• Published 25th Jul 2017
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The Disney Chronicles II: Pinocchio - Dinodisneylover1

When they discovered the mysterious Book of Disney and experienced their first adventure inside it, they are ready for more. This time, the story about a puppet that came to life. 2nd instalment of this series.

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Wishing Upon A Star/A New Adventure

One morning in Ponyville, everything went its usual way. Ponies would say ‘hello’ and some would talk to each other. But there was one particular place in town with different days than usual. That place is called ‘Sweet Apple Acres’.

It’s a farm where none other than Applejack, her brother, her little sister and grandmother live. Most days on the farm are filled with chores, like bucking apples from the trees, feeding the animals, caring for the crops, etc.

But those weren’t the only things to do on the Apple Family’s days. They most of all loved being together, spending time with each other and friends. This morning, however, was special for the Apples. Applejack shared the story of her visit to another world. Every pony was interested in her tale, especially a ‘cute’ yellow ball of fluff with a bow on her head.

“After a long run through them woods,” Applejack told. “We finally reached the cottage. The Queen fled and we quickly went after her. She hiked the mountain, while we trailed behind.”

“That ol’ lady sure seems fast,” Granny Smith said.

“She wasn’t really an old lady, granny,” Applejack explained. “It was a disguise to trick Snow White and Fluttershy to eat a poisoned apple.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said. “A poisoned apple would surely give us a bad name.”

“You got that right,” Applejack replied, before continuing. “Anyway, we followed the witch up the mountain. She was a few steps ahead of us, but Happy and Pinkie gave us a chance to capture her. But it was far from over, when that witch pulled a couple o' tricks up her sleeves. Throwing several poisoned apples, magic potions, even summoned a thunderbolt from the skies! But even when she got trapped, it was far from over. She tried to kill us all with a giant boulder!”

Little Apple Bloom gasped, practically clinging to the edge of her chair.

“But suddenly, when all hope seemed lost, a natural thunderbolt came from the skies and destroyed part of the mountain, makin’ her fall to her doom. Ah gotta admit, it was horrifying to see that. But she did try to hurt innocent people.”

“What about Snow White?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, by the time we got back to the cottage,” Applejack continued, tears forming. “It was too late; the Queen won.”

Apple Bloom gasped in horror; even Big Mac couldn’t hide a few tears.

“We tried our best to get her back,” Applejack explained. “But we knew there was nothin’ we could do. Together, we made a coffin of glass and gold, so we could stay by her side. But here comes the best part.”

“What? What?” Apple Bloom’s head rose up.

“The Prince found us. He saved Starlight from the castle and searched everywhere. When he gave Snow White a goodbye kiss, she came back to life.”

“She lives?!” Apple Bloom asked, with joy. “But how?”

“According to Starlight, it was a ‘kiss of true love’. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it was the only cure to get her back and it worked… Just like that.”

“What happened next?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well let’s see… Snow White and Florian went to his castle to get married and live happily ever after. Then this big pillar of energy came from the skies and brought us home, but not without saying goodbye to our new friends.”

“Wow, that’s quite an adventure, Applejack,” Big Mac replied.

“It was totally unexpected for all of us,” Applejack said with a smile. “Actually, I rather liked it there. I’d love to see them again. Sleepy sure was a nice guy to be around.”

“Aw, that Snow White and her prince make a cute couple,” Granny replied, placing a few pancakes on the table.

“They sure do, granny,” Applejack replied. “Last I checked, Snow White and Florian are in that big castle loving each other thinking about having young’uns. Hopefully we get to see them again, someday.”

“Maybe you could try to enter that book again,” Apple Bloom suggested. “By the way, are you going into the book for another adventure?”

“I’m not sure. After we told our adventure to the princesses, we all agreed to travel to these other worlds within the book. We haven’t heard anything yet; who knows what’s more we’ll find in there?”

“Can I come with you, this time?” Apple Bloom asked, wide-eyed.

“No, Apple Bloom,” Applejack answered, strictly. “As great as it all sounds, it gets dangerous sometimes. My friends and I fought a queen with great knowledge of magic, and barely escaped with our lives. Last thing I want is my little sister kidnapped by any villain, or even killed!”

“But Applejack…”

“I said ‘no’!” Applejack said, “And that’s final!”

Apple Bloom hung her head, lowering her ears and walks off with a pout. Applejack looked sternly at her before she ate her pancakes. But then sighed, before facing Apple Bloom again.

