• Published 25th Jul 2017
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The Disney Chronicles II: Pinocchio - Dinodisneylover1

When they discovered the mysterious Book of Disney and experienced their first adventure inside it, they are ready for more. This time, the story about a puppet that came to life. 2nd instalment of this series.

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Jackasses/Carnival Fight

(Play music at 4:07)

Pleasure Island

A few hours have passed while the children played and ate on the island. But now, there’s no laughter, no music, nothing. Everything was quiet and the amusement park seems to be in bad state, like there has been a war or something. And the strangest thing: All the children seemed to have disappeared. The only sign of life is our Equestrian heroes and the cricket still searching for Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps.

“Pinocchio!” Jiminy yelled.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack yelled.

“Tender!” Spike yelled.

“Pinocchio?” Twilight called.

Jiminy whistled but answer there came none.

“No sign of any of them,” Rainbow said. “I’ve searched almost everywhere.”

Twilight looked around the amusement park, the sight of its state made her uncomfortable.

“What happened here?” She asked.

“And where is everybody?” Applejack asked.

“The children were just having fun and now they’re gone,” Spike said, looking around. “Just like that?”

The ponies, dragon and cricket looked around the seemingly abandoned park.

“This place is like a graveyard,” Jiminy said. “I don’t like the looks of this.”

“Oh, I hope Pinocchio and the foals are okay,” Fluttershy hoped.

“We’ll just have to keep looking, even if it takes all night,” Jiminy said. “Pinocchio!”

“Apple Bloom!” Twilight called.

“Pinocchio!” Rainbow yelled. “Hey, where are you?”

As they walked further, Rarity stopped and turned to the giant cue ball with a giant pool standing alongside it. A light shone from the doorway and she could hear some activity inside. Rarity put a hoof to her chin.

“Hmm… I wonder,” Rarity said to herself.

Her thoughts were right. Pinocchio and the foals were inside playing ‘pool’ and it was their new friend, Lampwick’s, turn. He used the stick to hit the white ball against a blue ball, knocking it inside a hole. Lampwick spat something from his mouth, whistling a familiar tune while deciding which ball to hit next. While he concentrated, Pinocchio smoked his cigar while Tender and Apple Bloom looked at the unlit cigars in doubt.

“Where’d you suppose all the kids went to, Lampwick?” Pinocchio asked.

“Ah haven’t seen them since we got here,” Apple Bloom noted.

“Kind of gives me the creeps,” Tender Taps said, nervously.

“Ah, they’re around her, somewhere's,” Lampwick waved off. “What do you care?”

Lampwick looked at the next ball he’s going to hit and aimed his pool stick.

“You three are having a good time, ain’t ya?”

"Uh-huh, we sure are,” Pinocchio said. “Right, Apple Bloom?”

“Yeah… Kind of,” Apple Bloom slowly nodded.

Lampwick hit the red ball and it went inside the hole. He rubbed his cigar on the pool stick.

“Oh boy! This is the life, huh, guys?” Lampwick asked, winking toward them.

“Yeah!” Pinocchio said, taking small drags from his cigar. “It sure is!”

Apple Bloom was unsure if she and Tender would smoke or not, just staring at the cigars nervously.

“Ah, you smoke like me grandmother,” Lampwick remarked.

He shot the white ball over a blue ball toward the green one, causing his cigar to land on his hand.

“Come on, take a big drag like this.”

Lampwick took a big drag from his cigar till there was barely any left.

“Okay, Lampy,” Pinocchio said.

“Um, Pinoky?” Apple Bloom asked. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

Pinocchio hesitated at first, then took a big drag from the cigar, till it was almost empty. His face turned red, smoke filled his cheeks and Apple Bloom saw him make a big mistake.

“Don’t…” She yelled.

Too late. Pinocchio swallowed all the smoke.

“Swallow,” Apple Bloom finished.

The puppet’s face turned purple and his eyes watered. He closed his eyes, flushing all the water out. Then he blew a small puff of smoke, as his face turned green.

“Gee Pinocchio,” Tender said. “You don’t look so good.”

“Some fun, huh, kid?” Lampwick asked.

Pinocchio slowly nodded, but Apple Bloom couldn’t believe her ears.

“Fun!? You call that fun?!” Apple Bloom said, helping Pinocchio. “Look at him; he’s sick!”

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine in a few minutes,” Lampwick said, adding another point to his score. “Okay, Slats, your shot.”

Pinocchio grabbed his pool stick and put his cigar in his mouth. Apple Bloom approached him and tried to steady him, but Pinocchio climbed onto the pool table. He looked really bad, dizzily trying to hit the eight-ball.

“Pinocchio?” Tender asked, his voice echoing. “Are you okay?”

Pinocchio tried to hit that ball, and the number appeared to blink. He shook his head and his eyes rolled in different directions.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” Tender said.

Suddenly, without anyone noticing, Jiminy, Spike and the girls entered the pool hall and stood shocked by what they saw.

“What’s the matter, Slats?” Lampwick asked. “Losin’ your grip?”

But Pinocchio didn’t answer, trying to hit the ball with his stick. Lampwick suddenly noticed Apple Bloom and Tender Taps just staring at their cigars.

“Say, Apple Bloom. You and Tender barely touched yours. What’s the matter?”

“Sorry Lampwick, but I’d rather we didn’t,” Tender Taps said, shaking his head.

“Mah sister says smoking is hazardous for your health,” Apple Bloom explained, hesitating.


Suddenly, everybody shook in fright by a single word so loud, it caused Pinocchio to rip the table with his stick and fall on his face.

“Apple Bloom!”

Another voice caused the kids to turn and see it was Jiminy Cricket and Applejack walking toward them.


“Don’t you ‘sis’ me,” Applejack said, sternly. “You three are in big trouble.”

“You bet you are!” Pinkie approached, sternly. “You three broke the Pinkie promise! Apologize!”

“We’re sorry,” Apple Bloom said, honestly.

“Okay,” Pinkie said, changing her mood. “Apology accepted.”

“Please, Miss Applejack, we didn’t mean to run away,” Tender insists. “Really!”

“Then why’d you do it anyway?” Applejack asked.

“We were forced into it,” Apple Bloom explained. “That Honest John and the cat were so convincing!”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about those two anymore,” Spike assured. “They’re done for.”

“Either way, I can’t believe you disobeyed us,” Applejack said, disappointed. “For Celestia’s sake, you disobeyed your own sister… Again!”


“No ‘buts’, young lady,” Applejack continued, angrily. “We thought you were hurt or worse! But what really makes me angry is that we finally find all three of you in a place like this! How can ah trust you again? How do you ever expect Pinocchio to be a real boy?”

“She’s right, kids,” Jiminy said, grabbing the damaged cigar from Pinocchio’s mouth. “Look at yourselves. Smoking, playing pool!”

Jiminy kicked against one of the balls, hurting his foot.


“What’s wrong with playing pool?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“That’s not the point, Pinkie,” Twilight said.

“Mah goodness,” Applejack gasped, grabbing the cigars from Apple Bloom and Tender. “You too?!”

