• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 2,868 Views, 90 Comments

The Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition - Time Reaper

One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.

  • ...

Those Who Hide From The Sun

"Before this start, miss Gilda, I would like to say once more of how grateful we are for your services."

That's what Gilda heard, but, overall, she couldn't care any less of what these ponies were thinking of her. All she wanted was the money, the more the better for her.

"Now" -, continued the grey maned guard, in a serious, yet friendly, tone of voice, - "is there something you would like to inform us today?"

Gilda just looked at the guard without a care as she started to remember the details of her last days on the job.

"Well, I remember you asked me to keep a watch on the ponies that work in there, figure out who the owner of said bar is and see if I could detect something shady in there, right?"

The guard nodded.

"Well" -, Gilda continued, - "the ponies in there has been warming up to me, so they let me move with more freedom" -. She then looked around the room, noticing how bare and boring it looked with the gray walls and only one window. - "There are far more ponies working in there than you may think" -, she gave the guard a look, seeing if the information shocked him, but he didn't flinch, - "I don't know how, but the amount of ponies you see entering the bar to work are small potatoes compared to the real amount of ponies working in there, I had a hard time counting, but I wouldn't be surprised if they got up to a hundred ponies working in there."

The guard simply nodded as he asked in a neutral tone.

"Any idea of how they get in the building without passing through the main entrance?"

Gilda gave some thought about it and, after some reflection, she negatively moved her head.

"No idea, there's probably a secret entrance somewhere, but I'm yet to find it."

The guard nodded and continued asking.

"Alright, have you figured out who is the bar's owner?"

Gilda nodded as she started to answer.

"Yeah, it was hard to figure out, for a good while, I thought it was that unicorn dweeb Weight Lifter."

"The one who hired you?" - The guard clarified. Gilda simply nodded.

"Yeah, that one, after some talks with the other staff in the bar, I discovered that the real owner isn't Weight Lifter, is some dweeb called 'Lord Greed'."

The Guard's eyes, for the first time since Gilda can remember talking to him, widen open as he heard this revelation.

"And have you seen this 'Lord Greed'?"

Gilda rejected this.

"Nah, never saw him. Whenever I ask for him, I'm told he's out doing some businesses in other places."

The guard then pulls out a saddlebag from under his desk, then he take a picture from it, and shows it to Gilda. There, she can see a dragon wearing shades, open gloves, a jacket and a smug smile that is extremely close from being an over confident smile.

"This dragon" -, asked the guard, - "have you seen him?"

Gilda gave the dragon in the picture a closer look and nodded.

"Yeah, I saw him once or twice on the bar but that was only the day I got recruited, what about him?"

"We suspect he is Greed, the actual owner of the bar."

Gilda's eyes widen with curiosity as she heard this. She never suspected that a dragon would be the owner of a bar where only ponies worked.

"Do you know when will Greed show up again in the bar?"

Gilda nodded as she remembered what Weight Lifter told her recently.

"I do, actually" -. The guard almost raise from his seat from the emotions he got when he heard this. - "I think he came back yesterday. My supervisor told me that, thanks to my hard work, he'll see if the boss gets to meet me personally, so I'll see him sooner than expected."

"Good" -, the guard said, with a slight hint of emotion on his voice, at least from Gilda's perspective, - "this would be a great opportunity for you to get more information on what happens in there."

"Are you sure something fishy is going on in there?" - Asked a reluctant Gilda. - "I've been watching them for weeks by this point and, so far, despite some weird... huh... quirks from them, they haven't done anything that could be seen as morally wrong or illegal."

Gilda never saw a body reaction from the guard, but she would always swear something on his eyes twitched as she said that.

"It may look like it, but the dragon known as Greed is involved in a foalnap."

Gilda's eyes widened when she heard that, looking at the dragon in the picture with new eyes.

"We also suspect the ponies working in there may be changelings."

Gilda went in shock as she heard this, hoping she heard wrong.

"What? How did you come to that conclusion?"

The guard then takes some more pictures and sheets from his saddlebag. He first shows the picture of a pony Gilda recognizes a Weight Lifter.

"There's no record from this pony ever existing. We looked for birth certificates in the city he claims to come from but we found nothing, we also looked for the school he said he graduated from, and while the school does exist, there's no record of him."

