• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 2,868 Views, 90 Comments

The Redemption of a Never Ending Ambition - Time Reaper

One day, Twilight found a new type of gem that she has never seen before and brought it to her library. Spike is a dragon that eats gems and the gem Twilight brought has awoken feelings that he haven't felt in a while.

  • ...

The Eden's Apple

Manehattan was a city known for always being on the move. There was activity filling the streets every hour and it was impossible to visit the city without getting something out of it and two of its newest visitors (or, at least, one of them) were really trying to get something worthwhile. Mainly, they were trying to sell drinks and failing at it.

“Oh, come on!” – Said the dragon now known as Greed in a very frustrated tone of voice as he was completely frustrated; he was walking through the streets of Manehattan while carrying a small bag on his back. - “Why is it so hard to make a bar in this kingdom? Last time I tried it was much easier than this.”

“Sorry Greed” –, said an ebony unicorn stallion on a tired tone of voice as he was pulling a huge bag with his magic, - “but the banks aren’t going to lend money to some weird-looking strangers who appeared out of nowhere and bars aren’t as profitable as one may wish when we are on a city filled to the brim with them.”

Greed turned around and gave the changeling known as Thorax, now disguised as an ebony unicorn with yellow eyes, a white mane and with a cutie mark consisting on a bunch of packages being lifted, trying to pull with his magic the bag holding all the materials they gathered from the Everfree Forest and answered with a frustrated tone of voice.

“I know, I know but still, this city has so many citizens that it’s just a matter of choosing the right location and we could just make massive profits” -, he then added with a coy smile, - “maybe just enough to get all the mares you need to never feel empty again.”

Thorax blushed at the comment but said nothing about it, he was getting too tired to respond and he was more than wishing to have some love right now to stop feeling empty on the inside.

“That reminds me” -, continued Greed as finally stopped moving and was now looking at Thorax, - “what is your name again?”

Thorax let out a puff as he was getting annoyed by Greed not remembering the names of the ponies he changed into.

“I told you already that I’m Weight Lifter! Please, I know remembering something like my name could be a bit hard but, could you at least try to remember it?”

“Sorry” -, responded Greed while his face was bearing a bored face, - “but it’s hard to remember it when you always talk of how you want to change it.”

When Thorax heard the word ‘change’ he quickly panicked and dropped all the weight he was carrying and moved to shut Greed’s mouth as he tried to whisper, although actually sounding high enough to be listened by anyone who actually decided to pay attention to what he said.

“Please don’t go around saying that, it’s too…” – As he realized how high his voice was, he started to whisper while he was trying to see what kind of words use to make sure nobody in the vicinity could interpret his words as him being a changeling. – “Embarrassing to admit I want to change my name and, as of now, people tend to badly react just by hearing the word ‘change’ so, could you please be more careful with what we talk in public?”

Greed only smiled and put his right claw, now covered by a black glove with openings on his fingers, on Thorax’s head while keeping a calm tone of voice.

“Don’t worry, I understand but you need to learn to relax a bit, otherwise, people will find you strange for how you act so nervously all the time.”

Hearing Greed’s words (and it’s hidden warning) made Thorax relax a bit and finally sit down on the street to think on how he had to improve on his hiding skills but that was quickly stopped by a slap on the head from Greed himself, much to Thorax annoyance.

“Hey!” – Thorax almost screamed. – “What was that for?”

“That was for dropping our stuff” -, said Greed as he was pointing at the bag containing all the flowers, fruits, plants as well as Spike’s belongings among other stuff they have gathered during their journey which Thorax dropped to the ground not too long ago, - “some of those items may be fragile so it’s in our best interest for them to be fine.”

Realizing that Greed was right, Thorax quickly decided to open the bag and check how their belongings were, but Greed once again stopped him.

“Not here, look” -. As Thorax looked on the direction Greed was pointing at, he noticed a park very near to them. – “Let’s go there and rest up a bit while I plan what to do next and you check on our stuff.”

Accepting Greed’s idea, the two of them moved towards the park and decided to take a rest. As the two of them were taking a breather, they decided to look at their surroundings and see how clean the air was compared to the rest of the city.

The trees, flowers, grass as well as the wildlife made it so the two of them could feel themselves relax while the sound of the ponies playing with their foals (and the foals themselves laughing for the pure fun they got from their silly games) helped Thorax to relax as he could have some love from his surroundings while Greed was capable of relaxing as he looked at the innocents enjoying their time together, bringing him memories of those with whom he used to have good times as well.

