• Published 30th Dec 2016
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The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

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Tardy, Thy Name is Twilight Sparkle

Across the picturesque outskirts of Ponyville did the young princess soar, a purple angel teasing the grass with every beat of her wings. The sweeping base of Mount Equus quickly approached her, cradled in an otherwise modest valley by a thin stretch of trees and the snaking river fed by Canterlot's waterfalls. None but wildlife called this remote stretch home, for not even the train passed by the southwestern cliff face on its way up the mountain.

Twilight shivered. For a moment, she empathized with Rainbow Dash. The versatility of unicorn magic had raised her, but the thrill of flight had matured her. No book nor spell could make her experience the world quite like she could with a simple pair of wings.

If friendship was magic, then flight was freedom.

"Really need to bring the girls here, sometime," Twilight pondered aloud. "Thorax and the changelings, too, for that matter."

It was a shame she didn't have the time to explore the falls, to find a cozy crevice somewhere and read a book. Perhaps Princess Celestia would allow her to bore herself a little hideaway here; a private area for those particularly testy school papers.

But not today. There was no time.

The alicorn's wing beats intensified, and with a sharp upward turn, she ascended the falls. The crown of Canterlot was barely visible at a perfect ninety-degree angle, giving the illusion that the waterfall was somehow infinite.

Twilight grinned. She was a titan, climbing Mount Olymquus to dethrone the usurper gods of legend. She was Daring Do, trekking the corners of the world to discover her next adventure. She was Equestria's fourth princess, closing in on her reunion with her good friend and ally, King Cuddlebug.

Twilight giggled to herself. Oh, yes, this was better than taking the direct aerial route. And far better than teleporting.

"Cimex, don't you want to say goodbye to your statue?"

Cimex and Apidae's turbulent conversation on acquiring cement mixers for the hive came to an abrupt end. Cimex glanced at Thorax and scanned for traces of sarcasm. There were none to be found. His nose twitched. There seemed to be no anticipation either.

It was unlike Thorax to play pranks, but as a prankster himself, Cimex would take no chances, especially when his stony idols were involved.

Thus, Cimex let his excitement unearth itself, and hugged the big changeling tightly.

"Sure as shell wax, Thorax!" he proclaimed before rushing back into the museum.

"King Thorax, do changelings have any practical use for blankets?"

Thorax blinked. His instinct was a resounding ‘yes’, because blankets were pleasant. A fact that he learned during his stay in the Crystal Empire. But were they practical? Maybe not.

"Well, between our body heat during cluster naps and the underground insulation in our nesting chamber, they’re not really practical, I guess. Not that it would stop us from using them, though. Why do you ask?"

Mild Menagerie offered Thorax a warm look.

"Should you like to entertain souvenirs before you depart Canterlot, I know of a fantastic seamstress who makes the loveliest blanket patterns, just up the street. I'm sure she could stitch up a pattern of our historical statues to use, as well as anything else that may strike your fancy."

Thorax opened his mouth, to suggest that such an offer was lovely, if unnecessary, but five avatars of delight pressed into him from all sides first. His world became an unpleasant flurry of wings and voices.

"Oh, I'd love a blanket to remember Canterlot, Thorax!" Apidae chirped.

"Same! I'll get something with the sun and moon on it," Xenica said. "We can use it as a prop and make a play for the other changelings about the roleplay you and Princess Luna did, Thorax. You should reprise your role as Chrysalis."

"I know what I'd get on mine," Calor hummed, rubbing his hooves together feverishly and casting his twinkling eyes on an aloof Thorax.

From the rear of the group, Clypeus raised his hoof, only to retract it when Thorax briefly acknowledged him with a nod. Labrum scoffed and mocked a pout at this. Such slander, to be replaced by a stretch of fabric.

"We don't have bits, everyling," Thorax reminded. "I'm not against souvenirs, but we don't use pony currency, so how do you expect we pay for things?"

The group sat on their flanks. Hooves raised to answer, but each suggestion died before sprouting. Only Calor's hoof stayed erect.

"Yes, Calor?"

"I did some side jobs in the Crystal Empire to get bits for my plush, but I stopped once I got him. So, um, can we make hugs a currency?"

