• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 16,597 Views, 1,061 Comments

The King of Love Bugs - NavelColt

Embracing the power to share love rather than steal it, the changelings work to reinvent themselves and their kingdom while Thorax seeks to introduce a more peaceful hive to Equestria.

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An Elegant Discussion

The midday sun offered a tepid sensation, complimented by a cool northern breeze. It was something a little purple dragon felt for himself as he treaded the vibrant grass of Equestria's rolling hills.

Today was a day he'd anticipated all week, ever since Twilight had relayed the other princesses' plans to him. Today was the day Equestria was to check up with the still-rebuilding Changeling Kingdom and lay the groundwork for friendly relations.

But politics were merely a side quest for the young dragon. More importantly, today was the day he'd finally get to see his changeling friend again. As exciting as Twilight made pen pals out to be, chatting via scroll had gone out of style for him a long time ago, no thanks to Twilight.

"Spike," came a voice by the dragon's side, knocking him from his thoughts.

"Yes, Your Highness?" Spike replied.

"I'm very thankful for your assistance today, Spike. My sister would have had an entire squad of guards accompanying me today, but I much prefer the company of a good friend."

The sunlight filtered a rainbow of color through the ethereal mane of Princess Celestia. Even whilst on a casual stroll, the sun princess still managed to look regal and dignified. With Spike jogging along in hoof, the alicorn carefully navigated through thickets of brush and trees, her golden aura acting like a thousand hooves to mold a path before them.

"Oh, it's nothing, princess. You know me, always happy to help. Besides, I haven't seen Thorax since Starlight helped him defeat Queen Chrysalis. I can't wait to see him! I bet he's already doing a great job as the new changeling king."

Celestia nodded with a warm smile.

"Now, how could I forget how close you are with Thorax? Twilight told me of the events in the Crystal Empire in great detail. Standing up for a friend, even when faced with animosity for it took a great deal of courage, and no lack of loyalty."

Pushing past the last of the thickets, a landscape of lush greenery opened before them, and Celestia's magic dispersed. Once a crater containing a wasteland of sand and hot, jagged stones was now a series of blossoming hills full of fresh grass and newly-rooted trees. Rising from the heart of this oasis was a stone structure, its familiar holes now sprouting with vines.

Spike squinted through the sunlight. Tiny objects circled the crown of the hive's highest peak. Though their steady orbits were mechanical, the specks cast a personality all their own. They were zestful, carefree.

Spike borrowed his company's smile.

"You know, Equestria has a lot to be thankful to you for, Spike," Celestia remarked. A flick of her horn conjured a stairway of golden magic. Shimmering in the light, it descended the treacherous cliff face and touched down by a cozy-looking berry bush. Graciously gesturing her hoof, the alicorn followed after the young dragon as he began to hop from step to step.

"Your act of kindness towards a lone straggler put in motion events that have lead to a new age for changeling-kind. With that comes the chance for peace between ponies and changelings—something that has never happened before."

"Well...I guess that's true," Spike mumbled, rubbing a claw along his spines. "Thorax was just so alone, and I couldn't let him continue on like that. All he wanted was a friend, and nopony truly evil could ever want that, you know?"

"You're wise for your age, Spike. You've always had a pure heart, and more than anything else, that trait has brought you many friends and allies from across Equestria and beyond."

"Oh, it's not that amazing, princess. I just do my best to be friendly and kind to ponies I meet. I'm sure anypony else would have done the same thing."

Soon, they were close enough to see a small group of changelings waiting for them at the foot of the hive, their chitinous faces warm and welcoming. A few younger changelings had taken to the air above their elders, enthusiastically flailing their hooves in what Celestia could only imagine was a greeting. The nymphs catapulted over each other in rapid succession, competing to get a better view of the strange and fascinating creatures approaching them.

Celestia's smile brightened. She could not help sharing their wonder. The flourishing hive was a sight she never thought she'd live to see from the former minions of Chrysalis.

"A pure and compassionate heart is a gift, Spike," she stated. "It is a beautiful power that Equestria will always have a need for."

The throne room had been transformed into an open, illuminated space, the vast sky overhead now its only ceiling. The walls split off into multiple hallways, with lamps built from luminescent cocoon slime lining the corridors. A small, modest throne sat near the center, surrounded by a shelf of communal space.

