• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 16,580 Views, 1,061 Comments

The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

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A Dinner, A Dozen

"Where'd those white and black grains go? Ah, there they are."

Pharynx’s magic latched onto a pair of glass shakers hiding among a network of bowls, trays, and utensils.

"Salt and pepper, Pharynx," Thorax corrected, rotating a fork in his aura to wind up a spool of pasta. "We're uncultured, but not that uncultured."

"You know, I must be a glutton for punishment." Pharynx maintained his sneer, even as he devoured his noodles and smeared his mouth with sauce. "Because I don't even need this seasoning when your moping sours my taste buds for me, Thorax."

"I told him this would happen," Xenica sang. She drew giggling from the purple alicorn seated next to her. "You can't tell, Princess Twilight, but Thorax is very gloomy. It tastes like stale, sour berries. Not fun for anyling within empathy range."

Twilight ventured her own assessment of the tall changeling. His back hunched slightly, and he stared at the table glumly. Whenever his changelings tried calling to him, he only responded with a fleeting smile.

"Oh, I can tell just fine, I think," Twilight reckoned. She thought about saying something to him to cheer him up, but she didn't. He didn't really need it. Not from her.

"If you want a hug so bad, Thorax, stop pouting and come get one," Pharynx said gruffly, a napkin recklessly launching itself to wipe his snout. "I was just messing with you earlier. I won't stop you. You know what my terms are. If you follow them, you'll get your hug and get away unscathed."

Giggling sprouted from around the table.

"There are terms and conditions for giving and receiving hugs in changeling culture?" Luna mused aloud.

"Well, yes, but also no," said Apidae, dabbing a napkin to her face with her own cherry aura. "After we discovered that shared love magic is regenerative for both the body and mind, Thorax came up with the 'Physical Meal Therapy' policy. Hugs are now the normal social response for anyling who has a sour, sad taste. They instantly feel better, and noling else has to taste tartness on their tongue. It's a win-win."

"Pharynx is just a special case," Xenica added cheekily. "He is the undisputed leader of the anti-cuddlebugs."

"The grumpbugs," corrected Calor.

"That is not a term," Pharynx grumped.

"The anti-cuddlebugs are changelings who prefer not to share love magic through physical gestures," Apidae clarified, eyeing the elder pair of alicorns. "They still sustain themselves through friendships, of course. Even by anti-cuddlebug standards, though, Pharynx is known to be very strict. He won't let nearly anyling touch him, let alone hug him. Thorax is a big exception, but even he has to follow certain rules."

"A soft spot for his sibling, then," Luna summarized. "How sweet."

"It was that or suffer this moping of his every waking second." Pharynx abandoned his silverware in favor of grasping piles of noodles with his magic. "Being a changeling means being adaptive. I just happen to deal with needy family more than espionage tactics, these days."

"It isn't even about the hug," Thorax sighed. "I'm just surprised to hear that you've been experiencing the effects of love magic more recently, Pharynx. Last I knew, you were still unreadable by anyling in the hive."

"What, am I improving too fast for you, now? This is what you've wanted all along, Thorax. I'm registering my hippie card. So where's this moping coming from?"

"N-no, that's not it. I just thought you'd have told me about something like this before now."

"Poor Thorax." Cimex whispered in Labrum's ear. "This is definitely about the hug."

Labrum nodded.

"When were you going to tell me?" Thorax asked.

"Probably if and when it ever became relevant, Thorax," Pharynx replied. "I haven't told you for the same reason I don't attend your goofy feelings forums. I do not talk about my feelings. Not now, nor ever."

"But I-"

"And I'm certainly not going to keep you in the loop just for the sake of it, either. I'd never hear the end of your fawning. Seriously, you’d bumble over yourself every time I so much as greet someone and feel an exchange. I'm improving, Thorax, and that's where the topic can stay."

Thorax recoiled in his seat, suffering the loss for now. His mood quickly lifted, however, as he felt the tapping of hooves on his head. He spun another spool of pasta and offered it to Apex, still crowned atop his head. When tiny drops of sauce fled the nymph's tongue, they dripped onto Thorax's nose, and they both chuckled.

