• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,595 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Flight of the Phoenix

Up in space Darklight, Doom and Cogs were walking through the corridors of the ship.

“We may have failed at getting the Element of Forgiveness,” Doom said, “but we haven’t truly failed unless the Rangers get the Zord that the Element’s linked to.”

“The last time one of us went after a Zord,” Darklight said, “the only thing that happened was the Rangers getting their hands on it.”

“That was Heart Breaker,” Doom told him, “this is me. I’ll destroy that Zord and the Rangers to.”

“And how do you expect to do that?” Darklight asked.

“I’ve got Rabbit Fire ready to head down with me,” Doom said.

“But I must warn you,” Cogs said, “the reanimator couldn’t restore his armour the way it was before.”

“So he’s even weaker then before?” Darklight asked, “how do you expect to beat the Rangers with a monster that’s weaker then when they last beat it?”

“Leave that to me,” Doom said, "he may not be as strong but he's been improved with more speed and agility. The Rangers won't stand a chance against him now." With that he turned and left for the transporter.

Meanwhile down on earth, the Rangers we still in New York.

“I know you guys were all set to come home,” Celestia spoke to them over the coms, “but we need the Zord the Element of Forgiveness is bonded to.”

“But we don’t even know what kind of Zord we’re looking for,” Micro asked.

“We know a few things,” Lyra said, “we know it’ll be some kind of mythical creature that lives in Equestria. We also know it’s avian, since Grand said he saw visions of some kind of bird when he bonded to the Element. So that gives us some clues about what to look for.”

“Except Grand never actually saw the Zord after he bonded to his Element,” Flash said.

“It could be on the other side of the country for all we know,” Soarin said.

“From what we’ve seen the Zords appear to rest in close proximity to the Element’s location,” Twilight’s voice spoke over the coms, “meaning this Zord should be close by to.”

"That's right," Starswirl's voice said, "once the Element is close to the Zord it will glow."

Flash went into his pocket and pulled out the Element of Forgiveness, which the others stared at. It wasn't glowing, so the Zord wasn't anywhere nearby.

“We’ll just have to split up and search every corner of the city,” Lyra said.

Flash nodded, before putting the Element away. “Okay I’ll take Queens, Micro you take Manehatten, Sandal the Bronx, Lyra Staten Island and Soarin you take Brooklyn.” The others nodded, “now Sweetie you take-” Flash looked around and found the pink Ranger missing. “Where’s Sweetie?”

Sweetie had just arrived in an area of Queens and as she got off the bus, she looked around at the all to familiar street.

“Home sweet home,” she said sadly. Despite having a job to do, Sweetie knew she couldn’t come to New York without checking out the place she’d grown up.

As she walked down the street, she recognised so many things from her childhood. The corner shop she and her mother would go to, the park where she and her brother would play and of course...her house.

As she looked up at the two story building she couldn’t help but remember the last time she’d been here.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the one thing she’d kept from her last time here. It was a picture of her family which was of her, her father, her mother and her older brother Forest. Forest was a teen who was five years older then her, with light brown skin and green hair.

As Sweetie looked down at the picture, her mind flashed back to when she and him had been younger.


Sweetie and Forest were in the park, where her older brother was trying to teach her how to ride a bike.

"Don't be scared," ten year old Forest told her, "you'll be fine."

"Promise you won't let go?" five year old Sweetie asked.

"I promise," Forest told her, "I won't let go until you're ready to ride on your own."

"Okay," Sweetie said.

"You ready?" Forest asked as he grabbed the bike and began pushing the bike as Sweetie started peddling. "That's it," he told her.

"Yay!" Sweetie yelled as she peddled away, "I'm doing it."

"You sure are," Forest's voice said from far away. She looked around and saw Forest a ways away. Suddenly she felt herself lose confidence and began to wobble, before she fell.

"Sweetie!" Forest yelled as he ran to her.

"Why'd you let go?" Sweetie asked as he picked her up, "you promised you wouldn't."

"I promised I wouldn't until you were ready to do it alone," he told her, "and you were. I let go and you were doing perfect on your own."

"I was?" Sweetie asked

Forest just nodded and ruffled her hair.


Looking the image over, Sweetie sighed before putting it back in her pocket.

However, when she turned to leave she felt herself bump into someone and fall back on her butt.

“Oh,” a male voice above her said, “sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Sweetie said before she looked up at him and froze.