“No, we didn’t,” Tender Taps said. “We barely touched them.”

Rarity took the cigars from Applejack and being detail oriented, she took a close look. There weren’t any teeth marks on one end and none of the cigars were lit. With a nod, she hurled them toward the corner.

“He’s telling the truth, Applejack,” Rarity said. “Neither he nor Apple Bloom were smoking.”

“Only Pinocchio!” Apple Bloom pointed out. “Just look at him.”

Twilight Sparkle picked him up with her magic for a close look.

“She’s right, he doesn’t look good.”

“See? This is exactly what we tried to warn you for!” Applejack said.

“You three are coming right home with us this minute!” Jiminy demanded.

But in the midst of all the excitement, they forgot about the buckteeth boy.

“Hey! Who’s the beetle, the lizard boy and mini-horses?” He asked grabbing Jiminy by his jacket.

“LIZARD BOY?!” Spike yelled, offended.

“Let go! Put me down!” Jiminy struggled, unhappy. “Let me out of here! Let me out!”

“Hey! Let our friend go, buddy!” Rainbow demands toward the boy’s face.

“Why?” Lampwick asked, tauntingly. “Are you in love with him?”

“What?! Why I oughtta…” Rainbow growled, but then Rarity stopped her.

“Easy, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, soothingly. “Don’t be antagonistic.”

“These are my other friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie,” Pinocchio introduced, feeling better. “And that’s Jiminy, he’s my conscience. They tell me what’s right and wrong.”

“What?!” Lampwick shouts, dropping Jiminy. “You mean to tell me you take orders from mules, a gecko and a grasshopper?”

“Grasshopper?!” Jiminy said, offended.

“Gecko?!” Spike gasped.

“MULES?!” Rarity said, angry. “Why, look here, you, you impudent young pup! We’re trying to help boys like you!”

Jiminy climbed atop a ball, facing Lampwick straight in the eyes.

“Yeah! It wouldn’t hurt you to take orders from your grasshopp—Uh, uh… Your conscience, if you have one.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure,” Lampwick said, hitting a ball. “Screwball in the corner pocket.”

The ball hit the one Jiminy was standing on and the cricket nearly lost his footing.

“Jiminy, watch out!” Spike called.

The cricket struggled on the ball until he fell in the corner pocket, ending up in the ball return. He quickly got up and grabbed his hat in time before the other ball bowled him over. He wasn’t very happy, certainly not when Lampwick started laughing.

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy gasped. “Are you okay, Jiminy?”

But Jiminy didn’t answer. Instead, he climbed back on the table, looking menacingly toward Lampwick. He removed his coat and rolled up his sleeves.

“Why—Why—Ya young hoodlum! I’ll—I’ll knock your block off!”

“Go get him, Jiminy!” Rainbow cheered him on. “Show him what you got!”

The cricket readied his fists, trying to be tough. He swung his arms in different directions, making him look like a fool. Lampwick laughed at his silliness, but it only ticked Jiminy off.

“Why, I’ll take you apart and put you back together,” Jiminy threatened, approaching Lampwick.

“Oh, don’t hurt him, Jiminy,” Pinocchio said, grabbing Jiminy by his shirt. “He’s my best friend.”

“Why, I’ll—”

But suddenly, Jiminy Cricket stopped and turned toward Pinocchio.

“Your best friend?”

“Best friend?” Everypony else said in unison.

“You call this brat a friend?” Rainbow asked.

“Uh-huh,” Pinocchio nodded.

Twilight was shocked at first, then took a deep breath and sighed. She slowly walked toward the puppet, while the others followed.

“Pinocchio,” Twilight said, gently. “It’s good you made a friend, but…”

“He has a bad influence on you, darling,” Rarity said.

“Apple Bloom, do you also think this boy is your best friend?” Twilight asked.

“Well… You told me to be honest,” Apple Bloom said. “I admit he can be rude and tough, but he’s friendly once we got to know ‘em. So… Yeah, I guess so.”

Tender Taps didn’t say a single word, only nodded in agreement. Applejack couldn’t believe what her sister just said, but none was more disappointed than a certain little cricket.

“So, all three of you think the same way. And what am I? Just your conscience. Okay, that settles it.”

Jiminy grabbed his coat and slammed his hat flat ready to leave.

“Jiminy, wait!” Spike said. “You can’t leave them.

“Oh yes, I can! If they won’t listen, then so be it.”

“B-But, Jiminy—” Pinocchio said.

“You buttered your bread, now sleep in it!” Jiminy scolds.

The cricket wore his coat backward and walked away. But it was too late to notice him fall into one of the pool table pockets once again. He slid down, bounced against a ball and fell on the ground. This caused Lampwick to laugh once more.

“Ha-ha-ha!” Jiminy mocked. “Go on, laugh. Make a jackass out of yourself! I’m through! This is the end!”

“That word doesn’t sound right,” Fluttershy said.

“What word?” Pinkie asked. “End? Laugh? Jack—”

“That one,” Fluttershy points out.

“But, Jiminy, Lampwick says a guy only lives once,” Pinocchio insists.

“Lampwick, hmph!” Jiminy muttered, angrily walking away.

“Wait, Jiminy!” Twilight called. “Come back!”

“Now look what you three did!” Applejack said strictly. “If you want to act this way, ah’m leavin’ too!”

“But—But Applejack!” Apple Bloom begged.

But Applejack wouldn’t listen, nor did she say a word. She just walked away while a stunned little filly looked on with teary eyes.

“Applejack!” Twilight called, turns to Rainbow. “Rainbow, you and Fluttershy go after them and try to convince them to come back.”

“On it!” Rainbow said, grabbing Fluttershy with her.

“Come on, come on,” Lampwick said. “Let them go.”

The group watch Lampwick fill four glasses with beer from a barrel.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, young man,” Rarity said to Lampwick.

“For what?” Lampwick said, giving beers to the kids. “Being free to do whatever I want?”

“For being a bully!” Pinkie scolds.

“Ah, the beetle can’t take a joke and that horse with the cowboy hat is too bossy. Worse than Miss Marshmallow here.”

“I beg your pardon!” Rarity said angrily, a hoof on her chest.

“First, Jiminy’s not a beetle or a grasshopper, he’s a cricket!” Twilight defended. “Second, Applejack is stubborn but she’s only trying to help Pinocchio and the foals. We all do.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Lampwick muttered.

Clearly there was no point talking to a boy with little interest in the subject, as they watched him spit from his mouth again disgusted.

Meanwhile, Jiminy and Applejack angrily walked toward the gate with Rainbow and Fluttershy in pursuit.

“Applejack! Jiminy, wait!” Rainbow called. “You have to come back! You can’t leave them with that Lampwick guy!”

“Lampwick,” Applejack muttered, kicking a cigar. “Hmph, Lampwick!”

“You said it,” Jiminy Cricket said. “Burns me up! After all we tried to do for him.”

In his anger, he walked through a book and destroyed a page.

“Who’s his conscience anyway? Me or that, that hoodlum Lampwick?!”

