• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,594 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Do You Dig It

We find Twilight, Sunset and Micro busy in the base burning the midnight oil.

Twilight and Sunset were working at the computers, while Micro was in the middle of the room with his Morphin Blaster and a silver Magi-Charger in hand.

"You ready Micro?" Sunset asked him.

"As I'll ever be," Micro replied.

"Then let her rip," Twilight told him.

"Okay," he said as he held up the Magi-Charger. "Prototype Charger," he said as he clicked it, "ready." He placed it in his blaster and pointed it at the target they'd set up.

"Energy levels look stable," Sunset said as she read them off the computer.

"Power levels rising," Twilight said before looking up and Micro, "we ready."

"Fire!" he pulled the trigger and a blast of light shot out of his blaster.

"Power levels rising," Sunset said.

"Stage two engaged," Twilight said.

Micro felt the pressure rise as the light slowly began to spread up his arms. "It's to much," he said feeling the strain.

"Hold on Micro," Sunset told him.

"I...can't." He was proven right when the light exploded, creating a blast so powerful that it sent Micro flying back and crashing into a wall.

"Micro!" Sunset yelled as she and Twilight rushed over to him.

"I'm okay," the teen said as he sat himself up.

They all turned to the target and saw it had a perfect circle blown out of it.

"I guess we gave it to much power," Twilight said.

"The power's fine," Micro said, "I just couldn't handle it. Flash and Sandal should do fine with it once it's perfected."

"Hope so," Sunset said.

Meanwhile up in space Darklight and Heart Breaker were waiting on the bridge.

The doors opened and Cogs stepped inside, followed by a monster that looked a humanoid rabbit standing at about seven feet. He had cream coloured fur which was hard to tell since the only parts of his body you could see, were his stomach and his upper arms and legs. The rest of him was covered in green and silver armour, with his chest having a rounded triangular armouring and around his hips was a ball like armour in green. Large silver half ball shoulder pads, while his arms had green cylinders with three long red mechanical claws. Most of his three foot long ears were covered in green armour, with red on the end.

"Master," Cogs said, "I brought the monster you requested."

"You unleashed one of the B Cell prisoners?" Heart asked.

The B Cells were their cells which held the extra dangerous monsters they had captive. More powerful then their usual monster in the C Cells that they usually used, but not dangerous enough to be thrown in the A Cells AKA the Pit.

"I told you I was through playing around," Darklight said as he stood up out of his throne. "Rabbit Fire, I've decided to give you a chance at destroying the Rangers.

"Thank you master," the monster named Rabbit Fire said, "don't worry, I'll blow those fools away."

"You'd better," Darklight said, "or I'll throw you in the Pit alongside Doom Raizer."

Rabbit Fire began shaking at that. He needed to succeed.

The next morning Micro and Sandal were in the base training.

Sandal was deflecting tennis balls with his sabre, while Micro was doing some target practise. They were set to quickly flip up and then down after a few seconds, but Micro was hitting them with tones of time to spare.

After deflecting the final ball, Sandal looked over at Micro. The Yellow Ranger was hitting every target with ease, without even trying.

"Hey little dude," Sandal said, "do you ever practise...anything else?"

"What'd you mean?" Micro asked, not looking away from the targets.

"All you ever do is practise shooting," Sandal explained, "how come you never practise with your Spirit Sabre or hand to hand."

"Why should I?" Micro asked looking at him, "I'm this team's best shot. I need to stay focused."

"But if you focus all your efforts on one skill," Sandal asked, "what happens when you face an opponent that's a better shot then you?"

"That's why I keep training," Micro replied, "so no one is a better shot."

"There's always someone better," Sandal said.

Before the two could continue their conversation, an alarm sounded overhead.

"That's not the danger alarm," Sandal said.

"That's the E-Tector," Micro said as he rushed over to the computer which the E-Tector was plugged into.

"You think it's found something?" Sandal asked.