“I’m sorry, Apple Bloom,” Applejack apologized. “But it’s for your own good. This is something for big ponies.”

“Ah am a big pony,” Apple Bloom said, under her breath.

By the time Apple Bloom was outside, Applejack turned around only to stare face-to-face with Granny Smith who stood in front of her.

“Ya know, Applejack,” The old mare began. “I think you should give her a chance.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed, listening across the table.

“WHAT?!” Applejack cried. “Granny, she’s too small to handle things she’s never seen before! Even if I did take her, she’d end up in a place she don’t know, get kidnapped by some evil pony… Or person… Or get killed by a monster!”

“I know, sugar cube. I know you don’t want nothing happening to her and you do an amazing job. But facts are facts: Apple Bloom is growing up.”

“Can we please not talk about that?” Applejack asked.

She knew where Granny Smith was leading her on but refused to hear “that” subject.

“I’m trying to say you should give your sister a chance to explore new things,” Granny Smith suggested. “If I recall correctly, she and her friends handled that Trouble Shoes feller fine and dandy. Because of her, that old stallion has a better future. You’ve seen how she’s helped ponies with their cutie marks.”

Applejack faced her grandmother, who gave her a trusting smile. Applejack thought for a moment, but she knew her granny was right.

“Alright, I’ll give her a chance,” Applejack suggested. “Let’s hope Ah won’t regret it. Ah promised Mom and Dad I’d take good care of her and so did Big Mac.”

“Just give her a chance,” Big Mac suggested.

Taking their advice, Applejack ran outside. Her baby sister hadn’t gone very far, when her sister called out.

“Apple Bloom, wait!”

The little filly turned behind her, as Applejack had just caught up.

“Look, I’ve been thinkin’… Maybe, I should give you a chance to come with us. Just to see what it’s like.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom asked, a big smile on her face.

“Really,” Applejack nodded.

“WOO-HOO!!!” Apple Bloom cheered, hopping around her sister. “I’m going to visit a new world! I’m going to visit a new world!”

“But you have to stick with me,” Applejack said strictly. “Am ah clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Apple Bloom saluted, before trotting toward town.

“Hold on. Where are you going now?”

“To meet with Sweetie Bloom, Scootaloo and Tender Taps. We’re got lots of fun stuff planned today.”

“Well alright, just be careful.”

“Ah will, big sis! See ya later!”

Applejack watched her sister rush into town, a single leg crossed over the other and looks on proudly.

(Pause at 0:27)

A few hours later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Tender Taps had fun together. Whether it’s playing ball, drinking milkshakes, or just being silly, the day seemed to fly quickly. They had just watched a special puppet show by Clause when they returned to their clubhouse. By now, Apple Bloom had told everything about Applejack and her friends’ adventure. Her friends became quite interested in the subject.

“And all that happened when they went into a book?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uh-huh,” Apple Bloom nodded. “I think they’re going to do it again; I just don’t know when. There seems to be a lot of stories in that book.”

“Aww!” Sweetie Belle swooned. “A kiss from your true love sounds romantic.”

“Yeah, that’s why I asked if I could come with them,” Apple Bloom explained. “It just seemed so amazing.”

“Are you sure, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked. “Didn’t you say Applejack fought a queen that transformed into a scary witch? If what she says is true, it sounds dangerous.”

“Sounds like some pony is just chicken,” Apple Bloom smirked.

“I’m not a chicken! I’m not!” Scootaloo argued. “Why does every pony keep saying that?”

“Scootaloo! Scoot-Scootalooooo!” Apple Bloom teased.

Scootaloo was unamused, till Tender Taps stepped in between.

“Easy girls, easy,” The little colt spoke. “We’re not starting a fight, are we? Apple Bloom, are you even sure you want to go?”

“Of course, Tender,” The little filly said, excitedly. “I can hardly wait.”

“I just think Scootaloo has a point. There’s always danger around every corner.”

“Oh, come on, every pony,” Apple Bloom insists. “Didn’t we save Trouble Shoes from a miserable future? Didn’t we let a Griffon join our club? Didn’t we survive that Cocaktrice?”

“Actually, we have Fluttershy to thank for that,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“My point is we’ve been through a lot of trouble together,” Apple Bloom said. “We survived, didn’t we?”