“Now, now,” Fluttershy said. “Apple Bloom does make a point. The boy may be ignorant and a little cocky…”

“A little?” Rainbow asked, eyebrow raised.

“Okay, maybe a lot. But he did act very friendly towards Pinocchio and the foals.”

“Fluttershy, you’re being too kind,” Applejack argued. “He didn’t even notice Pinocchio became sick. Did Apple Bloom say anything about it?!”

“Well, uh…”

“She’s right,” Jiminy said. ‘I’ve had enough of this; I’m taking the next boat out of here!”

“So am I,” Applejack said. ‘You’re with us?”

“If you think we’re leaving our friends behind and those foals, you are crazy!” Rainbow yelled. “It’s not right, and you know it!”

But Jiminy and Applejack refuse to listen, bashing against the gate.

“Open up that door!” Jiminy yelled. “Open up! I wanna go home!”

“And fast!” Applejack said.

Suddenly, a noise from the other side of the gate made them stop talking. Curious, Applejack placed her ear against the gate.

“Do you hear that?” Applejack asked.

“It sounds like… Braying donkeys?” Rainbow asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jiminy peeked inside a tiny hole beneath the gate and went inside.

“Come on, Fluttershy,” Rainbow said. “Let’s fly over that gate and check it out.”

“Oh, I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said, uncomfortably.

“It’s not a request!”

Rainbow grabbed Fluttershy by her hoof, flying toward the gate.

“Stay here, Applejack,” Rainbow ordered.

Applejack nodded and looked around.

At the other side of the gate, the two Pegasus ponies landed safely on the ground next to Jiminy. Suddenly, they made an awful discovery.

“Come on, you blokes!” The Coachman shouts to his henchmen. “Keep ‘em moving! Lively there now. We haven’t got all night.”

There, at the dockyards, was the same boat that was loaded with kids when they arrived on the island. But now, it’s being filled with crate-loads of donkeys. The poor animals brayed in panic and sadness. The Coachman made sure his ‘Shadow Beasts’ did a good job, not noticing the two ponies and the little cricket.

“They are donkeys,” Rainbow said, wide eyed.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said, with a hoof to her muzzle.

“But what are they doing here?” Rainbow asked.

“And where’d they all come from?” Jiminy asked, scratching his head.

“Look, some of them have clothes,” Rainbow points out. ‘What’s going on here?”

“Come on, come on,” The coachman coaxed. “Let’s have another!”

One of the goons open a small gate with a rope, grabbing one of the donkeys by the ears. He pulled him out and shoved him towards his master, who looked straight in the creature’s eyes.

“And what’s your name?” He asked.

A small tear left the donkey’s eye and the only answer he gave was a bray.

“Okay, you’ll do! In you go!”

The Coachman grabbed the donkey by the ears, stripping him of its clothes and kicked him inside a crate.

“You boys’ll bring a nice price,” He chuckled.

The crates the donkeys were kept have signs like ‘Sold to the salt mines’ and ‘Sold to the circus’. The poor animals lowered their ears in fear and sadness.

“Hey, who does he think he is?” Rainbow said, about to approach. “Treating donkeys like that!”

Rainbow didn’t get far when Fluttershy and Jiminy quickly stopped her.

“No, Rainbow,” Jiminy warned. “They’ll catch you!”

“But we can’t just sit here and do nothing,” Rainbow argued.

“There’s nothing we can do right now,” Jiminy said.

“Alright, next!” The Coachman called out.

A smaller donkey appeared in front of him, as the villain smiled.

“And what might your name be?”


What happened then, shocked everyone more. The moment the donkey spoke, the eyes of the cricket and ponies went big.

“That one talks?” Rainbow asked.

“Just like the ones in Equestria!” Fluttershy gasped.

“But how?” Jiminy asked.

They weren’t alone, even the Coachman was surprised.

“Hmm… So, you can talk.”

“Ye-yes, sir,” The donkey spoke, fearfully. “I wanna go home to my mama!”

The donkey’s words hit the heart of the yellow Pegasus; a small tear came from her eyes.

“Oh, the poor thing,” She said.

But the Coachman wasn’t hit by those feelings, grabbing the donkey by the ears and tail hurling him in the paddock with other donkeys who also spoke.

“Take him back!” The Coachman shouted. “He can still talk!”

Fluttershy gasped at the treatment of these defenseless creatures.

“Please, please! I don’t wanna be a donkey!” The donkey plead, along with the others. “Let me outta here!”

All the donkeys cried and begged, as the Coachman’s shadow loomed against the wall.

“QUIET!” He yelled.

A crack of his whip made the donkeys silent, trembling on the ground before his gaze.

“You boys have had your fun, now PAY for it!”

“Boys?” Rainbow, Fluttershy and Jiminy asked in unison.

They began to think and suddenly, their eyes went wide.

“You don’t think that…” Rainbow said.

“Those donkeys are the boys of the island!” Fluttershy realized.

“So that’s what—We gotta warn the others, now!” Jiminy shouts, running back through the hole.

(Pause music at 1:25)

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other in fear.

“What kind of place is this?” Rainbow asked, fearfully.

“Come along!” Fluttershy asserted.

The Pegasus ponies flew over the gates. The Coachman heard something and turned to the gates, seeing nothing.

“Hmm… Thought I heard something,” He thought, turning around. “HEY! Who said you can sleep on the job?!”

Back at the amusement park, Applejack was still waiting when she saw Jiminy Cricket run beneath her.

“Jiminy!” Applejack shouted. “Where are you going?”

Applejack then saw her two Pegasus friends flying over the gate as fast as they could. She ran after them trying to keep up.

“Rainbow! What’s going on?!”

Rainbow flew down to Applejack, panic in her tone.

“The gate! The boat! The island! Donkeys! Boys! HELP!”

“Speak clearly!” Applejack said.

“The boys turned into donkeys,” Rainbow explained, clearly. “They’re being sold for labor!”

“What?! But if…” Applejack said, then gasped. “Apple Bloom!”

“Pinocchio!” Rainbow yelled.

They rushed toward the pool hall as fast as they could, hoping they weren’t too late.

In the meantime, the other ponies hung around the pool table with Pinocchio, the foals and Lampwick. Spike tried to comfort Apple Bloom, who spent the last few minutes crying.

“She—She left me,” She cried. “She truly left me!”

“No. No, she didn’t,” Twilight said, comforting her. “She’s just a little angry; you know how she is.”

“Trust me I know little and that was NOT little,” Pinkie said.

Pinkie took a sip of beer, sticking her tongue out in disgust. After a few smacks, she shrugged and took another swig.

“Yuck… This is strangest drink I ever tasted. But… When you drink more, you get used to it.”

Twilight gave the pink mare a disapproving look.

“She doesn’t trust me, Twilight!” Apple Bloom said. “She never trusts me! This is worse than the time she wouldn’t let me stay alone on the farm!”

“You know how stubborn she can be,” Twilight said. “She’s only being overprotective because she loves you very much. She'll never leave you and neither would Jiminy.”