It was here that Thorax had laid himself down, enjoying the rays of sun blanketing his shell. By his sides, a hoof-ful of changelings were curled up, some fast asleep, others relaxing and lightly chatting among themselves.

Thorax drew breath, and his eyes grew heavy upon the exhale. Never had he felt so at peace within the walls of the hive, stained with memories of friction and anxiety. It was not that long ago that he'd fled from his kind to pursue a foolish dream of love and friendship, worrying whether he'd succumb to the Frozen North, friendless and alone.

Thorax gazed at his hooves, where a blue changeling was utilizing them as a pillow. He then looked around the room, at the assortment of content, resting changelings. The brighter reality of today surrounded him, and once again, it politely shook his mind of lingering doubts.

It was no longer just a dream. No longer was he alone.

The drone on his hooves shivered, and the alpha changeling grinned. Was it the sun warming his underbelly? Was it the satisfaction of having taken in his fill of love magic? Perhaps it was both.

As if sensing his gaze, the changeling tilted his head back and peered skywards. Violet orbs locked with deep azure.

"Is everything okay, Thorax?" the drone asked curiously.

"Everything is perfect, Calor," Thorax answered. "I'm just excited about how well the re-construction has been going. Everyling is doing a great job, and I'm so happy I can help you all rest like this."

Calor reflected the smile, standing to his hooves and stretching his wings. Running with the signal, Thorax gently began to wake the other drones encircling him with his hoof.

Time really had flown by. The sun's position had noticeably shifted, yet he'd only just laid down with the drones. Or, so he thought, anyway. Such is the blissful ignorance that took over him whenever he rested with changelings.

"Tarsus, could you and the others take over the work being done on the left portion of Hallway X?" Thorax asked, turning his attention to a drone by his side. "Please let the squad there know that they should rest for a while, and that I'm still stationed here should they like to regain some energy."

Tarsus fluttered his wings and took to the air, watching a few other drones yawn and peer around in a haze of confusion before doing the same.

"Of course. Thank you, Thorax," Tarsus said with a nod, signaling the others to follow his lead. "I appreciate your help, as always."

"Yeah, thanks, Thorax! I feel great!" chirped Calor, making a few mid-air loops to demonstrate his point.

"Who knew being lazy together could be so filling?" a third pondered aloud, her voice fading off as the group headed through an onyx doorway.

Thorax stared after them. It was surreal how much had changed so quickly. His metamorphosis, his promotion to the hive's leader, the rebuilding of their hive. But even more than that, it felt surreal to simply be among his kind again. He wasn't condemned for being different anymore, forced to feel out of place.

He could talk with changelings, joke with changelings, even embrace changelings and be met with acceptance, not disdain.

Thorax's thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when the throne room's doors burst open.

"Thorax!" called a red and yellow guard drone, fluttering into the room and saluting his king. "Her Majesty, Princess Celestia, and Spike from Ponyville are here to see you."

Thorax's lofty expression flipped to one of rising excitement. The princess he had been expecting, but Spike visiting was news to him.

"Oh, please send them in!" Thorax commanded, promptly fluttering up and perching himself on his throne. As much as he wasn't fond of them, politics brought out his formal side. He was a new leader in Equestria's eyes, and he wanted to make a good impression.

The guard drone fluttered out and was shortly thereafter replaced by a pair of telling shadows.

"Thorax, what a pleasure it is to see you again," came the soft and soothing voice of Celestia. Like a goddess, she strolled into the room, mane shimmering in the overhead light. Following her was Spike, who caught sight of Thorax and released a pent-up grin.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine," Thorax assured, raising a hoof and beckoning his guests to join him. "I hope your journey went well."

"Oh yes, it went just fine, thank you." Celestia stepped towards the throne and settled herself on the stone floor. "We quite enjoyed the sights and sounds of nature that surround the hive, now."


Before Thorax knew it, two small claws had firmly wrapped themselves around his foreleg. Thorax assailed a hoof across Spike's head and chuckled.

"Hey, Spike! It's good to see you again. How are things going? Have there been any more adventures of 'Spike the Brave and Glorious' that I should know about?"

"Well, nothing major so far, but give it time." Spike lazily flopped down beside Thorax's throne. "Though, you should probably know that ever since Chrysalis's defeat, Twilight's been obsessed with establishing new changeling records for Equestria. She's bugged Starlight a lot, but of course, she only knows so much. Now she's taken to sending you letters, but I told her you were a bit busy for that right now."