Thorax sighed. "No, Calor, we can't make hugs a currency."

Ears wilted. Mild sadness settled upon them all. Celestia watched their enthusiasm fade with silent heartbreak. She stepped forward.

"If I may, Thorax, I do not expect guests of mine to pay their own way while visiting Canterlot, especially when they don’t follow our currency system. I'd be happy to cover any costs for souvenirs and keepsakes, assuming the bill stays at least semi-reasonable."

She winked, and the drones perked up immediately. Thorax hoofed his face.

"Okay, we can go now!" shouted Cimex, returning from the museum. He was quickly surrounded by the other changelings and briefed on the promise of personal blankets before Thorax could even speak. The resulting cacophony of excited chirps and skittering hooves made the king feel, more than anything else, tired.

"Yes, a fine nap, indeed."

Luna emerged from a cocoon of blankets and pillows and discarded them on her unkempt bed with a toss of cobalt magic. Grogginess sat like a weight on her eyes and in her nose, but she drank in the scent of lavender to loosen its grip on her. Her horn flared, and a myriad of pampering objects attended her as she stood.

"Bring on the changelings," she challenged to her hairbrush, which seemed to shy away as it continued to readjust the stars in her ethereal mane. She grinned and opened her chamber doors in a boisterous display. Helmeted heads all down the hall turned in sequence.

"I feel ready to take on the foul locust, Chrysalis, herself. What's an evening of entertaining guests?"

"Good late afternoon, Your Highness."

Luna's bravado turned to shrewd professionalism in an instant. As she walked, a stout unicorn joined her, his quill nervously tapping his enchanted parchment. Luna faced the approaching hallway with newfound composure.

"Greetings, Shorthoof Notation. How are preparations for tonight's dinner?"

"Final preparations are now being conducted, Your Highness. The main course has been seasoned and magically suspended, and the desserts are now being finalized. Chef Sedani wishes you to know that the parsley garnish has begun to spoil, so she had to run an errand for more."

"Understood. And the dining room?"

"It has been dusted, washed, and set accordingly. Chair arrangements have been altered to accommodate the guests."

Luna briefly turned. "And my suggestion?"

"Six chairs have been moved near the southern head of the table. Three to either side."

Luna surrendered a more playful sigh, and a smile slipped past her guard.

"Thank you for staying on top of things for me this past hour, Shorthoof. I will await Chef Sedani's return and personally see to the state of things with her." She spied the sun rays shining down through the windows with growing suspicion. Yellow had already begun to tint orange. "The museum's opening should have ended by now, which means my sister will be returning soon, assuming no unexpected delays. Before you return home for the day, please check in with the washroom staff and see that water pressure and temperature are as expected. Thank you."

With a prompt nod, Shorthoof broke off down a hallway and out of sight. Only the immortal stares of Luna's guards remained in her company now. Her gaze befell the decorative ruby rug beneath her hooves, and her lip curled.

Shorthoof hadn't mentioned a word from Ponyville. So then, where in Equestria were those scouts? Where in Equestria was Twilight Sparkle?

Luna's slight irk festered into concern, and she paced past her guards without acknowledgment. Chef Sedani aside, preparations had been completed. Celestia could handle everything from here on out. Perhaps it was time to take things into her own hooves. This situation had screamed for her attention all afternoon, and she'd chosen to sleep instead. What a foalish mistake.

Luna scoffed. Her head lifted and her wings spread out. With a contained burst of wind, she crossed the remainder of the hall in an instant, touching down with strategic grace before the castle's heavy oak doors. As her aura extended towards them, a meticulous array of thoughts and scenarios filled her head and sharpened her eyes to something lethal.

The longer this unidentified absence went, the more concerning it became. A finite list of things could forcefully hold up an alicorn this long, and not one of them was pleasant. The potential for a search, even a fight, was not off the table.

Luna forged a smirk. She mustn't forget her guard units. Be it rescue or assistance, she was primed and at the ready. Harm would surely not befall any of them, not on her watch. She could scarcely remember the last time she'd even been faced with the prospect of something so exciting.