He closed his eyes and started to remember how they used to work hard for him while he was making sure that nothing wrong happened to them. He remembered how he used to be at dinner with them, eating and drinking as they shared stories or had small chatter among each other, most often than not making fun of the animals they were mixed in.

He remembered how useful was one of them with his strength and was usually doing work as his personal bodyguard or doing the heavy lifting for everybody. He remembered how one of them was a very good friend and, usually, was helping anyone she could find. He remembered how one of them was following him under the excuse of his dog genes making him too loyal.

Roa… Marthel… Dolchetto…

He remembered all the happy moments he had with them and started to wish to have them back again, to see them again if only one more time to share those laughs once more. His mind started to drift into the world of sleep as he started to dream through his memories and how happy he was with them. But those memories were soon interrupted as another memory resurfaced of him having his hands stained in blood as fainting words burned on his mind.

Lord Greed… we used to be friends…


The draconic homunculi opened his eyes as he looked around at Thorax, who was looking at him with a worried look.

“Are you alright? You looked worried for something a moment ago.”

Greed simply wavered off Thorax’s worries and started to stretch himself a bit.

“Don’t worry; it was just a bad dream” -. As he finished stretching himself, he looked bad at his companion and asked as if there was nothing worrying him. – “So, do you have any ideas?”

Thorax looked at Greed with curiosity as he tilted his head sideways.

“I thought you were the one thinking of a plan.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hear any idea you could have.”

As Thorax heard that, his eyes widened a bit and moved a hoof towards his head as he tried to think of something. His mind being blank, he started to look around in the hope of getting any kind of idea and, thankfully, he found it on the form of a gathering of ponies being made not too far away from where they were located right then.

“Well, we could go there and see why everypony are gathering there. How does that sound?”

Greed thought about it as he wondered a bit about it and simply nodded.

“Good enough, it’ll be a nice distraction at the very least.”

So the two of them started to carry back their bags and moved towards the gathering of ponies in the hopes of seeing what was going on there. To their surprise, what they found was a blue unicorn mare with a silver-like mane that was wearing a magician’s hat and had her cutie mark covered by a purple magician's cape but, if one payed enough attention, it could be seen that her Cutie Mark was a light blue crescent moon with a light blue star on top of it.

She moved around the crowd as if every single one of her moves were meticulously calculated and premeditated. She then started to use her magic to throw fireworks as she started to talk but, sadly, Greed and Thorax were too far away to hear anything she said. As she moved around, she started to use magic to show off some of her skills and while Thorax didn’t look impressed at all, Greed looked at her with interest. He looked how she always wore a face as if she was the greatest and how she was trying to look impressive while her magic didn’t do much beyond simple aesthetics that were impressive to the eye but, in reality, they didn’t have anything impressive but that didn’t stopped Greed from looking at her intently something that Thorax managed to notice as he wanted to know Greed’s opinion of her overall.

For the way Greed looked at her, it was clear for Thorax there was something in her worth looking, but it was hard to guess what. Sure, the way she moved showed confidence and her spells were nice to look at but she didn’t show to be capable of anything too important and the audience became quite clear of it as they started to throw tomatoes and shout ‘boo’ at her much to the mare’s chagrin, who started to show anger and shout at the crowd some unintelligible words from the distance but Thorax was sure some of them must have been quite bad for the audience started to boo at her even harder.

Eventually, the mare started to look at the crowd with anger before saying something else and disappear behind a big purple smoke that appeared out of nowhere, leaving an empty made up stage and an angry crowd which, as they mumbled with contempt, both Greed and Thorax took their time to listen at.

“Annoying mare.”

“Flimsy spells.”

“Empty boaster with nothing to back it up.”

“I’ve seen better shows.”

Hearing those words felt a little bit harsh for Thorax, after all, she was just trying to make her income but the biggest surprise for him came from Greed, who was just smiling as if he found a well-hidden treasure.

“Weight Lifter.”

“Yes sir?”

Greed didn’t even look at him as he started to move towards the forest while leaving his small bag.

“Take care of our baggage and follow after me if I haven’t come back in five minutes.”


Before Thorax could even complain, Greed started to move towards the forest in the search of something, leaving a very confused Thorax who was now wondering what was all that about.

Thorax wasn’t aware that Greed found something that could ease up his overall quest if he played well his cards. Something called Trixie Lulamoon.

Now, Trixie was a unicorn mare that was usually known for being a show mare, in other words, she used her magic to impress and let her audience in wonder and desire for more. She always loved to show off her abilities as she was sure nopony was as skillful as her in the art of making a big show to impress an audience, after all, she was the best unicorn in all Equestria.

Or at least, she thought of herself as the best until she went to Ponyville and met Twilight Sparkle.