They called the rest of the team who, besides Soarin, quickly arrived.

"So?" Flash asked.

"It's hard to tell," Twilight said as she and Sunset continued trying to pinpoint the signal.

"The signal was barely picked up by the satellite," Sunset said.

"So it's not an Element?" Sweetie asked.

"If it is an Element," Micro explained, "it's either being masked by something or it's just a residual trace and the Element's been taken."

"Either way," Celestia said, "it's worth a look once they've pinpointed the location."

"Got it," Twilight said, "looks like some kind of cave." She put it on the holotable, which showed the location of a forest with a circle on one part.

"That's Samson Caverns," Rarity said.

"You know this place?" Micro asked.

"My father used to take my sister and I there all the time," she explained, "we used to go looking for gems in the caves."

"Then you can be our guide," Flash said.

"Of course," Rarity said.

"I think I should come to," Applejack said, "you might need some heavy lifting."

"Good point," Twilight said before her eyes went wide. "This might help to," she said as she went to the Magi-Charger programmer and pulled out a silver Charger. She walked over and handed it to Flash.

"What is it?"

"The Magi-Drill Blade Charger," Twilight explained, "our newest weapon. It's got a lot of power behind it, so it might come in handy if you need to do some digging."

"Drill Blade," Flash said, "sounds awesome."

"But remember," Twilight said, "its got a lot of power, so be careful how you use it."

"Noted," Flash said before he pocketed the Charger and they all headed out.

It didn't take long to reach the area where the cave was located.

Once they'd arrived at the forest, Rarity had directed them towards the cave. They found it in a clearing, an average sized opening about five foot wide. They set up a base at the mouth of the cave, where they got to work.

"Okay," Flash said once they were ready, "me, Micro, Sandal, Rarity and Applejack will head down to see if we can find anything. The rest of you stay out here and be ready if we need you."

"Of course," Luna said, she, Rainbow and Pinkie had decided to come and help.

"We'll keep watch," Lyra said.

"No fair," Rainbow moaned as she sat on one of the chairs they'd brought, "I wanted to go spelunking."

"Stop whining," Sweetie told her.

"I brought games," Pinkie said showing a bag on her back, "we can have just as much fun."

"Fine," Rainbow said.

"With that out of the way," Flash said turning to his team, "let's go."

The others nodded and quickly got ready to head in, placing torch mounted helmets on their heads and tying ropes around their waist that were pegged to the ground, which they could follow back should they get lost. Once they were ready they headed in.

Despite to slightly small opening, they were relieved to find it got bigger as they went deeper in.

Micro had one of their smaller scanners out, trying to get a lock onto the trace signal.

"Anything yet?" Flash asked him.

"Not yet," Micro said only for the machine to ping, "hang on...yes I've got something."

"And Element?" Sandal asked.

"A Zord?" Applejack asked.

"Not sure," Micro said, "defiantly not a Zord but I can't be sure it's an Element." He thought for a moment then an idea popped into his head, making him turn to Rarity. "You said you and your sister used to come looking for gems," he said to her, "are they known to be found here."

"Just rumours," Rarity replied.

"Who wants to bet an explorer came in here and found the Element," Micro said.

"And the news spread and others came looking for more gems," Flash caught on.

"So the Element's not here?" Applejack said.

"Not anymore," Micro replied, "we just picked up the trace energy."

"Back to the drawing board then," Flash said has he went to his coms. "Guys we're coming back up," no one answered, "guys?"

Suddenly the whole cavern shook, making them almost lose their balance.

"What was that?" Sandal asked.

"No clue," Flash said, "but we need to get out of here quick."

They turned back and rushed back to the exit, more shakes happening and becoming more frequent.

Outside things were not going to well.

The others had been enjoying a game of snap, until they'd been attacked and found themselves facing off against a horde of Shades.

"Where'd these things come from?" Sweetie asked as she and Lyra fought them off.

"No clue," Lyra said.