He then pointed out at other ponies Gilda recognized as workers in the bar.

"This pony does exist, but we found her living in Baltimare and with a family; this stallion comes from Appleloosa but the last we heard from him was about two days after the invasion of Canterlot Castle from Chrysalis, after that incident, this pony disappeared from Equestria's record until you saw him working in there; this pegasus has been found working in three different places at the same time and this pony was among the confirmed identities used by changelings to infiltrate among us."

He then showed the picture of a blue unicorn mare with a wizard hat, Gilda recognized her as the extremely annoying pony that likes to talk in third person and whose boasting always made Gilda lose her patience.

"So far, this is the only pony we have managed to confirm as an actual equestrian citizen working in there but, every time we tried to contact her, she would avoid us or give us unreliable information about what happens in there, so we suspect she may be working with Greed."

Gilda looked at all the ponies and started to wonder if she was still on time to leave the place before it was too late for her.

"So you want me to risk my life, going back in there, to inform you if they are actual changelings or if they are doing something illegal?"

The guard stood silent for 10 full seconds before he answered Gilda.

"We could increase your payment if you want" -, the guard tried to relief Gilda, - "we do understand your concerns but you have helped us a lot. If possible, all we need left is a confirmation of how long will Greed be at the bar and a confirmation of changeling activity in the place."

"And how do you plan me to confirm that?" - Asked a beffudled Gilda, - "maybe the boss but it's not like I could go there and ask them if they steal love from innocent ponies."

"It doesn't have to be that direct" -, responded the guard, - "all we need is you witnessing one of them transforming or, if needed be, ask something to then that could contradicts the information, in example" -, he then pulled another picture of a small yellow coated filly with a red mane, cutie markless, and yellow eyes, - "this foal you've seen in there, calling herself Pearseed, is actually called Applebloom and is member of the Apple family living in Ponyville. There's no record of her ever leaving her home since the invasion attempt by Chrysalis but you've seen her living in that bar for the past few weeks."

"That annoying filly?" - Asked Gilda. - "you want me to interrogate a foal? Even if that's an actual changeling in disguise, I don't think I'll have an easy time asking her much, especially in public."

"Do not worry" -, the guard said to relieve Gilda, - "again, it's not much what we're asking for. Just a confirmation, after all, the target is Greed and, as long as we know how long will he stay in there, you'll be rewarded once your work is complete."

"That reminds me" -, Gilda said with a slight hint of bitterness in her voice, - "since I'm risking my life, I want the double of payment" -. Surprisingly for Gilda, the guard didn't even flinch when he heard that. - "I don't plan to put my life on the line for a small payment."

"If you give us the information we need" -, the guard immediately responded, - "we'll give you ten times the usual amount of bits we're giving you right now."

Gilda's mouth opened wide as she heard that.

"Five hundred? Deal."

"Excellent" -, the guard then started to put all the pictures and sheets back on the saddlebag, - "it was a pleasure speaking to you, miss Gilda, may Celestia help you on your venture."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" -. Gilda dismissed the guard. - "Just prepare those bits for me, I'll have that information for you before you know it."

Gilda then raised from the chair and left the household apartment the guard was using as a facade, moving through the building block until she left the place, trying to ignore the fact she just met a guard in one of the most dangerous places in Vanhoover and she was, in a few hours, going to a place filled with a criminal and potential changelings.

Tonight was going to be so much fun...

As Gilda left her rented house, later that day, she made her travel to the Chimera's Den to earn some more bits and see if she could find out if there were actual changelings or not. Who knows? Perhaps those weren't changelings, they could be ponies that managed to avoid registry, or had twins...

"Gilda!?" - The griffon turned up and saw, to her unpleasant surprise, Rainbow Dash, who spent no time in getting close to her, frown on her face, to question her. - "What are you doing here?"

Gilda formed some ideas on her head as she saw her ex-friend getting closer to her, 'that's none of your business' was one of them, but she decided to go with a simpler one.

"I'm having a job here and I'm going to my job right now."

Gilda tried to move but, for her detriment, Rainbow Dash's other annoying friends were there.

"Oh, is that the meanie Gilda?"

Especially the pink one.

"Leave me alone, I'm getting late to work!" - Gilda tried to get rid of them, but the pink one was still in front of her. - "Leave me alone or else I'll do something nasty to you."