(Continue music)

“Ha! I hope they never come back,” Lampwick said, drinking his beer. “To hear that beetle and you horses talk you’d think somethin’ was going to happen to us.”

But suddenly, Lampwick’s ears grew long while he spat from his mouth again. Spike’s eyes turned small witnessing it as he pulled Twilight by the tail.

“Uh… Twilight?”

“What?” Twilight turned around, her eyes widening too.

Rarity, Apple Bloom, Tender and Pinkie had the same reaction. Pinkie look down at her half-filled glass.

“Wow! This stuff really works!” Pinkie replied.

Surprised, Pinocchio looked at his beer. He shook his head and pushed the mug aside on the table.

“Conscience… Nah, phooey!” Lampwick muttered, while playing pool.

But then an ugly tail grew straight from the seat of his pants. Every pony shook their heads at that, even Pinocchio reacted weirdly. He looked at his cigar a few times and threw it away.

“Is nopony going to say anything about that?” Spike asked, fearfully.

But everypony was speechless as Lampwick remained completely oblivious.

“Where do you all get that stuff?” Lampwick said, walking towards the other side of the table. “’How do you ever expect to be a real boy?’”

He hit another ball and grabbed his cigar. Suddenly, when he turned around his face changed to that of a donkey.

“What do you all think I look like, a jackass?”

Rarity and Twilight faced each other, scared for one another.

“You sure do!” Pinocchio said, beginning to laugh.

Suddenly, his laughing changed to braying. He quickly covered his mouth, while Pinkie’s hung to the floor after seeing and hearing that.

“Pinocchio,” Apple Bloom said. “How did…”

But suddenly, Apple Bloom brayed too much to Tender Taps’ surprise.

“Wah!” Tender gasped.

“What’s happening?” Spike asked.

Lampwick approached the puppet and the filly, who covered their mouths with their arms.

“Hey, you two laughed like donkeys!”

The boy began to laugh, till he also began to bray. He quickly covered his mouth… Or muzzle in that fact.

“Did that come out of me?”

Everypony nodded fearfully.

“And that’s not the only weird thing,” Spike said, softly.

“What do you mean?” Lampwick asked.

“Well… Touch your face,” Pinkie said, frighteningly.

Lampwick touched his nose, which felt rounder and weird.


Then he touched his cheeks and felt that they were furry.


Then he slowly touched his ears and noticed they were longer. He quickly grabbed them and looked at them.

“What the—What’s goin’ on?”

He quickly walked towards the mirror and, to his horror, saw his donkey face.


Everypony screamed, as they watched Lampwick run around the room in fear and panic.

“I’ve been double-crossed!” Lampwick yelled. “Help! Help! Somebody, help! I’ve been framed! Help!”

The ponies, dragon and puppet couldn’t help but watch in horror. Lampwick fell on his knees crawling toward Rarity, who didn’t know what to do. It scared her as he got close, as she stepped backward.

“Please, you gotta help me,” Lampwick begged, crawling towards Pinocchio and the foals. “You gotta help me! Oh, be a pal!”

The frightened boy grabbed Pinocchio by his overall, shaking him.

“Call that beetle! Call that horse with the hat! Call anybody!”

Suddenly, to every pony’s horror, Lampwick’s hands were forcibly changed into hooves.

Pinocchio gasped and Rarity screamed.


“Mama!” Lampwick yelled his lungs out. “MAMAAAAAAAAAAA!!!”

The poor boy was forced to walk on all fours, not long before he lost his speech. Every pony hid behind a chair or table while the donkey, formerly Lampwick, brayed wildly. Pinocchio bit his fingers watching this.

“Twilight, what’s happening to him?!” Spike asked.

“I-I don’t know!” Twilight said.

The donkey bucked against the mirror, shattering it to pieces. He also bucked the table and chairs, while kicking off his clothes.

“He’s going crazy!” Pinkie said, ducking.

“What sorcery is this?” Rarity asked.

Twilight and Pinocchio ducked from a chair. But the problem grew worse, as Pinocchio grew donkey ears much to Twilight’s horror.

“Oh no!” Twilight gasped.

Pinocchio felt and grabbed his ears, looking at them in horror.

“Oh, what happened?”

But he wasn’t the only one, for Apple Bloom and Tender were next. Both gasped when they saw they each had donkey ears too, then they felt their own ears and screamed.

“I’ve got donkey ears!” Tender Taps cried.

“Me too!” Apple Bloom screamed.

Meanwhile, Jiminy, Applejack and the two Pegasi raced as fast as they could toward the pool hall.

“I hope we’re not too late,” Jiminy said.

“I hope so too,” Applejack panicked.

Back at the pool hall, the situation grew worse and Pinocchio was panicking.

“What’ll I do?” He asked.

Suddenly he grew a tail, much to Apple Bloom and Tender’s horror.

“It’s getting worse!” Twilight said.

“Can’t you do something?” Spike asked.

“I can’t!” Twilight panicked. “I don’t even know what’s going on!”

Finally, Jiminy and the others reached the pool hall.

“Pinocchio!” Jiminy called.

“Jiminy!” Pinocchio cried, approaching the cricket. “Oh, Jiminy, help!”

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack called.

“Big sis!” Apple Bloom cried, rushing toward her. “You're back! You're back!”

“Girls!” Rainbow cried.

“Rainbow!” Twilight said. “Something terrible is going on!”

“We know!” Jiminy said. “The kids, the boys, they’re all donkeys!”

He placed a finger on each ear to demonstrate, then he looked at Pinocchio and the foals.

“Oh, you too!”

Pinocchio nodded.

“Mah goodness, Apple Bloom,” Applejack said, shocked.

(Pause at 3:20)

“What?” Spike asked. “All those boys changed into donkeys?!”

“Yeah!” Jiminy said. “The Coachman is loading them on the boat to sell them to the salt mines and the circus!”

“Good grief!” Rarity gasped.

“What if we turn into donkeys too?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh no!” Rarity said. “I’m too pretty to be a donkey!”

“We gotta get outta here, quick!” Jiminy said.
Jiminy was about to leave until…

“Wait!” Fluttershy cried. “What about the children?”

“And Lampwick?” Tender asked, noting the donkey in the corner.

“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do,” Jiminy said, regretfully. “We gotta get these three off the island before it gets worse!”

“What? We can’t leave!” Rainbow argued. “We got to stand and fight!”

“Haven’t you seen those goons?” Jiminy asked. “It’s dangerous! We must escape while we have the chance.”

The whole time Twilight thought as they argued, then a determined look shown on her face.

“No, Dash is right. We have to save those boys. Nopony deserves such a fate, not even them. Jiminy, you take Pinocchio, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps with you. We’ll deal with the Coachman while you find a way to escape.”

“Are you sure?” Jiminy asked.

Twilight and all her friends nodded. Jiminy understanding they were in good hooves.

“All right, kids. Follow me.”

“But I wanna help too!” Pinocchio said.

“Me too!” Apple Bloom said.

“Me three!” Tender said.

“It’s too dangerous,” Applejack insists. “It’s best you leave with Jiminy.

“But…” Pinocchio said.