Meanwhile Luna, Rainbow and Pinkie were fighting off the straggling Shades that came after them.

"Come on," Rainbow said as she used her super speed to out outmanoeuvre them. She would get behind them and then deal a swift kick or punch to their backs.

Pinkie kept them at a distance using her explosions, while Luna showed she had quite a knowledge of martial arts.

"Be careful," Luna told them, "if they're here then the monsters won't be far."

"CORRECT!" a voice yelled before they found themselves getting blasted by a powerful attack, which sent them flying away. "Weren't expecting that were you?" They looked up to see Cogs and Rabbit Fire walking into the clearing.

"What is that thing?" Rainbow asked.

"It's Angel packing heat!" Pinkie almost screamed.

"Looks like the other Rangers aren't here," Cogs said before turning to the rabbit monster, "lucky you."

"Then I'll just destroy these two and get the others later," Rabbit Fire said as he aimed his arms at Lyra and Sweetie. The openings of the cylinders began to glow as energy built up, before shooting out towards the Rangers.

Lyra and Sweetie realised what was coming and pulled out their blasters. "Energise!" They yelled spinning the barrels, before leaping out of the way of the blasts. "Unleash the Power!" A flash of light and they were now decked out in their Ranger suits.

"Now we're getting serious," Rabbit Fire said as he ran at the Rangers.

"Morphin Blaster," Lyra said as she and Sweetie aimed their weapons, "FIRE!" They fired their shots, but the monster didn't even flinch as the blasts just bounced off his armour.

"No way," Sweetie said.

"What's this guy made of?" Lyra asked.

As he ran, Rabbit Fire began firing his blasts at the Rangers who dodged them barely.

"This is bad," Lyra said as they ran for their lives.

Sweetie tripped and fell on her face, making her an easy target for Rabbit Fire. "Oh no," she said seeing the monster above her.

"Sweetie!" Lyra yelled seeing her friend in trouble.

"Bye bye Ranger," the monster said as his blaster charged.

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" A lightning bolt came down and struck Rabbit Fire, sending him flying away from Sweetie.

The Thunder Ranger leaped down next to the pink Ranger, before offering a hand. "You look like you could use a hand."

"Thanks," Sweetie said taking it and getting pulled up.

"You can thank Celestia for calling me," he said, "I rushed over as soon as I heard."

"You got here just in time," Lyra said.

"One extra Ranger," Rabbit Fire said to them, "no matter."

"We'll see about that," Soarin said as he raised his sword and charged at the monster, giving it a powerful slash down his chest but found it did nothing. "What?"

"You can't destroy me that easily," Rabbit Fire said as he dealt a powerful kick to him. "My armour is made out of the strongest metal in my universe," he told them, "nothing can damage it."

"Nothing's indestructible," Lyra said.

The three charged forward and tried to battle.

Meanwhile at the cave entrance the others had just finished with the Shades.

"Guys," they turned to see the others exit the cave.

"What happened?" Flash asked.

"One of Darklight's creeps showed up," Rainbow said.

"The others a battling him," Luna said.

"Then let's go help them," Flash said.

"I don't think so," they turned to see Cogs rushing towards them, axe in hand.

"Looks like we gotta deal with this guy first," Micro said.

Flash turned to the others. "Get out of here," he said.

"Will do," Luna said as she, Rainbow and Pinkie rushed off.

"What about us?" Applejack asked, them still being tied with the ropes.

"Hide in the cave," Micro said.

"Okay," Rarity said, "good luck."

"Thanks," Flash said before turning back, "let's do this."

They pulled out their blasters and spun the barrels. "Energise!" They rushed forward and fired, "Unleash the Power!" The heads shot out and flew around them, before flying back and biting down causing them to Ranger up.

"Spirit Sabre!" Flash and Sandal said as they pulled out their swords and started fighting the monster.

"Go help the others," Flash told Micro.

"Right," the yellow Ranger said as he rushed off.

