the Sirens ran as far from the ponies as possible. They found themselves in a very spacious room, filled with platforms and bones sticking out from the walls. Worst of all: The girls stood on one big platform surrounded by stomach acid, steam rising from it. As for Pinocchio, they positioned him on the platform but the little guy neither made a sound nor budged an inch.

“This whale is a maze!” Aria said, impatiently. “We’re never getting out of this!”

“Patience, Aria,” Adagio said. “We’ll escape this beast soon enough. I still can’t believe the pony counterparts of the Rainbooms are here.”

“Maybe we should’ve cooperated,” Sonata suggested. “At least till we escaped.”

“Then what?” Adagio asked. “So, they can stop us from reaching our goal? Our pendants would be destroyed, and we’d have to start from the bottom… Again!”

“If you hadn’t touched that stupid book, Sonata, we wouldn’t be here in the first place!” Aria accused.

“Actually, I have to thank her for that,” Adagio interrupted.

“What?” Aria asked, confused.

“You do?” Sonata asked.

“If she didn’t touch the book, we wouldn’t have either the money or the Coachman’s minions,” Adagio points out. “Not to mention, with the Blue Fairy under our control we shall rule this world and the next!”

“So that’s what you three are planning!”

The girls turned to the source of the voice, unexpectedly seeing the ponies and dragon ready to attack.

“What?!” Adagio asked, flabbergasted. “How’d you defeat my goons?”

“Please, we fought an entire army of those things,” Rainbow bragged. “Beating five of them is a piece of cake!”

“Those were the same creatures from Pleasure Island,” Twilight realized, her eyes widen. “So, you were in league with the Coachman!”

“That’s right, and he rewarded us handsomely,” Adagio replied.

“By luring children to become donkey slaves?” Twilight asked.

“They deserved it,” Adagio said. “We did their parents a favor, if any at all.”

“That’s sick and you know it!” Applejack yelled, stomping her hoof.

“Surrender, Adagio!” Twilight commands. “There’s no way out of this!”

“We’ll never surrender to you, Twilight Sparkle!” Adagio said, pointing a finger.

“We’re in a whale, Adagio!” Twilight points out. “Why can’t you three just give up?”

“We intend to get out,” Adagio said, revealing a comatose Pinocchio. “And our new assistant will help us.”

The ponies gasped at the sight.

“What did you do with him?” Twilight asked.

“We absorbed all his negative energy while he was under our control,” Adagio explained, sucking her finger. “Even I never thought he’d end up like this. On the other hand, he had all this powerful magical energy inside him, and I just couldn’t resist. It was… Delicious!”

“You bunch o’witches,” Applejack glared. “Let Pinocchio go!”

“Amazing, isn’t it?” Adagio asked. “A puppet brought to life by a powerful fairy, but for what purpose?”

“To give a good man a son,” Rarity answered.

“That will never happen,” Adagio said. “You see, this puppet is too important for us. He alone holds the key to our new conquest.”

“We intend to catch this Blue Fairy,” Aria added. “And neither you Twilight, nor your weakling friends, will stop us this time.”

“Too bad, so sad,” Sonata feigned a sad face.

“But you know Twilight? I’m not a complete monster,” Adagio said. “I’m willing to give you an offer: Join us. When we rule this world, no one will suffer or even die. There’s only one thing we want the most: Undeniable adoration from all. Deep down, you want it too, Twilight.”

“Twilight, we’re not seriously doing that, are we?” Spike asked.

“Think about it, Princess,” Adagio swayed, extending her hand. “Join us and everyone will adore you for generations. We can do this… Together.”

“Or else the puppet dies!” Aria adds.

Twilight thought for a moment, to surrender or risk her friend’s life. She slowly glared toward the Sirens, stomping her hoof on the ground a few times. Adagio raised an eyebrow.

“You’d seriously rather fight me? Over a puppet? He’s not even real!”

“Take that back!” Rainbow demands, ready to attack.

“Just telling it like it is,” Adagio smirked, her hands on her hips. “Feather-brain.”

“I ought to press you into jerk cider!” Rainbow yelled.

She flew toward the Sirens, only for Applejack to pull her tail back with her mouth.

“Just ignore her, Rainbow,” Applejack advised. “They’re trying to challenge you.”