"So, Pharynx," Twilight started softly, putting on a toothy grin in hopes that it would counteract the beta’s foul attitude. "Princess Celestia and I visited the hive shortly after Chrysalis's defeat, but I don't recall seeing you. Thorax only said recently that you were avoiding the other changelings by using the hive's lowest chambers. He felt it best not to bring you up until you were there to introduce yourself-"

"Oh, is that what he said?" Pharynx interrupted. "Well, that's a shocker. How strange for Thorax to avoid awkward topics like he avoids confrontation—entirely."

Dead silence. Thorax shrank in his seat. As he did, Apex fell to his hivemates’ eye levels and waved to them.

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide to emerge again?" Twilight asked, sweat breeding on her brow. A thick layer of tension had fallen, but she’d gone too far to stop now. "Starlight Glimmer is my pupil, you see, and she relayed a lot of what she learned, but she never talked about your motives. I just thought I'd pick your brain while we had a chance to talk."

More silence. Twilight didn't dare turn, but the unsure looks from Celestia and Luna haunted her third eye. A cup of sparkling water didn't dare disobey Pharynx as it was magically whisked to his lips. He regarded the taste with a grunt.

"I separated myself because I wasn't sure if our queen would return in vengeance or not," he said at last. "Moreover, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to react if that happened. Do I turn traitor on the spot for a regime that, while extreme, worked well for centuries, or do I uphold it, even if it meant betraying my brother's hopes in the process?"

The silence became Pharynx's to command. He sighed, as if it were some great chore to do so much talking.

"I won’t lie; I was undecided at first. I'm loyal to the hive, not to a leader, but even so, Chrysalis was overthrown largely with the help of outsiders. A coup is one thing, but a coup involving non-changelings is just dirty. Thorax knew it, too. He was antsy for weeks, terrified of the rogue changelings, and dreaded Chrysalis returning for her throne. He was afraid he'd have to deal with her. Frankly, he's one lucky twit that she seemed to focus her fury on your pupil instead, princess."

Twilight's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, how did-"

"Everyone heard what Chrysalis said before she fled. I may not have shown myself at the time, but I was there. Chrysalis ordered the entire hive to converge in the throne room. I'm just one of the few changelings that didn't jump ship over the first promise of free food."

Pharynx drank in the weighted air. It festered with a sour aftertaste. He watched the changelings fidget in their seats, their melancholic faces plain to see. Meanwhile, the trio of alicorns watched him with heartfelt investment, rigid and at attention by comparison.

Pharynx cracked his neck. This was all starting to drain him. Thorax was just lucky the food wasn't half bad.

"Anyway, the rest should be obvious. He's a dolt, but it's always been my job to look out for Thorax. If I had stayed a loyalist, and Chrysalis did somehow take back the hive, she’d have destroyed him for certain. Loyalty was not worth that."

"...I was in the throne room, too, and I recall seeing Pharynx," Labrum spoke up. "I remember all of it. He looked about ready to jump in and attack Chrysalis himself, if Starlight hadn't helped."

Pharynx let out a groan. The tension in the air was sucked from existence by some supernatural love vacuum. The changelings' soft chittering had returned.

"Pharynx has a very powerful big brother mode," Xenica said, looking at Twilight. "Before Thorax left the hive, Pharynx protected him from bullies all the time. He also took the heat for Thorax whenever he ended up on the other end of Chrysalis's fury."

"Oh, you mean like the time Thorax failed to cocoon those outpost ponies?" Calor queried. "He told them to evacuate and then dressed up some scarecrow ponies to try and fool Chrysalis. She was furious."

Calor and Xenica shared a look and nodded. When Calor wreathed himself in flames, the ghastly visage of Chrysalis sat in his place. She descended on Xenica with a face unhinged, her ratty mane whipping about.

"Thorax, you stupid, crawling grub! Not only can you not follow the simplest order, but you also dare to insult your queen's intelligence, as well? A likeness made of hay and earth? Do you truly believe such a farce could deceive me!?"

Visibly unbothered, Xenica burst into flames as well.

"Please forget about him, Your Highness," a faux Pharynx said calmly. The tinier, red-finned drone seemed so inconsequential next to the towering changeling monarch, but he still stared her down with confidence. "Thorax is weak. He doesn't have the courage to handle fieldwork yet. It's my fault. I resolved to train him, and I believed him to be ready to handle an assignment, but I was wrong. I will see to his improvement."