"Let's end this guy," Sandal said as he slashed at Cogs, who blocked with his axe.

"I don't think so," Cogs said.

Micro rushed over to the other Rangers, who were have trouble fighting off Rabbit Fire.

"Hold on guys," he said rushing over to them.

"Micro," Lyra yelled, "stay back."

"Bomb voyage," Rabbit Fire yelled as he blasted the yellow Ranger.

"WOW!" Micro yelled as he was blasted back.

"MICRO!" the others yelled, only to be blasts as well.

"Not cool," Micro said pushing himself up. Taking out a Magi-Charger and placing it in his blaster, "Magitech!" He spun the barrel before firing, "Online!" His weapon formed in his hand. "Griffon Shooter," he aimed both weapons at the monster, "Morphin Blaster...Duel Shot!" The weapons fired off consecutive shots, but they just bounced of the monster's armour. "I can't get through."

"Nothing can," Rabbit Fire yelled firing another shot that send Micro flying back.

Flash and Sandal were busy battling Cogs when they saw Micro land a ways off.

"Hold on little buddy," Sandal said as he and Flash slashed Cogs away.

"Guys," Micro said picking himself up, "we need the new weapon."

"You sure?" Flash asked.

"It's the only thing that can break through this guy's armour," Micro said as he ran forward, "I'll keep him distracted."

The rest of the Rangers were rushing to them as well.

"We'll help," Soarin said only to find Cogs leap in the way. "Out of the way."

"Not happening," he said as he charged forward.

Micro ran at the monster, blasting him as much as he could but Rabbit Fire's armour was two strong.

"My turn," he said spinning around and using his ears at swat Micro away, his weapons going flying.

"Micro!" Sandal yelled.

"Come on," Flash said pulling out the new Charger.

"Right," Sandal said pulling his out.

"I don't think so," Rabbit Fire yelled as he launched another pair of blasts.

They struck in front of the two Rangers and sent them flying back, landing at the entrance of the cave.

"Are you okay?" Rarity yelled as she and Applejack rushed over to them.

"I think so," Flash said.

"Let me correct that," Rabbit Fire said as he stepped forward and charged another blast.

"NO!" Micro yelled running forward and tackling the monster, causing him to launch his attack higher them he wanted. The blaster flew over the Ranger's heads and struck the top of the cave, which caused the rocks to come loose and begin falling.

"Look out," Flash yelled as he grabbed Rarity and Applejack, before he and Sandal leaped into the cave.

"GUYS!" Micro yelled as the dust settled and the cave entrance was shown to be completely blocked. "Oh no," he said as something else caught his attention, making him look down to see a pair of Chargers. Picking them up he saw they were the new ones, which Flash and Sandal must have dropped when they got blasted.

The other Rangers saw this and gasped.

"Regroup," Lyra said, "we need to get out of here."

"We can't just leave them," Soarin said.

"We can't help them right now," Lyra said, "come on."

She and Sweetie rushed off, followed by Soarin. Micro took one last look at the cave and then followed.

"Hey," Rabbit Fire said, "get back here."

"Leave them," Cogs said, "we have two Elements trapped. We'll focus on that first."

The Rangers had taken cover out of their range and had met up with Luna and the others.

"We should be safe here," Lyra said.

"I can't believe we just left them," Soarin said.

"You couldn't have helped them," Luna said, "that monster's just to strong."

Suddenly their coms beeped, making them open a channel.

"Guys," Flash's strained voice called out.

"Flash," Micro said, "you're alright."

"Yeah," Flash replied, "but we're trapped."

Inside the cave Flash, Sandal, Applejack and Rarity were trapped.

Rarity had created a shield bubble that was preventing the rocks from collapsing on top of them, but if she moved even an inch it'd break.

"We okay for now," Flash told them, "but Rarity's shield won't holdout forever."

"Hold on," Micro said, "we'll save you."

"But you'll need to beat that monster before you can attempt to do so," Luna said.

