• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,595 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Suck it Up

Up in space Heart Breaker was skipping through the cell block, brandishing a set of keys. "Looky what I got," she said as she spun them on one finger. Seeing the keys the monsters all charged at their bars, trying to swipe them from her but she was too far away. "I don't think so," Heart said, laughing as she did so. "Messing with you losers is too fun."

"We'll see who's a loser," a robotic monster with white armour said. On his back was a square box like instrument with five attachments, shaped like vacuum heads. He grabbed on and pulled, revealing a rubber pipe coming out. Throwing it through the bars the vacuum head connected to Heart's back, before the machine turned on and made the same sound as a vacuum.

"What the?" Heart asked looking around, only to glow red and freeze into place. Seconds later the red glow was sucked into the vacuum and travelled up the pipe, before disappearing into the machine. "Uh," Heart said holding her head, "what happened?"

"Nothing happened," the monster said, "but why don't you do me a favour and open this cell."

"Oh," Heart said, "OK." She stepped towards the cell and was about to place the key in the lock, when a familiar hand grabbed her wrist.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Darklight asked his sister angrily.

"Opening the cell," Heart replied, "why?"

Darklight's eyes narrowed before he turned to the monster inside the cell. "You! Vacuumon! What did you do to my sister?"

"I sucked out her meanness," the now terrified monster named Vacuumon replied, "but I can put it back."

"Oh you will," Darklight said before he stopped, "um. What else can you suck out of someone?"

"Any trait or emotion," Vacuumon replied, "why?"

"Because I want you to suck out the Ranger's greatest traits," Darklight replied, "without them the Rangers won't be able to use their Element's powers." With that he laughed loudly.

Down on earth the Rangers and their friends were enjoying a new roller rink slash skate park that'd just opened.

Soarin, Rainbow, Applejack, Sunset, Lyra and Sandalwood were on the skate park area, enjoying the many ramps and bars.

"WOW!" Rainbow cheered as she ground on a bar, followed by Applejack.


Sunset, Soarin and Sandal were enjoying the ramps.

"Oh yeah," Soarin said as he flew up a ramp and did full three sixty spin before rolling down it.

"Nice," Sunset said

"Righteous move," Sandal said.

Meanwhile Sweetie, Pinkie and Rarity were enjoying the roller rink.

"Race ya," Pinkie said as she rolled forward.

"It's on," Rarity said.

"Same here," Sweetie agreed.

Micro had opted for the arcade and Fluttershy was simply sitting on the sidelines, enjoying watching her friends with Spike.

Flash and Twilight were on one of the smaller rinks where newer attendees could practice before going out onto the bigger one. After hearing Twilight had never skated before, Flash and agreed to help ease her into it.

"Now remember," Flash said, "it's all about looking ahead and relaxing." He shot forward in demonstration, doing a quick circle around the rink before returning to her side.

"I don't think it's that simple," Twilight said nervously.

"It is," Flash assured her, "once you get the hang of it it's as simple as breathing."

"If you say so," Twilight said as she pushed away from the edge and rolled forward, slowly and wobbly.

Flash rolled in front of her and spun around, now rolling backwards. "You got it," he said, "now remember not to panic."

"And what happens if I panic?" Twilight asked as she waved her arms around to keep her balance.

"Your instincts get dampened and you fall," Flash said, "you need to let your mind go blank."

"Easy for you to say," Twilight said before one of her feet slipped out from under her and she hurtled to the ground with her glasses going flying off. "Ow," she moaned.

"You panicked didn't you?" He asked as he rolled over to where her glasses had dropped and picked them up.

"What do you think?" Twilight replied.

"I think maybe you should take a break and rest your bruised butt," Flash joked as he squatted down and placed her glasses back on her face. Helping her up Flash skated her over to the edge and off the rink, where Fluttershy was waiting with a drink for her.

"Thanks," Twilight said as she took a sip, "maybe rollerblading isn't for me."

"Don't say that," Flash said, "it's like my dad always said. You've only truly failed at something when you've stopped trying to get better."

"I guess," Twilight said.

Not long afterwards, the others came in and they all got some lunch.

"So how was your first time skating?" Sunset asked Twilight.

"Painful," she replied.