The changelings resumed their pastel colors and laughed. Thorax whimpered.

"Do we really need to do this, though?" he murmured, his cheeks reddening. "I mean, just when I thought I’d forgotten about that."

"I was her head of patrol, Xenica," Pharynx muttered, having conveniently pinned his eyes to an adjacent door for the entire act. "I just knew I could get away with angering her, unlike him. Me getting yelled at made more sense than him getting hurt or banished."

"Big. Brother. Mode." Xenica spelled out with a widening grin. Pharynx snorted again.

"It is another reason I left, though," Thorax said. To distract himself from making eye contact, he began to mildly harass Apex with a probing hoof. "I wanted friends, and I wanted to introduce friendship to the hive if I could, for sure. But I also didn't want to burden Pharynx anymore. He went through so much because of me. I couldn't let him compromise his position just to continue helping me stay somewhere I didn't want to be."

"Don't spout gibberish, Thorax," Pharynx remarked sullenly. "Like any of that would’ve mattered on a day where she tried to hurt you. Labrum is right. If you hadn't done something in that throne room, I would’ve."

Thorax sniffed. Thankfully, only Apex noticed, so only one pair of glowing orbs pried for him.

He would definitely be needing that hug soon.

"I believe I know the rest of the story, thanks to Twilight. You decided to help the hive relearn how to defend itself, and through finding your place in it, transformed." Celestia towered over all other heads from her modest, self-chosen spot among a few changelings. From there, her smile was a beacon for each of her guests to see. "Forgive me if I'm romanticizing the situation, but it seems to me that you are exactly what the hive needed, Pharynx. If Thorax brings the changelings love, you bring them strength. Both are vital aspects of leading a nation, but they are rarely utilized in perfect tandem."

"Not even we do so," Luna added, almost dourly. "My sister and I have always been rather moderate in both aspects. We do not believe in rigid military strength, and while we are happy to offer a close relationship with those subjects who would seek it, it is not exactly common, nor do we have the time or ability to do so in a meaningful way."

"Thorax created a hivemind of sap through the sharing of emotion magic," Pharynx detailed, briskly swatting away the sentiments. "Which, by the way, is magic only changelings can freely interact with at will. Not even the crystal ponies can do so without using some rock as a conduit. Add to that, our society is remarkably different from ponies, before and after Chrysalis. Changeling society is largely contained to our hive, whereas ponies spread themselves across the continent. It seems masochistic to even attempt to compare your leadership style to Thorax's. Doubt any other species could even come close to replicating what the changelings have."

Luna withdrew within her noodles. Celestia gave a nod as if both acknowledging and chewing over the thought. When Thorax shot a glare, Pharynx's eyes rolled.

"Those are thoughtful comments, though. I'm sure Thorax finds them very flattering."

Thorax planted his nose into the fold of his hoof. Apex took it as an invitation to play, and he gripped the large, green leg like a springing python.

"Pharynx is right, though," Apidae said optimistically. "Most creatures have to communicate emotions through gestures, words, and actions; and even then, that creature could be lying. Changelings feel unfiltered emotions just through relationships, and our actions and words carry so much more weight in what they allow us to do with other changelings. It's definitely not fair to use us as role models."

"Oh, I think it's all the more reason to," Celestia challenged. She made eye contact with her former student before continuing. "As teachers, Twilight and I share a common perspective. A role model doesn't need to be a goal for complete imitation, only a guide for bettering oneself."

Twilight perked up in her seat.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, princess," she proclaimed. "A key part of friendship is a harmonious understanding of each other's dreams, limits, fears, and emotions. Ponies and other creatures might not be able to connect autonomously like changelings can, but we can still use the changelings as an example of what successful empathy looks like. Just because it takes more work for us to achieve the same result doesn't mean we can't do it, or that it isn't worth striving for."

Her words carried weight, and so none dared to follow them. For a time, the pleasant clinking of poorly-utilized silverware filled the air. It wasn't until Apex heaved himself up to the very edge of Thorax's head that another train of thought engaged the table.

Unfortunately for Thorax, this was no train, but a rollercoaster.

"Papa Thorax, will the princess ponies be cluster sleeping with us tonight?"

Pasta halted on its way between Thorax's teeth. "Will they-Apex, where'd that come from?"