"What about the Guardian Buster?" Sweetie asked, "that might be strong enough."

"Except we need five Rangers to use it," Lyra said."

"There's no choice," Micro said as he held out the Chargers he'd found, "you'll need to use the Magi-Drill Blade to save them."

"You think it'll work?" Soarin asked as he took one.

"Their our only hope," Micro said.

"But Twilight said they might be to powerful," Sweetie said.

"They are," Micro said, "but you won't need to control them for long."

"Just long enough to save the others," Lyra said as she took the other one.

"Maybe Micro should use it," Sweetie said, "you know the most about it."

"I can't handle it," Micro replied, "it's just to powerful for me."

"If you say so," Soarin said, "now let's go save our friends."

"Keep firing," Cogs said as Rabbit Fire continued to unleash his attacks on the cave entrance. "Keep blasting until their flattened."

"I'm pretty sure they already are," Rabbit Fire said as he ceased firing.

"Well I want to make sure," Cogs said, "so keep firing."

In the cavern the teens weren't doing so good.

Rarity's force field was beginning to crack and she was growing weaker.

"How you doing sugarcube?" Applejack asked her.

"I'm fine," Rarity said though her voice was strained.

"Guys," Flash said over his coms, "Rarity can't hold out much longer."

"We're on are way," Micro replied.

The Rangers arrived at the cave, catching the monster's attention.

"Back for another beating?" Cogs asked.

"Not this time," Soarin said.

"Me and Sweetie will distract him," Micro said, "you guys use the Drill Blade."

"Right," the two said.

"Let's go," Micro said as he charged forward.

"Right behind yeah," Sweetie said.

"Take them down," Cogs said.

"Right," Rabbit Fire charged forward, firing his blast at the two.

"Magitech," they called on their weapons and did their best to fight back.

Meanwhile Soarin and Lyra had the Magi-Chargers out. "Magi-Charger, ready!" The clicked the button and placed them inside their morphers. The pointed their morphers out and aimed them at Rabbit Fire, "Magi-Drill Blade," they pulled the triggers. However a powerful burst of light shot out their morphers with a force so powerful it caused the two to be pushed back.

"It's to powerful," Soarin said.

"I can't control it," Lyra said.

Finally the power built and sent to two flying back and slamming into a tree.

"Guys!" Sweetie yelled.

"No!" Micro yelled, only to look down and see the Magi-Charger on the floor a ways off. Rushing over and grabbing it, he tried to think of a new plan.

"Micro," Sweetie called out, "use it."

"I can't," Micro said.

"Micro!" Sandal's voice came over his coms, "you need to get us out of here now."

"But I can't," Micro said, "it's to powerful. I'm not strong enough."

"Yes you are," Sandal said, "you just need to believe you are."

"That's nuts," Micro said.

"No it's not," Sandal said, "true strength isn't about bench pressing a bus. It's a state of mind, having confidence in yourself. If you have a good enough reason you can find the strength you need inside of you."

"Strength inside of me," Micro said.

"Wakey wakey Ranger," the Ranger looked up and saw Rabbit Fire coming at him, throwing a kick.

Micro managed to narrowly dodge the attack.

The cracks were growing bigger and Rarity was shaking as she forced herself to remain strong, but it was growing to much.

"She's about to give out," Applejack said.

"We need to get out of here now," Flash said.

"I can do it," Rarity said only to fall to her knees.

Hearing Rarity's pained voice, Micro finally made up his mind.

"I am strong enough," he said as he held out the Charger and clicked it, before placing it in his blaster. "Magi-Drill Blade," he pointed the weapon forward, "activate!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the blast, which began pushing him back but Micro remained strong. "I'm...in...control," he said as the power rose and the light spread up his arms. Finally the light took physical form and transformed into a pair of silver gauntlets, with a drill half at the wrist pointing up his arm.

Micro looked down at his arms and couldn't believe he'd done it. "Woah," he said.