Trixie thought that her visit to Ponyville was going to be a simple one: she would do her show, impress some ponies, prove herself to be the best to those who dared to challenge her but then those two colts had to go and bring an Ursa Minor. Trixie may have said that she defeated an Ursa Minor and that may have been a lie but that doesn’t mean those two had to go and bring one neither she had to prove herself to be true and, even worse, accept to be humiliated by that Twilight Sparkle who managed to get rid of that Ursa so easily. It wasn’t fair.

Not only it wasn’t fair to be humiliated by Twilight Sparkle but to have her cart to be destroyed, her only mean of transportation which held her most important belongings and, even worse, she was now a mockery to any town or city that she went to.

No matter how many times Trixie tried to improve her show, no matter how many times Trixie tried to make a better show, all Trixie got were insults and getting booed by the audience. It wasn't fair, all she wanted was to do what she enjoyed the most and she was being denied of that. All Trixie wanted to do now was to cry in the middle of the forest and hope that nopony could find her crying for how tragic her life turned around. She didn’t want to be seen at her lowest point…

But she was denied of even that.

“Hey! Sorry for the interruption but-“

The intruder was quickly shut as Trixie started to throw stones at him while she was wearing a scowl on her face.

“Leave Trixie alone!” – She shouted with complete despair in her voice, hoping that throwing the stones would drive her pursuer away but, much to her chagrin, he wasn’t leaving. – “Trixie is not in the mood to hear you insulting her anymore!”

The unicorn failed to notice how the one trying to get close to her wasn’t a pony at all, but rather a dragon, but she was noticing how his voice was still close to her.

“Stop throwing stones, you are going to hurt someone!”

The warning wasn’t enough for the Distraught and Agonizing Trixie who, in her hopes of driving away her would be pursuer, she decided to aim directly at the head and, without realizing, managed to hit the individual on the head strong enough to send it to the ground.

As the body stopped moving, Trixie no longer threw rocks and started to realize the deep trouble she may start to face soon as she noticed how her would be pursuer wasn’t a pony but rather a dragon and how the last rock she threw was right in the left eye socket and it thrust very deeply into that new orifice that managed to pierce his dark glasses, glasses that were very probably inside the left eye and causing irreparable damage.

“Oh no…” – Muttered Trixie as her mind started to panic. – “I-Trixie has done something irreparable. Trixie is going to jail…”

The poor unicorn mare was starting to picture all the crimes and charges that were going to befell on her, quickly ignoring the draconic body whose left arm was starting to move once more in the direction of his own eye.

“What is Trixie going to do? What is Trixie going to do…? Trixie is too young to go to jail, what to do? What to do…?” – In that moment Trixie’s features brightened up as she realized what a potential solution could be for her predicament. – “Bury the body… YES! That is what Trixie will do. The body is buried and nopony will suspect a thing.”

As she muttered her ideas to hide her crime, she was still unaware of the dragon still trying to find the stone crusted on his eye and remove it.

“Alright then, Trixie will bury this body and-“

It was then when she turned and looked at the dragon she supposed murdered and felt her body freeze with a mixture of shock, terror and slight curiosity as she saw the dragon’s hand inside his eye socket and pulled out the rock she threw at his eye.

That alone would have been enough to make Trixie shout in terror but she remained unable to react as she saw how the dragon’s eye started to rebuild itself up, with only small red lightning being shown.

Before Trixie could even react or realize of what was going on, the dragon was standing up again and moving as if nothing wrong had just happened with his broken shades being the only evidence of Trixie’s attack.

“Dang it” -, said the dragon in a very annoyed tone of voice, - “that really hurt, could you please calm down and listen?”

The dragon then started to look at the Shocked and Fearful Trixie and how she wasn’t moving at all.

“Hello? Are you alright?” – Greed then started to poke at Trixie, hoping to get some reaction from her. – “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

Those words managed to get a reaction from Trixie as she managed to respond to Greed.

“What kind of reaction is that to give to the mare that threw a rock to your eye?” – She then decided to give a better look at his eye and notice how it really looked as if it were perfectly healed up. – “What kind of magic is that which allowed you to recover from that? It’s impossible to heal up that fast without the help of unicorn experts.”

The dragon then started to laugh at Trixie’s words much to her indignation.

“What is so funny!? Trixie is being serious right now!”

The Dragon then started to look at Trixie as he stopped laughing and answered: “There’s nothing impossible!”

He then moved his right thumbnail at himself.

“Especially when it comes to me.”

The Curious and Befuddled Trixie looked at the dragon with wonder, trying to decipher his words, as he then started to point back at where her show recently was made.