Standing above her was Forest, though his eyes were a different colour, smiling down at her.

“Hey,” he said as he held out his hand and helped her up, “I’m Forest.”

“Forest?” Sweetie asked, her heart beating fast.

“Yeah,” Forest replied, “family name.” He looked at her closer, “do I know you?”

“NO!” She screamed before taking a deep breath, “I doubt it. I should really be going.”

“Oh,” Forest said, “okay. See you around.”

“Yeah,” she said. Turning to leave she began to rush along the street, but looking over her shoulder she saw Forest walk into her old house. Could he be...her brothers descendent? Her nephew?

Suddenly her coms went off. “Hello?” She asked as she answered.

“Sweetie,” Celestia’s voice called out, “the others are under attack. Where are you?”

“Send me their location,” Sweetie said, “I’m on my way.”

The Rangers had been trying to find Sweetie when Doom had appeared before them with a bunch of Shades. Quickly morphing they charged against them.

"Magitech!" The four Rangers called out as their weapons appeared.

"Summon Thunder Sabre!" Soarin called out as a bolt of lightning hit his hand and formed a sword.

"Destroy the Rangers!" Doom yelled as the Shades charged forward and attacked the five.

"Let's do this!" Flash ordered as the rushed the monsters.

"You guys don't give up do you?" Lyra asked as she slashed down several Shades with her staff, before using it to grab one and throw it into a whole group.

"What'd you expect?" Micro replied, "giving up would be the smart move." He held out his twin blasters and fired them off in rapid succession, mowing the Shades down.

"I'd love to know where Darklight keeps getting these things," Sandal said as he slashed the Shades away. "We must have destroyed over a hundred of them already."

"Maybe they were having a sale at loser minions are us," Soarin said as he slashed away a few Shades before blasting others with his Blitz Bolts.

Flash meanwhile was fighting off against Doom. "Are we seriously doing this?" Flash asked as he caught Doom's sword with his Dragon Breaker, "how many times have we beaten your sorry behind?" He yanked the sword from the monsters claws and threw it away, before using his Dragon Breaker to smash him away.

"AAARRR!" Doom yelled as he fell back, "just because you've beaten me before, doesn't mean you'll beat me now."

"I think it does," Flash said.

Suddenly however, the ground around Flash exploded and sent him flying back. Crashing into a nearby wall, Flash fell to the ground. "What was that?"

"Surprise red Ranger." Flash looked up to see Rabbit Fire leap infront of him.

"This guy?" Flash asked as he got up, "you realise we've already beaten him right?"

"Maybe so," Doom said, "but let's see how you do this time around."

"Let's," Flash replied as he held up his Dragon Breaker and charged forward, trying to throw a punch at Rabbit Fire.

The armoured rabbit however, leaped up and over the red Ranger which caused him to lose balance and roll forward.

"Morphin Blaster," Flash pulled out his weapon and aimed it at the airborn monster, "FIRE!" Pulling the trigger he shot a blast right at Rabbit Fire.

"I don't think so," Rabbit Fire replied as he bounced off the side of a building and dodge the attack. "My turn!" He yelled as he launched a pair of rockets at the Ranger.

"Wow!" Flash yelled as he leaped out of the way, before the ground exploded and he was sent back. Coming to a rolling stop, Flash tried to get up only to find Rabbit Fire standing above him.

"Bye bye red Ranger," the monster said as he aimed his blaster at him.

"Magi-Drill Blade!" Micro leaped in between the two and slashed the monster away.

"AAARRR!" Rabbit Fire yelled as he staggered back.

"Thanks Micro," Flash said as the Micro helped him up.

"You!" They turned to Rabbit Fire, "I was hoping we'd meet again. I owe you for the last time we met."

"Well this time you're dealing with all of us," Soarin said as he, Lyra and Sandal ran up next to them.

"All?" Rabbit Fire asked, "shouldn't there be six of you."

"Where is Sweetie?" Flash whispered.

"Celestia said she's on her way," Lyra whispered back.

"Oh well," the monster said, "I'll destroy her after I've done with you." With that he jumped into the air and fired of several blasts.

"Scatter!" Flash ordered as they all leaped out of the way of the missiles.

Several explosions appeared along the street, with the Rangers barely dodging the blasts.

"Morphin Duel Blaster!" Flash, Lyra and Sandal said as they leaped out of the smoke and aimed at Rabbit Fire. The only problem was the second they got a lock on his, he jumped somewhere else.