“Real or not, at least he has friends,” Twilight argues. “More importantly, he has a conscience.”

“Conscience?” Adagio asked, mockingly.

As they spoke, Jiminy Cricket rushed toward his puppet friend without anyone noticing.

“You might not hear it, Adagio,” Twilight continues. “But right now, it’s loud and clear and it’s telling me you three can’t be trusted.”

Adagio stood silent, before preparing herself to fight.

“Then you leave me no choice, Twilight.”

Eventually Jiminy Cricket reached Pinocchio, struggling to get his attention.

“Pinocchio! Pinocchio!”

Pinocchio opened his eyes slightly, he looked very sick.

“Jiminy… I’m sorry… I’m not gonna make it.”

“It’s okay,” Jiminy said, trying to comfort him. “I’m here; I won’t leave you.”

Suddenly, a bright light shone on Pinocchio catching Jiminy’s attention. Pinocchio’s nose grew slightly, surprising even himself.

“Oh! I guess I’m okay!” Pinocchio said, happily.

“Pinocchio’s alright!” Pinkie pointed.

“Hooray!” Jiminy yelled, jumping for joy.

But suddenly, a certain siren with pigtails heard the yell. She saw where the puppet sat, noticing the little cricket. She slowly approached them, Pinocchio saw her and gasped. But it was too late, as Aria clutched Jiminy by his coat and lifted him to her eye level as he struggled.

“Hey! Let me go! What’s going on?!”

“Well, what’s this now?” Aria asked, inspecting the Cricket.

Jiminy Cricket prepared his umbrella.

“Miss, I’m really sorry about this.”

“Huh?” Aria asked, confused.

Jiminy Cricket swung his umbrella against Aria’s nose, she dropped the cricket and grabbed her nose in pain.

“Aah!” Aria shouted, eyeing the cricket. “You little cockroach; I’ll squash you like an ant!”

She raised her leg to step on Jiminy, the cricket covering his eyes. Suddenly, a pair of hands stopped Aria. She turned and saw it was the little wooden boy preventing her from killing his friend.

“Leave Jiminy alone!” Pinocchio shouts.

“Let go of me, you brat!”

“No, I won’t let you hurt my friend!”

Annoyed, Aria shoved Pinocchio off her foot and stalked the scared puppet.

“Then I’ll take you down too!” Aria said, raising her fist.

WHAM! Aria was pounced and found herself pinned to the floor, by none other than Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t think so,” Dash said.

“Every pony, attack!” Twilight shouts.

“Get them!” Adagio ordered.

Twilight and the others rushed toward the Dazzlings, while Adagio and Sonata charged. Aria shoved Rainbow off her, leaping back on her feet. The sirens' gems glow and all three floated in the air, surrounded by the light. Their hair grew longer, pony ears formed, and even fin-like wings sprouted from their back. Together, the sirens fired powerful sound waves from their mouths.

“Look out!” Twilight shouts.

The ponies and dragon dodge the attack before it hit them. Rainbow quickly picks up Pinocchio, placing him on another platform.

“Stay here,” She said.

“Okay,” Pinocchio said, watching her rejoin the others.

Meanwhile, Spike stood face-to-face with Sonata, who had a devious look on her face.

“When I defeat you and your friends,” Sonata spoke. “You’ll be coming with me as my new pet. You know? You’re cuter as a dragon than a dog. I’ll even call you… ‘George’.”

“Forget it sister,” Spike said. “This dragon belongs to no one but Twilight.”

“Then let’s see if you’re prepared for this!”

Sonata flew towards Spike, as he ran as far as his little feet can carry him. With the power of her gem, she powered up her fist.

“Melodious Punch!”

Spike ducked, as Sonata prepared her attack again. He rolls like a ball breathing fire around him.

“Fire Wheel!”

The two attacks collide against each other, propelling them backward. Sonata fired red blasts from her mouth, which Spike luckily dodged. Suddenly, she got hit by something pink in her face. She wiped it from her face and gave it a taste.

“Mmm…” Sonata smiled. “Cupcake frosting!”

She turned toward where it came from and discovered none other than Pinkie Pie, two cupcakes in her hooves.

“Hope you saved room for dessert! Get ready for my Cupcake Assault!”