“You can help us by doing what Applejack says,” Twilight said. “We’ll be fine.”

“Come on!” Jiminy urged.

Twilight watched the cricket and children run off through the park.

“Be careful!” Twilight shouted, before facing her friends. “Come on, let’s save some children.”

During that time, the Coachman was busily loading the boat with more donkeys.

“Hurry up, you blokes!” He called out. “Next one!”

Another donkey was shoved toward the Coachman, who eyed evilly toward the animal.

“And what is your name?”

Suddenly, a hard pounding sound from the gate interrupted him. Confused, the Coachman turned toward another pounding. It became harder every few seconds and the Coachman didn’t like this.

“What’s goin’ on?!” He demanded. “Who is there?!”

The Coachman got his answer when the gates burst open with one hard pound. And there they were: Applejack, her hind legs in the air. As she dropped them to the ground, her friends came closer. The Coachman was both surprised and impressed.

“Well, well, well,” He replied. “What have we got here? A group of colorful horses and a lizard? How interesting.”

“Why does everybody call me a lizard?!” Spike sighed.

“I am Twilight Sparkle of Equestria, the Princess of Friendship,” Twilight said, sternly.

“A talking pony with a horn and wings?” The Coachman asked. “Hmm… A female one too.”

“That’s right,” Twilight said. “We are talking ponies.”

“Equestria, you say,” The Coachman said. “So, you’re the ponies they spoke about.”

“They?” Twilight asked. “What are you talking about?”

“What’s your business here?” He asked.

“We know what this island does, Coachman,” Twilight said. “We know what you’re doing with the children.”

“Yeah, so let them go!” Rainbow commanded.

“Me? Release them?” The Coachman laughed. “Aren’t you priceless. You enter my domain and command me to free these stupid little boys?”

All the donkeys were surprised to see their saviors were talking horses and a dragon.

“Please, help us!” A talking donkey cried.

“Let me out of here!” Another shouted.

“QUIET!” The Coachman shouted, cracking his whip. “Or I’ll slap you so hard, you’ll lie on the ground for a week!”

“Don’t worry, children!” Fluttershy called. “We’ll get you out!”

“We’re giving you one chance,” Twilight warned. “Release those boys or we’re going to have to make you.”

“Really?” The Coachman grinned. “Not very smart to antagonize someone like me.”

“We’ve faced bad guys worse than you,” Rainbow said.

“You know, you really are unique creatures,” The Coachman said. “You’d bring a nice price.”

The ponies stood their ground as the Coachman readied his whip.

“Wha—You—You’re going to sell us too?!” Rarity asked, angrily.

“People would pay a lot of money for someone like you. Maybe I’ll keep a few for myself.”

The Coachman turned his attention to his goons.

“Hey, you blokes! Grab those ponies and put them in some crates!”

With one crack of the whip, the goons approached on command. The creatures dropped the crates and ropes and pursued the ponies.

“Uh, Twilight?” Spike asked. “What do we do?”

“To the amusement park!” Twilight commanded.

The ponies and dragon rushed back towards the park.

“After them!” The Coachman commands, with one more crack of his whip.

The goons ran after them toward the center of the park. At the moment, the ponies stood still for a moment.

“Now what?” Spike asked.

“We fight,” Twilight said, determined. “Everypony take a section of the park and use it to your advantage. Pinkie, you take the roller coaster! Rainbow, you and Rarity use the merry-go-round. Spike, you and I take the Ferris Wheel. Applejack, you and Fluttershy use any part of the park that could stop those creatures. Remember, use anything that can be helpful, even your own strength!”

“Got it!” Everypony said in unison.

Soon, everypony split in separate ways. The Shadow Beasts looked in all directions they went. One of them grunted to the others on where to go and they dispersed towards the equines.

Pinkie arrived at the roller coaster, looking behind and saw the creatures on her tail. She pulled the lever and the carts began to move. Surprising that, even in ruin, the amusement ride still works. She jumped inside one of the carts, bringing her to the top of the tracks. The beasts also jump into the carts, pursuing the pink pony.

Pinkie was almost at the top, preparing herself to go down. Judging by the many loops and drops, she knew it would be a long ride. Suddenly, the cart sped down the drop and she yelled:


She had fun but forgot one thing. She looked behind her and saw the creatures on the carts coming closer. She knew there was only one thing to do: She prepared her cannon and threw everything in it. Pies, bricks, confetti, even a kitchen sink. Locked and loaded, she took aim and fired.
One shot hit one of the creatures making him fall off the ride. The others narrowly dodged and held on as the cart rode a series of loops really fast.

“Just to let you know,” Pinkie said to the camera. “Never do this on a roller coaster… Ever!”

She fired a few shots from her cannon again, as the carts came closer and closer. One of the creatures lunged his hand to grab her.

“Say ‘splattered!” Pinkie Pie said.

The creature was confused until he got a pie in the face. He tried to scrape it off, but he lost his balance and fell off the cart.

“Should have kept your arms and legs inside!” Pinkie shouted.

After a few loops, she nearly reached the end of the ride. But a few more beasts waited there. Pinkie made her cannon disappear and took two cupcakes from her mane.

“Eat cupcakes, you fiends!” Pinkie yelled.

She fired an entire barrage of cupcakes; the Shadow Beasts were hit and fell on the ground. She kept throwing like a maniac, laughing crazily. Finally, after they were defeated, she blew a little smoke from a cupcake away and ate it.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and Rarity were busy with a big group of Shadow Beasts. Rainbow flew toward them and punched them, while Rarity held them back with a few magic beams of her own. Then Rainbow flew around so fast, she created a tornado twirling the creatures inside. Suddenly, the blue Pegasus flew high in the sky and used a storm cloud to release a powerful lightning strike toward the tornado, electrocuting the beasts. They fell to the ground, while Rainbow did a superhero landing on the ground.

“Eat your heart out, Spitfire.”

But then she turned and saw the beasts rise up, charging toward her while she frowned.

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow shouts. “These guys won’t give up!”

“What’ll we do?” Rarity asked. “We can’t hold them forever.”

Rainbow looked around till she found the merry-go-round and smiled.

“I’ve got an idea: Find the lever to the merry-go-round and on my signal, pull it!”

“Okay,” Rarity nodded.

While she rushed toward the amusement ride, Rainbow faced the monsters.

“Hey, you big, dark gorillas! Over here!”

It drew their attention and they immediately pursued the Pegasus. Rainbow flew towards the merry-go-round ensure the beasts followed her.

“That’s right, follow me!”

Rainbow made it inside the ride, when the beasts came close. They were all inside and tried to grab her, but she quickly flew out.

“NOW!” Rainbow shouted.

Rarity pulled the lever, causing the merry-go-round to spin. The beasts were confused as they looked around.

“Time to make it a little faster!” Rainbow said to herself.

She flew round and round the merry-go-round, causing the ride to spin faster. The beasts bumped against the horses and almost fell off the ride. But Rainbow made sure none of them left.

“We need something to keep these guys from getting away,” Rainbow called out.