"Nice trick," Rabbit Fire said as he aimed one of his cannons at him, "now let me show you mine." He fired a blast at Micro.

"Micro!" Lyra called out.

Micro didn't flinch. The drills on his arms moved, folding back ninety degrees then spinning one eighty before and then back down so they covered his fists. "Drill Blade," he swung his arm up as the blast reached him, "slice!" The blade sliced right through the blast, cutting it in two and missing him.

"What!?" Rabbit Fire asked in shock.

"Woah," the Rangers said.

Micro charged towards Rabbit Fire, who fired off more blasts but Micro continued to slash his way through them until they were a few feet away. "Slice!" he swung the blade and slashed at the monsters armour, creating a large scratch which was enough to gain Rabbit Fire's attention.

"What?" Rabbit Fire asked as he looked down at the slash.

"Again," Micro spun on his heel and slashed again, and again and again until the scratches grew large enough that they became cracks.

"This can't be happening," the monster said.

"Magi-Drill!" Micro yelled as he ran forward and then linked his hands together, causing the drills to become one. He leaped forward and spun, "Spiral Attack!" He transformed into a tornado like figure, which flew towards Rabbit Fire and struck him in the chest.

"AAAARRRR!" the monster screamed as he was pushed back by the spinning attack. His armour began to crack as he was drilled, before it broke and he was sent flying back.

The tornado disappeared and Micro flew out of it and landed on the ground.

"I don't believe it," Cogs said in horror, "they beat him."

"And you'll be next."

He looked around and saw the rest of the Rangers standing besides Micro, their weapons at the ready.

"Unless you move aside," Soarin said.

Cogs weighed his options and came to a distinct conclusion. "Bail," he said as a telebolt flew down and warped him away.

"Wimp," Sweetie said.

"No time to worry about him," Micro said as he turned and rushed towards the cave. Once there he combined the drills and placed them on the rock. "Spiral Attack!" He once again spun into the tornado, his drill cutting through the rock and tunnelling his way through.

Flash was the first to hear it. The strange sound that reminded him of an electric drill.

"What's that noise?" he asked.

Suddenly however that thought was pushed from his mind as Rarity's shield finally smashed and the rocks began to fall towards them.

"OH NO!" they yelled as the rocks drew closer.


A tornado appeared out of no where and blew the rocks away, saving them.

"Need a hand?" They looked up and saw the yellow Ranger standing there, looking down at them.

They smiled.

The Rangers waited with baited breath for their friends.

Suddenly the cave exploded as the yellow Ranger leaped out along with the others.

"Guys!" Lyra yelled as they ran towards them, helping them up.

"You okay?" Soarin asked as he picked Flash up.

"We're good," Flash said before having a coughing fit.

"Thanks to Micro," Rarity said as they turned to him.

"It was nothing," Micro said, smiling under the helmet, before falling to his knees and demorphing. "That's it for me."

"It was enough," Sandal said.

"I wouldn't be so sure," they all looked up to see Rabbit Fire standing a few feet away. His armour was badly damaged but his blasters seemed operational. "Now who shall I blast first?"

"How about we blast you," Flash said as he pulled out a Charger, "Soarin." He held it out to the Thunder Ranger, who took it.

"Thanks," he said before as he helped Flash sit down and then stepped forward, holding the Charger out and clicking it. "Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

"Catch," Sandal said as he and Micro threw their Chargers at Lyra and Sweetie.

"Thanks," they both said. "Magi-Chargers," they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."

Soarin placed his Charger in the main compartment and shut it, causing the white streaks along the blaster to turn navy blue


As Soarin aimed the weapon, Lyra and Sweetie took position behind him. "Guardian Buster, Thunderbird Blast...FIRE!" Soarin pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Thunderbird Zord's head as it flew at Rabbit Fire.

"Oh no," Rabbit Fire yelled as he was struck, getting zapped by the attack. A second later the monster was blasted away and sent flying into a tree, braking even more of his armour.