The mighty doors swung open. A familiar purple alicorn eagerly waved at her with a smile from the other side.

"Oh, hello, Princess Luna! I'm so, so sorry I'm so late! You wouldn’t believe the afternoon I've had. Are Thorax and the changelings still here? I was worried the visit might’ve ended early without my being here."

Luna stuttered, flabbergasted. Twilight chewed her hoof.

"That doesn't sound good. Oh, please tell me they're still here."

"'Closed'? B-but how can they be closed!?"

"No, not the blankets! This is a travesty! An injustice! I will not stand for this!"

"Correction, we will not stand for this!"

The changelings fell to the stone road like chopped trees. They embraced the ground in a display of turmoil and drew attention from everypony within earshot. Thorax silently contemplated disownment from a few yards away, and ever the optimist, Celestia giggled.

"Still adorable."

"Yeah, sure I guess," Thorax murmured desperately. Mild's advice from earlier continued to berate his thoughts, challenging his next move. When an idea came to him at last, he gulped and cleared his throat.

"Guys, look, we can come back to Canterlot some other time and order some blankets then. Now that we've broken the ice, we're going to come back soon. Maybe Princess Celestia would be kind enough to extend her offer till then?"

He shot a glance that screamed 'save me'. Celestia cleared her own throat to hide a snort.

"Of course." She offered her hooves to any drone who wanted help getting back up. "You're all welcome back anytime, and my offer will not expire today, nor any other day. Anything for the cutest creatures to have ever graced my kingdom."

She winked again. Bulbous eyes expanded, and wings buzzed in short, erratic spurts as the drones yipped and cheered.

Now satiated, the group moved on. The castle and its garden soon emerged to greet them, and the drones grew noticeably antsier. Thorax sought his host's eye and joined her by her wing.

"You're going to ruin their appetite for dinner with compliments like that," he hissed.

"My apologies," Celestia replied in equal volume. She trailed the cracks in the stone path with her eyes. "I'm afraid I cannot contain myself today. It's surreal to me that your visit has finally arrived. The infiltration of my niece's wedding seems like a lifetime ago and so inconsequential now. All the malice and spite, the predation, it all left with Chrysalis, and I think that's such a blessing."

She briefly eyed the colorful changelings behind her fondly.

"It's a reality I find myself processing and enjoying in the little moments. I believe dozens of ponies got to experience it today, also. I cannot understate my limited involvement in today's event, Thorax. The changelings took hope and created something tangible with it, all on their own. It might be a small gesture, but the meaning is profound."

Thorax beamed at his subjects, and heads turned towards the embrace of omnipresent love magic. The setting sun captured the glint of his changelings' eyes, highlighting their flexed cheeks and toothy smiles.

"They're improving so much," he said, intentionally loud enough for all to hear. "I tried to find empathy in Chrysalis's hive for so long that I began to lose hope. I would cry at night, alone, wishing that things were different. Then after the invasion of Canterlot, after seeing ponies so easily employ friendship, I couldn't see a way to bring it to my hive without finding it elsewhere first. That’s why I left, and why I wanted to return one day."

His drones surrounded him. Thorax looked around to see those same glinting eyes offer him support from every which way.

"If I'd have known how upset you were, I'd have at least tried to meet with you, Thorax. Secretly, if need be." Apidae pressed herself into her king’s chitin. Her wing case vibrated in a pleasant hum. "Even before I changed, I always hated seeing others suffer, and I always felt like we were missing something. I didn't think there was anyling who felt the same."

"I'd have tried to help, too." Xenica rubbed the alpha’s side with a hoof. "I wasn't very touchy-feely until I was able to feel emotions, but I would’ve offered to spend time with you."

"I still can't believe you and I never had a conversation before we changed, Thorax." Asserting himself beneath his alpha's neck, Calor out-thrummed Apidae to the best of his ability. "The hive is so crowded, and bullying was so common that I never got a chance to talk to you one-on-one. But I saw you once or twice, and I always felt bad that you were always by yourself."

Thorax sniffed. The sun ignited his own watery eyes of rose. He lowered his head, and a half-dozen hooves hugged him. Safety and energy danced within his heart as one.