Rarity thought and looked around. She found some long iron bars, used her magic to life them and place along the openings of the ride. She made sure they were stuck so the creatures can’t escape and as a finishing touch, she grabbed a large ribbon and place it around the ride tying it in a bow.

“Et voila!” Rarity said. “If we’re going to put them behind bars, it’s best to do it with style!”

“Oh brother,” Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes.

In the meantime, Applejack and Fluttershy fought against six Shadow Beasts. The cowgirl punched and bucked them, occasionally using her lasso to bring one to the ground. Fluttershy didn’t know what to do in the first place, having never been a fighter. Suddenly, a big fist slams toward the ground in front of her. Startled, she looks up to the eyes of the Shadow Beast staring at her with bright white eyes.

“You seem tense,” Fluttershy spoke, before giving an adorable smile. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

The beast raised an eyebrow, as if taken aback by that question.

Elsewhere in the park, Twilight and Spike fight an entire horde of beasts. Twilight pulled a lever, activating the Ferris Wheel.

“Get inside, Spike!” Twilight instructs. “We’ll fire at them!”

Spike hopped into one of the passenger cars of the giant wheel, while Twilight quickly jumped inside another. The creatures ran as fast as they could, trying to jump into the cars. Spike fired some fireballs and Twilight shot a few magic blasts. One of the beasts gave the others a leg up into another car. But Twilight caught that and fired a blast at them before they could reach her.

Meanwhile, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity tried to reach the dockyards to free the boys. In their hurry, they forgot about Fluttershy, who was talking to a crying Shadow Beast.

“That’s it,” Fluttershy said, soothingly. “Let it all out.”

“Fluttershy!” The three ponies called out.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide when she heard her name.

“Oh! Sorry, our time is up. Buh-bye!”

Fluttershy trots toward her friends, while the monster waved her ‘Goodbye’. She regroups with the ponies towards the crates and paddock, intent on freeing the donkeys.

“Come on, ya’ll,” Applejack calls out. “Let’s open these crates.”

Applejack approached a crate where two donkeys brayed for help.

“Don’t worry, ah’ll get you outta there. Ah’ll take a step backwards if ah were you.”

The donkeys stepped back, as Applejack reeled her hind legs and smashed the crate with a good buck. The donkeys emerged unscathed, grateful to be free. Rainbow and Rarity manually opened the crates their own way, while Fluttershy opened the paddock while calming the other donkeys.

“Come out, little ones,” Fluttershy said, softly. “Come out.”

The donkeys ran out of the paddock and surrounded the yellow Pegasus.

“Thank you, miss,” They cried. “Thank you.”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Fluttershy smiled.

“Not so fast,” Applejack said, approaching the group. “We’re having a big talk about bullying and disobeying when this is over.”

“Come on, guys!” Rainbow called out. “We gotta get out of here before it’s too…”

Rainbow Dash turned around and saw a swarm of the Coachman’s goons approaching them.

“… Late!” Rainbow finished.

The donkeys were scared, but the ponies stand their ground as the Shadow Beasts drew closer. One was ready to attack when a kitchen sink landed on its head, knocking him out cold. The ponies, raising an eyebrow, looked behind the goons, who turned around. They saw Pinkie Pie, her cannon at the ready, as Spike and Twilight joined her. They fired magic blasts and fire simultaneously, while running toward their friends.

“Everypony alright?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah,” They nodded.

“We’re totally doing it, you guys!” Pinkie said, excitedly.

“Hang on to your tails, girls,” Twilight said. “We’re getting more company!”

At the gate, more goons arrived and surrounded the group. The beasts looked menacing, but our heroes, not even Fluttershy, were scared. They were ready for combat, determined to protect the boys.

“There’s too many of them,” Applejack noted.

“We can do this!” Twilight declared, stomping her hoof. “Together!”

The ponies charge toward the goons, unleashing their battle cries as the goons charged toward them. On contact, a series of punches and kicks were hurled. The Shadow Beasts have great strength, but nothing the ponies can’t handle. The donkeys stare in awe, mouths wide open, as the battle shows the ponies doing various attacks on the goons. Twilight firing magic blasts, Pinkie throwing cupcakes, Applejack using her hind legs to buck the goons, Rainbow flying and punching goons left-and-right, Rarity using special gems as projectiles, Fluttershy calling for help from the seagulls around the island and Spike breathing fire. They were a formidable team, but the goons pressed on.

During that time, Rarity used a needle to sting a goon in the rear, the beast grunting in pain while holding his behind. Another goon hurls a crate toward Twilight, who quickly destroyed it with her magic. Two goons grabbed Pinkie and Rainbow, but Spike’s stream of fire breath sent the goons running trying to put out the fire on their arms.

“Everypony out of the way!” Twilight yelled.

Her friends jumped to the side as Twilight charged her magic, her eyes glowing white, and suddenly unleashed a powerful wave of magic and lightning around the goons. When the glow cleared, the goons were unconscious as Twilight stood her ground and breathed heavily.

“Whoa!” Rainbow said, wide eyed. “That… Was… AWESOME!”

“Woo-hoo! We did it!” Pinkie cheered. “We beat them all!”

The donkeys approach the ponies and dragon.

“Wow,” One donkey said. “That was so cool!”

“No time to celebrate,” Applejack said. “We need to get off this island and fast!”

Twilight turned toward the boat, which gave her an idea.

“Everyone, get on the boat!”

“But what about Jiminy, Pinocchio and the foals?” Rarity asked.

“I’m sure they’ve reached town by now,” Twilight assured. “We’re leaving this cursed island now.”

“Alright, let’s go!” Rainbow calls out.

Rainbow lead the donkeys toward the boat, when something grabbed her leg and hurled her toward a bunch of crates knocking her unconscious. Every pony looked behind and saw who was responsible. It was the Coachman, using his whip to hurl Rainbow Dash away, staring menacingly and ready to fight.

“You blokes going somewhere?” He laughed. “Don’t leave yet.”

“It’s over, Coachman,” Twilight glared. “You’ve lost.”

“Lost? I don’t think so. You’re not taking my donkeys anywhere. They’re staying here and you too.”

“They’re not donkeys! They’re innocent children like any other.”

“Ha! You call these disobedient brats innocent? You saw what they did on my island. They’ve proven they’re worthless!”

“Maybe so, but they still have a chance to change their ways. It won’t be easy, but they will!”

“How dare you take these boys away from their parents?!” Rarity stomped her hoof.

“You’ve got it wrong about me,” The Coachman replied. “I’m a moralistic chap; I’m just teaching them a lesson.”

“You call this moralistic?!” Twilight asked, angrily. “Turning children into donkeys? Selling them as slaves?!”

“Yes, and I’ll sell every child in the world if I want,” The Coachman said, raising his tone. “And I’ll silence everyone who gets in my way!”

"Not if we stop you," Applejack threatened.”

“Ha-ha-ha-ha! What a world we’re living in,” The villain replied, preparing his whip. “I’m getting’ myself a goldmine when I’m through with you!”

“CHARGE!” Pinkie yelled.