"Pinkie!" - Shouted the purple one. - "Come back here, Rainbow Dash, we need to go, you can talk to your friend later."

They were talking some more, but Gilda had zero interest in whatever they were talking, all she wanted was going back to her work and see how many bits she could get out of it before her other employers decided to do something in there.

As she managed to get to the Chimera's Den, she thankfully managed to get to her job on time but that didn't stop her from being saluted by her supervisor.

"Hello Gilda" -. Said Weight Lifter in a neutrally happy tone of voice. - "I'm glad to see you here."

"Really?" - Asked a curious Gilda. - "And why's that?"

"Well" -, continued Weight Lifter, - "ever since you came here, the clients have behaved much better with the staff and our female employees have less things to complain about."

Gilda chuckled at that.

"Well, my job is to ensure nopony steps out of line, all I can say is that you picked the right girl for this" -. She then remembered what she was told about Weight Lifter, and decided to check him out, noticing how weak his body looked like, very convinient for a changeling to look easy to beat down on a fight. - "Say" -, she added with no hint of nervousness on her voice, - "is there something else for you to see me?"

Weight Lifter then started to sweat as he tried to make sense of his words.

"Well, the boss got back from his business trip yesterday and, after telling him of your excellent job, he has said that he wants to meet you personally."

For some reason, hearing this only made Gilda nervous.

"Really? Probably because he needs to be covered from my coolness" -, she said as she tried to hide her nerves, not noticing Weight Lifter rolling his eyes at her comment, - "can I do that after doing my shift?" - She added, hoping to get some time to prepare for the meeting.

Weight Lifter, meanwhile, raised his brows at Gilda's comment.

"Well, sure, but knowing you, I thought you would prefer to see him first."

Gilda started to sweat a bit at the comment, they were starting to know how she behaved.

"Well, yeah, usually, I would. But not now, I get paid by the hour and I can't spend my time with the boss, so I'll see him later."

She nervously looked at Weight Lifter, hoping that he would buy her lie, and relief came to her once she saw her supervisor shrugging at her remark.

"Alright then, he said there was no rush, as long as you meet him today" -. Gilda suppressed the sigh she wanted to released, trying to keep Weight Lifter unsuspecting of her, which probably happened as Weight Lifter gave her the next order. - "In that case, though" -, he then pointed at one of the corners of the bar, - "go to watch over the place and ensure nopony oversteps in here."

Gilda nodded as she started to move to her place and looked around the 12mt square bar to ensure everyone were behaving. From the entrance, to the barman's spot (6mt away diagonally form the entrance), to the spot where ponies came to do their shows (on the opposite side, and in front of the drinking bar), to the entrance to a hallway that was besides the drinking bar itself.

She started to see around the velvet carpeted walls and the well electricity lit roof and how the ponies were already starting to gather on the bar. Some were the usual annoying stallions trying to get something from the mares on the staff, nothing Gilda couldn't fix with a simple intimidatory look; some of the clients would usually get to heated for drinking too much and would try to get into a fight, something she could easily fix by removing one of the fighters and, if needed be, she could also take care of both.

After her second hour, that night, the annoying filly came to her.

"H-hi, miss Gilda."

"Beat it, I'm working."

The filly flinched at her remark, but it didn't stop her from talking, much to Gilda's annoyance.

"S-sorry, it's just that, I heard Mr. Greed wants to talk to you and... I wanted to congratulate you."

Gilda raised her eyebrow and looked at her, making the poor red mane filly to shrink even more than she looked like.

"Congratulate me?"

"Ye-yeah... the boss rarely talks to anybody, he usually delegates his orders to Weight Lifter or someone he trust... so y-you must have done something good to gain his attention."

"Naturally" -, Gilda says as she brush her feathers in complete 'coolness', - "no one is going to mess around here as long as I'm in charge of security."

'Pearseed' blushes as she tries to form the next sentence.

"Y-yes, that's why I hope to r-repay you for helping me out."

Once again, Gilda rolled her eyes at this sappy moment.

"Again with this? Listen, I was doing my job, there's nothing especial on me getting rid of some ponies picking up on you."

'Pearseed' tried to form a response, but Gilda brushed her off.

"Now, leave, I need to work, you can tell me how great I am later."