Thorax laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah, we've been so busy here lately. To be honest, I did get a few of Twilight's letters, but I haven't gotten around to responding just yet. I want to, but the construction has been constant, and it takes up most of my time just helping the other changelings."

"Oh, don't worry about Twilight; she won't take it personally. She's just Twilighting right now. She sort of woke up from a cocoon and found out an entire species had changed completely without her knowing. She'll calm down. You know, eventually."

Celestia giggled.

"Well, that's a relief," Thorax said. "I'm really excited to exchange information with her. We've all been discovering new things about ourselves, lately. I guess that's what happens when you transform and change your means of getting your food, though."

Thorax turned his attention back to the esteemed co-monarch of Equestria. She had crossed her hooves, and was observing the layout of the newly-established throne room. With every glance, Thorax could tell the princess wasn't so much observing the architecture of his hive as much as she was enjoying the atmosphere itself.

Even an emotionally-stunted creature could feel the difference between Chrysalis's hive and this one. For an alicorn as old as her, it must've been a remarkable feeling.

"Princess Celestia," Thorax began, "I want to thank you again for taking the time to journey out here to see me. I know you must be very busy."

Celestia's magenta eyes turned to fixate on him. Her ever-present, subtle smile never ceased to make Thorax smile in return.

"Think nothing of it, Thorax," she assured gently. "Equestria has the unique position of having four fairly autonomous figureheads. I would never ask a solo monarch to journey just for the sake of my own convenience. I may be your guest here today, but in the grand scheme of things, I wish to do everything in my power to ensure that you and your subjects feel comfortable and confident with myself and mine."

"Thank you, princess. That's really considerate of you. I'm just as excited as you are to develop our relationship from here on out. I'm confident ponies and changelings can become good allies, as well as friends. We're not so different, really."

"Thorax, we finished the work on the southern end of Hallway X!"

The small summit of friends turned their attention to an adjacent corridor. A group of drones emerged from it looking rather ragged, but proud regardless. At the forefront, the green and yellow speaker came to a dead halt upon spotting the Equestrian Princess engaging with his king, and his grin retreated into a toothy grimace.

"O-oh! I'm so sorry, Thorax, and, uh, Your Majesty," he stuttered out. "I didn't mean to interrupt your meeting. I-I forgot that was today."

"Don't worry about it, Tibia," Thorax replied. "That's wonderful news. What's the squad I sent over working on now?"

"They're starting work on Hallway Y's corridor connection between X and Z," Tibia replied, already regaining some composure. Meanwhile, the other changelings came to silent landings nearby him, maintaining their positions near the exit, just in case they were ordered to leave.

"Perfect. The southern end of the hive will be finished by tomorrow at this rate," Thorax surmised. "Thank you again, Tibia. Your squad has done great work today."

"Thanks, Thorax," Tibia murmured, rubbing one leg with the other. Being singled out and given praise in front of a foreign monarch had his belly convulsing in squirms.

"Thorax," spoke the voice of another drone. Crimson eyes peered around the curvature of Tibia's flank. "Are we interrupting? Would you like us to leave?"

"Oh no, no, of course not," Thorax stammered, rising from his throne with purpose and venturing out towards them. "You all deserve to rest now, so please don't let us stop you. Actually, you know what? This is perfect timing."

Thorax shifted his gaze to his guests. "Princess Celestia, Spike, let me show you something."

With a wave of his hoof, Thorax beckoned his drones to join him as he laid down on the floor. The changelings obliged, some trotting and others fluttering over to join their leader. Thorax let out a sigh, and he assumed the position he had held earlier, eyeing the drones now surrounding him. When they looked to him for permission, he gave a subtle nod.

"As you both already know, changelings feed on love," Thorax stated, as changelings began to settle themselves around him. "That much hasn't changed, per se—we still need love to survive, long-term. The thing is, we never realized we were able to sustain ourselves through friendship and romance, or rather, the feelings of compassion we mutually feel for other creatures."

At this point individual preferences became apparent. Some drones nested nearby, keeping a modest distance, while others pressed themselves into loaves against Thorax's sides with earnestness. The air sang with the pleasant chirps of wings rubbing carapace.

"After we transformed, we discovered something else." Thorax looked around at his newly-assembled nest. He rested a hoof on the head of a young changeling flopped in front of his chest, and the bug thrummed incessantly. "While long-term relationships sustain us from hunger, physical acts of affection, including resting together, rejuvenates our bodies rapidly in the present."