"You guys really are the cream of the crop when it comes to cuddlebugs, aren't you? Maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought. I guess I was rather shy and intimidated around everyling in retrospect. Those changelings I did approach wouldn't so much as talk to me. Maybe I got too discouraged."

One hoof, in particular, squeezed Thorax more tightly than the others. It was Clypeus, embracing Thorax front and center. With both hooves hooked onto his neck, his chirps put all others to shame.

"I think it's better you didn't find anyling you could relate to, Thorax. It's like I told you. If you had found someling to talk to, you might’ve gotten complacent and stayed. Nothing would’ve changed. We needed someling to get out and discover a better way. We needed you to leave so that you could come back and bring us something new."

From yards away, Celestia stood in the fading light and fought back infectious tears, smiling. Another moment to process and adore, but this one was gorgeous even in symmetry and light. The changelings' shells gleamed with stars of their own, illuminating them like fireflies.

"True growth often happens when we are at our lowest point," Celestia whispered. She gazed at the approaching walls of Canterlot Castle, and at her sun, hiding just out of view from behind the highest peak. "I know several ponies who have experienced that as well, Thorax."

As the sun dulled into a calming tangerine, night and friendship conversed in the castle foyer. The alicorns sat upon opposing chairs in a cozy corner of the room, sharing a brew of tea and a small coffee table.

"Discord," Luna murmured, bringing closure to Twilight's recollection. She discarded the word with obvious contempt, and her teacup clinked upon her tray rather sharply. "Why does that not surprise me? It absolutely fits the climate of today's events."

Twilight sipped her cup. "He's been on a bit of a mission lately to 'help', both around the school and with his friends. Admittedly, the results have sometimes been helpful, as I mentioned the other night, but they've all been disruptive and wildly inappropriate."

"Well, of course. He cannot puppeteer the minds and hearts of ponies anymore without falling out of favor with those he is close to, so he must cast his strings elsewhere."

A tiny grimace briefly switched places with Twilight’s smile.

"I take it you still don't fully trust Discord?"

Luna closed her eyes momentarily and breathed deeply.

"I understand that chaos and disruption are within Discord's nature. But unlike my sister, who secretly finds his reigned-in behavior amusing, I am time and time again irked by his erratic loyalties. He continues to step wildly out of bounds but never receives true punishment or reprimand. The incident with Tirek, for example. Lest we forget, he betrayed all of Equestria for a chance of reliving his glory days of unrestrained control."

Luna sighed. She levitated her cup again, only to slowly roll it on the edge of its coaster.

"Jealousy is forever my weakness, Twilight Sparkle, for even now I am not entirely free of it. I see this issue from the position of a leader concerned for her subjects and Equestria's security, but I also see it as an injustice to myself. When I stepped wildly out of line, I was banished for a thousand years. I learned my lesson. Discord suffered a similar fate but has repeatedly insulted my sister's decision to reform him."

She could feel her brows furrowing. The weight of her own monologue was getting to her. She looked at Twilight and saw nothing but intrigue. The purple alicorn was on the edge of her seat, only breaking eye contact when switching to the opposite eye. Luna returned the earlier charity and smiled.

"I rarely voice these concerns to Celestia because they are always a cause of disagreement. I cite an unstable supernova of power, seemingly always on the verge of moral regression. She cites an embodiment of nature that has defied its own existence in favor of friendship. To my sister, the very fact Discord could even be made to coexist at all is proof that it is all worthwhile, and that his metaphorical leash should be given slack."

The void of silence crept upon them. Twilight withdrew herself into thoughtfulness and examined the trim of gold patterning along her teacup's base.

"Forgive me. I do not mean to tarnish your views or relationship with Discord, Twilight Sparkle."

"No, no, don't apologize. I totally understand where you're coming from, princess, believe me. I was one of the last ponies in my group of friends to trust Discord after he reformed. I’d be lying if I said I don't question my trust in him sometimes."

Wrapped in magic, the teacup ascended to eye-level, and from there, Twilight's focus made the short jump to Luna. They shared a sympathetic smile.

"I recommend you talk with Fluttershy sometime, Your Highness."