Up on the ship Cogs had returned to the bridge.

"Why is it every time we step up our game," Heart said, "they step up theirs?"

"It matters not," Darklight said, "let's see what they do against a bigger blast."

"Gigatisor?" Heart asked.

"Gigatisor!" He yelled to a Shade, who nodded and ran towards the console before slamming down on the button.

The device was unleashed and fired the beam towards the planet.

Back on earth the team saw the red beam come down and hit Rabbit Fire, causing an explosion. When the smoke faded the sight of a giant Rabbit Fire met them.

"Much better!" He yelled.

"Not good," Flash said.

"You guys stay here and rest," Soarin told them, "I'll take this guy in the Thunder-Charge."

"You'll need a shield to defend against those blasts," Sweetie said as she stepped up next to him.

"I might not be able to form the Tail Sabre," Lyra said doing the same, "but my Zord should give yours enough power to beat that creep."

"Then let's do this," Soarin said. He, Lyra and Sweetie held out their Chargers.

"Magi-Chargers ready," they clicked the button then threw them in the air, "summon Zords!"

The Chargers grew and flew through the air, flying towards their respective Zords.


The Zords awakened and left their hiding spots, heading towards their Rangers.

"Activate," they said together, "Thunder-Charge Megazord Sphinx-Serpent Formation!"

The Thunderbird Zord squawked as it turned towards the other Zords before the three opened their mouths. Their Magi-Chargers flew out with the Sea-Serpents and Sphinx's Chargers went into Thunderbird's.


It bit down on the first Charger before it flew out and was replace withe second Charger.


It bit down on the second Charger before it flew out again and the last Charger flew in.



The Thunder-Charge Megazord formed like normal, except instead of transforming the wings remained as they were and spun around revealing a pair of plug like nubs which the Sea-Serpent and Sphinx linked to like they would on the Guardian Megazord.


The three rangers appeared in the cockpit.

"Woah," Sweetie said looking around.

"Little different from the Guardian Megazord huh?" Soarin asked.

"Let's take this guy down," Lyra said.

"Right!" They both said.

The Megazord and monster squared off, staring each other down and they got ready to do battle.

"Try this," Rabbit Fire yelled as he fired a blast at the Megazord.

"Sphinx Shield!" Sweetie yelled as the Megazord raised the Sphinx's head to block against the attack.

"Serpent Punch," Lyra yelled as the Sea-Serpent Zord threw a punch at the monster, but it did very little against him.

"I think a fly just landed on me," Rabbit Fire joked after the attack.

"Well try this," Soarin said as the Thunderbird's beak opened, "Beak Bolt!" A lighting bolt shot out of the beak, striking Rabbit Fire and sending him backwards.

"We need a new stratagy," Lyra said, "without the Tail Sabre my Zord's not got much power."

"We still have part of the Tail Sabre," Soarin said.

"Just the handle," Lyra replied.

"How's that gonna help?" Sweetie asked.

"Maybe we can channel my Zord's lightning through it," Soarin said, "It's worth a try right?"

"Let's find out," Lyra said as she had her Zord pull out it's tail.

"Now what're you planning?" Rabbit Fire asked.

"You'll find out," Soarin said as his Zord unleashed an electrical surge from it's right wing, which spread down the Sea-Serpent and into the tail handle.

"Now what?" Sweetie asked.

"Er...wave it," Soarin guessed.

"Here goes," Lyra said as the Megazord swung its arm and from the handle shot out a rope of electrical energy, which struck Rabbit Fire.

"AAAARRRR!" the monster yelled as it was electrocuted.

"Woah!" Soarin said.

"We created some kind of...lightning whip," Sweetie said.

"This'll do," Lyra said.

The Megazord kept swinging the new weapon, slashing at the monster again and again. Rabbit Fire tried to fight back by blasting it, but the Megazord raised the Sphinx Shield to defend before doing a clockwise spin and slashing him again with the lightning whip.