"That is...super cute, and that's coming from me," Spike chuckled, dropping down by Celestia's side. "Twilight is gonna go ballistic when I tell her about this."

Celestia cast an enchanting smile. She met each pair of colorful eyes that watched her with curiosity.

"Truly remarkable. How did you all come upon this discovery?" the sun matriarch inquired.

"About a week ago, a changeling that I know was working on the exterior of the upper hive," spoke a changeling laid against Thorax's left side. "It was freezing that night, so when he came back shivering, I offered to share my bed burrow with him. I turned into a huge, fluffy dog, and that helped him warm up. After a short while, we both felt so much more alert and full of energy than before. We tested it with other changelings we knew, and it happened every time."

"It works whether you're awake or asleep, but it works best when you do it with other changelings you know well because the magic is stronger if there's a pre-existing relationship." The speaker, a tangerine drone, flattened his face against Thorax's purple shell. "Thorax really cares about everyling, and we're all thankful for everything he's done, so it's effortless when he's around."

Thorax grew an awkward smile when the changeling looked up at him.

"The one time I didn't bring a note-taking scroll with me," Spike muttered to himself. "Twilight's gonna kill me for not being prepared."

"It's quite alright, Spike," Celestia said with a giggle, "I'll keep a record of this myself and relay it to Twilight. I imagine Princess Cadance, in particular, will also find this news fascinating. Love magic has always been her specialty."

"We've already come a long way from what our kind defined as absolute for so long," Thorax stated thoughtfully, chuckling at the feeling of a body pillowing his flank. "It makes me curious about what else we'll discover, and all the things we can accomplish now that we're more self-sufficient."

There was a moment of silence. A few changelings shifted their positions, and Celestia, after glancing at Spike, locked eyes with Thorax.

"Thorax, I believe now is a good time to bring up what I'd like to discuss with you today."

"Oh, absolutely. I'm all ears," Thorax said.

"Regarding our respective kingdoms, I believe the best approach for improving our relationship past a political level is to integrate your subjects into events and gatherings in Equestria slowly. Regardless of how promising our relationship may be looking towards the future, Chrysalis's reign was a long and cruel one, which left many scars upon both Equestria and its inhabitants."

Thorax nodded. His clutch of changelings remained silent, some paying attention with their ears perked, others tuning the princess out in favor of sleep.

"By introducing changelings little by little, I believe the fear and stigma many of my subjects feel towards yours may slowly ease to a point where changelings may freely roam Equestria as they please, with no panic from its other inhabitants."

Thorax's attention broke into something softer.

"That's just the kind of wisdom I'd always imagined a princess of Equestria would have," he responded. "I agree. Taking small steps is definitely the way I want to approach this, as well. We can't change the damage done, but we can soothe the fear that the aftermath left behind."

"Which brings me to my exciting announcement for you, today. Because you played such a crucial role in the triumph over Queen Chrysalis, I would like to cordially invite you to a special dinner at Princess Twilight's castle in Ponyville, in the upcoming week. My sister and I wish to grant Discord, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, and yourself with the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage for your bravery and resolve in saving all of Equestria."

Thorax gaped stupidly, lost for words. Several changelings grinned and prodded his sides in a congratulatory manner.

"Naturally, if any of your subjects feel comfortable in going, they are more than welcome to join you," Celestia continued. "All attendees have been briefed of your possible attendance, which includes changelings other than yourself."

"W-wow, that's amazing, Princess Celestia. I'd be totally honored!" Thorax replied, his initial shock and surprise shifting to glee. "I'll definitely attend. And yeah, I'll talk with the changelings to see if any of them feel comfortable in going."

Celestia nodded. "Wonderful. And don't worry, I hold no expectations on the time it will take our subjects to grow comfortable with one another. I simply wish to leave out a warm welcome for when they are ready. Many wonderful events can be attended by anyone in Equestria and beyond, given an adequate invitation. You need only let me or Princess Twilight know in advance if you require any assistance."

Celestia's attention turned to Spike.

"Thanks to Spike, you are already welcomed with open hooves within the Crystal Empire. I recommend you keep in touch with Princess Cadance, Thorax. I believe coordinating with her and the crystal ponies would prove beneficial as an initial step for your subjects."