Tiny hooves gripped his horn. Thorax raised his curious magenta eyes upwards.

"Where are the princess ponies going to sleep? There are so many of them." Apex pointed a hoof at the alicorns and wrinkled his nose. "And I don't think the purple one even lives here, Papa Thorax. Where is she going to sleep?"

Dumbfounded, Thorax wasn't quick enough to nip the contagion of cunning that now plagued every face, save his sibling.

"I second the favored nymph's point, Thorax," quipped Calor. "I don't think we've given nearly enough thought to proper cuddling procedures for when visiting princess ponies. Do you, Apidae?"

"As if! Cuddling is inevitable. Everycreature knows that castles are not big enough to accommodate so many ponies or changelings," Apidae stated with mock confidence. Her simper betrayed her, but it was enough to fool Apex and amuse the table. "Besides, why else would Thorax have brought along a bunch of cuddlebugs if we weren't going to have a session?"

She gestured her hoof like the hand of a clock, sweeping the table in slow motion, and signaling her hivemates to demonstrate her point by impetuously embracing each other. Xenica did her best to break Cimex's shell and drag out whatever chirps of distress she could. Not three chairs away, fifty percent of Clypeus's body seemed to melt into Labrum's orange carapace. When Apidae reached Calor, the blue drone buzzed from his seat and sniped her with a hug of his own.

Mere spectators, for the time being, Luna and Celestia made eye contact from across the table.

"Don't suppose the legislature would take too kindly to social policy reform encouraging frequent cuddling among citizens?" Luna's cheeks flexed, vulnerable to collapse at the slightest witty remark. "A topic for your next city hall meeting, perhaps?"

Celestia giggled. "And take attention away from the council's far more dull, ostensibly important issues? If you'd like to watch your sister get jeered right out of the session, then yes, I'd say it's absolutely worth a try."

Luna narrowed her smile. "So what you're telling me is you'd do it for sport."

The solar princess put a hoof to her chest and exaggerated a gasp, hiding her guile behind her eyes. "Luna, what an accusation! I assure you, I would derive no amusement from introducing a bill as critical as a 'Hugs for All' legislation. Here, Twilight will vouch for me."

Thorax watched his hosts play off each other without care. Twilight joined the antics at their call, her laugh begetting a desperate cough when 'hug legislation' tumbled so informally out from her mentor's tongue.

The alpha changeling bit his lip, and his dreamy look fell. He was suddenly aware that he was drowning in a wave of noise. Hooves prodded at him from all around. His brow furrowed to an onslaught of whiny pleas for royal snuggles and access to piles of pillows, and even a few preemptive claims for specific princesses. Soon enough, Thorax felt his patience snap in a flicker of paternal passion.

"Guys, sit down," he hissed, provoking chirps of surprise. "You can't assume that anypony is going to cluster sleep with us tonight. That is not our decision to make. Ponies don't express physical affection as freely as we do-"

"Neither do self-respecting changelings," interjected Pharynx, his sass effortlessly broadcasted through his tone. "Don't lump me into your sappy fairy cult through proximity, Thorax."

"You're getting that hug pretty soon with or without further teasing, big brother, so feel free to quit while you're ahead."

Pharynx shot up and glared. Thorax offered his tongue before returning to his flock.

"Ponies don't express affection as freely as we do. If any of the princesses are uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping together in clusters, you need to respect that. Okay?"

He paused to check for confirmation. Bulbous blinks were all he got.

"Do you guys understand me?"

"Well, I understand," Cimex answered. "But I don't think the princesses are uncomfortable, Thorax. In fact, I don't even think you've given us air hugs like that before."

The thrumming of contended drones clued in Thorax to potential shenanigans before the sentence had even ended. In the midst of his cautious and cordial efforts, the most loyal of his flock had been ambushed just out of view. A spectacle of struggling upheaved the quaint dinner in an instant, instigated by its least-likely saboteurs, who had shed their political postures in favor of readily clinging to unsuspecting changelings.

"Thorax, we were no match!" shouted Apidae, her one unpinned wing struggling to beat against Luna's clutched hooves. "Their hugs are too powerful!"

"Thorax, tell my Thorax plush I love him!" Calor cried, going limp in Celestia's grip.