"I can't keep track," Sandal said as they tried to follow him.

"Peekaboo!" They looked right up and saw Rabbit Fire right above them, before he fired a blast which sent them flying back and into a wall.

"GUYS!" Micro and Soarin yelled, only to be blasted by a lightning bolt which sent them into the wall as well.

"Perfect," Doom said with a laugh, as he and Rabbit Fire watched the Rangers try and pick themselves up. It was then he noticed something on the ground, which made his eyes go wide. "The Element."

In the blast, Flash had lost hold of the Element of Forgiveness and it had landed several feet away.

"No," he said as he tried to pick himself up.

"To late," Doom said as he reached down for it, "it's mine."

"Power Strike!" From out of no where a pink blur zoom into them with such a force, it sent the two monsters flying back and away from the Element. Sweetie, having just used Burst Mode, pulled her Magicycle to a stop and leaped off before reaching down and picking up the Element.

"Sweetie," she looked around to see the others finally picking themselves up, "great timing."

"Thanks," Sweetie said.

They would have kept talking, but in that moment something else caught their attention. The Element of Forgiveness was glowing, a dim but noticeable light.

"What's going on?" Sweetie asked.

"It's glowing," Flash said, "just like Starswirl said. But that means-" before he could finish that sentence, the sound of a loud bird call filled the air, making them look up.

From out of nowhere was a robotic bird, similar to the Thunderbird but it's armour was mainly gold with red streaks along its back, wings and tail.

"Whoa!" The Rangers all said in unison.

"It's a Phoenix," Lyra said in amazement.

"A Phoenix...Zord," Micro said.

The Phoenix Zord looked down at them and gave an unusual squawk, which sounded weak and pained.

"What's wrong with it?" Sandal asked.

Sweetie looked down at he hand and saw the Element's shine grow brighter. "I think it wants the Element," she explained.

However, before they could find our if she was right the Zord was suddenly attacked. Looking over the Rangers saw Rabbit Fire launch his rockets at the Zord, which gave a pained cry as it was struck.

"Destroy the Zord!" Doom yelled.

The Phoenix took to the skies, retreating from the assault.

"Wait!" Sweetie yelled out, but the Zord was already gone.

"We can't lose it," Doom said as he and Rabbit Fire left to follow.

"No!" Soarin said once they were gone, "the Zord was right there."

"We'll find it," Flash assured him.

"We'd better," Micro said, "before Doom does."


The Rangers had contacted their friends in Canterlot and had sent them images they'd recorded through their helmets. Sunset, Celestia and Luna were on Flash's holographic coms.

"It's definitely a phoenix," Sunset said, "it looks just like one I knew in Equestria."

The Rangers nodded.

"But," Celestia said, "we have some worrying news."

"What is it?" Flash asked.

"We analysed the video you sent us," Sunset said, "and judging by the sounds the Zord made when it showed up, we think it might be sick."

"Sick," Micro repeated, "how can a machine get sick?"

"The Zords are techno organic lifeforms," Celestia explained, "living machines. Their just a susceptible to illness as you or I."

"Okay," Sandal said, "then why is it sick."

"When awakened," Luna went on, "some Zords need to come in contact with their Elements to fully energise them. "

"Yeah," Flash said, "like when Drago first woke up. He was draining energy from my Element."

"That's only because it came in close proximity to your Element," Luna said, "if the Phoenix Zord has been awake for almost a year without being even remotely close to the Element of Forgiveness, then its power must be running really low."

"That must have been why it fled when it was attacked," Lyra guessed, "it wasn't strong enough to fight back."

"So we find the Zord," Soarin said, "give it the Element and everything will be fine."

"Except you don't have a lot of time left," Sunset replied, "we estimate the Zord's power level has dropped to twenty three percent. If it drops bellow ten percent...it could die!"

The Rangers didn't like the sound of that.

"So what do we do?" Sweetie asked, "we have no idea where the Zord could be."

"That's where I come in," Twilight appeared on the feed.

"What you got Twilight?" Flash asked.

"I did a search of the area around where you said you saw the Zord heading," Twilight explained, "and I think I know where the Zord might be hiding." The image changed to a map with an area circled, which the Rangers looked over.

"That's Harriman State Park," Sweetie said, "my parents used to take us camping there when we were kids."