“You mean like the time you were attacked by a Chimera and your sister had to save you?” Scootaloo said, an eyebrow raised.

“Oh… Right,” Apple Bloom remembered. “But still, wouldn’t it be great? Imagine it: The Cutie Mark Crusaders, the first foals to visit a different world. You too, Tender. Just think of all the help we can give to the people that live there.”

The other Crusaders and Tender Taps thought about it, the idea seemed tempting.

“Hmm… Alright, we’ll do it,” Sweetie Belle decided. “You know, I’m actually excited about that.”

“I’m most excited of all,” Scootaloo smiled.

Tender Taps nodded with a smile, as a big grin formed on the yellow filly’s face.

“Great! Why don’t we ask Applejack if you three could come too?”

“Definitely!” Sweetie Belle said.

But suddenly, a thought crossed her mind.

“Oh no… I can’t,” Sweetie Belle said, staring sadly to the ground. “I still have homework from Miss Cheerilee.”

“Oh shoot, me too,” Scootaloo said.

“You two haven’t finished the whole time?” Apple Bloom asked. “I finished my work earlier!”

“Sorry, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo apologized. “In all the excitement, we just forgot.”

“That’s alright. We can try another time.”

“Or… You and Tender should go with Applejack,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“What do you say, Tender?” Apple Bloom asked. “You ready for an adventure?”

“I guess so,” Tender said, smiling. “I don’t have any plans anyway. I’ll do it!”

Meanwhile, as the Crusaders and Tender kept playing, Twilight Sparkle and Spike were on their way to Canterlot Castle. They arrived with intent to speak with Princess Luna over important matters. They walked through the halls in search for the princess of the night.

“So, what were we going to ask again?” Spike asked.

“I told you before, Spike,” Twilight Sparkle explained. “I wish to speak with Princess Luna about preparations for the Star Gaze Festival tomorrow night.”

“What has she planned for that day?” Spike wondered.

“I’m not sure, maybe she’s going to…”

Before Twilight could finish, a strange sound interrupted her thoughts.

“Do you hear that?”

“What is it, Twilight?”

“It sounds like… Singing? Come on, Spike!”

Together, Twilight and Spike followed the singing. When they found the source, they met an unbelievable sight: Luna, the beautiful princess of dreams, singing a special song no pony ever heard before gazing out toward the horizon.

(Continue music) or this one.

As Luna belted out that final line, the Princess suddenly heard applause and just noticed the two. The song had hit the hearts of both the little unicorn/alicorn and dragon, tears streaming from Twilight’s eyes. Though she didn’t expect any pony to listen, she was flattered.

“That was beautiful, Your Majesty,” Twilight applauded.

“Yeah! Go Luna!” Spike cheered.

Luna smiled at their compliments with a bow.

“Pretty, huh?”

“It’s magnificent,” Twilight declared. “What was that song?”

“Oh, just something that came to me,” Luna replied.

“That song could be useful for the Star Gaze Festival!” Spike suggested.

“That’s a good idea, Spike,” Twilight agreed. “Princess Luna, would you like to sing that song tomorrow?”

“I would love to,” Luna nodded. “You know, I bet you of all ponies won’t believe that.”

“Believe what, princess?” Twilight asked.

“About a wish coming true,” Luna replied, facing her sister’s student. “Am I right?”

“Well, it’s a little… Complicated. I believe that you have to work hard to make a wish true.”

“True, but sometimes just believing is easier said than done. I would understand if you didn’t believe it in the first place. Because… I didn’t either.”


“Of course, I’m the night princess who guards ponies’ dreams, but… Let me tell you what made me change my mind.”

(Pause at 2:21)

Luna sat on her haunches, as Twilight and Spike joined in.

“Once upon a time, there were two sisters destined to rule Equestria forever,” Luna told. “The older sister wanted to learn as much as she can from the greatest unicorn of all time.”

“Sounds familiar,” Spike replied, nudging Twilight.

The Princess of Friendship blushed at the comparison, but she wouldn’t argue.

“The youngest was a bit prankish, but she learned too,” Luna continued.

“Are you talking about Princess Celestia and yourself?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Spike. Star Swirl taught me how to move the stars when I became mesmerized by the night sky, particularly the moon.”

“I read about that in your journal,” Twilight pointed out.