Pinkie hurled a barrage of cupcakes toward Sonata. But as dim-witted as she may be, she had a plan of her own. She dug into her cleavage…

Don’t get any ideas…

She dug into her cleavage, pulling out two wrapped tacos. She unwrapped the paper with her teeth, like pulling a pin off a grenade.

“Taste my Taco Fury!”

Sonata threw tacos toward Pinkie. Before their eyes, the cupcakes and tacos exploded off each other, neither one hitting the girls.

“Hey, you’re pretty good!” Pinkie complimented.

“Thanks, you’re pretty good too!” Sonata smiled.

“Sonata!” Aria and Adagio shouts.

“Pinkie!” The rest of the Mane Six shouts.

“Oh yeah,” Sonata realized.

She takes a taco and slams it in Pinkie’s face. The pink mare licked the taco off her face and tasted it. Her eyes widen, with a look of disgust.

“Ew! Is this meat?!”

“I know, right?!” Sonata said, chuckling. “Isn’t it delicious?”

“We ponies are vegetarian!” Pinkie yelled.

“You are?” Sonata asked. “Sorry!”

In the moment, the other ponies fought Aria and Adagio, who blew them a kiss as a glowing ball with musical notes floats out her mouth. It slowly approaches Twilight, who stares at it in confusion. The ball stands still and suddenly… BAM!!! It explodes causing the ponies to fly backwards, screaming.

“Nice Sound Bomb, Dagi!” Sonata calls, giving a thumbs up.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Adagio replied. “Aria?”

Without a word, Aria fires sound waves in the air, using her hands to drop them on the ponies, who barely dodged by the skin of their teeth.

“So, want to play rough, huh?” Rainbow said, cracking her hooves. “I’ll show them!”

Rainbow concocts a storm cloud, shooting lighting toward the Sirens, who flew out of the way.

“Don’t worry, Dagi!” Sonata calls out. “I’ll get her!”

Sonata flew straight toward Rainbow, who proceeds to fly away from the Siren.

“I’m gonna get you. I’m gonna… Huh? WAAAH!!!!”

Suddenly, Sonata flies away from Rainbow, who is chasing her instead.

“You want a piece of me?!” Rainbow mocked. “Ha-ha-ha! Who’s the tough girl now?!”

Suddenly, Rainbow stops in her tracks when Aria appears, cracking her knuckles with a look that could kill.

“Nobody gets to beat up Sonata but me!”

“Whoa boy,” Rainbow gulps, trying to fly away.

“Come here, you,” Aria shouts, grabbing Dashie’s tail. “Have a piece of this!”

Aria spun Rainbow around and around, tossing her aside and fires a red bolt toward her.

“AAAAAH!!!” Rainbow screamed.


A cloud of dust forms as the blast apparently hits her. Pinkie and the other ponies witnessed the whole thing.

“Dashie! No!” Pinkie screams.

Aria smirks evilly, till it drops to a look of disbelief. As the dust settles, there Rainbow stood shielding her eyes with her hooves. Uncovering her eyes, she looked in shock discovering a magic bubble had surrounded her. When Aria turns to the side, she sees Twilight Sparkle casted the bubble around her friend.

“Why, you meddling…” Aria growled.

Suddenly, Aria finds herself caught by a lasso and pulled straight to the ground. She looks up and see Applejack tugging with all her might to keep her down. Spike witnesses the whole event, when he took a step back and felt his foot burn.


Spike retreats his foot and quickly turns around. That’s when he notices the green liquid surrounding the platform.

“Watch out for that green water!” Spike warned the others. “It burns!”

“That’s not green water!” Twilight answered. “It’s gastric acid!”

“Now she tells me,” Spike says to himself.

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over Twilight Sparkle, who turns to the side and sees Adagio hovering over her prepared to fight.

“I won’t let you get away this time, princess,” Adagio said. “You humiliated me, now you and your friends, pony and human alike, are going to pay!”

“You deserved it!” Twilight argued, as they circled one another. “You’re not ruling any world, not on my watch. Aligning with the Coachman was a foolish mistake.”

“We shall see, Princess. Once the Blue Fairy is in my grasp, this world and the rest will all bow before me!”

“Your attempts are useless; the Blue Fairy will never be fooled by the likes of you.

