• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 2,861 Views, 90 Comments

The Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition - Time Reaper

One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.

  • ...

The Party's Soul

Canterlot is being invaded by a species capable of feeding from somepony's love and her queen managed to defeat Princess Celestia, the one pony powerful enough to stop her. The elements of Harmony were on a race against time to get the elements while they were being swarmed by the invaders and it was hard to tell if they would make it on time.

Unbeknownst to them, there was another figure fighting the changelings. It was inside the palace, on one of its many halls, with the creature, a purple dragon at that, being surrounded by the waves of changelings but still managing to smile as they tried to get a clear hit on him.

This dragon wasn't a very normal one to begin with, it was a very small dragon just a couple moments ago, which was fitting considering that this was the personal assistant of the unicorn Twilight Sparkle but the changelings just couldn't figure out how it was capable of growing in size so fast. Not only that, but it also managed to develop fighting skills that were giving them many problems, if any of them tried to attack it on the front, it avoided their attacks, pick them and then throw the drone into the other soldiers in the hopes of stunning them.

The dragon moved fast, making it hard to hit, it was slim, making it into a very mobile target, it was capable of hitting hard which forced the drones to hold themselves from attacking recklessly but the part of this fight that the drones found the worst were its scales. It was normal for a dragon to have very hard scales that made it resistant to strong hits but what wasn't normal was for this dragon to have a second cape of scales that it was capable of growing at its own desire.

This new series of scales were completely black and were resistant to any type of attack, it was even capable of holding magic beams with the palm of its claws as if it were just a toy and no scratch was visible on its skin whenever they attacked it with their hooves. They weren't sure how did this dragon managed to achieve it but it was already becoming a bigger obstacle than Celestia or the Element Bearers.

The battle was becoming a stand off where the only one that would come out on top would be the fighter with the highest stamina and the dragon's smile was all this drones needed to know just what else this dragon had. They needed to defeat it before they could get tired and that led to an idea they hadn't tried before, transforming into it.

For a Changeling, the idea of transforming into another creature has always been more as a mean of confusion, to make sure the target is unable to know who it's fighting, a very useless strategy when fighting a lone target but transforming had its advantages, one of them being their capability to copy the physical form of their target and that included this dragon's shield.

This was why, the dragon stopped smiling when it saw how he was now surrounded by multiple copies of himself who had the same black scales around its arms, the drones were the smiling ones now that they had nullified its main advantage over them, creating a huge barrage of attacks that weren't capable of hitting the dragon only because this lone dragon was for some reason faster than them.

Still, as the attacks came, it was becoming harder for the lone dragon to avoid all the attacks being sent to him until, finally, one black claw finally landed a hit on his right cheek, creating a small cut that was making him bleed and forcing him to retreat while the other copies of him were smiling at their small victory, it would be just a matter of time, but they had the numbers to slowly cut him until it was unable to move or, at least, that was what they were thinking until they heard the dragon laugh with full strength at them.

Before they could even try to ask why he was smiling, the lone dragon showed its face onto them, with one finger pointing at his new wound and, to the shock and fear of the drones, they saw the wound being surrounded by red lightning that was restoring it to a point were there was no damage in that face anymore.

"You may be able to copy my face and armor" -. The dragon was saying in a cocky tone. - "But you cannot copy my fighting skills and, from what your faces can tell, you certainly cannot copy this as well" -. His smile grew wide as his eyes starting to fixate more and more on the trembling changelings, now realizing that this couldn't even be considered a dragon at all. - "That means that, if I stop holding back, I will get through you in no time."

The monster then started to get closer to the scared drones who, no longer seeing a possible victory on this, decided to run towards the safety of their queen who, regardless of her ferocity, was more likely of defeating this creature that probably came from Tartarus itself than the feeble and weak drones who were unable of run away without screaming with their lungs out of fear.

And, as the invaders were running away and dropping their disguise, they failed to listen the words of their former objective.

"Well, that was easier than I thought. Wish I knew they were so scared of getting cut before, it would have made my job much easier."

And, with that said, the lone and tall dragon started its way towards the wedding room, where he was sure he was going to find the one enemy that could call off this invasion if he managed to defeat it.

And, as the two groups were running, they were unaware of what was doing Queen Chrysalis. She was glad that her plan had worked so well, which was easy to tell as she was looking at the city being filled with drones chasing down their food supply, she couldn't feel anything but realization at how well all of this was executed.

Celestia was captured, Shining Armor was under her control, Princess Cadence was too weak to confront her, the Royal Guard has already been subdued and the best was coming to her as she saw how the Elements of Harmony were already captured. Chrysalis couldn't do much more than grinning of happiness as every single detail that could thwart her plans were already taken care off.