"Nobody is closer to or understands Discord as well as she does," Twilight explained. "Your sister pegged her as the best fit to reform Discord long before I even thought it possible. Every time Discord does something that irks me, I talk to her, and I see a new perspective. Did you know that after Tirek's defeat, Discord offered a bouquet of flowers to Princess Celestia? According to Fluttershy, he needed no prompt to apologize to her for his serious lapse in judgment. She believes he grew from the experience."

Luna’s brow furrowed again. "No," she said quietly. "Celestia never mentioned anything like that to me."

"Fluttershy and I discuss Discord a lot from time to time. Emotionally, he's not so different from a foal. A nigh-omnipotent, highly intelligent foal, but a foal nonetheless. Frankly, he's terrible at being rational. He operates on impulse and has a lot of pride. Tirek used that to his own advantage, and you saw how it turned out. But in the aftermath of his mistake, Discord came to own up to it in his own way. Since his reformation, his heart has always found its way to the right place, and I think that's what Princess Celestia sees in him."

The muffled sound of voices came like chittering mice from somewhere beyond the front doors. Luna and Twilight both turned and rose to their hooves. Twilight readied herself for the onslaught of newcomers.

"Being friends with a god-like entity with the emotional range of a foal is bound to be a very bumpy road, but for all his trouble, Discord has proven to be a good friend more times than I can count. The fact I can say that even after being delayed by him all morning must mean something, right?"

The doors opened to a wave of pleasantries, as well as her sister's inevitable squeal at her protege's surprise appearance, but Luna remained fixated on Twilight for a time. Her smile reflected gratitude as much as shared excitement with the rest of the room.

"Twilight! Oh, I'm so glad you're here!"

Twilight closed her eyes upon an embrace with Celestia. It was no ‘Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake’ shake, but it was definitely her second favorite princess greeting.

"Glad to have made it," she stated, greeting the group of changelings with a smile. "Discord held me up at the appreciation dinner I had for all the school staff. Still not exactly sure why. I definitely need to talk with Fluttershy about it when she returns from her trip, but until then, here I am!"

She nervously chuckled. Thankfully, seven pairs of changeling ears were aloof to it.

"How did the museum go?" Luna asked, eyeing Celestia and closing the doors behind the changelings with a motion of magic. "Afraid I've not stepped outside since waking up. I thought I would travel to Ponyville, to see just what became of Twilight, but she'd found the doorstep before I could leave. "

"It went wonderfully," Celestia recalled proudly. "We all got a thorough rundown of Equestrian history, to be sure, but more importantly, the changelings were able to interact with Canterlot ponies while we were there. Mild Menagerie gave us a tour and spent much of her time with us while we were there. It was lovely."

She looked at the changelings. All but Thorax grinned. Said exception sheepishly looked elsewhere.

"I wish I could’ve gone with you all," Twilight expressed. "If not for Discord, I would’ve been in Canterlot well before the opening. I'm sorry, Thorax. I really wanted to be there with you."

"You were there with us in spirit, Twilight," Thorax chuckled. "We learned a whole lot thanks to Celestia's friend. Not to mention, most of the exhibits had these really fascinating narration buttons that talk to you, so that was fun. Not to downplay whatever narration you could’ve provided, of course. Maybe we can go the next time I visit, and I can bring some other changelings."

At one time mentioned, Celestia's attention flickered. At twice mentioned, Discord's name caught it.

"Twilight, what exactly happened with Discord?"

Twilight sighed. A question had been posed, and so her autobiographical prowess cracked its proverbial ligaments.

"He took all the dinner decor and furnishings and made a giant pile of mayhem with it. He kept trying to press my patience, knowing that I’d want it cleaned up. So we, well, sort of mock-fought, I guess, for a while. There were costumes, illusions, and transformations I didn't even begin to try and understand. Must’ve been from Ogres and Oubliettes."

Curious eyebrows peaked all around.

"Eventually, he backed off," she concluded. "Seemed to me like he was holding me off for a certain amount of time. It felt like he didn't want me attending the museum opening with you all."

"Perhaps he was trying to garnish more attention for himself?" Luna offered. "Thorax has been in the spotlight among your group of friends lately, Twilight."