The ponies race toward the Coachman, who raised his whip to strike. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash, conscious once more, struck the Coachman tackling the villain against a bunch of crates.

“Boys!” Twilight called out. “Get on the…”

CRACK! The whip struck inches from Twilight before she could finish. The Coachman got up, preparing his whip for another strike. Pinkie prepared two cupcakes, but this time, lit special candles on top.

“Let’s try some explosive flavor!” Pinkie said.

She hurled the cupcakes toward the Coachman, who used his whip to crack the delicious goodies in two. They exploded in midair as Twilight shot a magic laser through the smoke, but he dodged.

“You think magic and explosive candy can hurt me?” The Coachman said.



The Coachman cracked his whip against Twilight’s face, making her yell in pain as her cheek slowly bled. Fluttershy gasped and ordered the seagulls to attack the Coachman. The gulls proceed to peck the big man as he swiped his arms.

“Argh! Get off, you bloody sea rats!”

“Try this on for size!” Rainbow declared, preparing a storm cloud.

She shot lightning against the Coachman, while Twilight and Rarity fired magic blasts. The three attacks combined made him crash against the wall. But to their surprise, he recovered quick for a man of his age as he cracked his neck.

“Whoa,” Rainbow gasped. “This guy doesn’t know when to quit.”

“Keep fighting, girls!” Twilight called.

A few minutes or hours ago, Jiminy, Pinocchio and the two foals were set to leave the island. They found themselves at the top of a hill.

“Okay kids, here’s the plan,” Jiminy instructs. “When we get to the top, we jump in the ocean and swim to town.”

“I don’t think we can make that,” Tender said.

“I barely know how to swim!” Apple Bloom added.

“There’s no other way,” Jiminy insists. “We gotta jump!”

Suddenly, a series of various sounds drew their attention to the dockyards. They witnessed the fight between their friends and the Coachman’s minions. It was surprising for the cricket.

“What did your sister and friends do for a living again?” He asked.

“Save Equestria against monsters and bad guys,” Apple Bloom replied.

“That’s amazing!” Pinocchio said, in awe.

Suddenly, they saw their friends fight the Coachman, who proved more than a match for the ponies. Apple Bloom feared they would lose.

“Applejack!” She cried, running down the cliff.

“Apple Bloom, wait!” Jiminy called out. “Are you out of your mind? We have to leave the island!”

“We have to help them!” Apple Bloom insists.

“But there’s nothing we can do…” Jiminy began.

“We have to!” Apple Bloom interrupted. “This is my fault… Our fault. If we listened to them in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened. Ah gotta save mah sister!”

“No, Apple Bloom!” Jiminy yelled. “Come back!”

But his words fell on deaf ears as Apple Bloom rushed toward the park.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Pinkie hurl apples and cupcakes, while Twilight and Rarity fired magic and gems toward the Coachman. The villain blocked their attacks, flailing his whip in different directions. Suddenly, Twilight shot a blast at his hand making him drop his whip. Rainbow quickly tackled and pinned him to the ground.

“Now I got ya!” Rainbow smirked.

“You think so?” The Coachman asked.

He grabbed her mane and pulled hard, making her yelp in pain. Then he grabs her tail and throws her aside, the way he did with Alexander. He retrieves his whip and gave one hard crack on the ground, forcing the ponies to step back.

“I told you before and I’ll say it one more time,” The Coachman said. “I won’t let anyone ruin my business!”

The Coachman cracked his whip against the ponies and dragon a few times, making them grunt and yelp in pain. Applejack stood back up and charged toward him, forcing him to the ground. She punched his face several times.

“You… Will… Pay… For… This… Especially… Bringing… Mah sister and her friends… Here!”

But suddenly, the Coachman grabbed her hoof and tossed her aside. He proceeds to hit her back with his whip, making her scream as he grinned maliciously.

“Attacking me? Not so smart, are ya?”

He struck her again with the whip over and over, forcing her to scream louder. Little Apple Bloom reached the bottom and ran toward her friends, only to gasp in horror at the sight. Applejack saw her as her eyes widen.

“Apple Bloom…” She said between breaths.

CRACK! The Coachman whipped her again and she yelled in pain.

“I love it when you scream,” The Coachman said, chuckling. “More… Give me more… I wanna hear you scream till you DIE!”

Fluttershy, lying on the ground, slowly turned to the boys-turned-donkeys watching everything.

“Please,” Fluttershy pled. “Help us!”

The donkeys faced each other in fear, unsure of what to do.

Apple Bloom stood helpless, till something snapped inside her. Her eyes stared angrily at the villain and she dashed toward him. The Coachman was about to strike Applejack, when his eyes were blinded by a pair of yellow hooves.

(Music at 3:01)

"You leave mah sister alone, you bully!” Apple Bloom yelled.

“Get off me!” The Coachman flailed, trying to reach the filly. “I can’t see!”

“Apple Bloom!” Twilight yelled.

Suddenly, the Coachman grabbed her and tossed her to the ground. She landed with a grunt, facing a very weak Applejack.

“Apple Bloom… I’m sorry,” She said, closing her eyes.

“Well, well, well,” The Coachman grinned. “Lookie what we got here?”

“Apple Bloom!”

A familiar voice caused Apple Bloom to look behind her, as Jiminy, Pinocchio and Tender Taps arrived.

“Apple Bloom, look out!” Jiminy pointed.

The little filly looked in front of her, as the Coachman raised his whip to hit her. But suddenly, the donkeys swarmed over the Coachman and attacked him.

“What’s this now?!” The Coachman yelled.

“Run, kids!” Twilight yelled. “Run!”

Apple Bloom reunites with Jiminy, as the kids ran up the cliff. The Coachman pushed and swiped the donkeys out of the way staring at the children with red eyes.

“Faster!” Jiminy said, looking back. “He’s after us!”

Sure enough, the Coachman was getting closer as he climbed to the top of the cliff. The group climbed till they ended up at a dead end. They turned around and saw the Coachman reach the top, grinning toward them.

“Now I got ya,” The Coachman said, grabbing Apple Bloom. “Folks will pay a nice price for you!”

“No, let me go!” Apple Bloom yelled, trying to break free.

Pinocchio and Tender couldn’t help but watch. As all hope seemed lost, a fire sparked from within and the two boys mustered their courage with a fierce gleam.

“Hey, coward!” Pinocchio shouts.

“What now?” The Coachman asked.

Pinocchio kicked him in the shin, making him yell in pain. Apple Bloom bit his fingers, making him yell louder. Then Tender struck his face and Pinocchio span his body, much like in Stromboli’s show, colliding with the Coachman, releasing Apple Bloom. The villain reeled his whip to strike, only to stumble on the edge and almost fell. But Apple Bloom charged and gave one buck with her hind legs making him fall off the cliff screaming. The kids loomed over the edge, but it was so dark they couldn’t see if he hit the ocean or rocks. But it didn’t matter; the Coachman was defeated.

“He’s gone,” Apple Bloom sighs.

“Are you okay, Apple Bloom?” Pinocchio asked.

“Yeah… Thank you. Thank you, both of you.”