"You'll figure it out," Rainbow said.

"Yeah," Flash said, "it took me forever to do it without falling.

"How do you know so much about rollerblading?" Sweetie asked.

"Before I could drive I had to rollerblade to school, since none of the busses that pass my place go passed the school," Flash explained, "you get pretty good at something to have to do if you don't want to be late," he said, "It's like I said, it's all about not panicking."

"Easy for you to say," Twilight said, "not everyone's fearless."

"I'm not fearless," Flash replied, "if anything I'm usually the most scared out of all of us."

"But you're the Element of Courage?" Applejack said, "how can you be the most scared?"

"And you're the Element of Honesty," Flash replied, "does that mean you can't tell a lie?"

"Point," Applejack said.

"He's got a point," Sunset said, "without having a negative trait like fear, greed or suspicion, you can't have a positive trait live courage, selflessness and trust."

"Exactly," Flash said.

"Fair point," Lyra said, "I sometimes feel suspicious of things, but I just try and see passed my first impressions."

"Same with me," Soarin said, "I try and ignore my greed when it flare's up."

"It's all about choosing to be that way that makes us who we are," Micro said, "I often have to remind myself to think a situation through before I jump into action."

The others nodded in agreement.

Before they could say anything else however, their coms beeped.

Sweetie was the first to answer. "Hello?"

"Rangers," Celestia's voice said, "magical energy surge near your location."

"Understood," Flash said as they closed the channel and got up, "let's head out."

"Right!" The other Rangers said.

"We'll head back to the school," Sunset said.

Splitting up the two groups headed off to their destination.

Screaming was all that could be heard as people ran for their lives.

Vacuumon and his Shades casually strolled down the street, enjoying the looks of terror everyone made as they fled.

"That's right," Vacuumon said, "run for your pathetic lives."

He saw a woman ahead trip in her fear, making her fall on her face. As she tried to get up she saw the monster step closer. "The first victim," he said as he pulled out several vacuum tubes and pointing them at her. A powerful suction began and started pulling her towards them.

She screamed as she clawed at the ground, but nothing was stopping her. As she drew closer and closer Vacuumon chuckled at her terror, until he and his Shades were assaulted by a barrage of laser fire. "HEY!" He yelled as the vacuums stopped, freeing the lady.

"Stop it," the woman looked up and saw six teens run up to her, blasters in hand.

"Are you okay," Sweetie said as she knelt down to the lady.

"I am," she replied.

"Good," Sweetie smiled, "now go get to safety."

The woman nodded and ran away as soon as she was on her feet, leaving the Rangers to face the monsters.

"Just who I was looking for," Vacuumon said once recovered.

"You're gonna wish you hadn't found us," Flash said, "it's Morphin Time." The six of them pulled out their gear, "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready," the others said as they all clicked the buttons. They then placed them inside their blasters and shut the tops, as the morphers began to power up.







"Energise!" they all yelled before pointing the weapons to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" Pulling the trigger they unleashed the heads, which flew around them and bit down on their bodies. In a flash of light they were decked out in their suits, before pulling their poses and saying.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger, READY!"

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Shades attack!" Vacuumon yelled.

"Let's go," Flash said as they charged forward.

The two groups meet and began their one sided battle. "Power Slash," Sandal said as he cut several close Shades down, while Micro was next to him blasting away at the ones a ways off.

"Magitech!" Sweetie called on her Sphinx Shield to block the Shade's daggers, before cutting them down.

"I know we're suppose to be fighting these things to save the world and all," Lyra said as she blasted a few more down, "but man are taking these things down a good work out."

"I know," Flash said as he grabbed one by the arm and flung it over him into several more. He pulled out his blaster and fired at them.

"Thunder Sabre!" Soarin called on his weapon and began slashing several more down.

Once the number of Shades were down, Flash looked over at Vacuumon. "Sweetie, Sandal," he said, "finish these things off. We'll handle the monster."

"Right!" The green and pink Ranger said. The others took down their last Shade and ran towards the monster.

"I don't think so," Vacuumon said as all five vacuum pipes folded out and pointed at them. "Vacuum Guard!" The five vacuums each unleashed a powerful burst of wind, which combined into a full on gale force attack.