“You forget even powerful beings are capable of falling under our spell, no different to everyone else. All they need is a tiny push in the wrong direction. Face it, princess: I will always be smarter and better than you. It’s all over.”

“You’re wrong, Adagio. We ponies have dealt with many power-mad creatures over the years and you will lose just the same as them.”

“What is a pony, anyway? Just a miserable pile of friendship. Enough talk; have at you!”

Adagio fires a red beam from her mouth, which Twilight quickly blocked with her magic. Twilight counterattacks with her own laser beams till Adagio dodged them. They repeat the attacks a few more times till Adagio had enough.

“You bore me!” Adagio said.

Adagio takes to the air, powers up her voice and unleashes a sound wave so big it caused a shockwave propelling Twilight backward. She nearly fell into the gastric acid, not close enough to burn her skin but enough to feel the heat. Adagio charges toward her, attempting to push her in the scolding liquid as Twilight struggles to push back.

“Give up, pony!” Adagio demands.

“Never!” Twilight shouts.

Jiminy, caught in the middle of the fight, witnesses the battle between Adagio and Twilight.

“Uh oh, Twilight’s in trouble!” Jiminy said, to himself. “I gotta help her!”

Jiminy ran as fast as he could, as Adagio nearly forced Twilight into the acid.

“Say goodbye, princess!” Adagio smiled.

Suddenly, she sees a tiny cricket hop in front of her eyes to her confusion.

“You leave Twilight alone!” Jiminy shouts, swinging his umbrella.

“OW!” Adagio shouts, closing her eyes. “Get off me!”

Adagio swiped her hands over her eyes, trying to shoo away the cricket. Twilight took the moment to escape from harm’s way and regain her strength. But then she notices the acid slowly rising.

“Girls!” Twilight shouts. “We have a problem!”

Rarity kept Sonata and Aria at bay with her gems but notices the acid too.

“We must finish this, now!”

Finally, Adagio managed to swipe Jiminy off her face and the cricket nearly fell into the acid. Jiminy Cricket screamed for his life, closing his eyes when he felt his body stop as if frozen in time. A purple aura engulfed him, as Twilight Sparkle used her magic to levitate the cricket toward her.

“Girls, get over here now!” Adagio yelled.

Aria and Sonata regrouped with their leader, as the other ponies reunited. They looked on worried as the gastric acid would soon engulf the platform any minute.

“I give you the chance to join in our rule,” Adagio said, her gemstone glowing brightly. “But now… I just want you to die!”

The Sirens allowed the magic within their gems to take hold of them, the magic altering their bodies. The clothes ripped loose from their bodies as they grew and assumed their true siren forms. The beasts looked menacingly toward the ponies, who quaked with fear.

The Dazzlings began to sing, shooting sound waves toward them. Twilight tried to protect every pony with her barrier, but the Sirens’ power proved more than a match for her. The blast nearly knocks the ponies away as Twilight Sparkle faints having used all her power.

“Twilight!” The ponies shout, gathering around Twilight.

“Ha-ha-ha! I always knew you were weak, princess,” Adagio growled. “Just like all the others; prepare for your demise!”

“Oh, let me do it, Dagi!” Sonata pleaded. “Let me do it!”

“Fine, but don’t screw up!” Adagio said.

“Oh goody!”

Sonata charged her voice, the ponies not knowing what to do as the Sirens proved too powerful. Suddenly, one Pegasus pony stepped in front of her friends. Fluttershy unleashed the Stare toward Sonata, the blue siren’s eyes filled with fear.

“Aah! What’s happening?!” Sonata screamed, covering her eyes. “Please, don’t do it! Get away!”

“Alright, Flutters!” Rainbow cheered.

“Is there anything that Pegasus can’t do?” Jiminy asked himself.

Fluttershy kept her Stare locked on the Siren, when Aria stepped in.

“I told you!” Aria growled. “Nobody hurts Sonata, but me!”

Before Fluttershy can react, Aria grabs the Pegasus in her mouth and tosses her against the wall. The ponies gasp in unison.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow yelled, glaring toward the purple siren. “You’ll pay for that, freak!”

Rainbow charged toward the purple siren, who unleashed a large sound wave across the whole room. The ponies were propelled backward but luckily, they landed on the platforms stuck on the wall. The Sirens laugh maniacally, as the ponies struggled back on their hooves. In the meantime, Adagio clutched Pinocchio in her hooves before he could run away.