"I bet Cadance and Shining Armor would love to have you and the changelings visit them!" Spike chimed in. "Other ponies in Equestria would probably start to open up too, once they see Princess Cadance accepting you in her own kingdom."

"That's exactly right, Spike. Having already accepted Thorax, the Crystal Empire should have few qualms about giving his subjects a chance, and we have you to thank for establishing that connection."

"This all sounds great. I'd love to keep in touch with all of the princesses throughout this process, actually," Thorax thought aloud, playfully rubbing the head of the unsuspecting changeling laying below his chest. The drone jolted in surprise, immediately taking evasive action to try and avoid the alpha changeling's assaulting hoof. "I'm sure Twilight and Cadance will have great ideas and advice on how to proceed next."

Celestia rose from her spot with an air of contentment.

"I will be sending you a scroll as soon as I've addressed my subjects regarding your crowning, Thorax. The scroll will also include the dinner date and a list of Equestrian events that your subjects may find of interest in the future. In the meantime, I suggest you contact Princess Cadance and see what her thoughts are. I am confident she would be delighted to work with you on forging a relationship between the changelings and the crystal ponies."

Thorax could sense the political discussions coming to an end. He ventured to stand, to join the alicorn and his dragon friend, but five fast-asleep changelings had swiftly turned him into little more than a large pillow; he couldn't deprive them of the sleep they had just obtained. Instead, he gave Celestia a beaming look.

"I look forward to hearing from you, princess," he said, his volume noticeably restrained. "Thank you so much for your time. Being a new king doesn't feel nearly as frightening, knowing I have such kind allies ready to offer me help."

The sun princess took a few steps forward and looked upon the precious scene before her once more. The changeling monarch had been surrounded by colorful puzzle pieces, perfectly tucked into various shapes around his body. Beyond them was an even larger amount of drones, content with simply relaxing nearby their king. Many of them gazed at the towering alicorn with a child-like wonder, their colorful compound eyes hypnotizing.

"I've lived for several millennia, Thorax, and in that time, I have never had the pleasure to stand within a changeling hive and discuss a future relationship between our kingdoms," Celestia said, her voice equally lowered. "The compassion you have for your subjects, as well as other creatures, is truly unparalleled. I can tell you will be a loved king indeed."

The young changeling could feel his composure melt away. With great difficulty, Thorax fought back tears, his lip quivering as he spoke.

"T-thank you, Princess Celestia," he managed out. "That means so much coming from you."

"Are you alright, Thorax?"

Thorax's attention was drawn to the drones. As if by a silent alarm, they were waking up, one by one, some of them already sitting up straight and scanning his face carefully. Looks of puzzlement, concern, even slight irritation of having woken so abruptly sprouted among them.

"I-I'm fine," Thorax answered. "W-why did you all wake up so suddenly? There's no way you guys all had bad dreams at the same time...right?"

"I had a great dream, actually," one drone replied.

"I dunno, I just woke up to you crying," pitched in another, cocking an eyebrow. "That's a little unnerving to wake up to, by the way."

Thorax chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, I suppose it is, isn't it? Sorry to worry you all, like that. Try to go back to sleep, okay? If you guys don't get enough rest before your next shift because of me, I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself."

Spike, who had kept rather quiet for a while, was now watching the changelings with heightened curiosity.

"Hey, princess, what do you think just happened?" he asked, just loud enough for Celestia to hear.

"I believe Thorax and his subjects are continuing to discover the role love plays in their lives," she replied, her radiant smile still going strong. "Thorax spoke of how physical connection amplifies the relationships, the love that they share. Perhaps even drastic changes in emotional state can affect this unique connection."

"Twilight's gonna eat me alive," Spike mumbled, burying himself in his claws. "She'll be like, 'Spike, what were you thinking not bringing your note-taking supplies on a trip like this!?', and I'll be all, 'Oh, sorry Twilight, I was excited to see my best friend Thorax again, and kinda forgot that I needed to take notes on changeling eating habits.'"

Spike felt a gentle, soft hoof place itself on his head. It caressed just behind his first curvature of spines.

"Come on, Spike," Celestia said softly. "I think it's time we leave them be for now."

"Wait, we're leaving?" Spike fumbled, rising from his spot and assailing the princess with pleading eyes. "But, I've hardly gotten any time to hang out with Thorax! I mean, we just got here!"

"There will be time for that, Spike. However, it appears your friend is very busy right now. I think we've taken up enough of his attention for today."