The Rangers suddenly found themselves being pushed back by the wind, which they tried to push through.

"It's to strong," Soarin said.

"Keep pushing," Flash ordered.

"It's like I'm pushing against a brick wall," Micro said.

"There has to be a way through this," Lyra said.

"And...NOW!" Vacuumon yelled as the vacuums switched off suddenly stopping the wind, causing the Ranger to rush forward and lose their balance.

"WHOA!" They yelled falling over.

"NOW!" The monster yelled as he unleashed four of his vacuums, which each attached to a Ranger and began sucking. "Say good bye to your courage, trust, knowledge and selflessness," he said as the lights appeared and were sucked into the pipe. Once that was done the four Rangers were thrown away, demorphing as they collapsed on the ground.

"Guys!" Sweetie yelled, seeing her friends fall.

The four of them all held their heads as they got up.

Vacuumon laughed as he got closer. "Now you don't stand a chance," he said "I've stolen your strongest traits. Without them you're all nothing," he neared Flash, "I'll start by destroying your not so fearless leader."

Flash looked up and his eyes went wide, only to narrow as he leaped up and grabbed the monster's vacuum pipes. "I'll show you who's not so fearless you stupid wimp," he started shaking the monster around, before swinging him by his pipes and sending him flying.

Vacuumon crashed a ways off. "What's going on?" he asked, "you should be quaking in fear. I have your courage."

"Think again," Flash said as he got closer, "I'm not scared of you."

"Is it possible I made a mistake and stripped you of something else?" Vacuumon said.

"It's highly likely," he heard Micro say, "I calculate a ninety eight percent chance that the emotion you may have stolen from him is actually his timor animi."

"His what?" Vacuumon said.

"His fear."

"Sounds right to me," Lyra said, "I trust that."

"What is happening?" Vacuumon asked, "I gotta get out of here and find out what went wrong." Suddenly a telebolt appeared and warped him away.

"Get back here coward!" Flash yelled, "I'm not done with you so come back!"

"Guys," the four Ranger turned to see Sweetie and Sandal rushing over to them, demorphing. "Are you all okay?" Sweetie asked.

"To early in our findings to give a conclusive answer," Micro said.

"What?" Sandal asked.

"We should get you guys back to the base for some tests," Sweetie said.

Getting them back to the base had been a trying experience, with Sandal and Sweetie learning exactly what the creature had done to the others.

Soarin was being overly generous, allowing everyone to get in the car before him and scrunching himself up so the others had loads more room. Micro would barely do anything they asked him to do, instead simply explaining every eventuality that could happen in gibberish they couldn't understand. Lyra had been a little easier, doing anything they asked without question. But Flash had been nothing but trouble, refusing to do anything they asked.

"Sit...down," Sweetie said, trying to get Flash to stay seated while Twilight and Sunset did a scan on him.

"Sitting's for wimps," Flash said as he pushed her away.

"This is nuts," Rainbow said.

"Why are they acting this way?" Rarity asked.

"They are not themselves," Starswirl explained, "because they have have part of them stolen."

"He's right," Twilight said after Sandal had finished explaining what had happened in the battle. "They've each had a particular trait stolen from them."

Sunset nodded. "Flash's fear, Lyra's suspicion, Soarin's greed and Micro's reckless streak."

"Why would it take those ones?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah," Pinkie said, "wouldn't he want to leave the bad traits?"

"Maybe it was a mistake," Sweetie said as she remembered the battle. "He thought he'd taken Flash's courage, but instead it took his fear."

"It's possible the Element's power protected those traits," Starswirl explained, "and instead the monster was forced to take the exact opposite trait."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Rainbow asked, "if Flash is fearless won't that mean he's stronger."

"Not necessarily," Starswirl said before turning to the others. "Rangers, take your Elements."

The Rangers looked at each other confused, before getting up and holding out their hands. The Elements of Love and Will shot out of the crystal beds and flew into their Rangers hands, but the remaining four Elements stayed where they were.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked looking at the Elements. The Elements normal glow appeared to be fluxing.

"As I feared," Starswirl said, "without those specific traits the Ranger's Elements are being effected."

"But why?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's like what Flash said earlier," Sunset said, "without fear Flash can't be brave."