'Pearseed' tried to respond once more, but instead nodded and left Gilda alone. Other than that, nothing unusual happened on the calm bar. Usually, there's the show with that annoying unicorn, but for some reason, she took the day off, and some new ponies were trying to make some sort of show based on whatever special talent they had, which were quickly booed by the audience.

In the end, despite enjoying seeing those ponies getting mocked, the end of Gilda's shift came to be, and she had to go to see the Boss.

"Best wishes Gilda, I hope he gives you a raise."

Gilda looked back and saw it was the mare behind the drinking bar, the one that's supposed to have a life in Baltimare, and have a family. Her blue coat, brownish mane, yellow eyes and 'Bar suit' made her undistinguishable from the bar, but for some reason it was impossible to ignore her right now, as if the information Gilda held made her look at everypony in the bar with different eyes.

Eyes trying to hide away their fear of what they could be.

Nonetheless, Gilda moved to the back of the bar, besides the drinking bar, moving through the long hallway, noticing the many doors in there. Some doors were either open or had small windows that allowed to see what happened behind them, like the one leading to the kitchen, or the door leading to the stairs that lead to the upper building. But there were some doors, Gilda noticed, that were closed and with no way to notice what happened behind them, even if there were many ponies going in and out of said doors. Nonetheless, right at the end of the hallway, Gilda reached the door belonging to her actual boss.

"Alright Gilda, calm down, it's just a dragon, nothing you can't handle" -. She told herself. - "A dragon that may have kidnapped a foal and leads a potential changeling army."

After taking some quick breaths, Gilda knocked the door three times, and waited for a response.

"Come in."

Answered a smoot voice, very confident, and that sounded kinda 'cool'.

When Gilda opened the door, she was surprised to see a room decorated with yellow paintings, goldenish lamps, a red carpet, a nicely looking wooden desk and, behind that desk, a muscled dragon with his eyes covered by a pair of shades, a nice looking jacket, claws covered by open gloves and giving her a smile with his open mouth that showed his pearly white, sharp teeth.

Somethign was telling Gilda that the room would be decorated with far more expensive things if this dragon had the funds to pay for it.

And the final thing that Gilda noticed on the room were two beings, her supervisor, Weight Lifter, at the dragon's right side and that annoying Unicorn, at the dragon's left side, giving the air of guards protecting their master.

Gilda was really hoping this was about giving her a raise.

"You can sit" -. The dragon said, pointing at a chair that was right in front of him. - "I hope it's comfortable to you."

Gilda moved to the chair and sat on it, it was weirdly comfortable.

"Thanks" -, Gilda responded, - "it's actually nice and comfortable."

The dragon looked back at Weight Lifter and moved his lips in such a manner that it looked like they said 'I told you', at which Weight Lifter looked annoyed as he rolled his eyes. The dragon then looked back at Gilda and proceded with the meeting.

"Now, do you remember me?"

Gilda nodded.

"Yeah, I saw you on the day I was hired, you were on the drinking bar as Weight Lifter was interviewing me, and the next day, as I was starting to guard the place from anypony trying to start a problem."

"Good" -, the dragon said, keeping his smug smile, - "I suppose that, by this time, you must have figured out who I am, right?"

Once more, Gilda nodded.

"Yeah, you are the actual boss from this place."

The dragon nodded.

"Correct, do you know my name?"

Gilda nodded.

"Yeah, you are who the staff calls, 'Lord Greed', I'll admit though, I wasn't expecting you to be a dragon."

Greed simply shrugged, while closing his eyes momentarily, before continuing.

"Understandable, not many ponies can get along with different species. Not a problem for me, though" -. Gilda took a good look at Greed as he started to look at both Weight Lifter and the annoying Unicorn with a knowing look before looking back at Gilda. - "And now, after hearing so much about your good job, I would like to know more, are all the griffons as capable as you?"

Gilda quickly responded to this with complete confidence.

"They may be capable of fighting, but you'll never find a griffon as capable as me."

Greed widened his smug smile at this.

"Really? Well, that's something I would like to test."

Gilda raised her eyebrows when she heard this, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

"And what do you mean? You plan to replace me?"

"Oh, no" -, responded Greed with complete calmness, - "you see, I am planning to open more sites like this and I would need more guards and you left me a good impression on griffons."