“No! Let me go!” Pinocchio shouts.

“Pinocchio!” Jiminy yells.

“They’re too strong!” Applejack groans, barely on her hoof.

“That’s right, foals!” Adagio said. “We’ve sucked all the negative energy we need to take you down in one blow. While you are stuck here as whale food, Pinocchio is coming with us, we’ll escape this miserable place and with the Blue Fairy’s power we’ll conquer every world in existence!”

As she spoke, she notices the stomach acid nearly filling the entire room.

“Face it Princess… We’ve won!”

“No, you won’t!” Twilight said, struggling to get up. “Not if we have anything to say about this.”

“So be it!” Adagio snarled.

Adagio charged toward the alicorn princess, who used all the strength she has left to fly toward the Siren leader. She fires a magic beam into the beast’s eyes, making her scream in agony. Twilight takes the moment to land on her face and block her sight.

“Get off me!” Adagio growled.

Adagio struggled to get the princess off her face, flying around the area. Twilight charges her horn and suddenly causing them to vanish from sight.

“Twilight!” Spike shouts. “Come back!”

A few minutes later, they appeared back in the mouth, where Geppetto’s boat remains stuck. The old woodcarver, along with the foals, approached the railing and witnessed a giant monster, whose eyes were blocked by a certain unicorn/alicorn.

“Get off me, pony!” Adagio growled.’

The figures on the boat watch the two plunge toward the water as they screamed.


“What was that?” Geppetto asks, peering over the railing.

The little foals checked the water and saw a big red glow in the water. Suddenly, Twilight and Pinocchio emerged from the water coughing for air.

“It’s Twilight and Pinocchio!” Apple Bloom shouts.

“Pinocchio?” Geppetto asked.

“But what was that thing?” Tender asks.

Suddenly, Adagio emerged with a huge splash, reverting back to her anthro-form, swiping the hair away from her face.

“That puppet is mine, princess!” Adagio snarls.

“No, he isn’t!” Twilight said, defiantly. “If you want him, you have to get through me!”

“Fine by me.”

Adagio fired her sound waves toward Twilight, the attack makes contact and knocks her into the water. Pinocchio tried to swim back to the boat when Adagio picks him up.

“Father!” Pinocchio yelled.

“Pinocchio!” Geppetto yelled.

Twilight plopped back to the surface, spitting saltwater out of her mouth.

“I told you, princess,” Adagio said. “No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you fight, you’re going to lose. Your friends are not here to help you; this time, I have you all to myself.”

Suddenly, a noise draws Adagio to look in front of her while Twilight looks from behind. They witness the other ponies riding the other Sirens, Spike blocking Aria’s view and Pinkie blocking Sonata’s.

“Get along, little doggies!” Applejack said, riding Aria. “Yeehaw!”

“A little to the left,” Pinkie instructs. “That’s it, now to the right. Now downwards…”

“Please don’t make me crash!” Sonata begged.

“You’re doing fine, Sonata!” Pinkie said. “Trust me!”


Suddenly, the Sirens and ponies land straight into the water. Aria and Sonata emerge from the water in their anthro-forms, while the ponies followed after.

“Nailed it!” Pinkie said, with a smile.

“Thanks!” Sonata said.

“What did you say we were again?” Twilight asks Adagio, with a determined smile. “Weak?”

Adagio grits her teeth in anger, looked toward the beings on the boat. She sees the two nervous foals, giving her an idea.

“Sonata! Aria!” Adagio commands. “Grab those foals!”

The two sirens quickly flew toward the boat, snatching the two foals and flew beside Adagio.

“Apple Bloom, no!” Applejack yelled.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom yelled.

“Father!” Pinocchio screamed.

“Help us!” Tender shouts.

“Pinocchio!” Geppetto cries, gaining Adagio’s attention. “Please, whoever you are, give me back my son.”

“Sorry, old man,” Adagio said. “I have unfinished business with this puppet!”

“He’s no puppet! Pinocchio is my little boy!”

“You call this puppet your son? Ha! How foolish."

“Let them go, Adagio!” Twilight demands.

“I don’t think so, Princess. We’re gonna escape this whale and they are coming with us!”