“I looked your show back then, it was very impressive.”

Hearing that, Trixie’s mood started to sour, unable to hold the obvious attempt of mockery made at her.

“Oh, really? Could you please tell Trixie why you think of that?”

“Well, where I come from there aren’t many that use their talents to entertain and, seeing your show for the first time, I think you gave me a good impression.”

Trixie started to shrink her eyes in skepticism, she had an idea of where this was going but she needed to be sure.

“So, there aren’t many unicorns in your homeland?”

The dragon moved his hands towards his head in a thinking pose as he tried to remember.

“Well, I don’t exactly come from somewhere within Equestria but, suffice to say, in my home country the citizens were raised to use their talents for work, never to entertain.”

Those words froze Trixie as she pondered on the idea of never being able to use her special talent for what she loved to do the most. It really irked her and she was now wondering who was this dragon and what he wanted with her.

“And what does someone like you want with somepony like Trixie?”

The dragon put his hand behind his back and started to smile with a light blush.

“Well, it’s a bit embarrassing to say but, I need a business partner.”

The Skeptic and Bewildered Trixie was now sure that she either has gone mad or the world was turning upside down as the dragon capable of regenerating serious injuries was asking her to be a partner. No, there had to be something wrong here, a plan to damage her, anything and she needed to know what.

“And what kind of business do you want Trixie to be part of? Trixie hasn’t even heard your name and you expect Trixie to work with you blindly?”

The dragon looked at Trixie with a mild shocked face, but he quickly turned it into a great laugh that lasted a few seconds before he decided to answer Trixie’s question.

“You are correct, where are my manners?” – He then lowered his right hand and torso, letting his face to be on the same level Trixie’s, and made the proper greeting as he extended his hand in the form of a salute. – “My name is Greed, nice to meet you.”

Greed?” – Trixie asked on her mind as she decided to give the dragon a second look and realized, not only his height, but also how there was something… off… about him. – “What kind of name is Greed?

The Worried and Careful Trixie, nonetheless, extended her hoof towards Greed’s claw and saluted back.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie, at your service” -. With their names properly presented, Trixie decided to find out more about this mysterious benefactor. – “Now, what kind of partnership is this? The Great and Powerful Trixie won’t accept any kind of deal that Trixie finds too low for Trixie’s standards.”

“Gee, do you always have to talk of yourself on third person? It can get kind of annoying when you’re not doing it on the show. You know that, don’t you?”

Trixie frowned and harrumphed as she was already expecting this kind of response.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie takes her job very seriously and is always prepared to be as professional as ever.”

The dragon known as Greed just looked at her with a plain look and answered with the wisest answer one could have come up at the moment:


Greed then started to smile and continued with his proposition.

“Anyways, what I want to propose is simple. You see, me and my partner want to create a place where many would like to join together after a hard day of work and drink a couple of drinks to relax before going back home.”

“So” -, Trixie concluded, - “a bar?”

“Yeah” -, continued Greed as he didn’t seem to mind being interrupted, - “but we are lacking the funds to make a proper start up and no bank wants to loan us the necessary bits because they think this idea won’t make profit.”

Trixie quickly started to raise up her right eye brow getting an idea of where this was going.

“And where does Trixie fits into this?”

"I’m getting there” -, Greed continued, still not showing any kind of annoyance and keeping his smile, - “you see, after seeing your show, I realized that, even if we could make the bar, we would still lack some source of entertainment and here is where you enter.”

Trixie didn’t need to think on her answer.

She just turned around and started to leave, much to Greed’s worry.

“Hey, hey! Where are you going?”

Trixie turned around and barely gave Greed a look before answering.

“Trixie told you, The Great and Powerful Trixie has standards and being an entertainer for a bar isn’t even close to Trixie’s standards so, if you are done, Trixie is now going to leave. Thank you for the offer.”

And, with that said, she left but Trixie didn’t even make three steps before Greed appeared in front of her, smile still on his face, and continued.

“Thankfully, I’m not done yet with my offer. You see, have you heard of alchemy?”

Trixie’s mind quickly started to think back at what she heard of it before giving an answer.

“Yes, but only in name. What of it?”

Greed then started to smile, it was here when, for the first time in all this conversation that Trixie noted how sharp were Greed’s teeth and, not only that but, she also started to feel something strange coming from him, it was the same sensation she had when he started to recover from his injury just moments ago.

“Would you like to have something that no other unicorn has ever done in Equestria’s history?”

It was here when Trixie started to feel something crawling up her hooves, but she wasn’t sure what exactly was that feeling, so she decided to keep on listening to Greed’s offer.