Gilda tried to think about what he just said and, after remembering what the guard told her about him, she started to feel worried about what he could do to other Griffons.

"No need, I'm the best griffon you'll ever find, no other griffon will ever reach the same level as me."

That false bragging didn't seem to deter Greed.

"Oh, do not worry about that, even if those griffons aren't at the same lever as you, I plan to train them so they can work properly."

Once more, Gilda didn't like how that sounded.

"Ok, that sounded creepy."

"My apologies" -, responded Greed, - "but that's the most appropiate word I can think off to get what I want."

"What you want?"

"Yes, I want more money."

"I shouldn't be surprised with a name like Greed" -. Gilda thought as she started to pay attention to what Greed said.

"But for that money I need to expand and, being honest, I see the griffons as a good acquiescense to get what I want, so I'll need more griffons for my main objective."

"Well, tough luck" -, responded Gilda with a certain level of confidence, - "because griffons are greedy and if you want to hire all of us you'll need far more money than you can get."

"Oh" -, responded Greed with his smug smile, - "but that won't be a problem, after all, the deal is almost done."


That was all Gilda could muster after what Greed said.

"You heard me" -, the dragon responded, - "you see, my most recent travel was to Griffonstone to see if anyone was willing to work for me on my projects and, at first, they didn't want to listen to me so, after some tough negotiations, I managed to convince them to work for me under some special conditions."

"W-what... kind of conditions?" - It was, by this point, almost impossible for Gilda to hide her nervousness.

"The second one was a sign that I could get for them what no other griffon was capable of getting, which wasn't so hard after getting a relic that was very important for griffons."

It took Gilda a few seconds to process what he meant but, once she did, her feathers started to put on edge.

"You... you mean.. you got the lost treasure of Griffonstone?"

Greed's smug smile became predatory as he heard Gilda.


"That's impossible!" - Gilda said in a panicked voice, trying to make sense of what she heard. - "No griffon has ever managed to get close to that thing, the winds are too strong, you don't seem to have wings and it's impossible for you to climb all of that."

"Nothing is impossible" -. By this point, Greed was looking at Gilda with the smile of a predator and the griffon was feeling more and more like prey. - "All you need is the will to go and take what belongs to you, the same way I decided to go for what belongs to me."

"W-w-what belongs to you?"

If Greed had anything to say on Gilda's fearful nature, he didn't say it, he just answered her questions.

"Yes, everything belongs to me. Money, power" -, he then looked at Trixie and Weight Lifter, - "loyal subjects. Whatever there is, it will belong to me, if it doesn't belongs to me already."

"E-even..." - Gilda was too afraid to say the words, but she knew she had to if she wanted to get the information she wanted. - "Even Changelings?"

Gilda could swear she saw a light shining on Greed's eyes, through the shades, as she muttered those words. She was now realizing that, as tough as she was, this Greed was probably much tougher than her, especially if it managed to get Griffonstone's most prized possession. And, as she cowered before Greed, she saw him getting closer to her, with a more calm nature, closing his mouth and, for the first time, allowing Gilda to see his light violet eyes and showing a sympathetic nature.

"Dear, what makes you think I'm working with Changelings?"

Gilda was about to respond, when she then saw the two ponies behind Greed seeing her in a suspicious manner, then she realized she said something she shouldn't know and fear started to corrode her even more.

"N-nothing, just wondering since you said that everything belongs to you, I got curious if you would even own changelings."

Greed's sight became more meticulous as he started to move back to his chair while answering nonchalantly.

"Of course I would, I am that merciful" -. He said as both the annoying unicorn and Weight Lifter rolled their eyes at the same time. - "I really don't care about the species, I would still own it and protect it as I do with any of my possessions, after all, someone as brilliant as I would never miss the chance to own a species just because they aren't as good looking as I."

"Gee" -. Gilda thought. - "I almost miss how big of an ego he has, I think it could easily rival Rainbow's."

"In example" -, Greed continued, - "of how smart I am, I took notice of how you were informing the Royal Guard of my activities."

For the first time in a long while, Gilda was speechless as Greed started to move his claws in a manner of control, intercrossing the fingers while putting his elbows on the desk, his hands covering his mouth.

"You really think my workers wouldn't notice you were informing the Royal Guard of our activities?"

"So... you actually have something to hide?"