"And without greed, Soarin can't be selfless," Rainbow caught on.

"If we don't do something to restore them back to normal," Starswirl said, "their connections to their Elements might be broken...permanently!"

No one liked the sound of that.

"What do we do?" Sweetie asked.

"If you defeat the monster, you might be able to free their traits," Starswirl said.

"I can do that," Flash said smacking his fist into his hand.

"But without your Element you can't morph," Twilight told him.

"Who needs to morph," Flash said, "I'll take that guy down with my own two hands." With that he rushed over to the crystal bed, yanked his Elements out, and left the base.

"Wait!" Sweetie told him, but he was gone.

"Let me help," Soarin said following him, "I can distract him while you finish him off."

"That's a great idea," Lyra said, "can't wait to see the plan in action." She and Micro followed the two out of the base.

"This is bad," Sandal said.

"It's weird how removing one part of someone can change them so much," Rainbow said.

"We are all like a puzzle," Starswirl said, "without every single piece we are incomplete."

"I guess," Sweetie said, "I just wish we knew how to fix them. Without being able to morph beating that monster might be tricky."

"I could try using the Magi-Drill," Sandal said.

"That might work," Twilight said, "but just in case." She moved over to the Magi-Charger Programmer and pulled out a new Magi-Charger, which she handed to Sweetie. "This is an upgrade we've been working on for the Morphin Blasters. It hasn't been tested yet, but it should double its power."

"Sounds good," Sweetie said taking it. With that the two remaining Rangers rushed out the base.

Up in space, Darklight was enjoying the new Heart Breaker.

She wasn't talking back or complaining whenever he told her to do something, while Cogs also got to work without her bothering him. All in all nothing could ruin this moment, except his monster coming back without an Element.

"You failed," he said growling.

"It's not my fault," Vacuumon said, "I tried to take the traits of the Rangers you wanted, but something stopped me from doing it."

"It must be the Elements," Cogs said, "protecting them."

"I did get some of the traits, but not the ones you wanted."

"If that's true," Darklight said, "they should be out of of sync with themselves. Get back out there and destroy them before they can recover."

"Yes master," Vacuumon said before leaving the bridge.

Down on earth, Flash, Soarin, Lyra and Micro were walking through town, looking for them monsters.

"Where are those weaklings?" Flash growled as he stepped down the street.

"I'm sure they'll come down soon," Lyra told him, "remember to get our Elements they need to destroy us. And when their here you'll destroy them like you said you would."

"Highly improbable," Micro said, "more likely that without our powers we'll be atomised."

"Maybe an overthinking wimp like you will be," Flash said, "but not me."

"Don't worry," Soarin told Micro, "if the monsters try and atomise you, I'll step in their way."

"But then you'll be atomised," Micro said, to which Soarin just shrugged.

"Look enough talking," Flash said angrily, "here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna go back to the base and get Twilight and Sunset to make us a few nuclear warheads and strap one to my head." He smiled, "I'll nut the wimp to oblivion." He did a headbutting motion.

"Now that's a plan," Lyra said.

"I'll help you if you want," Soarin said.

"It would be interesting to see the outcome of that scenario," Micro said.

"Well to bad you won't get the chance."

The four of them turned to see Vacuumon, Cogs and some Shades a ways off.

"Just the idiots we were looking for," Flash said with a smile.

"Time to finally take you down," Cogs said.

"Shades attack!" Vacuumon yelled as the cloaked monster ran forward.

"GO!" Flash yelled as he and Lyra ran forward.

"After you," Soarin said.

"No," Micro said as he pulled out his phone, "I have to calculate the exact why to beat these creatures perfectly."

"Okay," Soarin said as he jumped infront of him and grabbed a Shade before it could plunge its dagger into the yellow Ranger.

Flash and Lyra began trying to battle against Cogs and Vacuumon. Flash furiously punched at Vacuumon, but nothing he did could get passed the machines metal armour. While Lyra was dancing around Cogs, dodging him as he swung his axe around her.

"To slow," she said as she back flipped away from him.

"Take this," Flash said punching Vacuumon, "and this and this and this and this." His attacks were doing more damage to his hands then to the monsters.

"Wow," Vacuumon said, "I think a few butterflies landed on me."

