• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,133 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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Special Preview 1

The stone cracked. The powers within begin to seep forth, filling the air with both dread and joy. The two dark figures watched with eager hearts. They had long waited too long for this: The Third Coming of Discord.

Pulling himself into a mighty stretch, the Draconequus finally emerged from his stone prison. He'd only been gone a year this time, but it still felt invigorating nonetheless. His physical body still ached; he hadn't gotten enough exercise for his tastes the last time he was free.

Noting the two dark figures before him waiting patiently, he decided to get down to business. "Ladies...I can't tell you how pleased-"

"Oh enough with the pleasantries, Chaos God." The taller of the two females stepped forth, her tone indicating she would have no funny business discussed at the table. She stepped from the shadows. Her tall, thin form gave way to a kind of carapace, decorated with holes in her body and in her straight hair.

"Yes." came the voice for the latter female. She stepped closer, revealing a shorter, but more visually appealing creature. Her misty, starry mane bristled with impatience. "Before you attempt to win us over with your charms and tricks, you have promises to keep."

Discord couldn't help but grin. The two mares certainly weren't going to prove to be very fun if things were going to keep up like this. Why would he instruct them on preparing for his return if not for a little fun? "Very well. I did make promises, and I fully intent to keep my word." He reached up and made a cross over his heart. Thin lines of blood appeared where he dragged his claws. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" He laughed and poked his own eye, which popped out when he pulled his arm away. The Changeling Queen made a face as she made to move her foot away from the offensive object, then glared at him with bemusement burning in her eyes.

He laughed and winked at her. His had most ovbiously not really popped out, but his joke fell on unamused royalty. He coughed awkwardly and shrugged. "Oh, well. Then, I suppose we should get to work, then." He cracked his knuckles and put on his business face. "Queen Crysalis...You want revenge against the Royal Canterlot family for their involvement of the destruction of your entire brood. For that, you will give me half of the life force obtained from your victims. That is the price I ask for my assistance."

The Queen frowned angrily. The price was steep; almost too steep. Almost. "Yes...I suppose that will have to do. I agree, it will be so." Discord grinned and reached forward to shake the Queen's hoof. She took it. Instantly she felt her whole body burning with something that filled her with both pain and pleasure. So this was a God's Bargain...

Discord then turned to the Goddess Of The Night. The Mare In The Moon. She had waited patiently for her turn. "Discord..." She whispered the name carefully, as if saying it wrong could lead one to death. In some cases, this was true.

"My dear, sweet...Nightmare Moon." He chuckled and nearly made the mistake of touching her. Angering her at this point was not a wise move, so he restrained himself.

"Mare Of The Moon, long have you wished for your loneliness to be abated. Even when you returned, your people scorned and feared you." Nightmare Moon frowned and shifted nervously as he spoke. She didn't like to be reminded of such things, though it was necessary tonight. "...You will give me half your kingdoms. For all the countries you conquer, half that land shall belong to me. Half the land, half the ponies. I musn't exist in boredom, you know."

Nightmare Moon was much quicker on the uptake than Queen Crystalis. She had been ready to answer him for over a thousand years. "Of course. I will give you half my kingdoms, and half my peoples. They will be your playthings, your entertainment, if you wish. So long as I receive what I was promised." Discord grinned down at her, and extended his lion's paw to her. She took it. Both of them reared back their heads as they experienced the cosmic binding force of the God's Bargain.

Finally, it was done. Nothing more needed to be said. The three of them stared silently at each other, before Queen Crystalis slowly ambled off. Nightmare Moon then took off into the chill air, eagerly anticipating the end of her long, lonely nights.

Discord stared after them, a smug smile on his face. Things were developing as he'd been planning for the last two thousand years, and his puppets were dancing so obediently.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the confusion! If you're new to these stories, you'll notice that the previews make it difficult to follow and intrude. They're not really important to the story (not yet at least) so if you don't want your experience here broken up too much, just skip these.