"It's the perfect place for a Zord to hide," Twilight explained, "and there's more. I was researching the the park and I found an article." The image changed to one of an open landscape with blurry bird shape image in the air.

"Is that?" Flash asked.

"Over the last year many reports of a giant unknown bird having been reported in Harriman State Park," Twilight explained, "and a month ago this image was taken by a wild life photographer." The image changed yet again, this time to a man with brown skin and green hair.

Sweetie's eyes went wide seeing this, which didn't go unnoticed.

"You okay Sweetie?" Lyra asked her.

"That's Forest," Sweetie blurted out before slapping her hand over her mouth.

"You know this guy?" Flash asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sweetie sighed, before she explained her trip to Queens.

"So you went to your old house and ran into your brother's descendent?" Micro summarised after she was done.

"Pretty much," Sweetie said.

"This is great," Flash said, "you can ask for his help. He can take us to where he saw the Phoenix Zord and we can go from there."

"Why would he agree to help me?" Sweetie asked, "what am I suppose to say? Hi how you doing, you won't believe this but I'm actually your great grand aunt and was wondering if you'd help me find a giant robotic bird."

"Okay," Flash replied plainly, "maybe not say that."

"Just tell him your a descendent of...you," Soarin said, "if he looks like your brother then it's not to far to say your great grand child wouldn't look like you."

"It's worth a try?" Lyra said.

They all looked at Sweetie with expectant eyes, hoping she'd say yes.

Sweetie felt uncomfortable with this, but eventually sighed. "Damn peer pressure," she said, "okay I'll do it."

"Great," Flash said.

And that was how the six teens headed over to Queens and were standing outside Sweetie's old house.

"You ready for this?" Lyra asked as she placed her hand on Sweetie's shoulder.

Sweetie took a deep breath and then nodded. "Yeah, I am." Walking up the steps, Sweetie looked up at the big oak door she'd once effortlessly open and knocked.

Seconds passed, until finally the door opened and Forest stood on the other side.

"Oh," the man said seeing her, "it's you again."

"Hello," Sweetie said with a bow, "I'm Sweetie Drops and these are my friends." They others waved at them. "We were wondering," she pulled out a print out of the picture he'd taken, "if you could help us find this creature."

Forest looked at the picture with wide eyes, before he sighed. "So what are you guys, another group of fame seeking animal hunters. You're not the first ones to ask for my help.

"We don't want to find it for fame," Sweetie told him, "we think this creature might be sick and we was to help it."

Forest raised an eyebrow at her claim, obviously not buying it.

"Please," she said, "you have to help us. If you don't this creature could die."

Forest noticed how serious Sweetie was, which made him feel unsure.

"I don't know," he said.

"I didn't want to do this," Sweetie said as she pulled out another photo, "but would you do this as a favour to family."

Forest's eyes went wide as he took the photo, looking it over and then back at her.

"I've seen this photo before," he said, "this is my great grandfather. And...this is you."

"It's my great grandmother," Sweetie said, "she was your great grandfather's sister."

"I was told she was killed in a mob attack," Forest explained.

"She survived," Sweetie said, "and she thought her brother was also dead. She ran away and started a new life."

"So is this why you were here earlier?" Forest asked her.

"Yes," Sweetie replied, "I wanted to see what her old home looked like. Imagine my surprise when I bump into you."

"I guess," Forest said. Looking down at the photo, Forest sighed before nodding. "Okay, I'll help you."

Sweetie smiled before throwing her arms around him. "Oh thank you thank you thank you," she said, "you have no idea how important this is."

"Sure," Forest replied, a little unsure he'd made the right decision.

Up in space, Doom was trying to find the Phoenix Zord.

"What do you mean you lost it?" Doom yelled at Cogs as he typed away at the computer.

"We were tracking it," Cogs said, "but we lost it as it left the city."

"Well find it again," Doom told him, "we have to destroy it before the Rangers get their hands on it."

"I know that," Cogs said, "but it's not as easy as you think." Suddenly the computer began beeping.

"That better be you finding the Zord," Doom told Cogs.

"It's not," Cogs said, "it's the Rangers. They've left the city and are heading north west."

"But why?" Doom asked, "they wouldn't leave without the Zord."

"Maybe they've found the Zord," Cogs guessed, "and are heading to its location."

"Then that's where we'll go," Doom said, "keep track of them. Once they stop, me and Rabbit Fire will warp to their location and destroy the Phoenix Zord." With that he turned and left the room.