Flash got angrier and dealt a spin kick to him but it did nothing.

"Useless," Vacuumon said, as he unleashed two of him pipes and wrapped on around Flash and the other around Lyra. He lifted them up and and slammed them into each other a few times before throwing them away.

The two landed near Soarin, who was trying to protect Micro but wasn't doing a very good job since the Shades surrounded them.

"So what's the plan?" Lyra said as they got up and stood back to back as Shades surrounded them.

"I don't have a plan," Flash said.

"Well we do!" At that moment a hail of laser fire shot down the Shades.

The green and pink Ranger leaped into the fray, blasters at the ready, taking down the Shades. They landed next to Flash and Lyra and aimed their blasters at Cogs and Vacuumon.

"Not going to worry about your little friends?" Cogs said pointing at the two still surrounded Rangers.

"We're focusing on you," Sandal said, "and leaving the Shades to our backup."

"Who?" Cogs asked.

Suddenly some of the Shades surrounding Soarin and Micro were knocked away, by a blue blur that flew by them.

"What the?" Vacuumon asked.

"Surprise!" The blur came to a stop and showed itself as Rainbow.

Some of the remaining Shades attack the two, only to bounce off a force field made of diamond shaped panels.

"Need a hand?" They looked around to see Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie standing a ways off.

"Party time!" Pinkie yelled throwing her sprinkles at the Shades, blinding them in an explosion of colour. Seconds later the Shades found themselves getting clobbered by a super strong blonde.

"Take that y'ah varmints."

The four girls used their abilities to drive off the Shades leaving Cogs and Vacuumon defenceless.

"We'll take them out," Sweetie yelled as she and Sandal ran forward and started blasting.

"I don't think so," Vacuumon said as he jumped in front, unleashed his five pipes and sent out the gale wind barrier to block the attacks.

"Take them down," Cogs said.

"With pleasure," Vacuumon said as he battled the two while Cogs stepped away.

"I don't think so," Cogs heard Flash say as he and Lyra leaped at him. "You're ours."

"Like that'll happen," Cogs said as he swung his axe at them.

Meanwhile Sandal and Sweetie battled Vacuumon, but his pipes were becoming a nuisance.

"There's no way you can beat me," Vacuumon said, "not with only two of you."

"Don't be so sure," Sandal said as he leaped back and pulled out a Magi-Charger. "Magi-Drill-Blade!" He clicked the button and was about to place the blaster.

"Power Suction!" Vacuumon yelled pointing his vacuums at him and creating a suction force. It was so powerful that it pulled Sandal's Magi-Charger out of his hand and sucked it down on of the pipes.

"HEY!" Sandal yelled before pulling out his Sabre, "give that back."

"Like that'll happen," Vacuumon said.

"Sandal!" Sweetie said, only for more Shades to appear around her. "There's to many of them," she said. It was then she remembered the Charger Twilight had given her. "It's worth a shot," she said as she pulled the Charger out, "here goes. Magi-Charger!" She clicked the button and placed the Charger inside her blaster. "Morphin Duel Blaster," she pulled the trigger, "activate!" A blast of light shot out of the barrel and took form, becoming an attachment for the blaster. It lengthened the barrel and now had two blaster heads side by side. "Whoa," Sweetie said seeing the upgrade.

Suddenly two Shades ran towards her and on instinct she aimed the blaster and fired, unleashing two laser blasts which struck them both down. "Awesome," she cheered. She blasted her way through the Shades, taking them out two at a time, only to notice a small button on the side of the new barrel. Curiosity getting the better of her, she pressed it and with a swoosh a blade flipped out from between the barrels. "Double awesome," she said. With that she slashed a blasted her way through the Shades, finishing them off and turning towards Vacuumon and Sandal.

Sandal found himself in trouble, when Vacuumon wrapped two oh his hoses around his arms and keeping them still. A third pipe folded out and attached itself to the Rangers chest. "I wonder which trait I'll be getting from you," he said as he started sucking.

"None!" he heard Sweetie's voice yell. The pink Ranger leaped at him from behind and slashed at the machine on his back, creating a crack.

"Hey!" He yelled trying to turn around, however Sandal grabbed his vacuum pipes and held him in place.

"Do it Sweetie," he said as he held on.