The dragon crossed his arms and shot the sun princess with a skeptical look. It was a look Celestia was all too familiar with, and one she could only giggle at. If only the young dragon had a flowing blue mane to go with it.

"Why don't we return to Equestria for now, Spike, and we can have Twilight promise to make a follow-up trip very soon. As you've so aptly put, I'm sure she'll be very eager to make her own return to the Changeling Kingdom as soon as she can spare the time."

"Yeah, where she'll bug Thorax the entire time with a checklist of questions," Spike muttered, watching as Celestia turned her attention to the changeling king one final time.

"Thorax, you and your subjects appear to be doing exceptionally well. I wish to leave you to work on your hive, for now," she explained. "We now have a solid basis for a plan, and I will relay it to the other princesses. You may contact Princess Cadance when you feel the time is right, and in the meantime, please await my scroll by this time next week."

"That sounds perfect. I'll contact Princess Cadance as soon as the hive has been completed, which should be just another week or so," Thorax replied, feeling one of his subjects climb atop his back, much to the amusement of the other drones. Within minutes they had abandoned their timid and cautious attitudes in favor of regular shenanigans. The young king felt an innate pride in it.

"Seeya, Thorax!" Spike called, waving a claw and following the princess's lead towards the throne room doors. "Sorry we couldn't hang out much this time, but I'm gonna come back with Twilight really soon, okay? We'll hang out then! I've got a really awesome game that I wanna show you!"

"That sounds great, Spike! Please tell Twilight and the others that I send my regards!"

The two visitors departed the throne room with waving hooves and smiling faces. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Thorax felt the drone perched on his back stand up, resting his upper legs and head between Thorax's rigid antlers.

"Thorax, do you really think we can be friends with Equestrians after everything that's happened?" the drone asked.

Thorax could barely make out the drone's ears and snout in his upper peripheral.

"I know we can," he stated with a smile. "This isn't Chrysalis's kingdom anymore; it's ours. The races of Equestria have gotten to where they are today through coming together, and we'll do the same."

Thorax swept a glance about the room, at the various bug ponies staring back. His subjects, yes, but also the friends he had once wished so much he could have. Now it was up to him to guide and protect them, to love them and lead them.

The future was uncertain, and it caused him anxiety, but he was no longer alone. He was a part of the hive, and the hive would face that future, together.

"So, princess," Spike said, flicking bush brambles from his shoulder. "Will you be there to clean up my remains after Twilight blasts me to smithereens for forgetting to take notes about changeling hugs?"

Celestia giggled to herself, giving the dragon a modest look.

"Come now, Spike, give Twilight a little more credit than that," she said. "She's come a long way from the...enthusiastic pony she used to be while she was my faithful student."

"Yeah, she's changed a lot in some ways." Spike's expression soured immediately. "Though in other ways, she's still kinda obsessive. She's had two separate book-sort-cations within the last month, alone. If you ask me, princess, I think being cooped up in that castle and not getting to go on friendship missions is messing with her head."

"As I said, I will relay all of what we learned today to Twilight, myself. I will even make sure she has a return visit in place between the two of you before I leave for Canterlot. I know how much it means for you to spend time with your friend, and I'm sure it will be a priority for Twilight, as well."

"Aww, thanks, Princess Celestia."

"You are very welcome, Spike."

A few moments of silence passed.

"By the way, Spike, I'm rather curious."

"About what?"

"What's a...'book-sort-cation'?"

Author's Note:

Inserted artwork by the awesome Circus-Cinnamon.

Welcome to my contribution to the fandom as of late! :pinkiehappy:

While many are mixed about the new changeling designs, I find our new bug fairy overlords rather cute. More importantly, now that everyling is sharing love and not stealing it, we have all kinds of excuses to have them doing adorable things. Allow me to crank the throttle to maximum fluff, gentlecolts. :moustache:

Changelings have always been creatures with more primal behaviors than ponies for me. Not necessarily more or less intelligent, but exhibiting behaviors seen in many animals, as compared to ponies who behave almost entirely human-like. This is reflected in the fact that changelings live in hives made from stone, earth and other materials, where ponies are living in human-like houses, etc. :twilightsmile: You will find this theme throughout this story, as it's my own personal take on the changelings and their basic behaviors.

If you enjoyed this chapter, there are many more ahead. :ajsmug:
Take this with you. :heart: It's dangerous to dawww alone.

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