"You do know the reception has been cancelled, don't you?" - Said the shape shifting queen at her captured enemies, then, she looked at her drones and gave them a new order. - "Go!"

And, with that, the drones started to leave the room, with only Chrysalis and her enemies in that room, giving Chrysalis time to enjoy this moment.

"It's funny, really" -. She started as she picked Twilight's face with her hoof. - "Twilight was suspicious of my behavior all along" -. At which Twilight decided to drop her hoof while Chrysalis was making her speech although she didn't mind. - "But you were too focused on your wedding planning to realize."

At this, Applejack started to get close to Twilight and apologized for not listening.

"Don't worry" -. Said Twilight as she looked at Chrysalis with anger. - "It was her who fooled you."

Chrysalis didn't mind this accusation, in fact she enjoyed it to be reminded of her successes.

"I did, didn't I?"

Then, she started to get close to the balcony and started to hum as she saw her drones capturing the equestrians, everything was going perfectly but, in her confidence, she wasn't realizing how Twilight was trying to sneak into Cadence to help her but that was stopped by something nobody saw, or heard, coming: Screams.


Chrysalis turned around and saw, to her concern, her drones quickly opening the door and entering into the wedding room with much haste as they were screaming orders among each other with much fear in their voice.

"Quick! Close the door!"

"But the rest of us haven't-"

"Just close the door!"

And, just like that, they started to close the door before all the drones entered in the room, making the changelings outside the room screaming in complete and utter terror at the sight of the room containing their queen closing in front of their eyes. Twilight would always remember those screams for the rest of her life, for she never heard so much fear concentrated in a group that just a few minutes ago seemed so confident and fearless.

While all the ponies seemed confused at this turn of events, which was distracting them form making a plan to defeat Chrysalis, the conquering queen was too angry to care about what were the ponies doing. All she cared was about her drones closing the doors and not letting their own brothers enter even though they were screaming and kicking the door with all their might to enter.

"Explain right now what is the meaning of this!" - Demanded Chrysalis with an authority that rivaled Celestia's herself.

Her drones looked at her and tried to answer as true as they could, even if that could mean getting punished by their queen.

"We found something that we cannot overcome" -. Said one drone using magic to hold the door knobs in place as another drone putting its hoofs on the upper side of the door continued. - "We have never seen something like it and its abilities have overwhelmed us."

Chrysalis was skeptical about this, something capable of overcoming the drones that have just defeated the Royal Guard? That sounds ludicrous.

Twilight, meanwhile, was very curious about this development, what kind of creature have the changelings encountered that they found overwhelming when she along her five friends were captured after some struggle? This probably was a magic creature of the likes of Celestia or Chrysalis herself. What creature had so much magic, besides an alicorn or Discord, that alone was capable of doing what she and her friends couldn't?

"Don't be foolish" -. Ordered Chrysalis. - "You have more than enough numbers to overcome anything you could encounter. What could this creature have that you don't or cannot copy?"

Her drones were about to answer when, suddenly, all the room inhabitants heard the drones outside screaming even more.

"It's here!"

"Please open the door!"

"Don't leave us at its mercy!"

"Save us Queen Chrysalis!"

And this shouts were quickly followed by more attempts to open the door, which were quickly stopped by an equal determined force of drones who were trying to make sure that this monster wouldn't enter into the room. Something that Cadence didn't missed.

"What's this Chrysalis? So there's something outside that's challenging your might and it's very likely that it will defeat you."

Chrysalis just couldn't ignore this jab at her and decided to send a comeback at the princess.

"Don't be so sure princess, for all we know it may not be sided with you either" -. She then looked at her drones and decided to order them again. - "And you, I order you to open the door and let me handle this foe."

The drones were at a moment of thought. They were sure their queen had enough strength to face this creature but they really didn't want to risk her well being neither wanted to be closer to that monster with mysterious magic.

"My Queen" -. Said a changeling holding the left door with his front hooves. - "This isn't a common enemy, it has magic never seen before and that could even be described as unnatural. We do not recommend you to face this creature until more intelli-"

"I order you to open the door!" - Ordered Chrysalis as she put her hoof on the floor with enough strength to for cracks, really putting into perspective to Twilight and the other ponies that this wasn't a common foe and that, whoever was behind those doors was going to have a hard battle to rage if it wanted to defeat her.

The drones were trying to see what to prioritize, if to follow the orders or to ensure the health of their queen, when, to their horror, the screams, along the kicks, at the other side of the door ended.