"I say we finish this now," Sweetie said.

"I'm all for that," Soarin said.

"Let's end this," Lyra said.

The three spoke and moved in perfect sync. "Thunder-Charge Megazord, Final Strike."

The Megazord unleashed all its power into the Sea-Serpent's tail, making it spark and fizz. "Ten Thousand Volt Strike!" The Megazord swung the whip, which unleashed the most powerful lightning rope yet, which flew at Rabbit Fire and wrapped around him.

The monster screamed in agony as the lightning surged through his body. Finally the lightning faded and he was left standing, though wobbly, until finally he spoke. "Well this blows." With that his legs gave out and he collapsed, getting consumed by an explosion.

"Yes," Soarin said.

"Bet that was a shock," Sweetie said.

Lyra nodded at that. "Guardian Rangers, victory is ours."

"RRRRAAAARRRR!" Darklight yelled as watched another of his monsters be destroyed.

"Now calm down," Heart said trying to stop her brother's rage before he destroyed something, mainly her.

"Are you telling me that not one of the multiverse's most feared monsters," Darklight said, "can't destroy six pathetic human teens."

"I'm sure there's one," Heart said, "we just have to find it."

"Rabbit Fire almost did it," Cogs said.

"Almost isn't going to get me and Element," Darklight said.

"Well what do you want to do?" Heart asked, "there's only two monsters on this ship that can definitely destroy the Rangers and neither is going to help you."

"Havoc," Darklight growled.

"And don't forget the other one," Cogs said shaking, "remember the last time that thing got out of it cell. We lost half our prisoners to it."

"Well you'd better find a way to bring me an Element," Darklight said, "or I will unleash it." He sat back down in his throne, his anger still apparent.

The Rangers had returned to the Command Base, where Celestia and Luna checking that Flash, Sandal Applejack and Rarity hadn't been injured in anyway due being locked in a cave.

"I hope this is the last time I have to do this Mr Wood," Luna told Sandal.

"Same here," Sandal said.

Celestia had just finished her check on Rarity, who was still feeling the effects of holding her shield spell for so long. "I suggest you don't over exert yourself for a little while," she told the teen.

"I won't," Rarity said, "thanks." She then turned to Micro, "and thank you for the save."

"It was nothing," Micro said.

"It wasn't nothing," Twilight told him, "the fact you were able to learn to handle such a powerful weapon so quickly is incredible."

"It's Sandal you should be thanking," Micro said, "he's the one who helped me find the strength I needed."

"That was all you bro," Sandal said.

"It's like you said," Micro explained, "I just needed a good enough reason to have the strength. Saving my friends is definitely a good enough reason."

"And we're proud to be those friends," Flash said with a smile.

Everyone nodded at this.

"But don't forget," Luna said, "today's monster was more powerful then anything you've faced before."

"She's right," Lyra said, "Darklight must be getting desperate if he's willing to unleash more powerful monsters."

"Meaning we need to get stronger," Flash said, "that means we also need find the other four Elements."

"But don't forget what else today has brought us," Celestia said, "you didn't find the Element, but did find a trace."

"Which means someone has an Element out there somewhere," Sunset said.

"You think there's another Ranger?" Rainbow asked.

"Hard to tell," Lyra said, "just because someone found the Element doesn't mean they bonded to it."

"She's right," Sweetie said, "my Element got passed down for years in my family before it bonded to me."

"Same with mine," Soarin said, "Strongheart and Thunderhooves said it was a relic of their tribe."

"We'd better be on the look out all the same," Flash said.

"He's right," Twilight said, "we'll most likely run into it eventually."

In a warehouse in Canterlot, a crate stood.

As the owners began locking up, none of them noticed the silver light shinning through the gaps of the crate. The light grew brighter and brighter as whatever was inside shinned in the darkness of the warehouse. Finally it stopped and all was normal.

Author's Note:

Not much to say really. Go Micro. :yay:

Next Time: You've all been waiting for it.