“Really? Then, I want the one with the bow!” Sonata said, cuddling Apple Bloom, to her dismay. “She’s so cute!”

“NO!” Applejack shouts.

“Adagio, listen to me!” Twilight begs. “It doesn’t have to be this way!”

“It’s always this way,” Adagio argues. “You should learn one thing about me, princess. I always get what I desire.”

“By kidnapping children?!”

“I’ll take any drastic measure if I have to,” Adagio speaks, in a dark undertone. “We will escape and rule this world, while you can stay here with your pathetic friends… Forever!”

“Oh boy, this is worse than I thought,” Jiminy said.

“What’ll we do, Twilight?” Spike asks, worriedly.

It seems they were in a difficult situation, the Sirens about to escape and Twilight stuck here with her friends. She was on the verge of giving up, even if she didn’t want to. There had to be a way, but how? Suddenly, she heard a voice, one she recognized too well, echoing in her head. The voice of someone who helped her and her friends through this adventure.

“Don’t let them win, Twilight Sparkle,” The female voice spoke. “Remember: You’ve defeated them before. There are only two powers that can defeat the sirens and you know what they are. You’ve got this…”

“No,” Twilight said, aloud. “We got this… Together!”

Suddenly, Twilight did the most unexpected thing in such a drastic situation:

“You’re never gonna bring me down,
You’re never gonna break this part of me.”

Adagio raised an eyebrow as the unicorn/alicorn started singing. Even Twilight’s friends were confused.

“Twilight, this is no time for…” Rainbow began.

“Come on, girls!” Twilight interrupts. “Sing along; trust me!”

“My friends are here to bring me ‘round
Not singing just for popularity.”

“What are they doing?” Aria asked, confused.

“I think she’s… Singing?” Sonata guessed.

Listening to the song, Adagio’s eyes widen recognizing the tune very well.


Slowly, the ponies began to sing together much to Jiminy’s confusion.

“We’re here to let you know
That we won’t let it go
Our music is a bomb and it’s about to blow!”

“No!” Adagio shouts. “Stop that! I’m warning you!”

But the ponies didn’t listen, they just kept singing.

“And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side!”

As the music and singing kept going, Adagio got angrier.

“I said… STOP!!!!”

Adagio fires a deadly red beam toward the ponies, intent to kill them. Suddenly, a magic barrier of unknown power stopped the beam much to Aria’s shock.

“It didn’t work!” Aria shouts.

“No, we can’t let them win!” Adagio yells. “Together!”

The Sirens fired multiple laser beams toward the ponies, but the barrier stayed strong.

“Got the music in our hearts
We’re here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark
Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives!”

“It won’t go down!” Sonata screams.

Apple Bloom bites Sonata’s hand, while Tender bites Aria’s.

“YEOW!!!” Sonata screams.

Aria and Sonata drop the foals back on the deck, while Sonata rubs her hand. Aria glares toward the two.

“Why, you little…!” Aria began.

“Let go of me!” Pinocchio yelled, kicking Adagio in the gut.

“OOMPH!” Adagio gasped, holding her gut.

Pinocchio dropped toward the ocean, just inches from the boat.

“How dare you!” Adagio yells, raising her arm to attack.

Before the Dazzlings can do anything, a bright glow drew their attention. The magical barrier surrounding the ponies began to shift and assume a new form.

“We’re here to let you know
That we won’t let it go
Our music is a bomb and it’s about to blow
And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side!
Got the music in our hearts
We’re here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark
Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives!”

While singing the next verse, the magic surrounding them ignited a change in the ponies. Suddenly, Applejack gained red, blue and green streaks in her blond hair and a red apple over one eye. Fluttershy gained green, yellow and purple streaks in her pink hair and a pink butterfly on her eye. Pinkie gained green, blue and purple streaks in her hair and a blue balloon on her eye. Rarity gained pink, blue and yellow streaks in her hair and a blue diamond over her eye. While Rainbow gained no streaks, she did get a blue lightning bolt over her eye. Last, but certainly not least, Twilight gained extra streaks of dark pink, yellow and blue in her hair and a six-pointed star over her eye. As if the girls gained new powers.

“Got the music in our hearts
We’re here to blow this thing apart
And together, we will never
Be afraid of the dark
Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd
As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives, survives!”