It was hard for Gilda to presume any sign of strength when, in reality, she was in a closed room with three figures who could easily overpower her. If she was going to get captured, then she would at least know what she was asked to investigate.

"Because I was told you were working with changelings and that they were probably working on something dangerous."

"Well..." - Greed responded in a pensive manner. - "I don't think it could be considered dangerous or illegal" -. He then looked at Trixie and asked in a serious manner. - "We're not doing anything illegal, right?"

Trixie looked despondent and responded.

"Of course not, The Great and Powerful Trixie would never do something illegal."

"Good" -. Answered Greed back. - "Because I remember telling you to not do anything illegal, making gold included."

"Wait" -, asked a beffudled Gilda, - "making gold? You can create gold?"

"Well" -, once again, Greed answered but in a doubtful manner, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to say this kind of information, - "we technically can, but that's illegal, and it can create inflation, which harms the economy, and makes everyone poorer. What I want is for everyone to get richer, and creating gold won't help us in the long term."

Gilda gave this a thought when, once more, she remembered something crucial from her conversation with Greed.

"Wait a minute, if you said that you hired all the griffons in Griffonstone and that you weren't creating gold, how do you plan to pay all the griffons to work as your body guards? Griffons are greedy and no griffon will work for you under the promise of riches that won't appear soon, with or without treasure."

Greed practically scoffed at this, as if he wasn't really expecting the question due to how simple the answer was.

"Easy, actually, I'll remember you that the treasure was the second sign I gave the griffons that I was capable of making them rich. Along with the first sign, I managed to convince the griffons that, following my rules, they would achieve riches never seen before."

"And what was the first sign?" - Asked a wondered Gilda.

In that moment, to Gilda's eyes, she saw Weight Lifter using his horn, enchanting Greed's head and neck, as he was starting to answer.

"That is a good question, I was waiting for you to ask for it. Well, it's hard to explain but-"

In that moment, Greed's neck was twisted to such a way that his body stopped moving, leaving it very clear to Gilda he was no longer alive. Her emotions were all over the place, she was afraid of the murder she just witnessed, she was angry at the horrible crime she saw, frustrated at having the information she sook being taken away, and more. All she could do was hearing the two unicorns speaking as if it was a normal day.

"I think you were too hard Weight Lifter" -. Answered the annoying Unicorn. - "He's going to have some residual pain neck for a few hours today."

"You think so?" - Asked Weight Lifter as if he did nothing wrong. - "I remember he asked me to make sure the twist was strong enough, otherwise, it wouldn't seem convincing."

"What in tartarus are you talking about!?" - Shouted Gilda at the two murderers, not noticing Greed's arms shaking. - "You just committed murder! How can you talk about it as if you did nothing wrong!?" - She was shouting at the unicorns, who were looking at her with smiling faces, while Greed's body was starting to move, although Gilda didn't seem to notice it yet. - "You think I'll let this one go? I don't care how many ponies are with you, but I'll inform the Royal Guard of what you did so you can get-"

In that moment she saw Greed's body raising from the desk, head still twisted, and moving as if he was still alive. Once she saw it, Gilda's body stopped functioning, now unable to process what she was just seeing.

Greed's arms started to move on their own as his claws took his head and twisted it back into its original position, followed by some red lightning coming froom his neck, after which Greed started to complain.

"More careful next time Thorax, that twist is going to give me some pain neck for the next few hours."

"Sorry, I'll be more precise next time."

Greed then turned towards Gilda, still processing what she just saw, as he said the next words.

"And that was the very first thing I showed the griffons in Griffonstone. I am very hard to kill and I have enough time to give them all the riches they want, so how does that sound to you?"

As Gilda processed the information, she started to understand the benefits of what her fellow griffons were offered. They were given the chance to work with something like Celestia, immortal, caring enough to give its subjects something to be hopeful, powerful and willing to promise its subject what they wanted.

Granted, that was what her mind in shock was processing, she would later have the time think more carefully what she was now seeing. In the meantime, Greed was giving her the offer that he gave to all the other griffons, under the promise of getting out of the shameful state they were living under right now.

"Now Gilda, this is a one time deal, and if you accept it, you'll be given a chance at something you never had in your life. Are you in or not?"

It didn't take her long to figure out her response.

Author's Note:

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