Forest and the Rangers finally arrived at Harriman State Park, getting out of the car they'd hired.

"Okay the trail to the hill where I saw the creature is fairly steep," Forest explained, "so I hope you guys are up for a climb."

"We'll be fine," Micro said before leaning over to Sandal, "we fight monsters on a daily bases. How hard can a hill be to climb."

<Ten Minutes Later>

"Are we there yet?" Micro wheezed out as they continued to walk the trail.

"Half way," Forest explained.

The boys smirked as they all looked down at Micro as he collapsed on the ground and moaned.

Lyra and Sweetie were at the back of the group.

"So how are you doing?" Lyra asked her.

"I'm okay," Sweetie said, "it just feels weird. He's my last remaining relative, but it just feels awkward. Plus the fact he looks exactly like my brother is..."

"I get it," Lyra said, "none of us can imagine what you've been through, but we have a job to do."

"I know," Sweetie said, "I'll just have to suck it up and forget about it until we've found the Zord."

The group eventually arrived, or carried in Micro's case, at the top of the hill where Forest had seen the Zord.

"This is the spot," he said, "but I don't know what you expect to find. I've been up here a few more times and I haven't seen anything."

"Well we'll be doing more then just looking," Micro said as Sandal dropped him. Once he was up, he took out their magic scanner and began sweeping the area.

"Anything?" Flash asked.

"Not yet," Micro said as he turned to Forest, "you said you saw the creature to the west right?"

"Yeah," Forest said, "but it could be anywhere in this park by now."

Suddenly Flash's coms went off, getting Forest's attention.

"Excuse me," Flash said as he quickly moved away. Once a distance away, he opened the channel. "What you got?"

"Reports of seismic activity," Sunset explained, "from about a year ago around the time Grand bonded to the Element. It could be from when the Zord awoke."

"Send Micro the coordinates," Flash said, "we'll check it out." He closed the channel and returned to the others. "New lead team," he said, "Micro you got the email?"

Micro checked his coms and nodded. "Got it," he said.

"Let's check it out," Flash said before turning to Forest, "thanks for the help, but we got it from here." With that, he and the boys rushed off.

As Sweetie passed him she turned to Forest. "Thank you, I'm sorry we have to leave you like this." The two stared at each other awkwardly for a few seconds, until she turned and ran after her friends.

Once they were gone, Forest glared. There was something about this lot that didn't add up, and he was gonna find out what.

"Their on the move again," Cogs said as he watched the monitor.

"They must have found the Zord's location," Doom said as he turned to leave. "I'm going down there, direct me to their location."

"Right," Cogs said, "and try not to mess this up."

Doom growled as he left.

The Rangers made their way towards the coordinates.

"How much further?" Soarin asked.

"About a mile," Micro said. Suddenly they all heard a beeping coming from the yellow Ranger's backpack, which he took off and opened before pulling out his scanner. "It's picking up something."

"So the Zord is here," Flash said.

"Definitely," Micro said, "follow me."

And so they did, as Micro followed the scanner and eventually they came across a large opening, which lead into a dark cave.

"Wow," Sandal said as they looked inside.

"Definitely big enough," Lyra told them.

Sweetie wanted to be sure. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Element of Forgiveness, which started to glow as they heard something coming from within the cave.

"It's in there," Flash said.

"Guys," Micro said sounding worried, "there's a reason we didn't pick up the Zord's trace sooner." He was looking at his scanner, "the energy levels are way lower then they should be. I think Sunset's estimations were off."

"Are you saying it's weaker then we thought it was?" Sweetie asked.

"Critically," Micro said, "we need to get the Element to it now."

Suddenly a clicking sound caught their attention, making them look around and see Forest standing a ways off. A pistol was in his hand, which he currently had pointed at them

"No one's going anywhere," Forest said, "not until I get some answers. How'd you know about this cave? I've been here hundreds of times and I've never heard of it. And what's with that machine the four eye's has got?"

"Four eyes?" Micro asked.

"Forest," Sweetie said getting the gun pointed at her, "you have to let us help the creature in that cave."

"Help it," Forest said, "for all I know you're gonna capture it and sell it on the black market."

"We're not," Sweetie replied, "we just want to help it. You have to trust me."