“Yes, but you didn’t read ‘all’ the secrets of my sister and I. You see, as I looked at the stars, one shone brighter than all the others. Star Swirl told me this star can make wishes come true, and I was totally enchanted by it. I knew he was wise, but still I didn’t believe any of that stuff. But one day, when my sister and I came to power, I saw everypony was happy in her warm light of the sun and slept during the night. I too wanted to make every happy and so I decided to try. One night, I made a wish… And I waited.”

“Then what happened?” Spike asked.

“I guess you know the important stuff,” Luna said, facing the ground. “I lost my mind and decided to take matters in my own hooves. That’s when I changed into the wicked mare of darkness. Now I didn’t know if my wish came true or not, but after you and your friends brought me back, Twilight, I frightened other ponies for what I did. Then one night, I saw that same star again and do you know what I wished for this time?”

Twilight and Spike shook their heads, listening very carefully.

“I wished to make up for my mistakes, to be loved again. Of course, a few days later, the guilt led me to create the Tantabus to haunt my dreams. But after all of you forgave me, I realized my wish… My wish actually came true, all along.”

“I never thought of that,” Twilight said, intrigued.

“I never stopped believing after that,” Luna continued. “As strange this might be, if you always keep believing all your wishes eventually come true.”

“That’s interesting advice, Princess,” Twilight said. “But what I came to ask…”

“Um, Twilight?” Spike interrupted.

“What is it, Spike?” The unicorn/alicorn asked.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but…”

Spike pointed to her flank. Twilight looked and saw her cutie mark started to glow, but not in the way when the map summons her.

“My cutie mark!” Twilight said. “It must be the map!”

“At this time?” Spike asked.

“Then you have no time to lose,” Luna said.

“Guess we’ll have to talk later, Princess Luna,” Twilight said.

“Good luck, my little pony,” Luna bowed.

Twilight bowed to the princess, before rushing down the hall.

“Come on, Spike!” Twilight called.

Spike ran as fast a he could behind Twilight, as they made their way toward their castle.

By the time they got there, they quickly rushed to the Throne Room. To their surprise, they weren’t the only ones summoned for all five of her friends were inside.

“You were summoned too?” Twilight asked.

“It sure looks that way,” Applejack nodded. “But there’s one thing I don’t understand.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Shouldn’t the map show us where to go?”

“Yeah, normally out cutie marks are shown on the location,” Pinkie said. “To show where we need to go.”

Twilight approached the map, and saw the girls were right. The map neither opened nor showed their cutie marks.

“That’s weird,” Twilight observed. “When our cutie marks summon us, the map is activated. Why doesn’t it work?”

“Maybe it’s broken,” Rainbow said. “Ever since you stopped Starlight.”

“But Starlight and I fixed the map,” Twilight answered. “It should work without trouble.”

“Can it be we were summoned by something else?” Rarity asked. “Has any pony noticed our cutie marks glow differently?”

The ponies faced their cutie marks and knew Rarity was right.

“What could this mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’ll check the library,” Twilight said. “Maybe there’s an explanation for this.”

Twilight rushed to the library and upon arrival, she looked through several books to explain their circumstance. Suddenly, she found something glowing and her eyes went wide.

“Girls!” Twilight called out. “I think I solved the mystery.”

Her friends had been waiting patiently when they heard Twilight. They rushed into the library and saw what Twilight meant. Taking it out of the shelf, the Book of Disney was held by Twilight’s magic and it was glowing.

“The Book of Disney summoned us?” Applejack asked.

“Our first visit must’ve left an effect on our cutie marks,” Twilight explains. “I guess the book can call us at any time.”

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow said, throwing a hoof pump in the air. “I’m ready for a new adventure!”

“I would love to come,” Fluttershy said.

“Yippie!” Pinkie cheered. “Our new adventures have truly started! Fighting villains, driving speedboats, befriending heroes, rescuing folks and playing ‘secret agent’!”

“Yes Pinkie, I’m ready for another one too,” Twilight smiled. “It’s good we’re all together at the right moment.”

“Not exactly, Twi,” Applejack replied, rubbing her neck.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

From behind Applejack, two foals, Apple Bloom and her new friend Tender Taps, suddenly appeared.

“Hello, every pony!” The little filly greeted, excitedly. “Hello, Spike!”

“Apple Bloom? Tender Taps?” Spike asked. “What are you doing here?”

“She asked if she could come with me,” Applejack explained. “Of course, I said ‘no’ at first. But Granny insists I give her a chance. And I thought maybe she could have some fun with this.”