The Sirens stood nervously, and, to their shock, the ponies transformed into the same giant alicorn that defeated them during their main event at Canterlot High. The alicorn fired a powerful rainbow beam toward the sirens, so powerful Monstro forced his mouth open leaving him completely confused. The beam propelled the sirens out of the whale and into the water.


After a few seconds, the sirens’ heads pop out, as they spat water out of their mouths.

“I can’t believe it!” Aria said. “They’ve defeated us… Again!”

"How is this possible?!” Adagio asks, outraged.

“Well, on the positive side,” Sonata assures. “At least they didn’t destroy our… Oh.”

Sonata just realized she spoke too soon, as the shards of the gem, remains from the blast, floated atop the water.

“Quick! Grab the pieces!” Adagio said.

Suddenly, an orb of blue light drew their attention.

“Now what?!” Adagio asks, annoyed.

The blue light took the form of a beautiful lady in a blue dress, blond hair and a wand in her hand. The Dazzlings were amazed as the woman looked down on them.

“Dagi, who is that?” Sonata asked.

“Is that…?” Aria began.

“Her…” Adagio said, with venom.

The woman didn’t say a word, only looked at them firmly.

“So, you’re the Blue Fairy?” Adagio asks, pointing toward her.

But again, the fairy didn’t answer.

“Gems or not, I’ve finally got you!” Adagio said.

But then the Fairy used her wand to open a portal above them, as Adagio’s eyes widen.


But it was too late. The portal sucked the Dazzling inside, while the portal and the Fairy herself disappeared. The Dazzlings swirled through the vortex, screaming through the whole ride.

Canterlot City

Over the town, the portal opens as the Dazzlings dropped toward the ground. As the sirens grunt in pain, the portal disappears and the townspeople around barely noticed, going about their business.

“This is getting old, really fast,” Aria groaned.

“I can’t believe it,” Adagio said, looking around. “We’re back in this miserable town, right back at the bottom… AGAIN!”

“Defeated by ponies!” Aria shouts. “AGAIN!”

“And our pendants are destroyed!” Adagio notes, holding the shards. “It’ll take months, maybe ages to repair them.”

“Well, there’s still the bright side,” Sonata offers.

“What bright side?!” Adagio and Aria yelled, glaring.

Sonata takes out one of the bags of gold, which she somehow kept safe… Don’t ask how.

“We still have our gold!” The blue-haired siren smiled. “Now I can make my dream of running a taco stand come true!”

“ENOUGH WITH THE TACO STAND!” Aria yelled, losing her patience.

Aria chased Sonata around the streets, while Adagio just nodded her head. True, they have their bags of gold and could use them as they wanted. But that didn’t matter to her. Once again, Adagio was defeated and there was only one thing she wanted more than adoration: Revenge.

“CURSE YOU, PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!!” Adagio screams at the top of her lungs.

Back inside the whale, Pinocchio, Geppetto, Apple Bloom, Tender, Spike and Jiminy stared at the scenery in awe. Eventually the giant alicorn disappeared reverting back into six ponies. The streaks in their hair and the symbols on their eyes disappeared too. They were exhausted from the experience, but they were relieved they finally did it. The Sirens were defeated.

“Big sis!” Apple Bloom shouts.

She runs toward her big sister, who opens up her arms as the sisters embraced.

“Thank Celestia, your safe,” Applejack sighs. “Whoever lays a hand, hoof or claw at mah sister, deals with me!”

“What was that?” Tender Taps asked.

“That was amazing!” Jiminy said, in wonder.

“I don’t really know,” Twilight admits. “It’s something I did before with my Canterlot High friends.”

“It’s like we used the power of friendship and music to defeat the sirens,” Applejack notes.

“So… We blasted them toward the ocean?” Rainbow asked.

“Seems that way, Rainbow,” Twilight nods. “The important thing is they won’t hurt anyone else… Least for now.”

“So, did you hear the Blue Fairy in your head?” Pinkie asked Twilight.

“How did you know that?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, just a hunch,” Pinkie smiled, innocently.

"Pinocchio!" Geppetto cried.

Pinocchio smiles toward his father, who rush towards him.

“Father!” Pinocchio cried, as they shared a loving hug.