Chrysalis felt a chill going through her as she realized the reality of her drones being defeated by this mysterious creature, Twilight wondered what this creature was, Rainbow was thinking that a very awesome creature must have been behind those doors, Fluttershy was shivering in fear at what creature could've been outside and hoped that it wasn't aiming to hurt her or her friends, Applejack was wondering on the strength that creature must have gotten to defeat an army on its own, Rarity was dreaming of a charming knight to her rescue, Pinkie Pie was feeling that she going to make multiple parties at once that night, Cadence was hoping for this newcomer to be a bringer of goodness and it was then that Twilight made the question that she didn't realized until now she should've made.

"Where's Spike?"

Before her question was answered, a huge force hit the door from the other side, moving the drones and separating them from it by a few inches before they went back to the door and pressure it with all their strength in an attempt to stop whatever it was outside trying to get in, scaring the ponies about the creature's power.

Chrysalis was perplexed with this new development, it required a lot of strength to do something like that and she wasn't aware of any common creature capable of doing something like that.

"My queen" -. Said a desperate drone that was trying to keep the door locked. - "We also think that an explanation has been found regarding the train incident."

Both Chrysalis and the ponies looked at the drone with quizzical eyes.

"The train incident?"

Chrysalis's question was then followed by another huge blow to the door that, for a fraction of a second, opened the door before the drones barricaded it once again with their bodies.

"Yes, my queen. Do you remember when we notified you that there were eleven individuals on the train where the Elements were located but only ten individuals were there?"

This brought up a lot more curiosity from the ponies, the idea of a stowaway that managed to get through Shining Armor's shield was unheard off.

"Yes, I do remember that. It put my cover at risk" -. Said Chrysalis as she turned to the ponies. - "Thankfully, nobody made questions regarding it and only took it as a mistake on my part."

"Well" -. Said the drone as he put all his being into holding that door. - "I think we have managed to understand where that eleventh passenger was located."

In that moment the door got yet another blow, which started to send cracks into it while the drones tried their best to hold the door closed.

"Explain! Now!"

Chrysalis voice was now giving hints of desperation that the ponies weren't missing as they were also feeling a huge wave of anxiety crawling up their skin as they knew that, whatever was trying to enter, was something of the likes they have never seen before.

"Well, I think that said passenger managed to get through by using magic of the likes we've never seen before, magic that allowed it to only be noticed by us due to our ability to detect other creature's emotions but that it made it undetectable to the ponies. Now it's too late for us, we've never faced something like this, a creature with unparalleled magic capable of doing what's impossible for us."

In that moment, the drone looked at their queen with the saddest eyes, filled with upmost regret as they said their last words before losing consciousness.

"My apologies my queen, we have failed to you."

In that moment, the door was hit with strength enough to destroy it, sending away all the drones as Chrysalis prepared her magic at whatever creature was now entering into the room.

The ponies were in no better way, they were all entranced into this newcomer capable of scare away the changelings and put their queen into a feeling of dread. None of them were sure what to expect, was this a savior or a new conqueror? Was this a magical creature that Equestria has never seen before? Was this an awesome being that enjoyed showing it's skills? Did it like parties or was it a snob?

All of those questions were answered while at the same time only sending more questions to the individuals in that room as the newcomer entered and made everybody wonder what was going on, especially for Twilight, as her question was already answered. Now she knew where Spike was.

The greatest mystery to the ponies now was why Spike looked so different, for he no longer looked like a child, he now had the body of an adult, his arms gained muscle just like his chest, his legs also grew up with him, making him taller than the average pony but slightly smaller than Princess Celestia or Queen Chrysalis. Only Twilight noticed it, but the back of his right claw now had a strange circle on it, although she was unable to determine what it was exactly. Everybody in that room also noticed how his face now had more mature look and, to the fear of some ponies and awe of others, his jaw was now filled with sharp teeth and his claws looked extremely sharp as well but there was one thing that shook them off as if there was something wrong with Spike, something they weren't sure exactly what it was, not noticing how his eyes were now of a light violet tone instead of green emerald although his smile was menacing enough for both the ponies and the changeling queen to feel agitated.

All the ponies and the changeling queen were looking, with extreme confusion, at the dragon entering into the room. He wasn't looking cowardly or with fear, he looked with confidence and as he was going to take down anything that stood on his way as he made his proclamation with a resounding voice.

"Don't worry folks, the party's soul is finally here!"

Author's Note:

Compared to the last chapter, this was much better to write and the next one will be among my favorite to write so far, trust me, it will finally happen guys and I hoe to deliver when the time comes to write the next Chapter.

Thank you all for waiting and see you in three months.

EDIT June 17th of 2019: If you like this and you want to support me, you can do it through my Ko-Fi. Feel free to check it out.