"Sister, I do believe we've found our leverage for forcing a vote on hug legislation," Luna bantered. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Celestia planted her cheek onto her captive blueberry. "Woo the courts with docile, hungry changelings. But Luna, I worry about Twilight. She doesn't appear to be aiding in our efforts. It's unlikely the courts will see reason if the princesses are not unanimous."

Twilight simply sat by a twitchy, manic Xenica and sipped pleasantly from her cup.

"Oh, I'm contributing. I've just subdued my changeling using science instead of brute force." She took another sip before clearing her throat. "Cuticle, the material that small insect wings are made of, is indeed strong, but part of its success comes from the fact that insects have such low body mass. Somehow, changelings manage to fly with cuticle wings of the same density despite being the weight of your average equine. It's a bit like an earth pony trying to fly using tennis rackets layered with paper towels."

"We're an aerodynamic improbability, Thorax!" Xenica gasped, desperately clutching her head.

Thorax leaned back in his chair and felt the velvety fabric cushion him. It bolstered his smug look. When distressed drones called to him, he continued to ignore them, only this time with an aura far more sweet and pleasant to changeling senses.

"You'll get no sympathy from me, guys. You all were hoping the princesses would be open to cluster napping. You all insisted on staying over even when Pharynx and I gave you an easy way out. You'll just have to live with your choices now. Right, Pharynx?"

"Squeeze the happy right out of them."

"Yeah, squeeze the happy right out of them!" chorused Apex. A hoof bopped him on the head.

"Uncle Pharynx might be a lost cause, but you better hush," Thorax muttered. "The last thing I need is you taking after his attitude."

With a slip and a gasp, a fresh dose of chaos that Discord would be proud of claimed the room. A loud clamor of dishes and silverware was sent sprawling across the table at the sudden impact of a slung changeling, her faux attempts of escape earning her unforeseen freedom. What tableware managed to avoid the tabletop was tossed heedlessly through the air, where they rang with sharp clangs upon hitting the floor. A few unfortunate changeling heads also received unpleasant bonks.

Second-hand embarrassment froze nearly the entire room.

"O-oh, I'm so, so sorry, Your Highnesses!"

Apidae got to her hooves. She quickly eyed her hosts for signs of rage, but only mild shock held them. Despite this, her own bewildered expression remained unchanged.

"I-I was just going along with the fun. I didn't think I'd actually pull free like that. It's definitely my fault, so I'll clean it all up! Don't worry!"

Apidae began desperately plucking discarded tableware off the floor in a mortified daze. When a golden aura raised a mirrored serving platter before her, it reflected the tall, snowy alicorn now standing just behind her. Trepidation seized the changeling, and she fought the urge to scan the platter for her host's reflection, afraid of what face she might find.

A hoof outstretched itself, and she flinched. When it stopped and sat in the air patiently for her, she turned to it, and only then, did she see her host's smile.

"My dear, you'll do no such thing. Accidents happen to the best of us, and I believe we are to blame, anyway. I’d be happy to assist."

Apidae was helped to her hooves, and a blanket of golden magic commanded the room to life. Caught in a slow, mesmerizing aerial dance, the silverware and plates were rearranged in neat piles on the far side of the room. Changelings departed their seats in earnest to comfort their friend, and so Celestia turned her over to them while she tended to the mess.

From his isolated corner, Pharynx regarded the sentimental theatrics with a yawn. Far more important things were on his mind. Namely, the fact that he'd made a grievous error in judgment. He'd eaten far more than he intended, and now his mind and body were shackled with lethargy.

The beta groaned and allowed his head to hit the back of his seat. The mighty general of the Changeling Kingdom, defeated by somnolence. What a rookie mistake.

Pharynx shifted his brow. The flowing night sky entered his peripheral, but not from the aid of any open window.

"...I am no psychologist, but I know trauma when I see it."

"Well, color me impressed," Pharynx remarked. He watched the lunar princess sit next to him. "We've got a hive full of it, doc. Apidae is no special case."

"What sort of beast does it take to condition such fear over a simple mistake?"

Pharynx scoffed. "I never did understand pony fascination with rhetoric. But then, I suppose you are the only princess who hasn't held a conversation with our ex-queen."