"If I had to guess, it sounds like Discord may be indirectly helping his friends again," Celestia countered. She held a hoof to her chin. "From what you told me, Twilight, Discord indirectly assisted Thorax in several ways during his own visit to see the changelings. Who's to say his delaying you today was actually about you, at all?"

As the coven of princesses continued, the changelings found cool places on the floor to seat their flanks. Clypeus sought comfort from Labrum again by bundling himself against the bigger changeling. Calor curiously examined the trim teacups, now forgotten by Twilight and Luna. Apidae pleasantly chatted with Xenica, and Cimex surveyed the grandiose foyer with foalish intrigue.

Thorax sat between them all, his large ears twitching to something strange and altogether out of place. Spooked, he peered at the closed front doors as if he'd seen a ghost. His eyes narrowed.

There was no way what he was feeling was right.

"Perhaps Discord wanted to give Celestia and I a plentiful chance to spend time with Thorax, one-on-one," Luna remarked.

"Perhaps. Did Discord say anything of note, Twilight?" Celestia asked. "I've certainly never known him to be shy about sharing exposition or riddles. Anything you can recall?"

Twilight pondered. She did her best to recall every word Discord had said. Obscure references, idioms, and jokes littered their entire fight, but nothing of substance. Certainly nothing indicating some sly scheme to keep Twilight from making memories with friends.

"No, I don't think he-"

Just then, she remembered something. There was something she'd dismissed before his retreat, something her pupil had not.

Don't suppose you have any idea what that meant?

Twilight bore holes through the floor as she paraphrased what she could from memory.

"'Twilight, do tell Thorax that I have a supply of paper bags, should he need to relieve any hyperventilation by dinnertime. Family always makes visits more complicated'."

A thunderous knock caused several changelings to jump. Three sets of crowns turned where Thorax had already ventured. There was a moment of quiet as a confirmation knock was waited for.

When it came, Luna nodded knowingly.

"Chef Sedani with the garnish, no doubt. If not, surely more aristocrats seeking advice. Best leave it to me, Thorax."

Luna moved to Thorax's side and politely shooed him away. Thorax pranced in place as if on hot coals.

"B-but princess, I have a feeling it's-"

The setting sun sprung forth into the foyer and brought with it an elongated shadow. Vivid blue-violet eyes commanded a face of total indifference. A pair of short, sharp antlers cast a telling silhouette.

"Hello, moon princess. Wow, you're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be. Is my dork of a brother here? I have a package for him and a message."

From between the changeling's antlers emerged a pair of tiny hooves. They heaved up a pair of crimson orbs sinister enough to pierce the soul. One of those hooves jutted out decisively at Thorax.

"I see him! See, Uncle Pharynx!? He's right there, we found him! I told you he'd be in the big pony castle because that's where I would go if I were him! By the way, hey Papa Thorax, we're here now!"

Gasps of mixed reception sounded from every changeling. Every changeling, that is, except Thorax, who shrunk against the floor in a full-blown panic attack.

"Apex?" he wheezed. "Pharynx, you brought Apex to Canterlot!?"

"Oh, right, the message." Pharynx cleared his throat. "Thorax, following your insistence on adopting broader vacations for hive workers, the nursery changelings have decided to go on leave this week."

"Wait, now? All at once!?"

"Yes, all at once. Apparently, they've all decided they're all excellent friends now and want to do something outside work together. Stellar job on not setting up contingency policies for when vacations lead to understaffing, Thorax."

Amidst his emotional crisis, Thorax frowned.

"And before you point at me, I'm opting out of nymph-sitting." Pharynx’s antlers ignited, and Apex was lifted from his head. "I have rigorous training regiments to run and other work to do that must remain nymph-free if I'm to get anything done. Besides, something tells me he prefers your sap to my sass, anyway. So tag, little brother, you're it."

Thorax sighed as he watched Apex float over to him. With a plop, the tiny nymph was dropped. He snickered from atop his new throne.

"Tag, you're it, Papa Thorax!"

Author's Note:

Whoa, NavelColt, are we making S4 callbacks to throwaway moments that lasted all but two seconds?

You betcha, lads and ladies.

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