Apple Bloom hugged Tender and Pinocchio, when suddenly her eyes widen in realization.


She quickly ran down the cliff, the others pursuing her. When she reached her other friends, she gasped in horror. The ponies and dragon surrounded Applejack, who hadn’t moved an inch, they cried with worry. Apple Bloom and the others slowly approached as the others acknowledged their presence.

“Oh, my goodness,” Jiminy gasped.

“Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked.

“I’m sorry, Apple Bloom,” Twilight said, tearfully. “I really am.”

“What? No… She isn’t… She can’t be!”

The ponies and dragon just looked down sadly, as tears filled Apple Bloom’s eyes. The little filly approached Applejack, who lied lifeless on the ground and her back bleeding from the whip wounds.

“Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked, pushing her sister for a reaction. “Applejack! Please, wake up. You have to get up!”

But no reaction came, as Apple Bloom began to shake.

“Applejack, please! We have to leave! Applejack!”

Apple Bloom shook Applejack’s head, even pulled her ear with her teeth. But answer came none, as she desperately turned to the ponies.

“There must be something you can do! There must be!”

The ponies still looked sad, as Jiminy slowly approached.

“Apple Bloom… Try to understand,” Jiminy said.

“NO! Ah won’t!” Apple Bloom sobbed. “She can’t be! She just can’t…”

Apple Bloom flung herself toward Applejack, crawling under her arm and wrapping her tiny arms around her neck.

“Ah’m sorry, Applejack! It’s all mah fault! You told me this trip would be dangerous; you told me not to talk to strangers! You were right along, and ah should have listened to you! Please, don’t leave me!”

Apple Bloom planted her face against her sister, sobbing. The boys-turned-donkeys lowered their heads at the scene, their ears drooping in guilt and sadness. Little Apple Bloom lost a great sister who, just like her brother, looked after her when she was in trouble. But now, she can’t protect her anymore. The little filly cuddled closer to her big sister, refusing to part from her. Every pony and everyone shed tears, but none more so than Pinocchio.

The puppet once again was overcome with guilt, like the time he and his friends were captured by Stromboli. But this time, because of his foolishness, a friend is lost. He knelt on the ground, silently crying in his hands.

A few seconds or minutes went by, as the little filly cuddled her lifeless sister saying ‘Ah’m sorry’ over and over. Suddenly, she felt movement along the side but not from the other ponies. An arm very close to her wrapped around Apple Bloom tightly. The little filly slowly turned to her sister, the cowpony’s eye slowly opened and looked at her with a warm smile.

“Applejack?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Hi, little sis,” Applejack said, softly.

(Music at 1:55)

Apple Bloom shed tears again, not in sorrow but joy. She was speechless at first, then quickly hugged her.

“You’re okay!” She nuzzled. “She’s okay!”

Everypony witnessing couldn’t be any happier, they quickly hugged their dear friend. Pinocchio looked from his hands and a smile appears. He, along with the others, rushed toward them for a group hug.

“Ah knew you’d be okay,” Apple Bloom said, tearfully.

“We thought we’d never see you again!” Pinkie cried.

“Takes more than a few whip cracks to take this mare down,” Applejack replied, cringing when Pinkie touched her back. “Ow!”

“Oops, sorry!” Pinkie grinned sheepishly.

After a few seconds, everypony stepped back to give Applejack some air. The cowpony faces Apple Bloom with a smile.

“Ah’m so, so sorry,” Apple Bloom said. “I know now why you never wanted me to come…”

“No… I’m glad ya did,” Applejack replied. "Ah’m proud o’ ya, mom would’ve been too. It takes real courage to stand up to that villain; you really are growing up.”

“Thanks, big sis,” Apple Bloom smiled, hugging her sister.

Suddenly, the boys-turned-donkeys cheered for them. But then the cheering stopped when the ponies came towards them with a stern look. They shuffled their hooves and looked down silently.

“See what happens when you disobey your parents?” Twilight asked, eyebrow raised.

The donkeys said nothing, only lowered their heads and ears in shame.

“I hope you’ve all learned your lesson,” Rarity said. “Bullying is never good and that your parents are only trying to protect you.”

“Yes, miss,” The donkeys replied.

“Do you promise to be good boys?” Fluttershy asked.

“We promise,” The donkeys said.

“Alright,” Twilight nodded, approvingly. “Let’s get on that boat and get you home!”

The donkeys cheered again as they all boarded the boat. After a few minutes, the ponies and dragon had rounded everyone while Pinocchio and Tender joined Apple Bloom and Applejack in a hug.

“Um, Applejack?” Pinocchio asked.

“Yes, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

Pinocchio hesitated, not sure of what to say. Then Jiminy hopped onto his shoulder.

“Go ahead, Pinoke,” Jiminy advised. “Tell her.”

“I… I just wanna say… I’m sorry.”

Applejack didn’t respond, but she listened as Pinocchio looked down shuffling his feet.

“Me, Tender and Apple Bloom are very sorry. We should have listened in the first place.”

“It’s alright, we forgive you,” Applejack assured.

“No, it’s not alright!” Pinocchio said. “I almost lost a good friend, all for what I did.”

Applejack smiled, as she raised his chin with her hoof.

“It’s alright, Ah’m not mad,” Applejack said. “A pony, or person in your case, learns from their mistakes and makes them just the same. We all do… Ah made a mistake walking out on you, all of you. Ah have no excuse; Ah’m sorry.”

“What am I gonna tell Father?” Pinocchio asked.

“Ya have to tell him the truth,” Applejack advised. “Ya promised the Blue Fairy and all of us.”

“Bu-But what if he gets angry?”

“Ya still have to tell the truth. But ah think Geppetto is not the kind who would get angry very easily. Even if he does, it’s only because he loves you. Okay?”

“Okay, I’ll tell him everything,” Pinocchio nodded. “No lies from now on. I’ll even Pinkie Promise it without breaking it.”

“You better be!” Pinkie called in the distance.

“That’s the spirit, Pinoke,” Jiminy said. “I’m sure after this whole ordeal, you’ll be a real boy for sure.”

“Ah think so too,” Applejack nodded, opening her arm.

Pinocchio slowly came close, as the farm pony wrapped him in a hug. It felt very heartwarming, hoping to receive the same from his father. He may not know what a mother is; but if he wanted one, he hoped she’d be just like Applejack. Jiminy shed a few tears when Rainbow arrived.

“Hey, are we finished hugging now?” Rainbow asked, impatiently. “I’d like to leave this island now!”

“Yes Rainbow, we’re ready,” Applejack said, rolling her eyes.

“Let’s go home,” Pinocchio said.

Meanwhile, Pinkie stood behind the boat rudder with a captain’s hat.

“Ready, every pony?!” Pinkie asked.

“Ready, Pinkie!” Twilight answered.

“Alright, every pony… And donkey! We’re leaving the harbor! Next destination: Town, ho!”

Pinkie pulled the string, blowing the whistle, as the boat drifted away from Pleasure Island through the ocean. The donkeys couldn’t wait to get back home, but none more excited than Pinocchio.