"Actually, Thorax was kind enough to indulge me in something of an encounter today." Luna forced a chuckle. "We were entertaining the changelings while waiting for my sister and/or Princess Twilight. Your brother is quite remarkable with his impersonations."

"Fear is an excellent motivator. It's an even better memory trap. I've never met a changeling who couldn't impersonate her near perfectly. Although, I'm still surprised to hear that Thorax could pull it off. Maybe, then, you can imagine why I could never allow him to get on her ugly side."

Luna's stare transformed into something more curious, almost accusatory. "Can you really say you never felt any animosity towards her? Forgive me if I am blunt, but why would you ever choose to be loyal to a manipulative tyrant?"

Something dark and cold glinted in Pharynx's eyes. When he turned to the princess, she was drawn in by it. A pair of blue-violet black holes threatened to consume her breath.

"Don't let my halfway pleasant colors fool you too much, princess. I am not like my brother. I don’t put a stake in friendship, feelings, or whatever other sap ponies have enticed Thorax with. What I want in a home is safety, strength, and self-reliance. You saw a manipulative tyrant. I saw a crude but effective leader. Was she cruel? Of course she was. She thrived on suffering; practically demanded it. But you know what? Not a single creature dared to mess with us because of her. She was a bitter pill, but the only one we had. I, for one, found the benefits to outweigh the drawbacks, though that's a rare opinion in our hive."

Luna lowered her head. Truly, the sweet naivete of Thorax's changelings was not a foregone conclusion.

It was a curious thing. How strangely familiar it was for this story of struggle to focus on siblings, of all things.

"You must truly love your brother, then. To be ready to risk everything, to overthrow the queen if need be. These are not small declarations, Pharynx. You may have been content not to disrupt the status quo, but there were still lines you would never tolerate her crossing. The gap between good and evil is not always such a vast thing. I should know. Long ago, I let jealousy consume me, and I became something dark and twisted. Something bent on revenge towards both my home and my sister."

"...'Nightmare Moon', huh," Pharynx murmured. His attention remained on the scene of merry chatter across the room, but his tone had changed to something keener. "I recall hearing about her while undercover, once. So those were more than stories, then. What changed your mind?"

"I'm afraid it was less a choice of mind and more a prison of my own creation," Luna clarified with a sigh. She, too, watched her sister converse with changelings. With the majority of the fallen tableware retrieved and set away, Celestia had taken to addressing the spills with a conjured mop. Against her mild protests, she had gotten a few helpers. "I was imprisoned for a millennium because of my actions as Nightmare Moon, but even upon escape, it took the Elements of Harmony to bring me to my senses. I owe a great deal to Twilight Sparkle and her friends."

Luna guided the changeling in observing Equestria's youngest princess. Always one to take the initiative, she'd caressed the air with a spell from her repertoire. An attractive, morphing sphere of soapy water now hung a few yards off the ground, taking in dishes and silverware set by set. When Celestia turned abruptly and soaked her mane in it, the changelings joined in her laughter.

"Forming connections with others does not have to be such a harrowing thing. Twilight has taught many in the ways of friendship, including myself. I would encourage you to seek her out sometime, even if only to see a different perspective."

Pharynx huffed on reflex.

"Hard pass. Thorax has enough sociability for the both of us, and I'm content being a loner. Besides, as your sister said, he's the 'sap', and I'm the 'strength'. Not interested in messing with what works."

The far doors burst open with such intensity that the dishes rattled in place and teetered on the edge of falling to their doom. Echoing them was a wail that could only be described as banshee-like.

"Oh, no, my princesses! What has happened!? Was the fettuccine not up to changeling standards!? Oh, schande über mich, I shall fix this...right away!"

With that, Sedani frantically grasped at plates with curled wings, stacking them to obscene heights as she attempted to exit through the kitchen doors. Luna could only shake her head. Amusing as this was, it would be unfair to leave Celestia to deal with cleaning, excitable changelings, and their erratic cook, all on her own.

"Duty calls. And, fair enough, Pharynx. Allow me to leave you with something I've learned over the years, as somepony who also struggles to understand their sibling at times. You will miss out on all of the conversations you don't try to have. Even when Thorax comes off as annoying, even when his concerns or excitements seem trivial, try to take a deep breath and listen. You might be surprised with what you find when you come to see the forest for the trees."