Sweetie pushed her blaster into the crack and pulled the trigger, sending the blast right through it and into the machine. Seconds later the machine began to smoke and crack, before exploding and sending the three flying. Form out of the broken machine five different coloured energy balls flew out, one flying into the air and the other four towards the other Rangers.

Flash and Lyra were having a hard time fighting off Cogs, until two of the energy balls flew at them and hit them in the chest before exploding. The light surrounded them and then faded.

The same thing happened to Soarin and Micro, which was noticed by the others.

"Do you think this mean?" Rarity asked, only for a Shade to creep up behind her and was about to plunge its dagger into her, when a blast shot it down.

The origin of the blast came from Micro, who spun his blaster around and smiled. "We're back," he smiled.

"Oh yeah," Soarin said.

Cogs didn't like the look of this, as Flash and Lyra smiled.

"How do you feel?" Lyra asked Flash.

"Scared," Flash said, "and happy to be."

"Oh boy," Cogs said.

Up in space Darklight was sitting on his throne, as Heart walked in carrying a try.

"I got you a drink brother," she said holding the try out.

"Thanks," Darklight said, "I'm loving this new Heart."

Suddenly an energy ball flew in and hit Heart, making her glow. Once it was finished she looked at Darklight and frowned, before knocking the drink out of his hands.

Looking at his sister, who crossed her arms, Darklight sighed. "I take it this means you're back to normal?" Heart just nodded. "Great," he said activating the communicator. "Cogs, what happened?"

"A little problem master," Cogs said.

"Oh no problem," he turned to see the four now morphed Rangers standing before him, "for us."

"Ah," Cogs said, seeing them pull out their sabres and place their Magi-Chargers inside.

"Power Slash!"

"Thunder Sabre Strike!"

The four of them slashed through the air and blasted the armoured monster, sending him flying back and crashing into a wall.

"That's it," he said getting up, "I'm out of here." With that a telebolt flew down and struck him, warping him away.

"Wimp," Flash said before they all ran over to Sandal and Sweetie.

"Are you guys back to normal?" Sweetie asked.

"Sure are," Lyra said, throwing her arm around her best friend.

"Thanks to you guys," Soarin said.

Suddenly a red beam shot down from on high, striking Vacuumon and causing an explosion. When the smoke faded it revealed a giant Vacuumon. "How'd you like me now suckers?" He asked as he towered over them.

"That's not good," Flash said.

"It's Zord time," Lyra said.

"And I know the perfect combination," Micro said as he pulled out the Minotaur Charger.

The others nodded and pulled out their own. "Magi-Chargers, ready." They clicked the buttons and threw them through the air, "summon Zords."

The Chargers grew and flew through the air, flying into the Zord's mouths and activating them.





Once awake the Zords left their hiding places and charged towards their Rangers.

"Activate Guardian Megazord," Flash said, "Mino-Serpent Formation!"


The Guardian Megazord formed like normal, but the Minotaur Zord's legs and arms folded in as its rear attached to the Dragon and became a new left arm. The horns acting like a crab pincer.


"Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord!" Soarin said.


The five Ranger appeared in the Guardian Megazord cockpit and placed their blasters in the podiums, while the Thunder Ranger appeared in his own and placed his sword in it. The two Megazords stared Vacuumon down, ready for battle.

"You think you can stop me?" Vacuumon said as he unleashed him five pipes and sent them flying at the Megazords.

"I got this," Soarin said as his Megazord stepped forward and started swinging his swords around, slashing away and the hoses.

"Hey," Flash said as the Guardian Megazord stepped forward, "don't hog all the fun for yourself." The Megazord slashed the Tail Sabre at the pipes.

While this was happening Micro saw an opening and deciding to be reckless he launched forward and used the Minotaur Zord. "Mino-Claw!" he said as the horns locked around the five pipes holding them still.

"Hey!" Vacuumon said as he tried to pull his pipes free, but the Minotaur Zord's grip was to strong.

"Here's our chance," Micro said.

"Got it," Soarin said as he raised his blades.

"Us too," Lyra said as the Guardian Megazord raised its own sword.

Using all their strength, the Megazords slashed downward and cut the pipes to ribbons.

"NO!" Vacuumon yelled losing his best weapons.