“You see, it is true that Equestria has some knowledge of alchemy but what can be find is connected to how you use your magic, in other words, while all the ponies could, theoretically, use alchemy, it wouldn’t work the same way for all of them for their abilities are completely dependent of what kind of pony they are.”

Trixie was starting to get where he was going and that strange feeling was now crawling through her legs and, for some strange reason, Trixie wasn’t feeling worried about it.

“Where I come from, we have vast knowledge of how alchemy works and the theories, while a bit heavy, can be used by anyone who understand them and that includes if whether or not they have magic.”

That strange feeling was now crawling through Trixie’s spine and she was no longer fearing it, she was craving it more and more as she was starting to understand what she was being offered. She was being offered a chance to show how she was the best unicorn in Equestria by mastering a field that was scarcely known and she was loving it.

“Will you teach Trixie how to regenerate her wounds so quickly.”

Greed simply waved his finger at Trixie and answered with a tone similar of how a master is willing to offer his knowledge to their students but always letting them crave for more.

“Ah, ah, ah” -, Greed said as he was tempting Trixie with his sweet and delicious apple, - “That is for later, right now the offer is this: I teach you the basis of my home’s alchemy and, should you be able to practice them, you’ll let me and my partner to offer our drinks in your shows so we can start to have a name. The same way, once we manage to grow beyond simply roaming the kingdom, we’ll then start to make our own set of bars where you’ll be our main star while I teach you more of alchemy and, before we realize, we’ll have hit big score.”

Trixie was now feeling everything she craved for. Fame, fortune, power and perhaps more but, before she could even shout her acceptance to the deal, Greed quickly put his fingertip on her muzzle and muttered.

“But that is only if you accept and manage to learn what I am trying to teach you and that includes listening to me. Deal?”

Trixie ignored every warning she could get from this, she ignored the fact of her having zero knowledge of who he was, she ignored any voice inside her head screaming of how this was a bad idea, she ignored any warning she could get from Greed’s devious smile, his strange eyes or his unnatural abilities, she even ignored how he ignored of her accidental murder or the fact of having no knowledge of who his partner was. Trixie ignored any potential consequence that she could face for joining sides with someone like him or the possibility of later regretting this decision (and she would) because all Trixie wanted right now was to gain power that no unicorn has ever fathomed and show once and for all who was the best unicorn in all Equestria and if she had to take this offer to achieve it, she would take it.


Said the Mischievous and Vengeful Trixie as she started to shake Greed’s claw with enthusiasm while his smile started to widen and his height started to increase, if only for a couple millimeters. Greed then grabbed Trixie and started to celebrate as if he got more than he bargained for.

“Excellent! Thank you so much for accepting. This is the beginning of a great partnership.”

In that moment an ebony unicorn who was carrying two bags (one huge, the other small) came from where Trixie just did her show and looked at the two of them with curiosity as he finally reached them and said:

“Sorry for coming Greed but you were taking too long and I was worrying for you” -, he then looked at the duo and asked, - “did I miss something important?”

Greed simply grabbed Trixie with his very strong arm and hugged her as he talked in a very certain tone of voice and responded as if the best thing ever happened.

“Don’t worry, Weight Lifter, I managed to do a partnership for our bar. A partnership that may turn our luck back on good track.”

The unicorn stallion known as Weight Lifter raised his eyebrows with wonder, not expecting a result like that from a simple conversation and started to look at her partner with interest.

“Really?” – The dark stallion asked as his voice started to fill with inquisitiveness. – “And what kind of partnership is this one?”

Greed started to wave off at him and responded with confidence oozing on his voice.

“I’ll tell you later, for now, I need you to go and prepare a third bed in our resting spot and prepare our equipment.”

The Stallion starting to look worried as he was now wondering what kind of crazy mandate was Greed going to impose on him, feeling both dread and wonder about it.

“Prepare our equipment? What for?”

Greed briefly looked at Trixie before he smiled once more, he then turned at Weight Lifter and said in a tone of voice that set Trixie some chills on her body.

“To prepare ourselves for our big score.”

Author's Note:

You won't believe how easy it is to write this chapters while marathoning Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Chapter 10, 22 and 26 still makes me tear) and listening to NICO Touches The Wall (you know which song), it really helps a lot to give this story a much better flow while writing to the point that I have better structured future chapters.

Also, I finally got to the point where I can add Trixie to the story. I hope I can add all the characters I'm thinking off.

If you like how I write this stories and want to support me somehow, please do it through my Ko-Fi where any aid really helps me out.