"Trust you!" Forest almost yelled, "I don't even know you. You show up and tell me you're some kind of distant relative of mine, before asking for my help. Now I want some answers! Who are you and what is that creature in there."

The Rangers all looked at each other, before one by one they nodded and turned back to him.

"Okay," Sweetie said, "we'll tell you everything. Just put the gun down."

Forest glared at them for a moment, before he finally lowered the gun. "Talk."

"Well," Flash spoke up, "the first thing you need to know is it's not a creature."

"Then what is it?" Forest asked.

"It's a Zord," Lyra told him, "the Phoenix Zord."

"A Zord," Forest repeated, "but only Power Rangers...use...Zords." His eyes went wide as he looked them over. "So you're?"

"Power Rangers," Sweetie finished as she drew closer to him, "and if we don't get to that Zord it'll die. Please, you have to let us help it."

Forest didn't look convinced. "How do I know you're really Power Rangers? You could just be after the Zord for yourself."

Before they could answer, the ground around them exploded and they were all sent flying.

"Surprise Rangers!" They all looked up and saw Doom, Rabbit Fire and some Shades enter the clearing.

"That enough proof?" Flash asked as he got up.

Forest look petrified, "I'm convinced."

"Then go hide," Sweetie told him.

The six teens got up and stood in between Forest and the monsters, while he got up and ran inside the mouth of the cave.

"Nothing's gonna stop us from destroying that Zord!" Doom told the Rangers.

"Nothing except us," Sweetie replied as they pulled out their chargers, "It's Morphin Time! Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others said as they held up their Chargers and clicked them.

They placed them inside their morphers which began to power up. "Energise!" They spun the barrels before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed the Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Forest's eyes went wide in amazement at what he saw. "They weren't lying," he said as he watched the six pose.

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Shades attack!" Doom ordered as the cloaked monster charged forward.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

The Rangers called on their weapons and charged forward, meeting the Shades head on.

"Eat dirt freak," Flash said as he punched a Shade face first into the ground.

"To slow," Sweetie said as she blocked the attack of one of the Shades, before dealing a few swift kicks to it.

The rest of the Rangers were easily taking the Shades down, which irked Doom tremendously. "Come on," he told Rabbit Fire as he pulled out his sword and charged forward.

"Right," Rabbit Fire said as he followed.

Soarin saw Doom coming and raised his sword, just in time to block the monsters attack and getting pushed onto one knee.

"You're going down thunder Ranger," Doom said as he applied more pressure to Soarin.

"I don't think so," Soarin replied as he suddenly swept Doom's feet and knocked him down. Once back on his feet, Soarin swung at the downed monster only for Doom to roll away and jump back to his feet.

The two stared each other down, before charging forward and clashing swords several times.

Rabbit Fire meanwhile was facing off against Lyra, Micro and Sandal.

"Bet you can't hit me," he said as he jumped from place to place.

"Stay still," Micro said as he tried to blast him.

"Like I'd do that," Rabbit Fire said as he bounced off a tree and into the air, where aimed his blasters and fired.

The Rangers had no choice but to leap out of the way, as where they had been suddenly exploded.

"This is nuts," Sandal said, "he's way faster then he was last time."

"Looks like they gave him some upgrades when they brought him back," Lyra explained.

"Just keep shooting," Micro told them, "we're bound to hit him eventually." And so they did, Lyra and Sandal using the Duel Blaster mode, firing at anything that moved but so far not one blast hit.

"Nice try," Rabbit Fire said as he launched his own attacks which unfortunately did hit, sending the three flying.

Meanwhile as Sweetie continued to take on the Shades, she felt something. Once she'd kicked the one she'd been fighting away, she pulled out the Element of Forgiveness and saw it was glowing.

"The Zord must be calling to it," she said. Suddenly a Shade charged at her, grabbing her attention until it was blasted down. Looking over at Flash she saw he had his blaster out.

"Go!" he told her and he continued to blast them away, "get it to the Phoenix Zord."

Sweetie nodded, "you've go it." She turned towards the cave, before running in passed Forest.

"I'll hold them off here," Flash called out as he jumped infront of the mouth of the cave and made sure nothing got passed him.

"Rabbit Fire!" Doom yelled as he pushed Soarin away, "stop her!"

"Right," the rabbit monster said as he ran away from the other Rangers.

"Hey," Micro said, "get back here." However, more Shades showed up and blocked them from following.