Luna winked. With a flare of her wings, she joined the background in a single leap, offering her assistance where she could. As if waiting for her arrival, several plates leaped to their untimely deaths upon hitting the doorframe. They were all saved by a midnight blue aura, which whisked them safely into the kitchen to a choir of sighs.

Again, Pharynx was left alone with his thoughts. By all accounts, he should’ve been delighted. Not a soul was near him, nor had their sights set on him. Being a spectator had always been his preferred social setting. It was why he was such a skilled infiltrator and an effective general.

So why couldn't he enjoy it, now? The thought of standing up and leaving for home, alone in the dark, would, under any normal circumstance, be irresistible. He’d feel the cool breeze on his carapace as he mulled over his tasks for the next day, and when Thorax returned tomorrow to inevitably whine about how he hadn't even bothered to say goodbye to anyone, he'd have already thought up a comeback.

But try as he might, the changeling's muscles would not obey him, and the longer he sat, the more terrifying the situation became. This was no devilry of fatigue at work. He wanted to stay, and he hadn't the faintest idea why.

"Thorax," he found himself calling, noticing the swift perk of his brother's ears from across the room. Thorax excused himself and trotted dutifully over to his broodmate. Apex had since vanished from the alpha's head, having migrated to Cimex's back while the group was up and about.

"What's up, Pharynx?"

"I'm staying."

"You're what?"

"I'm staying."

Several of Thorax's facial features twitched. "O-oh, you are? Really?"

"Yes, really. I ate too much pony food, so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I forgot how inconvenient physical meals can be in the aftermath."

While Thorax began to fawn on cue, Pharynx curled his mouth to something bordering irate. His lie infuriated him, but what else did he have? Thorax, I want to stay because I don't know?

"This is great, Pharynx! Oh, Apex and the others will be so excited! I'm so excited!"

Pharynx labored a deep breath. He didn't take advice from ponies, but then again, life lessons from ancient alicorns were hardly typical advice. His brother's gleaming smile was waiting for him, along with several of his subjects. Startled, he scanned each face and found the same expectant elation.

Perhaps they'd overheard his brother's giddiness and come to investigate. Or perhaps they'd been summoned by Thorax's sudden state of joy.

But he knew better than that, didn't he? Thorax was a hopeless, soft-spoken dope even when excited, and it wasn't Thorax who now held the drones’ enthused attention.

Pharynx swallowed. Maybe someone else had summoned them, nonverbally. Maybe the sweat running cold down his chitin was not from nerves but a reflex to the strange, new heat freely flowing through his body. Maybe, just maybe, he'd tumbled down that final cliff face and landed where they all were.

Pharynx was embraced, and with an uncertain smile, he offered a hoof along his brother's wing case.

Come to think of it, he already knew of at least one reason to stay the night. With any luck, Thorax would be content with just his hug.

"...Yeah, you really are excited, aren't you?"

Author's Note:

We in here deep with this B Plot, fillies and foals. :rainbowkiss: Not even Pharynx is safe from character development.

Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline...

Pharynx's thoughts and feelings regarding Chrysalis and her regime absolutely fascinate me.

I don't think Pharynx really cared that Chrysalis was a raging megalomaniac dictator who frightened and lorded over the changelings. I don't think he cared that ponies and other races were on the chopping block to be crushed under her plans. All Pharynx cared about was the hive. If it was strong and protected, he was content, no matter what manner of horrors went on, otherwise. After all, he said he enjoyed feeding off ponies and preferred the atmosphere of Chrysalis's old hive.

If we place Chrysalis at a ten on some imagined character intensity scale, which takes into account everything from personality to drive and capacity for empathy, and we then place Thorax on the other end as a one, Pharynx is absolutely a seven or even an eight. He is one or two character traits away from being just like Chrysalis, and that's part of why he's so interesting.

What saves Pharynx's character and truly separates him from mirroring Chrysalis is that he is not selfish. He is blunt, rude, unempathetic, and antisocial, but he is not selfish. Everything we saw him do was for the hive's benefit—he wanted to see them stay strong and safe, even if his methods for doing it didn't come across that way. From there, I like to think that his love for his brother rivals his love for the rest of the hive, or at least comes close to it.

If Chrysalis had ever endangered either of those things, and Pharynx was within range to respond first, hive help the former queen. :raritywink:

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