• Published 1st Jul 2012
  • 2,133 Views, 96 Comments

Star-Crossed School Days - mechafone

Join Spark Storm as he lives out the early days prior to a great destiny.

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The Fight

Cherry Joy woke up at six in the morning. Who called at six in the morning? She stopped by her mirror and brushed her hair right quick, then popped a little gum into her mouth to chew before she got down to her front door. Satisfied that she was at least a little presentable and didn't have morning breath, she opened the front door.

At her front door was a pony she felt for sure she'd seen around town lately. "Good morning. Cherry Joy, I take it?" He asked politely. She nodded. "My name is Filthy Rich...I was wondering if I could come in, and talk to you about Righteous River."

Spark Storm sighed quietly as he made his way towards his home. He hadn't slept at all during the night. He'd been too worked up, too angry. While the others had had a little fun after they'd gotten over the initial shock of the fight, Spark had spent the night by himself in the barn, in the loft. He could've sworn he'd felt a warm body sleeping next to his at some point, but by the time he was awake enough to notice, it was gone.

Having started home about two hours ago, he had taken many out-of-the-way paths to avoid going home. He hadn't really been sure which way he was going.

When he finally got home, he found his mother sitting along, sipping some coffee. She looked distressed, and when she noticed him she rushed to him and took him into her forelegs. "Oh, Spark, where did you go? Cheerilee came home and told me you weren't at the farm, I was so worried!"

Spark sighed quietly as he fell into her embrace. He hadn't slept all night, and he was still only six years old. His body wasn't old enough to cope with this kind of abuse. "I couldn't sleep. So I left and walked around town for a bit. Didn't mean to make you guys worry," he mumbled. He was quickly falling asleep. With a click of her tongue and a sympathetic groan, Cherry picked up her son and took him to his room.

When Cherry went downstairs again, she found her daughter waiting for her, and it looked like she had something to say. Cherry Joy had a pretty good idea about what, and she wasn't looking forward to this.

"So...the neighbors saw Filthy Rich here this morning. Said he wanted to come in for some coffee." Cheerilee glared just ever so slightly at her mother. "Tell me it was just a social call, something about River. Please." Cherry Joy cleared her throat. She'd never had to justify any of her actions to her children before, and she wasn't going to start now.

"Mr Rich did come by to talk to me about what's been going on with River, yes. And sure, we had some coffee. And the neighbors really need to mind their own business." Cherry walked purposefully past Cheerilee for some coffee. She was surprised when Cheerilee grabbed her coffee mug from her and set it down on the counter a little too loudly.

"So that's it? There's nothing else going on? No secret meetings with this creep?"

Cherry Joy turned to face her daughter. Before she had turned nine, Cheerilee had always been such a bright ray of sunshine, never complaining, never accusing. Now, it was something else every week, and she was getting tired of it. "Cheerilee...Ok, fine. He invited me out to grab some coffee next week so can continue talking about what we can do about this situation."

Cheerilee wasn't about to let this go, not yet. "Oh. What, the situation with your son and his son, or the situation with you and him?" Cherry tried to keep the angry tears forming in her eyes down, but it was a struggle. "Cheerilee, you are -not- allowed to talk to me like that! I am your mother, and I deserve your respect!"

"You can have my respect when you earn it back and drop this guy!" Cheerilee practically shouted at her mother. They were practically nose to nose, both glaring, both seething with anger.

"Oh that's it, you are so grounded!" Cheerilee scoffed and dared to shrug at her mother.

"Oh what are you gonna do?" Cherry Joy actually had to think about this for a second. For a brief moment, Cheerilee wondered if she shouldn't have pushed her mother this far.

"Well, you did talk about how that big strong colt stood up for you last night," Cherry said, deviously looking down her muzzle at Cheerilee's progressively widening eyes. "You are not allowed to talk to him or any other boys in town for a month. You come straight home from school, you do NOT dawdle on the way back because I will have my nosy neighbors keep a watch out for you. You do your homework, you go to school, and you learn to respect me."

Defeated for now, Cheerilee backed off, quietly cursing herself out for having pushed her mother this far. But still, it wasn't fair! The previous night, that little rat had been talking about her single mother. HER mother, who worked so hard at her job to provide for herself and her children. And now, that little jerk's older brother was muscling in on HER territory?

She could behave for now, but if this Filthy Rich guy got any closer to her mother without her approval, there would be terrible consequences.