Rabbit Fire ran towards Flash, who was busy fighting Shades, before leaping over him and landing in the mouth of the cave before running inside.

Forest watched him pass and realised what he was gonna do.

"Here I come Phoenix!" Sweetie called out as she ran, but in that second she was blasted into a wall and the Element thrown from her clutches. "Oh no!" Sweetie said

"HAHAHAHA!" Rabbit Fire laughed as he walked into view.

"What do you want?" Sweetie asked as she tried to pick herself up.

"I'm going to destroy that Zord," Rabbit Fire explained as he drew closer, "and then I'm going to take the Element of Forgiveness and the Element of Love."

"Not happening!"

"And who's gonna stop me?" Rabbit Fire asked.

"How about me!" A voice called out as Rabbit Fire felt himself get kicked in the back, sending him falling.

Forest jumped over the monster, toward Sweetie and picked up the Element. "I've got it," he explained as he stood up with the Element in hand.

"You!" Rabbit Fire said as he picked himself up, "give me that Element, or I'll blast you into a million pieces."

However a new, more powerful, sound echoed through the cave as the Elements glow grew stronger. The Zord was calling to the Element.

"Throw the Element," Sweetie told Forest, "hurry."

Forest nodded and turned to the cave depth. With one powerful swing he threw the Element into the darkness, which suddenly went from simply being thrown to flying. It flew into the deepest part of the cave, which suddenly exploded with light as the Phoenix Zord let out a more powerful roar.

"NO!" Rabbit Fire yelled.

"Wow," Sweetie said as Forest ran over to her and helped her up.

"The Zord's re-energising!" Rabbit Fire yelled. Suddenly the light in the cave's depths grew bigger, as if it was getting closer which the three realised it was. "This can't be good!" Rabbit Fire yelled as he ran out the cave.

"Come on!" Sweetie said as she and Forest followed after him, while the light drew closer.

Flash and the others had just finished off the Shades, when they saw Rabbit Fire running out the cave.

"I've messed up again," he said as he ran.

Sweetie and Forest were next to leave, barely getting out before the cave's entrance was filled with that of the Phoenix Zord.

The Zord shot out the cave and flew into the air, before it looked down at Rabbit Fire. It was then the monster remember what had happened the last time they'd met, making him very scared.

The Phoenix Zord's wings suddenly ignited, before it flapped them which caused several fireballs to fly down and strike the area around Rabbit Fire. The explosion was so strong that Rabbit Fire couldn't escape and was sent flying into the air.

Doom had seen this and growled, as he leaped away from Soarin. "That useless bunny," he said, "Darklight will be furious." With that a telebolt flew down and warped him away.

"That's right," Soarin said, "run away." With that he regroup with his friends, who were in awe at the Zord.

"Amazing," Lyra said.

"It sure is," Flash said.

"And we have Forest to thank for saving it," Sweetie told them.

"It was nothing," Forest blushed as he scratched the back of his head.

Up in space, Darklight growled as he watched the battle on his monitor.

"I'm not letting that Zord get away," he said before turning to a Shade. "Fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

Back on earth the Rangers saw the red beam of light fly down and hit an area of the forest, which caused an explosion and in its wake stood a giant Rabbit Fire.

"Should have seen that one coming," Sandal said.

Suddenly the Phoenix Zord flew overhead and let out a squawk.

"What's it saying?" Micro asked.

"It think it's asking us to get on," Sweetie said.

"Well then," Flash said, "let's not disappoint."

The others nodded and ran off, leaving only Sweetie and Forest. "Thank you," she told him.

"You're welcome," Forest said with a smile, "now go save this park."

Sweetie nodded and followed after her friends, who all leaped up and into the Phoenix Zord.

The six of them appeared in the Zord's cockpit, placing their weapons in the podiums.

"Awesome," Soarin said looking around.

"I can feel the power of this Zord," Lyra said.

"Then let's put it to use," Flash said.

Sweetie nodded. "Activate Phoenix-Wing Megazord!"


The Zord's head, neck, wings and tail detached as the rest of the body split in two and reshaped. The bottom half reshaped into a torso like design, with it's talons connecting together and moving onto its right side to become one arm, while on the other side, a shoulder like shape folded out which opened and allowed a more human like arm to fold out. The top half reshaped into a pair of legs which connected to the bottom of the Megazord's torso. The tail split in two and connected to the bottom of the legs to become feet, while the Phoenix's head and neck connected to the talons to complete the right arm. The wings reconnected to the Megazord's back, as a warrior head folded out and completed the transformation.