The ponies felt a warm feeling inside as they watched father and son reunite. The old man turns toward the girls, tears in his eyes.

“You saved my boy from those wicked girls,” Geppetto said. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Geppetto,” Twilight bowed.

“I’m sorry for running away again, guys,” Pinocchio apologizes. “I just wanted to help find a way out of Monstro to make up for what I did. I should’ve been more careful to who I talk to.”

“That’s alright, sugar cube,” Applejack said.

“But the things I said…” Pinocchio said. “Whatever I said, I didn’t mean…”

“No sweat kid, we know it wasn’t you,” Rainbow said. “Besides, we have the solution to get out of here! Twilight can just teleport us back home!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that right now,” Twilight said. “It took so much energy out of me to fight the Dazzlings. I need to rest.”

“So… We’re going to be stuck in here forever?” Tender asks.

“Don’t worry,” Applejack assures. “We’ll get out of here one way or another.”

“I guess we’ll just have to get used to stayin’ here, for a while,” Apple Bloom said.

“You should’ve seen them, Father,” Pinocchio spoke to Geppetto. “They were amazing fighting those Sirens!”

“Actually, Jiminy is the big hero,” Applejack said.

“Me?!” Jiminy Cricket said, surprised.

“Yeah, if you didn’t stop Adagio, I would’ve been a goner for sure,” Twilight said, nudging her head against him. “Thanks, Jiminy.”

“Gosh, isn’t that what friends do?” Jiminy asked.

“It sure is,” Twilight nods.

“Three cheers for Jiminy!” Pinkie declares. “Hip hip…”

HOORAY!” Every pony and Pinocchio yell.

"Hip hip..."


"Hip hip..."


Jiminy couldn’t help but blush at all the adoration.

“You girls must be really tired after such a long fight,” Geppetto said. “Come, we make a nice fire and we cook some of the fish.”

“We usually don’t eat fish,” Tender points out.

“Well, better than to starve,” Rarity said. “But nopony will ever hear the end of it.”

When Pinocchio heard what his father said, a light bulb glowed in his head.

“A fire! That’s it!”

Pinocchio’s yell caused the other ponies to jump, while the old man was oblivious.

“Yes, and then we’ll all eat again,” Geppetto continued.

“A great big fire!” Pinocchio said, dashing into the boat. “Lots of smoke!”

“Smoke?” Everyone said.

“Now wait just an apple pickin’ minute,” Applejack said. “You trying to set the boat on fire?”

“I don’t think he’s doing that,” Fluttershy said.

“Well, a smoked fish will taste good,” Geppetto nods.

Pinocchio grabbed all the firewood from a red box, handing them to his father.

“Quick, some wood!” Pinocchio said.

“Boy, he must be pretty hungry,” Pinkie observed.

“Or maybe…” Twilight thought, suddenly her eyes widen. “He’s found the solution!”

“Quick, Spike,” Pinocchio said, grabbing his claw. “I need your help!”

“Easy, Pinoke!” Spike said. “What’s the hurry?”

But Pinocchio didn’t answer, leaving Spike in position while he grabbed a chair.

“Pinocchio, not the chair!” Geppetto yelled.

Outside, Pinocchio smashed the chair against a barrel.

“Hurry, guys! More wood!”

“You heard him!” Twilight called out. “Find more wood!”

Everypony grabbed as much wood as they could, even some planks off the ship, placing them along the barrel and the broken chair. Geppetto, Figaro and some of the ponies were confused trying to figure out what Pinocchio is doing.

“Oh, what will we sit on if we—” Geppetto began.

“We won’t need it,” Pinocchio interrupted. “We’re getting out! Spike, breathe fire on the wood!”

“Uh… Okay?” Spike said, confused.

Spike blew a stream of fire along the wood; it didn’t take long for the entire pile to ignite.

“Getting out?” Rarity asked. “But how, darling?”

“Yeah, how?” Tender asked.

“We’ll make him sneeze!” Pinocchio answers, dropping the blanket on the fire.

Every pony looked at each other, when Pinocchio told his idea. The puppet fans the fire with his hat.

“Make him sneeze?” Geppetto asked. “Oh, that will make him mad.”

They watched a big cloud of smoke head toward the ceiling.

“Brave yourselves, every pony,” Twilight said, determined. “We’re leaving Monstro right now!”