"I think it's time we send this oversized dust buster to the garbage dump," Flash said.

"Right!" The others agreed.

All six Rangers moved in perfect unison. "Thunder-Charge Megazord, Guardian Megazord, Double Final Strike!"

The Thunder-Charge Megazord leaped into the air and raised its two blades, which both began to surge with electrical energy. "Twin Sword Cleave!" The Megazord brought the blades down in an X formation, unleashing and and X shaped lightning bolt which flew towards Magnetron.

The Dragon Zord's head's head opened as the Megazord placed the Minotaur Zord infront. Drago unleashed a burst of fire which spiralled around the Minotaur horns, creating a flaming pincer. "Blazing Horn Vice!" The Rangers yelled as the Megazord ran forwards.

Vacuumon was struck by the Twin Sword Cleave attack, getting electrified, before Guardian Megazord reached him and swung the Minotaur Zord and catching him in the horn's grip. The flamed around the horns consumed the monster and burned him, making Vacuumon scream in agony before the Guardian Megazord spun around and sent him flying into the air.

"Well this sucks," were his last words before being consumed by an explosion.

The Rangers cheered seeing the monsters destruction, happy he was gone and wouldn't be stealing any more human traits.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash said, "victory is ours."

Up in space Darklight was getting an earful from his sisters.

"I cannot believe you didn't make him change me back right away," she told him, "of all the selfish things you've done. Trying to destroy the Rangers and steal their Elements, overthrowing a tyrant and stealing his ship, using my shampoo without my permission. This is the most selfish thing out of all of them."

"Oh great," Cogs said as he entered the bridge, "she's back to normal."

"And you," Heart said turning on him, "I thought we were friends." She pulled out her heart shaped hook and pointed it at him. "Give me one reason I shouldn't let you join Vacuumon?"

"Er...I'm the only one who can fix your hairdryer if it ever breaks," Cogs was spit balling here.

"Good enough," Heart said removing the hook form his face, causing Cogs to sigh it relief.

Darklight just slumped in his chair. "I've lost another monster and I have to listen to Heart Breaker's whining, can't I ever get any good news."

At that moment Doom Raizer ran onto the bridge. "MASTER DARKLIGHT!"

"This better be good Doom," Darklight said.

"It is," Doom Raizer replied, "I've managed to track down the Element of Forgiveness."

This got everyone's attention. "YOU HAVE!" Darklight asked getting to his feet, "excellent! Go get it."

Doom nodded. "I'll pick a monster to take with me and I'll get you take Element."

"And if the Rangers show up?" Heart asked.

"I have a way around them," Doom said turning back to Darklight, "but it requires releasing more then one monster."

Darklight nodded, "very well. Do not fail me."

"I won't," Doom said before leaving the bridge.

Down on earth the Rangers and the four girls returned to the base, where Flash, Lyra, Micro and Soarin were getting a scan to make sure there wasn't any permanent damage.

"Everything looks in order," Sunset said as she looked at the screen, "you're all perfectly fine."

"That's a relief," Flash said as they removed the brain scanner.

"Tell me about it," Lyra said, "never thought I'd be happy to be suspicious."

"Or greedy," Soarin said.

"Or not having a hundred thoughts a minute," Micro said.

"We're glad to see you're all back to normal darlings," Rarity said.

"Yeah," Applejack said, "you guys just weren't right without those traits."

"It's like what Starswirl said," Sweetie said, "every little piece of us makes us who we are, even the bads stuff."

"I just hope Darklight doesn't send him back again any time soon," Sandal said.

"I doubt we've seen the last of him," Twilight said.

"She's right," Flash agreed, "until Darklight's gone we can't relax. Who knows when something big might happen."

In that moment an alarm went off, which they all recognised.

"The E-Tector," Twilight said as she and Sunset rushed over to the machine. Typing away they tried to pinpoint the energy signature they'd just picked up.

"Found it?" Flash asked.

"Almost," Twilight replied, "the location should come up any...moment."

"You get it?" Micro asked.

"Yeah," Twilight replied.

"Great," Soarin said, "so where is it."

Twilight was quite for a moment, until she finally looked up and said two words. "New York."

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering where I got this idea from, Red Dwarf.