Twilight acknowledged the little filly, whom she knew very well.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Twilight asked. “Applejack, hopefully, mentioned our fight against an evil queen that tried to kill us and our new friends, right?”

“Uh huh,” Apple Bloom nodded.

“We don’t even know what dangers we might encounter in there,” Twilight advised. “We might not be able to come back home.”

“Please, Twilight,” Apple Bloom pleaded. “I want to see this new world too.”

Twilight tried to resist, but Apple Bloom looked at her with those cute little puppy eyes, just like the very first day they met. Twilight just couldn’t say ‘no’ to that.

“Fine,” Twilight sighed.

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom cheered, jumping with joy.

“But on ONE condition: You have to stay with us at all times, especially with Applejack. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Twilight. I promise!”

“And you must be… Tender Taps?” Twilight asked the little colt.

“He’s her new friend she met at a dance class,” Apple Jack explained. “Tender Taps, I trust you know my friend, Twilight.”

“Oh yes, of course, Your Majesty,” Tender bowed.

“Just Twilight, if you please,” Twilight said. “I suppose you want to come too?”

“If I may, Prin… I mean, Twilight. If you’d please.”

“Are your parents okay with this?”

“Oh, don’t worry. I told them everything and they trust all of you completely. After all, you saved Equestria a million times so there’s no reason I wouldn’t feel safe.”

“Finally, some pony acknowledges our efforts,” Rainbow said.

“Okay, then,” Twilight nodded. “Welcome to the team, Tender.”

Apple Bloom nudged Tender with a smile, who returned a smile. Twilight opened the book, recalling their first adventure.

“Hopefully we’ll find a way to see Snow White and the rest again,” Twilight said. “I promised when we came back here, we’d find a way to return.”

Every pony, other than Apple Bloom and Tender Taps, nodded remembering their promise.

“Good thing we prepared backpacks with the basic necessities,” Pinkie said. “Could be a long trip.”

“Let’s get this over with,” Twilight said.

She turned the book to reach the next story, and together the Mane Six, along with Spike and the foals, read the title.

“Pinocchio?” Rainbow asked, confused. “What kind of name is that?

“I think we’re about to find out,” Twilight said, then turns to the foals. “I should warn you two: This process might feel funny at first. Better hang on to some pony.”

(Continue music)

Apple Bloom and Tender grabbed each of Applejack’s legs, preparing for whatever is about to happen. Turning to the next page, Twilight began to read.

“One night, a long time…”

Twilight just began when she saw the page begin to fold back. She quickly caught the page with her magic.

“Whoops! Guess this page is a little stubborn than the others,” Twilight giggled.

Twilight managed to force the page back with her magic.


Twilight soon cleared her throat and started over.

“One night, a long time ago, there was a quaint little village.
It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining like diamonds high above the roofs of that sleepy old town. Pretty as a picture.
If you wandered along the crooked streets, you could see there wasn’t a soul to be seen.
The only sign of life was a lighted window in the shop of a woodcarver named Geppetto."

Before she could read farther, the portal opened once more. But this time, it didn’t try to suck them in directly. Rather, it opened so they’d be free to enter at will. Apple Bloom and Tender Taps’ eyes went wide with wonder. Twilight hesitated at first but knew it would be safe.

“Everypony ready?”

“Yeah!” Every pony cheered.

“Let’s go!” Twilight shouted, jumping into the portal.

The others followed suit, one pony at a time.

“Let’s hope for a soft landing this time,” Rarity hoped, jumping into the portal.

“Get on mah back, young’uns!” Applejack ordered.

Apple Bloom and Tender Taps climbed on the farm pony’s back as she prepared to charge.

“Hang on tight!” Applejack called, running toward the portal.

The two foals screamed for their lives, in excitement rather than fear, as Applejack jumped in shouting:


Soon the portal disappeared, the book closing once more showing only the cover. All was quiet, too ominously quiet. And then suddenly… Something happened. Now many of you remember the mysterious Crystal Mirror moved to Twilight’s Castle in the library. This mirror was, of course, connected to a type of machinery that allowed Twilight to meet her Canterlot High friends whenever she wanted.

The machinery began to spark, more forming by the minute. Suddenly, the mirror’s portal began to open, and a big yellow cloven hoof emerged followed by a sinister laugh. Will things turn out well for our Equestrian heroes? Well… Let’s turn the page and find out.