The Megazord flew down and landed on the ground, where Rabbit Fire was waiting.

"I'll destroy you if it's the last thing I do!" Rabbit Fire said as he fired his rockets at it.

"To the skies," Sweetie said as the Megazord flew back into the air and managed to dodge the attacks, before flying down and raising its bird like fist.

"Phoenix Fist!" The Rangers called out as they all threw a punch, which the Megazord copied and struck the monster.

"AAARRR!" Rabbit Fire yelled as he was thrown back.

"Wildfire Wingbeat!" The Rangers called out as the Megazord's wings ignited and with a single flap, it sent fireballs out which flew at the monster.

"Not this time!" Rabbit Fire yelled as he leaped into the air and dodge the attacks. "You missed!" He laughed.

"Maybe," Sweetie said, "but now you've got nowhere to run."

The Megazord flew up, heading straight at Rabbit Fire who had no way of dodging in midair.

"Wait!" The monster yelled but it was to late.

"Phoenix Fist!" The Megazord punched the monster, which caused him to go flying even higher into the air.

"I'm gonna be sick!" He yelled as he spun through the air.

"Let's finish this," Sweetie said, "I like my rabbit extra crispy."

The others nodded. They all moved and spoke in perfect sync. “Phoenix-Wing Megazord, Final Strike!”

The Megazord's wings ignited again, only this time the flames flew up and formed a giant ball of fire just above its head. "Firebird Fury!" The fireball shot forwards towards Rabbit Fire, before it morphed into the shape of a giant blazing bird. It drew close to the monster and then spun around him, creating a ring of fire around the him which suddenly exploded into a flaming tornado.

After a full minute the flame tornado finally went out, revealing an incredibly burnt Rabbit Fire. "Not again!" Were his last words before being consumed by an explosion.

The Rangers all cheered seeing the monster destroyed, hopefully for good.

"Oh yeah," Flash and Soarin said.

"This new Megazord is incredible," Micro said.

"It's sure is," Sweetie said, "thank you Phoenix Zord." The Zord gave a happy squawk in reply, making Sweetie smile. "Guardian Rangers, victory is ours.

Up in space, Darklight wasn't to happy at Doom when he returned to the bridge.

"I gave you another chance and what do you do?" Darklight asked, "fail to destroy the Zord, get the Element and destroy another of my monsters. What do you have to say for yourself."

"Please master Darklight," Doom begged, "I have an idea."

"NO!" Darklight yelled as he stood up, "no more of your ideas. They only ever lead to failure. From now on I'm going to make my own plans and finish those Rangers off myself."

A little while later, Sweetie and Forest walked out of his house with smiles on their faces.

"Thanks," Sweetie said, "it was nice seeing the old homestead again." After they'd returned from the battle Sweetie had told Forest who she really was, knowing she could trust him to keep her secret.

"It's fine," Forest told her, "and if you ever want to see it again don't hesitate to come visit."

"I'd like that," Sweetie said.

Suddenly the familiar sound of the Phoenix Zord filled the air, as it flew overhead.

"That's my ride," she told him.

"You're heading back home," Forest said, "good luck."

"Thanks," Sweetie said.

"And don't worry," Forest went on, "your secret's safe with me, great grand aunt Sweetie."

They both laughed at that, before sharing one last hug. Once over Sweetie turned and leaped into the Zord.

Forest watched as the Phoenix Zord flew off. "I'm related to a Power Ranger," he said to himself, "awesome."

Inside the Phoenix Zord, the Rangers were plotting a course home.

"Goodbye New York," Flash said, "you were one heck of an adventure."

"Maybe one day we can come back again," Sandal said.

The others nodded at this.

"Principle Celestia," Lyra said over the coms, "we're coming home."

"Excellent work Rangers," Celestia replied.

"Yeah," Sunset said, "not only did you find the Element of Forgiveness, but the Phoenix Zord to."

"We're getting stronger everyday," Micro said, to which the others nodded.

"And soon," Flash said, "we'll take down Darklight and keep the world safe for good."


The Ranger's adventure in New York has come to a close. With the Element of Forgiveness and Phoenix Zord now safely in their hands, they're one step closer to completing their mission. But who knows what dangers lurk on the horizon.

Author's Note:

Tell me what you think of the Zord and Megazord?